Exemplo n.º 1
        //Click handler method. This method in being called from CollectionCellViewController.
        private void ClickHandler(CollectionCellViewController sender, CustomEventCellArgs args)
            var cell = sender as CollectionCellViewController;

            if (cell != null)

            var cellArgs = args as CustomEventCellArgs;

            if (cellArgs != null)
                user_id = lst_employees[args.Position];
                PerformSegue("EditSegue", this);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Method that initialize all the buttons contained in the cell.
        /// All the buttons work with anonymous functions or delegates.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cell">Cell.</param>
        public void initilizeButton(CollectionCellViewController cell)
            //Event that delete an employee. It prompts an alert as confirmation to proceed with the delete.
            cell.BtnDelete.TouchUpInside += delegate {
                    var alert = UIAlertController.Create("Delete employee", "Are you sure you want to delete this employee?", UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert);
                    alert.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("Delete", UIAlertActionStyle.Destructive, delegate
                        //Looks for a user in the team_members node.
                        DatabaseReference userNode_temp = userNode.GetChild(cell.Id);
                        //Sets the value to null.
                        userNode_temp.SetValue <NSObject>(null);
                        object[] nodes       = { $"team_members/{cell.Id} " };
                        object[] nodesValues = { null };
                        var childUpdates     = NSDictionary.FromObjectsAndKeys(nodesValues, nodes, nodes.Length);
                        //Updates the child to delete the information from the firebase database.

                    alert.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("Cancel", UIAlertActionStyle.Cancel, null));
                    PresentViewController(alert, true, null);
                catch (Exception ex) {}

            //Method to check if the user is online or offline.
            cell.BtnGoOnline.TouchUpInside += delegate {
                    if (cell.Status == "Online")
                        //If the user is online then it looks for the child related to the user id.
                        DatabaseReference onlineNode = tempNode.GetChild(cell.Id);
                        //Executes a single event to try to get the value from that node.
                        onlineNode.ObserveSingleEvent(DataEventType.Value, (snapshot) =>
                            string fecha = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                            if (snapshot.ChildrenCount > 0)
                                //Gets the value of the response from firebase.
                                var onlineUser = snapshot.GetValue <NSDictionary>();
                                //tt_values gets the values of the child node from onlineUser.
                                var tt_values = onlineUser.Values;
                                //Creates a node in timetracking with the following information /timetracking/{user.id}/{autogenkey}/
                                DatabaseReference tt_node = timetrackingNode.GetChild(cell.Id).GetChild(onlineUser.Keys[0].ToString());
                                //Create an object with the fields that the node must have.
                                object[] timetracking_key = { "end_date", "start_date", "status", "uid_worker" };
                                //Gets the information from the temp_entrance.
                                var start_date = tt_values[0].ValueForKey(new NSString("start_date"));
                                var status     = tt_values[0].ValueForKey(new NSString("status"));
                                var uid_worker = tt_values[0].ValueForKey(new NSString("uid_worker"));
                                //Adds the information from temp_entrance to the object timetracking_value.
                                object[] timetracking_value = { fecha, start_date, 1, uid_worker };
                                //Create a dictonary containing the keys, values and the length of the object.
                                var data = NSDictionary.FromObjectsAndKeys(timetracking_value, timetracking_key, timetracking_key.Length);
                                //Adds the information to the timetracking node.
                                tt_node.SetValue <NSDictionary>(data);
                                //Deletes the information from the temp_entrance node.
                                tempNode.GetChild(cell.Id).SetValue <NSDictionary>(null);
                                int index = lst_employees.FindIndex(x => x.Id.Contains(cell.Id));
                                lst_employees[index].Status = "Offline";
                                int index = lst_employees.FindIndex(x => x.Id.Contains(cell.Id));
                                lst_employees[index].Status = "Offline";
                    if (cell.Status == "Offline")
                        string fecha = DateTime.Now.ToString();
                        //Create a key object containing the user_id as key.
                        object[] k  = { cell.Id };
                        object[] vs = { null };
                        var      da = NSDictionary.FromObjectsAndKeys(vs, k, k.Length);
                        //Adds the child node to the temp_entrance table.
                        //Obtained the information from the created node.
                        DatabaseReference subNode = tempNode.GetChild(cell.Id);
                        //Generated an autoid as child of the node created with the user id.
                        DatabaseReference subNode2 = subNode.GetChildByAutoId();
                        //Created objects with the required fields, and information.
                        object[] keys   = { "end_date", "start_date", "status", "uid_worker" };
                        object[] values = { "", new NSString(fecha), 0, cell.Id };
                        //Created a dictionary with the value, keys and its length.
                        var data = NSDictionary.FromObjectsAndKeys(values, keys, keys.Length);
                        //Adds the value to the child node.
                        subNode2.SetValue <NSDictionary>(data);
                        int index = lst_employees.FindIndex(x => x.Id.Contains(cell.Id));
                        lst_employees[index].Status = "Online";
                catch (Exception ex)