Exemplo n.º 1
        private double HeuristicEval(BoardStates player, OthelloGame game)
            //Based of features of the board that humans have identified.
            //Hints of evaluation from any source I could find
            //idealy these could me optimized using a genetic algorithm,
            //but that is a different project

            const int searchableDepthOverride = 2; //override min-max in favor of complete evaluation
            const int endGame = 20;                //<20 moves is endgame
            const int midGame = 40;                // 20 moves in is midgame

            double value = 0;
            int    empty = game.GetPieceCount(BoardStates.empty);

            if (game.GameComplete)
                return(CompleteEval(player, game));
            else if (empty < searchableDepthOverride)
                return(MinimaxAlphaBeta(game, searchableDepthOverride, int.MinValue, int.MaxValue, player));

            value += coinDiffWeight * Math.Pow((game.GetPieceCount(player) - game.GetPieceCount(~player) + empty - coinDiffOffset), coinDiffPower);
            value += cornerDiffWeight * Math.Pow((game.GetCornerCount(player) - game.GetCornerCount(~player) + empty - cornerDiffOffset), cornerDiffPower);
            value += nearCornerDiffWeight * Math.Pow((game.GetAdjCornerCount(player) - game.GetAdjCornerCount(~player) + empty - nearCornerDiffOffset), nearCornerDiffPower);
            value += avalibleMoveDiffWeight * Math.Pow((game.GetPossiblePlayList(player).Count() - game.GetPossiblePlayList(~player).Count() + empty - avalibleMoveDiffOffset), avalibleMoveDiffPower);
            value += nonTurnableCoinDiffWeight * Math.Pow((game.GetSafePeiceCountEstimation(player) - game.GetSafePeiceCountEstimation(~player) + empty - nonTurnableCoinDiffOffset), nonTurnableCoinDiffPower);
            value += ControlledCornerDiffWeight * Math.Pow((game.GetControlledCorners(player) - game.GetControlledCorners(~player) + empty - ControlledCornerDiffOffset), ControlledCornerDiffPower);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static BoardStates GetCurrentLeader(OthelloGame game)
            BoardStates leader = BoardStates.empty;

            leader = game.GetPieceCount(BoardStates.white) > game.GetPieceCount(BoardStates.black)
                ? BoardStates.white : BoardStates.black;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void TestMinMax(OthelloGame _myGame, int minimaxDepth = 3)
            const int testCount = 100;

            object wonGamesLock = new object();
            int    wonGames     = 0;
            object tieGamesLock = new object();
            int    tieGames     = 0;

            var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            //Parallel.For(0, testCount, new ParallelOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Environment.ProcessorCount },index =>
            for (int index = 0; index < testCount; index++)
            {//non-parallel for loop to debug
                BoardStates player = (index % 2 == 0) ? BoardStates.black : BoardStates.white;

                OthelloGame testGame     = new OthelloGame();
                MinMaxAgent othelloAgent = new MinMaxAgent(2);
                RandomAgent randAgent    = new RandomAgent();
                while (!testGame.GameComplete)
                    if (testGame.WhosTurn == player)
                        testGame.MakeMove(othelloAgent.MakeMove(testGame, player));
                        testGame.MakeMove(randAgent.MakeMove(testGame, ~player));
                if (testGame.GameComplete)//just gotta check
                    if (testGame.FinalWinner == player)
                        lock (wonGamesLock) { wonGames++; }
                    else if (testGame.FinalWinner == BoardStates.empty)
                        lock (tieGamesLock) { tieGames++; }
                    Console.WriteLine("Finished Game " + index + ", " + testGame.FinalWinner.ToString()
                                      + " won " + testGame.GetPieceCount(testGame.FinalWinner) + " to "
                                      + testGame.GetPieceCount(OthelloGame.OpposingPlayer(testGame.FinalWinner)));;
                    throw new Exception("MiniMax Testing didn't complete a game");

            Console.WriteLine("Won " + wonGames + " / " + testCount + " games, " + ((double)wonGames / testCount) * 100 + " %");
            Console.WriteLine("Tied " + tieGames + " / " + testCount + " games, " + ((double)tieGames / testCount) * 100 + " %");
            Console.WriteLine("Lost " + (testCount - wonGames - tieGames) + " / " + testCount + " games, " + ((double)(testCount - wonGames - tieGames) / testCount) * 100 + " %");
            Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time for games : {0}", stopwatch.Elapsed);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static byte[] OpeningMove(BoardStates player, OthelloGame game)
        {//avoid computation for first move - only one symmetric option
         //randomly select perpendicular or diagonal for second move - parallel
         //has been shown to be much worse
         //SPECIFIC TO 8x8 BOARDS
            byte[][] firstMoves = new byte[4][] {
                new byte[] { 2, 3 },
                new byte[] { 3, 2 },
                new byte[] { 4, 5 },
                new byte[] { 5, 4 }

            if (game.GetPieceCount(BoardStates.empty) == 60)
                Random rndGen = new Random();
                int    rand   = (int)Math.Ceiling(rndGen.NextDouble() * 4);
                switch (rand)
                case 1:

                case 2:

                case 3:

                case 4:

                    throw new Exception("OpeningMove has faulted with random number generation");
            if (game.GetPieceCount(BoardStates.empty) == 59)
                List <byte[]> moves  = game.GetPossiblePlayList();
                Random        rndGen = new Random();
                byte          rand   = (byte)Math.Ceiling(rndGen.NextDouble() * 2);
                switch (rand)
                case 1:     //diagonal

                case 2:     //perpendicular

                    throw new Exception("Opening move has faulted with random number generation");
            return(new byte[] { byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue });
Exemplo n.º 5
        private byte[] PredictBestMove(int depth, OthelloGame game, BoardStates player)
            byte[]        bestMove = new byte[] { byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue };
            List <byte[]> moves    = game.GetPossiblePlayList();

            double bestScore = int.MinValue + 1;

            if (game.GetPieceCount(BoardStates.empty) > 58)//first two moves, don't compute
                return(OpeningMove(player, game));
            else if (moves.Count == 1) //don't compute if there is only 1 move

            foreach (byte[] move in moves)
                OthelloGame testGame = game.DeepCopy();
                double thisScore = MinimaxAlphaBeta(testGame, depth - 1, double.MinValue, double.MaxValue, player);
                if (thisScore > bestScore)
                    bestScore = thisScore;
                    bestMove  = move;