/// <summary>
        /// Enable the plugin in your scene.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Enable()
            string managerName = GetReadableName() + " " + GetManagerType().Name.ToString().Prettify();
            string suffix      = "";

            if (MultipleAllowed)
                int index = (DigitalPaintingManager.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren(GetManagerType()).Count() + 1);
                suffix = " " + index;
                while (GameObject.Find(managerName + suffix) != null)
                    suffix = " " + index;

            GameObject            go      = new GameObject(managerName + suffix);
            AbstractPluginManager manager = (AbstractPluginManager)go.AddComponent(GetManagerType());


            MonoScript script     = MonoScript.FromScriptableObject(this);
            string     scriptPath = AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(script);
            int        lastIndex  = scriptPath.LastIndexOf("Scripts");
            string     fromPath   = scriptPath.Substring("Assets/".Length, lastIndex - 7) + AssetDatabaseUtility.dataFolderName;
            string     toPath     = GetPathToScene();

            SetupDefaultSettings(manager, fromPath, toPath);
        private void SetupDefaultSettings(AbstractPluginManager manager, string fromPath, string toPath)
            Scene  scene     = EditorSceneManager.GetActiveScene();
            string sceneName = scene.name;

            if (!AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder(toPath + "/" + AssetDatabaseUtility.dataFolderName))
                AssetDatabase.CreateFolder(toPath, AssetDatabaseUtility.dataFolderName);

            string pluginFolder = fromPath.Split('/').First();
            string fullToPath   = toPath + "/" + AssetDatabaseUtility.dataFolderName + "/" + pluginFolder;

            if (!AssetDatabase.IsValidFolder(fullToPath))
                AssetDatabase.CreateFolder(toPath + "/" + AssetDatabaseUtility.dataFolderName, pluginFolder);

                string[] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(Application.dataPath + "/" + fromPath);
                foreach (string fileName in fileEntries)
                    string temp      = fileName.Replace("\\", "/");
                    int    index     = temp.LastIndexOf("/");
                    string localPath = "Assets/" + fromPath;

                    if (index > 0)
                        localPath += temp.Substring(index);

                    UnityEngine.Object original = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(localPath, typeof(ScriptableObject));
                    if (original != null)
                        string filename = Path.GetFileName(localPath);
                        filename = filename.Replace("_Default", "_" + sceneName);
                        if (AssetDatabase.GetMainAssetTypeAtPath(fullToPath + "/" + filename) == null)
                            AssetDatabase.CopyAsset(localPath, fullToPath + "/" + filename);

                    // if AbstractPluginProfile copy it into Profile

                    AbstractPluginProfile profile = (AbstractPluginProfile)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(localPath, typeof(AbstractPluginProfile));
                    if (profile != null)
                        string filename = Path.GetFileName(localPath);
                        filename = filename.Replace("_Default", "_" + sceneName);
                        AssetDatabase.CopyAsset(localPath, toPath + "/" + AssetDatabaseUtility.dataFolderName + "/" + filename);

                        manager.Profile = profile;
            catch (Exception e)
                Debug.LogError("Unable to copy plugin default settings. Digital Painting expects to find the default settings in " + fromPath + " see following exception for more information", this);