Пример #1
        public ActionResult ActivateQuote(string Id)
            int         nObsoleteId          = Convert.ToInt32(Id);
            tblQuoteLog result               = new tblQuoteLog();
            SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities objdb = new SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities();
            var quote = (from b in objdb.tblObsolete_Quotes
                         where b.Id == nObsoleteId
                         select b).ToList();

            var uid_quotelog    = objdb.tblQuoteLogs.OrderByDescending(u => u.UID).FirstOrDefault();
            var uid_obsquotelog = objdb.tblObsolete_Quotes.OrderByDescending(u => u.UID).FirstOrDefault();

            string bidate = "1/1/1753";

            if (quote[0].BidDate != null)
                bidate = Convert.ToString(quote[0].BidDate);

            result.BidDate           = Convert.ToDateTime(bidate);
            result.BiddingAs         = quote[0].BiddingAs;
            result.BidTo             = quote[0].BidTo;
            result.ProjectName       = quote[0].ProjectName;
            result.Division          = quote[0].Division;
            result.LastAddendumRecvd = quote[0].LastAddendumRecvd;
            result.Estimator         = quote[0].Estimator;
            result.QuoteNumber       = quote[0].QuoteNumber;
            result.UID = quote[0].UID;
            result.EngineersEstimate   = quote[0].EngineersEstimate;
            result.Notes               = quote[0].Notes;
            result.JobWalkDate         = quote[0].Job_Walk_Date;
            result.QADeadLineDateTime  = quote[0].QADeadLineDateTime;
            result.QuoteStatus         = quote[0].QuoteStatus;
            result.dtpLastDateFollowup = quote[0].dtpLastDateFollowup;
            result.LastFollowupBy      = quote[0].LastFollowupBy;
            result.FollowupNote        = quote[0].FollowupNote;
            result.EmailAddress        = quote[0].EmailAddress;

            QuoteLogRepository _repo = new QuoteLogRepository();

            _repo.AddActivateQuoteLog(result, "T");

            var act = new ActivityRepository();

            act.AddActivityLog(Convert.ToString(Session["User"]), "Archived Quote", "Activate Quote ", "Archived Quote " + quote[0].UID.ToString() + " activated by user " + Convert.ToString(Session["User"]) + ".");

            foreach (var detail in quote)
            act.AddActivityLog(Convert.ToString(Session["User"]), "Delete Archived Quote", "Activate Quote ", "Archived Quote " + quote[0].UID.ToString() + " deleted after moving to current by user " + Convert.ToString(Session["User"]) + ".");

            JavaScriptSerializer javaScriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            string result1 = javaScriptSerializer.Serialize(result);

            return(Json(result1, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #2
        public JsonResult SetInActive(Int32 Id, Int32 customerId, bool setdefault)
            SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities db = new SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities();
            // if (setdefault == true)
            // {

            tblCustomer cust = db.tblCustomers.Where(x => x.CustomerId == customerId).FirstOrDefault();

            cust.IsInActive = setdefault;
            tblCustomer customer = db.tblCustomers.Where(x => x.CustomerId == customerId).FirstOrDefault();

            var act = new ActivityRepository();

            if (setdefault == true)
                act.AddActivityLog(Convert.ToString(Session["User"]), "Update Customer Status", "SetInActive", "Customer " + customer.CustomerName + " status is set as inactive by user " + Convert.ToString(Session["User"]) + ".");
                act.AddActivityLog(Convert.ToString(Session["User"]), "Update Customer Status", "SetInActive", "Customer " + customer.CustomerName + " status is set as active by user " + Convert.ToString(Session["User"]) + ".");
            return(Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #3
        public ActionResult ArchieveRecord(string Id)
            //  ObsoleteBidLogViewModel result = new ObsoleteBidLogViewModel();

            int nId = Convert.ToInt32(Id);
            QuoteLogRepository         _repo  = new QuoteLogRepository();
            tblObsolete_Quote          result = new tblObsolete_Quote();
            SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities objdb  = new SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities();
            var quote = (from b in objdb.tblQuoteLogs
                         where b.Id == nId
                         select b).ToList();

            string UID    = quote[0].UID.ToString();
            string bidate = "1/1/1753";

            if (quote[0].BidDate != null)
                bidate = Convert.ToString(quote[0].BidDate);

            result.BidDate           = Convert.ToDateTime(bidate);
            result.BiddingAs         = quote[0].BiddingAs;
            result.BidTo             = quote[0].BidTo;
            result.ProjectName       = quote[0].ProjectName;
            result.Estimator         = quote[0].Estimator;
            result.QuoteNumber       = quote[0].QuoteNumber;
            result.Notes             = quote[0].Notes;
            result.EngineersEstimate = quote[0].EngineersEstimate;
            result.Division          = quote[0].Division;
            result.UID                 = quote[0].UID;
            result.RedSheet            = quote[0].RedSheet;
            result.ScopeLetter         = quote[0].ScopeLetter;
            result.Job_Walk_Date       = quote[0].JobWalkDate;
            result.QADeadLineDateTime  = quote[0].QADeadLineDateTime;
            result.Mandatory_Job_Walk  = (quote[0].MandetoryJobWalk == null ? false : true);
            result.LastAddendumRecvd   = quote[0].LastAddendumRecvd;
            result.QuoteStatus         = quote[0].QuoteStatus;
            result.dtpLastDateFollowup = quote[0].dtpLastDateFollowup;
            result.LastFollowupBy      = quote[0].LastFollowupBy;
            result.FollowupNote        = quote[0].FollowupNote;
            result.EmailAddress        = quote[0].EmailAddress;

            _repo.AddArchiveQuoteLog(result, "F");
            var act = new ActivityRepository();

            act.AddActivityLog(Convert.ToString(Session["User"]), "Archive Quote", "ArchieveRecord", "Quote  " + quote[0].UID + " archived by user " + Convert.ToString(Session["User"]) + ".");
            foreach (var detail in quote)

            act.AddActivityLog(Convert.ToString(Session["User"]), "Delete Quote", "ArchieveRecord ", " Quote " + UID + " deleted after archiving by user " + Convert.ToString(Session["User"]) + ".");

            JavaScriptSerializer javaScriptSerializer = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            string result1 = javaScriptSerializer.Serialize(result);

            return(Json(result1, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #4
        public ActionResult UpdateCustomerAddress(CustomerAddressViewModel custaddress)
            SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities db = new SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities();

            if (custaddress.CustomerId != 0)
                CustomerRepository objdata = new CustomerRepository();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(custaddress.Address1) == false)
                    custaddress.Address1 = custaddress.Address1.ToUpper();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(custaddress.Address2) == false)
                    custaddress.Address2 = custaddress.Address2.ToUpper();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(custaddress.City) == false)
                    custaddress.City = custaddress.City.ToUpper();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(custaddress.Country) == false)
                    custaddress.Country = custaddress.Country.ToUpper();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(custaddress.State) == false)
                    custaddress.State = custaddress.State.ToUpper();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(custaddress.ZipCode) == false)
                    custaddress.ZipCode = custaddress.ZipCode.ToUpper();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(custaddress.SiteName) == false)
                    custaddress.SiteName = custaddress.SiteName.ToUpper();

                objdata.AddUpdateCustomerAddress(custaddress, "Update");
                tblCustomer customer = db.tblCustomers.Where(x => x.CustomerId == custaddress.CustomerId).FirstOrDefault();
                var         act      = new ActivityRepository();
                act.AddActivityLog(Convert.ToString(Session["User"]), "Edit address", "UpdateCustomerAddress", "Addresses for customer " + customer.CustomerName.ToUpper() + " edited by " + Convert.ToString(Session["User"]) + ".");

            //CustomerRepository _repository = new CustomerRepository();
            //var cust = _repository.GetCustomerDetails(custaddress.CustomerId);

            tblCustAddress cust = new tblCustAddress();

            return(Json(cust, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #5
        public JsonResult SetPrimaryContact(Int32 Id, Int32 customerId, bool setdefault)
            SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities db = new SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities();

            if (setdefault == true)
                var cust = (from c in db.tblCustContacts
                            where c.CustomerId == customerId && c.Id != Id
                            select c).ToList();

                foreach (var c in cust)
                    tblCustContact contact = db.tblCustContacts.Where(x => x.Id == c.Id).FirstOrDefault();
                    contact.IsPrimaryContact = false;

            tblCustContact custcontact = db.tblCustContacts.Where(x => x.Id == Id).FirstOrDefault();

            custcontact.IsPrimaryContact = setdefault;

            tblCustomer customer = db.tblCustomers.Where(x => x.CustomerId == customerId).FirstOrDefault();

            var act = new ActivityRepository();

            if (setdefault == true)
                act.AddActivityLog(Convert.ToString(Session["User"]), "Update default contact", "SetPrimaryContact", "Default contact set to " + custcontact.CustomerContact + " for customer " + customer.CustomerName + " by user " + Convert.ToString(Session["User"]) + ".");
                act.AddActivityLog(Convert.ToString(Session["User"]), "Update default contact", "SetPrimaryContact", "Default contact " + custcontact.CustomerContact + " removed for customer " + customer.CustomerName + " by user " + Convert.ToString(Session["User"]) + ".");
            return(Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #6
        public JsonResult DeleteCustomerContact(Int32 Id)
            SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities db          = new SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities();
            tblCustContact             custcontact = db.tblCustContacts.Where(x => x.Id == Id).FirstOrDefault();
            int    CustomerId = custcontact.CustomerId;
            string contact    = custcontact.CustomerContact;


            tblCustomer customer = db.tblCustomers.Where(x => x.CustomerId == CustomerId).FirstOrDefault();

            var act = new ActivityRepository();

            act.AddActivityLog(Convert.ToString(Session["User"]), "Delete contact", "DeleteCustomerContact", "Contact " + contact + " of customer " + customer.CustomerName + " deleted by user " + Convert.ToString(Session["User"]) + ".");
            return(Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #7
        public JsonResult DeleteCustomerAddress(Int32 Id)
            SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities db          = new SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities();
            tblCustAddress             custaddress = db.tblCustAddresses.Where(x => x.Id == Id).FirstOrDefault();
            int customerId = custaddress.CustomerId;


            tblCustomer customer = db.tblCustomers.Where(x => x.CustomerId == customerId).FirstOrDefault();

            var act = new ActivityRepository();

            act.AddActivityLog(Convert.ToString(Session["User"]), "Delete address", "DeleteCustomerAddress", "Address " + custaddress.Address1 + " of customer " + customer.CustomerName + " deleted by user " + Convert.ToString(Session["User"]) + ".");
            return(Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #8
        public ActionResult UpdateCustomerContact(CustomerContactViewModel custconact)
            SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities db = new SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities();

            if (custconact.CustomerId != 0)
                CustomerRepository objdata = new CustomerRepository();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(custconact.ContactEmail) == false)
                    custconact.ContactEmail = custconact.ContactEmail.ToUpper();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(custconact.ContactPhone) == false)
                    custconact.ContactPhone = custconact.ContactPhone.ToUpper();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(custconact.CustomerContact) == false)
                    custconact.CustomerContact = custconact.CustomerContact.ToUpper();

                objdata.AddUpdateCustomerContact(custconact, "Update");

                tblCustomer customer = db.tblCustomers.Where(x => x.CustomerId == custconact.CustomerId).FirstOrDefault();
                var         act      = new ActivityRepository();
                act.AddActivityLog(Convert.ToString(Session["User"]), "Edit Contact", "UpdateCustomerContact", "Contacts for customer " + customer.CustomerName.ToUpper() + " edited by " + Convert.ToString(Session["User"]) + ".");
                //Call SaveActivityLog("frmAddCustomer", "Edit Contact", "Contacts for customer " & UCase(txtCustomerName.Text) & " edited by " & UserInfo.UserName)

            //CustomerRepository _repository = new CustomerRepository();
            //var cust = _repository.GetCustomerDetails(custconact.CustomerId);
            tblCustContact cust = new tblCustContact();

            return(Json(cust, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
Пример #9
        public ActionResult Login(LoginViewModel model)
                if (ModelState.IsValid)
                    // EventLog.LogData(DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss") + " Login - Validating user.", true);

                    var user = new LoginRepository();
                    var act  = new ActivityRepository();

                    LoginViewModel l = user.GetUserById(model.LoginName, model.Password);
                    if (l == null)
                        ViewBag.Message = "User Name or Password is incorrect";
                        ModelState.AddModelError("", "User Name or Password is incorrect");
                        // EventLog.LogData(DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm:ss") + " Login - User Validation completed.", true);
                        //Store user details and previleges in userinfo object
                        Session["User"]                  = l.LoginName;
                        ViewBag.UserName                 = l.LoginName;
                        Session["UserInfo"]              = l.UserInfo;
                        Session["UserId"]                = l.UserInfo.UserId;
                        Session["Admin_Rights"]          = l.UserInfo.Admin_Rights;
                        Session["Bid_Log_ReadOnly"]      = l.UserInfo.Bid_Log_ReadOnly;
                        Session["SR_Log_ReadOnly"]       = l.UserInfo.SR_Log_ReadOnly;
                        Session["Accounting_Rights"]     = l.UserInfo.Accounting_Rights;
                        Session["DatabaseUpdate_Rights"] = l.UserInfo.DatabaseUpdate_Rights;

                        if (Session["Bid_Log_ReadOnly"].ToString() == "True" && Session["SR_Log_ReadOnly"].ToString() == "False")
                            Session["UserRights"] = "Rights: SR Log Table Change, Bid Log Table Read Only";
                        if (Session["Bid_Log_ReadOnly"].ToString() == "False" && Session["SR_Log_ReadOnly"].ToString() == "True")
                            Session["UserRights"] = "Rights: SR Log Table Read Only, Bid Log Table Change";
                        if (Session["Bid_Log_ReadOnly"].ToString() == "True" && Session["SR_Log_ReadOnly"].ToString() == "True")
                            Session["UserRights"] = "Rights: SR Log Table Read Only, Bid Log Table Read Only";
                        if (Session["Bid_Log_ReadOnly"].ToString() == "False" && Session["SR_Log_ReadOnly"].ToString() == "False")
                            Session["UserRights"] = "Rights: SR Log Table Change, Bid Log Table Change";
                        TestSiteRepository _repository = new TestSiteRepository();
                        Session["IsTestSite"] = _repository.GetTestSiteDetails();

                        //Log activity in database
                        act.AddActivityLog(l.UserInfo.User_Name, "Login", "Login", "User " + l.UserInfo.User_Name + " Logged in.");

                        //Check if ini file settings exist for this user. Else make an entry in database
                        return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
                //return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
            catch (Exception ex)
                ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message);
Пример #10
        public ActionResult Create(QuoteLogViewModel model, FormCollection form)
            QuoteLogRepository _repo   = new QuoteLogRepository();
            SRLogRepository    objdata = new SRLogRepository();


            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities objdb1 = new SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities();

                string hdnCustomer = "";
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(form["hdnCustomer"]) == false)
                    hdnCustomer = Convert.ToString(form["hdnCustomer"]).ToUpper();
                    hdnCustomer = Convert.ToString(form["hdnCustomer"]);

                string hdnCustUpdate = Convert.ToString(form["hdnCustUpdate"]);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(hdnCustUpdate))
                    //Add or Update Customer
                    tblCustomer cu = (from cust in objdb1.tblCustomers
                                      where cust.CustomerName == hdnCustomer
                                      select cust).FirstOrDefault();
                    CommonFunctions c = new CommonFunctions();
                    if (cu == null)
                        tblCustomer custad = new tblCustomer();
                        custad.CustomerName = hdnCustomer;
                        custad.DateAdded    = c.GetCurrentDate();
                        custad.IsInActive   = false;
                        custad.Notes        = null;
                model.BidTo = "";
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(form["hdnCustomer"]) == false)
                    model.BidTo = Convert.ToString(form["hdnCustomer"]).ToUpper();
                    model.BidTo = Convert.ToString(form["hdnCustomer"]);

                string strBidAs = "";
                if (model.BiddingAsIandC == true)
                    strBidAs = "0#";
                if (model.BiddingAsElectircal == true)
                    strBidAs = strBidAs + "1#";
                if (model.BiddingAsPrime == true)
                    strBidAs = strBidAs + "2#";
                if (model.BiddingAsUnKnown == true)
                    strBidAs = strBidAs + "3#";
                if (model.BiddingAsNotBidding == true)
                    strBidAs = strBidAs + "4#";

                if (model.BiddingAsNotQualified == true)
                    strBidAs = strBidAs + "5#";
                if (model.BiddingAsMechanical == true)
                    strBidAs = strBidAs + "6#";

                model.BiddingAs = strBidAs;

                if (model.DivisionConcord == true)
                    model.Division = "Concord";
                else if (model.DivisionHanford == true)
                    model.Division = "Hanford";
                else if (model.DivisionSacramento == true)
                    model.Division = "Sacramento";

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.ProjectName) == false)
                    model.ProjectName = model.ProjectName.ToUpper();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.QuoteStatus) == false)
                    model.QuoteStatus = model.QuoteStatus.ToUpper();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.LastFollowupBy) == false)
                    model.LastFollowupBy = model.LastFollowupBy.ToUpper();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.FollowupNote) == false)
                    model.FollowupNote = model.FollowupNote.ToUpper();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.EngineersEstimate) == false)
                    model.EngineersEstimate = model.EngineersEstimate.ToUpper();

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Notes) == false)
                    model.Notes = model.Notes.ToUpper();

                ViewBag.UId = model.UID;
                ViewBag.ID  = model.Id;

                string dtpLastDateFollowup = "";
                if (model.dtpLastDateFollowup == null)
                    dtpLastDateFollowup = "";
                    dtpLastDateFollowup = Convert.ToDateTime(model.dtpLastDateFollowup).ToString("MM-dd-yyyy");

                string bidDate = "";
                if (model.BidDate == null)
                    bidDate = "";
                    bidDate = Convert.ToDateTime(model.BidDate).ToString("MM-dd-yyyy");

                SendQuoteModifyMailSMTP(dtpLastDateFollowup, model.Email, model.BidTo, model.ProjectName, bidDate, model.QuoteStatus, model.LastFollowupBy, model.FollowupNote);
                var act = new ActivityRepository();
                act.AddActivityLog(Convert.ToString(Session["User"]), "Update Quote", "Create", "Quote " + model.UID + " updated by user " + Convert.ToString(Session["User"]) + ".");

                ViewBag.Message = "Record Updated Successfully And Quote Modified Status Mail Sent Succesfully";

            //BidLogViewModel objcre = new BidLogViewModel();
            objdata              = new SRLogRepository();
            model.CustomerList   = objdata.GetCustomer();
            model.GroupUsersList = objdata.GetGroupUser();
            bool bExistEstimator = false;

            foreach (var i in model.GroupUsersList)
                if (i.UserName == model.Estimator)
                    bExistEstimator = true;
            if (bExistEstimator == false)
                tblGroupUser g = new tblGroupUser();
                g.UserName   = model.Estimator;
                g.Userid     = model.Estimator;
                g.Group_Name = "";


            ViewBag.UpdateDisable = false;
            if (Convert.ToString(Session["SR_Log_ReadOnly"]) == "True" && Convert.ToString(Session["Bid_Log_ReadOnly"]) == "True")
                ViewBag.UpdateDisable = true;
            model.emailids = _repo.GetEmailInfo();
            return(View("Create", model));
Пример #11
        public void SaveMailInfo(string[] bonding, string[] bidresult, string[] customerinfo, string User)
            SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities db        = new SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities();
            List <Bonding_Mail_TO>     allEmails = (from p in db.Bonding_Mail_TO select p).ToList();

            foreach (Bonding_Mail_TO t in allEmails)
            var act = new ActivityRepository();

            act.AddActivityLog(User, "ManageMailList", "SaveMailInfo", "All existing bonding mails deleted by " + User);
            //Call SaveActivityLog("Frm_Bonding_prevailing_Email", "Delete all bonding mails", "All existing bonding mails deleted by " & UserInfo.UserName)
            for (int i = 0; i < bonding.Length; i++)
                if (bonding[i].ToString().Trim() != "")
                    Bonding_Mail_TO objbonding = new Bonding_Mail_TO();
                    objbonding.BondingMailTO = bonding[i].ToString();
                    act.AddActivityLog(User, "ManageMailList", "SaveMailInfo", "Bonding mail " + bonding[i].ToString() + " added in bonding mails by " + User);
                //Call SaveActivityLog("Frm_Bonding_prevailing_Email", "Insert bonding mail", "Bonding mail " & lstTo.List(j) & " added in bonding mails by " & UserInfo.UserName)

            List <Customer_Info_Mail> allEmailsofcustomer = (from p in db.Customer_Info_Mail select p).ToList();

            foreach (Customer_Info_Mail t in allEmailsofcustomer)
            act.AddActivityLog(User, "ManageMailList", "SaveMailInfo", "All existing customer info mails deleted by " + User);
            //Call SaveActivityLog("Frm_Bonding_prevailing_Email", "Delete all customer info mails", "All existing customer info mails deleted by " & UserInfo.UserName)
            for (int i = 0; i < customerinfo.Length; i++)
                if (customerinfo[i].ToString().Trim() != "")
                    Customer_Info_Mail objcustomer = new Customer_Info_Mail();
                    objcustomer.CustomerInfoMail = customerinfo[i].ToString();
                    act.AddActivityLog(User, "ManageMailList", "SaveMailInfo", "Customer info mail " + customerinfo[i].ToString() + " added in customer info mails by " + User);

                    //Call SaveActivityLog("Frm_Bonding_prevailing_Email", "Insert customer info mail", "Customer info mail " & lstCustTo.List(j) & " added in customer info mails by " & UserInfo.UserName)

            List <Bidlog_Result_Mail> allEmailsbidresult = (from p in db.Bidlog_Result_Mail select p).ToList();

            foreach (Bidlog_Result_Mail t in allEmailsbidresult)
            act.AddActivityLog(User, "ManageMailList", "SaveMailInfo", "All existing bidlog result mails deleted by " + User);
            //Call SaveActivityLog("Frm_Bonding_prevailing_Email", "Delete all bidlog result mails", "All existing bidlog result mails deleted by " & UserInfo.UserName)
            for (int i = 0; i < bidresult.Length; i++)
                if (bidresult[i].ToString().Trim() != "")
                    Bidlog_Result_Mail objbidresult = new Bidlog_Result_Mail();
                    objbidresult.BidlogResultMail = bidresult[i].ToString();
                    act.AddActivityLog(User, "ManageMailList", "SaveMailInfo", "Bidlog mail  " + bidresult[i].ToString() + " added in bidlog results mails by " + User);
                    //Call SaveActivityLog("Frm_Bonding_prevailing_Email", "Insert bidlog result mail", "Bidlog mail " & lstBidTo.List(j) & " added in bidlog results mails by " & UserInfo.UserName)
Пример #12
        public ActionResult Save(CustomerViewModel cust)
            int CustomerId = 0;

            CustomerId = cust.CustomerId;
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                // string jobsite = Convert.ToString(form["hdnJobSiteAddress"]);
                string Customer = cust.CustomerName.ToUpper();
                cust.CustomerName = cust.CustomerName.ToUpper();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cust.Notes) == false)
                    cust.Notes = cust.Notes.ToUpper();

                SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities db = new SR_Log_DatabaseSQLEntities();

                if (cust.CustomerId != 0)
                    var editcust = db.tblCustomers.Where(x => x.CustomerName.Trim().ToUpper() == Customer.Trim().ToUpper() && x.CustomerId != cust.CustomerId).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (editcust != null)
                        cust.CustomerId       = cust.CustomerId;
                        ViewBag.CustomerId    = cust.CustomerId;
                        ViewBag.Message       = "This Customer already present. Please add different name And Try Again.";
                        ViewBag.Adddisable    = true;
                        ViewBag.Deletedisable = true;
                        var customerexist = _repository.GetCustomerDetails(Convert.ToInt32(CustomerId));
                        cust.lstCustAddress = customerexist.lstCustAddress;
                        cust.lstCustContact = customerexist.lstCustContact;
                        return(View("Index", cust));
                    var existcust = db.tblCustomers.Where(x => x.CustomerName.Trim().ToUpper() == Customer.Trim().ToUpper()).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (existcust != null)
                        cust.CustomerId       = cust.CustomerId;
                        ViewBag.CustomerId    = cust.CustomerId;
                        ViewBag.Message       = "This Customer already present. Please add different name And Try Again.";
                        ViewBag.Adddisable    = true;
                        ViewBag.Deletedisable = true;
                        var customerexist2 = _repository.GetCustomerDetails(Convert.ToInt32(CustomerId));
                        cust.lstCustAddress = customerexist2.lstCustAddress;
                        cust.lstCustContact = customerexist2.lstCustContact;
                        return(View("Index", cust));

                CustomerRepository objdata = new CustomerRepository();

                // CustomerId = objdata.AddUpdateCustomer(cust, "Add");
                CustomerId = objdata.AddUpdateCustomer(cust);
                // Call SaveActivityLog("frmAddCustomer", "Add Customer", "Customer " + UCase(txtCustomerName.Text) + " added by user " & UserInfo.UserName & ".")
                var act = new ActivityRepository();
                act.AddActivityLog(Convert.ToString(Session["User"]), "Add Customer", "Save", "Customer " + cust.CustomerName.ToUpper() + " added by user " + Convert.ToString(Session["User"]) + ".");

                if (cust.CustomerId == 0)
                    SendCustomerMailSMTP(Convert.ToInt32(CustomerId), cust.CustomerName);

                cust.CustomerId       = CustomerId;
                ViewBag.CustomerId    = CustomerId;
                ViewBag.Adddisable    = false;
                ViewBag.Deletedisable = false;
                ViewBag.Message       = "Customer details saved successfully.";
                ViewBag.Adddisable = true;

            var customer = _repository.GetCustomerDetails(Convert.ToInt32(CustomerId));

            return(View("Index", customer));
Пример #13
        public ActionResult ImportCustomerContacts(HttpPostedFileBase postedFile)
                string filePath = string.Empty;
                if (postedFile != null)
                    string path = Server.MapPath("~/ImportCustomerContacts/");
                    if (!Directory.Exists(path))

                    filePath = path + Path.GetFileName(postedFile.FileName);
                    string extension = Path.GetExtension(postedFile.FileName);

                    DataTable dtToExport = new DataTable();
                    int       cnt        = 0;
                    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filePath))
                        while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                            //string[] col = sr.ReadLine().Split(',');
                            string[] col = Regex.Split(sr.ReadLine(), ",(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)");
                            DataRow  dr  = dtToExport.NewRow();
                            if (col.Length > 0)
                                for (int i = 0; i < col.Length; i++)
                                    if (cnt == 0)
                                        DataColumn dc = new DataColumn();
                                        dc.ColumnName = col[i].ToString();
                                        dr[i] = col[i].ToString();

                                if (cnt > 0)
                                if (cnt == 0)

                    string[] columnNames = dtToExport.Columns.Cast <DataColumn>().Select(x => x.ColumnName).ToArray();
                    if (columnNames[0] != "Customer Name" && columnNames[1] != "Customer Contact" && columnNames[2] != "Contact Phone" && columnNames[3] != "Contact Email")
                        ViewBag.Message = "CSV file not in correct format. Please select valid CSV file and try again!";
                    CustomerRepository _respository = new CustomerRepository();
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtToExport.Rows.Count; i++)
                        CustomerViewModel cst = new CustomerViewModel();
                        cst.CustomerName = dtToExport.Rows[i][0].ToString().Replace(@"""", "");

                        cst.InActive = false;
                        cst.Notes    = "";

                        int CustomerId;
                        CustomerId = _respository.AddUpdateCustomerImport(cst);
                        // Call SaveActivityLog("frmImportCustomers", "Import Customer", "Customer " + cst.CustomerName + " added from csv file " + postedFile.FileName + " by user " + Convert.ToString(Session["User"]) + ".")
                        var act = new ActivityRepository();
                        act.AddActivityLog(Convert.ToString(Session["User"]), "Import Customer", "ImportCustomerContacts", "Customer " + cst.CustomerName + " added from csv file " + postedFile.FileName + " by user " + Convert.ToString(Session["User"]) + ".");
                        if (dtToExport.Rows[i][1].ToString() != "" && dtToExport.Rows[i][2].ToString() != " && dtToExport.Rows[i][3].ToString() != ")
                            CustomerContactViewModel cstAdd = new CustomerContactViewModel();
                            cstAdd.CustomerId       = CustomerId;
                            cstAdd.CustomerContact  = dtToExport.Rows[i][1].ToString();
                            cstAdd.ContactPhone     = dtToExport.Rows[i][2].ToString();
                            cstAdd.ContactEmail     = dtToExport.Rows[i][3].ToString();
                            cstAdd.IsPrimaryContact = false;
                            // cstAdd.DateAdded = System.DateTime.Now;
                            CommonFunctions c = new CommonFunctions();
                            cstAdd.DateAdded = c.GetCurrentDate();

                            _respository.AddUpdateCustomerContact(cstAdd, "Add");
                            act = new ActivityRepository();
                            act.AddActivityLog(Convert.ToString(Session["User"]), "Import Customer Contacts", "ImportCustomer", "Contacts added for customer " + cst.CustomerName + " from csv file " + postedFile.FileName + " by user " + Convert.ToString(Session["User"]) + ".");
                    ViewBag.Message = "Please select file to import";

            catch (Exception ex)
                ViewBag.Message = "CSV file not in correct format. Please select valid CSV file and try again!";