Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Decode(NzbFileModel file)
            //Add to Queue and then Start Processing
            file.Status = NzbFileStatus.DecodeQueued;

            Logger.Debug("NzbFile to be Decoded: {0}", file.Name);
            if (_decodeThread == null || !_decodeThread.IsAlive)
                Logger.Debug("Initializing background decode of NzbFiles.");
                _decodeThread = new Thread(StartDecode)
                    Name = "Decode NzbFile",
                    Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest

                Logger.Warn("NzbFile decoding already in progress");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public NzbModel Process(NzbImportModel import)
            XNamespace ns = "http://www.newzbin.com/DTD/2003/nzb";
            import.Stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            XDocument xDoc = XDocument.Load(import.Stream);

            var nzb = from n in xDoc.Descendants(ns + "nzb") select n;

            if (nzb.Count() != 1)
                return null;

            NzbModel newNzb = new NzbModel();
            newNzb.Name = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(import.NewName) ? import.NewName : import.Name;
            newNzb.Id = Guid.NewGuid();
            newNzb.Status = NzbStatus.Queued;
            newNzb.Priority = (Priority)import.Priority;
            newNzb.Script = import.Script;
            newNzb.Category = import.Category;
            newNzb.PostProcessing = GetPostProcessing(import);

            var nzbFileList = new List<NzbFileModel>();

            //Get all the files for this NZB
            var files = from f in nzb.Elements(ns + "file") select f;
            foreach (var file in files)
                var nzbFile = new NzbFileModel();
                nzbFile.Status = NzbFileStatus.Queued;
                nzbFile.NzbId = newNzb.Id;
                var segmentList = new List<NzbSegmentModel>();

                //Get the Age of the File and Convert to DateTime
                var date = Convert.ToInt64((from d in file.Attributes("date") select d.Value).FirstOrDefault());
                nzbFile.DatePosted = TicksToDateTime(date);

                //Get the Subject and set the NzbFile's Filename
                var subject = (from s in file.Attributes("subject") select s).FirstOrDefault();
                int fileNameStart = subject.Value.IndexOf("\"") + 1;
                int fileNameEnd = subject.Value.LastIndexOf("\"") - fileNameStart;
                nzbFile.Filename = subject.Value.Substring(fileNameStart, fileNameEnd);

                //Get the groups for the NzbFile
                nzbFile.Groups = (from g in file.Descendants(ns + "group") select g.Value).ToList();

                //Get the Segments for this file
                var segments = from s in file.Descendants(ns + "segment") select s;
                foreach (var segment in segments)
                    var nzbFileSegment = new NzbSegmentModel();
                    nzbFileSegment.Status = NzbSegmentStatus.Queued;
                    nzbFileSegment.NzbFileName = nzbFile.Name;
                    nzbFileSegment.Number = Convert.ToInt32((from n in segment.Attributes("number") select n.Value).FirstOrDefault());
                    nzbFileSegment.Size = Convert.ToInt64((from n in segment.Attributes("bytes") select n.Value).FirstOrDefault());
                    nzbFileSegment.SegmentId = segment.Value;
                nzbFile.Segments = segmentList;
            newNzb.Files = nzbFileList;
            return newNzb;