Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the overlap with <paramref name="span"/> or null if there's none
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="span">Span</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public HexSpan?Overlap(HexSpan span)
            var newStart = HexPosition.Max(Start, span.Start);
            var newEnd   = HexPosition.Min(End, span.End);

            if (newStart < newEnd)
                return(FromBounds(newStart, newEnd));
Exemplo n.º 2
        TextAndHexSpan Create(HexCellCollection collection, HexCell first, HexCell last, HexBufferSpan bufferSpan)
            var firstCellSpan = first.FullSpan;
            var lastCellSpan  = last.FullSpan;
            var startPos      = HexPosition.MaxEndPosition;
            var endPos        = HexPosition.Zero;

            for (int i = first.Index; i <= last.Index; i++)
                var cell = collection[i];
                if (!cell.HasData)
                startPos = HexPosition.Min(startPos, cell.BufferStart);
                endPos   = HexPosition.Max(endPos, cell.BufferEnd);
            var resultBufferSpan = startPos <= endPos ?
                                   new HexBufferSpan(new HexBufferPoint(Buffer, startPos), new HexBufferPoint(Buffer, endPos)) :

            return(new TextAndHexSpan(VST.Span.FromBounds(firstCellSpan.Start, lastCellSpan.End), resultBufferSpan));
Exemplo n.º 3
        static HexSpan[] Normalize(IEnumerable <HexSpan> spans)
            if (spans == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(spans));
            var list = new List <HexSpan>(spans);

            if (list.Count <= 1)
            int index = 0;
            var start = list[0].Start;
            var end   = list[0].End;

            for (int i = 1; i < list.Count; i++)
                var span = list[i];
                if (end < span.Start)
                    list[index++] = HexSpan.FromBounds(start, end);
                    start         = span.Start;
                    end           = span.End;
                    end = HexPosition.Max(end, span.End);
            list[index++] = HexSpan.FromBounds(start, end);
            var ary = new HexSpan[index];

            list.CopyTo(0, ary, 0, ary.Length);
Exemplo n.º 4
        IEnumerable <TextAndHexSpan> GetTextAndHexSpans(bool isColumnPresent, HexCellCollection collection, HexBufferSpan span, HexSpanSelectionFlags flags, VST.Span visibleSpan, VST.Span fullSpan)
            if (span.IsDefault)
                throw new ArgumentException();
            if (span.Buffer != Buffer)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            if (!isColumnPresent)
                yield break;

            var overlapSpan = BufferSpan.Overlap(span);

            if (overlapSpan == null)
                yield break;

            if ((flags & (HexSpanSelectionFlags.Group0 | HexSpanSelectionFlags.Group1)) != 0)
                bool group0 = (flags & HexSpanSelectionFlags.Group0) != 0;
                bool group1 = (flags & HexSpanSelectionFlags.Group1) != 0;

                IEnumerable <HexCell> cells;
                if ((flags & HexSpanSelectionFlags.AllCells) != 0)
                    cells       = collection.GetCells();
                    overlapSpan = BufferSpan;
                else if ((flags & HexSpanSelectionFlags.AllVisibleCells) != 0)
                    cells       = collection.GetVisibleCells();
                    overlapSpan = BufferSpan;
                    cells = collection.GetCells(overlapSpan.Value);
                HexCell firstCell = null;
                HexCell lastCell  = null;
                foreach (var cell in cells)
                    if (!((cell.GroupIndex == 0 && group0) || (cell.GroupIndex == 1 && group1)))
                    if (firstCell == null)
                        firstCell = cell;
                        lastCell  = cell;
                    else if (lastCell.Index + 1 == cell.Index && lastCell.GroupIndex == cell.GroupIndex)
                        lastCell = cell;
                        yield return(Create(collection, firstCell, lastCell, overlapSpan.Value));

                        firstCell = lastCell = cell;
                if (firstCell != null)
                    yield return(Create(collection, firstCell, lastCell, overlapSpan.Value));
                yield break;
            if ((flags & HexSpanSelectionFlags.AllVisibleCells) != 0)
                yield return(new TextAndHexSpan(visibleSpan, BufferSpan));

                yield break;
            if ((flags & HexSpanSelectionFlags.AllCells) != 0)
                yield return(new TextAndHexSpan(fullSpan, BufferSpan));

                yield break;

            if ((flags & HexSpanSelectionFlags.OneValue) != 0)
                foreach (var cell in collection.GetCells(overlapSpan.Value))
                    if (!cell.HasData)
                    var cellSpan = cell.GetSpan(flags);
                    yield return(new TextAndHexSpan(cellSpan, new HexBufferSpan(Buffer, cell.BufferSpan)));
                int textStart = int.MaxValue;
                int textEnd   = int.MinValue;
                var posStart  = HexPosition.MaxValue;
                var posEnd    = HexPosition.MinValue;
                foreach (var cell in collection.GetCells(overlapSpan.Value))
                    if (!cell.HasData)
                    var cellSpan = cell.GetSpan(flags);
                    textStart = Math.Min(textStart, cellSpan.Start);
                    textEnd   = Math.Max(textEnd, cellSpan.End);

                    posStart = HexPosition.Min(posStart, cell.BufferStart);
                    posEnd   = HexPosition.Max(posEnd, cell.BufferEnd);

                if (textStart > textEnd || posStart > posEnd)
                    yield break;
                yield return(new TextAndHexSpan(VST.Span.FromBounds(textStart, textEnd), new HexBufferSpan(Buffer, HexSpan.FromBounds(posStart, posEnd))));