Exemplo n.º 1
        //Plot Point is story entity without relationships
        public PlotPoint(PlotPointType type, StoryData world)
            : base("", world.getNewId(), type.Id, world)
            _traits.Clear(); //Don't need name trait

            Utilities.SynchronizePlotPointWithType(type, this, world);
        public WindowPreconditionEditor(PlotFragment frag, PreconditionStatement currEntity, StoryData currStoryData)

            _currentStoryData = currStoryData;
            _currentEntity = currEntity;
            _parentPlotFragment = frag;
            _currentlySelectedConstraint = null;
            _currentlyDataBinding = false;

            //Find editing type
            if (currEntity is PreconditionStatementCharacter)
                _editingMode = 0;
            else if (currEntity is PreconditionStatementEnvironment)
                _editingMode = 1;
                PlotPointType currType = currStoryData.findPlotPointTypeById(((PreconditionStatementPlotPoint)currEntity).MatchTypeId);

                _editingMode = 2;
                _ppType = currType;

            txtBoxNumberInput.NullValue = 0.0;

 public WindowPlotFragmentEditor(PlotFragment currEntity, StoryData currStoryData)
     _currentEntity = currEntity;
     _currentStoryData = currStoryData;
     _parentGoal = currStoryData.findAuthorGoalById(currEntity.ParentAuthorGoalId);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public AuthorGoal(string name, StoryData world)
     _name = name;
       _goalId = world.getNewId();
       _parameters = new List<Parameter>();
       _plotFragments = new List<PlotFragment>();
        private PlotPointType _ppType; //only valid if in pp editing mode

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public WindowActionEditEntity(PlotFragment frag, ActionEditObject currEntity, StoryData currStoryData)
            _currentEntity = currEntity;
            _currentStoryData = currStoryData;
            _parentPlotFragment = frag;

            _ppType = null;
            _currentlyDataBinding = false;

            //Find editing type
            if (_currentEntity.ObjectTypeId == currStoryData.CharTypeId)
                _editingMode = 0;
            else if (_currentEntity.ObjectTypeId == currStoryData.EnvTypeId)
                _editingMode = 1;
                PlotPointType currType = currStoryData.findPlotPointTypeById(_currentEntity.ObjectTypeId);

                _editingMode = 2;
                _ppType = currType;


            txtBoxNumberInput.NullValue = 0.0;
        public WindowInteractionListEditor(StoryData world)

            _currentStoryData = world;
Exemplo n.º 7
        //_newValue.Name => name of trait or relationship
        //_newValue.LiteralValueOrBoundVarName => literal value or variable bound value of trait or relationship strength
        //_newTarget.Name => name of relationship (should be same as _newValue.Name)
        //_newTarget.LiteralValueOrBoundVarName => character variable that is bound to new relationship
        public ActionEditObject(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, string varObjectName, UInt64 objectTypeId, ObjectEditingMode mode, StoryData world)
            : base(parentPlotFragmentId, world)
            _varObjectName = varObjectName;
            _varObjectTypeId = objectTypeId;
            _mode = mode;

            //Find editing type
            if (objectTypeId == world.CharTypeId) //Character
                _newValue = new Parameter("Name", TraitDataType.Text, false, world);
                _newTarget = new Parameter("", TraitDataType.Text, true, world);
            else if (objectTypeId == world.EnvTypeId) //Environment
                _newValue = new Parameter("Name", TraitDataType.Text, false, world);
                _newTarget = new Parameter("", TraitDataType.Text, true, world);
            else //Plot Point
                PlotPointType currType = world.findPlotPointTypeById(objectTypeId);

                _newValue = new Parameter(currType.Traits[0].Name, currType.Traits[0].Type, false, world);
                _newTarget = new Parameter("", TraitDataType.Text, true, world);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public PlotPointType(string name, StoryData world)
            _name = name;
            _ppTypeId = world.getNewId();

            _traits = new List<Trait>();
 public RelationshipConstraint(TraitConstraint cons, StoryData world)
     : base(cons.ParentPlotFragmentId, cons.ParentPreconditionStatementId, cons.AllowedToSave, cons.MatchingEntityTypeId, world)
     _constraintType = cons.ConstraintType;
     _comparisonValue = (Parameter)cons.ComparisonValue.Clone();
     _saveAttribute = cons.ContainsSavedVariable;
     _savedVariable = (Trait)cons.SavedVariable.Clone();
Exemplo n.º 10
 public ActionCalculation(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, string varName, StoryData world)
     : base(parentPlotFragmentId, world)
     _resultVar = new Trait(varName, TraitDataType.Number, world.getNewId(), world);
     _paramLeft = new Parameter("paramLeft", TraitDataType.Number, false, world);
     _paramRight = new Parameter("paramRight", TraitDataType.Number, false, world);
     _op = CalculationOperation.Add;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public override void checkAndUpdateDependences(List<Trait> previouslyBoundVars, StoryData world)
            PlotFragment parentFrag = world.findPlotFragmentById(_parentPlotFragmentId);
            if (parentFrag == null)
                throw new Exception("Delete Object Action not have parent Plot Fragment");

            //check for variables bound to object references

            List<string> names = null;
            if (_entityTypeId == world.CharTypeId)
                names = parentFrag.getPreviouslyBoundCharacterVarNames(this);

            else if (_entityTypeId == world.EnvTypeId)

                names = parentFrag.getPreviouslyBoundEnvironmentVarNames(this);
                PlotPointType currType = world.findPlotPointTypeById(_entityTypeId);
                if (currType != null)
                    names = parentFrag.getPreviouslyBoundPlotPointTypeVarNames(currType, this);


            if (!(names.Contains(_varNameForDeletion)))
                    throw new Exception("Delete Object Action in Plot Fragment \"" +
                            parentFrag.Name + "\" refers to variable \"" + _varNameForDeletion +
                            "\", \nwhich has a different type or does not exist in any previous Author Goal parameters, precondition statements, or actions .");

            //check for any previous deletions of this variable - that would be BAD because another
            //deletion would cause this to fail in ABL
            foreach(Action act in parentFrag.Actions)
                if(act is ActionDeleteEntity)
                    if( (act != this) &&
                        (((ActionDeleteEntity)act).VariableName == _varNameForDeletion)

                        throw new Exception("The Plot Fragment \"" +
                                parentFrag.Name + "\" deletes the object saved in the variable \"" + _varNameForDeletion +
                                "\" more than once, which is not allowed. .");

Exemplo n.º 12
        public PlotFragment(string name, UInt64 parentAuthorGoalId, StoryData world)
            _name = name;
            _plotFragId = world.getNewId();
            _parentAuthorGoalId = parentAuthorGoalId;

            _precStatements = new List<PreconditionStatement>();
            _actions = new List<Action>();
        public WindowPlotPointTypeEditor(PlotPointType currentEntity, StoryData storyData)
            _currentEntity = currentEntity;
            _currentStoryData = storyData;
            _newList = new List<Trait>();

            this.Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(MainWindow_Closing);
 public PreconditionStatement(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, StoryData world)
     _precId = world.getNewId();
     _parentPlotFragmentId = parentPlotFragmentId;
     _storyObjectExists = true;
     _saveObjectVariableName = "";
     _saveMatch = false;
     _constraints = new List<Constraint>();
        public WindowSharedTraitsEditor(StoryEntity parentEntity, StoryData storyData)
            _parentEntity = parentEntity;
            _currentStoryData = storyData;
            newList = new List<Trait>();

            this.Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(MainWindow_Closing);
Exemplo n.º 16
 // static Random random;
 public AblCodeGenerator(StoryData story)
     // random = new Random();
     _typeIdToTraitsRels = new Hashtable(); //maps entity type id's to HashSet<String> => name mappings for traits
     _story = story;
     _goalNames = new Hashtable();
     _plotPointTypeNames = new Hashtable();
     _interactivityDaemonNames = new List<string>();
     _tw = new IndentingWriter();
        public WindowActionCalculationEditor(PlotFragment parentPlotFragment, ActionCalculation calc, StoryData world)
            _currentEntity = calc;
            _parentPlotFragment = parentPlotFragment;
            _currentStoryData = world;

            textBoxNumericLeft.NullValue = 0.0;
            textBoxNumericRight.NullValue = 0.0;
        public WindowPlotPointEditor(PlotPoint existingPP, StoryData storyData)
            _pP = existingPP;
            _ppType = storyData.findPlotPointTypeById(existingPP.TypeId);
            _currentStoryData = storyData;

            this.Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(MainWindow_Closing);
        public WindowAuthorGoalEditor(AuthorGoal currEntity, StoryData currStoryData)
            _currentEntity = currEntity;
            _currentStoryData = currStoryData;
            _newList = new List<Parameter>();
            _isStartGoal = (_currentStoryData.StartGoalId == _currentEntity.Id);

            this.Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(MainWindow_Closing);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public override void checkAndUpdateDependences(List<Trait> previouslyBoundVars, StoryData world)
            base.checkAndUpdateDependences(previouslyBoundVars, world);
            //Additionally, check that trait names exist in the class of object that this is constrained on
            //Check to make sure all trait or relationships exist on the object to be edited
            List<Trait> traitListToCompare = new List<Trait>();

            PlotFragment parentFrag = world.findPlotFragmentById(_parentPlotFragmentId);

            if (_matchingEntityTypeId == world.CharTypeId)
                if (world.Characters.Count > 0)
                    traitListToCompare = world.Characters[0].Traits;


            else if (_matchingEntityTypeId == world.EnvTypeId)

                if (world.Environments.Count > 0)
                    traitListToCompare = world.Environments[0].Traits;

                PlotPointType currType = world.findPlotPointTypeById(_matchingEntityTypeId);
                if (currType != null)
                    traitListToCompare = currType.Traits;
                    throw new Exception("A Trait constraint within a precondition statement within Plot Fragment \"" +
                        parentFrag.Name + "\" refers to a Plot Point type that no longer exists.");


            //look for trait we are editing
            if (null == Utilities.findTraitByNameAndType(traitListToCompare, _comparisonValue.Name, _comparisonValue.Type))
                throw new Exception("A Trait constraint within a precondition statement within Plot Fragment \"" +
                    parentFrag.Name + "\" refers to a trait with name \"" +
                    _comparisonValue.Name + "\" and type \"" +
                    Trait.TraitDataTypeToString(_comparisonValue.Type) +
                    "\" that no longer exists.");
Exemplo n.º 21
        public StoryEntity(string name, UInt64 entityId, UInt64 entityTypeId, StoryData world)
            _entityId      = entityId;
            _entityTypeId  = entityTypeId;
            _traits        = new List <Trait>();
            _relationships = new List <Relationship>();

            //TODO eventually: Make this automatically pull all traits and relationships from
            //the entity type associated with this entity
                new Trait("Name", TraitDataType.Text, name, 0, world)
Exemplo n.º 22
        public ActionTextOutput(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, string textOutput, StoryData world) :
            base(parentPlotFragmentId, world)
            _textOutput = textOutput;
            //if(_VariableMatcher == null)

            //Matches anything between two outermost "<" and ">" symbols, in that order,
            //which could also mean other "<" or ">" symbols. This allows variables in the Wide Ruled
            //interface to have any type of text in them (even though ABL will need them reformatted anyway).
            // _VariableMatcher = new Regex("(?:[^<]*<)[^<]*(?=>(?!>))", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
Exemplo n.º 23
 public Constraint(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, UInt64 parentPrecondStatementId, bool allowedToSave, UInt64 matchingEntityTypeId, StoryData world)
     _matchingEntityTypeId = matchingEntityTypeId;
     _constraintId = world.getNewId();
     _parentPrecondStmtId = parentPrecondStatementId;
     _allowedToSave = allowedToSave;
     _parentPlotFragmentId = parentPlotFragmentId;
     _constraintType = ConstraintComparisonType.Equals;
     _comparisonValue = new Parameter("", TraitDataType.Text, false, world);
     _saveAttribute = false;
     _savedVariable = new Trait("", TraitDataType.Text, "", 0, world);
     _mustAlwaysBeTrue = false;
Exemplo n.º 24
        public StoryEntity(string name, UInt64 entityId, UInt64 entityTypeId, StoryData world)
            _entityId = entityId;
            _entityTypeId = entityTypeId;
            _traits = new List<Trait>();
            _relationships = new List<Relationship>();

            //TODO eventually: Make this automatically pull all traits and relationships from
            //the entity type associated with this entity
                new Trait("Name", TraitDataType.Text, name, 0, world)
Exemplo n.º 25
        public ActionTextOutput(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, string textOutput, StoryData world)
            : base(parentPlotFragmentId, world)
            _textOutput = textOutput;
            //if(_VariableMatcher == null)

                //Matches anything between two outermost "<" and ">" symbols, in that order,
                //which could also mean other "<" or ">" symbols. This allows variables in the Wide Ruled
                //interface to have any type of text in them (even though ABL will need them reformatted anyway).
               // _VariableMatcher = new Regex("(?:[^<]*<)[^<]*(?=>(?!>))", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
        public override void checkAndUpdateDependences(List<Trait> previouslyBoundVars, StoryData world)
            PlotFragment parentFrag = world.findPlotFragmentById(_parentPlotFragmentId);
            if (parentFrag == null)
                throw new Exception("Create plot point action does not have parent Plot Fragment");

            if(world.findPlotPointTypeById(_newPP.TypeId) == null)
                throw new Exception("Create Plot Point Action in Plot Fragment \"" + parentFrag.Name + "\" " +
                    "uses a Plot Point Type which no longer exists.");
        public WindowActionSubgoalEditor(bool interactionMode, PlotFragment frag, ActionSubgoal currEntity, StoryData currStoryData)
            _currentEntity              = currEntity;
            _currentStoryData           = currStoryData;
            _parentPlotFragment         = frag;
            _currentlySelectedParameter = null;
            //_previouslySlectedParameter = null;
            _validData       = true;
            _interactionMode = interactionMode;

            txtBoxNumberInput.NullValue = 0.0;
Exemplo n.º 28
 // Copy trait and keep trait type id to identify it as the same trait elsewhere in the program
 public Trait(Trait anotherTrait, StoryData world)
     switch (anotherTrait.Type)
         case TraitDataType.TrueFalse:
             Constructor(anotherTrait.Name, anotherTrait.Type, false, anotherTrait.TypeId, world);
         case TraitDataType.Number:
             Constructor(anotherTrait.Name, anotherTrait.Type, 0.0, anotherTrait.TypeId, world);
         case TraitDataType.Text:
             Constructor(anotherTrait.Name, anotherTrait.Type, "", anotherTrait.TypeId, world);
Exemplo n.º 29
        public WindowMain()

            #if (DEBUG)
            DebugMenu.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            CurrentStory = new StoryData();

            _saveFileName    = "";
            this.WindowTitle = "(Untitled Story)";

            this.Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(MainWindow_Closing);
Exemplo n.º 30
        // Copy trait and keep trait type id to identify it as the same relationship elsewhere in the program
        public Relationship(Relationship anotherRel, StoryEntity originatingEntity, StoryData world)
            UInt64 nullTargetId = 0;

            if (originatingEntity.GetType() == typeof(Character))
                nullTargetId = Character.getNoOneCharacter().Id;
            else if (originatingEntity.GetType() == typeof(Environment))
                nullTargetId = Environment.getNoWhereEnvironment().Id;

            Constructor(anotherRel.Name, originatingEntity.Id, nullTargetId, 0.0, anotherRel.TypeId, world);
Exemplo n.º 31
        // Copy trait and keep trait type id to identify it as the same relationship elsewhere in the program
        public Relationship(Relationship anotherRel, StoryEntity originatingEntity, StoryData world)
            UInt64 nullTargetId = 0;
            if (originatingEntity.GetType() == typeof(Character))
                nullTargetId = Character.getNoOneCharacter().Id;
            else if (originatingEntity.GetType() == typeof(Environment))

                nullTargetId = Environment.getNoWhereEnvironment().Id;

            Constructor(anotherRel.Name, originatingEntity.Id, nullTargetId, 0.0, anotherRel.TypeId, world);
Exemplo n.º 32
 public Trait(string name, TraitDataType type, UInt64 traitTypeId, StoryData world)
     switch (type)
         case TraitDataType.TrueFalse:
             Constructor(name, type, false, traitTypeId, world);
         case TraitDataType.Number:
             Constructor(name, type, 0.0, traitTypeId, world);
         case TraitDataType.Text:
             Constructor(name, type, "", traitTypeId, world);
        public WindowActionSubgoalEditor(bool interactionMode, PlotFragment frag, ActionSubgoal currEntity, StoryData currStoryData)
            _currentEntity = currEntity;
            _currentStoryData = currStoryData;
            _parentPlotFragment = frag;
            _currentlySelectedParameter = null;
            //_previouslySlectedParameter = null;
            _validData = true;
            _interactionMode = interactionMode;

            txtBoxNumberInput.NullValue = 0.0;
Exemplo n.º 34
        public override void checkAndUpdateDependences(List<Trait> previouslyBoundVars, StoryData world)
            PlotFragment parentFrag = world.findPlotFragmentById(_parentPlotFragmentId);
            if (parentFrag == null)
                throw new Exception("Text Output Action does not have parent Plot Fragment");

            //Get all variable references from text

            //Check variable references from previous plot fragment preconditions and actions
            if (_VariableMatcher == null)

                //Matches anything between two outermost "<" and ">" symbols, in that order,
                //which could also mean other "<" or ">" symbols. This allows variables in the Wide Ruled
                //interface to have any type of text in them (even though ABL will need them reformatted anyway).
               // _VariableMatcher = new Regex("(?:[^<]*<)[^<]*(?=>(?!>))", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                _VariableMatcher = new Regex("(?:[^<])[^<]*(?=>(?!>))", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            MatchCollection varMatches = _VariableMatcher.Matches(_textOutput);
            foreach (Match varMatch in varMatches)

                //Don't need to check var types. All primitive types can be converted to strings.
                bool foundIt = false;
                foreach (Trait traitItem in previouslyBoundVars)

                    if (traitItem.Name == varMatch.Value)
                        foundIt = true;


                if (!foundIt)
                    throw new Exception("Text Output Action in Plot Fragment \"" +
                        parentFrag.Name + "\" refers to variable \"" + varMatch.Value +
                        "\", \nwhich does not exist in any previous Author Goal parameters, precondition statements, or actions .");

Exemplo n.º 35
        public Trait(string name, TraitDataType type, UInt64 traitTypeId, StoryData world)
            switch (type)
            case TraitDataType.TrueFalse:
                Constructor(name, type, false, traitTypeId, world);

            case TraitDataType.Number:
                Constructor(name, type, 0.0, traitTypeId, world);

            case TraitDataType.Text:
                Constructor(name, type, "", traitTypeId, world);
Exemplo n.º 36
        // Copy trait and keep trait type id to identify it as the same trait elsewhere in the program
        public Trait(Trait anotherTrait, StoryData world)
            switch (anotherTrait.Type)
            case TraitDataType.TrueFalse:
                Constructor(anotherTrait.Name, anotherTrait.Type, false, anotherTrait.TypeId, world);

            case TraitDataType.Number:
                Constructor(anotherTrait.Name, anotherTrait.Type, 0.0, anotherTrait.TypeId, world);

            case TraitDataType.Text:
                Constructor(anotherTrait.Name, anotherTrait.Type, "", anotherTrait.TypeId, world);
Exemplo n.º 37
        public WindowMain()

            #if (DEBUG)

                DebugMenu.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;


            CurrentStory = new StoryData();

            _saveFileName = "";
            this.WindowTitle = "(Untitled Story)";

            this.Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(MainWindow_Closing);
Exemplo n.º 38
        public static StoryData DeSerializeStoryDataFromDisk(string filename)
            StoryData       result     = null;
            Stream          stream     = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open);
            BinaryFormatter bformatter = new BinaryFormatter();

                result = (StoryData)bformatter.Deserialize(stream);

Exemplo n.º 39
 private void NewMenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (
         (_currentStoryData.AuthorGoals.Count > 0) ||
         (_currentStoryData.Characters.Count > 0) ||
         (_currentStoryData.Environments.Count > 0) ||
         (_currentStoryData.PlotPointTypes.Count > 0)
         MessageBoxResult result = Utilities.MakeYesNoWarningDialog("Creating a new Story will erase any data you haven't yet saved. Are you sure you want to create a new Story?", "Confirm New Story Creation", this);
         if (result == MessageBoxResult.No)
     _saveFileName    = "";
     this.WindowTitle = "(Untitled Story)";
     CurrentStory     = new StoryData();
Exemplo n.º 40
        public ActionSubgoal(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, UInt64 subgoalId, StoryData world) :
            base(parentPlotFragmentId, world)
            _subGoalId        = subgoalId;
            _parametersToPass = new List <Parameter>();

            AuthorGoal subGoal = world.findAuthorGoalById(subgoalId);

            if (subGoal != null)
                List <Parameter> parameters = subGoal.Parameters;
                foreach (Parameter param in parameters)
                    // Add all parameters from the subgoal, which will later be filled in
                    // with literals or variables
                    _parametersToPass.Add(new Parameter(param.Name, param.Type, false, world));
Exemplo n.º 41
        public void checkAndUpdateDependences(List <Trait> previouslyBoundVars, StoryData world)
            //Convert to trait list first
            List <Trait> paramToTraitList = new List <Trait>();

            foreach (Parameter param in _parameters)


            foreach (PlotFragment frag in _plotFragments)
                //New variable list for each fragment (with common parameter variables from parent Author Goal)
                List <Trait> fragSpecificTraitList = new List <Trait>(previouslyBoundVars.Count);

                frag.checkAndUpdateDependences(fragSpecificTraitList, world);
Exemplo n.º 42
        public static List <Character> getGlobalCharacterList(StoryData world)
            List <Character> fullCharList = new List <Character>();


            //Go get all new characters created in plot fragment actions
            foreach (AuthorGoal goal in world.AuthorGoals)
                foreach (PlotFragment frag in goal.PlotFragments)
                    foreach (Action act in frag.Actions)
                        if (act is ActionCreateCharacter)

Exemplo n.º 43
        public static List <Environment> getGlobalEnvironmentList(StoryData world)
            List <Environment> fullEnvList = new List <Environment>();


            //Go get all new characters created in plot fragment actions
            foreach (AuthorGoal goal in world.AuthorGoals)
                foreach (PlotFragment frag in goal.PlotFragments)
                    foreach (Action act in frag.Actions)
                        if (act is ActionCreateEnvironment)

Exemplo n.º 44
        public static List <PlotPoint> getGlobalPlotPointList(PlotPointType type, StoryData world)
            List <PlotPoint> fullPPList = new List <PlotPoint>();

            //Go get all new characters created in plot fragment actions
            foreach (AuthorGoal goal in world.AuthorGoals)
                foreach (PlotFragment frag in goal.PlotFragments)
                    foreach (Action act in frag.Actions)
                        if ((act is ActionCreatePlotPoint) &&
                            ((ActionCreatePlotPoint)act).NewPlotPoint.TypeId == type.Id)

Exemplo n.º 45
        public static void SynchronizeGlobalPlotPointsWithType(PlotPointType type, StoryData world)
            List <PlotPoint> globalPlotPoints = getGlobalPlotPointList(type, world);

            foreach (PlotPoint currEntity in globalPlotPoints)
                List <Trait> properList = new List <Trait>();

                foreach (Trait newTrait in type.Traits)
                    // Trait oldTrait = currEntity.getTraitByTypeId(newTrait.TypeId);
                    // if (oldTrait == null)
                    // {

                    Trait convertedTrait = new Trait(newTrait, world);

                    Trait oldTrait = currEntity.findTraitByName(newTrait.Name);
                    if ((oldTrait != null) && (oldTrait.Type == newTrait.Type))
                        convertedTrait.Value = oldTrait.Value;


                    // }
                    // else
                    // {
                    //  oldTrait.Name = newTrait.Name;
                    // oldTrait.Type = newTrait.Type;
                    // properList.Add(oldTrait);
                currEntity.Traits = properList;
Exemplo n.º 46
        public static void removeRelationshipTargetReferencesFromStoryWorld(Character characterToWipe, StoryData world)
            List <Character> globalChars = Utilities.getGlobalCharacterList(world);

            foreach (Character ch in globalChars)
                foreach (Relationship rel in ch.Relationships)
                    if (rel.ToId == characterToWipe.Id)
                        rel.ToId = StoryData.NullCharacterId;
Exemplo n.º 47
 public static void setStoryData(StoryData world)
     _storyWorld = world;
 public PreconditionStatementPlotPoint(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, PlotPointType type, StoryData world) :
     base(parentPlotFragmentId, world)
     _plotPointTypeId = type.Id;
Exemplo n.º 49
        public static void removeRelationshipTargetReferencesFromStoryWorld(Environment envToWipe, StoryData world)
            List <Environment> globalEnvs = Utilities.getGlobalEnvironmentList(world);

            foreach (Environment env in globalEnvs)
                foreach (Relationship rel in env.Relationships)
                    if (rel.ToId == envToWipe.Id)
                        rel.ToId = StoryData.NullEnvironmentId;
        public override void checkAndUpdateDependences(List <Trait> previouslyBoundVars, StoryData world)
            PlotFragment parentFrag = world.findPlotFragmentById(_parentPlotFragmentId);

            if (parentFrag == null)
                throw new Exception("Edit Object Action not have parent Plot Fragment");

            //Check to make sure all trait or relationships exist on the object to be edited, for each

            List <Trait> traitListToCompare = null;

            PlotPointType currType = world.findPlotPointTypeById(_plotPointTypeId);

            if (currType != null)
                traitListToCompare = currType.Traits;
                throw new Exception("A Plot Point-matching Precondition Plot Fragment \"" +
                                    parentFrag.Name + "\" refers to a Plot Point type that no longer exists.");

            foreach (Constraint cons in _constraints)
                if (cons is TraitConstraint)
                    if (null == Utilities.findTraitByNameAndType(traitListToCompare, cons.ComparisonValue.Name, cons.ComparisonValue.Type))
                        throw new Exception("A " + currType.Description + "-matching precondition statement in Plot Fragment \"" +
                                            parentFrag.Name + "\" refers to trait variable \"" + cons.ComparisonValue.Name +
                                            "\", \nwhich now has a different type or no longer exists.");

            //Now do individual checks
            foreach (Constraint cons in _constraints)
                cons.checkAndUpdateDependences(previouslyBoundVars, world);
 public ActionCreateEnvironment(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, string envName, string varName, StoryData world) :
     base(parentPlotFragmentId, varName, world)
     _newEntity = new Environment(envName, world.EnvTypeId, world);
 public WindowEnvironmentEditor(Environment currEntity, StoryData currStoryData)
     _currentEntity    = currEntity;
     _currentStoryData = currStoryData;
Exemplo n.º 53
        public WindowActionEditEntity(PlotFragment frag, ActionEditObject currEntity, StoryData currStoryData)
            _currentEntity      = currEntity;
            _currentStoryData   = currStoryData;
            _parentPlotFragment = frag;

            _ppType = null;
            _currentlyDataBinding = false;

            //Find editing type
            if (_currentEntity.ObjectTypeId == currStoryData.CharTypeId)
                _editingMode = 0;
            else if (_currentEntity.ObjectTypeId == currStoryData.EnvTypeId)
                _editingMode = 1;
                PlotPointType currType = currStoryData.findPlotPointTypeById(_currentEntity.ObjectTypeId);

                _editingMode = 2;
                _ppType      = currType;

            txtBoxNumberInput.NullValue = 0.0;
Exemplo n.º 54
        override public void checkAndUpdateDependences(List <Trait> previouslyBoundVars, StoryData world)
            PlotFragment parentFrag = world.findPlotFragmentById(_parentPlotFragmentId);

            if (parentFrag == null)
                throw new Exception("Text Output Action does not have parent Plot Fragment");

            //Get all variable references from text

            //Check variable references from previous plot fragment preconditions and actions
            if (_VariableMatcher == null)
                //Matches anything between two outermost "<" and ">" symbols, in that order,
                //which could also mean other "<" or ">" symbols. This allows variables in the Wide Ruled
                //interface to have any type of text in them (even though ABL will need them reformatted anyway).
                // _VariableMatcher = new Regex("(?:[^<]*<)[^<]*(?=>(?!>))", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                _VariableMatcher = new Regex("(?:[^<])[^<]*(?=>(?!>))", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            MatchCollection varMatches = _VariableMatcher.Matches(_textOutput);

            foreach (Match varMatch in varMatches)
                //Don't need to check var types. All primitive types can be converted to strings.
                bool foundIt = false;
                foreach (Trait traitItem in previouslyBoundVars)
                    if (traitItem.Name == varMatch.Value)
                        foundIt = true;

                if (!foundIt)
                    throw new Exception("Text Output Action in Plot Fragment \"" +
                                        parentFrag.Name + "\" refers to variable \"" + varMatch.Value +
                                        "\", \nwhich does not exist in any previous Author Goal parameters, precondition statements, or actions .");
Exemplo n.º 55
 public TraitConstraint(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, UInt64 parentPrecondStatementId, bool allowedToSave, UInt64 matchingEntityTypeId, StoryData world) :
     base(parentPlotFragmentId, parentPrecondStatementId, allowedToSave, matchingEntityTypeId, world)
Exemplo n.º 56
        override public void checkAndUpdateDependences(List <Trait> previouslyBoundVars, StoryData world)
            base.checkAndUpdateDependences(previouslyBoundVars, world);
            //Additionally, check that trait names exist in the class of object that this is constrained on
            //Check to make sure all trait or relationships exist on the object to be edited
            List <Trait> traitListToCompare = new List <Trait>();

            PlotFragment parentFrag = world.findPlotFragmentById(_parentPlotFragmentId);

            if (_matchingEntityTypeId == world.CharTypeId)
                if (world.Characters.Count > 0)
                    traitListToCompare = world.Characters[0].Traits;
            else if (_matchingEntityTypeId == world.EnvTypeId)
                if (world.Environments.Count > 0)
                    traitListToCompare = world.Environments[0].Traits;
                PlotPointType currType = world.findPlotPointTypeById(_matchingEntityTypeId);
                if (currType != null)
                    traitListToCompare = currType.Traits;
                    throw new Exception("A Trait constraint within a precondition statement within Plot Fragment \"" +
                                        parentFrag.Name + "\" refers to a Plot Point type that no longer exists.");

            //look for trait we are editing
            if (null == Utilities.findTraitByNameAndType(traitListToCompare, _comparisonValue.Name, _comparisonValue.Type))
                throw new Exception("A Trait constraint within a precondition statement within Plot Fragment \"" +
                                    parentFrag.Name + "\" refers to a trait with name \"" +
                                    _comparisonValue.Name + "\" and type \"" +
                                    Trait.TraitDataTypeToString(_comparisonValue.Type) +
                                    "\" that no longer exists.");
Exemplo n.º 57
        override public void checkAndUpdateDependences(List <Trait> previouslyBoundVars, StoryData world)
            base.checkAndUpdateDependences(previouslyBoundVars, world);
            //Additionally, check that trait names exist in the class of object that this is constrained on
            //Check to make sure all trait or relationships exist on the object to be edited
            PlotFragment parentFrag = world.findPlotFragmentById(_parentPlotFragmentId);

            List <Relationship> relListToCompare = new List <Relationship>();

            if (_matchingEntityTypeId == world.CharTypeId)
                if (world.Characters.Count > 0)
                    relListToCompare = world.Characters[0].Relationships;
            else if (_matchingEntityTypeId == world.EnvTypeId)
                if (world.Environments.Count > 0)
                    relListToCompare = world.Environments[0].Relationships;

            //look for trait we are editing
            if (null == Utilities.findRelationshipByName(relListToCompare, _comparisonValue.Name))
                throw new Exception("A Relationship constraint within a precondition statement within Plot Fragment \"" +
                                    parentFrag.Name + "\" refers to a relationship with name \"" +
                                    _comparisonValue.Name +
                                    "\" that no longer exists.");
Exemplo n.º 58
 public RelationshipConstraint(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, UInt64 parentPrecondStatementId, bool allowedToSave, bool targetNameMode, UInt64 matchingEntityTypeId, StoryData world) :
     base(parentPlotFragmentId, parentPrecondStatementId, allowedToSave, matchingEntityTypeId, world)
     _targetNameMode = targetNameMode;
Exemplo n.º 59
        private UInt64 _entityTypeId; //The only character type id, only environment type id,
                                      // or one of the plot point type Ids

        public ActionDeleteEntity(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, string varName, UInt64 typeId, StoryData world) :
            base(parentPlotFragmentId, world)
            _varNameForDeletion = varName;
            _entityTypeId       = typeId;
Exemplo n.º 60
        override public void checkAndUpdateDependences(List <Trait> previouslyBoundVars, StoryData world)
            PlotFragment parentFrag = world.findPlotFragmentById(_parentPlotFragmentId);

            if (parentFrag == null)
                throw new Exception("Delete Object Action not have parent Plot Fragment");

            //check for variables bound to object references

            List <string> names = null;

            if (_entityTypeId == world.CharTypeId)
                names = parentFrag.getPreviouslyBoundCharacterVarNames(this);
            else if (_entityTypeId == world.EnvTypeId)
                names = parentFrag.getPreviouslyBoundEnvironmentVarNames(this);
                PlotPointType currType = world.findPlotPointTypeById(_entityTypeId);
                if (currType != null)
                    names = parentFrag.getPreviouslyBoundPlotPointTypeVarNames(currType, this);
            if (!(names.Contains(_varNameForDeletion)))
                throw new Exception("Delete Object Action in Plot Fragment \"" +
                                    parentFrag.Name + "\" refers to variable \"" + _varNameForDeletion +
                                    "\", \nwhich has a different type or does not exist in any previous Author Goal parameters, precondition statements, or actions .");

            //check for any previous deletions of this variable - that would be BAD because another
            //deletion would cause this to fail in ABL
            foreach (Action act in parentFrag.Actions)
                if (act is ActionDeleteEntity)
                    if ((act != this) &&
                        (((ActionDeleteEntity)act).VariableName == _varNameForDeletion)
                        throw new Exception("The Plot Fragment \"" +
                                            parentFrag.Name + "\" deletes the object saved in the variable \"" + _varNameForDeletion +
                                            "\" more than once, which is not allowed. .");
