private static void GenerateNames() { var factions = FactionData.Factions.ToList(); var faction = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new SelectionPrompt <string>() .Title("Select your faction:") .AddChoices(factions.Select(f => f.Name))); var numberOfNames = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new SelectionPrompt <int>() .Title("How many names to generate?") .AddChoices(Enumerable.Range(1, 20))); var selectedFaction = factions.First(f => f.Name == faction); var results = new Table { Title = new TableTitle($"Names for {selectedFaction.Name}") }; results.AddColumn("Name"); foreach (var name in selectedFaction.GenerateNames(numberOfNames)) { results.AddRow(name); } AnsiConsole.Render(results); }
private static Employes CreateEmployees() { var configurations = Configuration.ValidateConfiguration(); string name = AnsiConsole.Ask <string>("Ingrese : [green]nombre[/]?"); string idCard = AnsiConsole.Ask <string>("Ingrese : [green]identificacion[/]?"); int birthdate = AnsiConsole.Ask <int>("Ingrese : [green]fecha nacimiento[/]?"); var city = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new SelectionPrompt <string>() .Title("Ingrese : [green]ciudad[/]?") .PageSize(10) .AddChoices(Cities)); string address = AnsiConsole.Ask <string>("Ingrese : [green]direccion[/]?"); string phone = AnsiConsole.Ask <string>("Ingrese : [green]telefono[/]?"); string position = AnsiConsole.Ask <string>("Ingrese : [green]cargo[/]?"); salary: int salary = AnsiConsole.Ask <int>("Ingrese : [green]salario[/]?"); if (salary < configurations.Salary) { Console.WriteLine($"Salario ${salary} no permitido, ingrese un salario mayor o igual a {configurations.Salary}"); goto salary; } return(new Employes(name, idCard, birthdate, city, address, phone, position, salary)); }
private void GameLoop() { var header = new Rule($"\n[grey]World of {this.Game.World.Name}[/]") .RuleStyle(Style.Parse("white dim")) .LeftAligned(); AnsiConsole.Write(header); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[green]You are currently in the city of {0}.[/]", this.Game.HomeCity.Name); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[green]There are {0} members in your guild.[/]", this.Game.GuildMembers.Count); string input = string.Empty; while (input != "exit") { AnsiConsole.Write(new Rule()); input = AnsiConsole.Prompt(this.IngameMenu).ToLower(); if (input == "save") { this.SaveGame(); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var WorkPath = ""; if (args.Length > 0 && Directory.Exists(args[0])) { WorkPath = args[0]; Console.WriteLine($"Current WorkPath: {WorkPath}"); } methods = new Dictionary <string, Func <IExecutor> > { { nameof(FolderRestructurer), () => new FolderRestructurer(WorkPath) }, { nameof(SanitySanitizer), () => new SanitySanitizer(WorkPath) } }; var resultInspect = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new MultiSelectionPrompt <KeyValuePair <string, Func <IExecutor> > >() .Title("Please select the Method you want to run") .PageSize(10) .AddChoices(methods.ToArray()) .UseConverter(c => c.Key)); foreach (var item in resultInspect) { Console.WriteLine($"{item.Key}"); item.Value().Run(); } }
public void CollectInput(ScaffolderContext context) { var option = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new SelectionPrompt <string>() .Title("Which type of endpoint would you like to add?") .AddChoices(new[] { Create, Update, Delete, CreateSubEndpoint, UpdateSubEndpoint, DeleteSubEndpoint })); var commandEndpointTypes = option switch { Create => CommandEndpointTypes.Create, Update => CommandEndpointTypes.Update, Delete => CommandEndpointTypes.Delete, CreateSubEndpoint => CommandEndpointTypes.CreateSubEndpoint, UpdateSubEndpoint => CommandEndpointTypes.UpdateSubEndpoint, DeleteSubEndpoint => CommandEndpointTypes.DeleteSubEndpoint, _ => throw new Exception($"Invalid option {option}"), }; context.Variables.Set(Constants.CommandEndpointType, commandEndpointTypes); }
private async Task <bool> RunContinuously(ProjectionInput input, DocumentStore store) { var shards = input.BuildShards(store); if (input.InteractiveFlag) { var all = store.Options.Projections.All.Where(x => x.Lifecycle != ProjectionLifecycle.Live).SelectMany(x => x.AsyncProjectionShards(store)) .Select(x => x.Name.Identity).ToArray(); var prompt = new MultiSelectionPrompt <string>() .Title("Choose projection shards to run continuously") .AddChoices(all); var selections = AnsiConsole.Prompt(prompt); shards = store.Options.Projections.All.SelectMany(x => x.AsyncProjectionShards(store)) .Where(x => selections.Contains(x.Name.Identity)).ToList(); } if (!shards.Any()) { Console.WriteLine(input.ProjectionFlag.IsEmpty() ? "No projections are registered with an asynchronous life cycle." : $"No projection or projection shards match the requested filter '{input.ProjectionFlag}'"); Console.WriteLine(); WriteProjectionTable(store); return(true); } var assembly = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly(); AssemblyLoadContext.GetLoadContext(assembly).Unloading += context => Shutdown(); Console.CancelKeyPress += (sender, eventArgs) => { Shutdown(); eventArgs.Cancel = true; }; var shutdownMessage = "Press CTRL + C to quit"; Console.WriteLine(shutdownMessage); var daemon = store.BuildProjectionDaemon(); daemon.Tracker.Subscribe(new ProjectionWatcher(_completion.Task, shards)); foreach (var shard in shards) { await daemon.StartShard(shard, _cancellation.Token); } await _completion.Task; return(false); }
private static IExample GetExampleFromPromptChoice(IServiceScope serviceScope) { var choice = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new TextPrompt <int>("Which example do you want to run (0 for exit) ?") .InvalidChoiceMessage("[red]That's not a valid choice[/]") .DefaultValue(0) .AddChoice(1) .AddChoice(2) .AddChoice(3) .AddChoice(4)); if (choice == 0) { if (AnsiConsole.Capabilities.SupportLinks) { var link = @""; AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"[link={link}]Click to go to github repo[/]!"); } return(null); } var examples = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetServices <IExample>().ToList(); return(examples.SingleOrDefault(x => x.GetType().Name.EndsWith($"{choice}"))); }
private bool ReadActiveServices() { var useForDownload = AnsiConsole.Confirm("Do you want to use pdbMate to add downloads to your usenet client?"); if (useForDownload) { var allowedQualities = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new MultiSelectionPrompt <string>() .Title("What [green]video quality[/] do you want to download?") .InstructionsText( "[grey](Press [blue]<space>[/] to toggle a quality, " + "[green]<enter>[/] to accept)[/]") .AddChoices(new[] { "1080p", "2160p" })); var keepOnlyHighestQuality = AnsiConsole.Confirm("When downloading from usenet, only keep the highest quality of the same release?"); var downloadFavoriteActors = AnsiConsole.Confirm("Add downloads based on your favorite actors?"); var downloadFavoriteSites = AnsiConsole.Confirm("Add downloads based on your favorite sites?"); if (!downloadFavoriteActors && !downloadFavoriteSites) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"[red]You do not want to add downloads based on your [bold]favorite actors OR sites[/] - pdbMate would not add any downloads - let's start from the beginning.[/]"); ReadActiveServices(); } appSettings.UsenetDownload.AllowedQualities = allowedQualities; appSettings.UsenetDownload.KeepOnlyHighestQuality = keepOnlyHighestQuality; appSettings.UsenetDownload.DownloadFavoriteSites = downloadFavoriteSites; appSettings.UsenetDownload.DownloadFavoriteActors = downloadFavoriteActors; } return(useForDownload); }
public static async Task Main(string[] args) { AnsiConsole.Write(new FigletText("QuickBullet").LeftAligned()); await GenerateSettingsFile(); GenerateConfigsFolder(); GenerateWordlistsFolder(); Microsoft.Playwright.Program.Main(new string[] { "install" }); if (args.Any()) { await Parser.Default.ParseArguments <RunOptions>(args).WithParsedAsync(RunAsync); } else { var configFiles = GetAllConfigFiles(); var wordlistsFiles = GetAllWordlistsFiles(); var config = AnsiConsole.Prompt(new SelectionPrompt <string>() .Title("Select config:") .AddChoices(configFiles.Select(c => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(c)))); var wordlists = AnsiConsole.Prompt(new SelectionPrompt <string>() .Title("Select wordlists:") .AddChoices(wordlistsFiles.Select(c => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(c)))); var runOptions = new RunOptions { ConfigFile = Path.Combine(ConfigsFolder, $"{config}.loli"), WordlistFile = Path.Combine(WordlistsFolder, $"{wordlists}.txt") }; runOptions.ProxiesFile = AnsiConsole.Ask("proxies file", "none"); runOptions.ProxiesType = runOptions.ProxiesFile.Equals("none") ? string.Empty : AnsiConsole.Prompt(new SelectionPrompt <string>() .Title("proxies type") .AddChoices(new string[] { "http", "socks4", "socks5" })); runOptions.Skip = AnsiConsole.Ask("skip", -1); var bots = AnsiConsole.Ask("bots", 1); while (bots > 200) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[red]The number of bots must be less than 200[/]"); bots = AnsiConsole.Ask("bots", 1); } runOptions.Bots = bots; runOptions.Verbose = AnsiConsole.Ask("verbose:", false); await RunAsync(runOptions); } }
private static string AskFruit() { AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); AnsiConsole.Render(new Rule("[yellow]Lists[/]").RuleStyle("grey").LeftAligned()); var favorites = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new MultiSelectionPrompt <string>() .PageSize(10) .Title("What are your [green]favorite fruits[/]?") .AddChoices(new[] { "Apple", "Apricot", "Avocado", "Banana", "Blackcurrant", "Blueberry", "Cherry", "Cloudberry", "Cocunut", "Date", "Dragonfruit", "Durian", "Egg plant", "Elderberry", "Fig", "Grape", "Guava", "Honeyberry", "Jackfruit", "Jambul", "Kiwano", "Kiwifruit", "Lime", "Lylo", "Lychee", "Melon", "Mulberry", "Nectarine", "Orange", "Olive" })); var fruit = favorites.Count == 1 ? favorites[0] : null; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fruit)) { fruit = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new SelectionPrompt <string>() .Title("Ok, but if you could only choose [green]one[/]?") .AddChoices(favorites)); } AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("Your selected: [yellow]{0}[/]", fruit); return(fruit); }
private void ReadApiKey() { var apikey = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new TextPrompt <string>($"Enter your [green]apikey[/] for {appSettings.PdbApi.BaseUrl}:") .PromptStyle("green") .ValidationErrorMessage("[red]That's not a valid apikey[/]") .Validate(apikey => { if (apikey.Length != 32) { return(ValidationResult.Error("[red]The apikey must be 32 characters long[/]")); } if (!IsApiKeyValid(apikey)) { return(ValidationResult.Error($"[red]Failed to connect to {appSettings.PdbApi.BaseUrl} with your apikey[/]")); } return(ValidationResult.Success()); })); appSettings.PdbApi.ApiKey = apikey; pdbApiService.setOptions(Options.Create(new PdbApiServiceOptions() { BaseUrl = appSettings.PdbApi.BaseUrl, Apikey = appSettings.PdbApi.ApiKey })); AnsiConsole.MarkupLine("[green]Successfully[/] connected with your apikey"); }
private string SelectCsProj() { var csprojFiles = FileSystem.Directory.GetFiles(".", "*.csproj"); if (csprojFiles.Length == 1) { return(csprojFiles.First()); } if (csprojFiles.Length == 0) { AnsiConsole.Write(new Markup($"[bold red]Can't find a project file in current directory![/]")); AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); AnsiConsole.Write(new Markup($"[bold red]Please run Sergen in a folder that contains the Asp.Net Core project.[/]")); AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); return(null); } AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); AnsiConsole.Write(new Spectre.Console.Rule($"[bold orange1]Please select an Asp.Net Core project file[/]") { Alignment = Justify.Left }); AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); var selections = new SelectionPrompt <string>() .PageSize(10) .MoreChoicesText("[grey](Move up and down to reveal more project files)[/]") .AddChoices(csprojFiles); return(AnsiConsole.Prompt(selections)); }
private (IEnumerable <TableName> selectedTables, List <TableName> tableNames) SelectedTables(ISqlConnections sqlConnections, string connectionKey) { ISchemaProvider schemaProvider; List <TableName> tableNames; using (var connection = sqlConnections.NewByKey(connectionKey)) { schemaProvider = SchemaHelper.GetSchemaProvider(connection.GetDialect().ServerType); tableNames = schemaProvider.GetTableNames(connection).ToList(); } var tables = tableNames.Select(x => x.Tablename).ToList(); var selectedTableNames = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new MultiSelectionPrompt <string>() .Title("[steelblue1]Select tables for code generation (single/multiple)[/]") .PageSize(10) .MoreChoicesText("[grey](Move up and down to reveal more tables)[/]") .InstructionsText( "[grey](Press [blue]<space>[/] to select/unselect, " + "[green]<enter>[/] to accept)[/]") .AddChoices(tables)); var selectedTables = tableNames.Where(s => selectedTableNames.Contains(s.Tablename)); return(selectedTables, tableNames); }
public void Start() { System.Console.Clear(); var header = new Rule("[grey]WorldGM v0.1[/]") .RuleStyle(Style.Parse("white dim")) .LeftAligned(); AnsiConsole.Write(header); var choice = AnsiConsole.Prompt(this.MainMenu); if (choice == "New") { this.GenerateNewWorld(); } else if (choice == "Load") { this.LoadExistingWorld(); } else { // Exit } }
private void ReadSabnzbd() { var hostname = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new TextPrompt <string>($"Enter [green]hostname[/] for sabnzbd (e.g. localhost):") .PromptStyle("green") .ValidationErrorMessage("[red]That's not a valid hostname[/]") .Validate(hostname => { if (hostname.Contains(':')) { return(ValidationResult.Error("[red]Do not provide http or the port in the hostname[/]")); } return(ValidationResult.Success()); })); var useSsl = AnsiConsole.Confirm("Using SSL to connect?"); hostname = $"http{(useSsl ? "s" : "")}://" + hostname; var port = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new TextPrompt <int>($"Enter [green]port[/] for sabnzbd (e.g. 8080):") .PromptStyle("green") .ValidationErrorMessage("[red]That's not a valid port[/]") .Validate(port => { if (port == 0) { return(ValidationResult.Error("[red]Port 0 is not a valid port[/]")); } return(ValidationResult.Success()); })); hostname = hostname + ":" + port + "/sabnzbd/api"; var apikey = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new TextPrompt <string>($"Enter [green]apikey[/] for sabnzbd:") .PromptStyle("green") .ValidationErrorMessage("[red]That's not a valid apikey[/]") .Validate(apikey => { if (apikey.Length != 32) { return(ValidationResult.Error("[red]The apikey must be 32 characters long[/]")); } return(ValidationResult.Success()); })); if (!IsConnectionSabnzbdSuccessful(hostname, apikey)) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"[red]Cound not connect to sabnzbd on url: {hostname} - let's start from the beginning.[/]"); ReadDownloadClient(); } appSettings.Sabnzbd.Url = hostname; appSettings.Sabnzbd.ApiKey = apikey; }
private static PlayerAction GetPlayerAction(PlayerAction[] choices, Player player) { return(AnsiConsole.Prompt(new SelectionPrompt <PlayerAction>() .Title($"[bold blue]Action for {player}[/]") .AddChoices(choices) .HighlightStyle(new Style(Color.Green, decoration: Decoration.Bold)) )); }
private void ReadNzbget() { var hostname = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new TextPrompt <string>($"Enter [green]hostname[/] for nzbget (e.g. localhost):") .PromptStyle("green") .ValidationErrorMessage("[red]That's not a valid hostname[/]") .Validate(hostname => { if (hostname.Contains(':')) { return(ValidationResult.Error("[red]Do not provide http or the port in the hostname[/]")); } return(ValidationResult.Success()); })); var useSsl = AnsiConsole.Confirm("Using SSL to connect?"); var port = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new TextPrompt <int>($"Enter [green]port[/] for sabnzbd (e.g. 8080):") .PromptStyle("green") .ValidationErrorMessage("[red]That's not a valid port[/]") .Validate(port => { if (port == 0) { return(ValidationResult.Error("[red]Port 0 is not a valid port[/]")); } return(ValidationResult.Success()); })); var useAuth = AnsiConsole.Confirm("Do you need to specify username and password for accessing nzbget?"); var username = ""; var password = ""; if (useAuth) { username = AnsiConsole.Prompt(new TextPrompt <string>($"Enter [green]username[/] for nzbget:") .PromptStyle("green").AllowEmpty()); password = AnsiConsole.Prompt(new TextPrompt <string>($"Enter [green]password[/] for nzbget:") .PromptStyle("green").AllowEmpty()); } if (!IsConnectionNzbgetSuccessful(hostname, port, username, password, useSsl)) { AnsiConsole.MarkupLine($"[red]Cound not connect to nzbget on url: {hostname} - let's start from the beginning.[/]"); ReadDownloadClient(); } appSettings.Nzbget.Username = username; appSettings.Nzbget.Password = password; appSettings.Nzbget.Hostname = hostname; appSettings.Nzbget.Port = port; appSettings.Nzbget.UseHttps = useSsl; }
public string ShowCategories() { var select = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new SelectionPrompt <string>() .Title("Please choose an option:") .PageSize(10) .MoreChoicesText("[grey](Move up and down to reveal more options)[/]") .AddChoice("Cables & Connectors") .AddChoice("Components") .AddChoice("Peripherals") .AddChoice("Displays") .AddChoice("Networking") .AddChoice("Desktop & Laptop Systems") .AddChoice("Finalise Order") .AddChoice("Exit")); var catChoice = ""; switch (select) { case "Cables & Connectors": // Case should use single quotes catChoice = "1"; break; case "Components": catChoice = "2"; break; case "Peripherals": catChoice = "3"; break; case "Displays": catChoice = "4"; break; case "Networking": catChoice = "5"; break; case "Desktop & Laptop Systems": catChoice = "6"; break; case "Finalise Order": this.FinaliseOrder(this.ShowOrder()); Console.WriteLine("Order closed, press any key to return to main menu"); catChoice = "X"; Console.ReadKey(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Order cancelled, press any key to return to main menu"); Console.ReadKey(); catChoice = "X"; break; } return(catChoice); }
public static T Choose <T>(IEnumerable <T> items, string title) { var selection = new SelectionPrompt <T>() .Title(title) .PageSize(10) .AddChoices(items); return(AnsiConsole.Prompt(selection)); }
public static string ReadPasswordFromConsole() { string password = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new TextPrompt <string>("Enter [green]password[/]") .PromptStyle("red") .Secret()); return(password); }
public static string GetMainMenuChoice() { return(AnsiConsole.Prompt( new SelectionPrompt <string>() .Title("[green]What would you like to do[/]?") .PageSize(5) .MoreChoicesText("[grey](Move up and down to reveal more choices)[/]") .AddChoices("Extract game data", "Parse extracted game data", "Install High-Res patch", "Uninstall High-Res patch", "Launch Arcanum.exe"))); }
public override Answer ask() { var response = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new TextPrompt <string>(Question) .InvalidChoiceMessage("[red]Please answer yes or no[/]") .AddChoice("yes") .AddChoice("no")); return(new SingleChoiceAnswer(this, "voterName", response == "yes")); }
public static string AskSport() { return(AnsiConsole.Prompt( new TextPrompt <string>("What's your [green]favorite sport[/]?") .InvalidChoiceMessage("[red]That's not a sport![/]") .DefaultValue("Sport?") .AddChoice("Soccer") .AddChoice("Hockey") .AddChoice("Basketball"))); }
private static string PromptForSecret(string title, int?minLength = null) { Assert.False(title.EndsWith(':')); return(AnsiConsole.Prompt( new TextPrompt <string>($"{title}:") .Secret() .Validate(x => minLength == null || x.Length >= minLength, message: $"Secret must be at least {minLength} characters long"))); }
public string GetOption(string title, string[] options) { Console.Clear(); var choice = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new SelectionPrompt <string>() .Title(title) .PageSize(10) .AddChoices(options)); return(choice); }
private static string AskExampleType() { var exampleTypes = ExampleType.List.Select(e => e.Name); return(AnsiConsole.Prompt( new SelectionPrompt <string>() .Title("What [green]type of example[/] do you want to create?") .PageSize(50) .AddChoices(exampleTypes) )); }
private static string AskSport() { AnsiConsole.WriteLine(); AnsiConsole.Render(new Rule("[yellow]Choices[/]").RuleStyle("grey").LeftAligned()); return(AnsiConsole.Prompt( new TextPrompt <string>("What's your [green]favorite sport[/]?") .InvalidChoiceMessage("[red]That's not a valid fruit[/]") .DefaultValue("Lol") .AddChoice("Soccer") .AddChoice("Hockey") .AddChoice("Basketball"))); }
public override Answer ask() { var prompt = new TextPrompt <string>(Question) .InvalidChoiceMessage("[red]That's not a valid option[/]"); foreach (var o in Options) { prompt.AddChoice(o); } var response = AnsiConsole.Prompt(prompt); return(new MultipleChoiceAnswer(this, "voterName", response)); }
public static async Task Lights(Config config, HueConnector hueConnector) { var lights = await hueConnector.GetLights(); var selectedlights = AnsiConsole.Prompt( new MultiSelectionPrompt <string>() .Title("Select the [green]lights[/] that you wish to be updated when mute state changes.") .Required() .PageSize(10) .AddChoices(lights.Select(x => $"{x.Id}: {x.Name} in {x.GroupString}"))); config.Hue.Lights = selectedlights.Select(x => x.Split(':').First()).ToList(); }
public ProjectInformation?Select() { var examples = _finder.FindExamples(); if (examples.Count == 0) { _console.Markup("[yellow]No examples could be found.[/]"); return(null); } var prompt = new SelectionPrompt <string>(); var groups = examples.GroupBy(ex => ex.Group); if (groups.Count() == 1) { prompt.AddChoices(examples.Select(x => x.Name)); } else { var noGroupExamples = new List <string>(); foreach (var group in groups) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(group.Key)) { noGroupExamples.AddRange(group.Select(x => x.Name)); } else { prompt.AddChoiceGroup( group.Key, group.Select(x => x.Name)); } } if (noGroupExamples.Count > 0) { prompt.AddChoices(noGroupExamples); } } var example = AnsiConsole.Prompt(prompt .Title("[yellow]Choose example to run[/]") .MoreChoicesText("[grey](Move up and down to reveal more examples)[/]") .Mode(SelectionMode.Leaf)); return(examples.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == example)); }