public void Add_Get_Activity_Tags_From_Repository() { using (var context = new AcManContext(OptionsRandom)) { string randomTagName = "Tag " + Guid.NewGuid(); var tag = new Tag { Name = randomTagName }; var activityTags = new Collection <Tag> { tag }; var activity = new Activity { Caption = "Test activity", Tags = activityTags }; var activityRepository = new ActivityRepository(context); var tagRepository = new TagRepository(context); var tagId = tagRepository.Add(tag); var activityId = activityRepository.Add(activity); var resultActivity = activityRepository.GetWithTags(activityId); Assert.IsNotNull(resultActivity.Tags); Assert.IsTrue(((Tag[])resultActivity.Tags)[0].Name.Equals(randomTagName)); } }
public void SyncUserActivityes(User user, DateTime startDate) { ICollection <Activity> remoteActivityes = _activityBpmOdataRepository.GetAllChangedBetweenDatesForUser(startDate, _endDate, user); _info += "RemoteActivityes: " + remoteActivityes.Count.ToString() + "; "; ICollection <Activity> acmanChangedActivityes = _activityRepository.GetUnsyncedForUser(user); foreach (var remoteActivity in remoteActivityes) { var acmanActivity = acmanChangedActivityes .Where(a => a.EndSystemRecordId == remoteActivity.EndSystemRecordId) .FirstOrDefault() ?? _activityRepository.GetByRemoteRecordId(remoteActivity.EndSystemRecordId); if (acmanActivity != null) { if (acmanActivity.ModifiedOn < remoteActivity.ModifiedOn) { acmanChangedActivityes.Remove(acmanActivity); AcmanHelper.MergeSyncedObjects(acmanActivity, remoteActivity); _activityRepository.Edit(acmanActivity); } } else { _activityRepository.Add(remoteActivity); } } _info += "AcmanActivityes: " + acmanChangedActivityes.Count.ToString() + "; "; SyncAcmanActivity(acmanChangedActivityes); }
public void Add_Get_Activity_From_Repository() { var userId = Guid.NewGuid(); using (var context = new AcManContext(Options)) { var userRepository = new UserRepository(context); var activityRepository = new ActivityRepository(context); var user = new User { Id = userId, Name = "Test " + userId.ToString() }; var activity = new Activity { Caption = "Test activity", User = user }; userRepository.Add(user); var activityId = activityRepository.Add( activity ); var resultActivity = activityRepository.Get(activityId); Assert.IsNotNull(resultActivity); } }
public ActionResult CurrentActivity(HttpPostedFileBase file, int activityTypeId) { if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { var fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/Content/gps File/"), fileName); file.SaveAs(path); var gpsDataList = XmlFileReader(fileName); var distance = CalculateDistance(gpsDataList); var finalDistance = Math.Round(distance, 2); var timeStamp = Math.Round((gpsDataList.Last().Time - gpsDataList.First().Time).TotalHours, 2); var avgSpeed = Math.Round(distance / timeStamp, 2); var locationViewModel = new LocationViewModel(); locationViewModel.GpsDatas = gpsDataList; locationViewModel.Distance = finalDistance; locationViewModel.Speed = avgSpeed; locationViewModel.Time = timeStamp; //var user = userRepository.GetUserByProfileId(WebSecurity.CurrentUserId); ////var user = userRepository.GetUserByProfileId(intuserID); //var weight = Convert.ToDouble(user.Weight); //var met = _metConditionRepository.GetMET(avgSpeed, activityTypeId); // var cal = Math.Round(CalculateCalorie( met,weight, timeStamp),2); var cal = Math.Round(CalculateCalorie(activityTypeId, avgSpeed, timeStamp), 2); if (cal == 0.0) { return(RedirectToAction("Create", "User")); } locationViewModel.BurnedCalorie = cal; //@ViewBag.Fabiha = locationViewModel; var activity = new Activity { Distance = finalDistance, Speed = avgSpeed, Calorie = cal, Duration = timeStamp, CreatedOn = DateTime.Now, UserProfileId = WebSecurity.CurrentUserId, FilePath = fileName, ActivityTypeId = activityTypeId }; var isSuccess = _activityRepository.Add(activity); ViewBag.ActivityId = activity.Id; ViewBag.ActivityType = _activityTypeRepository.Get(activityTypeId).Title; ViewBag.UserProfileId = activity.UserProfileId; return(View(locationViewModel)); } ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Please Upload a Activity.gpx format File"; return(View("CustomError")); }
public IActionResult Activity(Activity activity) { var currentUserProfile = GetCurrentUserProfile(); activity.UserProfileId = currentUserProfile.Id; _activityRepository.Add(activity); return(CreatedAtAction(nameof(Get), new { id = activity.Id }, activity)); }
public void Given_ActivityRepository_When_AddingMoreNewActivities_Then_TheActivitiesShouldBeProperlyAdded() { RunOnDatabase(sut => { //Arrange var repository = new ActivityRepository(sut); var activity = Activity.Create("Swim", "Go to Vivertine", "leisure", new Guid(), new DateTime(2017, 11, 11), new DateTime(2017, 12, 11)); var secondActivity = Activity.Create("Sing", "Study Eminem music", "leisure", new Guid(), new DateTime(2017, 10, 10), new DateTime(2017, 11, 11)); var thirdActivity = Activity.Create("Read Books", "Study .NET books", "study/work", new Guid(), new DateTime(2017, 2, 2), new DateTime(2017, 3, 3)); //Act repository.Add(activity); repository.Add(secondActivity); repository.Add(thirdActivity); //Assert var activitys = repository.GetAll(); Assert.AreEqual(3, activitys.Count); }); }
public static Guid CreateActivityToUser(AcManContext context, Guid userId) { var activityRepository = new ActivityRepository(context); var activity = new Activity { UserId = userId, Caption = "[Acman] Test activity " + AcmanHelper.GetCurrentDateTime().ToString(), EndSystemRecordId = new Guid("8cb830fb-50d8-44ad-819f-133b713fce42"), EntityState = AcmanEntityState.Added }; return(activityRepository.Add(activity)); }
public void Given_ActivityRepository_When_DeletingMoreActivities_Then_TheActivitiesShouldBeProperlyRemoved() { RunOnDatabase(sut => { //Arrange var repository = new ActivityRepository(sut); var activity = Activity.Create("Swim", "Go to Vivertine", "leisure", new Guid(), new DateTime(2017, 11, 11), new DateTime(2017, 12, 11)); var secondActivity = Activity.Create("Poker", "Go to Las Vegas", "leisure", new Guid(), new DateTime(2017, 1, 11), new DateTime(2017, 2, 11)); var thirdActivity = Activity.Create("Ping Pong", "Go to Play Again", "leisure", new Guid(), new DateTime(2017, 2, 11), new DateTime(2017, 3, 11)); //Act repository.Add(activity); repository.Add(secondActivity); repository.Add(thirdActivity); repository.Delete(activity.Id); repository.Delete(secondActivity.Id); repository.Delete(thirdActivity.Id); //Assert var activitys = repository.GetAll(); Assert.AreEqual(0, activitys.Count); }); }
public void Given_ActivityRepository_When_GettingActivityById_Then_ShouldReturnCorrectActivity() { RunOnDatabase(sut => { //Arrange var repository = new ActivityRepository(sut); var activity = Activity.Create("Swim", "Go to Vivertine", "leisure", new Guid(), new DateTime(2017, 11, 11), new DateTime(2017, 12, 11)); //Act repository.Add(activity); //Assert var returnedActivity = repository.GetById(activity.Id); Assert.AreEqual(activity.Id, returnedActivity.Id); }); }
public void Given_ActivityRepository_When_DeletingActivity_Then_TheActivityShouldBeProperlyRemoved() { RunOnDatabase(sut => { //Arrange var repository = new ActivityRepository(sut); var activity = Activity.Create("Swim", "Go to Vivertine", "leisure", new Guid(), new DateTime(2017, 11, 11), new DateTime(2017, 12, 11)); //Act repository.Add(activity); repository.Delete(activity.Id); //Assert var activitys = repository.GetAll(); Assert.AreEqual(0, activitys.Count); }); }
public void Given_ActivityRepository_When_AddingNewActivity_Then_TheActivityShouldBeProperlyAdded() { RunOnDatabase(sut => { //Arrange var repository = new ActivityRepository(sut); var activity = Activity.Create(".NET", "Study about .NET", "study/work", new Guid(), new DateTime(2017, 11, 11), new DateTime(2017, 12, 11)); //Act repository.Add(activity); //Assert var activitys = repository.GetAll(); Assert.AreEqual(1, activitys.Count); }); }
public void Add(Activity dailyActivity) { var types = activityTypeRepository.GetAll(); var exactType = types.First(x => x.ActivityId == dailyActivity.ActivityType.ActivityId); dailyActivity.ActivityType = exactType; var roles = projectRoleTypeRepository.GetAll(); var roleType = roles.First(x => x.RoleId == dailyActivity.CurrentProjectRoleType.RoleId); dailyActivity.CurrentProjectRoleType = roleType; var projects = projectRepository.GetAll(); var exactProject = projects.First(x => x.ProjectId == dailyActivity.Project.ProjectId); dailyActivity.Project = exactProject; activityRepository.Add(dailyActivity); }
public void Add_GetWithRelation_Activity_With_Account_From_Repository() { using (var context = new AcManContext(OptionsRandom)) { string randomAccountName = "Account " + Guid.NewGuid(); var account = new Account { Name = randomAccountName }; var accountRepository = new AccountRepository(context); var accountId = accountRepository.Add(account); var activity = new Activity { Caption = "Test activity", AccountId = accountId }; var activityRepository = new ActivityRepository(context); var activityId = activityRepository.Add(activity); var resultActivity = activityRepository.GetWithRelation(activityId); Assert.IsTrue(resultActivity.AccountId == accountId); Assert.IsTrue(resultActivity.Account.Id == accountId); } }
public ActionResult SaveOrEdit(Activity activity) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (activity.Id == 0) { ActivityRepository.Add(activity); } else { ActivityRepository.Edit(activity); } ActivityRepository.Save(); if (IsSuperAdmin) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { storeId = activity.StoreId })); } else { return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex, "Unable to save:" + activity); //Log the error (uncomment dex variable name and add a line here to write a log. ModelState.AddModelError("", "Unable to save changes. Try again, and if the problem persists see your system administrator."); } return(View(activity)); }
/// <summary> /// 添加活动 /// </summary> /// <param name="activity"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool AddActivity(Activity activity) { repository.Add(activity); return(true); }
private void ProcessRepository() { var enumAction = EnumHelper.GetEnumValue <EnumRepository>(_action, EnumProp.DisplayCode, false); switch (enumAction) { case EnumRepository.Push: var activityModel = new ActivityModel { Activity = "Repository", Action = EnumHelper.GetEnumDisplayName(EnumRepository.Push, EnumProp.DisplayCode), Description = EnumHelper.GetEnumDisplayName(EnumRepository.Push, EnumProp.DisplayName), Data = _dataJObject.ToString() }; _activityRepository.Add(activityModel); break; case EnumRepository.Fork: var activityModelFork = new ActivityModel { Activity = "Repository", Action = EnumHelper.GetEnumDisplayName(EnumRepository.Fork, EnumProp.DisplayCode), Description = EnumHelper.GetEnumDisplayName(EnumRepository.Fork, EnumProp.DisplayName), Data = _dataJObject.ToString() }; _activityRepository.Add(activityModelFork); break; case EnumRepository.Updated: var activityModelUpdated = new ActivityModel { Activity = "Repository", Action = EnumHelper.GetEnumDisplayName(EnumRepository.Updated, EnumProp.DisplayCode), Description = EnumHelper.GetEnumDisplayName(EnumRepository.Updated, EnumProp.DisplayName), Data = _dataJObject.ToString() }; _activityRepository.Add(activityModelUpdated); break; case EnumRepository.Commitcommentcreated: var activityModelCommit = new ActivityModel { Activity = "Repository", Action = EnumHelper.GetEnumDisplayName(EnumRepository.Commitcommentcreated, EnumProp.DisplayCode), Description = EnumHelper.GetEnumDisplayName(EnumRepository.Commitcommentcreated, EnumProp.DisplayName), Data = _dataJObject.ToString() }; _activityRepository.Add(activityModelCommit); break; case EnumRepository.Commitstatuscreated: var activityModelCommitStatus = new ActivityModel { Activity = "Repository", Action = EnumHelper.GetEnumDisplayName(EnumRepository.Commitstatuscreated, EnumProp.DisplayCode), Description = EnumHelper.GetEnumDisplayName(EnumRepository.Commitstatuscreated, EnumProp.DisplayName), Data = _dataJObject.ToString() }; _activityRepository.Add(activityModelCommitStatus); break; case EnumRepository.Commitstatusupdated: var activityModelCommitStatusUpdated = new ActivityModel { Activity = "Repository", Action = EnumHelper.GetEnumDisplayName(EnumRepository.Commitstatusupdated, EnumProp.DisplayCode), Description = EnumHelper.GetEnumDisplayName(EnumRepository.Commitstatusupdated, EnumProp.DisplayName), Data = _dataJObject.ToString() }; _activityRepository.Add(activityModelCommitStatusUpdated); break; default: var activityModelUknown = new ActivityModel { Activity = "Repository", Action = _action, Description = "Uknown action", Data = _dataJObject.ToString() }; _activityRepository.Add(activityModelUknown); break; } }
private void CopyStoreData(int copyStoreId, int newStoreId) { StoreDbContext.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false; try { var items = NavigationRepository.GetNavigationsByStoreId(copyStoreId, ""); foreach (var item in items) { var s = GeneralHelper.DataContractSerialization(item); s.Id = 0; s.StoreId = newStoreId; NavigationRepository.Add(s); } NavigationRepository.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex, "CopyStore", newStoreId); } try { var items = LocationRepository.GetLocationsByStoreId(copyStoreId, ""); foreach (var item in items) { var s = GeneralHelper.DataContractSerialization(item); s.Id = 0; s.StoreId = newStoreId; LocationRepository.Add(s); } LocationRepository.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex, "CopyStore", newStoreId); } try { var items = EmailListRepository.GetStoreEmailList(copyStoreId, ""); foreach (var item in items) { var s = GeneralHelper.DataContractSerialization(item); s.Id = 0; s.StoreId = newStoreId; EmailListRepository.Add(s); } EmailListRepository.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex, "CopyStore", newStoreId); } try { var items = BrandRepository.GetBrandsByStoreId(copyStoreId, ""); foreach (var item in items) { var s = GeneralHelper.DataContractSerialization(item); s.Id = 0; s.StoreId = newStoreId; BrandRepository.Add(s); } BrandRepository.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex, "CopyStore", newStoreId); } try { var items = ContactRepository.GetContactsByStoreId(copyStoreId, ""); foreach (var item in items) { var s = GeneralHelper.DataContractSerialization(item); s.Id = 0; s.StoreId = newStoreId; ContactRepository.Add(s); } ContactRepository.Save(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex, "CopyStore", newStoreId); } int productCategoryId = 0; try { var items = ProductCategoryRepository.GetProductCategoriesByStoreId(copyStoreId); foreach (var productCategory in items) { var s = GeneralHelper.DataContractSerialization(productCategory); s.Id = 0; s.StoreId = newStoreId; ProductCategoryRepository.Add(s); ProductCategoryRepository.Save(); productCategoryId = s.Id; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex, "ProductCategoryRepository:CopyStore"); } int blogCategoryId = 0; int newsCategoryId = 0; try { var items = CategoryRepository.GetCategoriesByStoreId(copyStoreId, StoreConstants.BlogsType); foreach (var item in items) { var s = GeneralHelper.DataContractSerialization(item); s.Id = 0; s.StoreId = newStoreId; CategoryRepository.Add(s); CategoryRepository.Save(); blogCategoryId = s.Id; } items = CategoryRepository.GetCategoriesByStoreId(copyStoreId, StoreConstants.NewsType); foreach (var item in items) { var s = GeneralHelper.DataContractSerialization(item); s.Id = 0; s.StoreId = newStoreId; CategoryRepository.Add(s); CategoryRepository.Save(); newsCategoryId = s.Id; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex, "CopyStore", newStoreId); } try { var items = ProductRepository.GetProductsByStoreId(copyStoreId, ""); foreach (var item in items) { var s = GeneralHelper.DataContractSerialization(item); s.Id = 0; s.ProductCategoryId = productCategoryId; s.StoreId = newStoreId; ProductRepository.Add(s); ProductRepository.Save(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex, "CopyStore", newStoreId); } try { var items = ContentRepository.GetContentsByStoreId(copyStoreId, "", StoreConstants.BlogsType); foreach (var item in items) { var s = GeneralHelper.DataContractSerialization(item); s.Id = 0; s.StoreId = newStoreId; s.CategoryId = blogCategoryId; ContentRepository.Add(s); ContentRepository.Save(); } items = ContentRepository.GetContentsByStoreId(copyStoreId, "", StoreConstants.NewsType); foreach (var item in items) { var s = GeneralHelper.DataContractSerialization(item); s.Id = 0; s.StoreId = newStoreId; s.CategoryId = newsCategoryId; ContentRepository.Add(s); ContentRepository.Save(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex, "CopyStore", newStoreId); } try { var items = LabelRepository.GetLabelsByStoreId(copyStoreId, ""); foreach (var item in items) { var s = GeneralHelper.DataContractSerialization(item); s.Id = 0; s.StoreId = newStoreId; LabelRepository.Add(s); LabelRepository.Save(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex, "CopyStore", newStoreId); } try { var items = ActivityRepository.GetActivitiesByStoreId(copyStoreId, ""); foreach (var item in items) { var s = GeneralHelper.DataContractSerialization(item); s.Id = 0; s.StoreId = newStoreId; ActivityRepository.Add(s); ActivityRepository.Save(); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex, "CopyStore", newStoreId); } }
public void Add(Activity dailyActivity) { activityRepository.Add(dailyActivity); }
public override void Update(PlanSnapshot.Changes changes) { foreach (var planNodeDo in changes.Delete) { PlanNodes.Remove(planNodeDo); if (planNodeDo is ActivityDO) { ActivityRepository.Remove((ActivityDO)planNodeDo); } else if (planNodeDo is PlanDO) { Plans.Remove((PlanDO)planNodeDo); } else if (planNodeDo is SubplanDO) { SubPlans.Remove((SubplanDO)planNodeDo); } } foreach (var planNodeDo in changes.Insert) { var entity = planNodeDo.Clone(); ClearNavigationProperties(entity); if (entity is ActivityDO) { EncryptActivityCrateStorage((ActivityDO)entity); ActivityRepository.Add((ActivityDO)entity); } else if (entity is PlanDO) { Plans.Add((PlanDO)entity); } else if (entity is SubplanDO) { SubPlans.Add((SubplanDO)entity); } else { PlanNodes.Add(entity); } } foreach (var changedObject in changes.Update) { var planNodeDo = changedObject.Node.Clone(); object entity = null; if (planNodeDo is ActivityDO) { entity = ActivityRepository.GetByKey(planNodeDo.Id); UpdateEncryptedActivityCrateStorage((ActivityDO)planNodeDo, changedObject); } else if (planNodeDo is PlanDO) { entity = Plans.GetByKey(planNodeDo.Id); } else if (planNodeDo is SubplanDO) { entity = SubPlans.GetByKey(planNodeDo.Id); } foreach (var changedProperty in changedObject.ChangedProperties) { changedProperty.SetValue(entity, changedProperty.GetValue(planNodeDo)); } } }