Пример #1
  * addFinalsolutionPolygonsPreOrder method is a recusive method that will look at the parent of each node passed in until
  *      the node passed in is null, then it will add each Node's polygon to the finalSolutionArray in pre order
  *      from start until end
  * Parameter:	(AIDynBiDirBeamOpNode)currentNode is the node that needs to be checked and then have its parent passed
  *              (ref int)counter is the current count of polygons in the FinalSolution array used to access the next index
  * Return:	none
 void addFinalSolutionPolygonsPreOrder(AIDynBiDirBeamOpNode currentNode, ref int counter)
     if (currentNode != null)
         finalSolutionArray [counter] = currentNode.getPolygon();
         addFinalSolutionPolygonsPreOrder(currentNode.getParentNode(), ref counter);
Пример #2
     * doSearch method will run the A* search till a goal is found, or a node is in another agent closed list, or the
     *      nodes expanded is equal to the nodesToExpand variable
     * Parameter:	(int)nodesToExpand is the number of nodes that the search can expand
     *              (AIDynBiDirBeamOpNode[]) secondSearchClosedList is the closed list from the other agent
     * Return:		(int)
     *                  0 if nothing was found
     *                  1 if the goal for this search agent was found
     *                  2 if a node on the second agent's closed list was found
    public int doSearch(int nodesToExpand, AIDynBiDirBeamOpNode[] secondSearchClosedList)
        int nodesExpandedCount = 0;

        while (openList.isEmpty() == false && nodesExpandedCount < nodesToExpand) //goes until nothing is left on the open list meaning a path could not be found
            currentNode = openList.popNode();                                     //take the first(Best) polygon off the openList
            if (currentNode == null)
            closedList[currentNode.getPolygon().getID()] = currentNode;
            if (isBackwards == true)
                if (currentNode.getPolygon().getHasAgent() == true)
                    finalSolutionStart = currentNode;
                if (currentNode.getPolygon().getHasGoal() == true)                //checks to see if the currentNode has the goal inside its polygon
                    finalSolutionStart = currentNode;
            if (secondSearchClosedList[currentNode.getPolygon().getID()] != null)
                finalSolutionStart = currentNode;
            for (int count = 0; count < currentNode.getPolygon().getNeighborsHeld(); count++)            //adds all the neighbors that are not on the closed list to the open list
                if (closedList[currentNode.getPolygon().getNeighborAt(count)] == null)
                    gCost = (currentNode.getPolygon().getCenterVector() - polygonArray[currentNode.getPolygon().getNeighborAt(count)].getCenterVector()).magnitude + currentNode.getGFromStartingNode();
                    if (openList.isNodeOnList(polygonArray[currentNode.getPolygon().getNeighborAt(count)]) == false)
                        openList.addNode(polygonArray[currentNode.getPolygon().getNeighborAt(count)], currentNode, gCost);
                    else if (openList.getNodeOnList(polygonArray[currentNode.getPolygon().getNeighborAt(count)]).compareToG(gCost) > 0f)                    //updates the a Nodes information if the new GCost (cost from start to node) is less then what was previously in it
                        openList.updateNode(openList.getNodeOnList(polygonArray[currentNode.getPolygon().getNeighborAt(count)]), currentNode, gCost);
            if (openList.getSize() > maxQueueSize)
                maxQueueSize = openList.getSize();
        if (openList.isEmpty() == true)
Пример #3
  * getFinalPathStart method will return the starting polygon of the final solution
  * Parameter:	none
  * Return:	(AIPolygon)
  *              the starting polygon of the final solution
 public AIPolygon getFinalPathStart()
Пример #4
  * deletingNode method will place a node on the closed list essectially deleting it
  * Parameter:	(AIDynBiDirBeamOpNode)tempNode is the node that needs to be placed on the closed list
  * Return:	none
 public void deletingNode(AIDynBiDirBeamOpNode tempNode)
     //Debug.Log (Time.realtimeSinceStartup + " deletingNode id = " + id);
     closedList[tempNode.getPolygon().getID()] = tempNode;