예제 #1
        //Plot Point is story entity without relationships
        public PlotPoint(PlotPointType type, StoryData world)
            : base("", world.getNewId(), type.Id, world)
            _traits.Clear(); //Don't need name trait

            Utilities.SynchronizePlotPointWithType(type, this, world);
        public WindowPreconditionEditor(PlotFragment frag, PreconditionStatement currEntity, StoryData currStoryData)

            _currentStoryData = currStoryData;
            _currentEntity = currEntity;
            _parentPlotFragment = frag;
            _currentlySelectedConstraint = null;
            _currentlyDataBinding = false;

            //Find editing type
            if (currEntity is PreconditionStatementCharacter)
                _editingMode = 0;
            else if (currEntity is PreconditionStatementEnvironment)
                _editingMode = 1;
                PlotPointType currType = currStoryData.findPlotPointTypeById(((PreconditionStatementPlotPoint)currEntity).MatchTypeId);

                _editingMode = 2;
                _ppType = currType;

            txtBoxNumberInput.NullValue = 0.0;

 public WindowPlotFragmentEditor(PlotFragment currEntity, StoryData currStoryData)
     _currentEntity = currEntity;
     _currentStoryData = currStoryData;
     _parentGoal = currStoryData.findAuthorGoalById(currEntity.ParentAuthorGoalId);
예제 #4
 public AuthorGoal(string name, StoryData world)
     _name = name;
       _goalId = world.getNewId();
       _parameters = new List<Parameter>();
       _plotFragments = new List<PlotFragment>();
        private PlotPointType _ppType; //only valid if in pp editing mode

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public WindowActionEditEntity(PlotFragment frag, ActionEditObject currEntity, StoryData currStoryData)
            _currentEntity = currEntity;
            _currentStoryData = currStoryData;
            _parentPlotFragment = frag;

            _ppType = null;
            _currentlyDataBinding = false;

            //Find editing type
            if (_currentEntity.ObjectTypeId == currStoryData.CharTypeId)
                _editingMode = 0;
            else if (_currentEntity.ObjectTypeId == currStoryData.EnvTypeId)
                _editingMode = 1;
                PlotPointType currType = currStoryData.findPlotPointTypeById(_currentEntity.ObjectTypeId);

                _editingMode = 2;
                _ppType = currType;


            txtBoxNumberInput.NullValue = 0.0;
        public WindowInteractionListEditor(StoryData world)

            _currentStoryData = world;
예제 #7
        //_newValue.Name => name of trait or relationship
        //_newValue.LiteralValueOrBoundVarName => literal value or variable bound value of trait or relationship strength
        //_newTarget.Name => name of relationship (should be same as _newValue.Name)
        //_newTarget.LiteralValueOrBoundVarName => character variable that is bound to new relationship
        public ActionEditObject(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, string varObjectName, UInt64 objectTypeId, ObjectEditingMode mode, StoryData world)
            : base(parentPlotFragmentId, world)
            _varObjectName = varObjectName;
            _varObjectTypeId = objectTypeId;
            _mode = mode;

            //Find editing type
            if (objectTypeId == world.CharTypeId) //Character
                _newValue = new Parameter("Name", TraitDataType.Text, false, world);
                _newTarget = new Parameter("", TraitDataType.Text, true, world);
            else if (objectTypeId == world.EnvTypeId) //Environment
                _newValue = new Parameter("Name", TraitDataType.Text, false, world);
                _newTarget = new Parameter("", TraitDataType.Text, true, world);
            else //Plot Point
                PlotPointType currType = world.findPlotPointTypeById(objectTypeId);

                _newValue = new Parameter(currType.Traits[0].Name, currType.Traits[0].Type, false, world);
                _newTarget = new Parameter("", TraitDataType.Text, true, world);
예제 #8
        public PlotPointType(string name, StoryData world)
            _name = name;
            _ppTypeId = world.getNewId();

            _traits = new List<Trait>();
 public RelationshipConstraint(TraitConstraint cons, StoryData world)
     : base(cons.ParentPlotFragmentId, cons.ParentPreconditionStatementId, cons.AllowedToSave, cons.MatchingEntityTypeId, world)
     _constraintType = cons.ConstraintType;
     _comparisonValue = (Parameter)cons.ComparisonValue.Clone();
     _saveAttribute = cons.ContainsSavedVariable;
     _savedVariable = (Trait)cons.SavedVariable.Clone();
예제 #10
 public ActionCalculation(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, string varName, StoryData world)
     : base(parentPlotFragmentId, world)
     _resultVar = new Trait(varName, TraitDataType.Number, world.getNewId(), world);
     _paramLeft = new Parameter("paramLeft", TraitDataType.Number, false, world);
     _paramRight = new Parameter("paramRight", TraitDataType.Number, false, world);
     _op = CalculationOperation.Add;
예제 #11
        public override void checkAndUpdateDependences(List<Trait> previouslyBoundVars, StoryData world)
            PlotFragment parentFrag = world.findPlotFragmentById(_parentPlotFragmentId);
            if (parentFrag == null)
                throw new Exception("Delete Object Action not have parent Plot Fragment");

            //check for variables bound to object references

            List<string> names = null;
            if (_entityTypeId == world.CharTypeId)
                names = parentFrag.getPreviouslyBoundCharacterVarNames(this);

            else if (_entityTypeId == world.EnvTypeId)

                names = parentFrag.getPreviouslyBoundEnvironmentVarNames(this);
                PlotPointType currType = world.findPlotPointTypeById(_entityTypeId);
                if (currType != null)
                    names = parentFrag.getPreviouslyBoundPlotPointTypeVarNames(currType, this);


            if (!(names.Contains(_varNameForDeletion)))
                    throw new Exception("Delete Object Action in Plot Fragment \"" +
                            parentFrag.Name + "\" refers to variable \"" + _varNameForDeletion +
                            "\", \nwhich has a different type or does not exist in any previous Author Goal parameters, precondition statements, or actions .");

            //check for any previous deletions of this variable - that would be BAD because another
            //deletion would cause this to fail in ABL
            foreach(Action act in parentFrag.Actions)
                if(act is ActionDeleteEntity)
                    if( (act != this) &&
                        (((ActionDeleteEntity)act).VariableName == _varNameForDeletion)

                        throw new Exception("The Plot Fragment \"" +
                                parentFrag.Name + "\" deletes the object saved in the variable \"" + _varNameForDeletion +
                                "\" more than once, which is not allowed. .");

예제 #12
        public PlotFragment(string name, UInt64 parentAuthorGoalId, StoryData world)
            _name = name;
            _plotFragId = world.getNewId();
            _parentAuthorGoalId = parentAuthorGoalId;

            _precStatements = new List<PreconditionStatement>();
            _actions = new List<Action>();
        public WindowPlotPointTypeEditor(PlotPointType currentEntity, StoryData storyData)
            _currentEntity = currentEntity;
            _currentStoryData = storyData;
            _newList = new List<Trait>();

            this.Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(MainWindow_Closing);
 public PreconditionStatement(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, StoryData world)
     _precId = world.getNewId();
     _parentPlotFragmentId = parentPlotFragmentId;
     _storyObjectExists = true;
     _saveObjectVariableName = "";
     _saveMatch = false;
     _constraints = new List<Constraint>();
        public WindowSharedTraitsEditor(StoryEntity parentEntity, StoryData storyData)
            _parentEntity = parentEntity;
            _currentStoryData = storyData;
            newList = new List<Trait>();

            this.Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(MainWindow_Closing);
예제 #16
 // static Random random;
 public AblCodeGenerator(StoryData story)
     // random = new Random();
     _typeIdToTraitsRels = new Hashtable(); //maps entity type id's to HashSet<String> => name mappings for traits
     _story = story;
     _goalNames = new Hashtable();
     _plotPointTypeNames = new Hashtable();
     _interactivityDaemonNames = new List<string>();
     _tw = new IndentingWriter();
        public WindowActionCalculationEditor(PlotFragment parentPlotFragment, ActionCalculation calc, StoryData world)
            _currentEntity = calc;
            _parentPlotFragment = parentPlotFragment;
            _currentStoryData = world;

            textBoxNumericLeft.NullValue = 0.0;
            textBoxNumericRight.NullValue = 0.0;
        public WindowPlotPointEditor(PlotPoint existingPP, StoryData storyData)
            _pP = existingPP;
            _ppType = storyData.findPlotPointTypeById(existingPP.TypeId);
            _currentStoryData = storyData;

            this.Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(MainWindow_Closing);
        public WindowAuthorGoalEditor(AuthorGoal currEntity, StoryData currStoryData)
            _currentEntity = currEntity;
            _currentStoryData = currStoryData;
            _newList = new List<Parameter>();
            _isStartGoal = (_currentStoryData.StartGoalId == _currentEntity.Id);

            this.Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(MainWindow_Closing);
예제 #20
        public override void checkAndUpdateDependences(List<Trait> previouslyBoundVars, StoryData world)
            base.checkAndUpdateDependences(previouslyBoundVars, world);
            //Additionally, check that trait names exist in the class of object that this is constrained on
            //Check to make sure all trait or relationships exist on the object to be edited
            List<Trait> traitListToCompare = new List<Trait>();

            PlotFragment parentFrag = world.findPlotFragmentById(_parentPlotFragmentId);

            if (_matchingEntityTypeId == world.CharTypeId)
                if (world.Characters.Count > 0)
                    traitListToCompare = world.Characters[0].Traits;


            else if (_matchingEntityTypeId == world.EnvTypeId)

                if (world.Environments.Count > 0)
                    traitListToCompare = world.Environments[0].Traits;

                PlotPointType currType = world.findPlotPointTypeById(_matchingEntityTypeId);
                if (currType != null)
                    traitListToCompare = currType.Traits;
                    throw new Exception("A Trait constraint within a precondition statement within Plot Fragment \"" +
                        parentFrag.Name + "\" refers to a Plot Point type that no longer exists.");


            //look for trait we are editing
            if (null == Utilities.findTraitByNameAndType(traitListToCompare, _comparisonValue.Name, _comparisonValue.Type))
                throw new Exception("A Trait constraint within a precondition statement within Plot Fragment \"" +
                    parentFrag.Name + "\" refers to a trait with name \"" +
                    _comparisonValue.Name + "\" and type \"" +
                    Trait.TraitDataTypeToString(_comparisonValue.Type) +
                    "\" that no longer exists.");
예제 #21
        public StoryEntity(string name, UInt64 entityId, UInt64 entityTypeId, StoryData world)
            _entityId      = entityId;
            _entityTypeId  = entityTypeId;
            _traits        = new List <Trait>();
            _relationships = new List <Relationship>();

            //TODO eventually: Make this automatically pull all traits and relationships from
            //the entity type associated with this entity
                new Trait("Name", TraitDataType.Text, name, 0, world)
예제 #22
        public ActionTextOutput(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, string textOutput, StoryData world) :
            base(parentPlotFragmentId, world)
            _textOutput = textOutput;
            //if(_VariableMatcher == null)

            //Matches anything between two outermost "<" and ">" symbols, in that order,
            //which could also mean other "<" or ">" symbols. This allows variables in the Wide Ruled
            //interface to have any type of text in them (even though ABL will need them reformatted anyway).
            // _VariableMatcher = new Regex("(?:[^<]*<)[^<]*(?=>(?!>))", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
예제 #23
 public Constraint(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, UInt64 parentPrecondStatementId, bool allowedToSave, UInt64 matchingEntityTypeId, StoryData world)
     _matchingEntityTypeId = matchingEntityTypeId;
     _constraintId = world.getNewId();
     _parentPrecondStmtId = parentPrecondStatementId;
     _allowedToSave = allowedToSave;
     _parentPlotFragmentId = parentPlotFragmentId;
     _constraintType = ConstraintComparisonType.Equals;
     _comparisonValue = new Parameter("", TraitDataType.Text, false, world);
     _saveAttribute = false;
     _savedVariable = new Trait("", TraitDataType.Text, "", 0, world);
     _mustAlwaysBeTrue = false;
예제 #24
        public StoryEntity(string name, UInt64 entityId, UInt64 entityTypeId, StoryData world)
            _entityId = entityId;
            _entityTypeId = entityTypeId;
            _traits = new List<Trait>();
            _relationships = new List<Relationship>();

            //TODO eventually: Make this automatically pull all traits and relationships from
            //the entity type associated with this entity
                new Trait("Name", TraitDataType.Text, name, 0, world)
예제 #25
        public ActionTextOutput(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, string textOutput, StoryData world)
            : base(parentPlotFragmentId, world)
            _textOutput = textOutput;
            //if(_VariableMatcher == null)

                //Matches anything between two outermost "<" and ">" symbols, in that order,
                //which could also mean other "<" or ">" symbols. This allows variables in the Wide Ruled
                //interface to have any type of text in them (even though ABL will need them reformatted anyway).
               // _VariableMatcher = new Regex("(?:[^<]*<)[^<]*(?=>(?!>))", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
        public override void checkAndUpdateDependences(List<Trait> previouslyBoundVars, StoryData world)
            PlotFragment parentFrag = world.findPlotFragmentById(_parentPlotFragmentId);
            if (parentFrag == null)
                throw new Exception("Create plot point action does not have parent Plot Fragment");

            if(world.findPlotPointTypeById(_newPP.TypeId) == null)
                throw new Exception("Create Plot Point Action in Plot Fragment \"" + parentFrag.Name + "\" " +
                    "uses a Plot Point Type which no longer exists.");
        public WindowActionSubgoalEditor(bool interactionMode, PlotFragment frag, ActionSubgoal currEntity, StoryData currStoryData)
            _currentEntity              = currEntity;
            _currentStoryData           = currStoryData;
            _parentPlotFragment         = frag;
            _currentlySelectedParameter = null;
            //_previouslySlectedParameter = null;
            _validData       = true;
            _interactionMode = interactionMode;

            txtBoxNumberInput.NullValue = 0.0;
예제 #28
 // Copy trait and keep trait type id to identify it as the same trait elsewhere in the program
 public Trait(Trait anotherTrait, StoryData world)
     switch (anotherTrait.Type)
         case TraitDataType.TrueFalse:
             Constructor(anotherTrait.Name, anotherTrait.Type, false, anotherTrait.TypeId, world);
         case TraitDataType.Number:
             Constructor(anotherTrait.Name, anotherTrait.Type, 0.0, anotherTrait.TypeId, world);
         case TraitDataType.Text:
             Constructor(anotherTrait.Name, anotherTrait.Type, "", anotherTrait.TypeId, world);
예제 #29
        public WindowMain()

            #if (DEBUG)
            DebugMenu.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            CurrentStory = new StoryData();

            _saveFileName    = "";
            this.WindowTitle = "(Untitled Story)";

            this.Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(MainWindow_Closing);
예제 #30
        // Copy trait and keep trait type id to identify it as the same relationship elsewhere in the program
        public Relationship(Relationship anotherRel, StoryEntity originatingEntity, StoryData world)
            UInt64 nullTargetId = 0;

            if (originatingEntity.GetType() == typeof(Character))
                nullTargetId = Character.getNoOneCharacter().Id;
            else if (originatingEntity.GetType() == typeof(Environment))
                nullTargetId = Environment.getNoWhereEnvironment().Id;

            Constructor(anotherRel.Name, originatingEntity.Id, nullTargetId, 0.0, anotherRel.TypeId, world);
예제 #31
        // Copy trait and keep trait type id to identify it as the same relationship elsewhere in the program
        public Relationship(Relationship anotherRel, StoryEntity originatingEntity, StoryData world)
            UInt64 nullTargetId = 0;
            if (originatingEntity.GetType() == typeof(Character))
                nullTargetId = Character.getNoOneCharacter().Id;
            else if (originatingEntity.GetType() == typeof(Environment))

                nullTargetId = Environment.getNoWhereEnvironment().Id;

            Constructor(anotherRel.Name, originatingEntity.Id, nullTargetId, 0.0, anotherRel.TypeId, world);
예제 #32
 public Trait(string name, TraitDataType type, UInt64 traitTypeId, StoryData world)
     switch (type)
         case TraitDataType.TrueFalse:
             Constructor(name, type, false, traitTypeId, world);
         case TraitDataType.Number:
             Constructor(name, type, 0.0, traitTypeId, world);
         case TraitDataType.Text:
             Constructor(name, type, "", traitTypeId, world);
        public WindowActionSubgoalEditor(bool interactionMode, PlotFragment frag, ActionSubgoal currEntity, StoryData currStoryData)
            _currentEntity = currEntity;
            _currentStoryData = currStoryData;
            _parentPlotFragment = frag;
            _currentlySelectedParameter = null;
            //_previouslySlectedParameter = null;
            _validData = true;
            _interactionMode = interactionMode;

            txtBoxNumberInput.NullValue = 0.0;
예제 #34
        public override void checkAndUpdateDependences(List<Trait> previouslyBoundVars, StoryData world)
            PlotFragment parentFrag = world.findPlotFragmentById(_parentPlotFragmentId);
            if (parentFrag == null)
                throw new Exception("Text Output Action does not have parent Plot Fragment");

            //Get all variable references from text

            //Check variable references from previous plot fragment preconditions and actions
            if (_VariableMatcher == null)

                //Matches anything between two outermost "<" and ">" symbols, in that order,
                //which could also mean other "<" or ">" symbols. This allows variables in the Wide Ruled
                //interface to have any type of text in them (even though ABL will need them reformatted anyway).
               // _VariableMatcher = new Regex("(?:[^<]*<)[^<]*(?=>(?!>))", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                _VariableMatcher = new Regex("(?:[^<])[^<]*(?=>(?!>))", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            MatchCollection varMatches = _VariableMatcher.Matches(_textOutput);
            foreach (Match varMatch in varMatches)

                //Don't need to check var types. All primitive types can be converted to strings.
                bool foundIt = false;
                foreach (Trait traitItem in previouslyBoundVars)

                    if (traitItem.Name == varMatch.Value)
                        foundIt = true;


                if (!foundIt)
                    throw new Exception("Text Output Action in Plot Fragment \"" +
                        parentFrag.Name + "\" refers to variable \"" + varMatch.Value +
                        "\", \nwhich does not exist in any previous Author Goal parameters, precondition statements, or actions .");

예제 #35
        public Trait(string name, TraitDataType type, UInt64 traitTypeId, StoryData world)
            switch (type)
            case TraitDataType.TrueFalse:
                Constructor(name, type, false, traitTypeId, world);

            case TraitDataType.Number:
                Constructor(name, type, 0.0, traitTypeId, world);

            case TraitDataType.Text:
                Constructor(name, type, "", traitTypeId, world);
예제 #36
        // Copy trait and keep trait type id to identify it as the same trait elsewhere in the program
        public Trait(Trait anotherTrait, StoryData world)
            switch (anotherTrait.Type)
            case TraitDataType.TrueFalse:
                Constructor(anotherTrait.Name, anotherTrait.Type, false, anotherTrait.TypeId, world);

            case TraitDataType.Number:
                Constructor(anotherTrait.Name, anotherTrait.Type, 0.0, anotherTrait.TypeId, world);

            case TraitDataType.Text:
                Constructor(anotherTrait.Name, anotherTrait.Type, "", anotherTrait.TypeId, world);
예제 #37
        public WindowMain()

            #if (DEBUG)

                DebugMenu.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;


            CurrentStory = new StoryData();

            _saveFileName = "";
            this.WindowTitle = "(Untitled Story)";

            this.Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(MainWindow_Closing);
예제 #38
        public static StoryData DeSerializeStoryDataFromDisk(string filename)
            StoryData       result     = null;
            Stream          stream     = File.Open(filename, FileMode.Open);
            BinaryFormatter bformatter = new BinaryFormatter();

                result = (StoryData)bformatter.Deserialize(stream);

예제 #39
 private void NewMenuItem_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
     if (
         (_currentStoryData.AuthorGoals.Count > 0) ||
         (_currentStoryData.Characters.Count > 0) ||
         (_currentStoryData.Environments.Count > 0) ||
         (_currentStoryData.PlotPointTypes.Count > 0)
         MessageBoxResult result = Utilities.MakeYesNoWarningDialog("Creating a new Story will erase any data you haven't yet saved. Are you sure you want to create a new Story?", "Confirm New Story Creation", this);
         if (result == MessageBoxResult.No)
     _saveFileName    = "";
     this.WindowTitle = "(Untitled Story)";
     CurrentStory     = new StoryData();
예제 #40
        public ActionSubgoal(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, UInt64 subgoalId, StoryData world) :
            base(parentPlotFragmentId, world)
            _subGoalId        = subgoalId;
            _parametersToPass = new List <Parameter>();

            AuthorGoal subGoal = world.findAuthorGoalById(subgoalId);

            if (subGoal != null)
                List <Parameter> parameters = subGoal.Parameters;
                foreach (Parameter param in parameters)
                    // Add all parameters from the subgoal, which will later be filled in
                    // with literals or variables
                    _parametersToPass.Add(new Parameter(param.Name, param.Type, false, world));
예제 #41
        public void checkAndUpdateDependences(List <Trait> previouslyBoundVars, StoryData world)
            //Convert to trait list first
            List <Trait> paramToTraitList = new List <Trait>();

            foreach (Parameter param in _parameters)


            foreach (PlotFragment frag in _plotFragments)
                //New variable list for each fragment (with common parameter variables from parent Author Goal)
                List <Trait> fragSpecificTraitList = new List <Trait>(previouslyBoundVars.Count);

                frag.checkAndUpdateDependences(fragSpecificTraitList, world);
예제 #42
        public static List <Character> getGlobalCharacterList(StoryData world)
            List <Character> fullCharList = new List <Character>();


            //Go get all new characters created in plot fragment actions
            foreach (AuthorGoal goal in world.AuthorGoals)
                foreach (PlotFragment frag in goal.PlotFragments)
                    foreach (Action act in frag.Actions)
                        if (act is ActionCreateCharacter)

예제 #43
        public static List <Environment> getGlobalEnvironmentList(StoryData world)
            List <Environment> fullEnvList = new List <Environment>();


            //Go get all new characters created in plot fragment actions
            foreach (AuthorGoal goal in world.AuthorGoals)
                foreach (PlotFragment frag in goal.PlotFragments)
                    foreach (Action act in frag.Actions)
                        if (act is ActionCreateEnvironment)

예제 #44
        public static List <PlotPoint> getGlobalPlotPointList(PlotPointType type, StoryData world)
            List <PlotPoint> fullPPList = new List <PlotPoint>();

            //Go get all new characters created in plot fragment actions
            foreach (AuthorGoal goal in world.AuthorGoals)
                foreach (PlotFragment frag in goal.PlotFragments)
                    foreach (Action act in frag.Actions)
                        if ((act is ActionCreatePlotPoint) &&
                            ((ActionCreatePlotPoint)act).NewPlotPoint.TypeId == type.Id)

예제 #45
        public static void SynchronizeGlobalPlotPointsWithType(PlotPointType type, StoryData world)
            List <PlotPoint> globalPlotPoints = getGlobalPlotPointList(type, world);

            foreach (PlotPoint currEntity in globalPlotPoints)
                List <Trait> properList = new List <Trait>();

                foreach (Trait newTrait in type.Traits)
                    // Trait oldTrait = currEntity.getTraitByTypeId(newTrait.TypeId);
                    // if (oldTrait == null)
                    // {

                    Trait convertedTrait = new Trait(newTrait, world);

                    Trait oldTrait = currEntity.findTraitByName(newTrait.Name);
                    if ((oldTrait != null) && (oldTrait.Type == newTrait.Type))
                        convertedTrait.Value = oldTrait.Value;


                    // }
                    // else
                    // {
                    //  oldTrait.Name = newTrait.Name;
                    // oldTrait.Type = newTrait.Type;
                    // properList.Add(oldTrait);
                currEntity.Traits = properList;
예제 #46
        public static void removeRelationshipTargetReferencesFromStoryWorld(Character characterToWipe, StoryData world)
            List <Character> globalChars = Utilities.getGlobalCharacterList(world);

            foreach (Character ch in globalChars)
                foreach (Relationship rel in ch.Relationships)
                    if (rel.ToId == characterToWipe.Id)
                        rel.ToId = StoryData.NullCharacterId;
예제 #47
 public static void setStoryData(StoryData world)
     _storyWorld = world;
 public PreconditionStatementPlotPoint(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, PlotPointType type, StoryData world) :
     base(parentPlotFragmentId, world)
     _plotPointTypeId = type.Id;
예제 #49
        public static void removeRelationshipTargetReferencesFromStoryWorld(Environment envToWipe, StoryData world)
            List <Environment> globalEnvs = Utilities.getGlobalEnvironmentList(world);

            foreach (Environment env in globalEnvs)
                foreach (Relationship rel in env.Relationships)
                    if (rel.ToId == envToWipe.Id)
                        rel.ToId = StoryData.NullEnvironmentId;
        public override void checkAndUpdateDependences(List <Trait> previouslyBoundVars, StoryData world)
            PlotFragment parentFrag = world.findPlotFragmentById(_parentPlotFragmentId);

            if (parentFrag == null)
                throw new Exception("Edit Object Action not have parent Plot Fragment");

            //Check to make sure all trait or relationships exist on the object to be edited, for each

            List <Trait> traitListToCompare = null;

            PlotPointType currType = world.findPlotPointTypeById(_plotPointTypeId);

            if (currType != null)
                traitListToCompare = currType.Traits;
                throw new Exception("A Plot Point-matching Precondition Plot Fragment \"" +
                                    parentFrag.Name + "\" refers to a Plot Point type that no longer exists.");

            foreach (Constraint cons in _constraints)
                if (cons is TraitConstraint)
                    if (null == Utilities.findTraitByNameAndType(traitListToCompare, cons.ComparisonValue.Name, cons.ComparisonValue.Type))
                        throw new Exception("A " + currType.Description + "-matching precondition statement in Plot Fragment \"" +
                                            parentFrag.Name + "\" refers to trait variable \"" + cons.ComparisonValue.Name +
                                            "\", \nwhich now has a different type or no longer exists.");

            //Now do individual checks
            foreach (Constraint cons in _constraints)
                cons.checkAndUpdateDependences(previouslyBoundVars, world);
 public ActionCreateEnvironment(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, string envName, string varName, StoryData world) :
     base(parentPlotFragmentId, varName, world)
     _newEntity = new Environment(envName, world.EnvTypeId, world);
 public WindowEnvironmentEditor(Environment currEntity, StoryData currStoryData)
     _currentEntity    = currEntity;
     _currentStoryData = currStoryData;
예제 #53
        public WindowActionEditEntity(PlotFragment frag, ActionEditObject currEntity, StoryData currStoryData)
            _currentEntity      = currEntity;
            _currentStoryData   = currStoryData;
            _parentPlotFragment = frag;

            _ppType = null;
            _currentlyDataBinding = false;

            //Find editing type
            if (_currentEntity.ObjectTypeId == currStoryData.CharTypeId)
                _editingMode = 0;
            else if (_currentEntity.ObjectTypeId == currStoryData.EnvTypeId)
                _editingMode = 1;
                PlotPointType currType = currStoryData.findPlotPointTypeById(_currentEntity.ObjectTypeId);

                _editingMode = 2;
                _ppType      = currType;

            txtBoxNumberInput.NullValue = 0.0;
예제 #54
        override public void checkAndUpdateDependences(List <Trait> previouslyBoundVars, StoryData world)
            PlotFragment parentFrag = world.findPlotFragmentById(_parentPlotFragmentId);

            if (parentFrag == null)
                throw new Exception("Text Output Action does not have parent Plot Fragment");

            //Get all variable references from text

            //Check variable references from previous plot fragment preconditions and actions
            if (_VariableMatcher == null)
                //Matches anything between two outermost "<" and ">" symbols, in that order,
                //which could also mean other "<" or ">" symbols. This allows variables in the Wide Ruled
                //interface to have any type of text in them (even though ABL will need them reformatted anyway).
                // _VariableMatcher = new Regex("(?:[^<]*<)[^<]*(?=>(?!>))", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
                _VariableMatcher = new Regex("(?:[^<])[^<]*(?=>(?!>))", RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            MatchCollection varMatches = _VariableMatcher.Matches(_textOutput);

            foreach (Match varMatch in varMatches)
                //Don't need to check var types. All primitive types can be converted to strings.
                bool foundIt = false;
                foreach (Trait traitItem in previouslyBoundVars)
                    if (traitItem.Name == varMatch.Value)
                        foundIt = true;

                if (!foundIt)
                    throw new Exception("Text Output Action in Plot Fragment \"" +
                                        parentFrag.Name + "\" refers to variable \"" + varMatch.Value +
                                        "\", \nwhich does not exist in any previous Author Goal parameters, precondition statements, or actions .");
예제 #55
 public TraitConstraint(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, UInt64 parentPrecondStatementId, bool allowedToSave, UInt64 matchingEntityTypeId, StoryData world) :
     base(parentPlotFragmentId, parentPrecondStatementId, allowedToSave, matchingEntityTypeId, world)
예제 #56
        override public void checkAndUpdateDependences(List <Trait> previouslyBoundVars, StoryData world)
            base.checkAndUpdateDependences(previouslyBoundVars, world);
            //Additionally, check that trait names exist in the class of object that this is constrained on
            //Check to make sure all trait or relationships exist on the object to be edited
            List <Trait> traitListToCompare = new List <Trait>();

            PlotFragment parentFrag = world.findPlotFragmentById(_parentPlotFragmentId);

            if (_matchingEntityTypeId == world.CharTypeId)
                if (world.Characters.Count > 0)
                    traitListToCompare = world.Characters[0].Traits;
            else if (_matchingEntityTypeId == world.EnvTypeId)
                if (world.Environments.Count > 0)
                    traitListToCompare = world.Environments[0].Traits;
                PlotPointType currType = world.findPlotPointTypeById(_matchingEntityTypeId);
                if (currType != null)
                    traitListToCompare = currType.Traits;
                    throw new Exception("A Trait constraint within a precondition statement within Plot Fragment \"" +
                                        parentFrag.Name + "\" refers to a Plot Point type that no longer exists.");

            //look for trait we are editing
            if (null == Utilities.findTraitByNameAndType(traitListToCompare, _comparisonValue.Name, _comparisonValue.Type))
                throw new Exception("A Trait constraint within a precondition statement within Plot Fragment \"" +
                                    parentFrag.Name + "\" refers to a trait with name \"" +
                                    _comparisonValue.Name + "\" and type \"" +
                                    Trait.TraitDataTypeToString(_comparisonValue.Type) +
                                    "\" that no longer exists.");
        override public void checkAndUpdateDependences(List <Trait> previouslyBoundVars, StoryData world)
            base.checkAndUpdateDependences(previouslyBoundVars, world);
            //Additionally, check that trait names exist in the class of object that this is constrained on
            //Check to make sure all trait or relationships exist on the object to be edited
            PlotFragment parentFrag = world.findPlotFragmentById(_parentPlotFragmentId);

            List <Relationship> relListToCompare = new List <Relationship>();

            if (_matchingEntityTypeId == world.CharTypeId)
                if (world.Characters.Count > 0)
                    relListToCompare = world.Characters[0].Relationships;
            else if (_matchingEntityTypeId == world.EnvTypeId)
                if (world.Environments.Count > 0)
                    relListToCompare = world.Environments[0].Relationships;

            //look for trait we are editing
            if (null == Utilities.findRelationshipByName(relListToCompare, _comparisonValue.Name))
                throw new Exception("A Relationship constraint within a precondition statement within Plot Fragment \"" +
                                    parentFrag.Name + "\" refers to a relationship with name \"" +
                                    _comparisonValue.Name +
                                    "\" that no longer exists.");
 public RelationshipConstraint(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, UInt64 parentPrecondStatementId, bool allowedToSave, bool targetNameMode, UInt64 matchingEntityTypeId, StoryData world) :
     base(parentPlotFragmentId, parentPrecondStatementId, allowedToSave, matchingEntityTypeId, world)
     _targetNameMode = targetNameMode;
예제 #59
        private UInt64 _entityTypeId; //The only character type id, only environment type id,
                                      // or one of the plot point type Ids

        public ActionDeleteEntity(UInt64 parentPlotFragmentId, string varName, UInt64 typeId, StoryData world) :
            base(parentPlotFragmentId, world)
            _varNameForDeletion = varName;
            _entityTypeId       = typeId;
예제 #60
        override public void checkAndUpdateDependences(List <Trait> previouslyBoundVars, StoryData world)
            PlotFragment parentFrag = world.findPlotFragmentById(_parentPlotFragmentId);

            if (parentFrag == null)
                throw new Exception("Delete Object Action not have parent Plot Fragment");

            //check for variables bound to object references

            List <string> names = null;

            if (_entityTypeId == world.CharTypeId)
                names = parentFrag.getPreviouslyBoundCharacterVarNames(this);
            else if (_entityTypeId == world.EnvTypeId)
                names = parentFrag.getPreviouslyBoundEnvironmentVarNames(this);
                PlotPointType currType = world.findPlotPointTypeById(_entityTypeId);
                if (currType != null)
                    names = parentFrag.getPreviouslyBoundPlotPointTypeVarNames(currType, this);
            if (!(names.Contains(_varNameForDeletion)))
                throw new Exception("Delete Object Action in Plot Fragment \"" +
                                    parentFrag.Name + "\" refers to variable \"" + _varNameForDeletion +
                                    "\", \nwhich has a different type or does not exist in any previous Author Goal parameters, precondition statements, or actions .");

            //check for any previous deletions of this variable - that would be BAD because another
            //deletion would cause this to fail in ABL
            foreach (Action act in parentFrag.Actions)
                if (act is ActionDeleteEntity)
                    if ((act != this) &&
                        (((ActionDeleteEntity)act).VariableName == _varNameForDeletion)
                        throw new Exception("The Plot Fragment \"" +
                                            parentFrag.Name + "\" deletes the object saved in the variable \"" + _varNameForDeletion +
                                            "\" more than once, which is not allowed. .");
