Exemplo n.º 1
        // G92 - Position register: Set the specified axes positions to the given position
        // Sets the position of the state machine and the bot. NB: There are two methods of forming the G92 command:
        private void set_position(GCodeLine line)
            double x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, a = 0;

            if (GCodeUtil.TryFindParamNum(line.Parameters, "X", ref x))
                CurPosition.x = x;
            if (GCodeUtil.TryFindParamNum(line.Parameters, "Y", ref y))
                CurPosition.y = y;
            if (GCodeUtil.TryFindParamNum(line.Parameters, "Z", ref z))
                CurPosition.z = z;
            if (GCodeUtil.TryFindParamNum(line.Parameters, "A", ref a))
                ExtrusionA = a;
                    (int)CustomListenerCommands.ResetExtruder, GCodeUtil.Extrude(a));
                // reset our state
                in_travel = in_extrude = in_retract = false;

            // E is "current" stepper (A for single extruder)
            double e = 0;

            if (GCodeUtil.TryFindParamNum(line.Parameters, "E", ref e))
                ExtrusionA = e;
                    (int)CustomListenerCommands.ResetExtruder, GCodeUtil.Extrude(e));
                // reset our state
                in_travel = in_extrude = in_retract = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Calculate(Vector3d vStartPos, double fStartA, bool alreadyInRetract = false)
            double   curA    = fStartA;
            Vector3d curPos  = vStartPos;
            double   curRate = 0;

            bool inRetract = alreadyInRetract;

            // filter paths
            List <IToolpath> allPaths = new List <IToolpath>();

            foreach (IToolpath p in Paths)
                if (p is LinearToolpath3 <T> || p is ResetExtruderPathHack)

            int N = allPaths.Count;

            LinearToolpath3 <T> prev_path = null;

            for (int pi = 0; pi < N; ++pi)
                if (allPaths[pi] is ResetExtruderPathHack)
                    curA = 0;
                var path = allPaths[pi] as LinearToolpath3 <T>;

                if (path == null)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid path type!");
                if (!(path.Type == ToolpathTypes.Deposition || path.Type == ToolpathTypes.PlaneChange || path.Type == ToolpathTypes.Travel))
                    throw new Exception("Unknown path type!");

                // if we are travelling between two extrusion paths, and neither is support,
                // and the travel distance is very short,then we will skip the retract.
                // [TODO] should only do this on interior travels. We should determine that upstream and set a flag on travel path.
                bool skip_retract = false;
                if (path.Type == ToolpathTypes.Travel && path.Length < MinRetractTravelLength)
                    bool prev_is_model_deposition =
                        (prev_path != null) && (prev_path.Type == ToolpathTypes.Deposition) && prev_path.FillType.IsPart();
                    var  next_path = (pi < N - 1) ? (allPaths[pi + 1] as LinearToolpath3 <T>) : null;
                    bool next_is_model_deposition =
                        (next_path != null) && (next_path.Type == ToolpathTypes.Deposition) && next_path.FillType.IsPart();
                    skip_retract = prev_is_model_deposition && next_is_model_deposition;
                if (EnableRetraction == false)
                    skip_retract = true;

                // figure out volume scaling based on path type
                double vol_scale = 1.0;
                vol_scale = path.FillType.AdjustVolume(vol_scale);

                for (int i = 0; i < path.VertexCount; ++i)
                    bool last_vtx = (i == path.VertexCount - 1);

                    Vector3d newPos  = path[i].Position;
                    double   newRate = path[i].FeedRate;

                    // default line thickness and height
                    double path_width  = Settings.Machine.NozzleDiamMM;
                    double path_height = Settings.Part.LayerHeightMM;

                    // override with custom dimensions if provided
                    Vector2d vtx_dims = path[i].Dimensions;
                    if (vtx_dims.x > 0 && vtx_dims.x < 1000.0)
                        path_width = vtx_dims.x;
                    if (vtx_dims.y > 0 && vtx_dims.y < 1000.0)
                        path_height = vtx_dims.y;

                    if (path.Type != ToolpathTypes.Deposition)
                        // [RMS] if we switched to a travel move we retract, unless we don't
                        if (skip_retract == false)
                            if (!inRetract)
                                curA     -= FixedRetractDistance;
                                inRetract = true;

                        curPos  = newPos;
                        curRate = newRate;
                        // for i == 0 this dist is always 0 !!
                        double dist = (newPos - curPos).Length;

                        if (i == 0)
                            Util.gDevAssert(dist < 1e-12);     // next path starts at end of previous!!
                            if (inRetract)
                                curA     += FixedRetractDistance;
                                inRetract = false;
                            curPos  = newPos;
                            curRate = newRate;

                            double segment_width = (path[i].Dimensions.x != GCodeUtil.UnspecifiedValue) ?
                                                   path[i].Dimensions.x : path_width;

                            double segment_height = (path[i].Dimensions.y != GCodeUtil.UnspecifiedValue) ?
                                                    path[i].Dimensions.y : path_height;

                            double feed = ExtrusionMath.PathLengthToFilamentLength(
                                segment_height, segment_width, Settings.Material.FilamentDiamMM,
                                dist, vol_scale);

                            // Change the extrusion amount if a modifier is present.
                            // TODO: This is a bit of a hack since the modifier acts on a Vector3d
                            //       and we're ignoring data in the second & third positions.
                            var modifier = path[i]?.ExtendedData?.ExtrusionModifierF;
                            if (modifier != null)
                                feed = modifier(new Vector3d(feed, 0, 0))[0];

                            curA += feed;

                    T v = path[i];
                    v.Extrusion = GCodeUtil.Extrude(curA);
                    path.UpdateVertex(i, v);

                prev_path = path;

            NumPaths        = N;
            ExtrusionLength = curA;
        } // Calculate()
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected virtual void EmitLinear(GCodeLine line)
            Debug.Assert(line.Code == 0 || line.Code == 1);

            double x         = GCodeUtil.UnspecifiedValue,
                   y         = GCodeUtil.UnspecifiedValue,
                   z         = GCodeUtil.UnspecifiedValue;
            bool     found_x = GCodeUtil.TryFindParamNum(line.Parameters, "X", ref x);
            bool     found_y = GCodeUtil.TryFindParamNum(line.Parameters, "Y", ref y);
            bool     found_z = GCodeUtil.TryFindParamNum(line.Parameters, "Z", ref z);
            Vector3d newPos  = (UseRelativePosition) ? Vector3d.Zero : CurPosition;

            if (found_x)
                newPos.x = x;
            if (found_y)
                newPos.y = y;
            if (found_z)
                newPos.z = z;
            if (UseRelativePosition)
                CurPosition += newPos;
                CurPosition = newPos;

            // F is feed rate (this changes?)
            double f     = 0;
            bool   haveF = GCodeUtil.TryFindParamNum(line.Parameters, "F", ref f);

            // A is extrusion stepper. E is also "current" stepper.
            double a     = 0;
            bool   haveA = GCodeUtil.TryFindParamNum(line.Parameters, "A", ref a);

            if (haveA == false)
                haveA = GCodeUtil.TryFindParamNum(line.Parameters, "E", ref a);
            if (UseRelativeExtruder)
                a = ExtrusionA + a;

            LinearMoveData move = new LinearMoveData(
                (haveF) ? f : GCodeUtil.UnspecifiedValue,
                (haveA) ? GCodeUtil.Extrude(a) : GCodeUtil.UnspecifiedPosition);

            if (haveA == false)
                // if we do not have extrusion, this is a travel move
                if (in_travel == false)
                    in_travel  = true;
                    in_extrude = false;
            else if (in_retract)
                // if we are in retract, we stay in until we see forward movement

                Debug.Assert(a <= LastRetractA + 0.001);
                if (MathUtil.EpsilonEqual(a, LastRetractA, 0.00001))
                    in_retract = false;
                    in_extrude = true;
                    in_travel  = false;
                    ExtrusionA = a;
            else if (a < ExtrusionA)
                // if extrusion moved backwards, we need to enter travel

                in_retract   = true;
                LastRetractA = ExtrusionA;
                ExtrusionA   = a;
                if (in_travel == false)
                    in_travel  = true;
                    in_extrude = false;
                // if we are in travel, we need to begin extruding
                if (in_travel)
                    in_travel  = false;
                    in_extrude = true;
                if (in_extrude == false)
                {       // handle initialization cases
                    in_extrude = true;
                ExtrusionA = a;

            move.source = line;
            Debug.Assert(in_travel || in_extrude);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Calculate(Vector3d vStartPos, double fStartA, bool alreadyInRetract = false)
            double   curA    = fStartA;
            Vector3d curPos  = vStartPos;
            double   curRate = 0;

            bool inRetract = alreadyInRetract;

            // filter paths
            List <IToolpath> allPaths = new List <IToolpath>();

            foreach (IToolpath ipath in Paths)
                ToolpathUtil.ApplyToLeafPaths(ipath, (p) => {
                    if (p is LinearToolpath3 <PrintVertex> || p is ResetExtruderPathHack)
            int N = allPaths.Count;

            LinearToolpath3 <PrintVertex> prev_path = null;

            for (int pi = 0; pi < N; ++pi)
                if (allPaths[pi] is ResetExtruderPathHack)
                    curA = 0;
                LinearToolpath3 <PrintVertex> path = allPaths[pi] as LinearToolpath3 <PrintVertex>;

                if (path == null)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid path type!");
                if (!(path.Type == ToolpathTypes.Deposition || path.Type == ToolpathTypes.PlaneChange || path.Type == ToolpathTypes.Travel))
                    throw new Exception("Unknown path type!");

                // if we are travelling between two extrusion paths, and neither is support,
                // and the travel distance is very short,then we will skip the retract.
                // [TODO] should only do this on interior travels. We should determine that upstream and set a flag on travel path.
                bool skip_retract = false;
                if (path.Type == ToolpathTypes.Travel && path.Length < MinRetractTravelLength)
                    bool prev_is_model_deposition =
                        (prev_path != null) && (prev_path.Type == ToolpathTypes.Deposition) && ((prev_path.TypeModifiers & FillTypeFlags.SupportMaterial) == 0);
                    LinearToolpath3 <PrintVertex> next_path = (pi < N - 1) ? (allPaths[pi + 1] as LinearToolpath3 <PrintVertex>) : null;
                    bool next_is_model_deposition           =
                        (next_path != null) && (next_path.Type == ToolpathTypes.Deposition) && ((next_path.TypeModifiers & FillTypeFlags.SupportMaterial) == 0);
                    skip_retract = prev_is_model_deposition && next_is_model_deposition;
                if (EnableRetraction == false)
                    skip_retract = true;

                // figure out volume scaling based on path type
                double vol_scale = 1.0;
                if ((path.TypeModifiers & FillTypeFlags.SupportMaterial) != 0)
                    vol_scale *= SupportExtrudeScale;
                else if ((path.TypeModifiers & FillTypeFlags.BridgeSupport) != 0)
                    vol_scale *= Settings.BridgeVolumeScale;

                for (int i = 0; i < path.VertexCount; ++i)
                    bool last_vtx = (i == path.VertexCount - 1);

                    Vector3d newPos  = path[i].Position;
                    double   newRate = path[i].FeedRate;

                    // default line thickness and height
                    double path_width  = Settings.Machine.NozzleDiamMM;
                    double path_height = Settings.LayerHeightMM;

                    // override with custom dimensions if provided
                    Vector2d vtx_dims = path[i].Dimensions;
                    if (vtx_dims.x > 0 && vtx_dims.x < 1000.0)
                        path_width = vtx_dims.x;
                    if (vtx_dims.y > 0 && vtx_dims.y < 1000.0)
                        path_height = vtx_dims.y;

                    if (path.Type != ToolpathTypes.Deposition)
                        // [RMS] if we switched to a travel move we retract, unless we don't
                        if (skip_retract == false)
                            if (!inRetract)
                                curA     -= FixedRetractDistance;
                                inRetract = true;

                        curPos  = newPos;
                        curRate = newRate;
                        // for i == 0 this dist is always 0 !!
                        double dist = (newPos - curPos).Length;

                        if (i == 0)
                            Util.gDevAssert(dist == 0);     // next path starts at end of previous!!
                            if (inRetract)
                                curA     += FixedRetractDistance;
                                inRetract = false;
                            curPos  = newPos;
                            curRate = newRate;

                            double feed = ExtrusionMath.PathLengthToFilamentLength(
                                path_height, path_width, Settings.Machine.FilamentDiamMM,
                                dist, vol_scale);
                            curA += feed;

                    PrintVertex v = path[i];
                    v.Extrusion = GCodeUtil.Extrude(curA);
                    path.UpdateVertex(i, v);

                prev_path = path;

            NumPaths        = N;
            ExtrusionLength = curA;
        }         // Calculate()