public virtual void CreatePdf(String dest)
            //Initialize PDF document
            PdfDocument pdf       = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(dest));
            PdfDocument sourcePdf = new PdfDocument(new PdfReader(SRC));
            //Original page
            PdfPage origPage = sourcePdf.GetPage(1);
            //Original page size
            Rectangle      orig     = origPage.GetPageSize();
            PdfFormXObject pageCopy = origPage.CopyAsFormXObject(pdf);
            //N-up page
            PageSize  nUpPageSize = PageSize.A4.Rotate();
            PdfPage   page        = pdf.AddNewPage(nUpPageSize);
            PdfCanvas canvas      = new PdfCanvas(page);
            //Scale page
            AffineTransform transformationMatrix = AffineTransform.GetScaleInstance(nUpPageSize.GetWidth() / orig.GetWidth
                                                                                        () / 2f, nUpPageSize.GetHeight() / orig.GetHeight() / 2f);

            //Add pages to N-up page
            canvas.AddXObject(pageCopy, 0, orig.GetHeight());
            canvas.AddXObject(pageCopy, orig.GetWidth(), orig.GetHeight());
            canvas.AddXObject(pageCopy, 0, 0);
            canvas.AddXObject(pageCopy, orig.GetWidth(), 0);
 private void ApplyUserSpaceScaling(SvgDrawContext context)
     if (!this.attributesAndStyles.ContainsKey(SvgConstants.Attributes.MARKER_UNITS) || SvgConstants.Values.STROKEWIDTH
         String parentValue = this.GetParent().GetAttribute(SvgConstants.Attributes.STROKE_WIDTH);
         if (parentValue != null)
             float strokeWidthScale;
             if (CssUtils.IsPercentageValue(parentValue))
                 // If stroke width is a percentage value is always computed as a percentage of the normalized viewBox diagonal length.
                 double rootViewPortHeight    = context.GetRootViewPort().GetHeight();
                 double rootViewPortWidth     = context.GetRootViewPort().GetWidth();
                 double viewBoxDiagonalLength = Math.Sqrt(rootViewPortHeight * rootViewPortHeight + rootViewPortWidth * rootViewPortWidth
                 strokeWidthScale = CssUtils.ParseRelativeValue(parentValue, (float)viewBoxDiagonalLength);
                 strokeWidthScale = SvgCssUtils.ConvertPtsToPx(ParseFontRelativeOrAbsoluteLengthOnMarker(parentValue));
             context.GetCurrentCanvas().ConcatMatrix(AffineTransform.GetScaleInstance(strokeWidthScale, strokeWidthScale
Пример #3
        public virtual void CreatePdf(String src, String dest)
            //Initialize PDF document
            PdfDocument pdf     = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(dest));
            PdfDocument origPdf = new PdfDocument(new PdfReader(src));
            //Original page size
            PdfPage   origPage = origPdf.GetPage(1);
            Rectangle orig     = origPage.GetPageSizeWithRotation();
            //Add A4 page
            PdfPage page = pdf.AddNewPage(PageSize.A4.Rotate());
            //Shrink original page content using transformation matrix
            PdfCanvas       canvas = new PdfCanvas(page);
            AffineTransform transformationMatrix = AffineTransform.GetScaleInstance(page.GetPageSize().GetWidth() / orig
                                                                                    .GetWidth(), page.GetPageSize().GetHeight() / orig.GetHeight());

            PdfFormXObject pageCopy = origPage.CopyAsFormXObject(pdf);

            canvas.AddXObject(pageCopy, 0, 0);
            //Add page with original size
            //Add A2 page
            page = pdf.AddNewPage(PageSize.A2.Rotate());
            //Scale original page content using transformation matrix
            canvas = new PdfCanvas(page);
            transformationMatrix = AffineTransform.GetScaleInstance(page.GetPageSize().GetWidth() / orig.GetWidth(), page
                                                                    .GetPageSize().GetHeight() / orig.GetHeight());
            canvas.AddXObject(pageCopy, 0, 0);
        public virtual void NormalScaleTest()
            AffineTransform expected = AffineTransform.GetScaleInstance(10d, 20d);
            AffineTransform actual   = TransformUtils.ParseTransform("scale(10, 20)");

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        public virtual void NegativeScaleValuesTest()
            AffineTransform expected = AffineTransform.GetScaleInstance(-2, -3);
            AffineTransform actual   = TransformUtils.ParseTransform("scale(-2, -3)");

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Пример #6
        public static void CreatePdf(string src, string dest, int row, int col)
            //Initialize PDF document
            PdfDocument pdf       = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(dest));
            PdfDocument sourcePdf = new PdfDocument(new PdfReader(src));
            //Original page
            PdfPage origPage = sourcePdf.GetPage(1);
            //Original page size
            Rectangle      orig     = origPage.GetPageSize();
            PdfFormXObject pageCopy = origPage.CopyAsFormXObject(pdf);
            //N-up page
            PageSize  nUpPageSize = PageSize.LETTER.Rotate();
            PdfPage   page        = pdf.AddNewPage(nUpPageSize);
            PdfCanvas canvas      = new PdfCanvas(page);
            //Scale page
            var width                = nUpPageSize.GetWidth();
            var height               = nUpPageSize.GetHeight();
            var origWidth            = orig.GetWidth();
            var origHeight           = orig.GetHeight();
            var transformationMatrix = AffineTransform.GetScaleInstance(width / origWidth / col, height / origHeight / row);

            //Add pages to N-up page
            for (var i = 0; i < col; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < row; j++)
                    canvas.AddXObject(pageCopy, i * origWidth, j * origHeight);

Пример #7
 // transformation already happened in AbstractSvgNodeRenderer, so no need to do a transformation here
 /// <summary>Applies a transformation based on a viewBox for a given branch node.</summary>
 /// <param name="context">current svg draw context</param>
 internal virtual void ApplyViewBox(SvgDrawContext context)
     if (this.attributesAndStyles != null && this.attributesAndStyles.ContainsKey(SvgConstants.Attributes.VIEWBOX
         //Parse aspect ratio related stuff
         String         viewBoxValues = attributesAndStyles.Get(SvgConstants.Attributes.VIEWBOX);
         IList <String> valueStrings  = SvgCssUtils.SplitValueList(viewBoxValues);
         float[]        values        = new float[valueStrings.Count];
         for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
             values[i] = CssUtils.ParseAbsoluteLength(valueStrings[i]);
         Rectangle currentViewPort     = context.GetCurrentViewPort();
         String[]  alignAndMeet        = RetrieveAlignAndMeet();
         String    align               = alignAndMeet[0];
         String    meetOrSlice         = alignAndMeet[1];
         float     scaleWidth          = currentViewPort.GetWidth() / values[2];
         float     scaleHeight         = currentViewPort.GetHeight() / values[3];
         bool      forceUniformScaling = !(SvgConstants.Values.NONE.Equals(align));
         if (forceUniformScaling)
             //Scaling should preserve aspect ratio
             if (SvgConstants.Values.MEET.Equals(meetOrSlice))
                 scaleWidth = Math.Min(scaleWidth, scaleHeight);
                 scaleWidth = Math.Max(scaleWidth, scaleHeight);
             scaleHeight = scaleWidth;
         AffineTransform scale = AffineTransform.GetScaleInstance(scaleWidth, scaleHeight);
         float[]         scaledViewBoxValues = ScaleViewBoxValues(values, scaleWidth, scaleHeight);
         AffineTransform transform           = ProcessAspectRatioPosition(context, scaledViewBoxValues, align, scaleWidth, scaleHeight
         if (!scale.IsIdentity())
             //Inverse scaling needs to be applied to viewport dimensions
             context.GetCurrentViewPort().SetWidth(currentViewPort.GetWidth() / scaleWidth).SetX(currentViewPort.GetX()
                                                                                                 / scaleWidth).SetHeight(currentViewPort.GetHeight() / scaleHeight).SetY(currentViewPort.GetY() / scaleHeight
         if (!transform.IsIdentity())
             //Apply inverse translation to viewport to make it line up nicely
             context.GetCurrentViewPort().SetX(currentViewPort.GetX() + -1 * (float)transform.GetTranslateX()).SetY(currentViewPort
                                                                                                                    .GetY() + -1 * (float)transform.GetTranslateY());
Пример #8
        /// <summary>Creates a scale transformation.</summary>
        /// <param name="values">values of the transformation</param>
        /// <returns>AffineTransform for the scale operation</returns>
        private static AffineTransform CreateScaleTransformation(IList <String> values)
            if (values.Count == 0 || values.Count > 2)
                throw new SvgProcessingException(SvgLogMessageConstant.TRANSFORM_INCORRECT_NUMBER_OF_VALUES);
            float scaleX = CssUtils.ParseRelativeValue(values[0], 1);
            float scaleY = values.Count == 2 ? CssUtils.ParseRelativeValue(values[1], 1) : scaleX;

            return(AffineTransform.GetScaleInstance(scaleX, scaleY));
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a RenderedImage instance of this image with width w, and
        /// height h in pixels.  The RenderContext is built automatically
        /// with an appropriate usr2dev transform and an area of interest
        /// of the full image.  All the rendering hints come from hints
        /// passed in.
        /// <para> If w == 0, it will be taken to equal
        /// Math.round(h*(getWidth()/getHeight())).
        /// Similarly, if h == 0, it will be taken to equal
        /// Math.round(w*(getHeight()/getWidth())).  One of
        /// w or h must be non-zero or else an IllegalArgumentException
        /// will be thrown.
        /// </para>
        /// <para> The created RenderedImage may have a property identified
        /// by the String HINTS_OBSERVED to indicate which RenderingHints
        /// were used to create the image.  In addition any RenderedImages
        /// that are obtained via the getSources() method on the created
        /// RenderedImage may have such a property.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="w"> the width of rendered image in pixels, or 0. </param>
        /// <param name="h"> the height of rendered image in pixels, or 0. </param>
        /// <param name="hints"> a RenderingHints object containing hints. </param>
        /// <returns> a RenderedImage containing the rendered data. </returns>
        public virtual RenderedImage CreateScaledRendering(int w, int h, RenderingHints hints)
            // DSR -- code to try to get a unit scale
            double sx = (double)w / Width;
            double sy = (double)h / Height;

            if (System.Math.Abs(sx / sy - 1.0) < 0.01)
                sx = sy;
            AffineTransform usr2dev = AffineTransform.GetScaleInstance(sx, sy);
            RenderContext   newRC   = new RenderContext(usr2dev, hints);

Пример #10
        private byte[] CreatePDF(string html)
            byte[] binData;
            using (var workStream = new MemoryStream())
                var         pdfWriter = new PdfWriter(workStream);
                var         pdf       = new PdfDocument(pdfWriter);
                PdfDocument sourcePdf = new PdfDocument(new PdfReader(new MemoryStream(CreateDocument(html))));
                //Original page
                PdfPage        origPage = sourcePdf.GetPage(1);
                PdfFormXObject pageCopy = origPage.CopyAsFormXObject(pdf);
                //Original page size
                Rectangle orig = origPage.GetPageSizeWithRotation();

                //Просто сжимание в A4
                Rectangle tileSize = PageSize.A4.Rotate();

                // Transformation matrix//30 пунктов - это 20px справа и слева, 40 * 0,75
                AffineTransform transformationMatrix = new AffineTransform();
                if (tileSize.GetHeight() / orig.GetHeight() > 0.5)
                    transformationMatrix = AffineTransform.GetScaleInstance((tileSize.GetWidth() - 30) / orig.GetWidth(), 0.5);
                    transformationMatrix = AffineTransform.GetScaleInstance((tileSize.GetWidth() - 30) / orig.GetWidth(), (tileSize.GetHeight() - 30) / orig.GetHeight());
                PdfPage   transformPage   = pdf.AddNewPage(new PageSize(tileSize));
                PdfCanvas transformCanvas = new PdfCanvas(transformPage);
                if (tileSize.GetHeight() / orig.GetHeight() > 0.5)
                    //20 пунктов сверху отступ
                    transformCanvas.AddXObject(pageCopy, 30, tileSize.GetHeight() + (tileSize.GetHeight() - orig.GetHeight()) - 20);
                    transformCanvas.AddXObject(pageCopy, 30, 20);
                binData = workStream.ToArray();

Пример #11
        internal virtual void CalculateAndApplyViewBox(SvgDrawContext context, float[] values, Rectangle currentViewPort
            String[] alignAndMeet        = RetrieveAlignAndMeet();
            String   align               = alignAndMeet[0];
            String   meetOrSlice         = alignAndMeet[1];
            float    scaleWidth          = currentViewPort.GetWidth() / values[2];
            float    scaleHeight         = currentViewPort.GetHeight() / values[3];
            bool     forceUniformScaling = !(SvgConstants.Values.NONE.Equals(align));

            if (forceUniformScaling)
                //Scaling should preserve aspect ratio
                if (SvgConstants.Values.MEET.Equals(meetOrSlice))
                    scaleWidth = Math.Min(scaleWidth, scaleHeight);
                    scaleWidth = Math.Max(scaleWidth, scaleHeight);
                scaleHeight = scaleWidth;
            AffineTransform scale = AffineTransform.GetScaleInstance(scaleWidth, scaleHeight);

            float[]         scaledViewBoxValues = ScaleViewBoxValues(values, scaleWidth, scaleHeight);
            AffineTransform transform           = ProcessAspectRatioPosition(context, scaledViewBoxValues, align, scaleWidth, scaleHeight

            if (!scale.IsIdentity())
                //Inverse scaling needs to be applied to viewport dimensions
                context.GetCurrentViewPort().SetWidth(currentViewPort.GetWidth() / scaleWidth).SetX(currentViewPort.GetX()
                                                                                                    / scaleWidth).SetHeight(currentViewPort.GetHeight() / scaleHeight).SetY(currentViewPort.GetY() / scaleHeight
            if (!transform.IsIdentity())
                //Apply inverse translation to viewport to make it line up nicely
                context.GetCurrentViewPort().SetX(currentViewPort.GetX() + -1 * (float)transform.GetTranslateX()).SetY(currentViewPort
                                                                                                                       .GetY() + -1 * (float)transform.GetTranslateY());
Пример #12
        protected void ManipulatePdf(String dest)
            PdfDocument pdfDoc = new PdfDocument(new PdfReader(SRC), new PdfWriter(dest));
            ImageData   image  = ImageDataFactory.Create(IMG);

            // Translation defines the position of the image on the page and scale transformation sets image dimensions
            // Please also note that image without scaling is drawn in 1x1 rectangle. And here we draw image on page using
            // its original size in pixels.
            AffineTransform affineTransform = AffineTransform.GetTranslateInstance(36, 300);

            // Make sure that the image is visible by concatenating a scale transformation
            affineTransform.Concatenate(AffineTransform.GetScaleInstance(image.GetWidth(), image.GetHeight()));

            PdfCanvas canvas = new PdfCanvas(pdfDoc.GetFirstPage());

            float[] matrix = new float[6];
            canvas.AddImageWithTransformationMatrix(image, matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2], matrix[3], matrix[4], matrix[5]);
Пример #13
        private AffineTransform CreateTransform(PdfImportedPage page, int rotation, Rectangle initialPageSize, bool autoResize)
            var docWidth  = _docContent.Right - _docContent.Left;
            var docHeight = _docContent.Top - _docContent.Bottom;

            AffineTransform rotate          = AffineTransform.GetRotateInstance((Math.PI * (360 - rotation)) / 180, 0, 0);
            AffineTransform scale           = AffineTransform.GetScaleInstance(docWidth / page.Width, docHeight / page.Height);
            AffineTransform translateMargin = AffineTransform.GetTranslateInstance(_docContent.LeftMargin - page.BoundingBox.Left + initialPageSize.Left,
                                                                                   _docContent.BottomMargin - page.BoundingBox.Bottom + initialPageSize.Bottom);

            AffineTransform translateRotate = AffineTransform.GetTranslateInstance(0, 0);

            if (rotation % 180 == 90)
                scale = AffineTransform.GetScaleInstance(docWidth / page.Height, docHeight / page.Width);

                translateRotate = AffineTransform.GetTranslateInstance((rotation % 360 == 270) ? page.Height : 0,
                                                                       (rotation % 360 == 90) ? page.Width : 0);
            else if (rotation % 360 == 180)
                translateRotate = AffineTransform.GetTranslateInstance(page.Width, page.Height);;

            AffineTransform transform = AffineTransform.GetTranslateInstance(0, 0);

            if (autoResize)
            if (autoResize)

        public virtual void CreatePdf(String src, String dest)
            //Initialize PDF document
            PdfDocument pdf       = new PdfDocument(new PdfWriter(dest));
            PdfDocument sourcePdf = new PdfDocument(new PdfReader(src));
            //Original page
            PdfPage        origPage = sourcePdf.GetPage(1);
            PdfFormXObject pageCopy = origPage.CopyAsFormXObject(pdf);
            //Original page size
            Rectangle orig = origPage.GetPageSize();
            //Tile size
            Rectangle tileSize = PageSize.A4.Rotate();
            // Transformation matrix
            AffineTransform transformationMatrix = AffineTransform.GetScaleInstance(tileSize.GetWidth() / orig.GetWidth
                                                                                        () * 2f, tileSize.GetHeight() / orig.GetHeight() * 2f);
            //The first tile
            PdfPage   page   = pdf.AddNewPage(PageSize.A4.Rotate());
            PdfCanvas canvas = new PdfCanvas(page);

            canvas.AddXObject(pageCopy, 0, -orig.GetHeight() / 2f);
            //The second tile
            page   = pdf.AddNewPage(PageSize.A4.Rotate());
            canvas = new PdfCanvas(page);
            canvas.AddXObject(pageCopy, -orig.GetWidth() / 2f, -orig.GetHeight() / 2f);
            //The third tile
            page   = pdf.AddNewPage(PageSize.A4.Rotate());
            canvas = new PdfCanvas(page);
            canvas.AddXObject(pageCopy, 0, 0);
            //The fourth tile
            page   = pdf.AddNewPage(PageSize.A4.Rotate());
            canvas = new PdfCanvas(page);
            canvas.AddXObject(pageCopy, -orig.GetWidth() / 2f, 0);
 // transformation already happened in AbstractSvgNodeRenderer, so no need to do a transformation here
 /// <summary>Applies a transformation based on a viewBox for a given branch node.</summary>
 /// <param name="context">current svg draw context</param>
 private void ApplyViewBox(SvgDrawContext context)
     if (this.attributesAndStyles != null)
         if (this.attributesAndStyles.ContainsKey(SvgConstants.Attributes.VIEWBOX))
             //Parse aspect ratio related stuff
             String         viewBoxValues = attributesAndStyles.Get(SvgConstants.Attributes.VIEWBOX);
             IList <String> valueStrings  = SvgCssUtils.SplitValueList(viewBoxValues);
             float[]        values        = new float[valueStrings.Count];
             for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                 values[i] = CssUtils.ParseAbsoluteLength(valueStrings[i]);
             Rectangle       currentViewPort = context.GetCurrentViewPort();
             float           scaleWidth      = currentViewPort.GetWidth() / values[2];
             float           scaleHeight     = currentViewPort.GetHeight() / values[3];
             AffineTransform scale           = AffineTransform.GetScaleInstance(scaleWidth, scaleHeight);
             if (!scale.IsIdentity())
                 //Inverse scaling needs to be applied to viewport dimensions
                 context.GetCurrentViewPort().SetWidth(currentViewPort.GetWidth() / scaleWidth);
                 context.GetCurrentViewPort().SetX(currentViewPort.GetX() / scaleWidth);
                 context.GetCurrentViewPort().SetHeight(currentViewPort.GetHeight() / scaleHeight);
                 context.GetCurrentViewPort().SetY(currentViewPort.GetY() / scaleHeight);
             AffineTransform transform = ProcessAspectRatio(context, values);
             if (!transform.IsIdentity())
                 //TODO (RND-876)
                 context.GetCurrentCanvas().WriteLiteral("% applying viewbox aspect ratio correction (not correct) \n");
Пример #16
        private void createClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Figure out the file name
            startDate = dateTimePicker1.Value;
            endDate   = startDate.AddDays(7);

            destFileName  = destPath.Text + "/";
            destFileName += startDate.ToString("yyyy MMMM d");
            destFileName += " - ";
            if (endDate.Year != startDate.Year)
                destFileName += endDate.ToString("yyyy") + " ";
            if (endDate.Month != startDate.Month)
                destFileName += endDate.ToString("MMMM") + " ";
            destFileName += endDate.Day;
            destFileName += " Murlis";
            destFileName += ".pdf";

            createButton.Text = "Creating...";

            //Create the pdf
            writer = new PdfWriter(destFileName);
            pdf    = new PdfDocument(writer);
            //Loop through each day
            for (int i = 0; i < 14; i += 2)
                //Reset togetherHeight
                togetherHeight = 0;
                //Crop the images
                for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                    //Rectangle for part of image we want
                    cropRectangle = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(croppedImageX, croppedImageYs[i + j], croppedImageWidth, croppedImageHeights[i + j]);
                    //Get bitmap from already gotten image
                    croppedImage = new Bitmap(images[i + j]);
                    //Crop the image
                    croppedImage = croppedImage.Clone(cropRectangle, croppedImage.PixelFormat);
                    //Add the height onto the togetherHeight
                    togetherHeight += croppedImage.Height;
                    //Convert to ImageData
                    imageDatas[i + j] = ImageDataFactory.Create((byte[])imageConverter.ConvertTo(croppedImage, typeof(byte[])));
                //Add a  page and canvas to the pdf
                page   = pdf.AddNewPage(PageSize.A4.Rotate());
                canvas = new PdfCanvas(page);
                //Calculate ratios
                pageImageWidthRatio  = page.GetPageSize().GetWidth() / croppedImage.Width;
                pageImageHeightRatio = page.GetPageSize().GetHeight() / togetherHeight;
                smallerRatio         = Math.Min(pageImageWidthRatio, pageImageHeightRatio);
                bottomSpace          = page.GetPageSize().GetHeight() - togetherHeight * smallerRatio;
                //Set transform
                canvas.ConcatMatrix(AffineTransform.GetScaleInstance(smallerRatio, smallerRatio));
                //Add the images onto the canvas
                canvas.AddImage(imageDatas[i], 0, imageDatas[i + 1].GetHeight() + bottomSpace, true);
                canvas.AddImage(imageDatas[i + 1], 0, bottomSpace, true);
            //Save the pdf

            openButton.Enabled  = true;
            closeButton.Enabled = true;
            MessageBox.Show("PDF Successfully Created");
            createButton.Text = "Create";