void PickupLog(Player player, Guid logID)
        lock (this)
            if (!this.CanHarvest)
                player.SendTemporaryErrorLoc("Log is not ready for harvest.  Remove all branches first.");

            TrunkPiece trunk;
            trunk = this.trunkPieces.FirstOrDefault(p => p.ID == logID);
            if (trunk != null && trunk.Collected == false)
                // check log size, if its too big, it can't be picked up
                if (!this.CanPickup(trunk))
                    player.SendTemporaryErrorLoc("Log is too large to pick up, slice into smaller pieces first.");

                var resourceType = this.Species.ResourceItem;
                var resource     = Item.Get(resourceType);
                int baseCount    = this.GetBasePickupSize(trunk);
                var yield        = resource.Yield;
                int bonusItems   = yield != null?yield.GetCurrentValueInt(player.User) : 0;

                int numItems = baseCount + bonusItems;

                var destroyLog = true;
                if (numItems > 0)
                    var carried = player.User.Inventory.Carried;
                    if (!carried.IsEmpty)
                        // If we're carrying the same type, we may be able to carry this too.
                        if (carried.Stacks.First().Item.Type == resourceType.Type)
                            var currentCarried = carried.Stacks.First().Quantity;
                            var maxCarry       = resource.MaxStackSize;
                            if (currentCarried + numItems > maxCarry)
                                var s = FormattableStringFactory.Create("You can't carry {0:n0} more {1:items} ({2} max).", numItems, resource.UILink(numItems != 1 ? ItemLinkType.ShowPlural : 0), maxCarry);
                            var s = FormattableStringFactory.Create("You are already carrying {0:items} and cannot pick up {1:items}.", carried.Stacks.First().Item.UILink(ItemLinkType.ShowPlural), resource.UILink(ItemLinkType.ShowPlural));


                    if (!player.User.Inventory.TryAddItems(this.Species.ResourceItem.Type, numItems, player.User))
                        destroyLog = false;

                if (destroyLog)
                    trunk.Collected = true;
                    this.RPC("DestroyLog", logID);

                    ActionManager.ActionPerformed(new HarvestGameAction()
                        HarvestedSpecies  = this.Species,
                        HarvestedStacks   = (new ItemStack(Item.Get(this.Species.ResourceItem.Type), numItems)).SingleItemAsEnumerable(),
                        TargetObj         = this,
                        TargetPos         = this.Position.Round,
                        User              = player.User,
                        OrganismDestroyed = !this.Ripe
