Пример #1
        public void Run(SparseMatrix A, int m, bool symmetric)
            // For real symmetric problems, ARPACK++ expects the matrix to be upper triangular.
            var U = A.ToUpper();

            var solver = new Arpack(U, symmetric)
                Tolerance           = 1e-6,
                ComputeEigenVectors = true

            var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            var result = solver.SolveStandard(m, 0.0);

            //var result = solver.SolveStandard(m, Spectrum.SmallestMagnitude);

            //var result = solver.SolveStandard(m, 8.0);
            //var result = solver.SolveStandard(m, Spectrum.LargestMagnitude);




            if (Helper.CheckResiduals(A, result, symmetric, false))
                Display.Warning("residual error too large");
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Example program that illustrates how to solve a real symmetric standard eigenvalue
        /// problem in shift and invert mode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// MODULE LSymShf.cc
        /// In this example we try to solve A*x = x*lambda in shift and invert mode, where A is
        /// derived from the central difference discretization of the one-dimensional Laplacian
        /// on [0, 1] with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions.
        /// The SuperLU package is called to solve some linear systems involving (A-sigma*I).
        /// This is needed to implement the shift and invert strategy.
        /// </remarks>
        static void LSymShf()
            int n = 100; // Dimension of the problem.

            // Creating a 100x100 matrix.
            var A = Generate.SymmetricMatrixB(n);

            // Defining what we need: the four eigenvectors of A nearest to 1.0.
            var prob = new Arpack(A, true)
                ComputeEigenVectors = true

            // Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
            var result = prob.SolveStandard(4, 1.0);

            // Printing solution.
            Solution.Symmetric(A, (ArpackResult)result, true);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Example program that illustrates how to solve a real nonsymmetric standard eigenvalue
        /// problem in shift and invert mode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// MODULE LNSymShf.cc
        /// In this example we try to solve A*x = x*lambda in shift and invert mode, where A is
        /// derived from 2-D Brusselator Wave Model. The shift is a real number.
        /// The SuperLU package is called to solve some linear systems involving (A-sigma*I).
        /// </remarks>
        static void LNSymShf()
            int n = 200; // Dimension of the problem.

            // Creating a 200x200 matrix.
            var A = Generate.BrusselatorMatrix(1.0, 0.004, 0.008, 2.0, 5.45, n);

            // Defining what we need: the four eigenvectors of BWM nearest to 0.0.
            var prob = new Arpack(A)
                ComputeEigenVectors = true, ArnoldiCount = 30

            // Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
            var result = prob.SolveStandard(4, 0.0, Spectrum.LargestMagnitude);

            // Printing solution.
            Solution.General(A, (ArpackResult)result, true);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Example program that illustrates how to solve a real symmetric standard eigenvalue
        /// problem in regular mode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// MODULE LSymReg.cc
        /// In this example we try to solve A*x = x*lambda in regular  mode, where A is derived
        /// from the standard central difference  discretization of the 2-dimensional Laplacian
        /// on the unit square with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions.
        /// </remarks>
        static void LSymReg()
            int nx = 10;

            // Creating a 100x100 matrix.
            var A = Generate.SymmetricMatrixA(nx);

            // Defining what we need: the four eigenvectors of A with smallest magnitude.
            var prob = new Arpack(A, true)
                ComputeEigenVectors = true

            // Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
            var result = prob.SolveStandard(2, Spectrum.SmallestMagnitude);

            // Printing solution.
            Solution.Symmetric(A, (ArpackResult)result, false);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Example program that illustrates how to solve a complex standard eigenvalue
        /// problem in regular mode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// MODULE LCompReg.cc
        /// In this example we try to solve A*x = x*lambda in regular mode, where A is obtained
        /// from the standard central difference discretization of the convection-diffusion
        /// operator
        ///                (Laplacian u) + rho*(du / dx)
        /// on the unit square [0,1]x[0,1] with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions.
        /// </remarks>
        static void LCompReg()
            int nx = 10; // Dimension of the problem nx * nx.

            // Creating a complex matrix.
            var A = Generate.CompMatrixA(nx);

            // Defining what we need: the four eigenvectors of A with largest magnitude.
            var dprob = new Arpack(A)
                ComputeEigenVectors = true

            // Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
            var result = dprob.SolveStandard(2, Spectrum.LargestMagnitude);

            // Printing solution.
            Solution.Print(A, (ArpackResult)result, false);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Example program that illustrates how to solve a real nonsymmetric standard eigenvalue
        /// problem in regular mode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// MODULE LNSymReg.cc
        /// In this example we try to solve A*x = x*lambda in regular mode, where A is derived from
        /// the standard central difference discretization of the 2-dimensional convection-diffusion
        /// operator
        ///                    (Laplacian u) + rho*(du/dx)
        /// on a unit square with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions.
        /// </remarks>
        static void LNSymReg()
            int nx = 10;

            // Creating a 100x100 matrix.
            var A = Generate.BlockTridMatrix(nx);

            // Defining what we need: the four eigenvectors of A with largest magnitude.
            var prob = new Arpack(A)
                ComputeEigenVectors = true

            // Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
            var result = prob.SolveStandard(4, Spectrum.LargestMagnitude);

            // Printing solution.
            Solution.General(A, (ArpackResult)result, false);
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Example program that illustrates how to solve a nonsymmetric generalized eigenvalue
        /// problem in complex shift and invert mode (taking the real part of OP*x).
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// MODULE LNSymGSC.cc
        /// In this example we try to solve A*x = B*x*lambda in complex shift and inverse mode,
        /// where A is the tridiagonal matrix with 2 on the diagonal, -2 on the subdiagonal and
        /// 3 on the superdiagonal, and B is the tridiagonal matrix with 4 on the diagonal and
        /// 1 on the off-diagonals. The shift is a complex number.
        /// The SuperLU package is called to solve some complex linear systems involving (A-sigma*B).
        /// </remarks>
        static void LNSymGSC()
            int n = 100; // Dimension of the problem.

            // Creating matrices A and B.
            var A = Generate.NonSymMatrixE(n);
            var B = Generate.NonSymMatrixF(n);

            // Defining what we need: the four eigenvectors nearest to 0.4 + 0.6i.
            var prob = new Arpack(A, B)
                ComputeEigenVectors = true

            // Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
            var result = prob.SolveGeneralized(4, 0.4, 0.6, 'R');

            // Printing solution.
            Solution.General(A, B, (ArpackResult)result, true, true);
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Example program that illustrates how to solve a real symmetric generalized eigenvalue
        /// problem in Cayley mode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// MODULE LSymGCay.cc
        /// In this example we try to solve A*x = B*x*lambda in Cayley mode, where A and B are obtained
        /// from the finite element discretization of the 1-dimensional discrete Laplacian
        ///                               d^2u / dx^2
        ///  on the interval [0,1] with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions using piecewise linear elements.
        /// The SuperLU package is called to solve some linear systems involving (A-sigma*B).
        /// </remarks>
        static void LSymGCay()
            int n = 100; // Dimension of the problem.

            // Creating matrices A and B.
            var A = Generate.SymmetricMatrixC(n);
            var B = Generate.SymmetricMatrixD(n);

            // Defining what we need: the four eigenvectors nearest to 150.0.
            var prob = new Arpack(A, B, true)
                ComputeEigenVectors = true

            // Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
            var result = prob.SolveGeneralized(4, 150.0, ShiftMode.Cayley);

            // Printing solution.
            Solution.Symmetric(A, B, (ArpackResult)result, ShiftMode.Cayley);
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Example program that illustrates how to solve a real symmetric generalized eigenvalue
        /// problem in regular mode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// MODULE LSymGReg.cc
        /// In this example we try to solve A*x = B*x*lambda in regular mode, where A and B are obtained
        /// from the finite element discretization of the 1-dimensional discrete Laplacian
        ///                               d^2u / dx^2
        /// on the interval [0,1] with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions using piecewise linear elements.
        /// The SuperLU package is called to solve some linear systems involving B.
        /// </remarks>
        static void LSymGReg()
            int n = 100; // Dimension of the problem.

            // Creating matrices A and B.
            var A = Generate.SymmetricMatrixC(n);
            var B = Generate.SymmetricMatrixD(n);

            // Defining what we need: the four eigenvectors with largest magnitude.
            var prob = new Arpack(A, B, true)
                ComputeEigenVectors = true

            // Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
            var result = prob.SolveGeneralized(4, Spectrum.LargestMagnitude);

            // Printing solution.
            Solution.Symmetric(A, B, (ArpackResult)result, ShiftMode.None);
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Example program that illustrates how to determine the condition number of a matrix
        /// to find its largest and smallest singular values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// MODULE LSVD.cc
        /// In this example, Arpack++ is called to solve the symmetric problem:
        ///                   (A'*A)*v = sigma*v
        /// where A is an m by n real matrix. This formulation is appropriate when m >= n.
        /// The roles of A and A' must be reversed in the case that m &lt; n.
        /// </remarks>
        private static void LSVDcond()
            // Number of columns in A.
            int n = 100;

            // Creating a rectangular matrix with m = 200 and n = 100.
            var A = Generate.RectangularMatrix(n);

            int m = A.RowCount; // Number of rows in A.

            // Defining what we need: eigenvalues from both ends of the spectrum.
            var prob = new Arpack(A)
                ArnoldiCount = 20

            // Finding eigenvalues.
            var result = prob.SingularValues(6, true, Spectrum.BothEnds);

            Solution.Condition(A, (ArpackResult)result);
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Example program that illustrates how to solve a real nonsymmetric generalized eigenvalue
        /// problem in real shift and invert mode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// MODULE LNSymGSh.cc
        /// In this example we try to solve A*x = B*x*lambda in shift and inverse mode, where A and B
        /// are derived from the finite element discretization of the 1-dimensional convection-diffusion
        /// operator
        ///                     (d^2u / dx^2) + rho*(du/dx)
        /// on the interval [0,1] with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions using linear elements.
        /// The shift sigma is a real number.
        /// The SuperLU package is called to solve some linear systems involving (A-sigma*B).
        /// </remarks>
        static void LNSymGSh()
            int    n   = 100;  // Dimension of the problem.
            double rho = 10.0; // A parameter used in StiffnessMatrix.

            // Creating matrices A and B.
            var A = Generate.StiffnessMatrix(n, rho);
            var B = Generate.MassMatrix(n);

            // Defining what we need: the four eigenvectors nearest to 1.0.
            var prob = new Arpack(A, B)
                ComputeEigenVectors = true

            // Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
            var result = prob.SolveGeneralized(4, 1.0);

            // Printing solution.
            Solution.General(A, B, (ArpackResult)result, true);
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Example program that illustrates how to solve a complex standard eigenvalue
        /// problem in shift and invert mode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// MODULE LCompShf.cc
        /// In this example we try to solve A*x = x*lambda in shift and invert mode, where
        /// A is derived from the central difference discretization of the 1-dimensional
        /// convection-diffusion operator
        ///                     (d^2u/dx^2) + rho*(du/dx)
        /// on the interval [0,1] with zero Dirichlet boundary conditions.
        /// </remarks>
        static void LCompShf()
            int n = 100; // Dimension of the problem.

            Complex rho = 10.0;

            // Creating a complex matrix.
            var A = Generate.CompMatrixB(n, rho);

            // Defining what we need: the four eigenvectors of F nearest to 0.0.
            var dprob = new Arpack(A)
                ComputeEigenVectors = true

            // Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
            var result = dprob.SolveStandard(4, new Complex(0.0, 0.0));

            // Printing solution.
            Solution.Print(A, (ArpackResult)result, true);
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Example program that illustrates how to determine the truncated SVD of a matrix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// MODULE LSVD.cc
        /// In this example, Arpack++ is called to solve the symmetric problem:
        ///                           | 0  A |*y = sigma*y,
        ///                           | A' 0 |
        /// where A is an m by n real matrix.
        /// This problem can be used to obtain the decomposition A = U*S*V'. The positive
        /// eigenvalues of this problem are the singular values of A (the eigenvalues come
        /// in pairs, the negative eigenvalues have the same magnitude of the positive ones
        /// and can be discarded). The columns of U can be extracted from the first m
        /// components of the eigenvectors y, while the columns of V can be extracted from
        /// the the remaining n components.
        /// </remarks>
        private static void LSVDpart()
            // Number of columns in A.
            int n = 100;

            // Creating a rectangular matrix with m = 200 and n = 100.
            var A = Generate.RectangularMatrix(n);

            int m = A.RowCount; // Number of rows in A.

            // Defining what we need: the four eigenvalues with largest algebraic value.
            var prob = new Arpack(A)
                ArnoldiCount = 20, ComputeEigenVectors = true

            // Finding eigenvalues.
            var result = prob.SingularValues(5, false, Spectrum.LargestAlgebraic);

            // Printing the solution.
            Solution.SVD(A, (ArpackResult)result);
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Example program that illustrates how to solve a complex generalized eigenvalue
        /// problem in regular mode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// MODULE LCompGRe.cc
        /// In this example we try to solve A*x = B*x*lambda in regular mode, where A and B are
        /// derived from the finite element discretization of the 1-dimensional convection-diffusion
        /// operator
        ///                    (d^2u/dx^2) + rho*(du/dx)
        /// on the interval [0,1], with zero boundary conditions, using piecewise linear elements.
        /// </remarks>
        static void LCompGRe()
            int n = 100; // Dimension of the problem.

            Complex rho = 10.0;

            // Creating complex matrices A and B.
            var A = Generate.CompMatrixE(n, rho);
            var B = Generate.CompMatrixF(n);

            // Defining what we need: the four eigenvectors with largest magnitude.
            var dprob = new Arpack(A, B)
                ComputeEigenVectors = true

            // Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
            var result = dprob.SolveGeneralized(4, Spectrum.LargestMagnitude);

            // Printing solution.
            Solution.Print(A, B, (ArpackResult)result, false);
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Example program that illustrates how to solve a complex generalized eigenvalue
        /// problem in shift and invert mode.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// MODULE LCompGSh.cc
        /// In this example we try to solve A*x = B*x*lambda in shift and invert mode, where A and B
        /// are derived from a finite element discretization of a 1-dimensional convection-diffusion
        /// operator
        ///                      (d^2u/dx^2) + rho*(du/dx)
        /// on the interval [0,1], with zero boundary conditions, using piecewise linear elements.
        /// </remarks>
        static void LCompGSh()
            int n = 100; // Dimension of the problem.

            Complex rho = 10.0;

            // Creating complex matrices A and B.
            var A = Generate.CompMatrixE(n, rho);
            var B = Generate.CompMatrixF(n);

            // Defining what we need: the four eigenvectors nearest to sigma.

            var dprob = new Arpack(A, B)
                ComputeEigenVectors = true

            // Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
            var result = dprob.SolveGeneralized(4, new Complex(1.0, 0.0));

            // Printing solution.
            Solution.Print(A, B, (ArpackResult)result, true);