public static async Task Main(string[] args) { AnsiConsole.Write(new FigletText("QuickBullet").LeftAligned()); await GenerateSettingsFile(); GenerateConfigsFolder(); GenerateWordlistsFolder(); Microsoft.Playwright.Program.Main(new string[] { "install" }); if (args.Any()) { await Parser.Default.ParseArguments <RunOptions>(args).WithParsedAsync(RunAsync); } else { var configFiles = GetAllConfigFiles(); var wordlistsFiles = GetAllWordlistsFiles(); var config = AnsiConsole.Prompt(new SelectionPrompt <string>() .Title("Select config:") .AddChoices(configFiles.Select(c => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(c)))); var wordlists = AnsiConsole.Prompt(new SelectionPrompt <string>() .Title("Select wordlists:") .AddChoices(wordlistsFiles.Select(c => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(c)))); var runOptions = new RunOptions { ConfigFile = Path.Combine(ConfigsFolder, $"{config}.loli"), WordlistFile = Path.Combine(WordlistsFolder, $"{wordlists}.txt") }; runOptions.ProxiesFile = AnsiConsole.Ask("proxies file", "none"); runOptions.ProxiesType = runOptions.ProxiesFile.Equals("none") ? string.Empty : AnsiConsole.Prompt(new SelectionPrompt <string>() .Title("proxies type") .AddChoices(new string[] { "http", "socks4", "socks5" })); runOptions.Skip = AnsiConsole.Ask("skip", -1); var bots = AnsiConsole.Ask("bots", 1); while (bots > 200) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[red]The number of bots must be less than 200[/]"); bots = AnsiConsole.Ask("bots", 1); } runOptions.Bots = bots; runOptions.Verbose = AnsiConsole.Ask("verbose:", false); await RunAsync(runOptions); } }
private static void Render(string title, IRenderable chart) { AnsiConsole.Write( new Panel(chart) .Padding(1, 1) .Header(title)); }
public override async Task <bool> Execute(HistoricalDataJobInput input) { var host = input.BuildHost(); var barsFileSource = host.Services.GetRequiredService <BarsFileSource>(); var ShowExtension = false; var table = new Table(); table.AddColumn("Date"); if (ShowExtension) { table.AddColumn("Ext"); } table.AddColumn("%", c => c.Alignment = Justify.Right); table.AddColumn("Bars", c => c.Alignment = Justify.Right); table.AddColumn("Expected", c => c.Alignment = Justify.Right); var listResult = await barsFileSource.List(input.ExchangeFlag, input.ExchangeAreaFlag, input.Symbol, input.TimeFrame); foreach (var item in listResult.Chunks) { table.AddRow(item.ChunkName, item.Percent.ToString(), item.Bars.ToString(), item.ExpectedBars.ToString()); if (input.VerboseFlag) { Console.WriteLine(item.Dump().ToString()); } } AnsiConsole.Write(table); return(true); }
private static string GetStock() { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray; AnsiConsole.Write("Stock Ticker: "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; return(Console.ReadLine()?.ToUpperInvariant()); }
private string SelectCsProj() { var csprojFiles = FileSystem.Directory.GetFiles(".", "*.csproj"); if (csprojFiles.Length == 1) { return(csprojFiles.First()); } if (csprojFiles.Length == 0) { AnsiConsole.Write(new Markup($"[bold red]Can't find a project file in current directory![/]")); AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); AnsiConsole.Write(new Markup($"[bold red]Please run Sergen in a folder that contains the Asp.Net Core project.[/]")); AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); return(null); } AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); AnsiConsole.Write(new Spectre.Console.Rule($"[bold orange1]Please select an Asp.Net Core project file[/]") { Alignment = Justify.Left }); AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); var selections = new SelectionPrompt <string>() .PageSize(10) .MoreChoicesText("[grey](Move up and down to reveal more project files)[/]") .AddChoices(csprojFiles); return(AnsiConsole.Prompt(selections)); }
private static int GetAmount() { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray; AnsiConsole.Write("Amount: "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; return(Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()?.ToUpperInvariant())); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the <see cref="ListCorrelationsCommand"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="filter">The ODATA filter to use</param> /// <returns>A new awaitable <see cref="Task"/></returns> public async Task HandleAsync(string filter) { var query = string.Empty; var filters = new List <string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter)) { filters.Add(filter); } if (filters.Any()) { query = $"$filter={string.Join(" AND ", filters)}"; } var correlations = await this.SynapseManagementApi.GetCorrelationsAsync(query); var table = new Table(); table.Expand = true; table.Border(TableBorder.None); table.AddColumn("ID"); table.AddColumn("LIFETIME"); table.AddColumn("OUTCOME TYPE"); table.AddColumn("OUTCOME TARGET"); table.AddColumn("CONDITION TYPE"); table.AddColumn("CONDITIONS"); table.AddColumn("CONTEXTS"); table.AddColumn("CREATED AT"); table.AddColumn("LAST MODIFIED"); foreach (var correlation in correlations) { table.AddRow(correlation.Id, correlation.Lifetime.ToString(), correlation.Outcome.Type.ToString(), correlation.Outcome.Target, correlation.ConditionType.ToString(), correlation.Conditions.Count.ToString(), correlation.Contexts.Count.ToString(), correlation.CreatedAt.ToString(), correlation.LastModified.ToString()); } AnsiConsole.Write(table); }
public void Write(string message) { lock (_lock) { _console?.Write(message); } }
public static void Main() { var content = new Markup( "[underline]I[/] heard [underline on blue]you[/] like panels\n\n\n\n" + "So I put a panel in a panel").Centered(); AnsiConsole.Write( new Panel( new Panel(content) .Border(BoxBorder.Rounded))); // Left adjusted panel with text AnsiConsole.Write( new Panel(new Text("Left adjusted\nLeft").LeftAligned()) .Expand() .SquareBorder() .Header("[red]Left[/]")); // Centered ASCII panel with text AnsiConsole.Write( new Panel(new Text("Centered\nCenter").Centered()) .Expand() .AsciiBorder() .Header("[green]Center[/]") .HeaderAlignment(Justify.Center)); // Right adjusted, rounded panel with text AnsiConsole.Write( new Panel(new Text("Right adjusted\nRight").RightAligned()) .Expand() .RoundedBorder() .Header("[blue]Right[/]") .HeaderAlignment(Justify.Right)); }
public void WriteHeader(IProjectionDatabase database) { AnsiConsole.Write(new Rule($"Database: {database.Identifier}") { Alignment = Justify.Left }); }
private static void Render(IRenderable canvas, string title) { AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); AnsiConsole.Write(new Rule($"[yellow]{title}[/]").LeftAligned().RuleStyle("grey")); AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); AnsiConsole.Write(canvas); }
private void WriteSummaries(LamarServicesInput input, IGrouping <Assembly, IServiceFamilyConfiguration>[] configurations, WhatDoIHaveDisplay display, IContainer container) { if (display == WhatDoIHaveDisplay.Summary) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[bold]Key:[/] "); var rule = new Rule($"[blue]Assembly Name (Assembly Version)[/]") { Alignment = Justify.Left }; AnsiConsole.Write(rule); var node = new Tree("{Service Type Namespace}"); node.AddNode("{Service Type Full Name}").AddNode("{Lifetime}: {Description of Registration}"); AnsiConsole.Write(node); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Build Plans for registrations built by calling constructors"); Console.WriteLine(); } foreach (var group in configurations) { WriteAssemblyServices(input, @group, display, container); } }
private void GameLoop() { var header = new Rule($"\n[grey]World of {this.Game.World.Name}[/]") .RuleStyle(Style.Parse("white dim")) .LeftAligned(); AnsiConsole.Write(header); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[green]You are currently in the city of {0}.[/]", this.Game.HomeCity.Name); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[green]There are {0} members in your guild.[/]", this.Game.GuildMembers.Count); string input = string.Empty; while (input != "exit") { AnsiConsole.Write(new Rule()); input = AnsiConsole.Prompt(this.IngameMenu).ToLower(); if (input == "save") { this.SaveGame(); } } }
public void Start() { System.Console.Clear(); var header = new Rule("[grey]WorldGM v0.1[/]") .RuleStyle(Style.Parse("white dim")) .LeftAligned(); AnsiConsole.Write(header); var choice = AnsiConsole.Prompt(this.MainMenu); if (choice == "New") { this.GenerateNewWorld(); } else if (choice == "Load") { this.LoadExistingWorld(); } else { // Exit } }
/// <summary> /// Handles the <see cref="ListWorkflowsCommand"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="id">The id of the workflows to list</param> /// <param name="filter">The ODATA filter to use</param> /// <returns>A new awaitable <see cref="Task"/></returns> public async Task HandleAsync(string id, string filter) { var query = string.Empty; var filters = new List <string>(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(id)) { filters.Add($"startswith({nameof(V1Workflow.Definition)}/{nameof(WorkflowDefinition.Id)},'{id}')"); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filter)) { filters.Add(filter); } if (filters.Any()) { query = $"$filter={string.Join(" AND ", filters)}"; } var workflows = await this.SynapseManagementApi.GetWorkflowsAsync(query); var table = new Table(); table.Expand = true; table.Border(TableBorder.None); table.AddColumn("ID"); table.AddColumn("VERSION"); table.AddColumn("CREATED AT"); table.AddColumn("LAST INSTANCIATED AT"); foreach (var workflow in workflows) { table.AddRow(workflow.Definition.Id !, workflow.Definition.Version, workflow.CreatedAt.ToString(), (workflow.LastInstanciated.HasValue ? workflow.LastInstanciated.ToString() : "-") !); } AnsiConsole.Write(table); }
static int Main(string[] args) { var rootCommand = new RootCommand("CLI for executing various actions against") { new Option <bool>("--nologo", "Doesn't display the startup banner or the copyright message"), }; rootCommand.AddCommand(ClearCommand.Create()); rootCommand.AddCommand(DataloaderCommand.Create()); rootCommand.AddCommand(DeploymentCommand.Create()); rootCommand.AddCommand(ExportCommand.Create()); rootCommand.AddCommand(LogCommand.Create()); rootCommand.AddCommand(SourceMapCommand.Create()); rootCommand.AddCommand(TailCommand.Create()); if (args == null || args.All(arg => arg != "--nologo")) { AnsiConsole.Write(new FigletText("") .LeftAligned() .Color(new Color(13, 165, 142))); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[yellow]Copyright (C)[/] [rgb(13,165,142)][/]. All rights reserved."); } args = args.Where(arg => arg != "--nologo").ToArray(); AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); return(rootCommand.InvokeAsync(args).Result); }
public static void Enter() { do { AnsiConsole.Write("> "); var userInput = Console.ReadLine() .Trim(); //if the input is a command if (userInput.StartsWith("/")) { command.Commands.Execute(userInput, "calc"); continue; } //if the input is an assignment if (userInput.Contains("=")) { Variables.Assign(userInput); continue; } var expression = new Expression(userInput); if (expression.IsValid) { var value = expression.Solve(); if (value is null) { continue; } AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"[blue]{value}[/]"); } } while (true); }
private static double GetPrice() { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkGray; AnsiConsole.Write("Price: "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; return(double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()?.ToUpperInvariant())); }
public bool List(ProjectInformation project) { var result = FindProgram(project); if (result == null) { return(false); } var lines = GetLines(result); var table = new Table { ShowHeaders = false, Border = TableBorder.Rounded }; table.AddColumn(new TableColumn(string.Empty) { NoWrap = true }); table.AddColumn(string.Empty); var lineNumber = 1; foreach (var line in lines) { table.AddRow($"[grey]{lineNumber}[/]", line); lineNumber++; } AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); AnsiConsole.Write(table); return(true); }
private static string AskName() { AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); AnsiConsole.Write(new Rule("[yellow]Strings[/]").RuleStyle("grey").LeftAligned()); var name = AnsiConsole.Ask <string>("What's your [green]name[/]?"); return(name); }
private void PlotAzureMetadataInAsciiTable(AzureMetadata metadata) { var asciiTable = CreateAzureMetadataAsciiTable(); asciiTable.AddRow(metadata.TenantId, metadata.SubscriptionId, metadata.ResourceGroupName, metadata.Cloud.Name.Humanize(LetterCasing.Title)); AnsiConsole.Write(asciiTable); }
public static void Main() { AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); // Render the tree var tree = BuildTree(); AnsiConsole.Write(tree); }
private async Task <long> Paint(Dictionary <Point, TileState> screen, ChannelReader <long> output, ChannelWriter <long> input) { bool enableOutput = true; try { AnsiConsole.Clear(); } catch (Exception) { enableOutput = false; AnsiConsole.WriteLine("Console manipulation has been disabled due to redirection"); } long score = 0, paddleX = 0, paddleY = 0; await input.WriteAsync(0); while (await output.WaitToReadAsync()) { var x = (int)await output.ReadAsync(); var y = (int)await output.ReadAsync(); var state = await output.ReadAsync(); if (x == -1 && y == 0) { score = state; if (enableOutput) { AnsiConsole.Cursor.SetPosition(0, 0); AnsiConsole.Write("Score: " + score); } } else { var tile = (TileState)state; if (tile == TileState.HorizontalPaddle) { paddleX = x; paddleY = y; } else if (tile == TileState.Ball) { var num = 0; if (x > paddleX) { num = 1; } else if (x < paddleX) { num = -1; } await input.WriteAsync(num); } screen[new(x, y)] = tile;
public void WriteHeader(IProjectionStore store) { AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); AnsiConsole.Write(new Rule($"[bold blue]{store.Name}[/]") { Alignment = Justify.Left }); AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); }
private static void WritePlain(string windowsPath, string unixPath) { var table = new Table().BorderColor(Color.Grey).Title("Plain").RoundedBorder(); table.AddColumns("[grey]OS[/]", "[grey]Path[/]"); table.AddRow(new Text("Windows"), new TextPath(windowsPath)); table.AddRow(new Text("Unix"), new TextPath(unixPath)); AnsiConsole.Write(table); }
private void PlotAzureMetadataInAsciiTable(AzureLandscape azureLandscape) { var asciiTable = CreateAzureMetadataAsciiTable(); var rawSubscriptions = "- " + string.Join($"{Environment.NewLine} - ", azureLandscape.Subscriptions); asciiTable.AddRow(azureLandscape.TenantId, azureLandscape.Cloud.Humanize(LetterCasing.Title), rawSubscriptions); AnsiConsole.Write(asciiTable); }
private static void PrintMenuItem(string item, ConsoleColor color = ConsoleColor.White) { var itemShort = item.FirstOrDefault(); Console.ForegroundColor = color; AnsiConsole.Write($"{itemShort}: "); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; AnsiConsole.Write($"{item}"); AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); AnsiConsole.Write(new Calendar(2020, 10) .RoundedBorder() .HighlightStyle(Style.Parse("red")) .HeaderStyle(Style.Parse("yellow")) .AddCalendarEvent("An event", 2020, 9, 22) .AddCalendarEvent("Another event", 2020, 10, 2) .AddCalendarEvent("A third event", 2020, 10, 13)); }
public override async Task <int> ExecuteAsync(CommandContext context, ShowLogHeaderSettings settings) { if (witsmlClient == null) { return(-1); } var table = CreateTable(); var wellName = "<?>"; var wellboreName = "<?>"; var logName = "<?>"; await AnsiConsole.Status() .Spinner(Spinner.Known.Dots) .StartAsync("Fetching log...".WithColor(Color.Orange1), async _ => { var log = await GetLogHeader(settings.WellUid, settings.WellboreUid, settings.LogUid); wellName = log.NameWell; wellboreName = log.NameWellbore; logName = log.Name; var list = settings.OrderByEndIndex ? log.LogCurveInfo.OrderByDescending(lci => DateTime.Parse(lci.MaxDateTimeIndex)).ToList() : log.LogCurveInfo; foreach (var logCurveInfo in list.Take(settings.MaxMnemonics)) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.FilterOnMnemonic) && logCurveInfo.Mnemonic != settings.FilterOnMnemonic) { continue; } table.AddRow( logCurveInfo.Mnemonic, logCurveInfo.MinDateTimeIndex ?? $"{logCurveInfo.MinIndex.Value}{logCurveInfo.MinIndex.Uom}", logCurveInfo.MaxDateTimeIndex ?? $"{logCurveInfo.MaxIndex.Value}{logCurveInfo.MaxIndex.Uom}" ); } }); AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"{"Well UID:".Bold()} {settings.WellUid}"); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"{"Wellbore UID:".Bold()} {settings.WellboreUid}"); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"{"Log UID".Bold()} {settings.LogUid}"); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"{"Well name:".Bold()} {wellName}"); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"{"Wellbore name:".Bold()} {wellboreName}"); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"{"Log name:".Bold()} {logName}"); AnsiConsole.Write(table); return(0); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { AnsiConsole.Write("Hello"); // Move the cursor 3 cells to the right AnsiConsole.Cursor.Move(CursorDirection.Right, 3); AnsiConsole.Write("World"); // Move the cursor 5 cells to the left. AnsiConsole.Cursor.Move(CursorDirection.Left, 5); AnsiConsole.WriteLine("Universe"); }