Пример #1
 public override void _Ready()
     _aTree         = GetNode <AnimationTree>("AnimationTree");
     _sword         = GetNode <Sword>("Sword");
     _aTreePlayback =
        public override void _Ready()
            _animationTree = GetNode <AnimationTree>("AnimationTree");
            _playerModel   = GetNode <Spatial>("PlayerModel");
            _shootFrom     = _playerModel.GetNode <Position3D>(@"Robot_Skeleton/Skeleton/GunBone/ShootFrom");
            _colorRect     = GetNode <ColorRect>("ColorRect");
            _crosshair     = GetNode <TextureRect>("Crosshair");
            _fireCooldown  = GetNode <Timer>("FireCooldown");

            _cameraBase      = GetNode <Spatial>("CameraBase");
            _cameraAnimation = _cameraBase.GetNode <AnimationPlayer>(@"Animation");
            _cameraRot       = _cameraBase.GetNode <Spatial>(@"CameraRot");
            _cameraSpringArm = _cameraRot.GetNode <SpringArm>(@"SpringArm");
            _cameraCamera    = _cameraSpringArm.GetNode <CameraNoiseShakeEffect>(@"Camera");

            _soundEffects     = GetNode <Node>("SoundEffects");
            _soundEffectJump  = _soundEffects.GetNode <AudioStreamPlayer>(@"Jump");
            _soundEffectLand  = _soundEffects.GetNode <AudioStreamPlayer>(@"Land");
            _soundEffectShoot = _soundEffects.GetNode <AudioStreamPlayer>(@"Shoot");

            _initialPosition = Transform.origin;
            _gravity         =
                Convert.ToSingle(ProjectSettings.GetSetting("physics/3d/default_gravity")) *

            // Pre-initialize orientation transform.
            _orientation        = _playerModel.GlobalTransform;
            _orientation.origin = new Vector3();
        void UpdateAnimationTree()
            if (EntitySystemWorld.Instance.Simulation && !EntitySystemWorld.Instance.SystemPauseOfSimulation)
                AnimationTree tree = GetFirstAnimationTree();
                if (tree != null)
                    tree.SetParameterValue("weapon", activeWeapon != null ? 1 : 0);

                    Radian horizontalAngle = 0;
                    Radian verticalAngle   = 0;

                    PlayerIntellect playerIntellect = Intellect as PlayerIntellect;
                    if (playerIntellect != null)
                        Vec2 vec = Vec2.Zero;
                        vec.X += playerIntellect.GetControlKeyStrength(GameControlKeys.Forward);
                        vec.X -= playerIntellect.GetControlKeyStrength(GameControlKeys.Backward);
                        vec.Y += playerIntellect.GetControlKeyStrength(GameControlKeys.Left);
                        vec.Y -= playerIntellect.GetControlKeyStrength(GameControlKeys.Right);
                        if (vec.X < 0)
                            vec = -vec;
                        horizontalAngle = MathFunctions.ATan(vec.Y, vec.X);

                        verticalAngle = playerIntellect.LookDirection.Vertical;

                    tree.SetParameterValue("weaponHorizontalAngle", horizontalAngle.InDegrees());
                    tree.SetParameterValue("weaponVerticalAngle", verticalAngle.InDegrees());
Пример #4
 // Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
 public override void _Ready()
     animator            = GetNode <AnimationPlayer>("Animation");
     animatorTree        = GetNode <AnimationTree>("AnimationTree");
     animatorState       = (AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback)animatorTree.Get("parameters/playback");
     animatorTree.Active = true;
Пример #5
        public AnimationStateManager(
            AnimationPlayer player,
            AnimationTree animationTree,
            Option <IAnimationGraphFactory> graphFactory,
            Option <IAnimationControlFactory> controlFactory,
            ProcessMode processMode,
            ITimeSource timeSource,
            bool active,
            ILoggerFactory loggerFactory) : base(player, processMode, timeSource, active, loggerFactory)
            Ensure.That(animationTree, nameof(animationTree)).IsNotNull();

            AnimationTree = animationTree;

            GraphFactory   = graphFactory.IfNone(() => new AnimationGraphFactory());
            ControlFactory = controlFactory.IfNone(() => new AnimationControlFactory());

            Context = new AnimationGraphContext(

            _graph = GraphFactory.TryCreate((AnimationRootNode)AnimationTree.TreeRoot, Context).IfNone(() =>
                                                                                                       throw new ArgumentException(
                                                                                                           "Failed to create animation graph from the specified animation tree.",

            AnimationTree.ProcessMode = AnimationTree.AnimationProcessMode.Manual;

            this.LogDebug("Using graph factory: {}.", GraphFactory);
            this.LogDebug("Using control factory: {}.", ControlFactory);
Пример #6
        void UpdateAnimationTree()
            if (EntitySystemWorld.Instance.Simulation && !EntitySystemWorld.Instance.SystemPauseOfSimulation)
                AnimationTree tree = GetFirstAnimationTree();
                if (tree != null)
                    bool onGround = GetElapsedTimeSinceLastGroundContact() < .2f;                    //IsOnGround();

                    bool   move      = false;
                    Degree moveAngle = 0;
                    float  moveSpeed = 0;
                    if (onGround && GroundRelativeVelocitySmooth.ToVec2().Length() > .05f)
                        move = true;
                        Vec2   localVec = (Rotation.GetInverse() * GroundRelativeVelocity).ToVec2();
                        Radian angle    = MathFunctions.ATan(localVec.Y, localVec.X);
                        moveAngle = angle.InDegrees();
                        moveSpeed = GroundRelativeVelocity.ToVec2().Length();

                    tree.SetParameterValue("move", move ? 1 : 0);
                    tree.SetParameterValue("run", move && IsNeedRun() ? 1 : 0);
                    tree.SetParameterValue("moveAngle", moveAngle);
                    tree.SetParameterValue("moveSpeed", moveSpeed);
                    tree.SetParameterValue("fly", !onGround ? 1 : 0);
Пример #7
        public AnimationDrivenLocomotion(
            AnimationTree animationTree,
            Skeleton skeleton,
            AnimationStates states,
            Blender2D blender,
            TimeScale timeScale,
            string idleState,
            string moveState,
            KinematicBody target,
            Physics3DSettings physicsSettings,
            ITimeSource timeSource,
            bool active,
            ILoggerFactory loggerFactory) : base(target, physicsSettings, timeSource, active, loggerFactory)
            Ensure.That(animationTree, nameof(animationTree)).IsNotNull();
            Ensure.That(skeleton, nameof(skeleton)).IsNotNull();
            Ensure.That(states, nameof(states)).IsNotNull();
            Ensure.That(blender, nameof(blender)).IsNotNull();
            Ensure.That(timeScale, nameof(timeScale)).IsNotNull();
            Ensure.That(idleState, nameof(idleState)).IsNotNullOrEmpty();
            Ensure.That(moveState, nameof(moveState)).IsNotNullOrEmpty();

            AnimationTree = animationTree;
            Skeleton      = skeleton;
            States        = states;
            Blender       = blender;
            TimeScale     = timeScale;
            IdleState     = idleState;
            MoveState     = moveState;
Пример #8
 public override void _Ready()
     _animationTree = (AnimationTree)GetNodeOrNull("AnimationTree");
     _stateMachine  = (AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback)_animationTree.Get("parameters/playback");
     AddFloatDelegate(MouseFollowerDelegateManager.Group.BLINK_SPEED_MODIFIER, ModifyBlinkSpeed);
Пример #9
        protected override Vector3 KinematicProcess(float delta, Vector3 velocity, Vector3 rotationalVelocity)
            var speed     = velocity.Length();
            var direction = velocity.Normalized();

            var current = States.State;

            if (speed > 0)
                if (current == IdleState)
                    States.State = MoveState;

                Blender.Position = new Vector2(direction.x, -direction.z) * speed;
                TimeScale.Speed  = Mathf.Max(1, speed);
            else if (current == MoveState)
                States.State = IdleState;

            var t      = AnimationTree.GetRootMotionTransform();
            var offset = Skeleton.GlobalTransform.Xform(t.origin) - Skeleton.GlobalTransform.origin;

            return(offset / delta);
Пример #10
 // Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
 public override void _Ready()
     _animTree        = GetNode <AnimationTree>("AnimationTree");
     _animTree.Active = true;
     stateMachine     = (AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback)_animTree.Get("parameters/StateMachine/playback");
     state            = new AmandaIdle(this);
     fallingTimer     = GetNode <Timer>("FallingTimer");
Пример #11
 public override void _Ready()
     _AnimationTree        = GetNode <AnimationTree>("AnimationTree");
     _AnimationTree.Active = true;
     StateMachineArms      = (AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback)_AnimationTree.Get("parameters/StateMachine/playback");
     Walk = 0f;
     Jump = Land = Fall = Retract = false;
Пример #12
    // Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
    public override void _Ready()
        currentSprite = GetNode <Sprite>("Sprite");
        animTree      = GetNode <AnimationTree>("AnimationTree");

        animTree.Active = true;
Пример #13
    public override void _Ready()
        playerStats = (Stats)GetNode("/root/PlayerStats");
        playerStats.Connect("NoHealth", this, "queue_free");
        blinkAnimationPlayer = (AnimationPlayer)GetNode("BlinkAnimationPlayer");
        animationTree        = (AnimationTree)GetNode("AnimationTree");
        animationTree.Active = true;
        playerAnimationState = (AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback)animationTree.Get("parameters/playback");

        //These pins are added to the player inventory temporarily for testing. They will be removed later.
        (string abilityAddress, string userAnimation, bool passive) = AbilityCatalog.SwordSwipe();
        PlayerPins.Add(new Pin {
            AbilityAddress = abilityAddress,
            UserAnimation  = userAnimation,
            Passive        = passive,
            Level          = 1,
            EXP            = 0,
            Quality        = 0,
            SlotNum        = 1

        (abilityAddress, userAnimation, passive) = AbilityCatalog.Fireball();
        PlayerPins.Add(new Pin {
            AbilityAddress = abilityAddress,
            UserAnimation  = userAnimation,
            Passive        = passive,
            Level          = 1,
            EXP            = 0,
            Quality        = 0,
            SlotNum        = 2

        (abilityAddress, userAnimation, passive) = AbilityCatalog.Thing();
        PlayerPins.Add(new Pin {
            AbilityAddress = abilityAddress,
            UserAnimation  = userAnimation,
            Passive        = passive,
            Level          = 1,
            EXP            = 0,
            Quality        = 0,
            SlotNum        = 3

        (abilityAddress, userAnimation, passive) = AbilityCatalog.StandHeal();
        PlayerPins.Add(new Pin {
            AbilityAddress = abilityAddress,
            UserAnimation  = userAnimation,
            Passive        = passive,
            Level          = 1,
            EXP            = 0,
            Quality        = 0,
            SlotNum        = 6

        SlotSets = BuildSlotSets(PlayerPins);
Пример #14
 // Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
 public override void _Ready()
     _playerSprite         = GetNode <Sprite>("Sprite");
     _animationPlayer      = GetNode <AnimationPlayer>("AnimationPlayer");
     _animationTree        = GetNode <AnimationTree>("AnimationTree");
     _stateMachine         = (AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback)_animationTree.Get("parameters/playback");
     _animationTree.Active = true;
 // Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
 public override void _Ready()
     _anim                  = GetNode <AnimationPlayer>("Anim");
     _animationTree         = GetNode <AnimationTree>("AnimationTree");
     _animationStateMachine = _animationTree.Get("parameters/StateMachine/playback") as AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback;
     // _animationNodeTimeScale = _animationTree.Get("parameters/TimeScale/scale") as AnimationNodeTimeScale;
     _animationTree.Set("parameters/TimeScale/scale", 1 / MoveTime);
     _tween = GetNode <Tween>("Tween");
Пример #16
 public override void _Ready()
     animationTree        = (AnimationTree)GetNode("AnimationTree");
     animationTree.Active = true;
     animationState       = (AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback)animationTree.Get("parameters/playback");
     hitbox = (HitboxSword)GetNode("HitboxPivot/HitboxSword");
     hitbox.KnockbackVector = KnockbackVector * KnockbackPower;
     hitbox.Damage          = AttackPower;
Пример #17
 public override void _Ready()
     moveAnimation             = GetNode <AnimationTree>("Anim/Move");
     facingAnimation           = GetNode <AnimationTree>("Anim/Facing");
     Claw                      = GetNode <Hand>("Hand");
     feet                      = GetNode <Position2D>("Feet");
     moveAnimation.Active      = true;
     facingAnimation.Active    = true;
     PixelCamera.Instance.Rexy = this;
Пример #18
        public override void _Process(float delta)
            if (_player != null)
                var direction = Position.DirectionTo(_player.Position);

                AnimationTree.Set("parameters/Run/blend_position", direction);
                AnimationTree.Set("parameters/Idle/blend_position", direction);
Пример #19
    //private SpeechSynthesizer voice;

    // Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
    public override void _Ready()
        speachPlayer  = GetNode <AudioStreamPlayer3D>("SpeachPlayer");
        animationTree = GetNode <AnimationTree>("AnimationTree");

        //voice = new SpeechSynthesizer();
        //voice.Rate = -1;
        //voice.VisemeReached += VisemeReached;
Пример #20
    int HEALTH = 3 + 1; // idk why he takes damage instantly when spawning

    // Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
    public override void _Ready()
        audio                = GetNode <AudioStreamPlayer>("AudioStreamPlayer");
        audio.VolumeDb       = 3;
        animationPlayer      = GetNode <AnimationPlayer>("AnimationPlayer");
        animationTree        = GetNode <AnimationTree>("AnimationTree");
        animationTree.Active = true;
        animationState       = animationTree.Get("parameters/playback") as AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback;
        playerDetection      = GetNode <Area2D>("PlayerDetection") as PlayerDetection;
Пример #21
    // Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
    public override void _Ready()
        this.cameraPivot     = FindNode("CameraPivot", true, true) as Spatial;
        this.camera          = FindNode("Camera", true, true) as Camera;
        this.armature        = FindNode("Armature", true, true) as Spatial;
        this.animationTree   = FindNode("AnimationTree", true, true) as AnimationTree;
        this.animationPlayer = FindNode("AnimationPlayer", true, true) as AnimationPlayer;

Пример #22
        public override void _Ready()

            Player         = GetNode <Player>("../..");
            AnimatedSprite = GetNode <AnimatedSprite>("../../AnimatedSprite");
            AnimationTree  = GetNode <AnimationTree>("../../AnimationTree");
            StateMachine   = AnimationTree.Get("parameters/playback") as AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback;

Пример #23
    // Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
    public override void _Ready()
        Anim             = GetNode <AnimationPlayer>("AnimationPlayer");
        AnimTree         = GetNode <AnimationTree>("AnimationTree");
        AnimStateMachine = AnimTree.Get("parameters/playback") as AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback;
        AnimTree.Active  = true;

        Game = GetTree().Root.GetNode <Game>("Game");
        // GroundMap = Game.GetNode<TileMap>("Ground");
        // RayCastAStar = new RayCastAStar(GroundMap, GetWorld2d().DirectSpaceState);
Пример #24
            private bool IsAllowUpdateControlledObject()
                //bad for system with disabled renderer, because here game logic depends animation.
                AnimationTree tree = Owner.ControlledObject.GetFirstAnimationTree();

                if (tree != null && tree.GetActiveTriggers().Count != 0)
Пример #25
 public override void _Ready()
     _Camera           = (Camera)Owner.FindNode("Camera");
     PlayerCollision   = (CollisionShape)FindNode("Collision");
     PlayerTriggerArea = (Area)FindNode("PlayerArea");
     PlayerTriggerArea.Connect("area_entered", this, "CheckTriggerAreaEnterCollision");
     PlayerTriggerArea.Connect("area_exited", this, "CheckTriggerAreaExitCollision");
     PlayerAnimationsTree = (AnimationTree)FindNode("AnimationTree");
     manager = (GameManager)Owner;
     CanLook = true;
     CanMove = true;
Пример #26
    public override void _Ready()
        this.Sprite                = this.GetNode <Sprite>("Sprite");
        this.AnimationTree         = this.GetNode <AnimationTree>("AnimationTree");
        this.AnimationStateMachine = (AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback)this.AnimationTree.Get("parameters/playback");
        this.DisableTimer          = this.GetNode <Timer>("DisableTimer");
        this.JumpSound             = this.GetNode <AudioStreamPlayer>("Audio/Jump");
        this.PunchSound            = this.GetNode <AudioStreamPlayer>("Audio/Punch");
        this.ChompSound            = this.GetNode <AudioStreamPlayer>("Audio/Chomp");

Пример #27
    public override void _Ready()

        body2D = this as KinematicBody2D;

        sprite            = GetNode("Sprite") as Sprite;
        animationPlayer   = GetNode("AnimationPlayer") as AnimationPlayer;
        animationTree     = GetNode("AnimationTree") as AnimationTree;
        animationPlayback = animationTree.Get("parameters/playback") as AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback;
Пример #28
        /// <summary>Overridden from <see cref="Engine.EntitySystem.Entity.OnPostCreate(Boolean)"/>.</summary>
        protected override void OnPostCreate(bool loaded)

            //play death animation
            AnimationTree tree = GetFirstAnimationTree();

            if (tree != null)
Пример #29
    public override void _Ready()
        OwnerMob = (Mob)Owner;

        Actions = OwnerMob.Actions;

        AnimationTree  = OwnerMob.GetNode <AnimationTree>("Animation/AnimationTree");
        AnimationState = AnimationTree.Get("parameters/playback") as AnimationNodeStateMachinePlayback;

        HurtAnimationDelayTimer          = new Timer();
        HurtAnimationDelayTimer.Name     = "HurtAnimationDelayTimer";
        HurtAnimationDelayTimer.WaitTime = 0.2f;
Пример #30
        protected override void OnRenderFrame()
            //update animation tree
            if (EntitySystemWorld.Instance.Simulation && !EntitySystemWorld.Instance.SystemPauseOfSimulation)
                AnimationTree tree = GetFirstAnimationTree();
                if (tree != null)

    // Draw the GUI used for selecting animation trees
    void DrawAnimTreeSelectionGUI()
        EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeControls ();

        string[] trees = new string[m_activeAnimationTrees.Length + 2];
        trees[0] = "None";
        trees[1] = "";

        int counter = 2;
        int selected = 0;
        foreach (AnimationTree tree in m_activeAnimationTrees)
            if (tree != null)
                trees[counter] = tree.name;
                if (m_selectedAnimationTree == tree)
                    selected = counter;

        GUILayout.Label("Animation Tree:", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false));
        int newSel = EditorGUILayout.Popup(selected, trees, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false));
        if (newSel != selected)
            if (newSel <= 1)
                Selection.activeGameObject = null;
                Selection.activeGameObject = m_activeAnimationTrees[newSel-2].gameObject;
            m_controlVarsWindow = null;
            m_activeContainer = null;
            m_selectedAnimationTree = null;
    public void Update()
        if ( m_selectedAnimationTree != null && m_selectedAnimationTree.IsDirty )
            m_selectedAnimationTree.IsDirty = false;

        if ( Selection.activeGameObject != null )
            // Get the current selection from Unity
            GameObject go = Selection.activeGameObject;

            // Get the tree the current selection belongs to
            AnimationTree currentTree = GetAnimationTree( go );

            // If a child of an animation tree is currently selected...
            if (currentTree != null)
                GameObject firstChild = go;

                // Make sure the firstChild points to an AT_Node not the AnimationTree base object
                if (currentTree.gameObject == go )
                    firstChild = currentTree.Root.gameObject;
                m_currentNode = firstChild.GetComponent<AT_Node>();

                AT_ContainerNode contParent;
                // If the root is not selected, find the closest container node to the selected node
                if (firstChild != currentTree.Root.gameObject)
                    if (m_currentNode != null && m_currentNode.Parent != null)
                        contParent = FindNextContainerNode(m_currentNode.Parent.gameObject);
                        contParent = FindNextContainerNode(firstChild.transform.parent.gameObject);
                    // If the root is selected, it is the active container
                    contParent = firstChild.GetComponent<AT_ContainerNode>();

                // Change the control variables node's parent to the currently selected container.
                // This allows us to view and select the control variables node while inside any
                // container node without altering what the active container node is
                if (m_selectedAnimationTree != null && m_activeContainer != null)
                    m_selectedAnimationTree.m_controlVarsNode.Parent = m_activeContainer;

                // If we've selected a new container node, rebuild the tree graph
                if ( contParent != m_activeContainer )
                    m_activeContainer = contParent;

                // If the control variables window doesn't exist, create it
                if (m_controlVarsWindow == null)

            m_selectedAnimationTree = currentTree;
            m_selectedAnimationTree = null;
    public void Init( EditorWindow window )
        // Load in texture resources
        m_lineTexture = ( Texture2D )Resources.Load( "Line Texture 2" );
        m_arrowTexture = ( Texture2D )Resources.Load( "ArrowHead" );
        m_icons = new Texture2D[6];
        m_icons[0] = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("Icon - StateMachine");
        m_icons[1] = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("Icon - BlendGraph");
        m_icons[2] = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("Icon - Animation");
        m_icons[3] = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("Icon - Blend");
        m_icons[4] = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("Icon - AddBlend");
        m_icons[5] = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("Icon - Pose");

        // Init editor to safe state
        m_editorWindow = window;
        m_selectedAnimationTree = null;
        m_activeContainer = null;
        ActiveWindow = null;
        Dragging = false;
        ConnectionStart = null;
        ConnectionEnd = null;
        m_camerScaleAmount = new Vector2(1, 1);

        // Find all the enabled animation trees
        m_activeAnimationTrees = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(AnimationTree)) as AnimationTree[];
 protected virtual void OnClone(AnimationTree.Block source);
 protected virtual void OnDeleteBlock(AnimationTree.Block block);
 public void DeleteBlock(AnimationTree.Block block);
Пример #37
        void UpdateAnimationTree( AnimationTree tree )
            bool move = false;
            //Degree moveAngle = 0;
            float moveSpeed = 0;

            if( mainBodyVelocity.ToVec2().LengthFast() > .1f )
                move = true;
                moveSpeed = ( Rotation.GetInverse() * mainBodyVelocity ).X;

            tree.SetParameterValue( "move", move ? 1 : 0 );
            //tree.SetParameterValue( "moveAngle", moveAngle );
            tree.SetParameterValue( "moveSpeed", moveSpeed );
 public void SetAnimationSource(int index, AnimationTree.AnimationListBlock block);
 public void ResetItemsTimePosition(AnimationTree.AnimationListOutput output);
 public AnimationListOutput(AnimationTree tree);
 protected override void OnDeleteBlock(AnimationTree.Block block);
 protected override void OnClone(AnimationTree.Block source);