Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Crée une copie de sauvegarde du fichier spécifié
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">nom de fichier à sauvegarder</param>
        private void _BackupFile(string fileName)
            // According to file type...
            if (Regex.IsMatch(fileName, BNK.FILENAME_PATTERN, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                // Fichier BNK -> on crée une copie de sauvegarde par la méthode personnalisée
                // Chargement du fichier BNK
                BNK leBNK = TduFile.GetFile(fileName) as BNK;

                if (leBNK != null)
                    // Backup
            else if (Regex.IsMatch(fileName, TduFile.BACKUP_FILENAME_PATTERN, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                // Backup -> sauvegarde inutile
                string message = string.Format(_ERROR_BACKUP_OF_BACKUP, fileName);

                MessageBoxes.ShowWarning(this, message);
                // Pour les autres fichiers on effectue la sauvegarde par défaut
                Tools.BackupFile(fileName, fileName + "." + LibraryConstants.EXTENSION_BACKUP);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates backup copy of replaced packed file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bnkFilePath"></param>
        /// <param name="packedFileName"></param>
        /// <param name="backupFolder"></param>
        private static void _BackupFile(string bnkFilePath, string packedFileName, string backupFolder)
            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(bnkFilePath);
            // BUG_84: suffix added to folder
            string backupSubFolder     = string.Concat(fi.Name, _SUFFIX_PACKED);
            string destinationFileName = string.Concat(backupFolder, @"\", backupSubFolder, @"\", packedFileName);

            // If backup file already exists, it is kept
            if (!File.Exists(destinationFileName))
                // Loading Bnk to extract file
                BNK bnk = TduFile.GetFile(bnkFilePath) as BNK;

                if (bnk == null || !bnk.Exists)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid BNK file: " + bnkFilePath);

                fi = new FileInfo(destinationFileName);

                if (fi.Directory == null)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid file name: " + destinationFileName);

                if (!Directory.Exists(fi.Directory.FullName))

                string packedFilePath = bnk.GetPackedFilesPaths(packedFileName)[0];

                bnk.ExtractPackedFile(packedFilePath, destinationFileName, false);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares a packed file for viewing/editing. can be used as stand-alone to get files without creating any task.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bnk">BNK file</param>
        /// <param name="packedFilePath">Path of packed file to prepare</param>
        /// <returns>Full path of extracted file</returns>
        public string PrepareFile(BNK bnk, string packedFilePath)
            string returnPath = null;

            if (bnk == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(packedFilePath))

            // Working folder
            string workFolder = File2.SetTemporaryFolder(null, LibraryConstants.FOLDER_TEMP, true);

            if (workFolder == null)
                throw new Exception(ERROR_CODE_TEMP_FOLDER);

            // Extracting packed file into working folder
            string packedFileName = bnk.GetPackedFileName(packedFilePath);

            returnPath = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}",
            bnk.ExtractPackedFile(packedFilePath, returnPath, false);

            // Removing attributes on file
            File.SetAttributes(returnPath, FileAttributes.Normal);

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the whole database in specified location and returns edit tasks
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="databasePath"></param>
        /// <param name="culture"></param>
        /// <param name="isReadOnly"></param>
        /// <param name="returnedTasks"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Dictionary <DB.Topic, TduFile[]> LoadDatabase(string databasePath, DB.Culture culture, bool isReadOnly, out Dictionary <DB.Topic, EditHelper.Task[]> returnedTasks)
            Dictionary <DB.Topic, TduFile[]> returnedData = new Dictionary <DB.Topic, TduFile[]>();

            returnedTasks = new Dictionary <DB.Topic, EditHelper.Task[]>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(databasePath))
                if (Directory.Exists(databasePath))
                    // Opening main BNK
                    string dbBnkFile = databasePath + @"\" + DB.GetBNKFileName(DB.Culture.Global);
                    BNK    dbBnk     = TduFile.GetFile(dbBnkFile) as BNK;

                    if (dbBnk == null)
                        throw new Exception("Unable to load BNK: " + dbBnkFile);

                    // Opening resource BNK
                    string resBnkFile = databasePath + @"\" + DB.GetBNKFileName(culture);
                    BNK    resBnk     = TduFile.GetFile(resBnkFile) as BNK;

                    if (resBnk == null)
                        throw new Exception("Unable to load BNK: " + resBnk);

                    // Loading topics and resources
                    foreach (DB.Topic anotherTopic in Enum.GetValues(typeof(DB.Topic)))
                        if (anotherTopic != DB.Topic.None)
                            EditHelper.Task[] loadedTasks;
                            TduFile[]         loadedFiles = LoadTopicForEdit(anotherTopic, culture, dbBnk, resBnk,
                                                                             out loadedTasks);

                            returnedData.Add(anotherTopic, loadedFiles);

                            if (!isReadOnly)
                                returnedTasks.Add(anotherTopic, loadedTasks);
                    throw new Exception("Specified database path doesn't exist: " + databasePath);

Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new task and returns a copy instance
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentBNK">Parent BNK file</param>
        /// <param name="packedFilePath">Path of packed file under edit</param>
        /// <param name="isFurtive">true to prevent this task to be displayed in GUI, else false</param>
        /// <returns>Added task instance</returns>
        public Task AddTask(BNK parentBNK, string packedFilePath, bool isFurtive)
            Task editTask = new Task();

            if (parentBNK == null)

            // New task
            editTask.parentBNK            = parentBNK;
            editTask.editedPackedFilePath = packedFilePath;
            editTask.startDate            = DateTime.Now;

            if (_SameTaskExists(editTask))
                throw new Exception(ERROR_CODE_TASK_EXISTS);

            // Preparing edit...
            editTask.isFurtive     = isFurtive;
            editTask.extractedFile = _PrepareFile(editTask);

            if (editTask.extractedFile == null)
                throw new Exception(ERROR_CODE_EXTRACT_FAILED);

            // BUG_48: Preparing tracking...
            editTask.trackedFile = TduFile.GetTrackedFileName(editTask.extractedFile);

            // Original write time
            if (editTask.extractedFile.Equals(editTask.trackedFile))
                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(editTask.extractedFile);

                editTask.trackedLastFileWriteTime = fi.LastWriteTime;
                // If tracked file name is different from extracted one, this data is set after first tracking
                // Because at the moment tracked file may not be ready
                editTask.trackedLastFileWriteTime = DateTime.MinValue;

            editTask.isValid = true;

            // Change in task list

Пример #6
        public void LoadBnkFileForXenonPlatform_ShouldNotCrash()
            // GIVEN
            string bankFile = FileTesting.CreateFileFromResource("TDUModdingLibraryTests.Resources.banks.xenon." + ResourceFile,
                                                                 Path.Combine(_tempPath, ResourceFile));

            // WHEN
            BNK bnk = TduFile.GetFile(bankFile) as BNK;

            // THEN
Пример #7
        private void BuildData()
            bnk = new BNK(BnkFile.FullName);

            for (int i = 0; i != bnk.WemList.Count; i++)
                TreeNode node = new TreeNode(bnk.WemList[i].Name);
                node.Name = bnk.WemList[i].ID.ToString();
                node.Tag  = bnk.WemList[i];
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Réalise la conversion multiple
        /// </summary>
        private void _MultipleConvert()
            // Vérifications
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceBNKTextBox.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetFolderTextBox.Text))

            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            // Parcours des fichiers et extraction des 2DB
            BNK bnkFile = TduFile.GetFile(sourceBNKTextBox.Text) as BNK;

            if (bnkFile == null)
                throw new Exception(_ERROR_INVALID_BNK_FILE);

            Collection <string> textureFiles = bnkFile.GetPackedFilesPathsByExtension(LibraryConstants.EXTENSION_2DB_FILE);
            string tempFolder = File2.SetTemporaryFolder(null, LibraryConstants.FOLDER_TEMP, true);

            foreach (string anotherFilePath in textureFiles)
                // 1.Extraction depuis le BNK vers le dossier temporaire
                bnkFile.ExtractPackedFile(anotherFilePath, tempFolder, true);

                // 2.Conversion des fichiers 2DB>DDS
                string   fileName    = tempFolder + @"\" + bnkFile.GetPackedFileName(anotherFilePath);
                FileInfo fi          = new FileInfo(fileName);
                string   newFileName = targetFolderTextBox.Text + @"\" + File2.ChangeExtensionOfFilename(fi.Name, LibraryConstants.EXTENSION_DDS_FILE);

                // If file already exists, it is renamed
                Tools.RenameIfNecessary(newFileName, LibraryConstants.SUFFIX_OLD_FILE);

                GraphicsConverters._2DBToDDS(fileName, newFileName);

            // EVO 32
            string message = string.Format(_STATUS_SUCCESS_MULTIPLE, textureFiles.Count);

            StatusBarLogManager.ShowEvent(this, message);

            // On efface le champ source
            sourceBNKTextBox.Text = "";

            // Mise à jour de l'emplacement des 2DB
            _2DBLocationLink.Text = tempFolder;

            Cursor = Cursors.Default;
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Prépare le chargement d'une catégorie depuis la base de données courante
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="category">Type de données recherché</param>
        /// <param name="culture">Code pays</param>
        private void _LoadFromCurrentDatabase(DB.Topic category, DB.Culture culture)
            // Localisation du fichier BNK
            string bnkPath = Program.ApplicationSettings.TduMainFolder + LibraryConstants.FOLDER_DB + DB.GetBNKFileName(culture);
            BNK    bnk     = TduFile.GetFile(bnkPath) as BNK;

            if (bnk != null && bnk.Exists)
                string fileName = DB.GetFileName(culture, category);
                string filePath = bnk.GetPackedFilesPaths(fileName)[0];

                // EVO_91: using edit support from ModdingLibrary
                EditHelper.Task currentTask = EditHelper.Instance.AddTask(bnk, filePath, true);

                _EditedFile = currentTask.extractedFile;
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the whole specified topic for edit mode and returns corresponding TduFiles and EditTasks
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topic"></param>
        /// <param name="culture"></param>
        /// <param name="bnkFile"></param>
        /// <param name="rBnkFile"></param>
        /// <param name="returnedTasks"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static TduFile[] LoadTopicForEdit(DB.Topic topic, DB.Culture culture, BNK bnkFile, BNK rBnkFile, out EditHelper.Task[] returnedTasks)
            TduFile[] returnedFiles = new TduFile[2];

            returnedTasks = new EditHelper.Task[2];

            if (bnkFile != null && bnkFile.Exists)
                // Getting files
                string dbFilePath = bnkFile.GetPackedFilesPaths(DB.GetFileName(DB.Culture.Global, topic))[0];

                returnedTasks[0] = EditHelper.Instance.AddTask(bnkFile, dbFilePath, true);

                if (culture != DB.Culture.Global &&
                    rBnkFile != null && rBnkFile.Exists)
                    string dbrFilePath = rBnkFile.GetPackedFilesPaths(DB.GetFileName(culture, topic))[0];

                    returnedTasks[1] = EditHelper.Instance.AddTask(rBnkFile, dbrFilePath, true);

                // Loading these files
                DB main = TduFile.GetFile(returnedTasks[0].extractedFile) as DB;

                if (main == null || !main.Exists)
                    throw new Exception(topic + " main database loading failure.");
                returnedFiles[0] = main;

                // Resource (optional)
                if (returnedTasks[1].isValid)
                    DBResource resource = TduFile.GetFile(returnedTasks[1].extractedFile) as DBResource;

                    if (resource == null || !resource.Exists)
                        throw new Exception(string.Concat(topic, "-", culture, " resource database loading failure."));
                    returnedFiles[1] = resource;

Пример #11
        public void ExtractPackedFile_WhenFileTarget_ShouldCreateFileAtRightLocation()
            // GIVEN
            string bankFile = FileTesting.CreateFileFromResource("TDUModdingLibraryTests.Resources.banks.pc." + ResourceFile,
                                                                 Path.Combine(_tempPath, ResourceFile));
            BNK bnk = TduFile.GetFile(bankFile) as BNK;

            string packedFilePath = @"D:\Eden-Prog\Games\TestDrive\Resources\4Build\PC\EURO\Vehicules\Cars\Mercedes\CLK_55\.2DM\CLK_55";

            // WHEN
            string expectedFilePath = Path.Combine(_tempPath, "extracted.CLK_55.2DM");

            bnk.ExtractPackedFile(packedFilePath, expectedFilePath, false);

            // THEN
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Replaces packed file in TDU installed files by previous backup
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bnkFilePath"></param>
        /// <param name="packedFileName"></param>
        /// <param name="backupFolder"></param>
        private static void _UninstallPackedFile(string bnkFilePath, string packedFileName, string backupFolder)
            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(bnkFilePath);
            // BUG_84: suffix added to folder
            string backupSubFolder = string.Concat(fi.Name, InstallPackedFileI._SUFFIX_PACKED);
            string backupFileName  = string.Concat(backupFolder, @"\", backupSubFolder, @"\", packedFileName);

            // Replaces file in BNK
            BNK bnk = TduFile.GetFile(bnkFilePath) as BNK;

            if (bnk == null || !bnk.Exists)
                throw new Exception("Invalid BNK file: " + bnkFilePath);

            string packedFilePath = bnk.GetPackedFilesPaths(packedFileName)[0];

            bnk.ReplacePackedFile(packedFilePath, backupFileName);
Пример #13
        static BankInfoOutputObject GetBankInfoOutput(BNK bankFile)
            var outputObject = new BankInfoOutputObject((int)bankFile.Size, (int)bankFile.Year);

            var packedFilesInformations = new List <PackedFileInfoOutputObject>();

            foreach (var packedFilePath in bankFile.GetPackedFilesPaths(null))
                var packedFileShortName       = bankFile.GetPackedFileName(packedFilePath);
                var packedFileSize            = bankFile.GetPackedFileSize(packedFilePath);
                var packedFileTypeDescription = bankFile.GetPackedFileTypeDescription(packedFilePath);

                var packedFilesInfo = new PackedFileInfoOutputObject(packedFileShortName, packedFilePath, packedFileSize, packedFileTypeDescription);


Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads specified BNK file into BNK Manager
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedFile"></param>
        private void _LoadBnkFile(string selectedFile)
            // Vérification : si le fichier n'est pas déjà chargé
            if (_CurrentBnkFile == null || !selectedFile.Equals(_CurrentBnkFile.FileName))
                // Chargement du fichier BNK
                StatusBarLogManager.ShowEvent(this, _STATUS_BNK_LOADING);

                _CurrentBnkFile = TduFile.GetFile(selectedFile) as BNK;

                if (_CurrentBnkFile != null)
                    // Mise à jour des listes
                    // No selection in packed list
                    contentTreeView.SelectedNode = null;
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the whole specified topic in current database for read-only mode
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topic"></param>
        /// <param name="culture"></param>
        /// <returns>Array of database loaded TduFile. Index 0 is the main (encrypted) file, index 1 is the resource one</returns>
        public static TduFile[] LoadTopicForReadOnly(DB.Topic topic, DB.Culture culture)
            TduFile[] returnedFiles = new TduFile[2];

            // Loading BNKs
            string databaseFolder  = LibraryConstants.GetSpecialFolder(LibraryConstants.TduSpecialFolder.Database);
            string mainBnkFile     = string.Concat(databaseFolder, DB.GetBNKFileName(DB.Culture.Global));
            string resourceBnkFile = string.Concat(databaseFolder, DB.GetBNKFileName(culture));
            BNK    mainBnk         = TduFile.GetFile(mainBnkFile) as BNK;
            BNK    resourceBnk     = TduFile.GetFile(resourceBnkFile) as BNK;

            // Getting read-only files
            if (mainBnk != null && resourceBnk != null)
                string dbPackedFileName = DB.GetFileName(DB.Culture.Global, topic);
                string fileName         =
                    EditHelper.Instance.PrepareFile(mainBnk, mainBnk.GetPackedFilesPaths(dbPackedFileName)[0]);
                string dbrPackedFileName = DB.GetFileName(culture, topic);
                string resourceFileName  =
                    EditHelper.Instance.PrepareFile(resourceBnk, resourceBnk.GetPackedFilesPaths(dbrPackedFileName)[0]);

                // Loading these files
                DB         main     = TduFile.GetFile(fileName) as DB;
                DBResource resource = TduFile.GetFile(resourceFileName) as DBResource;

                if (main == null || !main.Exists)
                    throw new Exception(topic + " main database failure.");
                if (resource == null || !resource.Exists)
                    throw new Exception(string.Concat(topic, "-", culture, " resource database failure."));

                // Filling array
                returnedFiles[0] = main;
                returnedFiles[1] = resource;

Пример #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles database loading
        /// </summary>
        private void _LoadDatabase()
            DB.Culture currentCulture      = Program.ApplicationSettings.GetCurrentCulture();
            string     resourceBNKFileName = DB.GetBNKFileName(currentCulture);
            BNK        resourceBNK         = TduFile.GetFile(Tools.TduPath + LibraryConstants.FOLDER_DB + resourceBNKFileName) as BNK;

            if (resourceBNK != null)
                // Extracting Houses resource
                string packedFileName = DB.GetFileName(currentCulture, DB.Topic.Houses);
                string packedFilePath = resourceBNK.GetPackedFilesPaths(packedFileName)[0];
                string tempLocation   = File2.SetTemporaryFolder(null, LibraryConstants.FOLDER_TEMP, true);

                resourceBNK.ExtractPackedFile(packedFilePath, tempLocation, true);

                // Loading resource
                _HousesResource = TduFile.GetFile(tempLocation + @"\" + packedFileName) as DBResource;

                if (_HousesResource == null)
                    throw new Exception("Error while loading database resources (Houses) !");
Пример #17
        private void bnkListView_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (bnkListView.SelectedItems.Count == 1)
                Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                string selectedFile = CurrentFolder + bnkListView.SelectedItems[0].Text;

                    // Selon l'extension... on ne gère que les fichiers BNK sur simple clic
                    if (Regex.IsMatch(selectedFile, BNK.FILENAME_PATTERN, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                        // Fichier BNK -> on affiche le contenu en partie inférieure
                        // Effacement de la liste contenue dans le BNK Manager
                        StatusBarLogManager.ShowEvent(this, _STATUS_NO_BNK_SELECTED);
                        _CurrentBnkFile = null;

                    Cursor = Cursors.Default;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    string    message = string.Format(_ERROR_LOAD_BNK_FAILED, selectedFile);
                    Exception newEx   = new Exception(message, ex);

                    _CurrentBnkFile = null;
                    MessageBoxes.ShowError(this, newEx);
Пример #18
        private void listBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int id    = listBox1.SelectedIndex;
            int count = 0;

            if (id >= 0 && DIR != null)
                if (DIR.Entries[id].sFileName.Contains("bnk"))
                    using (Stream stream = new MemoryStream(DIR.Entries[id].Data, false))
                        reader = new BinaryReader(stream);

                        BNK          bnk    = new BNK(reader, ref Sprites, ref Frames);
                        BinaryWriter Writer = new BinaryWriter(new MemoryStream());

                        foreach (Frame spr in Frames)
                            listBox2.Items.Add("Sprite" + count);

                            Bitmap bmp = Frames[id].ToBitmap(ref Writer, new byte[4], false, Sprites[id].CropL, Sprites[id].CropU,
                                                             Sprites[id].CropR, Sprites[id].CropD);

                            bmp.Save("newimage" + count + ".bmp");

                        label4.Text = Sprites.Count.ToString();
                        label7.Text = Frames.Count.ToString();
                else if (DIR.Entries[id].sFileName.Contains("img"))
                    IMG img = new IMG(new MemoryStream(DIR.Entries[id].Data, false));
                    pictureBox1.BackgroundImage = img.Bitmap;
                else if (DIR.Entries[id].sFileName.Contains("spr"))
                    using (Stream stream = new MemoryStream(DIR.Entries[id].Data, false))
                        reader = new BinaryReader(stream);

                        SPR          spr    = new SPR(reader, ref Sprites, ref Frames);
                        BinaryWriter Writer = new BinaryWriter(new MemoryStream());

                        foreach (Frame sp in Frames)
                            listBox2.Items.Add("Sprite" + count);

                            Bitmap bmp = sp.ToBitmap(ref Writer, new byte[4], true, sp.CropL, sp.CropU,
                                                     sp.CropR, sp.CropD);

                            sp.Bitmap = bmp;

                            bmp.Save("newimage" + count + ".bmp");

                        label4.Text = Sprites.Count.ToString();
                        label7.Text = Frames.Count.ToString();
Пример #19
        /// <summary>
        /// What the instruction should do
        /// </summary>
        protected override void _Process()
            // Checking parameters
            string fileName = _GetParameter(PatchInstructionParameter.ParameterName.resourceFileName);
            string id       = _GetParameter(PatchInstructionParameter.ParameterName.databaseId);

            // Modifying corresponding topic
            DB.Topic        currentTopic = (DB.Topic)Enum.Parse(typeof(DB.Topic), fileName);
            EditHelper.Task dbTask       = new EditHelper.Task();
            string          bnkFilePath  = "";

                string dbFileName = null;

                // 1. Creating edit task
                    bnkFilePath = string.Concat(LibraryConstants.GetSpecialFolder(LibraryConstants.TduSpecialFolder.Database), DB.GetBNKFileName(DB.Culture.Global));

                    BNK databaseBNK = TduFile.GetFile(bnkFilePath) as BNK;

                    if (databaseBNK != null)
                        dbFileName = DB.GetFileName(DB.Culture.Global, currentTopic);
                        dbTask     = EditHelper.Instance.AddTask(databaseBNK, databaseBNK.GetPackedFilesPaths(dbFileName)[0], true);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to create edit task on BNK file: " + bnkFilePath, ex);

                // 2. Getting TduFile
                DB db;

                    db = TduFile.GetFile(dbTask.extractedFile) as DB;

                    if (db == null || !db.Exists)
                        throw new Exception("Extracted db file not found!");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to gain access to DB contents: " + dbFileName, ex);

                // 3. Removing values in DB file
                DatabaseHelper.DeleteFromTopicWhereIdentifier(db, id);

                // 4. Saving
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to save BNK file: " + bnkFilePath, ex);
                // Cleaning up
Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        /// What the instruction should do
        /// </summary>
        protected override void _Process()
            // Checking parameters
            string fileName = _GetParameter(PatchInstructionParameter.ParameterName.resourceFileName);
            string values   = _GetParameter(PatchInstructionParameter.ParameterName.resourceValues);

            // Modifying corresponding topic
            DB.Topic        currentTopic = (DB.Topic)Enum.Parse(typeof(DB.Topic), fileName);
            EditHelper.Task dbTask       = new EditHelper.Task();
            string          bnkFilePath  = "";

                string dbFileName = null;

                // 1. Creating edit task
                    bnkFilePath = string.Concat(LibraryConstants.GetSpecialFolder(LibraryConstants.TduSpecialFolder.Database), DB.GetBNKFileName(DB.Culture.Global));

                    BNK databaseBNK = TduFile.GetFile(bnkFilePath) as BNK;

                    if (databaseBNK != null)
                        dbFileName = DB.GetFileName(DB.Culture.Global, currentTopic);
                        dbTask     = EditHelper.Instance.AddTask(databaseBNK, databaseBNK.GetPackedFilesPaths(dbFileName)[0], true);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to create edit task on BNK file: " + bnkFilePath, ex);

                // 2. Getting TduFile
                DB db;

                    db = TduFile.GetFile(dbTask.extractedFile) as DB;

                    if (db == null || !db.Exists)
                        throw new Exception("Extracted db file not found!");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to gain access to DB contents: " + dbFileName, ex);

                // 3. Setting values in DB file
                // One identifier (primary key: REF) or 2 identifiers (2 first columns)
                List <Couple <string> > couples = Tools.ParseCouples(values);
                string[] idArray = new string[couples.Count];
                int      counter = 0;

                // Parsing couples
                foreach (Couple <string> couple in couples)
                    string id    = couple.FirstValue;
                    string value = couple.SecondValue;

                    // Does id exist ?
                    if (db.EntriesByPrimaryKey.ContainsKey(id))
                        // Already exists > modify it
                        DatabaseHelper.UpdateAllCellsFromTopicWherePrimaryKey(db, id, value);

                        Log.Info("Entry updating completed: " + id + " - " + value);
                        // Does not exist > create it
                        DatabaseHelper.InsertAllCellsIntoTopic(db, value);

                        Log.Info("Entry adding completed: " + value);

                    idArray[counter++] = id;

                // 4. Saving
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to save BNK file: " + bnkFilePath, ex);
                // Cleaning up
Пример #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the right TDUFile according to specified file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">file name, without path</param>
        /// <returns>null if file is from an unsupported type</returns>
        public static TduFile GetFile(string fileName)
            TduFile  tduFile = new Regular();
            FileInfo fi      = new FileInfo(fileName);

            // New mapping management

            // Cameras
            if (Regex.IsMatch(fileName, Cameras.FILENAME_PATTERN, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                if (fi.Exists)
                    tduFile = new Cameras(fileName);
                    tduFile = new Cameras();
            // AIConfig
            else if (Regex.IsMatch(fileName, AIConfig.FILENAME_PATTERN, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                if (fi.Exists)
                    tduFile = new AIConfig(fileName);
                    tduFile = new AIConfig();
            // DB
            else if (Regex.IsMatch(fileName, DB.FILENAME_PATTERN, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                if (fi.Exists)
                    tduFile = new DB(fileName);
                    tduFile = new DB();
            // BNK
            else if (Regex.IsMatch(fileName, BNK.FILENAME_PATTERN, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                tduFile = new BNK(fileName);
            // DDS
            else if (Regex.IsMatch(fileName, DDS.FILENAME_PATTERN, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                if (fi.Exists)
                    tduFile = new DDS(fileName);
                    tduFile = new DDS();
            // 2DB
            else if (Regex.IsMatch(fileName, _2DB.FILENAME_PATTERN, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase) ||
                     Regex.IsMatch(fileName, _2DB.FILENAME_OLD_PATTERN, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                if (fi.Exists)
                    tduFile = new _2DB(fileName);
                    tduFile = new _2DB();
            // MAP
            else if (Regex.IsMatch(fileName, MAP.FILENAME_PATTERN, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                if (fi.Exists)
                    tduFile = new MAP(fileName);
                    tduFile = new MAP();
            // XMB
            else if (Regex.IsMatch(fileName, XMB.FILENAME_PATTERN, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                if (fi.Exists)
                    tduFile = new XMB(fileName);
                    tduFile = new XMB();
            // WAV + XMB_WAV
            else if (Regex.IsMatch(fileName, XMB_WAV.FILENAME_PATTERN, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                    if (fi.Exists)
                        tduFile = new XMB_WAV(fileName);
                        tduFile = new XMB_WAV();
                catch (FormatException)
                    // standard WAV file
            // PCH
            else if (Regex.IsMatch(fileName, PCH.FILENAME_PATTERN, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                tduFile = new PCH(fileName);
            // DB Resources
            else if (Regex.IsMatch(fileName, DBResource.FILENAME_PATTERN, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                if (fi.Exists)
                    tduFile = new DBResource(fileName);
                    tduFile = new DBResource();
            // DFE
            else if (Regex.IsMatch(fileName, DFE.FILENAME_PATTERN, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                tduFile = new DFE(fileName);
            // IGE
            else if (Regex.IsMatch(fileName, IGE.FILENAME_PATTERN, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                tduFile = new IGE(fileName);
            // Regular by default
                tduFile = new Regular();

            // To update common information

Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads vehicle data from database and reference
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="slotRef">Reference of vehicle slot to load</param>
        private void _LoadVehicleData(string slotRef)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(slotRef))

            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                StatusBarLogManager.ShowEvent(this, _STATUS_LOADING_VEHICLE);

                // Cleaning tasks

                _CurrentVehicle  = slotRef;
                _CurrentSlotName = VehicleSlotsHelper.SlotReferenceReverse[slotRef];

                // Loading database
                DB.Culture        currentCulture = Program.ApplicationSettings.GetCurrentCulture();
                EditHelper.Task[] currentTasks;
                string            dbBnkFile = Program.ApplicationSettings.TduMainFolder + LibraryConstants.FOLDER_DB + DB.GetBNKFileName(DB.Culture.Global);
                BNK    bnkFile         = TduFile.GetFile(dbBnkFile) as BNK;
                string resourceBnkFile = Program.ApplicationSettings.TduMainFolder + LibraryConstants.FOLDER_DB + DB.GetBNKFileName(currentCulture);
                BNK    rBnkFile        = TduFile.GetFile(resourceBnkFile) as BNK;

                // 1.CarRims
                TduFile[] currentFiles = DatabaseHelper.LoadTopicForEdit(DB.Topic.CarRims, DB.Culture.Global, bnkFile, rBnkFile, out currentTasks);

                _CurrentCarRimsTask = currentTasks[0];
                _CarRimsTable       = currentFiles[0] as DB;

                // 2.Rims
                currentFiles             = DatabaseHelper.LoadTopicForEdit(DB.Topic.Rims, currentCulture, bnkFile, rBnkFile, out currentTasks);
                _CurrentRimsTask         = currentTasks[0];
                _CurrentRimsResourceTask = currentTasks[1];
                _RimsTable    = currentFiles[0] as DB;
                _RimsResource = currentFiles[1] as DBResource;

                // 3.CarPhysicsData
                currentFiles                = DatabaseHelper.LoadTopicForEdit(DB.Topic.CarPhysicsData, currentCulture, bnkFile, rBnkFile, out currentTasks);
                _CurrentPhysicsTask         = currentTasks[0];
                _CurrentPhysicsResourceTask = currentTasks[1];
                _PhysicsTable               = currentFiles[0] as DB;
                _PhysicsResource            = currentFiles[1] as DBResource;

                // 4.Brands
                currentFiles               = DatabaseHelper.LoadTopicForEdit(DB.Topic.Brands, currentCulture, bnkFile, rBnkFile, out currentTasks);
                _CurrentBrandsTask         = currentTasks[0];
                _CurrentBrandsResourceTask = currentTasks[1];
                _BrandsTable               = currentFiles[0] as DB;
                _BrandsResource            = currentFiles[1] as DBResource;

                // 5.CarShops
                currentFiles                 = DatabaseHelper.LoadTopicForEdit(DB.Topic.CarShops, currentCulture, bnkFile, rBnkFile, out currentTasks);
                _CurrentCarShopsTask         = currentTasks[0];
                _CurrentCarShopsResourceTask = currentTasks[1];
                _CarShopsTable               = currentFiles[0] as DB;
                _CarShopsResource            = currentFiles[1] as DBResource;

                // 6.CarPacks
                currentFiles         = DatabaseHelper.LoadTopicForEdit(DB.Topic.CarPacks, DB.Culture.Global, bnkFile, rBnkFile, out currentTasks);
                _CurrentCarPacksTask = currentTasks[0];
                _CarPacksTable       = currentFiles[0] as DB;

                // 7.Colors
                currentFiles                  = DatabaseHelper.LoadTopicForEdit(DB.Topic.CarColors, currentCulture, bnkFile, rBnkFile, out currentTasks);
                _CurrentCarColorsTask         = currentTasks[0];
                _CurrentCarColorsResourceTask = currentTasks[1];
                _CarColorsTable               = currentFiles[0] as DB;
                _CarColorsResource            = currentFiles[1] as DBResource;

                // 8.Interior
                currentFiles                 = DatabaseHelper.LoadTopicForEdit(DB.Topic.Interior, currentCulture, bnkFile, rBnkFile, out currentTasks);
                _CurrentInteriorTask         = currentTasks[0];
                _CurrentInteriorResourceTask = currentTasks[1];
                _InteriorTable               = currentFiles[0] as DB;
                _InteriorResource            = currentFiles[1] as DBResource;

                // 9.Colors id reference
                ColorsHelper.InitIdReference(_CarColorsResource, _InteriorResource);

                // 10.Cameras
                string camBinFile = LibraryConstants.GetSpecialFile(LibraryConstants.TduSpecialFile.CamerasBin);

                _CameraData = TduFile.GetFile(camBinFile) as Cameras;

                /* GUI */
                // Install Tab

                // Camera-IK Tab

                // Datasheet tab

                // Dealers tab

                // Tuner tab

                // Physics tab

                // Colors tab

                // Modification flags
                _IsDatabaseModified = false;
                _IsCameraModified   = false;

                // Clearing state vars
                _CurrentAvailabilitySpot = null;
                _CurrentTuningBrand      = null;

                // Vehicle name display

                // Tabs are enabled
                vehicleEditTabControl.Enabled = true;

                StatusBarLogManager.ShowEvent(this, _STATUS_VEHICLE_READY);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // All tasks must be cleaned

                // Processing special error messages
                if (EditHelper.ERROR_CODE_TASK_EXISTS.Equals(ex.Message))
                    MessageBoxes.ShowError(this, new Exception(_ERROR_LOADING_VEHICLE_CONFLICT, ex));
                    MessageBoxes.ShowError(this, new Exception(_ERROR_LOADING_VEHICLE, ex));

                StatusBarLogManager.ShowEvent(this, "");

            Cursor = Cursors.Default;
Пример #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Manages the drop event for all picture boxes
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void _ManageDragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
            if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop))
                Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                // Testing dropped file
                string[] fileList    = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop);
                string   bnkFileName = fileList[0];

                    BNK bnkFile = TduFile.GetFile(bnkFileName) as BNK;

                    if (bnkFile == null || !bnkFile.Exists)
                        throw new Exception();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    MessageBoxes.ShowError(this, new Exception(_ERROR_DROP_BNK_INVALID, ex));

                // According to sender
                if (sender == extModelBox)
                    _InstallExtModelFile     = bnkFileName;
                    extModelCheckBox.Checked = true;
                else if (sender == intModelBox)
                    _InstallIntModelFile     = bnkFileName;
                    intModelCheckBox.Checked = true;
                else if (sender == rimsFrontBox)
                    _InstallFrontRimsFile     = bnkFileName;
                    rimsFrontCheckBox.Checked = true;
                else if (sender == rimsRearBox)
                    _InstallRearRimsFile     = bnkFileName;
                    rimsRearCheckBox.Checked = true;
                else if (sender == gaugesLowBox)
                    _InstallLowGaugesFile     = bnkFileName;
                    gaugesLowCheckBox.Checked = true;
                else if (sender == gaugesHighBox)
                    _InstallHighGaugesFile     = bnkFileName;
                    gaugesHighCheckBox.Checked = true;
                else if (sender == soundBox)
                    _InstallSoundFile     = bnkFileName;
                    soundCheckBox.Checked = true;

                StatusBarLogManager.ShowEvent(this, _STATUS_SETTING_BNK_OK);
                Cursor = Cursors.Default;
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// What the instruction should do
        /// </summary>
        protected override void _Process()
            // Checking parameter
            string vehicleRef = _GetParameter(PatchInstructionParameter.ParameterName.vehicleDatabaseId);

            // Modifying corresponding topic
            EditHelper.Task dbTask      = new EditHelper.Task();
            string          bnkFilePath = "";

                string dbFileName = null;

                // 1. Creating edit task
                    bnkFilePath = string.Concat(LibraryConstants.GetSpecialFolder(LibraryConstants.TduSpecialFolder.Database), DB.GetBNKFileName(DB.Culture.Global));

                    BNK databaseBNK = TduFile.GetFile(bnkFilePath) as BNK;

                    if (databaseBNK != null)
                        dbFileName = DB.GetFileName(DB.Culture.Global, DB.Topic.CarShops);
                        dbTask     = EditHelper.Instance.AddTask(databaseBNK, databaseBNK.GetPackedFilesPaths(dbFileName)[0], true);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to create edit task on BNK file: " + bnkFilePath, ex);

                // 2. Getting TduFile
                DB db;

                    db = TduFile.GetFile(dbTask.extractedFile) as DB;

                    if (db == null || !db.Exists)
                        throw new Exception("Extracted db file not found!");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to gain access to DB contents: " + dbFileName, ex);

                // 3. Setting values in DB file
                DatabaseHelper.RemoveValueFromAnyColumn(db, vehicleRef, DatabaseConstants.COMPACT1_PHYSICS_DB_RESID);

                Log.Info("Entry updating completed: " + vehicleRef);

                // 4. Saving
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to save BNK file: " + bnkFilePath, ex);
                // Cleaning up
Пример #25
        /// <summary>
        /// What the instruction should do
        /// </summary>
        protected override void _Process()
            // Parameters
            string vehicleName = _GetParameter(PatchInstructionParameter.ParameterName.slotFullName);
            string cameraId    = _GetParameter(PatchInstructionParameter.ParameterName.cameraIKIdentifier);

            // Loading reference

            // Checking validity
            if (!VehicleSlotsHelper.SlotReference.ContainsKey(vehicleName))
                throw new Exception("Specified vehicle name is not supported: " + vehicleName);

            if (!VehicleSlotsHelper.CamReference.ContainsKey(cameraId))
                throw new Exception("Specified camera identifier is not supported: " + cameraId);

            // Edit task
            EditHelper.Task task = new EditHelper.Task();

                    string bnkFileName = string.Concat(LibraryConstants.GetSpecialFolder(LibraryConstants.TduSpecialFolder.Database), DB.GetBNKFileName(DB.Culture.Global));
                    BNK    dbBnkFile   = TduFile.GetFile(bnkFileName) as BNK;

                    if (dbBnkFile != null)
                        string dbFilePath =
                            dbBnkFile.GetPackedFilesPaths(DB.GetFileName(DB.Culture.Global, DB.Topic.CarPhysicsData))[0];

                        task =
                            EditHelper.Instance.AddTask(dbBnkFile, dbFilePath, true);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to get TDU database contents in DB.BNK.", ex);

                // Opens packed file
                DB physicsDB = TduFile.GetFile(task.extractedFile) as DB;

                if (physicsDB == null)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to get CarPhysicsData information.");

                // Changes camera
                    string vehicleRef = VehicleSlotsHelper.SlotReference[vehicleName];

                    VehicleSlotsHelper.ChangeCameraById(vehicleRef, cameraId, physicsDB);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to use new camera set: " + cameraId + " for " + vehicleName, ex);

                // Saving
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to save and replace file in BNK.", ex);
Пример #26
        /// <summary>
        /// What the instruction should do
        /// </summary>
        protected override void _Process()
            // Checking parameters
            string fileName = _GetParameter(PatchInstructionParameter.ParameterName.resourceFileName);
            string values   = _GetParameter(PatchInstructionParameter.ParameterName.resourceValues);

            // For each language file
            DB.Topic currentTopic = (DB.Topic)Enum.Parse(typeof(DB.Topic), fileName);

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                DB.Culture      currentCulture   = (DB.Culture)Enum.Parse(typeof(DB.Culture), i.ToString());
                EditHelper.Task resourceTask     = new EditHelper.Task();
                string          bnkFilePath      = "";
                string          resourceFileName = null;

                // 1. Creating edit task
                    bnkFilePath = string.Concat(LibraryConstants.GetSpecialFolder(LibraryConstants.TduSpecialFolder.Database), DB.GetBNKFileName(currentCulture));

                    BNK databaseBNK = TduFile.GetFile(bnkFilePath) as BNK;

                    if (databaseBNK != null)
                        resourceFileName = DB.GetFileName(currentCulture, currentTopic);
                        resourceTask     =
                                                        databaseBNK.GetPackedFilesPaths(resourceFileName)[0], true);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to create edit task on BNK file: " + bnkFilePath, ex);

                // 2. Getting TduFile
                DBResource resource;

                    resource = TduFile.GetFile(resourceTask.extractedFile) as DBResource;

                    if (resource == null || !resource.Exists)
                        throw new Exception("Extracted resource db file not found!");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to gain access to DB contents: " + resourceFileName, ex);

                // 3. Setting values in DB file
                List <Couple <string> > couples = Tools.ParseCouples(values);

                // Parsing couples
                foreach (Couple <string> couple in couples)
                    string id    = couple.FirstValue;
                    string value = couple.SecondValue;

                    // Does id exist ?
                    DBResource.Entry currentEntry = resource.GetEntryFromId(id);

                    if (currentEntry.isValid)
                        // Already exists > modify it
                        currentEntry.value = value;

                        Log.Info("Entry succesfully updated : " + id + " - " + value);
                        // Does not exist > create it
                        currentEntry.isValid = true;
                        currentEntry.id      = new ResourceIdentifier(id, currentTopic);
                        currentEntry.value   = value;
                        currentEntry.index   = resource.EntryList.Count + 1;

                        Log.Info("Entry succesfully added : " + id + " - " + value);

                // 4. Saving
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to save BNK file: " + bnkFilePath, ex);

                // 5. Cleaning up
Пример #27
        /// <summary>
        /// What the instruction should do
        /// </summary>
        protected override void _Process()
            // Checking parameter
            string vehicleRef   = _GetParameter(PatchInstructionParameter.ParameterName.vehicleDatabaseId);
            string spotAndSlots = _GetParameter(PatchInstructionParameter.ParameterName.resourceValues);

            // Modifying corresponding topic
            EditHelper.Task dbTask      = new EditHelper.Task();
            string          bnkFilePath = "";

                string dbFileName = null;

                // 1. Creating edit task
                    bnkFilePath = string.Concat(LibraryConstants.GetSpecialFolder(LibraryConstants.TduSpecialFolder.Database), DB.GetBNKFileName(DB.Culture.Global));

                    BNK databaseBNK = TduFile.GetFile(bnkFilePath) as BNK;

                    if (databaseBNK != null)
                        dbFileName = DB.GetFileName(DB.Culture.Global, DB.Topic.CarShops);
                        dbTask     = EditHelper.Instance.AddTask(databaseBNK, databaseBNK.GetPackedFilesPaths(dbFileName)[0], true);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to create edit task on BNK file: " + bnkFilePath, ex);

                // 2. Getting TduFile
                DB db;

                    db = TduFile.GetFile(dbTask.extractedFile) as DB;

                    if (db == null || !db.Exists)
                        throw new Exception("Extracted db file not found!");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to gain access to DB contents: " + dbFileName, ex);

                // 3. Setting values in DB file
                // One identifier (primary key: REF)
                List <Couple <string> > couples = Tools.ParseCouples(spotAndSlots);

                // Parsing couples
                foreach (Couple <string> couple in couples)
                    string   spotRef = couple.FirstValue;
                    string[] slots   = couple.SecondValue.Split(new string[] { Tools.SYMBOL_VALUE_SEPARATOR3 }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    // Does id exist ?
                    if (db.EntriesByPrimaryKey.ContainsKey(spotRef))
                        // Already exists > modify it
                        foreach (string anotherSlot in slots)
                            string slotColumnName =
                                string.Format(DatabaseConstants.SLOT_CARSHOPS_PATTERN_DB_COLUMN, anotherSlot);

                            DatabaseHelper.UpdateCellFromTopicWherePrimaryKey(db, slotColumnName, spotRef, vehicleRef);

                        Log.Info("Entry updating completed for spot: " + spotRef + " - " + couple.SecondValue);
                        Log.Error("Specified location does not exist! " + spotRef, null);

                Log.Info("Entry updating completed for vehicle: " + vehicleRef);

                // 4. Saving
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to save BNK file: " + bnkFilePath, ex);
                // Cleaning up
Пример #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Met à jour la liste de fichiers dans le répertoire courant
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="selectedNode">Noeud sélectionné</param>
        /// <param name="keepSelection">true to keep previous item selected in file list</param>
        private void _RefreshFileList(TreeNode selectedNode, bool keepSelection)
            // ANO 15 : sauvegarde de la sélection de fichier courante
            if (keepSelection)

            // Effacement des listes et contexte
            _CurrentBnkFile = null;

            // Mise à jour statuts
            bnkStatusLabel.Text = bnkStatusLabelCountSize.Text = "";

            StatusBarLogManager.ShowEvent(this, _STATUS_NO_BNK_SELECTED);

            if (selectedNode == null)

                Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

                string        currentFolder = (string)selectedNode.Tag;
                DirectoryInfo di            = new DirectoryInfo(currentFolder);
                FileInfo[]    fileList      = di.GetFiles();
                long          totalSize     = 0;

                foreach (FileInfo anotherBnk in fileList)
                    // File name check
                    bool isNameValid = false;

                    foreach (string anotherPattern in _ALLOWED_FILENAME_PATTERNS)
                        if (Regex.IsMatch(anotherBnk.Name, anotherPattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase))
                            isNameValid = true;

                    if (isNameValid)
                        // On ajoute l'élément
                        ListViewItem newItem = new ListViewItem(anotherBnk.Name)
                            ImageIndex = _GetImageIndexFromFilename(anotherBnk.Name)

                        // L'image dépend de l'extension
                        // EVO_42 : nouvelles icônes

                        string typeDesc = TduFile.GetTypeDescription(anotherBnk.Name);

                        // EVO_57 : Infos supplémentaires pour la vue détaillée
                        // Taille
                        long currentSize = anotherBnk.Length;

                        totalSize += currentSize;
                        // Type

                        // Tooltip !
                        newItem.ToolTipText = string.Format(_TOOLTIP_STD_FILE,


                // Mise à jour statut
                bnkStatusLabel.Text = currentFolder;

                if (bnkListView.Items.Count == 0)
                    bnkStatusLabelCountSize.Text = _STATUS_COUNT_SIZE_NO;
                    bnkStatusLabelCountSize.Text = string.Format(_STATUS_COUNT_SIZE_CONTENTS, bnkListView.Items.Count, totalSize);

                // Rétablit le fichier sélectionné
                if (keepSelection)

                    // ANO_21 : le contenu du BNK est à actualiser
                    bnkListView_SelectedIndexChanged(this, new EventArgs());

                Cursor = Cursors.Default;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBoxes.ShowError(this, ex);