Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the given xml and creates a hash code that uses every byte of the xml to contribute, then encrypts the resulting hash code using the key
        /// in the KeyedHashAlgorithm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xml">the node of xml to sign</param>
        /// <param name="key">the "secret" key used to "sign" the hash</param>
        /// <returns>a base64-encoded string which is the encrypted signature of the xml</returns>
        string IValidator.Sign(XmlNode xml, string key)
            byte[] outSignature = null;
            byte[] xmlNodeByte  = null;

            //  convert xmlnode contents into byte array
            xmlNodeByte = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(xml.InnerXml);

                //  create an instance of keyed hash algo--note that the static Create is its own Factory method (sweet)
                KeyedHashAlgorithm kha = KeyedHashAlgorithm.Create();
                //  feed the hash algo the key
                kha.Key = Convert.FromBase64String(key);
                //  key-hash xml
                outSignature = kha.ComputeHash(xmlNodeByte);
            catch (Exception e)
                ApplicationUpdateManager.TraceWrite(e, "[KeyValidator.Sign]", "RES_EXCEPTION_SigningXml");
                throw e;
            //  no finally, no hard resources used

            //  return key-hash
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the Validator with the Public Key.  This is cached after Init.
        /// Also set up the RSA-CSP and the deformatter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">xml node from which we expect to extract single node "key" containing RSA public key</param>
        public void Init(XmlNode config)
                //  get the xml node that holds the key
                _keyNode = config.SelectSingleNode("key");

                //  initialize crypto objects for use by Validate overloads later:
                _rsaCSP = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();

                //  load key into CSP

                //  create de-formatter
                _rsaDeformatter = new RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter(_rsaCSP);

                //  set hash algo to SHA1
            catch (Exception e)
                string error = ApplicationUpdateManager.TraceWrite(e, "[RSAValidator.Init]", "RES_CouldNotFindCryptographicKey");

                throw new ArgumentException(error, "config", e);
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks the download source location; BITS can only accept HTTP/HTTPS, so if
 /// we are given a UNC path as source, we need to stop right away--misconfiguration
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sourceFile">the path to the update file's source</param>
 private void ThrowIfSourceIsUNC(string sourceFile)
     if (FileUtility.IsUNCPath(sourceFile))
         string            error = ApplicationUpdateManager.TraceWrite("[BITSDownloader.BeginDownload]", "RES_EXCEPTION_UNCSourcePathToBITS", sourceFile);
         ArgumentException ae    = new ArgumentException(error, "sourceFile");
         throw ae;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Centralizes all chores related to stopping and cancelling a copy job, and getting back
        /// from BITS the errors incurred during the job.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="copyJob">reference to the copy job object (not job id)</param>
        /// <param name="errMessage">a cumulative error message passed by reference so
        /// that additions can be made</param>
        private void HandleDownloadErrorCancelJob(
            IBackgroundCopyJob copyJob,
            ref string errMessage)
            string singleError             = "";
            string jobDesc                 = "";
            string jobName                 = "";
            Guid   jobID                   = Guid.Empty;
            IBackgroundCopyError copyError = null;

                //  check if job is null; don't try to clean up null references!
                if (null != copyJob)
                    //  get information about this job for reporting the error
                    copyJob.GetDescription(out jobDesc);
                    copyJob.GetDisplayName(out jobName);
                    copyJob.GetId(out jobID);

                    //  find out what the error was
                    copyJob.GetError(out copyError);

                    // use the culture id specified in RESX to tell COM which culture to return err message in:
                    copyError.GetErrorDescription((uint)CULTURE_ID_FOR_COM, out singleError);

                    //  add error to our "stack" of errors:
                    errMessage += singleError + Environment.NewLine;

                    //  notify BITS that we consider this job a loss, forget about it:

                    //  remove job from collection

                    //  log error, but don't throw here; let dnldmgr take care of error
                    //  NOTE that errMessage is used cumulatively for full track of problem
                    errMessage = ApplicationUpdateManager.TraceWrite("[BITSDownloader]", "RES_EXCEPTION_BITSBackgroundCopyError", jobID, jobName, jobDesc, errMessage);

                    ExceptionManager.Publish(new Exception(errMessage));
                if (null != copyError)
                    copyError = null;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialize the provider
        /// </summary>
        void IValidator.Init(XmlNode config)
            //  get the xml node that holds the key (might be empty)
            XmlNode keyNode = config.SelectSingleNode("key");

            //  look for key in xml
            _key = ExtractKeyFromNode(keyNode);

            //  we've tried to find key in "key" nodes, we should have a good key now; check to be sure
            if (null == _key)
                string error = ApplicationUpdateManager.TraceWrite("[KeyValidator.Init]", "RES_CouldNotFindCryptographicKey");

                CryptographicException ce = new CryptographicException(error);
                throw ce;
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the given file and creates a hash code that uses every byte of the file to contribute, then encrypts the resulting hash code using the key
        /// in the KeyedHashAlgorithm
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath">full path to the file to sign</param>
        /// <param name="key">the "secret" key used to "sign" the hash</param>
        /// <returns>a base64-encoded string which is the encrypted signature of the file</returns>
        string IValidator.Sign(string filePath, string key)
            byte[]     outSignature = null;
            FileStream fs           = null;

                //  using the key (member variable) use hashed-key algorithm to generate
                //  a signature for the file

                //  attempt to open the file with shared read access
                fs = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);

                //  create an instance of keyed hash algo--note that the static Create is its own Factory method (sweet)
                KeyedHashAlgorithm kha = KeyedHashAlgorithm.Create();
                //  feed the hash algo the key
                kha.Key = Convert.FromBase64String(key);
                //  now hash over entire file, munging with key to give uniqueness that depends on both key and file
                //  for a strong signature.
                //  NOTE:  now, the "secret" is the key.  Without the "secret", you CANNOT spoof the identity of the file.
                //  the contract between server and client is that the files are what the server promised; the enforcement of that
                //  contract is the cryptographically strong hash, which depends on both key and file identity.
                //  As long as both parties accept the validity of the "secret", they can trust the identity of the file if its signature matches.
                outSignature = kha.ComputeHash(fs);
            catch (Exception e)
                ApplicationUpdateManager.TraceWrite(e, "[KeyValidator.Sign]", "RES_EXCEPTION_SigningFile", filePath);
                throw e;
                if (null != fs)
            //  return the signature
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper function to get the base64-encoded key from the "key" node
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="keyNode">contains the base64 encoded key hash</param>
        /// <returns>byte array which is the key decoded from base64</returns>
        private byte[] ExtractKeyFromNode(XmlNode keyNode)
            byte[] key = null;

            //  skip out right away if passed a null node
            if (null == keyNode)

                //  we're passed the key node, so just take the innerText and convert to a byte[] from base64
                key = Convert.FromBase64String(keyNode.InnerText);
            catch (Exception e)
                ApplicationUpdateManager.TraceWrite(e, "[KeyValidator.ExtractKeyFromNode]", "RES_CouldNotFindCryptographicKey");
                throw e;

Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Synchronous downloading method using BITS
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceFile">Source file to download</param>
        /// <param name="destFile">Target file on the local system</param>
        /// <param name="maxTimeWait">Maximum time to wait for a download</param>
        void IDownloader.Download(string sourceFile, string destFile, TimeSpan maxTimeWait)
            IBackgroundCopyManager backGroundCopyManager = null;
            IBackgroundCopyJob     backGroundCopyJob     = null;
            Guid         jobID                = Guid.Empty;
            bool         isCompleted          = false;
            bool         isSuccessful         = false;
            string       cumulativeErrMessage = "";
            BG_JOB_STATE state;

            //  to defend against config errors, check to see if the path given is UNC;
            //  if so, throw immediately there's a misconfiguration.  Paths to BITS must be HTTP/HTTPS

                //  use utility function to create manager, job, get back jobid etc.; uses 'out' semantics
                    out backGroundCopyManager,
                    out backGroundCopyJob,
                    ref jobID,

                // Add the file to the Job List
                backGroundCopyJob.AddFile(sourceFile, destFile);

                // Start the Back Ground Copy Job.

                //  set endtime to current tickcount + allowable # milliseconds to wait for job
                int endTime = Environment.TickCount + (int)maxTimeWait.TotalMilliseconds;

                #region __While Loop Waits On Single Download__

                while (!isCompleted)
                    backGroundCopyJob.GetState(out state);
                    switch (state)
                    case BG_JOB_STATE.BG_JOB_STATE_ERROR:
                        //  use utility to:
                        //  a)  get error info
                        //  b)  report it
                        //  c)  cancel and remove copy job
                        HandleDownloadErrorCancelJob(backGroundCopyJob, ref cumulativeErrMessage);

                        //  complete loop, but DON'T say it's successful
                        isCompleted = true;

                        //  NOTE:  during debugging + test, transient errors resulted in complete job failure about 90%
                        //  of the time.  Therefore we treat transients just like full errors, and CANCEL the job
                        //  use utility to manage error etc.
                        HandleDownloadErrorCancelJob(backGroundCopyJob, ref cumulativeErrMessage);

                        //  stop the loop, set completed to true but not successful
                        isCompleted = true;

                    case BG_JOB_STATE.BG_JOB_STATE_TRANSFERRED:
                        //  notify BITS we're happy, remove from queue and transfer ownership to us:
                        //  remove job from our collection, we won't need to Cancel() in our Dispose()
                        isCompleted  = true;
                        isSuccessful = true;


                    if (endTime < Environment.TickCount)
                        HandleDownloadErrorCancelJob(backGroundCopyJob, ref cumulativeErrMessage);

                    //  Avoid 100% CPU utilisation with too tight a loop, let download happen.


                if (!isSuccessful)
                    //  create message + error, package it, publish
                    string error = ApplicationUpdateManager.TraceWrite(
                        "RES_MESSAGE_ManifestFileNotDownloaded", sourceFile, cumulativeErrMessage);
                    Exception ex = new Exception(error + Environment.NewLine + cumulativeErrMessage);

                    throw ex;
            catch (ThreadInterruptedException tie)
                //  if interrupted, clean up job
                HandleDownloadErrorCancelJob(backGroundCopyJob, ref cumulativeErrMessage);
                ApplicationUpdateManager.TraceWrite(tie, "[BITSDownloader.Download]", "RES_TIEInBITS", sourceFile);
                throw tie;
            catch (Exception e)
                //  if exception, clean up job
                HandleDownloadErrorCancelJob(backGroundCopyJob, ref cumulativeErrMessage);
                //  then log error
                string error = ApplicationUpdateManager.TraceWrite(
                    "RES_MESSAGE_ManifestFileNotDownloaded", sourceFile, cumulativeErrMessage);
                Exception ex = new Exception(error, e);
                //  throw; allow consuming class to figure out what to do
                throw ex;
                if (null != backGroundCopyJob)
                if (null != backGroundCopyManager)
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Internal copy-job factory method.  Used to coordinate all aspects of a job set-up,
        /// which includes creating a copy manager, creating a job within it, setting download
        /// parameters, and adding the job to our tracking collection for cleanup later
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="copyManager">null reference to copy manager</param>
        /// <param name="copyJob">null reference to copy job</param>
        /// <param name="jobID">null reference to job id guid</param>
        /// <param name="jobNameKey">the key used to look up the job name in the resource file</param>
        /// <param name="jobDescriptionKey">the key used to look up the job description in the resource file</param>
        private void CreateCopyJob(
            out IBackgroundCopyManager copyManager,
            out IBackgroundCopyJob copyJob,
            ref Guid jobID,
            string jobNameKey,
            string jobDescriptionKey)
            string jobName = Resource.ResourceManager[jobNameKey];
            string jobDesc = Resource.ResourceManager[jobDescriptionKey];

            //  wrap in try-finally so we can clean COM objects if unexpected error
                //  create the manager
                copyManager = (IBackgroundCopyManager) new BackgroundCopyManager();

                // create the job, set its description, use "out" semantics to get jobid and the actual job object
                    out jobID,
                    out copyJob);

                //  set useful description

                //  ***
                //      SEE THE FOLLOWING REFERENCES:
                //  **  http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/bits/bits/ibackgroundcopyjob_setminimumretrydelay.asp?frame=true
                //  **  http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/bits/bits/ibackgroundcopyjob_setnoprogresstimeout.asp?frame=true
                //  **  http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/bits/bits/bg_job_priority.asp
                //  ***

                //  in constant set to 0; this makes BITS retry as soon as possible after an error
                //  in constant set to 5 seconds; BITS will set job to Error status if exceeded
                //  make this job the highest (but still background) priority--
                //  ***

                //  lock our internal collection of jobs, and add this job--we use this collection in Dispose()
                //  to tell BITS to Cancel() jobs--and remove them from the queue
                //  if we did not do this, BITS would continue for (by default) two weeks to download what we asked!
                lock (_jobs.SyncRoot)
                    _jobs.Add(jobID, jobName);
            catch (Exception e)
                //  bad to catch all exceptions, but OK because we adorn it with necessary additional info then pass it up as innerException
                string error = ApplicationUpdateManager.TraceWrite(e, "[BITSDownloader.CreateCopyJob]", "RES_EXCEPTION_BITSOtherError", jobID, jobName, jobDesc);
                //  publish
                Exception newE = new Exception(error, e);
                //  rethrow;
                throw newE;
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// returns a job status enum for a particular job identified by its GUID
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="jobId">a guid for the job requested</param>
        /// <returns>a JobStatus describing the state of the job</returns>
        JobStatus IDownloader.GetJobStatus(Guid jobId)
            IBackgroundCopyManager backGroundCopyManager = null;
            IBackgroundCopyJob     backGroundCopyJob     = null;
            BG_JOB_STATE           state;
            string errMessage = "";
            string jobName    = "";
            string jobDesc    = "";
            string error      = "";

                backGroundCopyManager = (IBackgroundCopyManager) new BackgroundCopyManager();
                backGroundCopyManager.GetJob(ref jobId, out backGroundCopyJob);

                //  get job name
                backGroundCopyJob.GetDisplayName(out jobName);
                //  get job desc
                backGroundCopyJob.GetDescription(out jobDesc);
                //  get job state enum value
                backGroundCopyJob.GetState(out state);

                switch (state)
                case BG_JOB_STATE.BG_JOB_STATE_ERROR:
                    //  use utility method to handle error:
                    HandleDownloadErrorCancelJob(backGroundCopyJob, ref errMessage);

                    //  return status as error

                    //    NOTE:  if transient, just treat as full error.  During testing about 90% of transients
                    //				resulted in full failure.  Cleanup.
                    //  use utility method to handle error:
                    HandleDownloadErrorCancelJob(backGroundCopyJob, ref errMessage);

                    //  return status as error

                    //  tell BITS to transfer to us and stop thinking about the job
                    // remove job from collection to be Dispose()ed

                    //  use utility method to handle error:
                    HandleDownloadErrorCancelJob(backGroundCopyJob, ref errMessage);

                    //  return status as cancelled

            catch (ThreadInterruptedException tie)
                //  if interrupted, clean up job
                HandleDownloadErrorCancelJob(backGroundCopyJob, ref errMessage);
                ApplicationUpdateManager.TraceWrite(tie, "[BITSDownloader.Download]", "RES_TIEInBITS", "N/A");
                throw tie;
            catch (Exception e)
                //  use utility method to handle error:
                HandleDownloadErrorCancelJob(backGroundCopyJob, ref errMessage);
                //  bad to catch all exceptions, but OK because we adorn it with necessary additional info then pass it up as innerException
                error = ApplicationUpdateManager.TraceWrite(e, "[BITSDownloader.GetJobStatus]", "RES_EXCEPTION_BITSOtherError", jobId, jobName, jobDesc);
                //  publish
                Exception newE = new Exception(error, e);
                //  rethrow;
                throw newE;
                if (backGroundCopyManager != null)
                if (backGroundCopyJob != null)