Exemplo n.º 1
 // todo getTicker should use millis received in deskpi tick, check elsewhere?
 public TimeMode(Func <DeskPiMode> buildSelector, ModeData data,
                 Func <DateTime> now, Func <uint, ITicker> getTicker)
     : base(buildSelector, data)
     this.now         = now;
     this.displayTime = now();
Exemplo n.º 2
        public HelpMode(Func <DeskPiMode> buildSelector, ModeData data,
                        ImmutableDictionary <ModeId, ModeData> modes,
                        ModeId defaultMode = ModeId.Help) : base(buildSelector, data)
            this.modes = modes;

            var keys = from id in modes.Keys
                       orderby(int) id
                       select id;

            ids = ImmutableArray <ModeId> .Empty.AddRange(keys);

            currentMode = ids.IndexOf(defaultMode);
            if (currentMode == -1)
                currentMode = 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public OcarinaSelector(ModeData data,
                               ImmutableDictionary <ModeId, ModeData> modesData,
                               ImmutableDictionary <ModeId, Func <DeskPiMode, DeskPiMode> > modes,
                               ImmutableDictionary <KeyId, Note> keyToNote,
                               Func <DeskPiMode, DeskPiMode> createIntroMode)
            : base(() => new OcarinaSelector(data, modesData, modes, keyToNote, createIntroMode), data)
            CheckOrphans(modesData, modes);

            this.songTrie = new Trie <Note, Func <DeskPiMode, DeskPiMode> >();

            foreach (var entry in modesData)
                if (modes.ContainsKey(entry.Key))
                    songTrie = songTrie.Insert(entry.Value.Song.Notes, modes[entry.Key]);

            this.keyToNote       = keyToNote;
            this.createIntroMode = createIntroMode;
            this.receivedNotes   = ImmutableList <Note> .Empty;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public DummyMode(Func <DeskPiMode> buildSelector, ModeData data, Song song) : base(buildSelector, data)
     this.song = song;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static DeskPi Create(GpioHandler gpioHandler, Action <object> pushEvent)
            var stringWriter = ImmutableSsd.CreateMax7219BackedDisplay(gpioHandler,
                                                                       scrollDelay: 500, endsScrollDelay: 1000);

            var modesData = new Dictionary <ModeId, ModeData>
                { ModeId.Help, new ModeData("About deskPi - Press middle",
                                            "What follows is how to use the thing - press middle",
                                            "Press the the top and bottom buttons to get info about " +
                                            "the different modes. Press the middle button to get different " +
                                            "info about the current mode. Press the top and bottom buttons " +
                                            "to play a song to reach a new mode. The available notes: " +
                                            "A - Bottom and middle, \u02C5 - Bottom, \u02C3 - Middle, " +
                                            "\u02C2 - top, \u02C4 - Middle and top.",
                                            Song.SariasSong) },
                { ModeId.Dummy1, new ModeData(Song.ZeldasLullaby.Name,
                                              "Description", "Help Text", Song.ZeldasLullaby) },
                { ModeId.Dummy2, new ModeData(Song.EponasSong.Name,
                                              "Description", "Help Text", Song.EponasSong) },
                { ModeId.Dummy4, new ModeData(Song.SunsSong.Name,
                                              "Description", "Help Text", Song.SunsSong) },
                { ModeId.Time, new ModeData(Song.SongOfTime.Name,
                                            "Clock", "Clock in format MM.dd HH.mm", Song.SongOfTime) },
                { ModeId.Dummy6, new ModeData(Song.SongOfStorms.Name,
                                              "Description", "Help Text", Song.SongOfStorms) },
                { ModeId.Dummy7, new ModeData(Song.MinuetOfForest.Name,
                                              "Description", "Help Text", Song.MinuetOfForest) },
                { ModeId.Dummy8, new ModeData(Song.BoleroOfFire.Name,
                                              "Description", "Help Text", Song.BoleroOfFire) },
                { ModeId.Dummy9, new ModeData(Song.SerenadeOfWater.Name,
                                              "Description", "Help Text", Song.SerenadeOfWater) },
                { ModeId.Dummy10, new ModeData(Song.NocturneOfShadow.Name,
                                               "Description", "Help Text", Song.NocturneOfShadow) },
                { ModeId.Dummy11, new ModeData(Song.RequiemOfSpirit.Name,
                                               "Description", "Help Text", Song.RequiemOfSpirit) },
                { ModeId.Dummy12, new ModeData(Song.PreludeOfLight.Name,
                                               "Description", "Help Text", Song.PreludeOfLight) },
                { ModeId.Dummy13, new ModeData(Song.ScarecrowsSong.Name,
                                               "Description", "Help Text", Song.ScarecrowsSong) }

            // todo ???
            var modes = new Dictionary <ModeId, Func <DeskPiMode, DeskPiMode> > {
                { ModeId.Help, (sel) => new HelpMode(() => sel, modesData[ModeId.Help], modesData) },
                { ModeId.Dummy1, (sel) => new DummyMode(() => sel, modesData[ModeId.Dummy1], Song.ZeldasLullaby) },
                { ModeId.Dummy2, (sel) => new DummyMode(() => sel, modesData[ModeId.Dummy2], Song.EponasSong) },
                { ModeId.Dummy4, (sel) => new DummyMode(() => sel, modesData[ModeId.Dummy4], Song.SunsSong) },
                { ModeId.Time, (sel) => new TimeMode(() => sel, modesData[ModeId.Time], () => DateTime.Now,
                                                     (i) => new Ticker(i, gpioHandler.Millis)) },
                { ModeId.Dummy6, (sel) => new DummyMode(() => sel, modesData[ModeId.Dummy6], Song.SongOfStorms) },
                { ModeId.Dummy7, (sel) => new DummyMode(() => sel, modesData[ModeId.Dummy7], Song.MinuetOfForest) },
                { ModeId.Dummy8, (sel) => new DummyMode(() => sel, modesData[ModeId.Dummy8], Song.BoleroOfFire) },
                { ModeId.Dummy9, (sel) => new DummyMode(() => sel, modesData[ModeId.Dummy9], Song.SerenadeOfWater) },
                { ModeId.Dummy10, (sel) => new DummyMode(() => sel, modesData[ModeId.Dummy10], Song.NocturneOfShadow) },
                { ModeId.Dummy11, (sel) => new DummyMode(() => sel, modesData[ModeId.Dummy11], Song.RequiemOfSpirit) },
                { ModeId.Dummy12, (sel) => new DummyMode(() => sel, modesData[ModeId.Dummy12], Song.PreludeOfLight) },
                { ModeId.Dummy13, (sel) => new DummyMode(() => sel, modesData[ModeId.Dummy13], Song.ScarecrowsSong) },

            var keyToNote = new Dictionary <KeyId, Note> {
                { KeyId.A, Note.Bottom },
                { KeyId.B, Note.Right },
                { KeyId.C, Note.Left },
                { KeyId.D, Note.A },
                { KeyId.E, Note.Top }

            var selectorData    = new ModeData("Selector", "", "", Song.EmptySong);
            var ocarinaSelector = new OcarinaSelector(
                selectorData, modesData, modes, keyToNote,
                (arg) => new IntroMode(arg, () => new Ticker(5000, gpioHandler.Millis)));

            void topLed(bool b) => gpioHandler.Write(20, b);
            void middleLed(bool b) => gpioHandler.Write(16, b);
            void bottomLed(bool b) => gpioHandler.Write(17, b);

            var topButton    = SetupButton(pushEvent, gpioHandler, topLed, 4, ButtonId.Top);
            var middleButton = SetupButton(pushEvent, gpioHandler, middleLed, 3, ButtonId.Middle);
            var bottomButton = SetupButton(pushEvent, gpioHandler, bottomLed, 2, ButtonId.Bottom);

            var buttonAggregator = new ButtonAggregator(() => new Ticker(200, gpioHandler.Millis),
                                                        new List <Button <ButtonId> > {
                topButton, middleButton, bottomButton


            var startMode = modes[ModeId.Help](ocarinaSelector);

            return(new DeskPi(stringWriter, buttonAggregator, startMode));
Exemplo n.º 6
 protected DeskPiMode(Func <DeskPiMode> buildSelector, ModeData data)
     this.buildSelector = buildSelector;
     this.Data          = data;