Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Example program that illustrates how to determine the condition number of a matrix
        /// to find its largest and smallest singular values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// MODULE LSVD.cc
        /// In this example, Arpack++ is called to solve the symmetric problem:
        ///                   (A'*A)*v = sigma*v
        /// where A is an m by n real matrix. This formulation is appropriate when m >= n.
        /// The roles of A and A' must be reversed in the case that m &lt; n.
        /// </remarks>
        private static void LSVDcond()
            // Number of columns in A.
            int n = 100;

            // Creating a rectangular matrix with m = 200 and n = 100.
            var A = Generate.RectangularMatrix(n);

            int m = A.RowCount; // Number of rows in A.

            // Defining what we need: eigenvalues from both ends of the spectrum.
            var prob = new Arpack(A)
                ArnoldiCount = 20

            // Finding eigenvalues.
            var result = prob.SingularValues(6, true, Spectrum.BothEnds);

            Solution.Condition(A, (ArpackResult)result);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Example program that illustrates how to determine the truncated SVD of a matrix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// MODULE LSVD.cc
        /// In this example, Arpack++ is called to solve the symmetric problem:
        ///                           | 0  A |*y = sigma*y,
        ///                           | A' 0 |
        /// where A is an m by n real matrix.
        /// This problem can be used to obtain the decomposition A = U*S*V'. The positive
        /// eigenvalues of this problem are the singular values of A (the eigenvalues come
        /// in pairs, the negative eigenvalues have the same magnitude of the positive ones
        /// and can be discarded). The columns of U can be extracted from the first m
        /// components of the eigenvectors y, while the columns of V can be extracted from
        /// the the remaining n components.
        /// </remarks>
        private static void LSVDpart()
            // Number of columns in A.
            int n = 100;

            // Creating a rectangular matrix with m = 200 and n = 100.
            var A = Generate.RectangularMatrix(n);

            int m = A.RowCount; // Number of rows in A.

            // Defining what we need: the four eigenvalues with largest algebraic value.
            var prob = new Arpack(A)
                ArnoldiCount = 20, ComputeEigenVectors = true

            // Finding eigenvalues.
            var result = prob.SingularValues(5, false, Spectrum.LargestAlgebraic);

            // Printing the solution.
            Solution.SVD(A, (ArpackResult)result);