/// <summary>
        /// Paste questions in certain position
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">Position to paste questions</param>
        private void OnPasteQuestions(Point position)

            // for the case when mouse position was out of UI change start position
            if (position.X < 0 || position.Y < 0)
                position.X = position.Y = 30;

            // calculate delta between topmost item and paste position
            BaseQuestionViewModel topmostItem = this.copiedQuestionsBuffer.OrderByDescending(x => x.Top).Last();
            double deltaTop  = topmostItem.Top - position.Y;
            double deltaLeft = topmostItem.Left - position.X;

            // buffer for undo/redo
            BaseQuestionViewModel[] copiedElements = new BaseQuestionViewModel[this.copiedQuestionsBuffer.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < this.copiedQuestionsBuffer.Count; i++)
                // create new copy and update name and position
                BaseQuestionViewModel copy = this.copiedQuestionsBuffer[i].CreateCopy();
                copy.Name  = NamingManager.GetNextAvailableElementName(this.PageQuestions);
                copy.Top  -= deltaTop;
                copy.Left -= deltaLeft;

                copy.IsSelected = true;

                copiedElements[i] = copy;

            ActionTracker.TrackAction(new AddElementsAction(copiedElements, this.PageQuestions));
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes selected elements
        /// </summary>
        private void OnRemoveElement()
            BaseQuestionViewModel[] removedElements = new BaseQuestionViewModel[this.SelectedElements.Count];
            int index = 0;

            foreach (BaseQuestionViewModel selectedItem in this.SelectedElements)
                removedElements[index++] = selectedItem;


            ActionTracker.TrackAction(new RemoveElementsAction(removedElements, this.PageQuestions));

        /// <summary>
        /// Add new element via selection rectangle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="area">Element area</param>
        public void AddQuestion(Rect area)
            string nextName = NamingManager.GetNextAvailableElementName(this.PageQuestions);

            BaseQuestionViewModel newQuestion;

            if (this.IsAddingChoiceBox)
                newQuestion            = new ChoiceBoxViewModel(nextName, area);
                this.IsAddingChoiceBox = false;
                newQuestion       = new GridViewModel(nextName, area);
                this.IsAddingGrid = false;

            newQuestion.IsSelected = true;

            ActionTracker.TrackAction(new AddElementsAction(new[] { newQuestion }, this.PageQuestions));