Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds a path from own position to given position in maze.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The path.</returns>
        /// <param name="map">Map.</param>
        /// <param name="start">Start.</param>
        /// <param name="end">End.</param>
        /// <param name="solution">Solution.</param>
        /// <param name="allowDiagonals">If set to <c>true</c> allow diagonals.</param>
        public AStarSearch.SearchState FindPath(Vec3di end, List <Vec3di> solution, bool allowDiagonals)

            AStarSearch astarsearch = new AStarSearch(map, ownPosition, end, allowDiagonals);

            AStarSearch.SearchState SearchState;

                SearchState = astarsearch.SearchStep();
            }while(SearchState == AStarSearch.SearchState.SEARCHING);

            if (SearchState == AStarSearch.SearchState.SUCCEEDED)
                GridPosition mapPos = astarsearch.GetSolutionStart();

                while (mapPos != null)

                    mapPos = astarsearch.GetSolutionNext();

                // Once you're done with the solution you can free the nodes up
            else if (SearchState == AStarSearch.SearchState.FAILED)
                //Zentronic.Debug.LogError("search terminated. Goal state not found!");

Пример #2
    static void astar(String[] args)
      XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
      WeewarMap map = new WeewarMap(doc.DocumentElement);
      AStarSearch astarsearch = new AStarSearch();
      bool[] path = new bool[map.Height * map.Width];
      Unit u = new Unit();
      u.Type = UnitType.Trooper;
      List<Terrain> bases = map.getTerrainsByType(TerrainType.Base);
      Coordinate cs = bases[0].Coordinate;
      Coordinate ce = bases[bases.Count-1].Coordinate;

      SticksNode start = new SticksNode(map, cs, u);
      SticksNode end = new SticksNode(map, ce, u);

      astarsearch.SetStartAndGoalStates(start, end);

      SearchState searchState;
      uint searchSteps = 0;

        searchState = astarsearch.SearchStep();
      while (searchState == SearchState.Searching);

      if (searchState == SearchState.Succeeded)
        Console.WriteLine("Search found goal state");
        SticksNode node = astarsearch.GetSolutionStart() as SticksNode;

        Console.WriteLine( "Displaying solution");
        int steps = 0;
        for (; ; )
          node = astarsearch.GetSolutionNext() as SticksNode;
          if (node == null)

          path[node.Coordinate.Y * map.Height + node.Coordinate.X] = true;
        for (int y = 0; y < map.Height; y++)
          if (y % 2 == 1) Console.Write(" ");
          for (int x = 0; x < map.Width; x++)
            if (x == start.Coordinate.X &&
              y == start.Coordinate.Y)
            else if (x == end.Coordinate.X &&
              y == end.Coordinate.Y)
              Console.Write(path[y * map.Height + x] ? "x" : "o");
        Console.WriteLine("Solution steps {0}", steps);
        // Once you're done with the solution you can free the nodes up
      else if (searchState == SearchState.Failed)
        Console.WriteLine("Search terminated. Did not find goal state");


      // Display the number of loops the search went through
      Console.WriteLine("searchSteps : " + searchSteps);

Пример #3
    protected override void ProcessGame(Game detailed)
      Console.WriteLine("Game: " + detailed.Name + " (" + detailed.Id + ")");
      Console.WriteLine("  Getting Map info: " + detailed.MapId);
      WeewarMap wmap = eliza.GetMap(detailed.MapId);
      //Console.WriteLine(  "  Getting Map info: "+wmap.Terrains);
      Faction f = detailed.GetFactionByPlayerName(eliza.User);
      Console.WriteLine("  .. moving my dudes. ");
      foreach (Unit unit in f.Units)
        Console.WriteLine("     " + unit.Type + "(" + unit.Quantity + ") on " + unit.Coordinate);

        // repair if quantity below 5
        if (!unit.Finished && unit.Quantity < 5)
          String m = eliza.Repair(detailed.Id, unit.Coordinate);
          Console.WriteLine("     " + ".. repairing => " + m);
          unit.Finished = true;

        // request movement coordinates
        List<Coordinate> possibleMovementCoordinates = eliza.GetMovementCoords(detailed.Id, unit.Coordinate, unit.Type);
        possibleMovementCoordinates.Insert(0, unit.Coordinate);

        // check if there is a capturable base in range
        if (!unit.Finished && unit.CanCapture())
          Coordinate c = MatchFreeBase(possibleMovementCoordinates, wmap, detailed, f);
          if (c != null)
            String m = eliza.MoveAttackCapture(detailed.Id, unit.Coordinate, c, null, true);
            unit.Coordinate = c;
            Console.WriteLine("     " + ".. moving to " + c + " and capturing =>" + m);
            unit.Finished = true;
        List<Coordinate> targets = getTargets(detailed, wmap, f);
        int minDistance = MinDistance(unit.Coordinate, targets);

        int n = 5;

        if (minDistance <= 5 && !unit.Finished)

          // Different moving spots that will be evaluated
          // check for possible attack targets from one of the targets
          for (int i = 0; i < n && i < possibleMovementCoordinates.Count; i++)
            Coordinate c = possibleMovementCoordinates[i];
            Console.WriteLine("     " + ".. checking movement Option :" + c + " ");
            Coordinate a = getAttackCoordinate(detailed, unit, c);
            Console.WriteLine("     " + "..  attack coord :" + a + " ");
            if (a != null && detailed.getUnit(c) == null)
              String m = eliza.MoveAttackCapture(detailed.Id, unit.Coordinate, c, a, false);
              Console.WriteLine("     " + ".. moving to " + c + " attacking " + a + " =>" + m);
              if (c != null)
                unit.Coordinate = c;
              unit.Finished = true;

        if (!unit.Finished && possibleMovementCoordinates.Count > 1)
          List<Coordinate> cities = getEnemyCities(detailed, wmap, f);
          AStarSearch s = new AStarSearch();
          s.SetStartAndGoalStates(new SticksNode(wmap, unit), new SticksNode(wmap, cities[0], unit));
          SearchState searchState;
            searchState = s.SearchStep();
          while (searchState == SearchState.Searching);
          if (searchState == SearchState.Succeeded)


          while (possibleMovementCoordinates.Count > 5) possibleMovementCoordinates.RemoveAt(5);
          while (cities.Count > 3) cities.RemoveAt(3);
          while (targets.Count > 3) targets.RemoveAt(3);

          bool cnt = true;
          while (cnt)
            Console.WriteLine("     " + ".. possible movement options: " + Coordinate.ToString(possibleMovementCoordinates));
            Console.WriteLine("     " + ".. possible Targets: " + Coordinate.ToString(targets));
            Coordinate c;

            if (unit.Type == UnitType.Trooper)
              c = getClosest(possibleMovementCoordinates, cities);
              c = getClosest(possibleMovementCoordinates, targets);
              if (c.Equals(unit.Coordinate) && targets.Count == 0 && possibleMovementCoordinates.Count > 1)
                c = possibleMovementCoordinates[1];

            if (!c.Equals(unit.Coordinate) && detailed.getUnit(c) == null)
              String m = eliza.MoveAttackCapture(detailed.Id, unit.Coordinate, c, null, false);
              Console.WriteLine("     " + ".. moving to " + c + " =>" + m);
              unit.Coordinate = c;
              cnt = false;
            cnt = cnt && possibleMovementCoordinates.Count > 0;

        //Thread.sleep( 300 );

      if (f.Units.Count * 3 < (detailed.GetUnitCount() * 2) || f.Units.Count < 15)
        Console.WriteLine("     Terrains :" + Terrain.ToString(f.Terrains));
        if (f.Credits > 75)
          foreach (Terrain terrain in f.Terrains)
            Console.WriteLine("     " + terrain.Type + " on " + terrain.Coordinate + " finished:" + terrain.Finished + " unit: " + (detailed.getUnit(terrain.Coordinate) != null));
            if (!terrain.Finished && detailed.getUnit(terrain.Coordinate) == null)
              Console.WriteLine("     " + terrain.Type + " on " + terrain.Coordinate);
              List<UnitType> options = buildOptions[terrain.Type];
              UnitType buildType;
                int nd = dice(options.Count);
                buildType = options[nd - 1];
              } while (f.Credits < Unit.GetCost(buildType));
              String x = eliza.Build(detailed.Id, terrain.Coordinate, buildType);
              Console.WriteLine("     .... building " + buildType + " " + x);
              f.Credits = (f.Credits - Unit.GetCost(buildType));
      if (eliza.EndTurn(detailed.Id))
        Console.WriteLine(" .. finished turn.");
        Console.WriteLine(" .. failed to finish turn [" + eliza.GetLastResult() + "]");
Пример #4
    // Main

    public static int main(string[] args)

      Console.WriteLine("STL A* Search implementation\n(C)2001 Justin Heyes-Jones");

      // Our sample problem defines the world as a 2d array representing a terrain
      // Each element contains an integer from 0 to 5 which indicates the cost 
      // of travel across the terrain. Zero means the least possible difficulty 
      // in travelling (think ice rink if you can skate) whilst 5 represents the 
      // most difficult. 9 indicates that we cannot pass.

      // Create an instance of the search class...

      AStarSearch astarsearch = new AStarSearch();
      bool[] path = new bool[MAP_HEIGHT * MAP_WIDTH];

      // Create a start state
      MapSearchNode nodeStart = new MapSearchNode();
      nodeStart.x = 0;
      nodeStart.y = 0;

      // Define the goal state
      MapSearchNode nodeEnd = new MapSearchNode();
      nodeEnd.x = 19;
      nodeEnd.y = 19;

      // Set Start and goal states

      astarsearch.SetStartAndGoalStates(nodeStart, nodeEnd);

      SearchState searchState;
      uint searchSteps = 0;

        searchState = astarsearch.SearchStep();
      while (searchState == SearchState.Searching);

      if (searchState == SearchState.Succeeded)
        Console.Write("Search found goal state");
        MapSearchNode node = astarsearch.GetSolutionStart() as MapSearchNode;

        Console.WriteLine( "Displaying solution");
        int steps = 0;
        for (; ; )
          node = astarsearch.GetSolutionNext() as MapSearchNode;
          if (node == null)

          path[node.y * MAP_HEIGHT + node.x] = true;
        for (int y = 0; y < MAP_HEIGHT; y++)
          for (int x = 0; x < MAP_WIDTH; x++)
            Console.Write(path[y * MAP_HEIGHT + x] ? "x" : "o");
        Console.WriteLine("Solution steps {0}", steps);
        // Once you're done with the solution you can free the nodes up
      else if (searchState == SearchState.Failed)
        Console.WriteLine("Search terminated. Did not find goal state");


      // Display the number of loops the search went through
      Console.WriteLine("searchSteps : " + searchSteps);

      return 0;