/// <summary>
        /// The Compress Method Using Huffman Algorithm Tree
        /// Create a coded byte[] from the data Given
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">File To Compress</param>
        /// <returns>coded byte[] from the data Given</returns>
        public override byte[] Compress(byte[] data)
            charFrequency = Get_Frequency(data);
            BinaryHeap <HChar> PriorityQueue = CreatePriorityQueue(charFrequency);
            HChar root = PriorityQueue.Remove();

            SetBinRepDFS(root, "");

            //adding the paris to array
            ArrayList dictinary = new ArrayList();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, HChar> entry in charFrequency)

            // {1} size of dictinury
            byte[] dicSize = new byte[4];

            int m_idicSize = charFrequency.Count;

            dicSize = BitConverter.GetBytes(m_idicSize);

            // {2}
            byte[] m_arrDic, m_tempL, m_tempVal, m_tempKey;
            m_arrDic = new byte[0];
            foreach (var item in charFrequency)
                m_tempKey = BitConverter.GetBytes(item.Value.GetCharacter());//6

                m_tempL = BitConverter.GetBytes(item.Value.GetBinaryRepresentation().Length);

                m_tempVal = GetBytes(item.Value.GetBinaryRepresentation());//0010

                m_arrDic = Combine(m_arrDic, m_tempKey, m_tempL, m_tempVal);

            // {3}

            string totrans = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                totrans += charFrequency[data[i]].GetBinaryRepresentation();
            byte[] lang = new byte[4];

            lang = BitConverter.GetBytes(totrans.Length);

            byte[] arrByteCode = to_binary(totrans);
            //uinon {1}{2}{3}
            return(Combine(dicSize, m_arrDic, lang, arrByteCode));
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the Binary Representation of a certen node in the huffman tree
 /// Using Recurse Better using on the Root
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">A node on the Tree</param>
 /// <param name="bin"></param>
 private void SetBinRepDFS(HChar node, string bin)
     if (node.GetLeft() != null)
         SetBinRepDFS(node.GetLeft(), node.GetBinaryRepresentation() + "0");
     if (node.GetRight() != null)
         SetBinRepDFS(node.GetRight(), node.GetBinaryRepresentation() + "1");
        /// <summary>
        /// Count the amount of time a certen token apper in the Byte[] data
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">Arry of byte of a given file</param>
        /// <returns>Return Dictinury with a Count As a Key and HChar As a Value</returns>
        private Dictionary <int, HChar> Get_Frequency(byte[] data)
            Dictionary <int, HChar> charFrequency = new Dictionary <int, HChar>();
            HChar hchar;

            foreach (byte character in data)
                if (!charFrequency.ContainsKey(character))
                    hchar = new HChar(character, 1);
                    charFrequency.Add(character, hchar);
                    hchar = charFrequency[character];
                    hchar.SetCount(hchar.GetCount() + 1);

        /// <summary>
        /// Building the Huffman Tree Using A BinaryHeap
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="charFrequency">Dictunery with the amount of every Val</param>
        /// <returns>The Huffman Tree </returns>
        private BinaryHeap <HChar> CreatePriorityQueue(Dictionary <int, HChar> charFrequency)
            BinaryHeap <HChar> PriorityQueue = new BinaryHeap <HChar>();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, HChar> entry in charFrequency)
            HChar first;
            HChar second;
            HChar newOne;

            while (PriorityQueue.Count > 1)
                first  = PriorityQueue.Remove();
                second = PriorityQueue.Remove();
                newOne = new HChar((byte)(first.GetCharacter() + second.GetCharacter()), first.GetCount() + second.GetCount());