Exemplo n.º 1
        private static Fxyf FromHploc(Hploc loc)
            Fxyf   temp = new Fxyf();
            double z = loc.z, phi = loc.phi;

            double za = Math.Abs(z);
            double tt = HealpixUtils.fmodulo((phi * Fxyf.inv_halfpi), 4.0); // in [0,4)

            if (za <= Fxyf.twothird)                                        // Equatorial region
                double temp1    = 0.5 + tt;
                double temp2    = z * 0.75;
                double jp       = temp1 - temp2; // index of  ascending edge line
                double jm       = temp1 + temp2; // index of descending edge line
                long   ifp      = (long)jp;      // in {0,4}
                long   ifm      = (long)jm;
                long   face_num = (ifp == ifm) ? (ifp | 4) : ((ifp < ifm) ? ifp : (ifm + 8));
                temp.fx   = HealpixUtils.fmodulo(jm, 1d);
                temp.fy   = 1d - HealpixUtils.fmodulo(jp, 1d);
                temp.face = (int)face_num;
            else // polar region, za > 2/3
                int    ntt = Math.Min(3, (int)tt);
                double tp  = tt - ntt;
                double tmp;
                if ((za < 0.99) || (!loc.have_sth))
                    tmp = Math.Sqrt(3 * (1 - za));
                    tmp = loc.sth / Math.Sqrt((1d + za) / 3d);

                double jp = tp * tmp;         // increasing edge line index
                double jm = (1.0 - tp) * tmp; // decreasing edge line index
                if (jp >= 1d)
                    jp = 1d;           // for points too close to the boundary
                if (jm >= 1d)
                    jm = 1d;
                if (z >= 0)
                    temp.fx = 1d - jm; temp.fy = 1d - jp; temp.face = ntt;
                    temp.fx = jp; temp.fy = jm; temp.face = ntt + 8;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static Hploc Create(Vector3d v)
            Hploc temp = new Hploc();

            double xl = 1 / v.Length();

            temp.z   = v.Z * xl;
            temp.phi = FastMath.atan2(v.Y, v.X);
            if (Math.Abs(temp.z) > 0.99)
                temp.sth      = Math.Sqrt(v.X * v.X + v.Y * v.Y) * xl;
                temp.have_sth = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected Hploc toHploc()
            Hploc  loc = new Hploc();
            double jr  = jrll[face] - fx - fy;

            double nr; double tmp;

            if (jr < 1)
                nr    = jr;
                tmp   = nr * nr / 3d;
                loc.z = 1 - tmp;
                if (loc.z > 0.99)
                    loc.sth = Math.Sqrt(tmp * (2d - tmp)); loc.have_sth = true;
            else if (jr > 3)
                nr    = 4 - jr;
                tmp   = nr * nr / 3d;
                loc.z = tmp - 1;
                if (loc.z < -0.99)
                    loc.sth = Math.Sqrt(tmp * (2d - tmp)); loc.have_sth = true;
                nr    = 1;
                loc.z = (2 - jr) * 2d / 3d;

            tmp = jpll[face] * nr + fx - fy;
            if (tmp < 0)
                tmp += 8;
            if (tmp >= 8)
                tmp -= 8;
            loc.phi = (nr < 1e-15) ? 0 : (0.5 * Fxyf.halfpi * tmp) / nr;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static Fxyf FromVector(Vector3d v)