Exemplo n.º 1
        public void TestConstructor()
            var guid = new WowGuid(1);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, guid.Full);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void TestGetHashCode()
            var guid1 = new WowGuid(0xF130005C0500105F);
            var guid15 = new WowGuid(0xF130005C0500105F);
            var guid2 = new WowGuid(0x600000002B2D7C9);

            Assert.AreEqual(guid1.GetHashCode(), guid15.GetHashCode());
            Assert.AreNotEqual(guid1.GetHashCode(), guid2.GetHashCode());
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static bool CheckFilter(WowGuid guid)
            var result = true;

            if (guid.HasEntry())
                result = CheckFilter(Utilities.ObjectTypeToStore(guid.GetObjectType()), (int)guid.GetEntry());

            return result;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static string GetName(WowGuid guid)
            string name;

            if (NameDict.TryGetValue(guid, out name))
                return name;

            return null;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void TestGetLow()
            var guid1 = new WowGuid(0xF130005C0500105F);
            var guid2 = new WowGuid(0x600000002B2D7C9);
            var guid3 = new WowGuid(0);

            Assert.AreEqual(0x105F, guid1.GetLow());
            Assert.AreEqual(0x2B2D7C9, guid2.GetLow());
            Assert.AreEqual(0, guid3.GetLow());
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void TestGetHighType()
            var guid1 = new WowGuid(0xF130005C0500105F);
            var guid2 = new WowGuid(0x600000002B2D7C9);
            var guid3 = new WowGuid(0);

            Assert.AreEqual(HighGuidType.Unit, guid1.GetHighType());
            Assert.AreEqual(HighGuidType.Player, guid2.GetHighType());
            Assert.AreEqual(HighGuidType.None, guid3.GetHighType());
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void TestEquals()
            var guid1 = new WowGuid(0xF130005C0500105F);
            var guid2 = new WowGuid(0x600000002B2D7C9);
            var guid25 = new WowGuid(0x600000002B2D7C9);
            var guid3 = new WowGuid(0);

            Assert.IsTrue(guid2.Equals((object) guid25));
            Assert.IsFalse(guid2.Equals(new object()));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static void HandlePetNameQuery(Packet packet)
            var number = new byte[8];
            var guid = new byte[8];

            guid[6] = packet.ReadBit();
            number[4] = packet.ReadBit();
            number[6] = packet.ReadBit();
            number[5] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid[4] = packet.ReadBit();
            number[7] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid[5] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid[3] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid[2] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid[7] = packet.ReadBit();
            number[1] = packet.ReadBit();
            number[0] = packet.ReadBit();
            number[2] = packet.ReadBit();
            number[3] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid[1] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid[0] = packet.ReadBit();

            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 7);
            packet.ReadXORByte(number, 2);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 4);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 6);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 5);
            packet.ReadXORByte(number, 5);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 3);
            packet.ReadXORByte(number, 0);
            packet.ReadXORByte(number, 6);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 1);
            packet.ReadXORByte(number, 4);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 0);
            packet.ReadXORByte(number, 7);
            packet.ReadXORByte(number, 1);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 2);
            packet.ReadXORByte(number, 3);

            packet.WriteGuid("Guid2", number);
            packet.WriteGuid("Guid3", guid);

            var GUID = new WowGuid(BitConverter.ToUInt64(guid, 0));
            var Number = BitConverter.ToUInt64(number, 0);
            packet.WriteGuid("Guid", guid);
            packet.AddValue("Pet Number", Number);

            // Store temporary name (will be replaced in SMSG_PET_NAME_QUERY_RESPONSE)
            StoreGetters.AddName(GUID, Number.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static void HandlePetNameQuery(Packet packet)
            var guid1 = new byte[8];
            var guid2 = new byte[8];

            guid2[1] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid1[5] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid2[3] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid1[0] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid1[3] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid2[4] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid1[1] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid1[4] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid2[0] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid2[7] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid1[6] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid1[7] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid1[2] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid2[5] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid2[2] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid2[6] = packet.ReadBit();

            packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 1);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 5);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 5);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 4);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 1);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 7);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 7);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 4);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 2);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 0);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 6);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 6);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 0);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 3);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 2);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 3);

            packet.WriteGuid("Pet Guid", guid1);
            packet.WriteGuid("Pet Number", guid2);

            var PetGuid = new Guid(BitConverter.ToUInt64(guid1, 0));
            var PetNumberGuid = new Guid(BitConverter.ToUInt64(guid2, 0));
            var PetNumber = PetNumberGuid.GetEntry().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // Not sure about this.

            // Store temporary name from Pet Number GUID (will be retrieved as uint64 in SMSG_PET_NAME_QUERY_RESPONSE)
            StoreGetters.AddName(PetGuid, PetNumber);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private static void ReadCreateObjectBlock(Packet packet, WowGuid guid, uint map, object index)
            var objType = packet.ReadByteE<ObjectType>("Object Type", index);
            var moves = ReadMovementUpdateBlock(packet, guid, index);
            var updates = CoreParsers.UpdateHandler.ReadValuesUpdateBlock(packet, objType, index, true);

            WoWObject obj;
            switch (objType)
                case ObjectType.Unit:
                    obj = new Unit();
                case ObjectType.GameObject:
                    obj = new GameObject();
                case ObjectType.Item:
                    obj = new Item();
                case ObjectType.Player:
                    obj = new Player();
                    obj = new WoWObject();

            obj.Type = objType;
            obj.Movement = moves;
            obj.UpdateFields = updates;
            obj.Map = map;
            obj.Area = CoreParsers.WorldStateHandler.CurrentAreaId;
            obj.PhaseMask = (uint)CoreParsers.MovementHandler.CurrentPhaseMask;
            obj.Phases = new HashSet<ushort>(CoreParsers.MovementHandler.ActivePhases);

            // If this is the second time we see the same object (same guid,
            // same position) update its phasemask
            if (Storage.Objects.ContainsKey(guid))
                var existObj = Storage.Objects[guid].Item1;
                CoreParsers.UpdateHandler.ProcessExistingObject(ref existObj, obj, guid); // can't do "ref Storage.Objects[guid].Item1 directly
                Storage.Objects.Add(guid, obj, packet.TimeSpan);

            if (guid.HasEntry() && (objType == ObjectType.Unit || objType == ObjectType.GameObject))
                packet.AddSniffData(Utilities.ObjectTypeToStore(objType), (int)guid.GetEntry(), "SPAWN");
Exemplo n.º 11
        private static MovementInfo ReadMovementUpdateBlock(Packet packet, WowGuid guid, object index)
            var moveInfo = new MovementInfo();

            var guid1 = new byte[8];
            var transportGuid = new byte[8];
            var goTransportGuid = new byte[8];
            var attackingTargetGuid = new byte[8];

            var hasAnimKit1 = false;
            var hasAnimKit2 = false;
            var hasAnimKit3 = false;
            var hasFullSpline = false;
            var hasSplineStartTime = false;
            var hasSplineVerticalAcceleration = false;
            var hasGOTransportTime2 = false;
            var hasGOTransportTime3 = false;
            var hasSplineElevation = false;
            var hasMovementFlags = false;
            var hasMoveFlagsExtra = false;
            var hasTimestamp = false;
            var hasOrientation = false;
            var hasTransportData = false;
            var hasTransportTime3 = false;
            var hasTransportTime2 = false;
            var hasPitch = false;
            var hasFallData = false;
            var hasFallDirection = false;

            var bit130 = false;
            var bitA0 = false;
            var bit23C = false;
            var bit298 = false;
            var bit230 = false;
            var bit284 = false;
            var bit228 = false;
            var bit258 = false;
            var bit218 = false;
            var bit220 = false;

            var bits160 = 0u;
            var splineCount = 0u;
            var bits11C = 0u;
            var bits90 = 0u;
            var bits25C = 0u;
            var bits26C = 0u;
            var bits288 = 0u;
            var bits418 = 0u;
            var bits2AA = 0u;
            SplineType splineType = SplineType.Stop;

            var bit2A9 = packet.ReadBit();
            var bit29C = packet.ReadBit();
            packet.ReadBit(); // fake 1
            var bit1DC = packet.ReadBit();
            var bit2A4 = packet.ReadBit();
            var bit2A8 = packet.ReadBit();
            packet.ReadBit(); // fake 0
            var hasAttackingTarget = packet.ReadBit("Has Attacking Target", index);
            var transportFrames = packet.ReadBits("Transport Frames Count", 22, index);
            var bit414 = packet.ReadBit();
            packet.ReadBit(); // fake 3
            var bit428 = packet.ReadBit();
            var bit32A = packet.ReadBit();
            var hasStationaryPosition = packet.ReadBit("Has Stationary Position", index);
            packet.ReadBit(); // fake 2
            var isLiving = packet.ReadBit("Is Living", index);
            var hasAnimKits = packet.ReadBit("Has Anim Kits", index);
            var hasVehicleData = packet.ReadBit("Has Vehicle Data", index);
            var hasGameObjectPosition = packet.ReadBit("Has GameObject Position", index);
            var hasSceneObjectData = packet.ReadBit("Has Scene Object Data", index);
            var hasGameObjectRotation = packet.ReadBit("Has GameObject Rotation", index);

            if (bit29C)
                bit284 = packet.ReadBit();
                if (bit284)
                    bits25C = packet.ReadBits(21);
                    bits26C = packet.ReadBits(21);

                packet.ReadBit("bit20C", index);
                packet.ReadBit("bit210", index);
                bit23C = packet.ReadBit();
                bit298 = packet.ReadBit();
                packet.ReadBit("bit20F", index);
                packet.ReadBit("bit20E", index);
                bit218 = packet.ReadBit();
                bit220 = packet.ReadBit();
                if (bit298)
                    bits288 = packet.ReadBits(20);

                bit228 = packet.ReadBit();
                packet.ReadBit("bit20D", index);
                bit230 = packet.ReadBit();
                bit258 = packet.ReadBit();

            if (bit428)
                bits418 = packet.ReadBits(22);

            if (isLiving)
                guid1[4] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid1[1] = packet.ReadBit();
                bits160 = packet.ReadBits(19);
                for (var i = 0; i < bits160; ++i)
                    packet.ReadBits("bits164", 2, index, i);

                guid1[5] = packet.ReadBit();
                hasOrientation = !packet.ReadBit();
                guid1[7] = packet.ReadBit();
                bits90 = packet.ReadBits(22);
                moveInfo.HasSplineData = packet.ReadBit();
                hasSplineElevation = !packet.ReadBit();
                if (moveInfo.HasSplineData)
                    hasFullSpline = packet.ReadBit();
                    if (hasFullSpline)
                        bit130 = packet.ReadBit();
                        hasSplineVerticalAcceleration = packet.ReadBit("has Spline Vertical Acceleration", index);
                        packet.ReadBitsE<SplineMode>("Spline Mode", 2, index);
                        if (bit130)
                            bits11C = packet.ReadBits(21);
                            packet.ReadBits("bits12C", 2, index);
                        packet.ReadBitsE<SplineFlag434>("Spline flags", 25, index);
                        hasSplineStartTime = packet.ReadBit("Has Spline Start Time", index);
                        splineCount = packet.ReadBits("SplineWaypointsCount", 20, index);

                bitA0 = !packet.ReadBit();
                guid1[3] = packet.ReadBit();
                packet.ReadBit("bitA4", index);
                hasMovementFlags = !packet.ReadBit();
                if (hasMovementFlags)
                    moveInfo.Flags = packet.ReadBitsE<MovementFlag>("Movement Flags", 30, index);

                packet.ReadBit("bit8C", index);
                packet.ReadBit("bit8D", index);
                guid1[2] = packet.ReadBit();
                hasTimestamp = !packet.ReadBit();
                guid1[0] = packet.ReadBit();
                hasTransportData = packet.ReadBit();
                if (hasTransportData)
                    packet.StartBitStream(transportGuid, 4, 7, 3, 1, 6);
                    hasTransportTime2 = packet.ReadBit();
                    packet.StartBitStream(transportGuid, 2, 0, 5);
                    hasTransportTime3 = packet.ReadBit();

                guid1[6] = packet.ReadBit();
                hasFallData = packet.ReadBit();
                if (hasFallData)
                    hasFallDirection = packet.ReadBit();

                hasMoveFlagsExtra = !packet.ReadBit();
                hasPitch = !packet.ReadBit();
                if (hasMoveFlagsExtra)
                    moveInfo.FlagsExtra = packet.ReadBitsE<MovementFlagExtra>("Extra Movement Flags", 13, index);

            if (hasGameObjectPosition)
                packet.StartBitStream(goTransportGuid, 0, 7);
                hasGOTransportTime3 = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[1] = packet.ReadBit();
                hasGOTransportTime2 = packet.ReadBit();
                packet.StartBitStream(goTransportGuid, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2);

            if (bit32A)
                bits2AA = packet.ReadBits(7);

            if (hasAttackingTarget)
                packet.StartBitStream(attackingTargetGuid, 5, 4, 6, 0, 1, 7, 2, 3);

            // Sceneobject data
            var CreatorGUID = new byte[8];
            byte[][] guid358 = null;
            byte[][][] guid358_6 = null;
            uint[] bits358_10 = null;
            uint[][] bits358_6_84 = null;
            uint[][] bits358_6_94 = null;
            uint[][] bits358_6_31 = null;
            uint[][] bits358_6_74 = null;
            byte[][][] bit358_6_78_9 = null;
            byte[][][] bit358_6_88_10 = null;
            bool[][][] bit358_6_88_C = null;
            bool[][][] bit358_6_88_8 = null;
            bool[][] bit358_6_2E = null;
            bool[][] bit358_6_30 = null;
            bool[] bit358_20 = null;
            bool[] bit358_C = null;
            bool[] bit358_24 = null;

            var bit338 = false;
            var bit330 = false;
            var bit341 = false;
            var bit340 = false;
            var bit332 = false;
            var bit33C = false;

            uint[] bits388 = null;
            uint[] bits388_10 = null;
            byte[][] bit388_1_10 = null;
            bool[][] bit388_1_C = null;
            bool[][] bit388_1_8 = null;

            if (hasSceneObjectData)
                guid358 = new byte[2][];
                guid358_6 = new byte[2][][];
                bits358_10 = new uint[2];
                bits358_6_84 = new uint[2][];
                bits358_6_94 = new uint[2][];
                bits358_6_31 = new uint[2][];
                bits358_6_74 = new uint[2][];
                bit358_6_78_9 = new byte[2][][];
                bit358_6_88_10 = new byte[2][][];
                bit358_6_88_C = new bool[2][][];
                bit358_6_88_8 = new bool[2][][];
                bit358_6_2E = new bool[2][];
                bit358_6_30 = new bool[2][];
                bit358_20 = new bool[2];
                bit358_C = new bool[2];
                bit358_24 = new bool[2];

                for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
                    guid358[i] = new byte[8];
                    packet.StartBitStream(guid358[i], 3, 4, 1, 0);
                    bits358_10[i] = packet.ReadBits(2);
                    bit358_20[i] = !packet.ReadBit();

                    guid358_6[i] = new byte[bits358_10[i]][];
                    bits358_6_84[i] = new uint[bits358_10[i]];
                    bits358_6_94[i] = new uint[bits358_10[i]];
                    bits358_6_31[i] = new uint[bits358_10[i]];
                    bits358_6_74[i] = new uint[bits358_10[i]];
                    bit358_6_78_9[i] = new byte[bits358_10[i]][];
                    bit358_6_88_10[i] = new byte[bits358_10[i]][];
                    bit358_6_88_C[i] = new bool[bits358_10[i]][];
                    bit358_6_88_8[i] = new bool[bits358_10[i]][];
                    bit358_6_2E[i] = new bool[bits358_10[i]];
                    bit358_6_30[i] = new bool[bits358_10[i]];

                    for (var j = 0; j < bits358_10[i]; ++j)
                        guid358_6[i][j] = new byte[8];
                        bits358_6_84[i][j] = packet.ReadBits(21);

                        bit358_6_88_8[i][j] = new bool[bits358_6_84[i][j]];
                        bit358_6_88_C[i][j] = new bool[bits358_6_84[i][j]];
                        bit358_6_88_10[i][j] = new byte[bits358_6_84[i][j]];
                        for (var k = 0; k < bits358_6_84[i][j]; ++k)
                            bit358_6_88_10[i][j][k] = (byte)(10 - packet.ReadBit());
                            bit358_6_88_C[i][j][k] = !packet.ReadBit();
                            bit358_6_88_8[i][j][k] = !packet.ReadBit();

                        packet.StartBitStream(guid358_6[i][j], 5, 3, 4, 1, 0, 6, 7);
                        bits358_6_31[i][j] = packet.ReadBits(7);
                        guid358_6[i][j][2] = packet.ReadBit();
                        bit358_6_2E[i][j] = !packet.ReadBit();
                        bits358_6_74[i][j] = packet.ReadBits(20);

                        bit358_6_78_9[i][j] = new byte[bits358_6_74[i][j]];
                        for (var k = 0; k < bits358_6_74[i][j]; ++k)
                            bit358_6_78_9[i][j][k] = (byte)(10 - packet.ReadBit());

                        bit358_6_30[i][j] = packet.ReadBit();
                        bits358_6_94[i][j] = packet.ReadBits(21);

                    guid358[i][6] = packet.ReadBit();
                    bit358_C[i] = !packet.ReadBit();
                    packet.StartBitStream(guid358[i], 2, 5);
                    bit358_24[i] = !packet.ReadBit();
                    guid358[i][7] = packet.ReadBit();

                bit330 = !packet.ReadBit();
                bit340 = !packet.ReadBit();

                bits388 = new uint[3];
                bits388_10 = new uint[3];
                bit388_1_10 = new byte[3][];
                bit388_1_C = new bool[3][];
                bit388_1_8 = new bool[3][];

                for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                    bits388_10[i] = packet.ReadBits(21);
                    bits388[i] = packet.ReadBits(21);
                    bit388_1_10[i] = new byte[bits388[i]];
                    bit388_1_C[i] = new bool[bits388[i]];
                    bit388_1_8[i] = new bool[bits388[i]];

                    for (var j = 0; j < bits388[i]; ++j)
                        bit388_1_8[i][j] = !packet.ReadBit();
                        bit388_1_10[i][j] = (byte)(10 - packet.ReadBit());
                        bit388_1_C[i][j] = !packet.ReadBit();

                bit33C = !packet.ReadBit();
                bit341 = !packet.ReadBit();
                bit338 = !packet.ReadBit();
                bit332 = !packet.ReadBit();
                packet.ReadBit(); // fake bit
                packet.ReadBit("bit351", index);
                packet.ReadBit("bit350", index);
                packet.StartBitStream(CreatorGUID, 2, 7, 0, 5, 1, 3, 6, 4);

            if (hasAnimKits)
                hasAnimKit3 = !packet.ReadBit();
                hasAnimKit1 = !packet.ReadBit();
                hasAnimKit2 = !packet.ReadBit();


            for (var i = 0; i < transportFrames; ++i)
                packet.ReadInt32("Transport frame", index, i);

            if (hasSceneObjectData)
                for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
                    for (var j = 0; j < bits358_10[i]; ++j)
                        for (var k = 0; k < bits358_6_74[i][j]; ++k)
                            packet.ReadInt32("int358+6+78+0", index, i, j, k);
                            packet.ReadInt16("short358+6+78+3", index, i, j, k);
                            packet.ReadByte("byte358+6+78+8", index, i, j, k);
                            packet.ReadInt16("short358+6+78+2", index, i, j, k);
                            if (bit358_6_78_9[i][j][k] != 9)
                                packet.ReadByte("byte358+6+78+9", index, i, j, k);

                        packet.ReadXORByte(guid358_6[i][j], 6);
                        for (var k = 0; k < bits358_6_84[i][j]; ++k)
                            packet.ReadInt32("int358+6+88+4", index, i, j, k);
                            packet.ReadInt32("int358+6+88+0", index, i, j, k);
                            if (bit358_6_88_8[i][j][k])
                                packet.ReadInt32("int358+6+88+8", index, i, j, k);

                            if (bit358_6_88_C[i][j][k])
                                packet.ReadInt32("int358+6+88+C", index, i, j, k);

                            if (bit358_6_88_10[i][j][k] != 9)
                                packet.ReadByte("byte358+6+88+10", index, i, j, k);

                        packet.ReadInt32("int358+6+28", index, i, j);
                        packet.ReadXORBytes(guid358_6[i][j], 5, 3);
                        packet.ReadInt32("int358+6+24", index, i, j);
                        packet.ReadXORByte(guid358_6[i][j], 1);
                        packet.ReadInt32("Int358+6+8", index, i, j);
                        packet.ReadInt16("short358+6+2C", index, i, j);
                        packet.ReadInt32("int358+6+C", index, i, j);
                        if (!bit358_6_30[i][j])
                            packet.ReadByte("byte358+6+30", index, i, j);

                        for (var k = 0; k < bits358_6_94[i][j]; ++k)
                            packet.ReadInt32("int358+6+98+4", index, i, j, k);
                            packet.ReadInt32("int358+6+98+0", index, i, j, k);

                        packet.ReadXORByte(guid358_6[i][j], 0);
                        packet.ReadWoWString("String358+6+31", (int)bits358_6_31[i][j], index, i, j);
                        packet.ReadInt32("int358+6+10", index, i, j);
                        packet.ReadInt16("short358+6+16", index, i, j);
                        packet.ReadInt16("short358+6+14", index, i, j);
                        packet.ReadXORByte(guid358_6[i][j], 2);
                        packet.ReadInt32("int358+6+18", index, i, j);
                        packet.ReadXORByte(guid358_6[i][j], 4);

                        if (bit358_6_2E[i][j])
                            packet.ReadInt16("short358+6+2E", index, i, j);

                        packet.ReadInt32("int358+6+1C", index, i, j);
                        packet.ReadInt32("int358+6+20", index, i, j);
                        packet.ReadXORByte(guid358_6[i][j], 7);

                        packet.WriteGuid("Guid 358_6", guid358_6[i][j], index, i, j);

                    packet.ReadXORBytes(guid358[i], 0, 7);
                    packet.ReadByte("byte358+25", index, i);
                    if (bit358_24[i])
                        packet.ReadInt32("int358+C", index, i);

                    packet.ReadXORBytes(guid358[i], 5, 4);
                    if (!bit358_20[i])
                        packet.ReadByte("byte358+24", index, i);

                    if (bit358_C[i])
                        packet.ReadInt16("Short358+10", index, i);

                    packet.ReadXORBytes(guid358[i], 1, 2, 3, 6);
                    packet.ReadInt32("int358+8", index, i);
                    packet.WriteGuid("Guid358", guid358[i], index, i);

                for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                    for (var j = 0; j < bits388_10[i]; ++j)
                        packet.ReadInt32("int388+6+4", index, i, j);
                        packet.ReadInt32("int388+6+0", index, i, j);

                    for (var j = 0; j < bits388[i]; ++j)
                        packet.ReadInt32("int388+1+0", index, i, j);
                        if (bit388_1_C[i][j])
                            packet.ReadInt32("int388+1+C", index, i, j);

                        if (bit388_1_8[i][j])
                            packet.ReadInt32("int388+1+8", index, i, j);

                        if (bit388_1_10[i][j] != 9)
                            packet.ReadByte("byte388+1+10", index, i, j);

                        packet.ReadInt32("int388+1+4", index, i, j);

                if (bit338)
                    packet.ReadInt32("Int338", index);
                packet.ParseBitStream(CreatorGUID, 3, 5, 4, 2, 7, 6, 0, 1);

                if (bit33C)
                    packet.ReadInt32("Int33C", index);

                if (bit341)
                    packet.ReadByte("Byte341", index);

                if (bit340)
                    packet.ReadByte("Byte340", index);

                packet.ReadInt32("Int334", index);
                if (bit332)
                    packet.ReadInt16("Short332", index);

                if (bit330)
                    packet.ReadInt16("Short318", index);

                packet.WriteGuid("Creator GUID", CreatorGUID, index);

            if (bit29C)
                if (bit258)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float250", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float254", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float248", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float24C", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float240", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float244", index);

                if (bit284)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float280", index);
                    for (var i = 0; i < bits26C; ++i)
                        packet.ReadSingle("Float270+1", index, i);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Float270+0", index, i);

                    packet.ReadSingle("Float27C", index);
                    for (var i = 0; i < bits25C; ++i)
                        packet.ReadSingle("Float260+0", index, i);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Float260+1", index, i);

                if (bit230)
                    packet.ReadInt32("int22C", index);

                if (bit220)
                    packet.ReadInt32("int21C", index);

                if (bit23C)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float238", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float234", index);

                if (bit298)
                    for (var i = 0; i < bits288; ++i)
                        packet.ReadSingle("Float28C+0", index, i);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Float28C+2", index, i);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Float28C+1", index, i);

                packet.ReadInt32("Int208", index);
                if (bit228)
                    packet.ReadInt32("int224", index);

                if (bit218)
                    packet.ReadInt32("int214", index);

            if (isLiving)
                moveInfo.Position.Y = packet.ReadSingle();
                if (moveInfo.HasSplineData)
                    if (hasFullSpline)
                        for (var i = 0u; i < splineCount; ++i)
                            var wp = new Vector3
                                Z = packet.ReadSingle(),
                                X = packet.ReadSingle(),
                                Y = packet.ReadSingle()

                            packet.AddValue("Spline Waypoint", wp, index, i);

                        packet.ReadInt32("Spline Time", index); // if need swap with "Spline Full Time"
                        if (hasSplineVerticalAcceleration)
                            packet.ReadSingle("Spline Vertical Acceleration", index);

                        if (bit130)
                            for (var i = 0; i < bits11C; ++i)
                                packet.ReadSingle("Float13C+1", index, i);
                                packet.ReadSingle("Float13C+0", index, i);

                        packet.ReadInt32("Spline Full Time", index);

                        if (hasSplineStartTime)
                            packet.ReadInt32("Spline Start Time", index);

                        var type = packet.ReadByte();
                        switch (type)
                            case 1:
                                splineType = SplineType.Normal;
                            case 2:
                                splineType = SplineType.FacingSpot;
                            case 3:
                                splineType = SplineType.FacingTarget;
                            case 4:
                                splineType = SplineType.FacingAngle;

                        packet.ReadSingle("Spline Duration Multiplier", index); // if need swap with "Spline Duration Multiplier Next"
                        packet.ReadSingle("Spline Duration Multiplier Next", index);

                        if (splineType == SplineType.FacingSpot)
                            var point = new Vector3
                                Y = packet.ReadSingle(),
                                Z = packet.ReadSingle(),
                                X = packet.ReadSingle()

                            packet.AddValue("Facing Spot", point, index);

                        if (splineType == SplineType.FacingAngle)
                            packet.ReadSingle("Facing Angle", index);

                    moveInfo.Position.Y = packet.ReadSingle();
                    moveInfo.Position.Z = packet.ReadSingle();
                    moveInfo.Position.X = packet.ReadSingle();
                    packet.ReadInt32("Spline Id", index);

                packet.ReadSingle("FloatBC", index);
                packet.ReadSingle("FloatAC", index);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 4);
                packet.ReadSingle("FloatA8", index);

                if (hasFallData)
                    if (hasFallDirection)
                        packet.ReadSingle("Jump Velocity", index);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Jump Sin", index);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Jump Cos", index);

                    packet.ReadUInt32("Time Fallen", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Fall Start Velocity", index);

                if (hasTransportData)
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 5);
                    var seat = packet.ReadByte("Transport Seat", index);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 2);
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.O = packet.ReadSingle();
                    packet.ReadXORBytes(transportGuid, 4, 7);
                    if (hasTransportTime2)
                        packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time 2", index);

                    packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time", index);
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.Y = packet.ReadSingle();
                    packet.ReadXORBytes(transportGuid, 3, 6);
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.X = packet.ReadSingle();
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 0);
                    if (hasTransportTime3)
                        packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time 3", index);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 1);
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.Z = packet.ReadSingle();

                    moveInfo.TransportGuid = new WowGuid64(BitConverter.ToUInt64(transportGuid, 0));
                    packet.AddValue("Transport GUID", moveInfo.TransportGuid, index);
                    packet.AddValue("Transport Position", moveInfo.TransportOffset, index);

                    if (moveInfo.TransportGuid.HasEntry() && moveInfo.TransportGuid.GetHighType() == HighGuidType.Vehicle &&
                        guid.HasEntry() && guid.GetHighType() == HighGuidType.Creature)
                        var vehicleAccessory = new VehicleTemplateAccessory();
                        vehicleAccessory.AccessoryEntry = guid.GetEntry();
                        vehicleAccessory.SeatId = seat;
                        Storage.VehicleTemplateAccessorys.Add(moveInfo.TransportGuid.GetEntry(), vehicleAccessory, packet.TimeSpan);

                packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 5);

                if (hasTimestamp)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("Time", index);

                for (var i = 0; i < bits90; ++i)
                    packet.ReadInt32("Int8C", index, i);

                if (bitA0)
                    packet.ReadInt32("Int98", index);

                packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 1);
                packet.ReadSingle("FloatB0", index);
                packet.ReadSingle("FloatC0", index);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 6);
                packet.ReadSingle("FloatC4", index);

                for (var i = 0; i < bits160; ++i)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float16C+3", index, i);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float16C+5", index, i);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float16C+1", index, i);
                    packet.ReadInt32("Int16C+0", index, i);
                    packet.ReadInt32("Int16C+4", index, i);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float16C+2", index, i);

                moveInfo.Position.X = packet.ReadSingle();
                if (hasOrientation)
                    moveInfo.Orientation = packet.ReadSingle();

                packet.ReadSingle("FloatC8", index);
                packet.ReadSingle("FloatB4", index);
                if (hasSplineElevation)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Spline Elevation", index);

                packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 3);
                if (hasPitch)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Pitch", index);

                packet.ReadSingle("FloatB8", index);
                packet.ReadXORBytes(guid1, 7, 2);
                moveInfo.Position.Z = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 0);

                packet.WriteGuid("GUID1", guid1, index);
                packet.AddValue("Position", moveInfo.Position, index);
                packet.AddValue("Orientation", moveInfo.Orientation, index);

            if (hasStationaryPosition)
                moveInfo.Position.X = packet.ReadSingle();
                moveInfo.Position.Z = packet.ReadSingle();
                moveInfo.Position.Y = packet.ReadSingle();
                moveInfo.Orientation = packet.ReadSingle("Stationary Orientation", index);

                packet.AddValue("Stationary Position", moveInfo.Position, index);

            if (hasGameObjectPosition)
                if (hasGOTransportTime2)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("GO Transport Time 2", index);

                packet.ReadXORBytes(goTransportGuid, 4, 2, 7, 3);
                packet.ReadUInt32("GO Transport Time", index);
                moveInfo.TransportOffset.Y = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 1);
                moveInfo.TransportOffset.Z = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.ReadSByte("GO Transport Seat", index);
                if (hasGOTransportTime3)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("GO Transport Time 3", index);

                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 6);
                moveInfo.TransportOffset.O = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.ReadXORBytes(goTransportGuid, 5, 0);
                moveInfo.TransportOffset.X = packet.ReadSingle();

                moveInfo.TransportGuid = new WowGuid64(BitConverter.ToUInt64(goTransportGuid, 0));
                packet.AddValue("GO Transport GUID", moveInfo.TransportGuid, index);
                packet.AddValue("GO Transport Position", moveInfo.TransportOffset, index);

            if (hasGameObjectRotation)
                packet.ReadPackedQuaternion("GameObject Rotation", index);

            if (hasAttackingTarget)
                packet.ParseBitStream(attackingTargetGuid, 4, 6, 3, 0, 7, 1, 2, 5);
                packet.WriteGuid("Attacking GUID", attackingTargetGuid, index);

            if (hasAnimKits)
                if (hasAnimKit3)
                    packet.ReadUInt16("Anim Kit 3", index);
                if (hasAnimKit1)
                    packet.ReadUInt16("Anim Kit 1", index);
                if (hasAnimKit2)
                    packet.ReadUInt16("Anim Kit 2", index);

            if (bit1DC)
                packet.ReadInt32("int1D8", index);

            if (hasVehicleData)
                moveInfo.VehicleId = packet.ReadUInt32("Vehicle Id", index);
                packet.ReadSingle("Vehicle Orientation", index);

            if (bit2A4)
                packet.ReadInt32("int2A0", index);

            if (bit414)
                packet.ReadInt32("int410", index);

            if (bit32A)
                packet.ReadBytes("Bytes", (int)bits2AA);

            if (bit428)
                for (var i = 0; i < bits418; ++i)
                    packet.ReadInt32("Int3F8", index, i);

            if (isLiving && moveInfo.HasSplineData && hasFullSpline && splineType == SplineType.FacingTarget)
                var facingTargetGuid = new byte[8];
                facingTargetGuid = packet.StartBitStream(5, 3, 6, 2, 7, 0, 1, 4);
                packet.ParseBitStream(facingTargetGuid, 7, 0, 1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6);
                packet.WriteGuid("Facing Target GUID", facingTargetGuid, index);

            return moveInfo;
Exemplo n.º 12
        private static MovementInfo ReadMovementUpdateBlock547(ref Packet packet, Guid guid, int index)
            var moveInfo = new MovementInfo();

            var hasUnkDword676 = packet.ReadBit();
            var hasVehicleData = packet.ReadBit("Has Vehicle Data", index);
            var hasUnkDword1044 = packet.ReadBit();
            var hasGameObjectRotation = packet.ReadBit("Has GameObject Rotation", index);
               var b0 = packet.ReadBit("unk byte0", index);
            var living = packet.ReadBit("Living", index);
            var hasUnkLargeBlock = packet.ReadBit("Has Unk Large Block", index);
            packet.ReadBit("Unk Byte2", index);
            var hasUnkLargeBlock2 = packet.ReadBit("Has Unk Large Block2", index);
            packet.ReadBit("Self", index);
            packet.ReadBit("Unk Byte681", index);
            var hasGameObjectPosition = packet.ReadBit("Has GameObject Position", index);
            var transport = packet.ReadBit("Has Transport Data", index);
            packet.ReadBit("Unk Byte3", index);
            var hasAnimKits = packet.ReadBit("Has AnimKits", index);
            var hasStationaryPosition = packet.ReadBit("Has Stationary Position", index);
            var hasAttackingTarget = packet.ReadBit("Has Attacking Target", index);
            packet.ReadBit("Unk Byte4", index);
            var unkLoopCounter = packet.ReadBits("Unknown array size", 22, index);
            var hasUnkString = packet.ReadBit("Has Unknown String", index);
            var hasTransportFrames = packet.ReadBit("Has Transport Frames", index);

            uint transportFramesCount = 0;
            uint UnkStringLen = 0;
            //int IsLivingUnkCountLoop = 0;
            uint IsLivingUnkCounter = 0;
            var hasOrientation = false;
            var guid2 = new byte[8];
            var hasPitch = false;
            var hasFallData = false;
            var hasSplineElevation = false;
            var hasTransportData = false;
            var hasTimestamp = false;
            var hasMovementCounter = false;
            var transportGuid = new byte[8];
            var hasTransportTime2 = false;
            var hasTransportTime3 = false;
            var bit216 = false;
            var hasSplineStartTime = false;
            var splineCount = 0u;
            var splineType = SplineType.Stop;
            var facingTargetGuid = new byte[8];
            var hasSplineVerticalAcceleration = false;
            var hasSplineUnkPart = false;
            var hasFallDirection = false;
            var goTransportGuid = new byte[8];
            var hasGOTransportTime2 = false;
            var hasGOTransportTime3 = false;
            var attackingTargetGuid = new byte[8];
            var SplineFacingTargetGuid = new byte[8];
            var hasAnimKit1 = false;
            var hasAnimKit2 = false;
            var hasAnimKit3 = false;
            bool[] UnkLargeBlockBits = new bool[13];
            uint[] UnkLargeBlockCount = new uint[3];

                transportFramesCount = packet.ReadBits("Transport Frames Count", 22, index);

            if (hasGameObjectPosition)
                goTransportGuid[3] = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[5] = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[2] = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[1] = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[4] = packet.ReadBit();
                hasGOTransportTime3 = packet.ReadBit();
                hasGOTransportTime2 = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[0] = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[6] = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[7] = packet.ReadBit();

            if (living)
                hasTransportData = packet.ReadBit("Has Transport Data", index);

                if (hasTransportData)
                    transportGuid[4] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[0] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[5] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[2] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[3] = packet.ReadBit();
                    hasTransportTime2 = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[7] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[6] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[1] = packet.ReadBit();
                    hasTransportTime3 = packet.ReadBit();

                hasPitch = !packet.ReadBit("Lacks pitch", index);
                packet.ReadBit("Has MovementInfo spline", index);
                packet.ReadBits("IsLicingUnkLoop", 19, index);
                guid2[1] = packet.ReadBit();
                var hasExtraMovementFlags = !packet.ReadBit();

                /*var v37 = IsLivingUnkCountLoop == 0;

                if (!v37)
                    for (int i = 0; i < IsLivingUnkCountLoop; ++i)
                        packet.ReadBits("Unk DWORD24 Loop1", 2, index, (int)i);

                packet.ReadBit("Unk Bit from movementInfo", index);
                hasSplineElevation = !packet.ReadBit("Lacks spline elevation", index);

                if (hasExtraMovementFlags)
                    moveInfo.FlagsExtra = packet.ReadEnum<MovementFlagExtra>("Extra Movement Flags", 13, index);

                hasOrientation = !packet.ReadBit("Lacks orientation", index);
                hasTimestamp = !packet.ReadBit("Has Timestamp", index);
                var hasMovementFlags = !packet.ReadBit();
                hasMovementCounter = !packet.ReadBit("Has Movement Counter", index);

                guid2[2] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid2[6] = packet.ReadBit();
                hasFallData = packet.ReadBit("Has Fall Data", index);
                guid2[5] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid2[4] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid2[0] = packet.ReadBit();

                if (hasMovementFlags)
                    moveInfo.Flags = (WowPacketParser.Enums.MovementFlag)packet.ReadEnum<MovementFlag>("Movement Flags", 30, index);

                packet.ReadBit("Unk byte164", index);

                if (hasFallData)
                    hasFallDirection = packet.ReadBit("Has Fall Direction", index);

                packet.ReadBits("Is Living Unk Counter", 22, index);
                guid2[7] = packet.ReadBit();
                moveInfo.HasSplineData = packet.ReadBit("Has Spline Data", index);
                guid2[3] = packet.ReadBit();

                if (moveInfo.HasSplineData)
                    bit216 = packet.ReadBit("Has extended spline data", index);
                    if (bit216)
                        packet.ReadBits("Unk bits", 2, index);
                        hasSplineStartTime = packet.ReadBit("Has spline start time", index);
                        splineCount = packet.ReadBits("Spline Waypoints", 22, index);
                        packet.ReadEnum<SplineFlag434>("Spline flags", 25, index);
                        hasSplineVerticalAcceleration = packet.ReadBit("Has spline vertical acceleration", index);

                        hasSplineUnkPart = packet.ReadBit();

                            packet.ReadBits("Unk word300", 2, index);                            //unk word300
                            packet.ReadBits("Unk dword284", 21, index);                          //unk dword284

            if (hasUnkLargeBlock2)
                UnkLargeBlockBits[0] = packet.ReadBit();
                UnkLargeBlockBits[1] = packet.ReadBit();
                packet.ReadBit("Unk Byte256", index);
                packet.ReadBit("Unk Byte257", index);
                UnkLargeBlockBits[4] = packet.ReadBit();
                packet.ReadBit("Unk Byte254", index);
                UnkLargeBlockBits[6] = packet.ReadBit();
                packet.ReadBit("Unk Byte255", index);
                UnkLargeBlockBits[8] = packet.ReadBit();

                if (UnkLargeBlockBits[8])
                    UnkLargeBlockCount[0] = packet.ReadBits(21);
                    UnkLargeBlockCount[1] = packet.ReadBits(21);

                UnkLargeBlockBits[9] = packet.ReadBit();

                if (UnkLargeBlockBits[9])
                    UnkLargeBlockCount[2] = packet.ReadBits(20);

                UnkLargeBlockBits[10] = packet.ReadBit();
                packet.ReadBit("Unk Byte258", index);
                UnkLargeBlockBits[12] = packet.ReadBit();

            if (hasAttackingTarget)
                attackingTargetGuid = packet.StartBitStream(4, 6, 3, 5, 0, 2, 7, 1);

            if (hasAnimKits)
                hasAnimKit2 = !packet.ReadBit();
                hasAnimKit3 = !packet.ReadBit();
                hasAnimKit1 = !packet.ReadBit();

            if (hasUnkString)
                UnkStringLen = packet.ReadBits(7);


            // Reading data
            for (var i = 0u; i < unkLoopCounter; ++i)
                packet.ReadUInt32("Unk UInt32", index, (int)i);

            if (hasUnkLargeBlock2)
                if (UnkLargeBlockBits[10])
                    packet.ReadSingle("Unk Float 234", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Unk Float 238", index);

                if (UnkLargeBlockBits[8])
                    for(uint i = 0; i < UnkLargeBlockCount[1]; ++i)
                        packet.ReadSingle("Unk Float Loop1", index);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Unk Float1 Loop1", index);

                    packet.ReadSingle("Unk Float 27C", index);

                    for (uint i = 0; i < UnkLargeBlockCount[0]; ++i)
                        packet.ReadSingle("Unk Float Loop0", index);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Unk Float1 Loop0", index);

                    packet.ReadSingle("Unk Float 280", index);

                if (UnkLargeBlockBits[1])
                    packet.ReadSingle("Unk Float 244", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Unk Float 250", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Unk Float 254", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Unk Float 248", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Unk Float 240", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Unk Float 24C", index);

                packet.ReadInt32("Unk DWORD 520", index);

                if (UnkLargeBlockBits[9])
                    for (uint i = 0; i < UnkLargeBlockCount[2]; ++i)
                        packet.ReadSingle("Unk Float Loop2", index);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Unk Float1 Loop2", index);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Unk Float2 Loop2", index);

                if (UnkLargeBlockBits[12])
                    packet.ReadInt32("Unk DWORD 540", index);

                    packet.ReadInt32("Unk DWORD 532", index);

                if (UnkLargeBlockBits[0])
                    packet.ReadInt32("Unk DWORD 556", index);

                if (UnkLargeBlockBits[4])
                    packet.ReadInt32("Unk DWORD 548", index);

            if (living)
                if (hasFallData)
                    if (hasFallDirection)
                        packet.ReadSingle("Jump Sin", index);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Jump Cos", index);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Jump XY Speed", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Fall Z Speed", index);
                    packet.ReadUInt32("Time Fallen", index);

                if (moveInfo.HasSplineData)
                    if (bit216)
                        packet.ReadSingle("Spline Duration Multiplier Next", index);

                        for (var i = 0u; i < splineCount; ++i)
                            var wp = new Vector3
                                Z = packet.ReadSingle(),
                                X = packet.ReadSingle(),
                                Y = packet.ReadSingle(),

                            packet.WriteLine("[{0}][{1}] Spline Waypoint: {2}", index, i, wp);

                        splineType = packet.ReadEnum<SplineType>("Spline Type",TypeCode.Byte, index);

                        packet.ReadSingle("Spline Duration Multiplier", index);

                        //unk part goes here

                        if (splineType == SplineType.FacingSpot)
                            var point = new Vector3
                                X = packet.ReadSingle(),
                                Z = packet.ReadSingle(),
                                Y = packet.ReadSingle(),

                            packet.WriteLine("[{0}] Facing Spot: {1}", index, point);

                        if (hasSplineVerticalAcceleration)
                            packet.ReadSingle("Spline Vertical Acceleration", index);

                        if (splineType == SplineType.FacingAngle)
                            packet.ReadSingle("Facing Angle", index);

                        packet.ReadUInt32("Spline Full Time", index);

                        if (hasSplineStartTime)
                            packet.ReadUInt32("Spline Start time", index);

                        packet.ReadUInt32("Spline Time", index);

                    packet.ReadUInt32("Spline Id", index);

                    var endPoint = new Vector3
                        Z = packet.ReadSingle(),
                        X = packet.ReadSingle(),
                        Y = packet.ReadSingle(),

                    packet.WriteLine("[{0}] Spline Endpoint: {1}", index, endPoint);

                moveInfo.Position.Z = packet.ReadSingle();

                /*if (IsLivingUnkCountLoop > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < IsLivingUnkCountLoop; ++i)
                        packet.ReadSingle("Unk Float14", index, (int)i);
                        packet.ReadInt32("Unk DWORD10", index, (int)i);
                        packet.ReadInt32("Unk DWORD0", index, (int)i);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Unk FloatC", index, (int)i);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Unk Float4", index, (int)i);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Unk Float8", index, (int)i);

                moveInfo.Position.Y = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.ReadSingle("Fly Speed", index);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 6);
                packet.ReadSingle("FlyBack Speed", index);

                if (hasTransportData)
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 7);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 4);

                    if (hasTransportTime3)
                        packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time 3", index);

                    packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time", index);

                    if (hasTransportTime2)
                        packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time 2", index);

                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.O = packet.ReadSingle();
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.X = packet.ReadSingle();
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 6);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 3);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 2);
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.Z = packet.ReadSingle();
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.Y = packet.ReadSingle();
                    packet.ReadSByte("Transport Seat", index);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 1);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 0);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 5);
                    moveInfo.TransportGuid = new Guid(BitConverter.ToUInt64(transportGuid, 0));
                    packet.WriteLine("[{0}] Transport GUID {1}", index, moveInfo.TransportGuid);
                    packet.WriteLine("[{0}] Transport Position: {1}", index, moveInfo.TransportOffset);

                moveInfo.Position.X = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 2);

                if (hasPitch)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Pitch", index);

                packet.ReadSingle("Swim Speed", index);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 1);
                packet.ReadSingle("RunBack Speed", index);
                packet.ReadSingle("SwimBack Speed", index);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 5);

                if (hasSplineElevation)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Spline Elevation", index);

                if (hasMovementCounter)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("Movement Counter", index);

                moveInfo.RunSpeed = packet.ReadSingle("Run Speed", index) / 7.0f;
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 7);
                moveInfo.WalkSpeed = packet.ReadSingle("Walk Speed", index) / 2.5f;
                packet.ReadSingle("Pitch Rate", index);

                if (IsLivingUnkCounter > 0)
                    for (uint i = 0; i < IsLivingUnkCounter; ++i)
                        packet.ReadUInt32("Unk DWORD148", index, (int)i);

                    packet.ReadUInt32("Timestamp", index);

                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 4);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 0);

                if (hasOrientation)
                    moveInfo.Orientation = packet.ReadSingle();

                packet.WriteLine("[{0}] GUID 2: {1}", index, new Guid(BitConverter.ToUInt64(guid2, 0)));
                packet.WriteLine("[{0}] Position: {1}", index, moveInfo.Position);
                packet.WriteLine("[{0}] Orientation: {1}", index, moveInfo.Orientation);

            if (hasAttackingTarget)
                packet.ParseBitStream(attackingTargetGuid, 5, 1, 2, 0, 3, 4, 6, 7);
                packet.WriteGuid("Attacking Target GUID", attackingTargetGuid, index);

            if (hasStationaryPosition)
                moveInfo.Orientation = packet.ReadSingle("Stationary Orientation", index);
                moveInfo.Position = packet.ReadVector3("Stationary Position", index);

            if (hasGameObjectPosition)
                packet.ReadByte("GO Transport Seat", index);
                moveInfo.TransportOffset.X = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 1);
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 0);
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 2);
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 6);
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 5);
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 4);

                if (hasGOTransportTime3)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("GO Transport Time 3", index);

                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 7);
                moveInfo.TransportOffset.O = packet.ReadSingle();
                moveInfo.TransportOffset.Z = packet.ReadSingle();
                moveInfo.TransportOffset.Y = packet.ReadSingle();

                if (hasGOTransportTime2)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("GO Transport Time 2", index);

                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 3);

                packet.ReadUInt32("GO Transport Time", index);

                moveInfo.TransportGuid = new Guid(BitConverter.ToUInt64(goTransportGuid, 0));
                packet.WriteLine("[{0}] GO Transport GUID {1}", index, moveInfo.TransportGuid);
                packet.WriteLine("[{0}] GO Transport Position: {1}", index, moveInfo.TransportOffset);

            if (transport)
                packet.ReadUInt32("Transport path timer", index);

            if (hasUnkDword676)
                packet.ReadUInt32("Unk DWORD676", index);

            if (hasUnkString)
                packet.ReadWoWString("Unk String", UnkStringLen, index);

            if (hasGameObjectRotation)
                packet.ReadPackedQuaternion("GameObject Rotation", index);

            if (hasVehicleData)
                moveInfo.VehicleId = packet.ReadUInt32("Vehicle Id", index);
                packet.ReadSingle("Vehicle Orientation", index);

            if (hasUnkDword1044)
                packet.ReadUInt32("Unk DWORD1044", index);

            if (hasAnimKits)
                if (hasAnimKit1)
                    packet.ReadUInt16("Anim Kit 1", index);
                if (hasAnimKit2)
                    packet.ReadUInt16("Anim Kit 2", index);
                if (hasAnimKit3)
                    packet.ReadUInt16("Anim Kit 3", index);

            /*if (bit456)
                // float[] arr = new float[16];
                // ordering: 13, 4, 7, 15, BYTE, 10, 11, 3, 5, 14, 6, 1, 8, 12, 0, 2, 9
                packet.ReadBytes(4 * 16 + 1);

            if(living && moveInfo.HasSplineData && bit216)
                if (splineType == SplineType.FacingTarget)
                    SplineFacingTargetGuid = packet.StartBitStream(6, 7, 3, 0, 5, 1, 4, 2);
                    packet.ParseBitStream(SplineFacingTargetGuid, 4, 2, 5, 6, 0, 7, 1, 3);
                    packet.WriteGuid("Spline Facing Target GUID", SplineFacingTargetGuid, index);

            return moveInfo;
Exemplo n.º 13
        private static MovementInfo ReadMovementUpdateBlock434(Packet packet, WowGuid guid, object index)
            var moveInfo = new MovementInfo();

            // bits
            /*var bit3 =*/
            /*var bit4 =*/
            var hasGameObjectRotation = packet.ReadBit("Has GameObject Rotation", index);
            var hasAnimKits = packet.ReadBit("Has AnimKits", index);
            var hasAttackingTarget = packet.ReadBit("Has Attacking Target", index);
            packet.ReadBit("Self", index);
            var hasVehicleData = packet.ReadBit("Has Vehicle Data", index);
            var living = packet.ReadBit("Living", index);
            var unkLoopCounter = packet.ReadBits("Unknown array size", 24, index);
            /*var bit1 =*/
            var hasGameObjectPosition = packet.ReadBit("Has GameObject Position", index);
            var hasStationaryPosition = packet.ReadBit("Has Stationary Position", index);
            var bit456 = packet.ReadBit();
            /*var bit2 =*/
            var transport = packet.ReadBit("Transport", index);
            var hasOrientation = false;
            var guid2 = new byte[8];
            var hasPitch = false;
            var hasFallData = false;
            var hasSplineElevation = false;
            var hasTransportData = false;
            var hasTimestamp = false;
            var transportGuid = new byte[8];
            var hasTransportTime2 = false;
            var hasTransportTime3 = false;
            var bit216 = false;
            var hasSplineStartTime = false;
            var splineCount = 0u;
            var splineType = SplineType.Stop;
            var facingTargetGuid = new byte[8];
            var hasSplineVerticalAcceleration = false;
            var hasFallDirection = false;
            var goTransportGuid = new byte[8];
            var hasGOTransportTime2 = false;
            var hasGOTransportTime3 = false;
            var attackingTargetGuid = new byte[8];
            var hasAnimKit1 = false;
            var hasAnimKit2 = false;
            var hasAnimKit3 = false;

            if (living)
                var hasMovementFlags = !packet.ReadBit();
                hasOrientation = !packet.ReadBit("Lacks orientation", index);
                guid2[7] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid2[3] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid2[2] = packet.ReadBit();
                if (hasMovementFlags)
                    moveInfo.Flags = (MovementFlag)packet.ReadBitsE<Enums.MovementFlag>("Movement Flags", 30, index);

                packet.ReadBit("Has MovementInfo spline", index);
                hasPitch = !packet.ReadBit("Lacks pitch", index);
                moveInfo.HasSplineData = packet.ReadBit("Has Spline Data", index);
                hasFallData = packet.ReadBit("Has Fall Data", index);
                hasSplineElevation = !packet.ReadBit("Lacks spline elevation", index);
                guid2[5] = packet.ReadBit();
                hasTransportData = packet.ReadBit("Has Transport Data", index);
                hasTimestamp = !packet.ReadBit("Lacks timestamp", index);
                if (hasTransportData)
                    transportGuid[1] = packet.ReadBit();
                    hasTransportTime2 = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[4] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[0] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[6] = packet.ReadBit();
                    hasTransportTime3 = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[7] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[5] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[3] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[2] = packet.ReadBit();

                guid2[4] = packet.ReadBit();
                if (moveInfo.HasSplineData)
                    bit216 = packet.ReadBit("Has extended spline data", index);
                    if (bit216)
                        /*var splineMode =*/
                        packet.ReadBitsE<SplineMode>("Spline Mode", 2, index);
                        hasSplineStartTime = packet.ReadBit("Has spline start time", index);
                        splineCount = packet.ReadBits("Spline Waypoints", 22, index);
                        var bits57 = packet.ReadBits(2);
                        switch (bits57)
                            case 0:
                                splineType = SplineType.FacingAngle;
                            case 1:
                                splineType = SplineType.FacingSpot;
                            case 2:
                                splineType = SplineType.FacingTarget;
                            case 3:
                                splineType = SplineType.Normal;

                        if (splineType == SplineType.FacingTarget)
                            facingTargetGuid = packet.StartBitStream(4, 3, 7, 2, 6, 1, 0, 5);

                        hasSplineVerticalAcceleration = packet.ReadBit("Has spline vertical acceleration", index);
                        packet.AddValue("Spline type", splineType, index);
                        /*splineFlags =*/
                        packet.ReadBitsE<SplineFlag434>("Spline flags", 25, index);

                guid2[6] = packet.ReadBit();
                if (hasFallData)
                    hasFallDirection = packet.ReadBit("Has Fall Direction", index);

                guid2[0] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid2[1] = packet.ReadBit();
                if (!packet.ReadBit())
                    moveInfo.FlagsExtra = packet.ReadBitsE<MovementFlagExtra>("Extra Movement Flags", 12, index);

            if (hasGameObjectPosition)
                goTransportGuid[5] = packet.ReadBit();
                hasGOTransportTime3 = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[0] = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[3] = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[6] = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[1] = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[4] = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[2] = packet.ReadBit();
                hasGOTransportTime2 = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[7] = packet.ReadBit();

            if (hasAttackingTarget)
                attackingTargetGuid = packet.StartBitStream(2, 7, 0, 4, 5, 6, 1, 3);

            if (hasAnimKits)
                hasAnimKit1 = !packet.ReadBit();
                hasAnimKit2 = !packet.ReadBit();
                hasAnimKit3 = !packet.ReadBit();


            // Reading data
            for (var i = 0u; i < unkLoopCounter; ++i)
                packet.ReadUInt32("Unk UInt32", index, (int)i);

            if (living)
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 4);

                packet.ReadSingle("RunBack Speed", index);
                if (hasFallData)
                    if (hasFallDirection)
                        packet.ReadSingle("Jump XY Speed", index);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Jump Cos", index);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Jump Sin", index);

                    packet.ReadInt32("Time Fallen", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Fall Z Speed", index);

                packet.ReadSingle("SwimBack Speed", index);
                if (hasSplineElevation)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Spline Elevation", index);

                if (moveInfo.HasSplineData)
                    if (bit216)
                        if (hasSplineVerticalAcceleration)
                            packet.ReadSingle("Spline Vertical Acceleration", index);
                        packet.ReadUInt32("Spline Time", index);
                        if (splineType == SplineType.FacingAngle)
                            packet.ReadSingle("Facing Angle", index);
                        else if (splineType == SplineType.FacingTarget)
                            packet.ParseBitStream(facingTargetGuid, 5, 3, 7, 1, 6, 4, 2, 0);
                            packet.WriteGuid("Facing Target GUID", facingTargetGuid, index);

                        for (var i = 0u; i < splineCount; ++i)
                            var wp = new Vector3
                                Z = packet.ReadSingle(),
                                X = packet.ReadSingle(),
                                Y = packet.ReadSingle()

                            packet.AddValue("Spline Waypoint", wp, index, i);

                        if (splineType == SplineType.FacingSpot)
                            var point = new Vector3
                                X = packet.ReadSingle(),
                                Z = packet.ReadSingle(),
                                Y = packet.ReadSingle()

                            packet.AddValue("Facing Spot", point, index);

                        packet.ReadSingle("Spline Duration Multiplier Next", index);
                        packet.ReadUInt32("Spline Full Time", index);
                        if (hasSplineStartTime)
                            packet.ReadUInt32("Spline Start time", index);

                        packet.ReadSingle("Spline Duration Multiplier", index);

                    var endPoint = new Vector3
                        Z = packet.ReadSingle(),
                        X = packet.ReadSingle(),
                        Y = packet.ReadSingle()

                    packet.ReadUInt32("Spline Id", index);
                    packet.AddValue("Spline Endpoint:", endPoint, index);

                moveInfo.Position.Z = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 5);

                if (hasTransportData)
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 5);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 7);

                    packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time", index);
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.O = packet.ReadSingle();
                    if (hasTransportTime2)
                        packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time 2", index);

                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.Y = packet.ReadSingle();
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.X = packet.ReadSingle();
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 3);

                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.Z = packet.ReadSingle();
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 0);

                    if (hasTransportTime3)
                        packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time 3", index);

                    var seat = packet.ReadSByte("Transport Seat", index);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 1);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 6);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 2);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 4);
                    moveInfo.TransportGuid = new WowGuid64(BitConverter.ToUInt64(transportGuid, 0));
                    packet.AddValue("Transport GUID", moveInfo.TransportGuid, index);
                    packet.AddValue("Transport Position", moveInfo.TransportOffset, index);

                    if (moveInfo.TransportGuid.HasEntry() && moveInfo.TransportGuid.GetHighType() == HighGuidType.Vehicle &&
                        guid.HasEntry() && guid.GetHighType() == HighGuidType.Creature)
                        var vehicleAccessory = new VehicleTemplateAccessory();
                        vehicleAccessory.AccessoryEntry = guid.GetEntry();
                        vehicleAccessory.SeatId = seat;
                        Storage.VehicleTemplateAccessorys.Add(moveInfo.TransportGuid.GetEntry(), vehicleAccessory, packet.TimeSpan);

                moveInfo.Position.X = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.ReadSingle("Pitch Speed", index);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 3);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 0);

                packet.ReadSingle("Swim Speed", index);
                moveInfo.Position.Y = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 7);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 1);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 2);

                moveInfo.WalkSpeed = packet.ReadSingle("Walk Speed", index) / 2.5f;
                if (hasTimestamp)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("Time", index);

                packet.ReadSingle("FlyBack Speed", index);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 6);

                packet.ReadSingle("Turn Speed", index);
                if (hasOrientation)
                    moveInfo.Orientation = packet.ReadSingle();

                moveInfo.RunSpeed = packet.ReadSingle("Run Speed", index) / 7.0f;
                if (hasPitch)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Pitch", index);

                packet.ReadSingle("Fly Speed", index);

                packet.WriteGuid("GUID 2", guid2);
                packet.AddValue("Position", moveInfo.Position, index);
                packet.AddValue("Orientation", moveInfo.Orientation, index);

            if (hasVehicleData)
                packet.ReadSingle("Vehicle Orientation", index);
                moveInfo.VehicleId = packet.ReadUInt32("Vehicle Id", index);

            if (hasGameObjectPosition)
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 0);
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 5);
                if (hasGOTransportTime3)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("GO Transport Time 3", index);

                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 3);

                moveInfo.TransportOffset.X = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 4);
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 6);
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 1);

                packet.ReadSingle("GO Transport Time", index);
                moveInfo.TransportOffset.Y = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 2);
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 7);

                moveInfo.TransportOffset.Z = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.ReadByte("GO Transport Seat", index);
                moveInfo.TransportOffset.O = packet.ReadSingle();
                if (hasGOTransportTime2)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("GO Transport Time 2", index);

                moveInfo.TransportGuid = new WowGuid64(BitConverter.ToUInt64(goTransportGuid, 0));
                packet.AddValue("GO Transport GUID", moveInfo.TransportGuid, index);
                packet.AddValue("GO Transport Position", moveInfo.TransportOffset, index);

            if (hasGameObjectRotation)
                packet.ReadPackedQuaternion("GameObject Rotation", index);

            if (bit456)
                // float[] arr = new float[16];
                // ordering: 13, 4, 7, 15, BYTE, 10, 11, 3, 5, 14, 6, 1, 8, 12, 0, 2, 9
                packet.ReadBytes(4 * 16 + 1);

            if (hasStationaryPosition)
                moveInfo.Orientation = packet.ReadSingle("Stationary Orientation", index);
                moveInfo.Position = packet.ReadVector3("Stationary Position", index);

            if (hasAttackingTarget)
                packet.ParseBitStream(attackingTargetGuid, 4, 0, 3, 5, 7, 6, 2, 1);
                packet.WriteGuid("Attacking Target GUID", attackingTargetGuid, index);

            if (hasAnimKits)
                if (hasAnimKit1)
                    packet.ReadUInt16("AI Anim Kit Id", index);
                if (hasAnimKit2)
                    packet.ReadUInt16("Movement Anim Kit Id", index);
                if (hasAnimKit3)
                    packet.ReadUInt16("Melee Anim Kit Id", index);

            if (transport)
                packet.ReadUInt32("Transport path timer", index);

            return moveInfo;
Exemplo n.º 14
        private static MovementInfo ReadMovementUpdateBlock(ref Packet packet, WowGuid guid, object index)
            var moveInfo = new MovementInfo();

            var guid1 = new byte[8];
            var transportGuid = new byte[8];
            var goTransportGuid = new byte[8];
            var attackingTargetGuid = new byte[8];
            var guid5 = new byte[8];
            var guid6 = new byte[8];
            var guid7 = new byte[8];

            var bit160 = false;
            var bit528 = false;
            var bit600 = false;
            var bit544 = false;
            var bit526 = false;
            var bit552 = false;
            var bit524 = false;
            var bit572 = false;
            var bit525 = false;
            var bit664 = false;
            var bit527 = false;
            var bit536 = false;
            var bit644 = false;
            var bit560 = false;

            var hasAnimKit1 = false;
            var hasAnimKit2 = false;
            var hasAnimKit3 = false;
            var hasFullSpline = false;
            var hasSplineStartTime = false;
            var hasSplineVerticalAcceleration = false;
            var hasMovementFlags = false;
            var hasMoveFlagsExtra = false;
            var hasTimestamp = false;
            var hasOrientation = false;
            var hasTransportData = false;
            var hasTransportTime2 = false;
            var hasTransportTime3 = false;
            var hasGOTransportTime2 = false;
            var hasGOTransportTime3 = false;
            var hasPitch = false;
            var hasFallData = false;
            var hasFallDirection = false;
            var hasSplineElevation = false;

            var bits168 = 0u;

            var splineCount = 0u;
            var bits138 = 0u;
            var bits98 = 0u;
            var bits25C = 0u;
            var bits26C = 0u;
            var bits288 = 0u;
            var bits418 = 0u;
            var bits2AA = 0u;
            var splineType = SplineType.Stop;

            var bit676 = packet.ReadBit("bit676", index);
            var hasAnimKits = packet.ReadBit("Has Anim Kits", index); // 498
            var isLiving = packet.ReadBit("Is Living", index); // 368
            var bit810 = packet.ReadBit("bit810", index);
            packet.ReadBit(); //fake bit
            var transportFrames = packet.ReadBits("Transport Frames Count", 22, index); // 1068
            var hasVehicleData = packet.ReadBit("Has Vehicle Data", index); // 488
            var bit1044 = packet.ReadBit("bit1044", index);
            packet.ReadBit(); //fake bit
            var bit476 = packet.ReadBit("bit476", index);
            var hasGameObjectRotation = packet.ReadBit("Has GameObject Rotation", index); // 512
            packet.ReadBit(); //fake bit
            var bit680 = packet.ReadBit("bit680", index);
            var hasAttackingTarget = packet.ReadBit("Has Attacking Target", index); // 464
            var hasSceneObjectData = packet.ReadBit("Has Scene Object Data", index); // 1032
            var bit1064 = packet.ReadBit("bit1064", index);
            packet.ReadBit(); //fake bit
            var bit668 = packet.ReadBit("bit668", index);
            var hasTransportPosition = packet.ReadBit("Has Transport Position", index); // 424
            var bit681 = packet.ReadBit("bit681", index);
            var hasStationaryPosition = packet.ReadBit("Has Stationary Position", index); // 448

            if (isLiving)
                guid1[2] = packet.ReadBit();
                var bit140 = packet.ReadBit();
                hasPitch = !packet.ReadBit("Has Pitch", index); //104
                hasTransportData = packet.ReadBit("Has Transport Data", index); //96
                packet.ReadBit(); // 164 fake bit

                if (hasTransportData)
                    transportGuid[4] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[2] = packet.ReadBit();
                    hasTransportTime3 = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[0] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[1] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[3] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[6] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[7] = packet.ReadBit();
                    hasTransportTime2 = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[5] = packet.ReadBit();
                hasTimestamp = !packet.ReadBit();
                guid1[6] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid1[4] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid1[3] = packet.ReadBit();
                hasOrientation = !packet.ReadBit(); //40
                bit160 = !packet.ReadBit();
                guid1[5] = packet.ReadBit();
                bits98 = packet.ReadBits("bits98", 22, index); //144
                hasMovementFlags = !packet.ReadBit();
                bits168 = packet.ReadBits(19); //352

                /*var bits356 = new uint[bits168];
                for (var i = 0; i < bits168; ++i)
                    bits356[i] = packet.ReadBits(2);

                hasFallData = packet.ReadBit(); //132

                if (hasMovementFlags)
                    moveInfo.Flags = packet.ReadEnum<MovementFlag>("Movement Flags", 30, index);

                hasSplineElevation = !packet.ReadBit("Has SplineElevation", index);//136
                moveInfo.HasSplineData = packet.ReadBit("Has SplineData", index);
                var bit141 = packet.ReadBit();
                guid1[0] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid1[7] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid1[1] = packet.ReadBit();

                if (moveInfo.HasSplineData)
                    hasFullSpline = packet.ReadBit();
                    if (hasFullSpline)
                        hasSplineVerticalAcceleration = packet.ReadBit(); //260
                        hasSplineStartTime = packet.ReadBit(); //252
                        var bit304 = packet.ReadBit();

                        splineCount = packet.ReadBits(20);
                        packet.ReadEnum<SplineMode>("Spline Mode", 2, index);
                        packet.ReadEnum<SplineFlag434>("Spline flags", 25, index);

                        if (bit304)
                            bits138 = packet.ReadBits(21);

                hasMoveFlagsExtra = !packet.ReadBit(); //20

                if (hasFallData)
                    hasFallDirection = packet.ReadBit(); //128

                if (hasMoveFlagsExtra)
                    moveInfo.FlagsExtra = packet.ReadEnum<MovementFlagExtra>("Extra Movement Flags", 13, index);


            /*if (hasSceneObjectData)


            if (hasTransportPosition) //424
                packet.StartBitStream(goTransportGuid, 4, 1, 0);
                hasGOTransportTime2 = packet.ReadBit(); // 420
                packet.StartBitStream(goTransportGuid, 6, 5, 3, 2, 7);
                hasGOTransportTime3 = packet.ReadBit(); // 412


            if (bit668)
                bit528 = packet.ReadBit();
                bit600 = packet.ReadBit();
                bit544 = packet.ReadBit();
                bit526 = packet.ReadBit();
                bit552 = packet.ReadBit();
                bit524 = packet.ReadBit();
                bit572 = packet.ReadBit();
                bit525 = packet.ReadBit();
                bit664 = packet.ReadBit();
                bit527 = packet.ReadBit();

                if (bit664)
                    bits288 = packet.ReadBits(20);

                bit536 = packet.ReadBit();
                bit644 = packet.ReadBit();
                bit560 = packet.ReadBit();

                if (bit664)
                    bits25C = packet.ReadBits(21); //604
                    bits26C = packet.ReadBits(21); //624

            if (hasAnimKits)
                hasAnimKit2 = !packet.ReadBit();
                hasAnimKit3 = !packet.ReadBit();
                hasAnimKit1 = !packet.ReadBit();

            if (hasAttackingTarget)
                attackingTargetGuid = packet.StartBitStream(4, 6, 5, 2, 0, 1, 3, 7);

            if (bit1064)
                bits418 = packet.ReadBits(22);

            if (bit810)
                bits2AA = packet.ReadBits(7);


            for (var i = 0; i < transportFrames; ++i)
                packet.ReadInt32("Transport frame", index, i);

            /*if (hasSceneObjectData)
                until if ( *(_BYTE *)(v3 + 668) )

            if (isLiving)
                if (hasTransportData) //96
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 7);
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.X = packet.ReadSingle();

                    if (hasTransportTime3)
                        packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time 3", index);

                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.O = packet.ReadSingle();
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.Y = packet.ReadSingle();
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 4);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 1);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 3);
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.Z = packet.ReadSingle();
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 5);

                    if (hasTransportTime2)
                        packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time 2", index);

                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 0);
                    var seat = packet.ReadSByte("Transport Seat", index); //72
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 6);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 2);
                    packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time", index); //76

                    moveInfo.TransportGuid = new WowGuid(BitConverter.ToUInt64(transportGuid, 0));
                    packet.AddValue("Transport GUID", moveInfo.TransportGuid, index);
                    packet.AddValue("Transport Position", moveInfo.TransportOffset, index);

                    if (moveInfo.TransportGuid.HasEntry() && moveInfo.TransportGuid.GetHighType() == HighGuidType.Vehicle &&
                        guid.HasEntry() && guid.GetHighType() == HighGuidType.Unit)
                        var vehicleAccessory = new VehicleTemplateAccessory();
                        vehicleAccessory.AccessoryEntry = guid.GetEntry();
                        vehicleAccessory.SeatId = seat;
                        Storage.VehicleTemplateAccessorys.Add(moveInfo.TransportGuid.GetEntry(), vehicleAccessory, packet.TimeSpan);

                packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 4);

                /*for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                    packet.ReadSingle("unk float");
                if (bits98 > 0)
                //for (var i = 0; i < bits98; ++i)
                //    packet.ReadInt32("Int9C", index, i);

                if (moveInfo.HasSplineData) //344
                    if (hasFullSpline) //336
                        packet.ReadUInt32("Spline Time", index); //232
                        packet.ReadSingle("Duration Mod Next", index); //244

                        //    NYI block here
                        packet.ReadSingle("Duration Mod", index); //240

                        for (uint i = 0; i < splineCount; i++)
                            Vector3 v = new Vector3();
                            v.X = packet.ReadSingle(); //0
                            v.Z = packet.ReadSingle(); //8
                            v.Y = packet.ReadSingle(); //4

                            packet.AddValue("Spline", v, index);

                        if (hasSplineStartTime)
                            packet.ReadUInt32("Spline Start time", index); //256

                        var type = packet.ReadByte(); // 228

                        switch (type)
                            case 1:
                                splineType = SplineType.Normal;
                            case 2:
                                splineType = SplineType.FacingSpot;
                            case 3:
                                splineType = SplineType.FacingTarget;
                            case 4:
                                splineType = SplineType.FacingAngle;

                        if (splineType == SplineType.FacingAngle) // == 4
                            packet.ReadSingle("Facing Angle", index);

                        if (splineType == SplineType.FacingSpot) // == 2
                            packet.ReadVector3("Facing spot", index);

                        if (hasSplineVerticalAcceleration) //252
                            packet.ReadSingle("Spline Vertical Acceleration", index);

                        packet.ReadUInt32("Spline FULL Time", index); //236


                    moveInfo.Position.X = packet.ReadSingle(); //212
                    moveInfo.Position.Z = packet.ReadSingle(); //220
                    packet.ReadUInt32("Spline ID", index); //208
                    moveInfo.Position.Y = packet.ReadSingle(); //216
                packet.ReadSingle("Fly Speed", index); //188

                if (bit160)

                packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 2);

                if (hasFallData) //132
                    if (hasFallDirection)//128
                        packet.ReadSingle("Jump Sin Angle", index); //124
                        packet.ReadSingle("Jump XY Speed", index); //116
                        packet.ReadSingle("Jump Cos Angle", index); //120

                    packet.ReadUInt32("Jump Fall Time", index); //108
                    packet.ReadSingle("Jump Z Speed", index); //112
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 1);
                packet.ReadSingle("Turn Speed", index);

                if (hasTimestamp)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("Time?", index);

                packet.ReadSingle("Swim Speed", index); //176

                if (hasSplineElevation) //136
                    packet.ReadSingle("Spline Elevation", index);//196

                packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 7);
                packet.ReadSingle("Pitch Speed", index); //200

                for (var i = 0; i < bits98; ++i)
                    packet.ReadInt32("UNK counter", index, i);

                moveInfo.Position.X = packet.ReadSingle(); //28

                if (hasPitch)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Pitch", index); //104

                if (hasOrientation)
                    moveInfo.Orientation = packet.ReadSingle("Orientation", index); //40

                moveInfo.WalkSpeed = packet.ReadSingle("Walk Speed", index) / 2.5f; // 168
                moveInfo.Position.Y = packet.ReadSingle(); //32
                packet.ReadSingle("Fly Back Speed", index); //192
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 3);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 5);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 6);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 0);
                packet.ReadSingle("Run Back Speed", index);//184
                moveInfo.RunSpeed = packet.ReadSingle("Run Speed", index) / 7.0f; //172
                packet.ReadSingle("Swim Back Speed", index);//180
                moveInfo.Position.Z = packet.ReadSingle(); //36

            packet.AddValue("Position", moveInfo.Position, index);

            if (bit668)
                if (bit664)
                    for (var i = 0; i < bits288; ++i)
                        packet.ReadSingle("Float652+4", index, i);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Float652", index, i);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Float652+8", index, i);

                if (bit600)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float584", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float580", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float596", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float592", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float576", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float588", index);

                if (bit644)
                    for (var i = 0; i < bits25C; ++i)
                        packet.ReadSingle("Float608", index, i);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Float608+4", index, i);

                    for (var i = 0; i < bits26C; ++i)
                        packet.ReadSingle("Float260+0", index, i);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Float260+1", index, i);

                    packet.ReadSingle("Float624", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float624+4", index);

                packet.ReadUInt32("unk520", index);

                if (bit544)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("unk544", index);

                if (bit552)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("unk548", index);

                if (bit536)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("unk532", index);

                if (bit560)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("unk556", index);

                if (bit572)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float564", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float568", index);

            if (hasTransportPosition)
                if (hasGOTransportTime2)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time 2", index);

                moveInfo.TransportOffset.Y = packet.ReadSingle(); //388
                packet.ReadSByte("Transport Seat", index); //400
                moveInfo.TransportOffset.X = packet.ReadSingle();//384

                packet.ReadXORBytes(goTransportGuid, 2, 4, 1);

                if (hasGOTransportTime3)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time 3", index); //412

                packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time", index); //404
                moveInfo.TransportOffset.O = packet.ReadSingle(); //396
                moveInfo.TransportOffset.Z = packet.ReadSingle(); //392

                packet.ReadXORBytes(goTransportGuid, 6, 0, 5, 3, 7);

                moveInfo.TransportGuid = new WowGuid(BitConverter.ToUInt64(goTransportGuid, 0));
                packet.AddValue("Transport GUID", moveInfo.TransportGuid, index);
                packet.AddValue("Transport Position", moveInfo.TransportOffset, index);

            if (hasAttackingTarget)
                packet.ParseBitStream(attackingTargetGuid, 7, 1, 5, 2, 6, 3, 0, 4);
                packet.WriteGuid("Attacking Target GUID", attackingTargetGuid, index);

            if (hasVehicleData)
                moveInfo.VehicleId = packet.ReadUInt32("Vehicle Id", index);
                packet.ReadSingle("Vehicle Orientation", index);

            if (hasStationaryPosition)
                moveInfo.Position.Y = packet.ReadSingle();
                moveInfo.Position.Z = packet.ReadSingle();
                moveInfo.Orientation = packet.ReadSingle("Stationary Orientation", index);
                moveInfo.Position.X = packet.ReadSingle();

                packet.AddValue("Stationary Position", moveInfo.Position, index);

            if (bit676)

            if (hasAnimKits)
                if (hasAnimKit1)
                    packet.ReadUInt16("Anim Kit 1", index);
                if (hasAnimKit3)
                    packet.ReadUInt16("Anim Kit 3", index);
                if (hasAnimKit2)
                    packet.ReadUInt16("Anim Kit 2", index);

            if (bit810)
                packet.ReadBytes("Bytes", (int)bits2AA);

            if (bit476)

            if (bit1064)
                for (var i = 0; i < bits418; ++i)
                    packet.ReadInt32("unk1052+4", index, i);

            if (hasGameObjectRotation)
                packet.ReadPackedQuaternion("GameObject Rotation", index);

            if (bit1044)
                packet.ReadInt32("unk1040", index);

            if (isLiving && moveInfo.HasSplineData && hasFullSpline && splineType == SplineType.FacingTarget)

                var facingTargetGuid = new byte[8];
                packet.StartBitStream(facingTargetGuid, 4, 7, 0, 5, 1, 2, 3, 6);
                packet.ParseBitStream(facingTargetGuid, 4, 2, 0, 5, 6, 3, 1, 7);
                packet.WriteGuid("Facing Target GUID", facingTargetGuid, index);
            return moveInfo;
Exemplo n.º 15
        private static MovementInfo ReadMovementUpdateBlock(Packet packet, WowGuid guid, object index)
            if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V5_1_0_16309))
                return ReadMovementUpdateBlock510(packet, guid, index);

            if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V5_0_4_16016))
                return ReadMovementUpdateBlock504(packet, guid, index);

            if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V4_3_3_15354))
                return ReadMovementUpdateBlock433(packet, guid, index);

            if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V4_3_2_15211))
                return ReadMovementUpdateBlock432(packet, guid, index);

            if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V4_3_0_15005))
                return ReadMovementUpdateBlock430(packet, guid, index);

            var moveInfo = new MovementInfo();

            UpdateFlag flags;
            if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V3_1_0_9767))
                flags = packet.ReadUInt16E<UpdateFlag>("Update Flags", index);
                flags = packet.ReadByteE<UpdateFlag>("Update Flags", index);

            if (flags.HasAnyFlag(UpdateFlag.Living))
                moveInfo = MovementHandler.ReadMovementInfo(packet, guid, index);
                var moveFlags = moveInfo.Flags;

                for (var i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
                    var speedType = (SpeedType)i;
                    var speed = packet.ReadSingle(speedType + " Speed", index);

                    switch (speedType)
                        case SpeedType.Walk:
                            moveInfo.WalkSpeed = speed / 2.5f;
                        case SpeedType.Run:
                            moveInfo.RunSpeed = speed / 7.0f;

                // Movement flags seem incorrect for 4.2.2
                // guess in which version they stopped checking movement flag and used bits
                if ((ClientVersion.RemovedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V4_2_0_14333) && moveFlags.HasAnyFlag(MovementFlag.SplineEnabled)) || moveInfo.HasSplineData)
                    // Temp solution
                    // TODO: Make Enums version friendly
                    if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V4_2_0_14333))
                        var splineFlags422 = packet.ReadInt32E<SplineFlag422>("Spline Flags", index);
                        if (splineFlags422.HasAnyFlag(SplineFlag422.FinalOrientation))
                            packet.ReadSingle("Final Spline Orientation", index);
                            if (splineFlags422.HasAnyFlag(SplineFlag422.FinalTarget))
                                packet.ReadGuid("Final Spline Target GUID", index);
                            else if (splineFlags422.HasAnyFlag(SplineFlag422.FinalPoint))
                                packet.ReadVector3("Final Spline Coords", index);
                        var splineFlags = packet.ReadInt32E<SplineFlag>("Spline Flags", index);
                        if (splineFlags.HasAnyFlag(SplineFlag.FinalTarget))
                            packet.ReadGuid("Final Spline Target GUID", index);
                        else if (splineFlags.HasAnyFlag(SplineFlag.FinalOrientation))
                            packet.ReadSingle("Final Spline Orientation", index);
                        else if (splineFlags.HasAnyFlag(SplineFlag.FinalPoint))
                            packet.ReadVector3("Final Spline Coords", index);

                    packet.ReadInt32("Spline Time", index);
                    packet.ReadInt32("Spline Full Time", index);
                    packet.ReadInt32("Spline ID", index);

                    if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V3_1_0_9767))
                        packet.ReadSingle("Spline Duration Multiplier", index);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Spline Duration Multiplier Next", index);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Spline Vertical Acceleration", index);
                        packet.ReadInt32("Spline Start Time", index);

                    var splineCount = packet.ReadInt32();
                    for (var i = 0; i < splineCount; i++)
                        packet.ReadVector3("Spline Waypoint", index, i);

                    if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V3_1_0_9767))
                        packet.ReadByteE<SplineMode>("Spline Mode", index);

                    packet.ReadVector3("Spline Endpoint", index);
            else // !UpdateFlag.Living
                if (flags.HasAnyFlag(UpdateFlag.GOPosition))
                    moveInfo.TransportGuid = packet.ReadPackedGuid("GO Transport GUID", index);

                    moveInfo.Position = packet.ReadVector3("GO Position", index);
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.X = packet.ReadSingle();
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.Y = packet.ReadSingle();
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.Z = packet.ReadSingle();

                    moveInfo.Orientation = packet.ReadSingle("GO Orientation", index);
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.O = moveInfo.Orientation;

                    packet.AddValue("GO Transport Position", moveInfo.TransportOffset, index);

                    packet.ReadSingle("Corpse Orientation", index);
                else if (flags.HasAnyFlag(UpdateFlag.StationaryObject))
                    moveInfo.Position = packet.ReadVector3("Stationary Position", index);
                    moveInfo.Orientation = packet.ReadSingle("O", index);

            if (ClientVersion.RemovedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V4_2_2_14545))
                if (flags.HasAnyFlag(UpdateFlag.Unknown1))
                    packet.ReadUInt32("Unk Int32", index);

                if (flags.HasAnyFlag(UpdateFlag.LowGuid))
                    packet.ReadUInt32("Low GUID", index);

            if (flags.HasAnyFlag(UpdateFlag.AttackingTarget))
                packet.ReadPackedGuid("Target GUID", index);

            if (flags.HasAnyFlag(UpdateFlag.Transport))
                packet.ReadUInt32("Transport unk timer", index);

            if (flags.HasAnyFlag(UpdateFlag.Vehicle))
                moveInfo.VehicleId = packet.ReadUInt32("[" + index + "] Vehicle ID");
                packet.ReadSingle("Vehicle Orientation", index);

            if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V4_2_2_14545))
                if (flags.HasAnyFlag(UpdateFlag.AnimKits))
                    packet.ReadInt16("Unk Int16", index);
                    packet.ReadInt16("Unk Int16", index);
                    packet.ReadInt16("Unk Int16", index);

            if (flags.HasAnyFlag(UpdateFlag.GORotation))
                moveInfo.Rotation = packet.ReadPackedQuaternion("GO Rotation", index);

            if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V4_2_2_14545))
                if (flags.HasAnyFlag(UpdateFlag.TransportUnkArray))
                    var count = packet.ReadByte("Count", index);
                    for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        packet.ReadInt32("Unk Int32", index, count);

            return moveInfo;
Exemplo n.º 16
        private static MovementInfo ReadMovementUpdateBlock432(Packet packet, WowGuid guid, object index)
            var moveInfo = new MovementInfo();

            /*bool bit2 = */packet.ReadBit();
            /*bool bit3 = */packet.ReadBit();
            /*bool bit4 = */packet.ReadBit();
            var hasStationaryPosition = packet.ReadBit("Has Stationary Position", index);
            var hasAnimKits = packet.ReadBit("Has AnimKits", index);
            var unkLoopCounter = packet.ReadBits(24);
            /*bool bit1 = */packet.ReadBit();
            bool hasTransportExtra = packet.ReadBit("Has Transport Extra", index);
            bool hasGORotation = packet.ReadBit("Has GameObject Rotation", index);
            bool living = packet.ReadBit("Living", index);
            bool hasGameObjectPosition = packet.ReadBit("Has GameObject Position", index);
            bool hasVehicleData = packet.ReadBit("Has Vehicle Data", index);
            bool hasAttackingTarget = packet.ReadBit("Has Attacking Target", index);
            /*bool bit0 =*/packet.ReadBit();
            bool unkFloats = packet.ReadBit();

            bool unkFloat1 = false;
            bool hasFallData = false;
            bool unkFloat2 = false;
            bool bit216 = false;
            bool bit256 = false;
            bool hasSplineDurationMult = false;
            SplineType splineType = SplineType.Normal;
            var facingTarget = new byte[8];
            uint splineCount = 0u;
            bool hasTransportData = false;
            var transportGuid = new byte[8];
            bool hasTransportTime2 = false;
            bool hasTransportTime3 = false;
            bool hasFallDirection = false;
            bool hasUnkUInt = false;
            bool hasOrientation = false;
            var attackingTarget = new byte[8];
            var goTransportGuid = new byte[8];
            bool hasGOTransportTime2 = false;
            bool hasGOTransportTime3 = false;
            bool hasAnimKit1 = false;
            bool hasAnimKit2 = false;
            bool hasAnimKit3 = false;
            var guid2 = new byte[8];

            if (living)
                unkFloat1 = !packet.ReadBit();
                hasOrientation = !packet.ReadBit();
                bool hasExtraMovementFlags = !packet.ReadBit();
                hasFallData = packet.ReadBit("Has Fall Data", index);
                guid2[0] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid2[5] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid2[4] = packet.ReadBit();
                bool hasMovementFlags = !packet.ReadBit();
                moveInfo.HasSplineData = packet.ReadBit("Has Spline Data", index);
                /*bool bit148 = */packet.ReadBit();

                if (hasExtraMovementFlags)
                    moveInfo.FlagsExtra = packet.ReadBitsE<MovementFlagExtra>("Extra Movement Flags", 12, index);

                hasUnkUInt = !packet.ReadBit();
                guid2[3] = packet.ReadBit();
                /*bool bit149 = */packet.ReadBit();

                if (hasMovementFlags)
                    moveInfo.Flags = packet.ReadBitsE<MovementFlag>("Movement Flags", 30, index);

                guid2[1] = packet.ReadBit();
                unkFloat2 = !packet.ReadBit();
                hasTransportData = packet.ReadBit("Has Transport Data", index);
                guid2[2] = packet.ReadBit();

                if (hasTransportData)
                    transportGuid[3] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[5] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[1] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[7] = packet.ReadBit();
                    hasTransportTime2 = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[4] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[0] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[2] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[6] = packet.ReadBit();
                    hasTransportTime3 = packet.ReadBit();

                if (moveInfo.HasSplineData)
                    bit216 = packet.ReadBit();
                    if (bit216)
                        uint bits57 = packet.ReadBits(2);
                        splineCount = packet.ReadBits(22);
                        switch (bits57)
                            case 0:
                                splineType = SplineType.FacingTarget;
                            case 1:
                                splineType = SplineType.FacingSpot;
                            case 2:
                                splineType = SplineType.Normal;
                            case 3:
                                splineType = SplineType.FacingAngle;

                        if (splineType == SplineType.FacingTarget)
                            facingTarget = packet.StartBitStream(4, 3, 2, 5, 7, 1, 0, 6);

                        packet.ReadBitsE<SplineFlag422>("Spline flags", 25, index);
                        /*splineMode =*/packet.ReadBits(2);
                        hasSplineDurationMult = packet.ReadBit("HasSplineDurationMult", index);
                        bit256 = packet.ReadBit();

                if (hasFallData)
                    hasFallDirection = packet.ReadBit("Has Fall Direction", index);

                guid2[6] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid2[7] = packet.ReadBit();

            if (hasGameObjectPosition)
                goTransportGuid[5] = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[4] = packet.ReadBit();
                hasGOTransportTime3 = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[7] = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[6] = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[1] = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[2] = packet.ReadBit();
                hasGOTransportTime2 = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[0] = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[3] = packet.ReadBit();

            if (hasAnimKits)
                hasAnimKit1 = !packet.ReadBit();
                hasAnimKit3 = !packet.ReadBit();
                hasAnimKit2 = !packet.ReadBit();

            if (hasAttackingTarget)
                attackingTarget = packet.StartBitStream(4, 3, 2, 5, 0, 6, 1, 7);

            for (var i = 0; i < unkLoopCounter; ++i)

            if (hasGameObjectPosition)
                if (hasGOTransportTime3)
                    packet.ReadInt32("GO Transport Time 3", index);

                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 7);

                moveInfo.TransportOffset.Z = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.ReadByte("GO Transport Seat", index);
                moveInfo.TransportOffset.X = packet.ReadSingle();
                moveInfo.TransportOffset.Y = packet.ReadSingle();

                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 4);
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 5);
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 6);

                moveInfo.TransportOffset.O = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.ReadInt32("GO Transport Time", index);

                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 1);

                if (hasGOTransportTime2)
                    packet.ReadInt32("GO Transport Time 2", index);

                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 0);
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 2);
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 3);

                moveInfo.TransportGuid = packet.WriteGuid("GO Transport GUID", goTransportGuid, index);
                packet.AddValue("GO Transport Position", moveInfo.TransportOffset, index);

            if (living)
                if (moveInfo.HasSplineData)
                    if (bit216)
                        packet.ReadSingle("Unknown Spline Float 2", index);
                        for (var i = 0u; i < splineCount; ++i)
                            var wp = new Vector3
                                Y = packet.ReadSingle(),
                                Z = packet.ReadSingle(),
                                X = packet.ReadSingle()

                            packet.AddValue("Spline Waypoint", wp, index, i);

                        if (splineType == SplineType.FacingTarget)
                            packet.ParseBitStream(facingTarget, 2, 1, 3, 7, 0, 5, 4, 6);
                            packet.WriteGuid("Facing Target GUID", facingTarget, index);
                        else if (splineType == SplineType.FacingSpot)
                            var point = new Vector3
                                Y = packet.ReadSingle(),
                                Z = packet.ReadSingle(),
                                X = packet.ReadSingle()

                            packet.AddValue("Facing Spot", point, index);

                        if (hasSplineDurationMult)
                            packet.ReadSingle("Spline Duration Modifier", index);

                        if (bit256)
                            packet.ReadUInt32("Unknown Spline Int32 1", index);

                        packet.ReadUInt32("Unknown Spline Int32 2", index);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Unknown Spline Float 1", index);
                        if (splineType == SplineType.FacingAngle)
                            packet.ReadSingle("Facing Angle", index);

                        packet.ReadUInt32("Unknown Spline Int32 3", index);

                    packet.ReadUInt32("Spline Full Time", index);
                    var endPoint = new Vector3
                        Z = packet.ReadSingle(),
                        Y = packet.ReadSingle(),
                        X = packet.ReadSingle()

                    packet.AddValue("Spline Endpoint", endPoint, index);

                if (hasTransportData)
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 6);
                    if (hasTransportTime2)
                        packet.ReadInt32("Transport Time 2", index);

                    var seat = packet.ReadByte("Transport Seat", index);
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.O = packet.ReadSingle();
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 7);
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.Y = packet.ReadSingle();
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 3);
                    if (hasTransportTime3)
                        packet.ReadInt32("Transport Time 3", index);

                    packet.ReadInt32("Transport Time", index);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 0);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 1);
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.X = packet.ReadSingle();
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 4);
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.Z = packet.ReadSingle();
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 5);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 2);

                    moveInfo.TransportGuid = new WowGuid64(BitConverter.ToUInt64(transportGuid, 0));
                    packet.AddValue("Transport GUID", moveInfo.TransportGuid, index);
                    packet.AddValue("Transport Position", moveInfo.TransportOffset, index);

                    if (moveInfo.TransportGuid.HasEntry() && moveInfo.TransportGuid.GetHighType() == HighGuidType.Vehicle &&
                        guid.HasEntry() && guid.GetHighType() == HighGuidType.Creature)
                        VehicleTemplateAccessory vehicleAccessory = new VehicleTemplateAccessory
                            Entry = moveInfo.TransportGuid.GetEntry(),
                            AccessoryEntry = guid.GetEntry(),
                            SeatId = seat

                        Storage.VehicleTemplateAccessories.Add(vehicleAccessory, packet.TimeSpan);

                moveInfo.Position = new Vector3 {Z = packet.ReadSingle()};
                packet.ReadSingle("FlyBack Speed", index);
                moveInfo.Position.Y = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 4);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 0);
                moveInfo.Position.X = packet.ReadSingle();
                if (hasFallData)
                    packet.ReadInt32("Time Fallen", index);
                    if (hasFallDirection)
                        packet.ReadSingle("Jump Sin", index);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Jump Velocity", index);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Jump Cos", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Fall Start Velocity", index);

                if (hasOrientation)
                    moveInfo.Orientation = packet.ReadSingle("Orientation");

                packet.AddValue("Position", moveInfo.Position, moveInfo.Orientation, index);
                packet.ReadSingle("Swim Speed", index);
                moveInfo.RunSpeed = packet.ReadSingle("Run Speed", index) / 7.0f;
                packet.ReadSingle("Fly Speed", index);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 2);
                if (unkFloat2)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Unk float +36", index);

                if (unkFloat1)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Unk float +28", index);

                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 3);
                packet.ReadSingle("RunBack Speed", index);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 6);
                packet.ReadSingle("Pitch Speed", index);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 7);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 5);
                packet.ReadSingle("Turn Speed", index);
                packet.ReadSingle("SwimBack Speed", index);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 1);
                packet.WriteGuid("GUID 2", guid2, index);
                if (hasUnkUInt)

                moveInfo.WalkSpeed = packet.ReadSingle("Walk Speed", index) / 2.5f;

            if (hasAttackingTarget)
                packet.ParseBitStream(attackingTarget, 6, 5, 3, 2, 0, 1, 7, 4);
                packet.WriteGuid("Attacking Target GUID", attackingTarget, index);

            if (unkFloats)
                int i;
                for (i = 0; i < 13; ++i)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Unk float 456", index, i);

                packet.ReadByte("Unk byte 456", index);

                for (; i < 16; ++i)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Unk float 456", index, i);

            if (hasVehicleData)
                packet.ReadSingle("Vehicle Orientation", index);
                moveInfo.VehicleId = packet.ReadUInt32("Vehicle Id", index);

            if (hasGORotation)
                moveInfo.Rotation = packet.ReadPackedQuaternion("GO Rotation", index);

            if (hasStationaryPosition)
                moveInfo.Position = new Vector3
                    X = packet.ReadSingle(),
                    Z = packet.ReadSingle(),
                    Y = packet.ReadSingle()

                moveInfo.Orientation = packet.ReadSingle("O", index);
                packet.AddValue("Stationary Position", moveInfo.Position, index);

            if (hasAnimKits)
                if (hasAnimKit3)
                    packet.ReadUInt16("Anim Kit 3", index);
                if (hasAnimKit1)
                    packet.ReadUInt16("Anim Kit 1", index);
                if (hasAnimKit2)
                    packet.ReadUInt16("Anim Kit 2", index);

            if (hasTransportExtra)
                packet.ReadInt32("Transport Time", index);

            return moveInfo;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public static void ProcessExistingObject(ref WoWObject obj, WoWObject newObj, WowGuid guid)
     obj.PhaseMask |= newObj.PhaseMask;
     if (guid.GetHighType() == HighGuidType.Creature) // skip if not an unit
         if (!obj.Movement.HasWpsOrRandMov)
             if (obj.Movement.Position != newObj.Movement.Position)
                 UpdateField uf;
                 if (obj.UpdateFields.TryGetValue(UpdateFields.GetUpdateField(UnitField.UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS), out uf))
                     if ((uf.UInt32Value & (uint) UnitFlags.IsInCombat) == 0) // movement could be because of aggro so ignore that
                         obj.Movement.HasWpsOrRandMov = true;
Exemplo n.º 18
        private static MovementInfo ReadMovementUpdateBlock510(Packet packet, WowGuid guid, object index)
            var moveInfo = new MovementInfo();

            var bit654 = packet.ReadBit("Has bit654", index);
            var hasGameObjectRotation = packet.ReadBit("Has GameObject Rotation", index);
            var hasAttackingTarget = packet.ReadBit("Has Attacking Target", index);
            /*var bit2 = */ packet.ReadBit();
            var bit520 = packet.ReadBit("Has bit520", index);
            var unkLoopCounter = packet.ReadBits(24);
            var transport = packet.ReadBit("Transport", index);
            var hasGameObjectPosition = packet.ReadBit("Has GameObject Position", index);
            /*var bit653 = */ packet.ReadBit();
            var bit784 = packet.ReadBit("Has bit784", index);
            /*var isSelf = */ packet.ReadBit("Self", index);
            /*var bit1 = */ packet.ReadBit();
            var living = packet.ReadBit("Living", index);
            /*var bit3 = */ packet.ReadBit();
            var bit644 = packet.ReadBit("Has bit644", index);
            var hasStationaryPosition = packet.ReadBit("Has Stationary Position", index);
            var hasVehicleData = packet.ReadBit("Has Vehicle Data", index);
            var bits360 = packet.ReadBits(21);
            var hasAnimKits = packet.ReadBit("Has AnimKits", index);
            for (var i = 0; i < bits360; ++i)

            var guid2 = new byte[8];
            var facingTargetGuid = new byte[8];
            var unkSplineCounter = 0u;
            var attackingTargetGuid = new byte[8];
            var transportGuid = new byte[8];
            var goTransportGuid = new byte[8];
            var hasFallData = false;
            var hasFallDirection = false;
            var hasTimestamp = false;
            var hasOrientation = false;
            var hasPitch = false;
            var hasSplineElevation = false;
            var hasTransportData = false;
            var hasTransportTime2 = false;
            var hasTransportTime3 = false;
            var hasFullSpline = false;
            var hasSplineVerticalAcceleration = false;
            var hasUnkSplineCounter = false;
            var hasSplineStartTime = false;
            var hasGOTransportTime3 = false;
            var hasGOTransportTime2 = false;
            var hasAnimKit1 = false;
            var hasAnimKit2 = false;
            var hasAnimKit3 = false;
            var splineType = SplineType.Stop;
            var unkLoopCounter2 = 0u;
            var splineCount = 0u;

            var field8 = false;
            var bit540 = false;
            var bit552 = false;
            var bit580 = false;
            var bit624 = false;
            var bit147 = 0u;
            var bit151 = 0u;
            var bit158 = 0u;
            var bit198 = 0u;

            if (living)
                guid2[3] = packet.ReadBit();
                hasFallData = packet.ReadBit("Has Fall Data", index);
                hasTimestamp = !packet.ReadBit("Lacks Timestamp", index);
                packet.ReadBit(); // bit172
                guid2[2] = packet.ReadBit();
                packet.ReadBit(); // bit149
                hasPitch = !packet.ReadBit("Lacks Pitch", index);
                var hasMoveFlagsExtra = !packet.ReadBit();
                guid2[4] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid2[5] = packet.ReadBit();
                unkLoopCounter2 = packet.ReadBits(24);
                hasSplineElevation = !packet.ReadBit();
                field8 = !packet.ReadBit();
                packet.ReadBit(); // bit148
                guid2[0] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid2[6] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid2[7] = packet.ReadBit();
                hasTransportData = packet.ReadBit("Has Transport Data", index);
                hasOrientation = !packet.ReadBit();

                if (hasTransportData)
                    transportGuid[3] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[0] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[4] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[5] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[2] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[7] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[1] = packet.ReadBit();
                    hasTransportTime2 = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[6] = packet.ReadBit();
                    hasTransportTime3 = packet.ReadBit();

                if (hasMoveFlagsExtra)
                    moveInfo.FlagsExtra = packet.ReadBitsE<MovementFlagExtra>("Extra Movement Flags", 13, index);

                var hasMovementFlags = !packet.ReadBit();
                guid2[1] = packet.ReadBit();
                if (hasFallData)
                    hasFallDirection = packet.ReadBit("Has Fall Direction", index);

                moveInfo.HasSplineData = packet.ReadBit("Has Spline Data", index);
                if (hasMovementFlags)
                    moveInfo.Flags = packet.ReadBitsE<MovementFlag>("Movement Flags", 30, index);

                if (moveInfo.HasSplineData)
                    hasFullSpline = packet.ReadBit("Has extended spline data", index);
                    if (hasFullSpline)
                        hasSplineStartTime = packet.ReadBit();
                        splineCount = packet.ReadBits("Spline Waypoints", 22, index);
                        /*var splineFlags = */ packet.ReadBitsE<SplineFlag434>("Spline flags", 25, index);
                        var bits57 = packet.ReadBits(2);
                        switch (bits57)
                            case 1:
                                splineType = SplineType.FacingTarget;
                            case 0:
                                splineType = SplineType.FacingAngle;
                            case 2:
                                splineType = SplineType.Normal;
                            case 3:
                                splineType = SplineType.FacingSpot;

                        if (splineType == SplineType.FacingTarget)
                            facingTargetGuid = packet.StartBitStream(0, 1, 6, 5, 2, 3, 4, 7);

                        hasUnkSplineCounter = packet.ReadBit();
                        if (hasUnkSplineCounter)
                            unkSplineCounter = packet.ReadBits(23);

                        /*var splineMode = */ packet.ReadBitsE<SplineMode>("Spline Mode", 2, index);
                        hasSplineVerticalAcceleration = packet.ReadBit();

            if (hasGameObjectPosition)
                hasGOTransportTime3 = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[3] = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[1] = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[4] = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[7] = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[2] = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[5] = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[0] = packet.ReadBit();
                goTransportGuid[6] = packet.ReadBit();
                hasGOTransportTime2 = packet.ReadBit();

            if (bit654)

            if (bit520)
                bit540 = packet.ReadBit("bit540", index);
                packet.ReadBit("bit536", index);
                bit552 = packet.ReadBit("bit552", index);
                packet.ReadBit("bit539", index);
                bit624 = packet.ReadBit("bit624", index);
                bit580 = packet.ReadBit("bit580", index);
                packet.ReadBit("bit537", index);

                if (bit580)
                    bit147 = packet.ReadBits(23);
                    bit151 = packet.ReadBits(23);

                if (bit624)
                    bit158 = packet.ReadBits(22);

                packet.ReadBit("bit538", index);

            if (hasAttackingTarget)
                attackingTargetGuid = packet.StartBitStream(2, 6, 7, 1, 0, 3, 4, 5);

            if (bit784)
                bit198 = packet.ReadBits(24);

            if (hasAnimKits)
                hasAnimKit3 = !packet.ReadBit();
                hasAnimKit1 = !packet.ReadBit();
                hasAnimKit2 = !packet.ReadBit();


            // Reading data
            for (var i = 0; i < bits360; ++i)

            for (var i = 0u; i < unkLoopCounter; ++i)
                packet.ReadUInt32("Unk UInt32", index, (int)i);

            if (living)
                packet.ReadSingle("FlyBack Speed", index);
                if (moveInfo.HasSplineData)
                    if (hasFullSpline)
                        if (hasUnkSplineCounter)
                            for (var i = 0; i < unkSplineCounter; ++i)
                                packet.ReadSingle("Unk Spline Float1", index, i);
                                packet.ReadSingle("Unk Spline Float2", index, i);

                        if (splineType == SplineType.FacingTarget)
                            packet.ParseBitStream(facingTargetGuid, 3, 2, 0, 5, 6, 7, 4, 1);
                            packet.WriteGuid("Facing Target GUID", facingTargetGuid, index);

                        packet.ReadUInt32("Spline Time", index);
                        packet.ReadUInt32("Spline Full Time", index);

                        if (hasSplineVerticalAcceleration)
                            packet.ReadSingle("Spline Vertical Acceleration", index);

                        packet.ReadSingle("Spline Duration Multiplier Next", index);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Spline Duration Multiplier", index);

                        if (splineType == SplineType.FacingSpot)
                            var point = new Vector3
                                X = packet.ReadSingle(),
                                Z = packet.ReadSingle(),
                                Y = packet.ReadSingle()

                            packet.AddValue("Facing Spot", point, index);

                        if (hasSplineStartTime)
                            packet.ReadUInt32("Spline Start Time", index);

                        for (var i = 0u; i < splineCount; ++i)
                            var wp = new Vector3
                                Y = packet.ReadSingle(),
                                Z = packet.ReadSingle(),
                                X = packet.ReadSingle()

                            packet.AddValue("Spline Waypoint", wp, index, i);

                        if (splineType == SplineType.FacingAngle)
                            packet.ReadSingle("Facing Angle", index);

                    var endPoint = new Vector3
                        Y = packet.ReadSingle(),
                        X = packet.ReadSingle(),
                        Z = packet.ReadSingle()

                    packet.ReadUInt32("Spline Id", index);
                    packet.AddValue("Spline Endpoint", endPoint, index);

                packet.ReadSingle("Swim Speed", index);

                if (hasFallData)
                    if (hasFallDirection)
                        packet.ReadSingle("Jump Velocity", index);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Jump Cos", index);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Jump Sin", index);

                    packet.ReadSingle("Fall Start Velocity", index);
                    packet.ReadInt32("Time Fallen", index);

                if (hasTransportData)
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.Z = packet.ReadSingle();
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 4);
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.X = packet.ReadSingle();
                    if (hasTransportTime3)
                        packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time 3", index);

                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 6);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 5);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 1);
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.O = packet.ReadSingle();
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.Y = packet.ReadSingle();
                    var seat = packet.ReadSByte("Transport Seat", index);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 7);
                    if (hasTransportTime2)
                        packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time 2", index);

                    packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time", index);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 0);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 2);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 3);

                    moveInfo.TransportGuid = packet.WriteGuid("Transport GUID", transportGuid, index);
                    packet.AddValue("Transport Position", moveInfo.TransportOffset, index);

                    if (moveInfo.TransportGuid.HasEntry() && moveInfo.TransportGuid.GetHighType() == HighGuidType.Vehicle &&
                        guid.HasEntry() && guid.GetHighType() == HighGuidType.Creature)
                        VehicleTemplateAccessory vehicleAccessory = new VehicleTemplateAccessory
                            Entry = moveInfo.TransportGuid.GetEntry(),
                            AccessoryEntry = guid.GetEntry(),
                            SeatId = seat

                        Storage.VehicleTemplateAccessories.Add(vehicleAccessory, packet.TimeSpan);

                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 1);
                packet.ReadSingle("Turn Speed", index);
                moveInfo.Position.Y = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 3);
                moveInfo.Position.Z = packet.ReadSingle();
                if (hasOrientation)
                    moveInfo.Orientation = packet.ReadSingle();

                packet.ReadSingle("Run Back Speed", index);
                if (hasSplineElevation)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Spline Elevation", index);

                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 0);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 6);
                for (var i = 0u; i < unkLoopCounter2; ++i)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("Unk2 UInt32", index, (int)i);

                moveInfo.Position.X = packet.ReadSingle();
                if (hasTimestamp)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("Time", index);

                moveInfo.WalkSpeed = packet.ReadSingle("Walk Speed", index) / 2.5f;
                if (hasPitch)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Pitch", index);

                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 5);
                if (field8)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("Unk UInt32", index);

                packet.ReadSingle("Pitch Speed", index);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 2);
                moveInfo.RunSpeed = packet.ReadSingle("Run Speed", index) / 7.0f;
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 7);
                packet.ReadSingle("SwimBack Speed", index);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid2, 4);
                packet.ReadSingle("Fly Speed", index);

                packet.WriteGuid("GUID 2", guid2, index);
                packet.AddValue("Position", moveInfo.Position, index);
                packet.AddValue("Orientation", moveInfo.Orientation, index);

            if (bit520)
                if (bit580)
                    packet.ReadSingle("field154", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("field155", index);

                    for (var i = 0; i < bit147; ++i)

                    for (var i = 0; i < bit151; ++i)

                if (bit540)
                    packet.ReadSingle("field136", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("field134", index);

                if (bit552)
                    packet.ReadSingle("field143", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("field141", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("field142", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("field140", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("field139", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("field144", index);

                packet.ReadSingle("field132", index);
                if (bit624)
                    for (var i = 0; i < bit158; ++i)

                packet.ReadSingle("field133", index);
                packet.ReadSingle("field131", index);

            if (hasAttackingTarget)
                packet.ParseBitStream(attackingTargetGuid, 3, 4, 2, 5, 1, 6, 7, 0);
                packet.WriteGuid("Attacking Target GUID", attackingTargetGuid, index);

            if (hasStationaryPosition)
                moveInfo.Position.X = packet.ReadSingle();
                moveInfo.Orientation = packet.ReadSingle("Stationary Orientation", index);
                moveInfo.Position.Y = packet.ReadSingle();
                moveInfo.Position.Z = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.AddValue("Stationary Position", moveInfo.Position,index );

            if (hasGameObjectPosition)
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 3);
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 1);
                packet.ReadSByte("GO Transport Seat", index);
                moveInfo.TransportOffset.Z = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 2);
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 7);
                if (hasGOTransportTime3)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("GO Transport Time 3", index);

                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 6);
                if (hasGOTransportTime2)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("GO Transport Time 2", index);

                packet.ReadUInt32("GO Transport Time", index);
                moveInfo.TransportOffset.Y = packet.ReadSingle();
                moveInfo.TransportOffset.X = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 0);
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 4);
                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 5);
                moveInfo.TransportOffset.O = packet.ReadSingle();

                moveInfo.TransportGuid = new WowGuid64(BitConverter.ToUInt64(goTransportGuid, 0));
                packet.AddValue("GO Transport GUID", moveInfo.TransportGuid, index);
                packet.AddValue("GO Transport Position", moveInfo.TransportOffset, index);

            if (hasAnimKits)
                if (hasAnimKit3)
                    packet.ReadUInt16("Anim Kit 3", index);
                if (hasAnimKit1)
                    packet.ReadUInt16("Anim Kit 1", index);
                if (hasAnimKit2)
                    packet.ReadUInt16("Anim Kit 2", index);

            if (hasVehicleData)
                packet.ReadSingle("Vehicle Orientation", index);
                moveInfo.VehicleId = packet.ReadUInt32("Vehicle Id", index);

            if (transport)
                packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Path Timer", index);

            if (bit644)
                packet.ReadUInt32("field162", index);

            if (bit784)
                for (var i = 0; i < bit198; ++i)

            if (hasGameObjectRotation)
                moveInfo.Rotation = packet.ReadPackedQuaternion("GameObject Rotation", index);

            return moveInfo;
Exemplo n.º 19
        public static void HandleLogoutComplete(Packet packet)
            packet.ReadBit("Unk 1");

            var guid = packet.StartBitStream(7, 3, 1, 5, 0, 6, 4, 2);
            packet.ParseBitStream(guid, 0, 5, 1, 2, 6, 3, 4, 7);

            packet.WriteGuid("Guid", guid);

            LoginGuid = new Guid(0);
Exemplo n.º 20
        private static MovementInfo ReadMovementUpdateBlock(Packet packet, WowGuid guid, object index)
            var moveInfo = new MovementInfo();


            packet.ReadBit("NoBirthAnim", index);
            packet.ReadBit("EnablePortals", index);
            packet.ReadBit("PlayHoverAnim", index);
            packet.ReadBit("IsSuppressingGreetings", index);

            var hasMovementUpdate = packet.ReadBit("HasMovementUpdate", index);
            var hasMovementTransport = packet.ReadBit("HasMovementTransport", index);
            var hasStationaryPosition = packet.ReadBit("Stationary", index);
            var hasCombatVictim = packet.ReadBit("HasCombatVictim", index);
            var hasServerTime = packet.ReadBit("HasServerTime", index);
            var hasVehicleCreate = packet.ReadBit("HasVehicleCreate", index);
            var hasAnimKitCreate = packet.ReadBit("HasAnimKitCreate", index);
            var hasRotation = packet.ReadBit("HasRotation", index);
            var hasAreaTrigger = packet.ReadBit("HasAreaTrigger", index);
            var hasGameObject = packet.ReadBit("HasGameObject", index);

            packet.ReadBit("ThisIsYou", index);
            packet.ReadBit("ReplaceActive", index);

            var sceneObjCreate = packet.ReadBit("SceneObjCreate", index);
            var scenePendingInstances = packet.ReadBit("ScenePendingInstances", index);

            var pauseTimesCount = packet.ReadUInt32("PauseTimesCount", index);

            if (hasMovementUpdate) // 392
                moveInfo = ReadMovementStatusData(packet, index);

                moveInfo.WalkSpeed = packet.ReadSingle("WalkSpeed", index) / 2.5f;
                moveInfo.RunSpeed = packet.ReadSingle("RunSpeed", index) / 7.0f;
                packet.ReadSingle("RunBackSpeed", index);
                packet.ReadSingle("SwimSpeed", index);
                packet.ReadSingle("SwimBackSpeed", index);
                packet.ReadSingle("FlightSpeed", index);
                packet.ReadSingle("FlightBackSpeed", index);
                packet.ReadSingle("TurnRate", index);
                packet.ReadSingle("PitchRate", index);

                var movementForceCount = packet.ReadInt32("MovementForceCount", index);

                for (var i = 0; i < movementForceCount; ++i)
                    packet.ReadPackedGuid128("Id", index);
                    packet.ReadVector3("Direction", index);
                    if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V6_1_2_19802)) // correct?
                        packet.ReadVector3("TransportPosition", index);
                    packet.ReadInt32("TransportID", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Magnitude", index);
                    packet.ReadByte("Type", index);


                moveInfo.HasSplineData = packet.ReadBit("HasMovementSpline", index);

                if (moveInfo.HasSplineData)
                    packet.ReadInt32("ID", index);
                    packet.ReadVector3("Destination", index);


                    var hasMovementSplineMove = packet.ReadBit("MovementSplineMove", index);
                    if (hasMovementSplineMove)

                        packet.ReadBitsE<SplineFlag434>("SplineFlags", ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V6_2_0_20173) ? 28 : 25, index);
                        var face = packet.ReadBits("Face", 2, index);

                        var hasJumpGravity = packet.ReadBit("HasJumpGravity", index);
                        var hasSpecialTime = packet.ReadBit("HasSpecialTime", index);

                        packet.ReadBitsE<SplineMode>("Mode", 2, index);

                        var hasSplineFilterKey = packet.ReadBit("HasSplineFilterKey", index);

                        packet.ReadUInt32("Elapsed", index);
                        packet.ReadUInt32("Duration", index);

                        packet.ReadSingle("DurationModifier", index);
                        packet.ReadSingle("NextDurationModifier", index);

                        var pointsCount = packet.ReadUInt32("PointsCount", index);

                        if (face == 3) // FaceDirection
                            packet.ReadSingle("FaceDirection", index);

                        if (face == 2) // FaceGUID
                            packet.ReadPackedGuid128("FaceGUID", index);

                        if (face == 1) // FaceSpot
                            packet.ReadVector3("FaceSpot", index);

                        if (hasJumpGravity)
                            packet.ReadSingle("JumpGravity", index);

                        if (hasSpecialTime)
                            packet.ReadInt32("SpecialTime", index);

                        if (hasSplineFilterKey)
                            var filterKeysCount = packet.ReadUInt32("FilterKeysCount", index);
                            for (var i = 0; i < filterKeysCount; ++i)
                                packet.ReadSingle("In", index, i);
                                packet.ReadSingle("Out", index, i);

                            if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V6_2_0_20173))

                            packet.ReadBits("FilterFlags", 2, index);

                        for (var i = 0; i < pointsCount; ++i)
                            packet.ReadVector3("Points", index, i);

            if (hasMovementTransport) // 456
                moveInfo.TransportGuid = packet.ReadPackedGuid128("TransportGUID", index);
                moveInfo.TransportOffset = packet.ReadVector4("TransportPosition", index);
                var seat = packet.ReadByte("VehicleSeatIndex", index);
                packet.ReadUInt32("MoveTime", index);


                var hasPrevMoveTime = packet.ReadBit("HasPrevMoveTime", index);
                var hasVehicleRecID = packet.ReadBit("HasVehicleRecID", index);

                if (hasPrevMoveTime)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("PrevMoveTime", index);

                if (hasVehicleRecID)
                    packet.ReadInt32("VehicleRecID", index);

                if (moveInfo.TransportGuid.HasEntry() && moveInfo.TransportGuid.GetHighType() == HighGuidType.Vehicle &&
                    guid.HasEntry() && guid.GetHighType() == HighGuidType.Creature)
                    var vehicleAccessory = new VehicleTemplateAccessory
                        AccessoryEntry = guid.GetEntry(),
                        SeatId = seat
                    Storage.VehicleTemplateAccessorys.Add(moveInfo.TransportGuid.GetEntry(), vehicleAccessory, packet.TimeSpan);

            if (hasStationaryPosition) // 480
                moveInfo.Position = packet.ReadVector3();
                moveInfo.Orientation = packet.ReadSingle();

                packet.AddValue("Stationary Position", moveInfo.Position, index);
                packet.AddValue("Stationary Orientation", moveInfo.Orientation, index);

            if (hasCombatVictim) // 504
                packet.ReadPackedGuid128("CombatVictim Guid", index);

            if (hasServerTime) // 516
                packet.ReadUInt32("ServerTime", index);

            if (hasVehicleCreate) // 528
                moveInfo.VehicleId = packet.ReadUInt32("RecID", index);
                packet.ReadSingle("InitialRawFacing", index);

            if (hasAnimKitCreate) // 538
                packet.ReadUInt16("AiID", index);
                packet.ReadUInt16("MovementID", index);
                packet.ReadUInt16("MeleeID", index);

            if (hasRotation) // 552
                packet.ReadPackedQuaternion("GameObject Rotation", index);

            if (hasAreaTrigger) // 772
                // CliAreaTrigger
                packet.ReadInt32("ElapsedMs", index);

                packet.ReadVector3("RollPitchYaw1", index);


                packet.ReadBit("HasAbsoluteOrientation", index);
                packet.ReadBit("HasDynamicShape", index);
                packet.ReadBit("HasAttached", index);
                packet.ReadBit("HasFaceMovementDir", index);
                packet.ReadBit("HasFollowsTerrain", index);

                if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V6_2_0_20173))
                    packet.ReadBit("Unk bit WoD62x", index);

                var hasTargetRollPitchYaw = packet.ReadBit("HasTargetRollPitchYaw", index);
                var hasScaleCurveID = packet.ReadBit("HasScaleCurveID", index);
                var hasMorphCurveID = packet.ReadBit("HasMorphCurveID", index);
                var hasFacingCurveID = packet.ReadBit("HasFacingCurveID", index);
                var hasMoveCurveID = packet.ReadBit("HasMoveCurveID", index);
                var hasAreaTriggerSphere = packet.ReadBit("HasAreaTriggerSphere", index);
                var hasAreaTriggerBox = packet.ReadBit("HasAreaTriggerBox", index);
                var hasAreaTriggerPolygon = packet.ReadBit("HasAreaTriggerPolygon", index);
                var hasAreaTriggerCylinder = packet.ReadBit("HasAreaTriggerCylinder", index);
                var hasAreaTriggerSpline = packet.ReadBit("HasAreaTriggerSpline", index);

                if (hasTargetRollPitchYaw)
                    packet.ReadVector3("TargetRollPitchYaw", index);

                if (hasScaleCurveID)
                    packet.ReadInt32("ScaleCurveID, index");

                if (hasMorphCurveID)
                    packet.ReadInt32("MorphCurveID", index);

                if (hasFacingCurveID)
                    packet.ReadInt32("FacingCurveID", index);

                if (hasMoveCurveID)
                    packet.ReadInt32("MoveCurveID", index);

                if (hasAreaTriggerSphere)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Radius", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("RadiusTarget", index);

                if (hasAreaTriggerBox)
                    packet.ReadVector3("Extents", index);
                    packet.ReadVector3("ExtentsTarget", index);

                if (hasAreaTriggerPolygon)
                    var verticesCount = packet.ReadInt32("VerticesCount", index);
                    var verticesTargetCount = packet.ReadInt32("VerticesTargetCount", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Height", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("HeightTarget", index);

                    for (var i = 0; i < verticesCount; ++i)
                        packet.ReadVector2("Vertices", index, i);

                    for (var i = 0; i < verticesTargetCount; ++i)
                        packet.ReadVector2("VerticesTarget", index, i);

                if (hasAreaTriggerCylinder)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Radius", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("RadiusTarget", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Height", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("HeightTarget", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float4", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float5", index);

                if (hasAreaTriggerSpline)
                    AreaTriggerHandler.ReadAreaTriggerSpline(packet, index);

            if (hasGameObject) // 788
                packet.ReadInt32("WorldEffectID", index);


                var bit8 = packet.ReadBit("bit8", index);
                if (bit8)
                    packet.ReadInt32("Int1", index);

            if (sceneObjCreate) // 1184

                var hasSceneLocalScriptData = packet.ReadBit("HasSceneLocalScriptData", index);
                var petBattleFullUpdate = packet.ReadBit("HasPetBattleFullUpdate", index);

                if (hasSceneLocalScriptData)
                    var dataLength = packet.ReadBits(7);
                    packet.ReadWoWString("Data", dataLength, index);

                if (petBattleFullUpdate)
                    BattlePetHandler.ReadPetBattleFullUpdate(packet, index);

            if (scenePendingInstances) // 1208
                var sceneInstanceIDs = packet.ReadInt32("SceneInstanceIDsCount");

                for (var i = 0; i < sceneInstanceIDs; ++i)
                    packet.ReadInt32("SceneInstanceIDs", index, i);

            for (var i = 0; i < pauseTimesCount; ++i)
                packet.ReadInt32("PauseTimes", index, i);

            return moveInfo;
Exemplo n.º 21
 public bool Equals(WowGuid other)
     return other.Low == Low && other.High == High;
Exemplo n.º 22
        private static MovementInfo ReadMovementUpdateBlock(Packet packet, WowGuid guid, object index)
            var moveInfo = new MovementInfo();

            var guid1 = new byte[8];
            var transportGuid = new byte[8];
            var goTransportGuid = new byte[8];
            var attackingTargetGuid = new byte[8];
            var guid5 = new byte[8];
            var guid6 = new byte[8];
            var guid7 = new byte[8];

            var hasAnimKit1 = false;
            var hasAnimKit2 = false;
            var hasAnimKit3 = false;
            var hasFullSpline = false;
            var hasSplineStartTime = false;
            var hasSplineVerticalAcceleration = false;
            var hasMovementFlags = false;
            var hasMoveFlagsExtra = false;
            var hasTimestamp = false;
            var hasOrientation = false;
            var hasTransportData = false;
            var hasTransportTime2 = false;
            var hasTransportTime3 = false;
            var hasGOTransportTime2 = false;
            var hasGOTransportTime3 = false;
            var hasPitch = false;
            var hasFallData = false;
            var hasFallDirection = false;
            var hasSplineElevation = false;

            var bit134 = false;
            var bitA8 = false;
            var bit23C = false;
            var bit298 = false;
            var bit230 = false;
            var bit284 = false;
            var bit228 = false;
            var bit258 = false;
            var bit218 = false;
            var bit220 = false;

            var bits168 = 0u;
            var splineCount = 0u;
            var bits138 = 0u;
            var bits98 = 0u;
            var bits25C = 0u;
            var bits26C = 0u;
            var bits288 = 0u;
            var bits418 = 0u;
            var bits2AA = 0u;
            var splineType = SplineType.Stop;

            var bit2A4 = packet.ReadBit(); // 676
            var hasVehicleData = packet.ReadBit("Has Vehicle Data", index); // 488
            var bit414 = packet.ReadBit(); // 1044
            var hasGameObjectRotation = packet.ReadBit("Has GameObject Rotation", index); // 512
            packet.ReadBit(); // fake 0
            var isLiving = packet.ReadBit("Is Living", index); // 368
            var hasSceneObjectData = packet.ReadBit("Has Scene Object Data", index); // 1032
            packet.ReadBit(); // fake 2
            var bit29C = packet.ReadBit(); // 668
            var bit2A8 = packet.ReadBit(); // 680
            var bit2A9 = packet.ReadBit(); // 681
            packet.ReadBit(); // fake 1
            var hasTransportPosition = packet.ReadBit("Has Transport Position", index); // 424
            var bit1DC = packet.ReadBit(); // 476
            var hasAnimKits = packet.ReadBit("Has Anim Kits", index); // 498
            var hasStationaryPosition = packet.ReadBit("Has Stationary Position", index); // 448
            var hasAttackingTarget = packet.ReadBit("Has Attacking Target", index); // 464
            packet.ReadBit(); // fake 3
            var transportFrames = packet.ReadBits("Transport Frames Count", 22, index); // 1068
            var bit32A = packet.ReadBit(); // 810
            var bit428 = packet.ReadBit(); // 1064

            if (bit428)
                bits418 = packet.ReadBits(22);

            if (hasTransportPosition)
                packet.StartBitStream(goTransportGuid, 3, 5, 2, 1, 4);
                hasGOTransportTime3 = packet.ReadBit();
                hasGOTransportTime2 = packet.ReadBit();
                packet.StartBitStream(goTransportGuid, 0, 6, 7);

            if (isLiving)
                hasTransportData = packet.ReadBit("Has Transport Data", index);
                if (hasTransportData)
                    transportGuid[4] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[0] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[5] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[2] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[3] = packet.ReadBit();
                    hasTransportTime2 = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[7] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[6] = packet.ReadBit();
                    transportGuid[1] = packet.ReadBit();
                    hasTransportTime3 = packet.ReadBit();

                hasPitch = !packet.ReadBit("Has Pitch", index);
                bits168 = packet.ReadBits(19);
                guid1[1] = packet.ReadBit();
                hasMoveFlagsExtra = !packet.ReadBit();
                hasSplineElevation = !packet.ReadBit("Has SplineElevation", index);

                if (hasMoveFlagsExtra)
                    moveInfo.FlagsExtra = packet.ReadBitsE<MovementFlagExtra>("Extra Movement Flags", 13, index);

                hasOrientation = !packet.ReadBit();
                hasTimestamp = !packet.ReadBit();
                hasMovementFlags = !packet.ReadBit();
                bitA8 = !packet.ReadBit("bitA8", index);
                guid1[2] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid1[6] = packet.ReadBit();
                hasFallData = packet.ReadBit();
                guid1[5] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid1[4] = packet.ReadBit();
                guid1[0] = packet.ReadBit();

                if (hasMovementFlags)
                    moveInfo.Flags = packet.ReadBitsE<MovementFlag>("Movement Flags", 30, index);
                if (hasFallData)
                    hasFallDirection = packet.ReadBit();
                bits98 = packet.ReadBits("bits98", 22, index);

                guid1[7] = packet.ReadBit();
                moveInfo.HasSplineData = packet.ReadBit();
                guid1[3] = packet.ReadBit();

                if (moveInfo.HasSplineData)
                    hasFullSpline = packet.ReadBit();
                    if (hasFullSpline)
                        hasSplineVerticalAcceleration = packet.ReadBit();
                        packet.ReadBitsE<SplineMode>("Spline Mode", 2, index);
                        splineCount = packet.ReadBits(20);
                        packet.ReadBitsE<SplineFlag434>("Spline flags", 25, index);

                        hasSplineStartTime = packet.ReadBit();
                        bit134 = packet.ReadBit();
                        if (bit134)
                            bits138 = packet.ReadBits(21);

            if (bit29C)
                bit230 = packet.ReadBit();
                bit258 = packet.ReadBit();
                packet.ReadBit("bit20E", index);
                packet.ReadBit("bit20F", index);
                bit228 = packet.ReadBit();
                packet.ReadBit("bit20C", index);
                bit218 = packet.ReadBit();
                packet.ReadBit("bit20D", index);
                bit284 = packet.ReadBit();

                if (bit284)
                    bits25C = packet.ReadBits(21);
                    bits26C = packet.ReadBits(21);

                bit298 = packet.ReadBit();

                if (bit298)
                    bits288 = packet.ReadBits(20);

                bit23C = packet.ReadBit();
                packet.ReadBit("bit210", index);
                bit220 = packet.ReadBit();

            if (hasAttackingTarget)
                attackingTargetGuid = packet.StartBitStream(4, 6, 3, 5, 0, 2, 7, 1);

            if (hasAnimKits)
                hasAnimKit1 = !packet.ReadBit();
                hasAnimKit2 = !packet.ReadBit();
                hasAnimKit3 = !packet.ReadBit();

            if (bit32A)
                bits2AA = packet.ReadBits(7);


            for (var i = 0; i < transportFrames; ++i)
                packet.ReadInt32("Transport frame", index, i);

            if (bit29C)
                if (bit23C)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float234", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float238", index);

                if (bit284)
                    for (var i = 0; i < bits26C; ++i)
                        packet.ReadSingle("Float270+0", index, i);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Float270+1", index, i);

                    packet.ReadSingle("Float27C", index);

                    for (var i = 0; i < bits25C; ++i)
                        packet.ReadSingle("Float260+0", index, i);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Float260+1", index, i);

                    packet.ReadSingle("Float280", index);

                if (bit258)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float244", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float250", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float254", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float248", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float240", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Float24C", index);

                packet.ReadInt32("Int208", index);

                if (bit298)
                    for (var i = 0; i < bits288; ++i)
                        packet.ReadSingle("Float28C+0", index, i);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Float28C+1", index, i);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Float28C+2", index, i);

                if (bit220)
                    packet.ReadInt32("int21C", index);

                if (bit218)
                    packet.ReadInt32("int214", index);

                if (bit230)
                    packet.ReadInt32("int22C", index);

                if (bit228)
                    packet.ReadInt32("int224", index);

            if (isLiving)
                if (hasFallData)
                    if (hasFallDirection)
                        packet.ReadSingle("Jump Sin Angle", index);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Jump Cos Angle", index);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Jump XY Speed", index);

                    packet.ReadSingle("Jump Z Speed", index);
                    packet.ReadUInt32("Jump Fall Time", index);

                if (moveInfo.HasSplineData)
                    if (hasFullSpline)
                        packet.ReadSingle("Duration Mod Next", index);
                        for (uint i = 0; i < splineCount; i++)
                            Vector3 v = new Vector3();
                            v.Z = packet.ReadSingle();
                            v.Y = packet.ReadSingle();
                            v.X = packet.ReadSingle();

                            packet.AddValue("Spline", v, index);

                        var type = packet.ReadByte();
                        switch (type)
                            case 1:
                                splineType = SplineType.Normal;
                            case 2:
                                splineType = SplineType.FacingSpot;
                            case 3:
                                splineType = SplineType.FacingTarget;
                            case 4:
                                splineType = SplineType.FacingAngle;

                        packet.ReadSingle("Duration Mod", index);

                        //    NYI block here

                        if (splineType == SplineType.FacingSpot)
                            packet.ReadVector3("Facing spot", index);

                        if (hasSplineVerticalAcceleration)
                            packet.ReadSingle("Spline Vertical Acceleration", index);

                        if (splineType == SplineType.FacingAngle)
                            packet.ReadSingle("Facing Angle", index);

                        packet.ReadUInt32("Spline FULL Time", index);
                        if (hasSplineStartTime)
                            packet.ReadUInt32("Spline Start time", index);

                        packet.ReadUInt32("Spline Time", index);

                    packet.ReadUInt32("Spline ID", index);
                    packet.ReadVector3("Spline Endpoint", index);

                /*for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                    packet.ReadSingle("unk float");
                if (bits98 > 0)
                //for (var i = 0; i < bits98; ++i)
                //    packet.ReadInt32("Int9C", index, i);

                moveInfo.Position.Z = packet.ReadSingle();
                moveInfo.Position.Y = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.ReadSingle("Fly Speed", index);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 6);
                packet.ReadSingle("Fly Back Speed", index);

                if (hasTransportData)
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 7);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 4);

                    if (hasTransportTime3)
                        packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time 3", index);

                    packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time", index);

                    if (hasTransportTime2)
                        packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time 2", index);

                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.O = packet.ReadSingle();
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.X = packet.ReadSingle();
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 6);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 3);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 2);
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.Z = packet.ReadSingle();
                    moveInfo.TransportOffset.Y = packet.ReadSingle();
                    var seat = packet.ReadSByte("Transport Seat", index);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 1);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 0);
                    packet.ReadXORByte(transportGuid, 5);

                    moveInfo.TransportGuid = new WowGuid64(BitConverter.ToUInt64(transportGuid, 0));
                    packet.AddValue("Transport GUID", moveInfo.TransportGuid, index);
                    packet.AddValue("Transport Position", moveInfo.TransportOffset, index);

                    if (moveInfo.TransportGuid.HasEntry() && moveInfo.TransportGuid.GetHighType() == HighGuidType.Vehicle &&
                        guid.HasEntry() && guid.GetHighType() == HighGuidType.Creature)
                        var vehicleAccessory = new VehicleTemplateAccessory
                            AccessoryEntry = guid.GetEntry(),
                            SeatId = seat

                        Storage.VehicleTemplateAccessorys.Add(moveInfo.TransportGuid.GetEntry(), vehicleAccessory, packet.TimeSpan);

                moveInfo.Position.X = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.AddValue("Position", moveInfo.Position, index);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 2);

                if (hasPitch)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Pitch", index);

                packet.ReadSingle("Swim Speed", index);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 1);
                packet.ReadSingle("Run Back Speed", index);
                packet.ReadSingle("Swim Back Speed", index);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 5);

                if (hasSplineElevation)
                    packet.ReadSingle("Spline Elevation", index);

                if (bitA8)
                    packet.ReadInt32("IntA8", index);

                packet.ReadSingle("Turn Speed", index);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 3);
                moveInfo.RunSpeed = packet.ReadSingle("Run Speed", index) / 7.0f;
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 7);
                moveInfo.WalkSpeed = packet.ReadSingle("Walk Speed", index) / 2.5f;
                packet.ReadSingle("Pitch Speed", index);

                if (hasTimestamp)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("Time?", index);

                packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 4);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guid1, 0);
                packet.WriteGuid("GUID2", guid1);

                if (hasOrientation)
                    moveInfo.Orientation = packet.ReadSingle("Orientation", index);

            if (hasAttackingTarget)
                packet.ParseBitStream(attackingTargetGuid, 5, 1, 2, 0, 3, 4, 6, 7);
                packet.WriteGuid("Attacking Target GUID", attackingTargetGuid, index);

            if (hasStationaryPosition)
                moveInfo.Orientation = packet.ReadSingle("Stationary Orientation", index);
                moveInfo.Position = packet.ReadVector3("Stationary Position", index);

            if (hasTransportPosition)
                packet.ReadSByte("Transport Seat", index);
                moveInfo.TransportOffset.X = packet.ReadSingle();
                packet.ReadXORBytes(goTransportGuid, 1, 0, 2, 6, 5, 4);

                if (hasGOTransportTime2)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time 3", index);

                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 7);
                moveInfo.TransportOffset.O = packet.ReadSingle();
                moveInfo.TransportOffset.Z = packet.ReadSingle();
                moveInfo.TransportOffset.Y = packet.ReadSingle();

                if (hasGOTransportTime3)
                    packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time 2", index);

                packet.ReadXORByte(goTransportGuid, 3);
                packet.ReadUInt32("Transport Time", index);

                moveInfo.TransportGuid = new WowGuid64(BitConverter.ToUInt64(goTransportGuid, 0));
                packet.AddValue("Transport GUID", moveInfo.TransportGuid, index);
                packet.AddValue("Transport Position", moveInfo.TransportOffset, index);

            if (bit1DC)
                packet.ReadInt32("int1D8", index);

            if (bit2A4)
                packet.ReadInt32("int2A0", index);

            if (bit32A)
                packet.ReadBytes("Bytes", (int)bits2AA);

            if (hasGameObjectRotation)
                packet.ReadPackedQuaternion("GameObject Rotation", index);

            if (hasVehicleData)
                moveInfo.VehicleId = packet.ReadUInt32("Vehicle Id", index);
                packet.ReadSingle("Vehicle Orientation", index);

            if (bit414)
                packet.ReadInt32("int410", index);

            if (hasAnimKits)
                if (hasAnimKit1)
                    packet.ReadUInt16("Anim Kit 1", index);
                if (hasAnimKit2)
                    packet.ReadUInt16("Anim Kit 2", index);
                if (hasAnimKit3)
                    packet.ReadUInt16("Anim Kit 3", index);

            if (bit428)
                for (var i = 0; i < bits418; ++i)
                    packet.ReadInt32("Int3F8", index, i);

            if (isLiving && moveInfo.HasSplineData && hasFullSpline && splineType == SplineType.FacingTarget)

                var facingTargetGuid = new byte[8];
                packet.StartBitStream(facingTargetGuid, 6, 7, 3, 0, 5, 1, 4, 2);
                packet.ParseBitStream(facingTargetGuid, 4, 2, 5, 6, 0, 7, 1, 3);
                packet.WriteGuid("Facing Target GUID", facingTargetGuid, index);

            return moveInfo;
Exemplo n.º 23
        public static MovementInfo ReadMovementInfo(Packet packet, WowGuid guid, object index = null)
            if (ClientVersion.Build == ClientVersionBuild.V4_2_0_14333)
                return ReadMovementInfo420(packet, index);

            return ReadMovementInfoGen(packet, guid, index);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public static void HandlePlayerLogin(Packet packet)
            packet.ReadSingle("Unk Float");

            var guid = packet.StartBitStream(7, 6, 0, 4, 5, 2, 3, 1);
            packet.ParseBitStream(guid, 5, 0, 1, 6, 7, 2, 3, 4);

            packet.WriteGuid("Guid", guid);

            LoginGuid = new Guid(BitConverter.ToUInt64(guid, 0));
Exemplo n.º 25
 public static void AddName(WowGuid guid, string name)
     NameDict.TryAdd(guid, name);
Exemplo n.º 26
        private static MovementInfo ReadMovementInfoGen(Packet packet, WowGuid guid, object index)
            var info = new MovementInfo
                Flags = packet.ReadInt32E<MovementFlag>("Movement Flags", index)

            if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V3_0_2_9056))
                info.FlagsExtra = packet.ReadInt16E<MovementFlagExtra>("Extra Movement Flags", index);
                info.FlagsExtra = packet.ReadByteE<MovementFlagExtra>("Extra Movement Flags", index);

            if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V4_2_2_14545))
                if (packet.ReadGuid("GUID 2", index) != guid)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Guids are not equal.");

            packet.ReadInt32("Time", index);

            info.Position = packet.ReadVector3("Position", index);
            info.Orientation = packet.ReadSingle("Orientation", index);

            if (info.Flags.HasAnyFlag(MovementFlag.OnTransport))
                if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientVersionBuild.V3_1_0_9767))
                    info.TransportGuid = packet.ReadPackedGuid("Transport GUID", index);
                    info.TransportGuid = packet.ReadGuid("Transport GUID", index);

                info.TransportOffset = packet.ReadVector4("Transport Position", index);
                packet.ReadInt32("Transport Time", index);

                if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientType.WrathOfTheLichKing))
                    packet.ReadByte("Transport Seat", index);

                if (info.FlagsExtra.HasAnyFlag(MovementFlagExtra.InterpolateMove))
                    packet.ReadInt32("Transport Time", index);

            if (info.Flags.HasAnyFlag(MovementFlag.Swimming | MovementFlag.Flying) ||
                packet.ReadSingle("Swim Pitch", index);

            if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientType.Cataclysm))
                if (info.FlagsExtra.HasAnyFlag(MovementFlagExtra.InterpolateTurning))
                    packet.ReadInt32("Fall Time", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Fall Velocity", index);

                    if (info.Flags.HasAnyFlag(MovementFlag.Falling))
                        packet.ReadSingle("Fall Sin Angle", index);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Fall Cos Angle", index);
                        packet.ReadSingle("Fall Speed", index);
                packet.ReadInt32("Fall Time", index);
                if (info.Flags.HasAnyFlag(MovementFlag.Falling))
                    packet.ReadSingle("Fall Velocity", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Fall Sin Angle", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Fall Cos Angle", index);
                    packet.ReadSingle("Fall Speed", index);

            // HACK: "generic" movement flags are wrong for 4.2.2
            if (info.Flags.HasAnyFlag(MovementFlag.SplineElevation) && ClientVersion.Build != ClientVersionBuild.V4_2_2_14545)
                packet.ReadSingle("Spline Elevation", index);

            return info;
        public static void HandleCharEnum(Packet packet)
            // імена не перевірено, лише послідовність типів данних
            var unkCounter = packet.ReadBits("Unk Counter", 21);//[DW5]
            var count = packet.ReadBits("Char count", 16);//[DW9]

            var charGuids = new byte[count][];
            var guildGuids = new byte[count][];
            var firstLogins = new bool[count];
            var nameLenghts = new uint[count];

            for (int c = 0; c < count; ++c)
                charGuids[c] = new byte[8];
                guildGuids[c] = new byte[8];

                guildGuids[c][4] = packet.ReadBit();
                charGuids[c][0] = packet.ReadBit();
                guildGuids[c][3] = packet.ReadBit();
                charGuids[c][3] = packet.ReadBit();
                charGuids[c][7] = packet.ReadBit();
                packet.ReadBit("unk bit 124", c); //124
                firstLogins[c] = packet.ReadBit(); //108
                charGuids[c][6] = packet.ReadBit();
                guildGuids[c][6] = packet.ReadBit();
                nameLenghts[c] = packet.ReadBits(6);
                charGuids[c][1] = packet.ReadBit();
                guildGuids[c][1] = packet.ReadBit();
                guildGuids[c][0] = packet.ReadBit();
                charGuids[c][4] = packet.ReadBit();
                guildGuids[c][7] = packet.ReadBit();
                charGuids[c][2] = packet.ReadBit();
                charGuids[c][5] = packet.ReadBit();
                guildGuids[c][2] = packet.ReadBit();
                guildGuids[c][5] = packet.ReadBit();


            for (int c = 0; c < count; ++c)
                packet.ReadInt32("DW132", c);
                packet.ReadXORByte(charGuids[c], 1);//1
                packet.ReadByte("Slot", c); //57
                packet.ReadByte("Hair Style", c); //63
                packet.ReadXORByte(guildGuids[c], 2);//90
                packet.ReadXORByte(guildGuids[c], 0);//88
                packet.ReadXORByte(guildGuids[c], 6);//94
                var name = packet.ReadWoWString("Name", (int)nameLenghts[c], c);
                packet.ReadXORByte(guildGuids[c], 3);//91
                var x = packet.ReadSingle("Position X", c); //4Ch
                packet.ReadInt32("DW104", c);
                packet.ReadByte("Face", c); //62
                var Class = packet.ReadEnum<Class>("Class", TypeCode.Byte, c); //59
                packet.ReadXORByte(guildGuids[c], 5); //93

                for (var itm = 0; itm < 23; itm++)
                    packet.ReadInt32("Item EnchantID", c, itm); //140 prolly need to replace those 2
                    packet.ReadEnum<InventoryType>("Item InventoryType", TypeCode.Byte, c, itm); //144
                    packet.ReadInt32("Item DisplayID", c, itm); //136

                packet.ReadEnum<CustomizationFlag>("CustomizationFlag", TypeCode.UInt32, c); //100
                packet.ReadXORByte(charGuids[c], 3); //3
                packet.ReadXORByte(charGuids[c], 5); //5
                packet.ReadInt32("PetFamily", c); //120
                packet.ReadXORByte(guildGuids[c], 4); //92
                var mapId = packet.ReadInt32("Map", c); //72
                var race = packet.ReadEnum<Race>("Race", TypeCode.Byte, c); //58
                packet.ReadByte("Skin", c); //61
                packet.ReadXORByte(guildGuids[c], 1); //89
                var level = packet.ReadByte("Level", c); //66
                packet.ReadXORByte(charGuids[c], 0); //0
                packet.ReadXORByte(charGuids[c], 2); //2
                packet.ReadByte("Hair Color", c); //64
                packet.ReadEnum<Gender>("Gender", TypeCode.Byte, c); //60
                packet.ReadByte("Facial Hair", c); //65
                packet.ReadInt32("Pet Level", c); //116
                packet.ReadXORByte(charGuids[c], 4); //4
                packet.ReadXORByte(charGuids[c], 7); //7
                var y = packet.ReadSingle("Position Y", c); //50h
                packet.ReadInt32("Pet DisplayID", c); //112
                packet.ReadInt32("DW128", c);
                packet.ReadXORByte(charGuids[c], 6); //6
                packet.ReadEnum<CharacterFlag>("CharacterFlag", TypeCode.Int32, c); //96
                var zone = packet.ReadEntry<UInt32>(StoreNameType.Zone, "Zone Id", c); //68
                packet.ReadXORByte(guildGuids[c], 7); //95
                var z = packet.ReadSingle("Position Z", c); //54h

                var playerGuid = new Guid(BitConverter.ToUInt64(charGuids[c], 0));

                packet.WriteGuid("Character GUID", charGuids[c], c);
                packet.WriteGuid("Guild GUID", guildGuids[c], c);

                if (firstLogins[c])
                    var startPos = new StartPosition();
                    startPos.Map = mapId;
                    startPos.Position = new Vector3(x, y, z);
                    startPos.Zone = (int)zone;

                    Storage.StartPositions.Add(new Tuple<Race, Class>(race, Class), startPos, packet.TimeSpan);

                var playerInfo = new Player { Race = race, Class = Class, Name = name, FirstLogin = firstLogins[c], Level = level };
                if (Storage.Objects.ContainsKey(playerGuid))
                    Storage.Objects[playerGuid] = new Tuple<WoWObject, TimeSpan?>(playerInfo, packet.TimeSpan);
                    Storage.Objects.Add(playerGuid, playerInfo, packet.TimeSpan);
                StoreGetters.AddName(playerGuid, name);

            for (var i = 0; i < unkCounter; i++)
                packet.ReadByte("Unk byte", i); // char_table+28+i*8
                packet.ReadUInt32("Unk int", i); // char_table+24+i*8
        public static void HandleSpellClick(Packet packet)
            var guidBytes = new byte[8];
            packet.StartBitStream(guidBytes, 7, 4, 0, 3, 6, 5);
            packet.StartBitStream(guidBytes, 1, 2);
            packet.ParseBitStream(guidBytes, 6, 1, 5, 4, 7, 2, 3, 0);

            packet.WriteGuid("Guid", guidBytes);

            var guid = new WowGuid(BitConverter.ToUInt64(guidBytes, 0));
            if (guid.GetObjectType() == ObjectType.Unit)
                Storage.NpcSpellClicks.Add(guid, packet.TimeSpan);
Exemplo n.º 29
        public static void HandleNpcGossip(Packet packet)
            var gossip = new Gossip();

            var guidBytes = new byte[8];

            guidBytes[7] = packet.ReadBit();
            guidBytes[6] = packet.ReadBit();
            guidBytes[1] = packet.ReadBit();

            var questgossips = packet.ReadBits(19);

            guidBytes[0] = packet.ReadBit();
            guidBytes[4] = packet.ReadBit();
            guidBytes[5] = packet.ReadBit();
            guidBytes[2] = packet.ReadBit();
            guidBytes[3] = packet.ReadBit();

            var amountOfOptions = packet.ReadBits(20);

            var boxTextLen = new uint[amountOfOptions];
            var optionTextLen = new uint[amountOfOptions];
            for (var i = 0; i < amountOfOptions; ++i)
                boxTextLen[i] = packet.ReadBits(12);
                optionTextLen[i] = packet.ReadBits(12);

            var titleLen = new uint[questgossips];
            for (var i = 0; i < questgossips; ++i)
                packet.ReadBit("Change Icon", i);
                titleLen[i] = packet.ReadBits(9);

            for (var i = 0; i < questgossips; ++i)
                packet.ReadEnum<QuestFlags2>("Flags 2", TypeCode.UInt32, i);
                packet.ReadEntry<UInt32>(StoreNameType.Quest, "Quest ID", i);
                packet.ReadInt32("Level", i);
                packet.ReadUInt32("Icon", i);
                packet.ReadEnum<QuestFlags>("Flags", TypeCode.UInt32, i);
                packet.ReadWoWString("Title", titleLen[i], i);

            packet.ReadXORByte(guidBytes, 6);

            gossip.GossipOptions = new List<GossipOption>((int)amountOfOptions);
            for (var i = 0; i < amountOfOptions; ++i)
                var gossipOption = new GossipOption
                    RequiredMoney = packet.ReadUInt32("Required money", i),
                    OptionText = packet.ReadWoWString("Text", optionTextLen[i], i),
                    Index = packet.ReadUInt32("Index", i),
                    OptionIcon = packet.ReadEnum<GossipOptionIcon>("Icon", TypeCode.Byte, i),
                    BoxText = packet.ReadWoWString("Box Text", boxTextLen[i], i),
                    Box = packet.ReadBoolean("Box", i),


            packet.ReadXORByte(guidBytes, 2);

            var textId = packet.ReadUInt32("Text Id");

            packet.ReadXORByte(guidBytes, 1);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guidBytes, 5);

            var menuId = packet.ReadUInt32("Menu Id");
            packet.ReadUInt32("Friendship Faction");

            packet.ReadXORByte(guidBytes, 4);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guidBytes, 7);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guidBytes, 3);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guidBytes, 0);

            packet.WriteGuid("Guid", guidBytes);

            var guid = new WowGuid(BitConverter.ToUInt64(guidBytes, 0));
            gossip.ObjectType = guid.GetObjectType();
            gossip.ObjectEntry = guid.GetEntry();

            if (guid.GetObjectType() == ObjectType.Unit)
                if (Storage.Objects.ContainsKey(guid))
                    ((Unit)Storage.Objects[guid].Item1).GossipId = menuId;

            if (Storage.Gossips.ContainsKey(Tuple.Create(menuId, textId)))
                var oldGossipOptions = Storage.Gossips[Tuple.Create(menuId, textId)];
                if (oldGossipOptions != null)
                    foreach (var gossipOptions in gossip.GossipOptions)
                Storage.Gossips.Add(Tuple.Create(menuId, textId), gossip, packet.TimeSpan);

            packet.AddSniffData(StoreNameType.Gossip, (int)menuId, guid.GetEntry().ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
Exemplo n.º 30
        public static void HandleVendorInventoryList(Packet packet)
            var npcVendor = new NpcVendor();

            var guid = new byte[8];

            guid[4] = packet.ReadBit();
            var itemCount = packet.ReadBits(18);
            var hasCondition = new bool[itemCount];
            var hasExtendedCost = new bool[itemCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i)
                packet.ReadBit("Unk bit", i);
                hasCondition[i]= !packet.ReadBit();
                hasExtendedCost[i] = !packet.ReadBit();

            guid[1] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid[6] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid[2] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid[5] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid[7] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid[0] = packet.ReadBit();
            guid[3] = packet.ReadBit();

            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 3);

            npcVendor.VendorItems = new List<VendorItem>((int)itemCount);
            for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; ++i)
                var vendorItem = new VendorItem();
                packet.ReadInt32("Max Durability", i);
                vendorItem.Type = packet.ReadUInt32("Type", i); // 1 - item, 2 - currency
                var buyCount = packet.ReadUInt32("Buy Count", i);

                if (hasExtendedCost[i])
                    vendorItem.ExtendedCostId = packet.ReadUInt32("Extended Cost", i);

                packet.ReadInt32("Price", i);
                vendorItem.ItemId = (uint)packet.ReadEntry<Int32>(StoreNameType.Item, "Item ID", i);
                vendorItem.Slot = packet.ReadUInt32("Item Position", i);

                if (hasCondition[i])
                    packet.ReadInt32("Condition ID", i);

                var maxCount = packet.ReadInt32("Max Count", i);
                packet.ReadInt32("Item Upgrade ID", i);
                packet.ReadInt32("Display ID", i);


            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 6);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 0);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 2);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 5);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 1);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 4);
            packet.ReadXORByte(guid, 7);

            packet.WriteGuid("Guid", guid);

            var vendorGUID = new WowGuid(BitConverter.ToUInt64(guid, 0));
            Storage.NpcVendors.Add(vendorGUID.GetEntry(), npcVendor, packet.TimeSpan);
Exemplo n.º 31
 public bool Equals(WowGuid other)
     return(other.Low == Low && other.High == High);