Exemplo n.º 1
 public async Task<List<CatalogTitleModel>> RefreshNetlixMyList()
   List<CatalogTitleModel> CTM = new List<CatalogTitleModel>();
   NetflixRequest request = new NetflixRequest(NetflixConfig.ConsumerKey, NetflixConfig.ConsumerSecret,
                                               _auth.Token, _auth.Secret);
   // override the default of 25 results - 100 is the max allowed
   request.AddQueryParameter("max_results", "100");
   string requestUrl = Constants.baseAPIUrl + _auth.UserID + "/queues/instant/available";
   XmlDocument xDoc;
     xDoc = await request.ProtectedRequestXml(requestUrl, "GET");
   catch (Exception ex)
    // System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default;
    // System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("error loading queue " + ex.Message);
     return null;
   QueueTitleObjectMap QTOM = new QueueTitleObjectMap();
   LinqToXmlQuery LXQ = new LinqToXmlQuery();
   var queryResults = LXQ.QueryData(xDoc);
   CTM = await Task.Run(() => QTOM.MapObject(queryResults));
   return CTM;
Exemplo n.º 2
    private async Task parseLink(XElement E)
      if (E.ToString().Contains("synopsis"))
          NetflixRequest req = new NetflixRequest(NetflixConfig.ConsumerKey, NetflixConfig.ConsumerSecret,
                                                    _auth.Token, _auth.Secret);
          string href = E.FirstAttribute.ToString().Remove(0, 6);
          href = href.Remove(href.Length - 1, 1);
          string result = req.ProtectedRequest(href);
          int endIndex = result.IndexOf(']');
          int startIndex = result.LastIndexOf('[') + 1;
          CT.Synopsis = result.Substring(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex);
        catch (Exception ex)

      //Add Later if necessary links included links to synopsis and similars etc...
Exemplo n.º 3
 private async void LoadCatalog()
   // string requestUrl = "http://api-public.netflix.com/catalog/titles/streaming?v=2.0&expand=@seasons,@episodes,@awards";
   string requestUrl = "http://api-public.netflix.com/catalog/titles/streaming";
   NetflixRequest request =  new NetflixRequest(NetflixConfig.ConsumerKey, NetflixConfig.ConsumerSecret,
                                             _auth.Token, _auth.Secret);
     //Check if file exists if not make request to retrieve full streaming catalog
     string filePath = "c:\\temp\\netflixStreamingCatalog.xml";       
     if (!File.Exists(filePath) || File.GetCreationTime(filePath) < DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7))
       if (File.Exists(filePath))
       Messenger.Default.Send("Updating", "LoadStatus");
       await Task.Run(() =>  request.CatalogRequest(requestUrl, "GET"));
     Messenger.Default.Send("Successful", "LoadStatus");
   catch (Exception ex)
     Messenger.Default.Send("UnSuccessful", "LoadStatus");
Exemplo n.º 4
 private async void UpdateInstantQueue(string TitleID, int Position, int EOQ, string Action)
   // prepare update request
   NetflixRequest request = new NetflixRequest(NetflixConfig.ConsumerKey, NetflixConfig.ConsumerSecret,
                                    _auth.Token, _auth.Secret);
   string requestUrl = Constants.baseAPIUrl + _auth.UserID + "/queues/instant";
   request.AddQueryParameter("etag", _etag);
   string titleRef = "http://api-public.netflix.com/catalog/titles/movies/" + TitleID;
   request.AddQueryParameter("title_ref", titleRef);
   // dispatch on action-specific operations
   switch (Action)
     case "POST":
       if (Position != 999)
         // add title at requested position
         request.AddQueryParameter("position", Position.ToString());
       // For an Add, the new title is just placed at the
       // end of the queue if no position is specified.
     case "MOVE":
       if (Position != 999)
         // move title to requested position
         request.AddQueryParameter("position", Position.ToString());
         // For a Move if you don't include the position the
         // update just leaves it where it is, so we have to tell it
         // specifically to move it to the end of the queue.
         request.AddQueryParameter("position", EOQ.ToString());
       Action = "POST";
     case "DELETE":
       // for Delete, you have to specify the exact queue name
       requestUrl += "/available/" + TitleID;
     XmlDocument xDoc;
     xDoc = await request.ProtectedRequestXml(requestUrl, Action);
   catch (Exception ex)
     System.Windows.Forms.Cursor.Current = System.Windows.Forms.Cursors.Default;
   // reload to show changes (does its own wait cursor)