Пример #1
     * Construct Java Graphics object which translates graphic calls in ppt Drawing layer.
     * @param group           The shape group to write the graphics calls into.
    public PPGraphics2D(ShapeGroup group){
        this._group = group;

        _transform = new AffineTransform();
        _stroke = new BasicStroke();
        _paint = Color.black;
        _font = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 12);
        _background = Color.black;
        _foreground = Color.white;
        _hints = new RenderingHints(null);
Пример #2
 private void UpdateSurfaceVertices()
     if (Volume > 0)
         ConvexHullHelper.GetConvexHull(triangleMesh.Data.vertices, hullVertices);
         var transformableData = triangleMesh.Data as TransformableMeshData;
         if (transformableData != null)
             var transform = transformableData.worldTransform;
             for (int i = 0; i < hullVertices.Count; i++)
                 AffineTransform.Transform(ref hullVertices.Elements[i], ref transform, out hullVertices.Elements[i]);
         //A mobile mesh is allowed to have zero volume, so long as it isn't solid.
         //In this case, compute the bounding box of all points.
         BoundingBox box = new BoundingBox();
         for (int i = 0; i < triangleMesh.Data.vertices.Length; i++)
             Vector3 v;
             triangleMesh.Data.GetVertexPosition(i, out v);
             if (v.X > box.Max.X)
                 box.Max.X = v.X;
             if (v.X < box.Min.X)
                 box.Min.X = v.X;
             if (v.Y > box.Max.Y)
                 box.Max.Y = v.Y;
             if (v.Y < box.Min.Y)
                 box.Min.Y = v.Y;
             if (v.Z > box.Max.Z)
                 box.Max.Z = v.Z;
             if (v.Z < box.Min.Z)
                 box.Min.Z = v.Z;
         //Add the corners.  This will overestimate the size of the surface a bit.
         hullVertices.Add(new Vector3(box.Min.X, box.Min.Y, box.Max.Z));
         hullVertices.Add(new Vector3(box.Min.X, box.Max.Y, box.Min.Z));
         hullVertices.Add(new Vector3(box.Max.X, box.Min.Y, box.Min.Z));
         hullVertices.Add(new Vector3(box.Min.X, box.Max.Y, box.Max.Z));
         hullVertices.Add(new Vector3(box.Max.X, box.Max.Y, box.Min.Z));
         hullVertices.Add(new Vector3(box.Max.X, box.Min.Y, box.Max.Z));
            public PartialView(Color color, bool rotate = false)
                //    new[] {
                //    Colors.Black,
                //    color,
                //    Colors.Black
                //}.ToGradient(DefaultHeight / 2).Select(
                //    (c, i) =>
                //        new Rectangle
                //        {
                //            Fill = new SolidColorBrush(c),
                //            Width = DefaultWidth / 2,
                //            Height = 3,
                //        }.MoveTo(0, i * 2).AttachTo(this)

                var bg1 = new bg1().AttachTo(this);

                var buildmode = new Canvas().AttachTo(this);

                buildmode_off = new buildmode().AttachTo(buildmode);
                buildmode_on = new buildmode_on().AttachTo(buildmode);


                this.SizeChanged +=
                        //var Height = Width;

                            var a = new AffineTransform
                                Width = 720,
                                Height = 720,

                                X2 = Width,
                                Y2 = Height,

                                X3 = 000,
                                Y3 = Height


                            if (rotate)
                                a.X1 = Width;
                                a.X3 = Width;
                                a.X2 = 0;

                            bg1.RenderTransform = a;
                            var a = new AffineTransform
                                Width = 128,
                                Height = 128,

                                X1 = 0,
                                Y1 = Height - 64,

                                X2 = 64,
                                Y2 = Height,

                                X3 = 0,
                                Y3 = Height


                            if (!rotate)
                                a.X1 += Width - (64 + 32);
                                a.X3 += Width - (64 + 32);
                                a.X2 += Width - (64 + 32);
                                a.X1 = 64;
                                a.Y1 = Height;

                                a.X2 = 0;
                                a.Y2 = Height - 64;

                                a.X3 = 64;
                                a.Y3 = Height - 64;

                                a.X1 += 32;
                                a.X3 += 32;
                                a.X2 += 32;

                            buildmode_off.RenderTransform = a;
                            buildmode_on.RenderTransform = a;

                this.ClipToBounds = true;
                //this.ClipTo(0, 0, DefaultWidth / 2, DefaultHeight);
Пример #4
        private static IMathTransform ReadAffineTransform(WktStreamTokenizer tokenizer)
             *   PARAM_MT[
             *      "Affine",
             *      PARAMETER["num_row",3],
             *      PARAMETER["num_col",3],
             *      PARAMETER["elt_0_0", 0.883485346527455],
             *      PARAMETER["elt_0_1", -0.468458794848877],
             *      PARAMETER["elt_0_2", 3455869.17937689],
             *      PARAMETER["elt_1_0", 0.468458794848877],
             *      PARAMETER["elt_1_1", 0.883485346527455],
             *      PARAMETER["elt_1_2", 5478710.88035753],
             *      PARAMETER["elt_2_2", 1]
             *   ]
            //tokenizer stands on the first PARAMETER
            if (tokenizer.GetStringValue() != "PARAMETER")

            IParameterInfo paramInfo = ReadParameters(tokenizer);
            //manage required parameters - row, col
            var rowParam = paramInfo.GetParameterByName("num_row");
            var colParam = paramInfo.GetParameterByName("num_col");

            if (rowParam == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Affine transform does not contain 'num_row' parameter");
            if (colParam == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Affine transform does not contain 'num_col' parameter");
            int rowVal = (int)rowParam.Value;
            int colVal = (int)colParam.Value;

            if (rowVal <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Affine transform contains invalid value of 'num_row' parameter");

            if (colVal <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("Affine transform contains invalid value of 'num_col' parameter");

            //creates working matrix;
            double[,] matrix = new double[rowVal, colVal];

            //simply process matrix values - no elt_ROW_COL parsing
            foreach (var param in paramInfo.Parameters)
                if (param == null || param.Name == null)
                switch (param.Name)
                case "num_row":
                case "num_col":

                case "elt_0_0":
                    matrix[0, 0] = param.Value;

                case "elt_0_1":
                    matrix[0, 1] = param.Value;

                case "elt_0_2":
                    matrix[0, 2] = param.Value;

                case "elt_0_3":
                    matrix[0, 3] = param.Value;

                case "elt_1_0":
                    matrix[1, 0] = param.Value;

                case "elt_1_1":
                    matrix[1, 1] = param.Value;

                case "elt_1_2":
                    matrix[1, 2] = param.Value;

                case "elt_1_3":
                    matrix[1, 3] = param.Value;

                case "elt_2_0":
                    matrix[2, 0] = param.Value;

                case "elt_2_1":
                    matrix[2, 1] = param.Value;

                case "elt_2_2":
                    matrix[2, 2] = param.Value;

                case "elt_2_3":
                    matrix[2, 3] = param.Value;

                case "elt_3_0":
                    matrix[3, 0] = param.Value;

                case "elt_3_1":
                    matrix[3, 1] = param.Value;

                case "elt_3_2":
                    matrix[3, 2] = param.Value;

                case "elt_3_3":
                    matrix[3, 3] = param.Value;

                    //unknown parameter

            //read rest of WKT
            if (tokenizer.GetStringValue() != "]")

            //use "matrix" constructor to create transformation matrix
            IMathTransform affineTransform = new AffineTransform(matrix);

Пример #5
 public java.awt.Shape GetOutline(){
     GeneralPath path =  GetPath();
     Rectangle2D anchor = GetAnchor2D();
     Rectangle2D bounds = path.GetBounds2D();
     AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform();
     at.translate(anchor.GetX(), anchor.GetY());
     return at.CreateTransformedShape(path);
Пример #6
 public bool DrawImage(Image image, AffineTransform affinetransform)
     AffineTransform affinetransform1 = (AffineTransform)GetTrans().Clone();
     DrawImage(image, 0, 0);
     SetTrans( affinetransform1 );
     return true;
Пример #7
  * Renders a {@link RenderedImage},
  * Applying a transform from image
  * space into user space before Drawing.
  * The transformation from user space into device space is done with
  * the current <code>Transform</code> in the <code>Graphics2D</code>.
  * The specified transformation is applied to the image before the
  * transform attribute in the <code>Graphics2D</code> context is applied.
  * The rendering attributes applied include the <code>Clip</code>,
  * <code>Transform</code>, and <code>Composite</code> attributes. Note
  * that no rendering is done if the specified transform is
  * noninvertible.
  * @param img the image to be rendered. This method does
  *            nothing if <code>img</code> is null.
  * @param xform the transformation from image space into user space
  * @see #_transform
  * @see #setTransform
  * @see #setComposite
  * @see #clip
  * @see #setClip
 public void DrawRenderableImage(RenderableImage img, AffineTransform xform) {
     log.log(POILogger.WARN, "Not implemented");
Пример #8
 /// Transforms a vector using an affine transform.
 ///<param name="position">Position to transform.</param>
 ///<param name="affineTransform">Transform to apply.</param>
 ///<returns>Transformed position.</returns>
 public static System.Numerics.Vector3 Transform(System.Numerics.Vector3 position, AffineTransform affineTransform)
     System.Numerics.Vector3 toReturn;
     Transform(ref position, ref affineTransform, out toReturn);
     return toReturn;
Пример #9
 /// Gets the triangle vertex positions at a given index.
 ///<param name="triangleIndex">First index of a triangle's vertices in the index buffer.</param>
 ///<param name="v1">First vertex of the triangle.</param>
 ///<param name="v2">Second vertex of the triangle.</param>
 ///<param name="v3">Third vertex of the triangle.</param>
 public override void GetTriangle(int triangleIndex, out Vector3 v1, out Vector3 v2, out Vector3 v3)
     AffineTransform.Transform(ref vertices[indices[triangleIndex]], ref worldTransform, out v1);
     AffineTransform.Transform(ref vertices[indices[triangleIndex + 1]], ref worldTransform, out v2);
     AffineTransform.Transform(ref vertices[indices[triangleIndex + 2]], ref worldTransform, out v3);
Пример #10
 /// Constructs the mesh data.
 ///<param name="vertices">Vertice sto use in the mesh data.</param>
 ///<param name="indices">Indices to use in the mesh data.</param>
 ///<param name="worldTransform">Transform to apply to vertices before returning their positions.</param>
 public TransformableMeshData(Vector3[] vertices, uint[] indices, int indexCount, AffineTransform worldTransform)
     this.worldTransform = worldTransform;
     Vertices            = vertices;
     Indices             = indices;
     IndexCount          = indexCount;
Пример #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a RenderContext with a given transform.
 /// The area of interest is taken to be the entire renderable area.
 /// No rendering hints are used.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="usr2dev"> an AffineTransform. </param>
 public RenderContext(AffineTransform usr2dev) : this(usr2dev, null, null)
Пример #12
        // Various constructors that allow different levels of
        // specificity. If the Shape is missing the whole renderable area
        // is assumed. If hints is missing no hints are assumed.

        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a RenderContext with a given transform.
        /// The area of interest is supplied as a Shape,
        /// and the rendering hints are supplied as a RenderingHints object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="usr2dev"> an AffineTransform. </param>
        /// <param name="aoi"> a Shape representing the area of interest. </param>
        /// <param name="hints"> a RenderingHints object containing rendering hints. </param>
        public RenderContext(AffineTransform usr2dev, Shape aoi, RenderingHints hints)
            this.Hints   = hints;
            this.Aoi     = aoi;
            this.Usr2dev = (AffineTransform)usr2dev.Clone();
Пример #13
 public virtual void ConcetenateTransform(AffineTransform modTransform)
Пример #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Modifies the current user-to-device transform by appending another
 /// transform.  In matrix notation the operation is:
 /// <pre>
 /// [this] = [this] x [modTransform]
 /// </pre>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="modTransform"> the AffineTransform to append to the
 ///        current usr2dev transform.
 /// @since 1.3 </param>
 public virtual void ConcatenateTransform(AffineTransform modTransform)
Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Casts a convex shape against the collidable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="castShape">Shape to cast.</param>
        /// <param name="startingTransform">Initial transform of the shape.</param>
        /// <param name="sweep">Sweep to apply to the shape.</param>
        /// <param name="hit">Hit data, if any.</param>
        /// <returns>Whether or not the cast hit anything.</returns>
        public override bool ConvexCast(ConvexShape castShape, ref RigidTransform startingTransform, ref System.Numerics.Vector3 sweep, out RayHit hit)
            if (Shape.solidity == MobileMeshSolidity.Solid)
                //If the convex cast is inside the mesh and the mesh is solid, it should return t = 0.
                var ray = new Ray()
                    Position = startingTransform.Position, Direction = Toolbox.UpVector
                if (Shape.IsLocalRayOriginInMesh(ref ray, out hit))
                    hit = new RayHit()
                        Location = startingTransform.Position, Normal = new System.Numerics.Vector3(), T = 0
            hit = new RayHit();
            BoundingBox boundingBox;
            var         transform = new AffineTransform {
                Translation = worldTransform.Position

            Matrix3x3.CreateFromQuaternion(ref worldTransform.Orientation, out transform.LinearTransform);
            castShape.GetSweptLocalBoundingBox(ref startingTransform, ref transform, ref sweep, out boundingBox);
            var tri         = PhysicsThreadResources.GetTriangle();
            var hitElements = CommonResources.GetIntList();

            if (this.Shape.TriangleMesh.Tree.GetOverlaps(boundingBox, hitElements))
                hit.T = float.MaxValue;
                for (int i = 0; i < hitElements.Count; i++)
                    Shape.TriangleMesh.Data.GetTriangle(hitElements[i], out tri.vA, out tri.vB, out tri.vC);
                    AffineTransform.Transform(ref tri.vA, ref transform, out tri.vA);
                    AffineTransform.Transform(ref tri.vB, ref transform, out tri.vB);
                    AffineTransform.Transform(ref tri.vC, ref transform, out tri.vC);
                    System.Numerics.Vector3 center;
                    Vector3Ex.Add(ref tri.vA, ref tri.vB, out center);
                    Vector3Ex.Add(ref center, ref tri.vC, out center);
                    Vector3Ex.Multiply(ref center, 1f / 3f, out center);
                    Vector3Ex.Subtract(ref tri.vA, ref center, out tri.vA);
                    Vector3Ex.Subtract(ref tri.vB, ref center, out tri.vB);
                    Vector3Ex.Subtract(ref tri.vC, ref center, out tri.vC);
                    tri.MaximumRadius = tri.vA.LengthSquared();
                    float radius = tri.vB.LengthSquared();
                    if (tri.MaximumRadius < radius)
                        tri.MaximumRadius = radius;
                    radius = tri.vC.LengthSquared();
                    if (tri.MaximumRadius < radius)
                        tri.MaximumRadius = radius;
                    tri.MaximumRadius   = (float)Math.Sqrt(tri.MaximumRadius);
                    tri.collisionMargin = 0;
                    var triangleTransform = new RigidTransform {
                        Orientation = System.Numerics.Quaternion.Identity, Position = center
                    RayHit tempHit;
                    if (MPRToolbox.Sweep(castShape, tri, ref sweep, ref Toolbox.ZeroVector, ref startingTransform, ref triangleTransform, out tempHit) && tempHit.T < hit.T)
                        hit = tempHit;
                tri.MaximumRadius = 0;
                return(hit.T != float.MaxValue);
Пример #16
        /// <summary>If present, process the preserveAspectRatio position.</summary>
        /// <param name="context">the svg draw context</param>
        /// <param name="viewBoxValues">the four values depicting the viewbox [min-x min-y width height]</param>
        /// <param name="align">alignment method to use</param>
        /// <param name="scaleWidth">the multiplier for scaling width</param>
        /// <param name="scaleHeight">the multiplier for scaling height</param>
        /// <returns>the transformation based on the preserveAspectRatio value</returns>
        internal virtual AffineTransform ProcessAspectRatioPosition(SvgDrawContext context, float[] viewBoxValues,
                                                                    String align, float scaleWidth, float scaleHeight)
            AffineTransform transform       = new AffineTransform();
            Rectangle       currentViewPort = context.GetCurrentViewPort();
            float           midXBox         = viewBoxValues[0] + (viewBoxValues[2] / 2);
            float           midYBox         = viewBoxValues[1] + (viewBoxValues[3] / 2);
            float           midXPort        = currentViewPort.GetX() + (currentViewPort.GetWidth() / 2);
            float           midYPort        = currentViewPort.GetY() + (currentViewPort.GetHeight() / 2);
            float           x = 0f;
            float           y = 0f;

            // if x attribute of svg is present, then x value of current viewport should be set according to it
            if (attributesAndStyles.ContainsKey(SvgConstants.Attributes.X))
                x = CssUtils.ParseAbsoluteLength(attributesAndStyles.Get(SvgConstants.Attributes.X));
            // if y attribute of svg is present, then y value of current viewport should be set according to it
            if (attributesAndStyles.ContainsKey(SvgConstants.Attributes.Y))
                y = CssUtils.ParseAbsoluteLength(attributesAndStyles.Get(SvgConstants.Attributes.Y));
            if (!(this is MarkerSvgNodeRenderer))
                x -= currentViewPort.GetX();
                y -= currentViewPort.GetY();
            // need to consider previous (parent) translation before applying the current one
            switch (align.ToLowerInvariant())
            case SvgConstants.Values.NONE: {

            case SvgConstants.Values.XMIN_YMIN: {
                x -= viewBoxValues[0];
                y -= viewBoxValues[1];

            case SvgConstants.Values.XMIN_YMID: {
                x -= viewBoxValues[0];
                y += (midYPort - midYBox);

            case SvgConstants.Values.XMIN_YMAX: {
                x -= viewBoxValues[0];
                y += (currentViewPort.GetHeight() - viewBoxValues[3]);

            case SvgConstants.Values.XMID_YMIN: {
                x += (midXPort - midXBox);
                y -= viewBoxValues[1];

            case SvgConstants.Values.XMID_YMAX: {
                x += (midXPort - midXBox);
                y += (currentViewPort.GetHeight() - viewBoxValues[3]);

            case SvgConstants.Values.XMAX_YMIN: {
                x += (currentViewPort.GetWidth() - viewBoxValues[2]);
                y -= viewBoxValues[1];

            case SvgConstants.Values.XMAX_YMID: {
                x += (currentViewPort.GetWidth() - viewBoxValues[2]);
                y += (midYPort - midYBox);

            case SvgConstants.Values.XMAX_YMAX: {
                x += (currentViewPort.GetWidth() - viewBoxValues[2]);
                y += (currentViewPort.GetHeight() - viewBoxValues[3]);

            case SvgConstants.Values.DEFAULT_ASPECT_RATIO:
            default: {
                x += (midXPort - midXBox);
                y += (midYPort - midYBox);
            //Rescale x and y
            x /= scaleWidth;
            y /= scaleHeight;
            transform.Translate(x, y);
Пример #17
 /// Gets the position of a vertex in the data.
 ///<param name="i">Index of the vertex.</param>
 ///<param name="vertex">Position of the vertex.</param>
 public override void GetVertexPosition(int i, out Vector3 vertex)
     AffineTransform.Transform(ref vertices[i], ref worldTransform, out vertex);
Пример #18
  * Composes an <code>AffineTransform</code> object with the
  * <code>Transform</code> in this <code>Graphics2D</code> according
  * to the rule last-specified-first-applied.  If the current
  * <code>Transform</code> is Cx, the result of composition
  * with Tx is a new <code>Transform</code> Cx'.  Cx' becomes the
  * current <code>Transform</code> for this <code>Graphics2D</code>.
  * Transforming a point p by the updated <code>Transform</code> Cx' is
  * equivalent to first transforming p by Tx and then transforming
  * the result by the original <code>Transform</code> Cx.  In other
  * words, Cx'(p) = Cx(Tx(p)).  A copy of the Tx is made, if necessary,
  * so further modifications to Tx do not affect rendering.
  * @param Tx the <code>AffineTransform</code> object to be composed with
  * the current <code>Transform</code>
  * @see #setTransform
  * @see AffineTransform
 public void transform(AffineTransform Tx) {
        /// <summary>
        /// Precomputes the transform to bring triangles from their native local space to the local space of the convex.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="convexInverseWorldTransform">Inverse of the world transform of the convex shape.</param>
        /// <param name="fromMeshLocalToConvexLocal">Transform to apply to native local triangles to bring them into the local space of the convex.</param>
        protected override void PrecomputeTriangleTransform(ref AffineTransform convexInverseWorldTransform, out AffineTransform fromMeshLocalToConvexLocal)
            //MobileMeshes only have TransformableMeshData sources.
            var data = ((TransformableMeshData)mesh.Shape.TriangleMesh.Data);
            //The mobile mesh has a shape-based transform followed by the rigid body transform.
            AffineTransform mobileMeshWorldTransform;

            AffineTransform.CreateFromRigidTransform(ref mesh.worldTransform, out mobileMeshWorldTransform);
            AffineTransform combinedMobileMeshWorldTransform;

            AffineTransform.Multiply(ref data.worldTransform, ref mobileMeshWorldTransform, out combinedMobileMeshWorldTransform);
            AffineTransform.Multiply(ref combinedMobileMeshWorldTransform, ref convexInverseWorldTransform, out fromMeshLocalToConvexLocal);
 AffineTransform GetAnchor(AffineTransform rootTransform, float distance, Camera camera)
     return(AffineTransform.Create(rootTransform.t + (float3)camera.transform.right * distance, rootTransform.q));
Пример #21
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the transform of the specified glyph within this
 /// <code>GlyphVector</code>.
 /// </summary>
 abstract public void setGlyphTransform(int @glyphIndex, AffineTransform @newTX);
Пример #22
 public void DrawRenderedImage(RenderedImage renderedimage, AffineTransform affinetransform)
     BufferedImage bufferedimage = new BufferedImage(renderedimage.GetColorModel(), renderedimage.GetData().CreateCompatibleWritableRaster(), false, null);
     DrawImage(bufferedimage, affinetransform, null);
Пример #23
 /// Constructs a new Terrain.
 ///<param name="heights">Height data to use to create the TerrainShape.</param>
 ///<param name="worldTransform">Transform to use for the terrain.</param>
 public Terrain(float[,] heights, AffineTransform worldTransform)
     : this(new TerrainShape(heights), worldTransform)
 /// Transforms a vector by an affine transform's inverse.
 ///<param name="position">Position to transform.</param>
 ///<param name="transform">Transform to invert and apply.</param>
 ///<param name="transformed">Transformed position.</param>
 public static void TransformInverse(ref Vector3 position, ref AffineTransform transform, out Vector3 transformed)
     Vector3.Subtract(ref position, ref transform.Translation, out transformed);
     Matrix3x3 inverse;
     Matrix3x3.Invert(ref transform.LinearTransform, out inverse);
     Matrix3x3.TransformTranspose(ref transformed, ref inverse, out transformed);
Пример #25
 /// Tests a ray against the terrain shape.
 ///<param name="ray">Ray to test against the shape.</param>
 ///<param name="maximumLength">Maximum length of the ray in units of the ray direction's length.</param>
 ///<param name="transform">Transform to apply to the terrain shape during the test.</param>
 ///<param name="hit">Hit data of the ray cast, if any.</param>
 ///<returns>Whether or not the ray hit the transformed terrain shape.</returns>
 public bool RayCast(ref Ray ray, float maximumLength, ref AffineTransform transform, out RayHit hit)
     return(RayCast(ref ray, maximumLength, ref transform, TriangleSidedness.Counterclockwise, out hit));
Пример #26
        public AffineTransform InverseMul(AffineTransform transform)
            var invR = Quaternion.Inverse(rotation);

            return(new AffineTransform(invR * (transform.translation - translation), invR * transform.rotation));
Пример #27
        /// Tests a ray against the terrain shape.
        ///<param name="ray">Ray to test against the shape.</param>
        ///<param name="maximumLength">Maximum length of the ray in units of the ray direction's length.</param>
        ///<param name="transform">Transform to apply to the terrain shape during the test.</param>
        ///<param name="sidedness">Sidedness of the triangles to use when raycasting.</param>
        ///<param name="hit">Hit data of the ray cast, if any.</param>
        ///<returns>Whether or not the ray hit the transformed terrain shape.</returns>
        public bool RayCast(ref Ray ray, float maximumLength, ref AffineTransform transform, TriangleSidedness sidedness, out RayHit hit)
            hit = new RayHit();
            //Put the ray into local space.
            Ray             localRay;
            AffineTransform inverse;

            AffineTransform.Invert(ref transform, out inverse);
            Matrix3x3.Transform(ref ray.Direction, ref inverse.LinearTransform, out localRay.Direction);
            AffineTransform.Transform(ref ray.Position, ref inverse, out localRay.Position);

            //Use rasterizey traversal.
            //The origin is at 0,0,0 and the map goes +X, +Y, +Z.
            //if it's before the origin and facing away, or outside the max and facing out, early out.
            float maxX = heights.GetLength(0) - 1;
            float maxZ = heights.GetLength(1) - 1;

            Vector3 progressingOrigin = localRay.Position;
            float   distance          = 0;

            //Check the outside cases first.
            if (progressingOrigin.X < 0)
                if (localRay.Direction.X > 0)
                    //Off the left side.
                    float timeToMinX = -progressingOrigin.X / localRay.Direction.X;
                    distance += timeToMinX;
                    Vector3 increment;
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref localRay.Direction, timeToMinX, out increment);
                    Vector3.Add(ref increment, ref progressingOrigin, out progressingOrigin);
                    return(false); //Outside and pointing away from the terrain.
            else if (progressingOrigin.X > maxX)
                if (localRay.Direction.X < 0)
                    //Off the left side.
                    float timeToMinX = -(progressingOrigin.X - maxX) / localRay.Direction.X;
                    distance += timeToMinX;
                    Vector3 increment;
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref localRay.Direction, timeToMinX, out increment);
                    Vector3.Add(ref increment, ref progressingOrigin, out progressingOrigin);
                    return(false); //Outside and pointing away from the terrain.

            if (progressingOrigin.Z < 0)
                if (localRay.Direction.Z > 0)
                    float timeToMinZ = -progressingOrigin.Z / localRay.Direction.Z;
                    distance += timeToMinZ;
                    Vector3 increment;
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref localRay.Direction, timeToMinZ, out increment);
                    Vector3.Add(ref increment, ref progressingOrigin, out progressingOrigin);
            else if (progressingOrigin.Z > maxZ)
                if (localRay.Direction.Z < 0)
                    float timeToMinZ = -(progressingOrigin.Z - maxZ) / localRay.Direction.Z;
                    distance += timeToMinZ;
                    Vector3 increment;
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref localRay.Direction, timeToMinZ, out increment);
                    Vector3.Add(ref increment, ref progressingOrigin, out progressingOrigin);

            if (distance > maximumLength)

            //By now, we should be entering the main body of the terrain.

            int xCell = (int)progressingOrigin.X;
            int zCell = (int)progressingOrigin.Z;

            //If it's hitting the border and going in, then correct the index
            //so that it will initially target a valid quad.
            //Without this, a quad beyond the border would be tried and failed.
            if (xCell == heights.GetLength(0) - 1 && localRay.Direction.X < 0)
                xCell = heights.GetLength(0) - 2;
            if (zCell == heights.GetLength(1) - 1 && localRay.Direction.Z < 0)
                zCell = heights.GetLength(1) - 2;

            while (true)
                //Check for a miss.
                if (xCell < 0 ||
                    zCell < 0 ||
                    xCell >= heights.GetLength(0) - 1 ||
                    zCell >= heights.GetLength(1) - 1)

                //Test the triangles of this cell.
                Vector3 v1, v2, v3, v4;
                // v3 v4
                // v1 v2
                GetLocalPosition(xCell, zCell, out v1);
                GetLocalPosition(xCell + 1, zCell, out v2);
                GetLocalPosition(xCell, zCell + 1, out v3);
                GetLocalPosition(xCell + 1, zCell + 1, out v4);
                RayHit hit1, hit2;
                bool   didHit1;
                bool   didHit2;

                //Don't bother doing ray intersection tests if the ray can't intersect it.

                float highest = v1.Y;
                float lowest  = v1.Y;
                if (v2.Y > highest)
                    highest = v2.Y;
                else if (v2.Y < lowest)
                    lowest = v2.Y;
                if (v3.Y > highest)
                    highest = v3.Y;
                else if (v3.Y < lowest)
                    lowest = v3.Y;
                if (v4.Y > highest)
                    highest = v4.Y;
                else if (v4.Y < lowest)
                    lowest = v4.Y;

                if (!(progressingOrigin.Y > highest && localRay.Direction.Y > 0 ||
                      progressingOrigin.Y < lowest && localRay.Direction.Y < 0))
                    if (quadTriangleOrganization == QuadTriangleOrganization.BottomLeftUpperRight)
                        //Always perform the raycast as if Y+ in local space is the way the triangles are facing.
                        didHit1 = Toolbox.FindRayTriangleIntersection(ref localRay, maximumLength, sidedness, ref v1, ref v2, ref v3, out hit1);
                        didHit2 = Toolbox.FindRayTriangleIntersection(ref localRay, maximumLength, sidedness, ref v2, ref v4, ref v3, out hit2);
                    else //if (quadTriangleOrganization == CollisionShapes.QuadTriangleOrganization.BottomRightUpperLeft)
                        didHit1 = Toolbox.FindRayTriangleIntersection(ref localRay, maximumLength, sidedness, ref v1, ref v2, ref v4, out hit1);
                        didHit2 = Toolbox.FindRayTriangleIntersection(ref localRay, maximumLength, sidedness, ref v1, ref v4, ref v3, out hit2);
                    if (didHit1 && didHit2)
                        if (hit1.T < hit2.T)
                            Vector3.Multiply(ref ray.Direction, hit1.T, out hit.Location);
                            Vector3.Add(ref hit.Location, ref ray.Position, out hit.Location);
                            Matrix3x3.TransformTranspose(ref hit1.Normal, ref inverse.LinearTransform, out hit.Normal);
                            hit.T = hit1.T;
                        Vector3.Multiply(ref ray.Direction, hit2.T, out hit.Location);
                        Vector3.Add(ref hit.Location, ref ray.Position, out hit.Location);
                        Matrix3x3.TransformTranspose(ref hit2.Normal, ref inverse.LinearTransform, out hit.Normal);
                        hit.T = hit2.T;
                    else if (didHit1)
                        Vector3.Multiply(ref ray.Direction, hit1.T, out hit.Location);
                        Vector3.Add(ref hit.Location, ref ray.Position, out hit.Location);
                        Matrix3x3.TransformTranspose(ref hit1.Normal, ref inverse.LinearTransform, out hit.Normal);
                        hit.T = hit1.T;
                    else if (didHit2)
                        Vector3.Multiply(ref ray.Direction, hit2.T, out hit.Location);
                        Vector3.Add(ref hit.Location, ref ray.Position, out hit.Location);
                        Matrix3x3.TransformTranspose(ref hit2.Normal, ref inverse.LinearTransform, out hit.Normal);
                        hit.T = hit2.T;

                //Move to the next cell.

                float timeToX;
                if (localRay.Direction.X < 0)
                    timeToX = -(progressingOrigin.X - xCell) / localRay.Direction.X;
                else if (localRay.Direction.X > 0)
                    timeToX = (xCell + 1 - progressingOrigin.X) / localRay.Direction.X;
                    timeToX = float.MaxValue;

                float timeToZ;
                if (localRay.Direction.Z < 0)
                    timeToZ = -(progressingOrigin.Z - zCell) / localRay.Direction.Z;
                else if (localRay.Direction.Z > 0)
                    timeToZ = (zCell + 1 - progressingOrigin.Z) / localRay.Direction.Z;
                    timeToZ = float.MaxValue;

                //Move to the next cell.
                if (timeToX < timeToZ)
                    if (localRay.Direction.X < 0)

                    distance += timeToX;
                    if (distance > maximumLength)

                    Vector3 increment;
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref localRay.Direction, timeToX, out increment);
                    Vector3.Add(ref increment, ref progressingOrigin, out progressingOrigin);
                    if (localRay.Direction.Z < 0)

                    distance += timeToZ;
                    if (distance > maximumLength)

                    Vector3 increment;
                    Vector3.Multiply(ref localRay.Direction, timeToZ, out increment);
                    Vector3.Add(ref increment, ref progressingOrigin, out progressingOrigin);
Пример #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructs a RenderContext with a given transform and area of interest.
 /// The area of interest is supplied as a Shape.
 /// No rendering hints are used.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="usr2dev"> an AffineTransform. </param>
 /// <param name="aoi"> a Shape representing the area of interest. </param>
 public RenderContext(AffineTransform usr2dev, Shape aoi) : this(usr2dev, aoi, null)
Пример #29
        /// Constructs the bounding box of the terrain given a transform.
        ///<param name="transform">Transform to apply to the terrain during the bounding box calculation.</param>
        ///<param name="boundingBox">Bounding box of the terrain shape when transformed.</param>
        public void GetBoundingBox(ref AffineTransform transform, out BoundingBox boundingBox)
            boundingBox = new BoundingBox();
            float minX = float.MaxValue, maxX = -float.MaxValue,
                  minY = float.MaxValue, maxY = -float.MaxValue,
                  minZ = float.MaxValue, maxZ = -float.MaxValue;
            Vector3 minXvertex = new Vector3(),
                    maxXvertex = new Vector3(),
                    minYvertex = new Vector3(),
                    maxYvertex = new Vector3(),
                    minZvertex = new Vector3(),
                    maxZvertex = new Vector3();

            //Find the extreme locations.
            for (int i = 0; i < heights.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < heights.GetLength(1); j++)
                    var vertex = new Vector3(i, heights[i, j], j);
                    Matrix3x3.Transform(ref vertex, ref transform.LinearTransform, out vertex);
                    if (vertex.X < minX)
                        minX       = vertex.X;
                        minXvertex = vertex;
                    else if (vertex.X > maxX)
                        maxX       = vertex.X;
                        maxXvertex = vertex;

                    if (vertex.Y < minY)
                        minY       = vertex.Y;
                        minYvertex = vertex;
                    else if (vertex.Y > maxY)
                        maxY       = vertex.Y;
                        maxYvertex = vertex;

                    if (vertex.Z < minZ)
                        minZ       = vertex.Z;
                        minZvertex = vertex;
                    else if (vertex.Z > maxZ)
                        maxZ       = vertex.Z;
                        maxZvertex = vertex;

            //Shift the bounding box.
            boundingBox.Min.X = minXvertex.X + transform.Translation.X;
            boundingBox.Min.Y = minYvertex.Y + transform.Translation.Y;
            boundingBox.Min.Z = minZvertex.Z + transform.Translation.Z;
            boundingBox.Max.X = maxXvertex.X + transform.Translation.X;
            boundingBox.Max.Y = maxYvertex.Y + transform.Translation.Y;
            boundingBox.Max.Z = maxZvertex.Z + transform.Translation.Z;
Пример #30
        public unsafe static void TestMultiplyCorrectness()
            const int iterationCount = 100000;
            Random    random         = new Random(5);

            for (int iterationIndex = 0; iterationIndex < iterationCount; ++iterationIndex)
                AffineTransform  simdA, simdB;
                bAffineTransform scalarA, scalarB;
                var simdPointerA   = (float *)&simdA;
                var scalarPointerA = (float *)&scalarA;
                var simdPointerB   = (float *)&simdB;
                var scalarPointerB = (float *)&scalarB;
                for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i)
                    scalarPointerA[i] = simdPointerA[i] = (float)(random.NextDouble() * 4 - 2);
                    scalarPointerB[i] = simdPointerB[i] = (float)(random.NextDouble() * 4 - 2);

                AffineTransform simdResult;
                AffineTransform.Multiply(ref simdA, ref simdB, out simdResult);
                bAffineTransform scalarResult;
                bAffineTransform.Multiply(ref scalarA, ref scalarB, out scalarResult);
                var simdPointerResult   = (float *)&simdResult;
                var scalarPointerResult = (float *)&scalarResult;

                for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i)
                    const float threshold       = 1e-5f;
                    var         simdScalarError = Math.Abs(simdPointerResult[i] - scalarPointerResult[i]);
                    if (simdScalarError > threshold)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Excess error for {i}");

            for (int iterationIndex = 0; iterationIndex < iterationCount; ++iterationIndex)
                AffineTransform  simdA, simdB;
                bAffineTransform scalarA, scalarB;
                var simdPointerA   = (float *)&simdA;
                var scalarPointerA = (float *)&scalarA;
                var simdPointerB   = (float *)&simdB;
                var scalarPointerB = (float *)&scalarB;
                for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i)
                    scalarPointerA[i] = simdPointerA[i] = (float)(random.NextDouble() * 4 - 2);
                    scalarPointerB[i] = simdPointerB[i] = (float)(random.NextDouble() * 4 - 2);

                AffineTransform.Multiply(ref simdA, ref simdB, out simdA);
                bAffineTransform.Multiply(ref scalarA, ref scalarB, out scalarA);

                for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i)
                    const float threshold       = 1e-5f;
                    var         simdScalarError = Math.Abs(simdPointerA[i] - scalarPointerA[i]);
                    if (simdScalarError > threshold)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Excess error for {i}");

            for (int iterationIndex = 0; iterationIndex < iterationCount; ++iterationIndex)
                AffineTransform  simdA, simdB;
                bAffineTransform scalarA, scalarB;
                var simdPointerA   = (float *)&simdA;
                var scalarPointerA = (float *)&scalarA;
                var simdPointerB   = (float *)&simdB;
                var scalarPointerB = (float *)&scalarB;
                for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i)
                    scalarPointerA[i] = simdPointerA[i] = (float)(random.NextDouble() * 4 - 2);
                    scalarPointerB[i] = simdPointerB[i] = (float)(random.NextDouble() * 4 - 2);

                AffineTransform.Multiply(ref simdA, ref simdB, out simdB);
                bAffineTransform.Multiply(ref scalarA, ref scalarB, out scalarB);

                for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i)
                    const float threshold       = 1e-5f;
                    var         simdScalarError = Math.Abs(simdPointerB[i] - scalarPointerB[i]);
                    if (simdScalarError > threshold)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Excess error for {i}");

            for (int iterationIndex = 0; iterationIndex < iterationCount; ++iterationIndex)
                AffineTransform  simd;
                bAffineTransform scalar;
                var simdPointer   = (float *)&simd;
                var scalarPointer = (float *)&scalar;
                for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i)
                    scalarPointer[i] = simdPointer[i] = (float)(random.NextDouble() * 4 - 2);

                AffineTransform.Multiply(ref simd, ref simd, out simd);
                bAffineTransform.Multiply(ref scalar, ref scalar, out scalar);

                for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i)
                    const float threshold       = 1e-5f;
                    var         simdScalarError = Math.Abs(simdPointer[i] - scalarPointer[i]);
                    if (simdScalarError > threshold)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Excess error for {i}");
Пример #31
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 13JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * Returns an iterator object that iterates along the boundary of this
         * <code>Polygon</code> and provides access to the geometry
         * of the outline of this <code>Polygon</code>.  An optional
         * {@link AffineTransform} can be specified so that the coordinates
         * returned in the iteration are transformed accordingly.
         * @param at an optional <code>AffineTransform</code> to be applied to the
         *      coordinates as they are returned in the iteration, or
         *		<code>null</code> if untransformed coordinates are desired
         * @return a {@link IPathIterator} object that provides access to the
         *		geometry of this <code>Polygon</code>.
        public PathIterator GetPathIterator(AffineTransform at)
            return(new PolygonPathIterator(this, at));
Пример #32
 /// Constructs a new static mesh.
 ///<param name="vertices">Vertex positions of the mesh.</param>
 ///<param name="indices">Index list of the mesh.</param>
 /// <param name="worldTransform">Transform to use to create the mesh initially.</param>
 public StaticMesh(Vector3[] vertices, int[] indices, AffineTransform worldTransform)
     base.Shape = new StaticMeshShape(vertices, indices, worldTransform);
     Events     = new ContactEventManager <StaticMesh>();
Пример #33
        //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
        // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
        // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
        // 13JUN2009  James Shen                              Initial Creation

         * Returns an iterator object that iterates along the boundary of
         * the <code>IShape</code> and provides access to the geometry of the
         * outline of the <code>IShape</code>.  Only SEG_MOVETO, SEG_LINETO, and
         * SEG_CLOSE point types are returned by the iterator.
         * Since polygons are already flat, the <code>flatness</code> parameter
         * is ignored.  An optional <code>AffineTransform</code> can be specified
         * in which case the coordinates returned in the iteration are transformed
         * accordingly.
         * @param at an optional <code>AffineTransform</code> to be applied to the
         *      coordinates as they are returned in the iteration, or
         *		<code>null</code> if untransformed coordinates are desired
         * @param flatness the maximum amount that the control points
         *      for a given curve can vary from colinear before a subdivided
         *		curve is replaced by a straight line connecting the
         *      endpoints.  Since polygons are already flat the
         *      <code>flatness</code> parameter is ignored.
         * @return a <code>IPathIterator</code> object that provides access to the
         *      <code>IShape</code> object's geometry.
        public PathIterator GetPathIterator(AffineTransform at, int flatness)
Пример #34
 /// Transforms a vector by an affine transform.
 ///<param name="position">Position to transform.</param>
 ///<param name="transform">Transform to apply.</param>
 ///<param name="transformed">Transformed position.</param>
 public static void Transform(ref System.Numerics.Vector3 position, ref AffineTransform transform, out System.Numerics.Vector3 transformed)
     Matrix3x3.Transform(ref position, ref transform.LinearTransform, out transformed);
     Vector3Ex.Add(ref transformed, ref transform.Translation, out transformed);
Пример #35
        public Rectangle2D GetLogicalAnchor2D()
            Rectangle anchor = GetAnchor2D();

            //if it is a groupped shape see if we need to transform the coordinates
            if (_parent != null)
                Shape top = _parent;
                while (top.GetParent() != null) top = top.GetParent();

                Rectangle clientAnchor = top.GetAnchor2D();
                Rectangle spgrAnchor = ((ShapeGroup)top).GetCoordinates();

                double scalex = spgrAnchor.Width / clientAnchor.Width;
                double scaley = spgrAnchor.Height / clientAnchor.Height;

                double x = clientAnchor.X + (anchor.X - spgrAnchor.X) / scalex;
                double y = clientAnchor.Y + (anchor.Y - spgrAnchor.Y) / scaley;
                double width = anchor.Width / scalex;
                double height = anchor.Height / scaley;

                anchor = new Rectangle2D.Double(x, y, width, height);


            int angle = GetRotation();
            if (angle != 0)
                double centerX = anchor.X + anchor.Width / 2;
                double centerY = anchor.Y + anchor.Height / 2;

                AffineTransform trans = new AffineTransform();
                trans.translate(centerX, centerY);
                trans.translate(-centerX, -centerY);

                Rectangle2D rect = trans.CreateTransformedShape(anchor).GetBounds2D();
                if ((anchor.Width < anchor.Height && rect.Width > rect.Height) ||
                    (anchor.Width > anchor.Height && rect.Width < rect.Height))
                    trans = new AffineTransform();
                    trans.translate(centerX, centerY);
                    trans.rotate(Math.PI / 2);
                    trans.translate(-centerX, -centerY);
                    anchor = trans.CreateTransformedShape(anchor).GetBounds2D();
            return anchor;
Пример #36
        public override void Render(Image im, BoundingBox clip, AffineTransform tx, string text, Vec2 loc, Pixel color)
            if (text == null || text.Length == 0)

            int offset = 0, 
                x = 0, y = 0,
                bdfFontDepth = bdfFont.getDepth(),
                x_min = int.MaxValue,
                y_min = int.MaxValue,
                x_max = int.MinValue,
                y_max = int.MinValue,
                charsCount = text.Length,
                fHeight, scan, fg_r, fg_g, 
                fg_b, bx, by, offsetLine,
                fPixel, px, py, bg_r, 
                bg_g, bg_b, r, g, b
            int[] fData;
            Vec2 src, dst;
            BDFParser.Rectangle glyph_box = new BDFParser.Rectangle();
            BDFGlyph glyph;
            Image img;

            if ((bdfFont != null) && (charsCount > 0))
                char[] chrs = text.ToCharArray();
                int mH = 0;
                int mY = 0;
                int mxY = 0;
                int tW = 0;
                int tH = 0;
                for (uint m = 0; m < text.Length; m++)
                    glyph = bdfFont.getGlyph(chrs[m]);
                    glyph_box = glyph.getBbx(glyph_box);
                    if (glyph_box.height > mH)
                        mH = glyph_box.height + 2;
                    if (glyph_box.y < mY)
                        mY = glyph_box.y;
                    if (glyph_box.y > mxY)
                        mxY = glyph_box.y;
                    tW += glyph_box.width + glyph_box.x + 2;

                tH = mH + (mxY - mY);
                y = mH + -mY;
                img = new Image(tW, tH);

                float f_max = (1 << bdfFontDepth) - 1;
                if (f_max == 0)
                    f_max = 1;

                glyph_box = new BDFParser.Rectangle();
                src = new Vec2();
                dst = new Vec2();

                for (int i = 0; i < charsCount; i++)
                    glyph = bdfFont.getGlyph(chrs[i]);
                    if (glyph == null)
                    glyph_box = glyph.getBbx(glyph_box);

                    fHeight = glyph_box.height;
                    fData = glyph.getData();
                    scan = fData.Length / fHeight;

                    fg_r = color.R;
                    fg_g = color.G;
                    fg_b = color.B;

                    //box location
                    bx = x + offset + glyph_box.x;
                    by = y - fHeight - glyph_box.y;

                    for (int k = 0; k < fHeight; k++)
                        offsetLine = k * scan;
                        for (int j = 0; j < scan; j++)
                            fPixel = fData[offsetLine + j];
                            if (fPixel != 0)

                                //pixel location
                                px = bx + j;
                                py = by + k;

                                if (tx != null)
                                    //src.setLocation(px, py);
                                    //tx.transform(src, dst);
#warning TODO: Add support for this.
                                    //px = dst.X;
                                    //py = dst.Y;

                                if (clip == null || clip.Contains(px, py))
                                    //compute color
                                    Pixel bg_color = img.GetPixel((uint)px, (uint)py);

                                    bg_r = bg_color.R;
                                    bg_g = bg_color.G;
                                    bg_b = bg_color.B;

                                    //todo improve this pixel composition

                                    float alpha = fPixel / f_max;

                                    r = bg_r + ((int)((fg_r - bg_r) * alpha)) & 0xFF;
                                    g = bg_g + ((int)((fg_g - bg_g) * alpha)) & 0xFF;
                                    b = bg_b + ((int)((fg_b - bg_b) * alpha)) & 0xFF;

                                    Pixel nw = new Pixel((byte)r, (byte)g, (byte)b, 255);

                                    img.SetPixel((uint)px, (uint)py, nw);

                                    if (x_min > px)
                                        x_min = px;
                                    if (y_min > py)
                                        y_min = py;
                                    if (x_max < px)
                                        x_max = px;
                                    if (y_max < py)
                                        y_max = py;
                    offset += glyph.getDWidth().width;
                //img = ImageManipulator.Resize(img, new Vec2(img.Width * 8, img.Height * 8), ImageManipulator.ScalingAlgorithm.Bicubic);
                //img = ImageManipulator.Resize(img, Vec2.Zero, ImageManipulator.ScalingAlgorithm.Hq2x);
                //img = ImageManipulator.Resize(img, Vec2.Zero, ImageManipulator.ScalingAlgorithm.Hq4x);
                im.DrawImage(loc, img);
Пример #37
		public override void Render(Image i, BoundingBox clip, AffineTransform trans, string text, Vec2 loc, Pixel color)
Пример #38
  * Renders an image, Applying a transform from image space into user space
  * before Drawing.
  * The transformation from user space into device space is done with
  * the current <code>Transform</code> in the <code>Graphics2D</code>.
  * The specified transformation is applied to the image before the
  * transform attribute in the <code>Graphics2D</code> context is applied.
  * The rendering attributes applied include the <code>Clip</code>,
  * <code>Transform</code>, and <code>Composite</code> attributes.
  * Note that no rendering is done if the specified transform is
  * noninvertible.
  * @param img the <code>Image</code> to be rendered
  * @param xform the transformation from image space into user space
  * @param obs the {@link ImageObserver}
  * to be notified as more of the <code>Image</code>
  * is Converted
  * @return <code>true</code> if the <code>Image</code> is
  * fully loaded and completely rendered;
  * <code>false</code> if the <code>Image</code> is still being loaded.
  * @see #_transform
  * @see #setTransform
  * @see #setComposite
  * @see #clip
  * @see #setClip(Shape)
  public bool DrawImage(Image img, AffineTransform xform, ImageObserver obs) {
     log.log(POILogger.WARN, "Not implemented");
     return false;
Пример #39
        private void CalculateImageDimensions(Rectangle layoutBox, AffineTransform t, PdfXObject xObject)
            width = this.GetProperty <UnitValue>(Property.WIDTH) != null?RetrieveWidth(layoutBox.GetWidth()) : null;

            float?declaredHeight = RetrieveHeight();

            height = declaredHeight;
            if (width == null && height == null)
                width  = imageWidth;
                height = (float)width / imageWidth * imageHeight;
                if (width == null)
                    width = (float)height / imageHeight * imageWidth;
                    if (height == null)
                        height = (float)width / imageWidth * imageHeight;
            float?horizontalScaling = this.GetPropertyAsFloat(Property.HORIZONTAL_SCALING, 1f);
            float?verticalScaling   = this.GetPropertyAsFloat(Property.VERTICAL_SCALING, 1f);

            if (xObject is PdfFormXObject && width != imageWidth)
                horizontalScaling *= width / imageWidth;
                verticalScaling   *= height / imageHeight;
            if (horizontalScaling != 1)
                if (xObject is PdfFormXObject)
                    t.Scale((float)horizontalScaling, 1);
                    width = imageWidth * (float)horizontalScaling;
                    width *= (float)horizontalScaling;
            if (verticalScaling != 1)
                if (xObject is PdfFormXObject)
                    t.Scale(1, (float)verticalScaling);
                    height = imageHeight * (float)verticalScaling;
                    height *= (float)verticalScaling;
            // Constrain width and height according to min/max width
            float?minWidth = RetrieveMinWidth(layoutBox.GetWidth());
            float?maxWidth = RetrieveMaxWidth(layoutBox.GetWidth());

            if (null != minWidth && width < minWidth)
                height *= minWidth / width;
                width   = minWidth;
                if (null != maxWidth && width > maxWidth)
                    height *= maxWidth / width;
                    width   = maxWidth;
            // Constrain width and height according to min/max height, which has precedence over width settings
            float?minHeight = RetrieveMinHeight();
            float?maxHeight = RetrieveMaxHeight();

            if (null != minHeight && height < minHeight)
                width *= minHeight / height;
                height = minHeight;
                if (null != maxHeight && height > maxHeight)
                    width      *= maxHeight / height;
                    this.height = maxHeight;
                    if (null != declaredHeight && !height.Equals(declaredHeight))
                        width *= declaredHeight / height;
                        height = declaredHeight;
Пример #40
  * Sets the <code>Transform</code> in the <code>Graphics2D</code>
  * context.
  * @param Tx the <code>AffineTransform</code> object to be used in the
  * rendering process
  * @see #_transform
  * @see AffineTransform
 public void SetTransform(AffineTransform Tx) {
     _transform = new AffineTransform(Tx);
Пример #41
        private float AdjustPositionAfterRotation(float angle, float maxWidth, float maxHeight)
            if (angle != 0)
                AffineTransform t       = AffineTransform.GetRotateInstance(angle);
                Point           p00     = t.Transform(new Point(0, 0), new Point());
                Point           p01     = t.Transform(new Point(0, (float)height), new Point());
                Point           p10     = t.Transform(new Point((float)width, 0), new Point());
                Point           p11     = t.Transform(new Point((float)width, (float)height), new Point());
                double[]        xValues = new double[] { p01.GetX(), p10.GetX(), p11.GetX() };
                double[]        yValues = new double[] { p01.GetY(), p10.GetY(), p11.GetY() };
                double          minX    = p00.GetX();
                double          minY    = p00.GetY();
                double          maxX    = minX;
                double          maxY    = minY;
                foreach (double x in xValues)
                    minX = Math.Min(minX, x);
                    maxX = Math.Max(maxX, x);
                foreach (double y in yValues)
                    minY = Math.Min(minY, y);
                    maxY = Math.Max(maxY, y);
                height = (float)(maxY - minY);
                width  = (float)(maxX - minX);
                pivotY = (float)(p00.GetY() - minY);
                deltaX = -(float)minX;
            // Rotating image can cause fitting into area problems.
            // So let's find scaling coefficient
            float scaleCoeff = 1;

            if (true.Equals(GetPropertyAsBoolean(Property.AUTO_SCALE)))
                if (maxWidth / (float)width < maxHeight / (float)height)
                    scaleCoeff = maxWidth / (float)width;
                    height    *= maxWidth / (float)width;
                    width      = maxWidth;
                    scaleCoeff = maxHeight / (float)height;
                    width     *= maxHeight / (float)height;
                    height     = maxHeight;
                if (true.Equals(GetPropertyAsBoolean(Property.AUTO_SCALE_WIDTH)))
                    scaleCoeff = maxWidth / (float)width;
                    height    *= scaleCoeff;
                    width      = maxWidth;
                    if (true.Equals(GetPropertyAsBoolean(Property.AUTO_SCALE_HEIGHT)))
                        scaleCoeff = maxHeight / (float)height;
                        height     = maxHeight;
                        width     *= scaleCoeff;
            pivotY *= scaleCoeff;
            deltaX *= scaleCoeff;
        public void InverseAffineTransformationTest ()
            //Local coordinate system MNAU (Kraftwerk Mäuserich) (based on Gau?Krüger using affine transformation)
            // affine transform
            // 1) Offset: X=-3454886,640m Y=-5479481,278m;
            // 2)Rotation: 332,0657, Rotation point  X=3456926,640m Y=5481071,278m;
            // 3) Scale: 1.0

            //TODO MathTransformFactory fac = new MathTransformFactory ();
            double[,] matrix = new double[,] {{0.883485346527455, -0.468458794848877, 3455869.17937689}, 
                                              {0.468458794848877, 0.883485346527455, 5478710.88035753},
                                              {0.0 , 0.0, 1},};
            IMathTransform mt = new AffineTransform (matrix);

            Assert.IsNotNull (mt);

            Assert.AreEqual (2, mt.DimSource);
            Assert.AreEqual (2, mt.DimTarget);

            //Transformation example (MNAU -> GK)
            // Start point (MNAU) X=2040,000m Y=1590,000m]
            // Target point (GK): X=3456926,640m Y=5481071,278m;

            //check source transform
            double[] outPt = mt.Transform (new double[] { 2040.0, 1590.0 });

            Assert.AreEqual (2, outPt.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual (3456926.640, outPt[0], 0.00000001);
            Assert.AreEqual (5481071.278, outPt[1], 0.00000001);

            IMathTransform invMt = mt.Inverse ();

            double[] inPt = invMt.Transform (new double[] { 3456926.640, 5481071.278 });

            Assert.AreEqual (2, inPt.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual (2040.0, inPt[0], 0.00000001);
            Assert.AreEqual (1590.0, inPt[1], 0.00000001);

            //check source transform - once more
            double[] outPt2 = mt.Transform (new double[] { 2040.0, 1590.0 });

            Assert.AreEqual (2, outPt2.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual (3456926.640, outPt2[0], 0.00000001);
            Assert.AreEqual (5481071.278, outPt2[1], 0.00000001);
Пример #43
        public override LayoutResult Layout(LayoutContext layoutContext)
            LayoutArea      area         = layoutContext.GetArea().Clone();
            Rectangle       layoutBox    = area.GetBBox().Clone();
            AffineTransform t            = new AffineTransform();
            Image           modelElement = (Image)(GetModelElement());
            PdfXObject      xObject      = modelElement.GetXObject();

            imageWidth  = modelElement.GetImageWidth();
            imageHeight = modelElement.GetImageHeight();
            CalculateImageDimensions(layoutBox, t, xObject);
            OverflowPropertyValue?overflowX = null != parent?parent.GetProperty <OverflowPropertyValue?>(Property.OVERFLOW_X
                                                                                                         ) : OverflowPropertyValue.FIT;

            bool nowrap = false;

            if (parent is LineRenderer)
                nowrap = true.Equals(this.parent.GetOwnProperty <bool?>(Property.NO_SOFT_WRAP_INLINE));
            IList <Rectangle> floatRendererAreas    = layoutContext.GetFloatRendererAreas();
            float             clearHeightCorrection = FloatingHelper.CalculateClearHeightCorrection(this, floatRendererAreas, layoutBox
            FloatPropertyValue?floatPropertyValue = this.GetProperty <FloatPropertyValue?>(Property.FLOAT);

            if (FloatingHelper.IsRendererFloating(this, floatPropertyValue))
                FloatingHelper.AdjustFloatedBlockLayoutBox(this, layoutBox, width, floatRendererAreas, floatPropertyValue,
                clearHeightCorrection = FloatingHelper.AdjustLayoutBoxAccordingToFloats(floatRendererAreas, layoutBox, width
                                                                                        , clearHeightCorrection, null);
            ApplyMargins(layoutBox, false);
            Border[] borders = GetBorders();
            ApplyBorderBox(layoutBox, borders, false);
            float?declaredMaxHeight         = RetrieveMaxHeight();
            OverflowPropertyValue?overflowY = null == parent || ((null == declaredMaxHeight || declaredMaxHeight > layoutBox
                                                                  .GetHeight()) && !layoutContext.IsClippedHeight()) ? OverflowPropertyValue.FIT : parent.GetProperty <OverflowPropertyValue?
            bool processOverflowX = !IsOverflowFit(overflowX) || nowrap;
            bool processOverflowY = !IsOverflowFit(overflowY);

            if (IsAbsolutePosition())
            occupiedArea = new LayoutArea(area.GetPageNumber(), new Rectangle(layoutBox.GetX(), layoutBox.GetY() + layoutBox
                                                                              .GetHeight(), 0, 0));
            float imageItselfScaledWidth  = (float)width;
            float imageItselfScaledHeight = (float)height;

            if (IsFixedLayout())
                fixedXPosition = this.GetPropertyAsFloat(Property.LEFT);
                fixedYPosition = this.GetPropertyAsFloat(Property.BOTTOM);
            float?angle = this.GetPropertyAsFloat(Property.ROTATION_ANGLE);

            // See in adjustPositionAfterRotation why angle = 0 is necessary
            if (null == angle)
                angle = 0f;
            initialOccupiedAreaBBox = GetOccupiedAreaBBox().Clone();
            float scaleCoef = AdjustPositionAfterRotation((float)angle, layoutBox.GetWidth(), layoutBox.GetHeight());

            imageItselfScaledHeight *= scaleCoef;
            imageItselfScaledWidth  *= scaleCoef;
            if (xObject is PdfFormXObject)
                t.Scale(scaleCoef, scaleCoef);
            GetMatrix(t, imageItselfScaledWidth, imageItselfScaledHeight);
            // indicates whether the placement is forced
            bool isPlacingForced = false;

            if (width > layoutBox.GetWidth() || height > layoutBox.GetHeight())
                if (true.Equals(GetPropertyAsBoolean(Property.FORCED_PLACEMENT)) || (width > layoutBox.GetWidth() && processOverflowX
                                                                                     ) || (height > layoutBox.GetHeight() && processOverflowY))
                    isPlacingForced = true;
                    ApplyMargins(initialOccupiedAreaBBox, true);
                    ApplyBorderBox(initialOccupiedAreaBBox, true);
                    return(new MinMaxWidthLayoutResult(LayoutResult.NOTHING, occupiedArea, null, this, this));
            if (borders[3] != null)
                height += (float)Math.Sin((float)angle) * borders[3].GetWidth();
            UnitValue leftMargin = this.GetPropertyAsUnitValue(Property.MARGIN_LEFT);

            if (!leftMargin.IsPointValue())
                ILog logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(iText.Layout.Renderer.ImageRenderer));
                logger.Error(MessageFormatUtil.Format(iText.IO.LogMessageConstant.PROPERTY_IN_PERCENTS_NOT_SUPPORTED, Property
            UnitValue topMargin = this.GetPropertyAsUnitValue(Property.MARGIN_TOP);

            if (!topMargin.IsPointValue())
                ILog logger = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(iText.Layout.Renderer.ImageRenderer));
                logger.Error(MessageFormatUtil.Format(iText.IO.LogMessageConstant.PROPERTY_IN_PERCENTS_NOT_SUPPORTED, Property
            if (0 != leftMargin.GetValue() || 0 != topMargin.GetValue())
                TranslateImage(leftMargin.GetValue(), topMargin.GetValue(), t);
                GetMatrix(t, imageItselfScaledWidth, imageItselfScaledHeight);
            ApplyBorderBox(occupiedArea.GetBBox(), borders, true);
            ApplyMargins(occupiedArea.GetBBox(), true);
            if (angle != 0)
            float       unscaledWidth = occupiedArea.GetBBox().GetWidth() / scaleCoef;
            MinMaxWidth minMaxWidth   = new MinMaxWidth(unscaledWidth, unscaledWidth, 0);
            UnitValue   rendererWidth = this.GetProperty <UnitValue>(Property.WIDTH);

            if (rendererWidth != null && rendererWidth.IsPercentValue())
                float coeff = imageWidth / (float)RetrieveWidth(area.GetBBox().GetWidth());
                minMaxWidth.SetChildrenMaxWidth(unscaledWidth * coeff);
                bool autoScale      = HasProperty(Property.AUTO_SCALE) && (bool)this.GetProperty <bool?>(Property.AUTO_SCALE);
                bool autoScaleWidth = HasProperty(Property.AUTO_SCALE_WIDTH) && (bool)this.GetProperty <bool?>(Property.AUTO_SCALE_WIDTH
                if (autoScale || autoScaleWidth)
            FloatingHelper.RemoveFloatsAboveRendererBottom(floatRendererAreas, this);
            LayoutArea editedArea = FloatingHelper.AdjustResultOccupiedAreaForFloatAndClear(this, floatRendererAreas,
                                                                                            layoutContext.GetArea().GetBBox(), clearHeightCorrection, false);

            return(new MinMaxWidthLayoutResult(LayoutResult.FULL, editedArea, null, null, isPlacingForced ? this : null
Пример #44
 public void DrawRenderableImage(RenderableImage renderableimage, AffineTransform affinetransform)
     DrawRenderedImage(renderableimage.CreateDefaultRendering(), affinetransform);
        /// <summary>
        /// Precomputes the transform to bring triangles from their native local space to the local space of the convex.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="convexInverseWorldTransform">Inverse of the world transform of the convex shape.</param>
        /// <param name="fromMeshLocalToConvexLocal">Transform to apply to native local triangles to bring them into the local space of the convex.</param>
        protected override void PrecomputeTriangleTransform(ref AffineTransform convexInverseWorldTransform, out AffineTransform fromMeshLocalToConvexLocal)
            //StaticMeshes only have transformable mesh data.
            var data = ((TransformableMeshData)mesh.Mesh.Data);

            AffineTransform.Multiply(ref data.worldTransform, ref convexInverseWorldTransform, out fromMeshLocalToConvexLocal);
Пример #46
 //--------------------------------- REVISIONS ------------------------------
 // Date       Name                 Tracking #         Description
 // ---------  -------------------  -------------      ----------------------
 // 13JUN2009  James Shen                 	          Initial Creation
  * Returns an iteration object that defines the boundary of this
  * flattened <code>Line</code>.
  * The iterator for this class is not multi-threaded safe,
  * which means that this <code>Line</code> class does not
  * guarantee that modifications to the geometry of this
  * <code>Line</code> object do not affect any iterations of that
  * geometry that are already in process.
  * @param at the specified <code>AffineTransform</code>
  * @param flatness the maximum amount that the control points for a
  *		given curve can vary from colinear before a subdivided
  *		curve is replaced by a straight line connecting the
  *		end points.  Since a <code>Line</code> object is
  *	        always flat, this parameter is ignored.
  * @return a <code>PathIterator</code> that defines the boundary of the
  *			flattened <code>Line</code>
 public PathIterator GetPathIterator(AffineTransform at, int flatness)
     return new LineIterator(this, at);
Пример #47
        void ComputeShapeInformation(TransformableMeshData data, out ShapeDistributionInformation shapeInformation)
            //Compute the surface vertices of the shape.
                ConvexHullHelper.GetConvexHull(data.vertices, surfaceVertices);
                for (int i = 0; i < surfaceVertices.count; ++i)
                    AffineTransform.Transform(ref surfaceVertices.Elements[i], ref data.worldTransform, out surfaceVertices.Elements[i]);
                //If the convex hull failed, then the point set has no volume.  A mobile mesh is allowed to have zero volume, however.
                //In this case, compute the bounding box of all points.
                BoundingBox box = new BoundingBox();
                for (int i = 0; i < data.vertices.Length; ++i)
                    Vector3 v;
                    data.GetVertexPosition(i, out v);
                    if (v.X > box.Max.X)
                        box.Max.X = v.X;
                    if (v.X < box.Min.X)
                        box.Min.X = v.X;
                    if (v.Y > box.Max.Y)
                        box.Max.Y = v.Y;
                    if (v.Y < box.Min.Y)
                        box.Min.Y = v.Y;
                    if (v.Z > box.Max.Z)
                        box.Max.Z = v.Z;
                    if (v.Z < box.Min.Z)
                        box.Min.Z = v.Z;
                //Add the corners.  This will overestimate the size of the surface a bit.
                surfaceVertices.Add(new Vector3(box.Min.X, box.Min.Y, box.Max.Z));
                surfaceVertices.Add(new Vector3(box.Min.X, box.Max.Y, box.Min.Z));
                surfaceVertices.Add(new Vector3(box.Max.X, box.Min.Y, box.Min.Z));
                surfaceVertices.Add(new Vector3(box.Min.X, box.Max.Y, box.Max.Z));
                surfaceVertices.Add(new Vector3(box.Max.X, box.Max.Y, box.Min.Z));
                surfaceVertices.Add(new Vector3(box.Max.X, box.Min.Y, box.Max.Z));
            shapeInformation.Center = new Vector3();

            if (solidity == MobileMeshSolidity.Solid)
                //The following inertia tensor calculation assumes a closed mesh.

                shapeInformation.Volume = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < data.indices.Length; i += 3)
                    Vector3 v2, v3, v4;
                    data.GetTriangle(i, out v2, out v3, out v4);

                    //Determinant is 6 * volume.  It's signed, though; this is because the mesh isn't necessarily convex nor centered on the origin.
                    float tetrahedronVolume = v2.X * (v3.Y * v4.Z - v3.Z * v4.Y) -
                                              v3.X * (v2.Y * v4.Z - v2.Z * v4.Y) +
                                              v4.X * (v2.Y * v3.Z - v2.Z * v3.Y);

                    shapeInformation.Volume += tetrahedronVolume;
                    shapeInformation.Center += tetrahedronVolume * (v2 + v3 + v4);
                shapeInformation.Center /= shapeInformation.Volume * 4;
                shapeInformation.Volume /= 6;
                shapeInformation.Volume  = Math.Abs(shapeInformation.Volume);

                data.worldTransform.Translation -= shapeInformation.Center;

                //Source: Explicit Exact Formulas for the 3-D Tetrahedron Inertia Tensor in Terms of its Vertex Coordinates
                //x1, x2, x3, x4 are origin, triangle1, triangle2, triangle3
                //Looking to find inertia tensor matrix of the form
                // [  a  -b' -c' ]
                // [ -b'  b  -a' ]
                // [ -c' -a'  c  ]
                float a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, ao = 0, bo = 0, co = 0;

                float totalWeight = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < data.indices.Length; i += 3)
                    Vector3 v2, v3, v4;
                    data.GetTriangle(i, out v2, out v3, out v4);

                    //Determinant is 6 * volume.  It's signed, though; this is because the mesh isn't necessarily convex nor centered on the origin.
                    float tetrahedronVolume = v2.X * (v3.Y * v4.Z - v3.Z * v4.Y) -
                                              v3.X * (v2.Y * v4.Z - v2.Z * v4.Y) +
                                              v4.X * (v2.Y * v3.Z - v2.Z * v3.Y);

                    totalWeight += tetrahedronVolume;

                    a += tetrahedronVolume * (v2.Y * v2.Y + v2.Y * v3.Y + v3.Y * v3.Y + v2.Y * v4.Y + v3.Y * v4.Y + v4.Y * v4.Y +
                                              v2.Z * v2.Z + v2.Z * v3.Z + v3.Z * v3.Z + v2.Z * v4.Z + v3.Z * v4.Z + v4.Z * v4.Z);
                    b += tetrahedronVolume * (v2.X * v2.X + v2.X * v3.X + v3.X * v3.X + v2.X * v4.X + v3.X * v4.X + v4.X * v4.X +
                                              v2.Z * v2.Z + v2.Z * v3.Z + v3.Z * v3.Z + v2.Z * v4.Z + v3.Z * v4.Z + v4.Z * v4.Z);
                    c += tetrahedronVolume * (v2.X * v2.X + v2.X * v3.X + v3.X * v3.X + v2.X * v4.X + v3.X * v4.X + v4.X * v4.X +
                                              v2.Y * v2.Y + v2.Y * v3.Y + v3.Y * v3.Y + v2.Y * v4.Y + v3.Y * v4.Y + v4.Y * v4.Y);
                    ao += tetrahedronVolume * (2 * v2.Y * v2.Z + v3.Y * v2.Z + v4.Y * v2.Z + v2.Y * v3.Z + 2 * v3.Y * v3.Z + v4.Y * v3.Z + v2.Y * v4.Z + v3.Y * v4.Z + 2 * v4.Y * v4.Z);
                    bo += tetrahedronVolume * (2 * v2.X * v2.Z + v3.X * v2.Z + v4.X * v2.Z + v2.X * v3.Z + 2 * v3.X * v3.Z + v4.X * v3.Z + v2.X * v4.Z + v3.X * v4.Z + 2 * v4.X * v4.Z);
                    co += tetrahedronVolume * (2 * v2.X * v2.Y + v3.X * v2.Y + v4.X * v2.Y + v2.X * v3.Y + 2 * v3.X * v3.Y + v4.X * v3.Y + v2.X * v4.Y + v3.X * v4.Y + 2 * v4.X * v4.Y);
                float density        = 1 / totalWeight;
                float diagonalFactor = density / 10;
                float offFactor      = -density / 20;
                a  *= diagonalFactor;
                b  *= diagonalFactor;
                c  *= diagonalFactor;
                ao *= offFactor;
                bo *= offFactor;
                co *= offFactor;
                shapeInformation.VolumeDistribution = new Matrix3X3(a, bo, co,
                                                                    bo, b, ao,
                                                                    co, ao, c);
                shapeInformation.Center = new Vector3();
                float totalWeight = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < data.indices.Length; i += 3)
                { //Configure the inertia tensor to be local.
                    Vector3 vA, vB, vC;
                    data.GetTriangle(i, out vA, out vB, out vC);
                    Vector3 vAvB;
                    Vector3 vAvC;
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref vB, ref vA, out vAvB);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref vC, ref vA, out vAvC);
                    Vector3 cross;
                    Vector3.Cross(ref vAvB, ref vAvC, out cross);
                    float weight = cross.Length();
                    totalWeight += weight;

                    shapeInformation.Center += weight * (vA + vB + vC) / 3;
                shapeInformation.Center /= totalWeight;
                shapeInformation.Volume  = 0;

                data.worldTransform.Translation -= shapeInformation.Center;

                shapeInformation.VolumeDistribution = new Matrix3X3();
                for (int i = 0; i < data.indices.Length; i += 3)
                { //Configure the inertia tensor to be local.
                    Vector3 vA, vB, vC;
                    data.GetTriangle(i, out vA, out vB, out vC);
                    Vector3 vAvB;
                    Vector3 vAvC;
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref vB, ref vA, out vAvB);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref vC, ref vA, out vAvC);
                    Vector3 cross;
                    Vector3.Cross(ref vAvB, ref vAvC, out cross);
                    float weight = cross.Length();
                    totalWeight += weight;

                    Matrix3X3 innerProduct;
                    Matrix3X3.CreateScale(vA.LengthSquared(), out innerProduct);
                    Matrix3X3 outerProduct;
                    Matrix3X3.CreateOuterProduct(ref vA, ref vA, out outerProduct);
                    Matrix3X3 contribution;
                    Matrix3X3.Subtract(ref innerProduct, ref outerProduct, out contribution);
                    Matrix3X3.Multiply(ref contribution, weight, out contribution);
                    Matrix3X3.Add(ref shapeInformation.VolumeDistribution, ref contribution, out shapeInformation.VolumeDistribution);

                    Matrix3X3.CreateScale(vB.LengthSquared(), out innerProduct);
                    Matrix3X3.CreateOuterProduct(ref vB, ref vB, out outerProduct);
                    Matrix3X3.Subtract(ref innerProduct, ref outerProduct, out outerProduct);
                    Matrix3X3.Multiply(ref contribution, weight, out contribution);
                    Matrix3X3.Add(ref shapeInformation.VolumeDistribution, ref contribution, out shapeInformation.VolumeDistribution);

                    Matrix3X3.CreateScale(vC.LengthSquared(), out innerProduct);
                    Matrix3X3.CreateOuterProduct(ref vC, ref vC, out outerProduct);
                    Matrix3X3.Subtract(ref innerProduct, ref outerProduct, out contribution);
                    Matrix3X3.Multiply(ref contribution, weight, out contribution);
                    Matrix3X3.Add(ref shapeInformation.VolumeDistribution, ref contribution, out shapeInformation.VolumeDistribution);
                Matrix3X3.Multiply(ref shapeInformation.VolumeDistribution, 1 / (6 * totalWeight), out shapeInformation.VolumeDistribution);

            ////Configure the inertia tensor to be local.
            //Vector3 finalOffset = shapeInformation.Center;
            //Matrix3X3 finalInnerProduct;
            //Matrix3X3.CreateScale(finalOffset.LengthSquared(), out finalInnerProduct);
            //Matrix3X3 finalOuterProduct;
            //Matrix3X3.CreateOuterProduct(ref finalOffset, ref finalOffset, out finalOuterProduct);

            //Matrix3X3 finalContribution;
            //Matrix3X3.Subtract(ref finalInnerProduct, ref finalOuterProduct, out finalContribution);

            //Matrix3X3.Subtract(ref shapeInformation.VolumeDistribution, ref finalContribution, out shapeInformation.VolumeDistribution);
 /// Transforms a vector by an affine transform.
 ///<param name="position">Position to transform.</param>
 ///<param name="transform">Transform to apply.</param>
 ///<param name="transformed">Transformed position.</param>
 public static void Transform(ref Vector3 position, ref AffineTransform transform, out Vector3 transformed)
     Matrix3x3.Transform(ref position, ref transform.LinearTransform, out transformed);
     Vector3.Add(ref transformed, ref transform.Translation, out transformed);
Пример #49
        /// Updates the time of impact for the pair.
        ///<param name="requester">Collidable requesting the update.</param>
        ///<param name="dt">Timestep duration.</param>
        public override void UpdateTimeOfImpact(Collidable requester, float dt)
            //Notice that we don't test for convex entity null explicitly.  The convex.IsActive property does that for us.
            if (convex.IsActive && convex.entity.PositionUpdateMode == PositionUpdateMode.Continuous)
                //TODO: This system could be made more robust by using a similar region-based rejection of edges.
                //CCD events are awfully rare under normal circumstances, so this isn't usually an issue.

                //Only perform the test if the minimum radii are small enough relative to the size of the velocity.
                Vector3 velocity;
                Vector3.Multiply(ref convex.entity.linearVelocity, dt, out velocity);
                float velocitySquared = velocity.LengthSquared();

                var minimumRadius = convex.Shape.minimumRadius * MotionSettings.CoreShapeScaling;
                timeOfImpact = 1;
                if (minimumRadius * minimumRadius < velocitySquared)
                    var triangle = PhysicsResources.GetTriangle();
                    triangle.collisionMargin = 0;
                    //Spherecast against all triangles to find the earliest time.
                    for (int i = 0; i < MeshManifold.overlappedTriangles.Count; i++)
                        MeshBoundingBoxTreeData data = instancedMesh.Shape.TriangleMesh.Data;
                        int triangleIndex            = MeshManifold.overlappedTriangles.Elements[i];
                        data.GetTriangle(triangleIndex, out triangle.vA, out triangle.vB, out triangle.vC);
                        AffineTransform.Transform(ref triangle.vA, ref instancedMesh.worldTransform, out triangle.vA);
                        AffineTransform.Transform(ref triangle.vB, ref instancedMesh.worldTransform, out triangle.vB);
                        AffineTransform.Transform(ref triangle.vC, ref instancedMesh.worldTransform, out triangle.vC);
                        //Put the triangle into 'localish' space of the convex.
                        Vector3.Subtract(ref triangle.vA, ref convex.worldTransform.Position, out triangle.vA);
                        Vector3.Subtract(ref triangle.vB, ref convex.worldTransform.Position, out triangle.vB);
                        Vector3.Subtract(ref triangle.vC, ref convex.worldTransform.Position, out triangle.vC);

                        RayHit rayHit;
                        if (GJKToolbox.CCDSphereCast(new Ray(Toolbox.ZeroVector, velocity), minimumRadius, triangle, ref Toolbox.RigidIdentity, timeOfImpact, out rayHit) &&
                            rayHit.T > Toolbox.BigEpsilon)
                            if (instancedMesh.sidedness != TriangleSidedness.DoubleSided)
                                Vector3 AB, AC;
                                Vector3.Subtract(ref triangle.vB, ref triangle.vA, out AB);
                                Vector3.Subtract(ref triangle.vC, ref triangle.vA, out AC);
                                Vector3 normal;
                                Vector3.Cross(ref AB, ref AC, out normal);
                                float dot;
                                Vector3.Dot(ref normal, ref rayHit.Normal, out dot);
                                //Only perform sweep if the object is in danger of hitting the object.
                                //Triangles can be one sided, so check the impact normal against the triangle normal.
                                if (instancedMesh.sidedness == TriangleSidedness.Counterclockwise && dot < 0 ||
                                    instancedMesh.sidedness == TriangleSidedness.Clockwise && dot > 0)
                                    timeOfImpact = rayHit.T;
                                timeOfImpact = rayHit.T;
Пример #50
        private static IMathTransform ReadAffineTransform (WktStreamTokenizer tokenizer)
                    PARAMETER["elt_0_0", 0.883485346527455],
                    PARAMETER["elt_0_1", -0.468458794848877],
                    PARAMETER["elt_0_2", 3455869.17937689],
                    PARAMETER["elt_1_0", 0.468458794848877],
                    PARAMETER["elt_1_1", 0.883485346527455],
                    PARAMETER["elt_1_2", 5478710.88035753],
                    PARAMETER["elt_2_2", 1]
            //tokenizer stands on the first PARAMETER
            if (tokenizer.GetStringValue () != "PARAMETER")
                tokenizer.ReadToken ("PARAMETER");

            IParameterInfo paramInfo = ReadParameters (tokenizer);
            //manage required parameters - row, col
            var rowParam = paramInfo.GetParameterByName ("num_row");
            var colParam = paramInfo.GetParameterByName ("num_col");

            if (rowParam == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("Affine transform does not contain 'num_row' parameter");
            if (colParam == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException ("Affine transform does not contain 'num_col' parameter");
            int rowVal = (int)rowParam.Value;
            int colVal = (int)colParam.Value;

            if (rowVal <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException ("Affine transform contains invalid value of 'num_row' parameter");

            if (colVal <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentException ("Affine transform contains invalid value of 'num_col' parameter");

            //creates working matrix;
            double[,] matrix = new double[rowVal, colVal];

            //simply process matrix values - no elt_ROW_COL parsing
            foreach (var param in paramInfo.Parameters)
                if (param == null || param.Name == null)
                switch (param.Name)
                    case "num_row":
                    case "num_col":
                    case "elt_0_0":
                        matrix[0, 0] = param.Value;
                    case "elt_0_1":
                        matrix[0, 1] = param.Value;
                    case "elt_0_2":
                        matrix[0, 2] = param.Value;
                    case "elt_0_3":
                        matrix[0, 3] = param.Value;
                    case "elt_1_0":
                        matrix[1, 0] = param.Value;
                    case "elt_1_1":
                        matrix[1, 1] = param.Value;
                    case "elt_1_2":
                        matrix[1, 2] = param.Value;
                    case "elt_1_3":
                        matrix[1, 3] = param.Value;
                    case "elt_2_0":
                        matrix[2, 0] = param.Value;
                    case "elt_2_1":
                        matrix[2, 1] = param.Value;
                    case "elt_2_2":
                        matrix[2, 2] = param.Value;
                    case "elt_2_3":
                        matrix[2, 3] = param.Value;
                    case "elt_3_0":
                        matrix[3, 0] = param.Value;
                    case "elt_3_1":
                        matrix[3, 1] = param.Value;
                    case "elt_3_2":
                        matrix[3, 2] = param.Value;
                    case "elt_3_3":
                        matrix[3, 3] = param.Value;
                        //unknown parameter

            //read rest of WKT
            if (tokenizer.GetStringValue () != "]")
                tokenizer.ReadToken ("]");

            //use "matrix" constructor to create transformation matrix
            IMathTransform affineTransform = new AffineTransform (matrix);
            return affineTransform;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an affine transform from a rigid transform.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="rigid">Rigid transform to base the affine transform on.</param>
 /// <param name="affine">Affine transform created from the rigid transform.</param>
 public static void CreateFromRigidTransform(ref RigidTransform rigid, out AffineTransform affine)
     affine.Translation = rigid.Position;
     Matrix3x3.CreateFromQuaternion(ref rigid.Orientation, out affine.LinearTransform);
 /// Transforms a vector using an affine transform.
 ///<param name="position">Position to transform.</param>
 ///<param name="affineTransform">Transform to apply.</param>
 ///<returns>Transformed position.</returns>
 public static Vector3 Transform(Vector3 position, AffineTransform affineTransform)
     Vector3 toReturn;
     Transform(ref position, ref affineTransform, out toReturn);
     return toReturn;
 /// Multiplies a rigid transform by an affine transform.
 ///<param name="a">Rigid transform.</param>
 ///<param name="b">Affine transform.</param>
 ///<param name="transform">Combined transform.</param>
 public static void Multiply(ref RigidTransform a, ref AffineTransform b, out AffineTransform transform)
     Matrix3x3 linearTransform;//Have to use temporary variable just in case b reference is transform.
     Matrix3x3.CreateFromQuaternion(ref a.Orientation, out linearTransform);
     Matrix3x3.Multiply(ref linearTransform, ref b.LinearTransform, out linearTransform);
     Vector3 translation;
     Matrix3x3.Transform(ref a.Position, ref b.LinearTransform, out translation);
     Vector3.Add(ref translation, ref b.Translation, out transform.Translation);
     transform.LinearTransform = linearTransform;
 /// <summary>
 /// Multiplies a transform by another transform.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="a">First transform.</param>
 /// <param name="b">Second transform.</param>
 /// <param name="transform">Combined transform.</param>
 public static void Multiply(ref AffineTransform a, ref AffineTransform b, out AffineTransform transform)
     Matrix3x3 linearTransform;//Have to use temporary variable just in case a or b reference is transform.
     Matrix3x3.Multiply(ref a.LinearTransform, ref b.LinearTransform, out linearTransform);
     Vector3 translation;
     Matrix3x3.Transform(ref a.Translation, ref b.LinearTransform, out translation);
     Vector3.Add(ref translation, ref b.Translation, out transform.Translation);
     transform.LinearTransform = linearTransform;
 /// Inverts an affine transform.
 ///<param name="transform">Transform to invert.</param>
 /// <param name="inverse">Inverse of the transform.</param>
 public static void Invert(ref AffineTransform transform, out AffineTransform inverse)
     Matrix3x3.Invert(ref transform.LinearTransform, out inverse.LinearTransform);
     Matrix3x3.Transform(ref transform.Translation, ref inverse.LinearTransform, out inverse.Translation);
     Vector3.Negate(ref inverse.Translation, out inverse.Translation);
Пример #56
  * Auto-shapes are defined in the [0,21600] coordinate system.
  * We need to transform it into normal slide coordinates
 public static java.awt.Shape transform(java.awt.Shape outline, Rectangle2D anchor){
     AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform();
     at.translate(anchor.GetX(), anchor.GetY());
     return at.CreateTransformedShape(outline);