TextSelInfo is another variety of selection helper. It provides easy access to certain kinds of information in a selection. NOTE: some clients (e.g. EditingHelper.TextSelInfoBeforeEdit) depend upon the information cached in this object even after the underlying Selection has changed state.
Exemplo n.º 1
		protected override bool OnRightMouseUp(Point pt, Rectangle rcSrcRoot,
			Rectangle rcDstRoot)
			IVwSelection sel = RootBox.MakeSelAt(pt.X, pt.Y, rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot, false);
			TextSelInfo tsi = new TextSelInfo(sel);
			return HandleRightClickOnObject(tsi.Hvo(false));
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create one.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="owner"></param>
        /// <param name="sda"></param>
        /// <param name="site"></param>
        /// <param name="updateDescription"></param>
        /// <param name="fTurnOnMonitor">if true, start monitoring. if false, suspend/disable monitoring.</param>
        /// <param name="fSuppressRecordingPriorSelection">True for operations (currently only ReplaceAll)
        /// where we do not want to record the prior selection. This prevents calling editinghelper.OnAboutToEdit,
        /// which therefore doesn't save info about the current selection. The current actual effect
        /// is to suppress the work of the AnnotationAdjuster for the selected paragraphs.</param>
        public DataUpdateMonitor(Control owner, ISilDataAccess sda, IVwRootSite site,
                                 string updateDescription, bool fTurnOnMonitor, bool fSuppressRecordingPriorSelection)
            // DataUpdateMonitor may be nested, so make sure we're not already monitoring the site.
            m_fTurnOnMonitor = fTurnOnMonitor && (site == null || !s_sitesMonitoring.Contains(site));
            if (!m_fTurnOnMonitor)
            // register this site as being monitored.
            if (site != null)
            Debug.Assert(sda != null);
            if (s_UpdateSemaphores.ContainsKey(sda))
                UpdateSemaphore semaphore = s_UpdateSemaphores[sda];
                if (semaphore.fDataUpdateInProgress)
                    throw new Exception("Concurrent access on Database detected");
                // Set ((static semaphore) members) for this data update
                semaphore.fDataUpdateInProgress = true;
                semaphore.sDescr = updateDescription;
                s_UpdateSemaphores[sda] = new UpdateSemaphore(true, updateDescription);
            m_Owner    = owner;
            m_sda      = sda;
            m_rootSite = site;
            if (m_rootSite != null)
                m_editingHelper = ((IRootSite)m_rootSite).EditingHelper;
            // store original selection info.
            // Note, some of its internals are computed from the actual selection
            // which can get changed during the life of DataUpdateMonitor.
            // But its properties and Hvo(fEndPoint) should remain the same.
            if (m_editingHelper != null && !fSuppressRecordingPriorSelection)
                m_tsi = new TextSelInfo(m_editingHelper.EditedRootBox);

            // Set wait cursor
            if (owner != null)
                m_oldCursor  = owner.Cursor;
                owner.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
Exemplo n.º 3
 private void EnsureSyncText()
     if (m_selHelper != null && m_selHelper.Selection != null && m_selHelper.Selection.RootBox != null)
         TextSelInfo tsi = new TextSelInfo(m_selHelper.Selection);
         m_selHelper.RootSite.RootBox.PropChanged(tsi.HvoAnchor, tsi.TagAnchor, 0, 0, 0);
         if (tsi.Hvo(false) != tsi.Hvo(true))
             m_selHelper.RootSite.RootBox.PropChanged(tsi.Hvo(true), tsi.Tag(true), 0, 0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 4
			private void OnShowInReversalIndex(object sender, EventArgs e)
				TextSelInfo tsi = new TextSelInfo(m_rootb);
				int hvo = tsi.HvoAnchor;
				if (hvo < 0)
					hvo = ConvertDummiesToReal(hvo);
				if (hvo == 0)
				// If the entry is a subentry, we have to find the main entry owned directly by
				// the reversal index.  Otherwise, the jump would go to the first entry in the
				// index.
				FdoCache cache = Cache;
				IReversalIndexEntry rie = ReversalIndexEntry.CreateFromDBObject(cache, hvo);
				hvo = rie.MainEntry.Hvo;
					cache.GetGuidFromId(hvo), cache.ServerName, cache.DatabaseName));
Exemplo n.º 5
		protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
			if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && (ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control)
				// Control-click: take the first jump-to-tool command from the right-click menu for this location.
				// Create a selection where we right clicked
				IVwSelection sel = GetSelectionAtPoint(new Point(e.X, e.Y), false);
				TextSelInfo tsi = new TextSelInfo(sel);
				int hvoTarget = tsi.Hvo(false);
				// May be (for example) dummy ID used for type-ahead object in reference vector list.
				if (hvoTarget == 0 || !Cache.ServiceLocator.IsValidObjectId(hvoTarget))
				using (ReferenceBaseUi ui = GetCmObjectUiForRightClickMenu(hvoTarget))
					ui.HandleCtrlClick(Mediator, this);
		internal string BuildCurrentMorphsString(IVwSelection sel)

			int ichSel = -1;
			int hvoObj = 0;
			int tag = 0;
			int ws = 0;
			if (sel != null)
				TextSelInfo selInfo = new TextSelInfo(sel);
				ws = selInfo.WsAltAnchor;
				ichSel = selInfo.IchAnchor;
				hvoObj = selInfo.HvoAnchor;
				tag = selInfo.TagAnchor;
			// for now, we'll just configure getting the string for the primary morpheme line.
			ws = this.VernWsForPrimaryMorphemeLine;
			m_ichSel = -1;

			ITsStrBldr builder = TsStrBldrClass.Create();
			ITsString space = TsStringUtils.MakeTss(" ", ws);
			ISilDataAccess sda = m_sandbox.Caches.DataAccess;

			ITsString tssWordform = m_sandbox.SbWordForm(ws);
			// we're dealing with a phrase if there are spaces in the word.
			bool fBaseWordIsPhrase = SandboxBase.IsPhrase(tssWordform.Text);
			int cmorphs = m_sda.get_VecSize(m_hvoSbWord, SandboxBase.ktagSbWordMorphs);
			for (int imorph = 0; imorph < cmorphs; ++imorph)
				int hvoMorph = m_sda.get_VecItem(m_hvoSbWord, SandboxBase.ktagSbWordMorphs, imorph);
				if (imorph != 0)
					builder.ReplaceTsString(builder.Length, builder.Length, space);
					// add a second space to separate morphs in a phrase.
					if (fBaseWordIsPhrase)
						builder.ReplaceTsString(builder.Length, builder.Length, space);
				int hvoMorphForm = sda.get_ObjectProp(hvoMorph, SandboxBase.ktagSbMorphForm);
				if (hvoMorph == hvoObj && tag == SandboxBase.ktagSbMorphPrefix)
					m_ichSel = builder.Length + ichSel;
				builder.ReplaceTsString(builder.Length, builder.Length,
					sda.get_StringProp(hvoMorph, SandboxBase.ktagSbMorphPrefix));
				if (hvoMorphForm == hvoObj && tag == SandboxBase.ktagSbNamedObjName)
					m_ichSel = builder.Length + ichSel;
				builder.ReplaceTsString(builder.Length, builder.Length,
					sda.get_MultiStringAlt(hvoMorphForm, SandboxBase.ktagSbNamedObjName, ws));
				if (hvoMorph == hvoObj && tag == SandboxBase.ktagSbMorphPostfix)
					m_ichSel = builder.Length + ichSel;
				builder.ReplaceTsString(builder.Length, builder.Length,
					sda.get_StringProp(hvoMorph, SandboxBase.ktagSbMorphPostfix));
			if (cmorphs == 0)
				if (m_hvoSbWord == hvoObj && tag == SandboxBase.ktagMissingMorphs)
					m_ichSel = ichSel;
				m_morphString = SandboxBase.InterlinComboHandler.StrFromTss(tssWordform);
				m_morphString = SandboxBase.InterlinComboHandler.StrFromTss(builder.GetString());
			return m_morphString;
Exemplo n.º 7
		protected virtual void UndoReplaceSegmentBreakwithNonSegmentBreak(TextSelInfo tsiBeforeIns2)
Exemplo n.º 8
		protected virtual void RedoReplaceSegmentBreakWithNonSegmentBreak(TextSelInfo tsiAfterIns2)
Exemplo n.º 9
		virtual protected void RedoInsertSegmentBreakAfter1stTwfic(TextSelInfo tsiBeforeBackspace)
Exemplo n.º 10
			internal void ValidateDeletedState(string del, TextSelInfo tsiInitial)
				ValidateDeletedState(del, tsiInitial, EditAction.Delete);
Exemplo n.º 11
			internal void ValidateInsertedState(string ins, TextSelInfo tsiInitial)
				int ichInsertionPointInitial = Math.Min(tsiInitial.IchAnchor, tsiInitial.IchEnd);
				TextSelInfo tsiAfterEdit = this.CurrentSelectionInfo;
				Assert.AreEqual(tsiInitial.AnchorText.Length + ins.Length, tsiAfterEdit.AnchorText.Length);
				// check our cursor has advanced
				Assert.AreEqual(ichInsertionPointInitial + ins.Length, tsiAfterEdit.IchAnchor);
				Assert.AreEqual(ins, tsiAfterEdit.AnchorText.Substring(ichInsertionPointInitial, ins.Length));

				// now validate against expected annotations.
Exemplo n.º 12
			private void OnKeyDownAndPress(Keys key, out TextSelInfo tsiBeforeEdit)
				using (new StateTransitionHelper(this, m_expectedTextAnnotationsDefnsAfterUndo, m_expectedTextAnnotationsDefnsAfterEdits))
					tsiBeforeEdit = this.CurrentSelectionInfo;
Exemplo n.º 13
			internal void PasteFromClipboard(out TextSelInfo tsiBeforeEdit)
				using (new StateTransitionHelper(this, m_expectedTextAnnotationsDefnsAfterUndo, m_expectedTextAnnotationsDefnsAfterEdits))
					tsiBeforeEdit = this.CurrentSelectionInfo;
Exemplo n.º 14
			internal ParagraphBuilder GetParagraphBuilder(TextSelInfo tsi)
				return GetParagraphBuilder(tsi.HvoAnchor);
Exemplo n.º 15
			internal void OnRedo(out TextSelInfo tsiBeforeRedo, out UndoResult ures)
				using (new StateTransitionHelper(this, m_expectedTextAnnotationsDefnsAfterUndo, m_expectedTextAnnotationsDefnsAfterRedo))
					tsiBeforeRedo = this.CurrentSelectionInfo;
					Cache.Redo(out ures);
					if (ures == UndoResult.kuresRefresh)
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes in two distinct scenarios.
        /// 1. If disposing is true, the method has been called directly
        /// or indirectly by a user's code via the Dispose method.
        /// Both managed and unmanaged resources can be disposed.
        /// 2. If disposing is false, the method has been called by the
        /// runtime from inside the finalizer and you should not reference (access)
        /// other managed objects, as they already have been garbage collected.
        /// Only unmanaged resources can be disposed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="disposing">if set to <c>true</c> [disposing].</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If any exceptions are thrown, that is fine.
        /// If the method is being done in a finalizer, it will be ignored.
        /// If it is thrown by client code calling Dispose,
        /// it needs to be handled by fixing the bug.
        /// If subclasses override this method, they should call the base implementation.
        /// </remarks>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            //Debug.WriteLineIf(!disposing, "****************** " + GetType().Name + " 'disposing' is false. ******************");
            // Must not be run more than once.
            if (m_isDisposed)

            if (disposing && m_fTurnOnMonitor)
                    // Dispose managed resources here.
                    if (m_sda != null)
                        UpdateSemaphore semaphore = s_UpdateSemaphores[m_sda];
                        // Remember selection so that we can try to reconstruct it after the PropChangeds
                        SelectionHelper selection = SelectionHelper.Create(m_rootSite);

                        TextSelInfo tsiAfterEdit = null;
                        if (selection != null)
                            tsiAfterEdit = new TextSelInfo(selection.Selection);

                        bool fAdjustedChangeInfo = false;
                        foreach (VwChangeInfo changeInfo in semaphore.changeInfoQueue)
                            int ivIns = changeInfo.ivIns;
                            int cvDel = changeInfo.cvDel;
                            int cvIns = changeInfo.cvIns;

                            // Note: m_sda.MetaDataCache increments an internal com object
                            // ref count that may not get cleared until you do
                            // Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject on it. if it doesn't get cleared
                            // it may hang tests.
                            IFwMetaDataCache mdc = m_sda.MetaDataCache;
                            if (!fAdjustedChangeInfo &&
                                mdc != null &&
                                tsiAfterEdit != null &&
                                m_editingHelper != null &&
                                // if the selection-edit resulted in keeping the cursor in the same paragraph
                                // we may need to do some more adjustments because views code
                                // calculates VwChangeInfo based upon a string comparison, which does not
                                // accurately tell us where the string was actually changed if the inserted
                                // characters match those character positions in the original string.
                                // For example changing "this is the old text" by inserting "this is the new text, but "
                                // at the beginning results in the string "this is the old text, but this is the new text"
                                // In that example the views code StringCompare would say ivIns started at "old text"
                                // rather than the beginning of the string, since "this is the " matches the old string.
                                // The first condition prevents our trying to make these adjustments when we have a multi-para
                                // (end-before-anchor) selection.
                                if (m_tsi.Hvo(true) == m_tsi.Hvo(false) &&
                                    m_tsi.HvoAnchor == tsiAfterEdit.HvoAnchor &&
                                    m_tsi.HvoAnchor == changeInfo.hvo && m_tsi.TagAnchor == changeInfo.tag)
                                    // Our insertion point can be at the beginning or end of the range.
                                    int ichInsertionPointOrig = Math.Min(m_tsi.IchAnchor, m_tsi.IchEnd);
                                    // we may need to adjust ivIns, but not for MultiStrings, since
                                    // ivIns in that case is a ws, not an offset.
                                    int flidtype = mdc.GetFieldType((uint)changeInfo.tag);
                                    if (flidtype == (int)CellarModuleDefns.kcptBigString ||
                                        flidtype == (int)CellarModuleDefns.kcptString)
                                        // if the anchor has moved back after a delete, use it as a starting point
                                        if (!m_tsi.IsRange && cvDel > 0 && ivIns < m_tsi.IchAnchor)
                                            if (ivIns + cvDel == m_tsi.IchAnchor)
                                                // user did backspace from insertion point, so effectively
                                                // move the IP back the number of characters deleted.
                                                ivIns = Math.Max(m_tsi.IchAnchor - cvDel, 0);
                                            // ctrl-del can also cause this, but in that case, characters
                                            // after the IP may have been deleted, too. Seems best not to try to adjust.
                                            // use the original IP, since changeInfo uses CompareStrings
                                            // to calculate it, and that can be wrong when pasted string has
                                            // characters that coincidentally match the original string.
                                            ivIns = ichInsertionPointOrig;

                                    // if the initial selection is a range selection in the same paragraph
                                    // set the number of deleted characters to be the difference between
                                    // the begin and end offsets.
                                    if (m_tsi.HvoAnchor == m_tsi.Hvo(true) && m_tsi.IsRange)
                                        cvDel = Math.Abs(m_tsi.IchEnd - m_tsi.IchAnchor);
                                    // Review: do we expect this string to be Normalized already?
                                    // Review: should we do nothing if the pasted string contains newline, or set cvIns to the
                                    // length of the text after the last newline, or what??
                                    if (InsertedTss != null && InsertedTss.Text != null && InsertedTss.Text.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine) == -1)
                                        cvIns = InsertedTss.Length;
                                    // indicate we've adjusted the changeInfo for the next PropChange.
                                    // this should be done only once per edit action.
                                    fAdjustedChangeInfo = true;
                            m_sda.PropChanged(null, (int)PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll,
                                              changeInfo.hvo, changeInfo.tag, ivIns, cvIns, cvDel);
                        semaphore.fDataUpdateInProgress = false;
                        semaphore.sDescr = string.Empty;

                        // It is possible that the PropChanged caused a regenerate of the view. This
                        // turned our selection invalid. Try to recover it.
                        if (selection != null && !selection.IsValid)

                        // This needs to be called after setting the selection. It can cause
                        // AnnotationAdjuster.EndKeyPressed() to be called which expects a
                        // selection to be set.
                        if (m_editingHelper != null)

                        // It is possible that OnFinishedEdit() caused a regenerate of the view. This
                        // turned our selection invalid. Try to recover it.
                        if (selection != null && !selection.IsValid)
                    // In case anything goes wrong, if we possibly can, do this anyway, other wise the pane
                    // may be more-or-less permanently locked.
                    if (m_rootSite != null)
                    // end Wait Cursor
                    // Since it needs m_Owner, this must be done when 'disposing' is true,
                    // as that is a disposable object, which may be gone in
                    // Finalizer mode.
                    if (m_Owner != null)
                        m_Owner.Cursor = m_oldCursor;

            // Dispose unmanaged resources here, whether disposing is true or false.
            m_sda       = null;
            m_Owner     = null;
            m_rootSite  = null;
            m_oldCursor = null;
            m_tsi       = null;
            m_tssIns    = null;

            m_isDisposed = true;
Exemplo n.º 17
		virtual protected void DeleteSegmentBreakAfter1stTwfic(StTxtPara para0, out TextSelInfo tsiBeforeBackspace, out TextSelInfo tsiAfterBackspace)
			m_rtp.OnBackspace(out tsiBeforeBackspace);
			tsiAfterBackspace = m_rtp.CurrentSelectionInfo;

			m_rtp.ValidateBackspaceState(".", tsiBeforeBackspace);
			m_rtp.ValidateParagraphContents(para0, ParagraphContents[0]);
Exemplo n.º 18
			internal void ValidateDeletedState(string del, TextSelInfo tsiInitial, EditAction action)
				int ichInsertionPointInitial = Math.Min(tsiInitial.IchAnchor, tsiInitial.IchEnd);
				TextSelInfo tsiAfterEdit = this.CurrentSelectionInfo;
				Assert.AreEqual(tsiInitial.AnchorLength - del.Length, tsiAfterEdit.AnchorLength);
				if (action == EditAction.Backspace)
					// check our cursor has retreated
					Assert.AreEqual(ichInsertionPointInitial - del.Length, tsiAfterEdit.IchAnchor);
				else if (action == EditAction.Delete)
					// check our cursor is in the same location
					Assert.AreEqual(ichInsertionPointInitial, tsiAfterEdit.IchAnchor, "Expected same cursor position on a delete.");

				// now validate against expected annotations.
Exemplo n.º 19
		virtual protected void RedoDeleteSegmentBreakAfter1stTwfic(TextSelInfo tsiAfterBackspace)
Exemplo n.º 20
			internal void ValidateReplacedState(string del, string ins, TextSelInfo tsiInitial)
				int ichInsertionPointInitial = Math.Min(tsiInitial.IchAnchor, tsiInitial.IchEnd);
				TextSelInfo tsiAfterEdit = this.CurrentSelectionInfo;
				// calculate and validate the expected length of the edited text
				Assert.AreEqual(tsiInitial.AnchorLength - del.Length + ins.Length, tsiAfterEdit.AnchorLength);
				// validate our expected cursor is at the end of the pasted text.
				Assert.AreEqual(ichInsertionPointInitial + ins.Length, tsiAfterEdit.IchAnchor);
				string actualIns = tsiAfterEdit.AnchorLength > 0 ?
					tsiAfterEdit.AnchorText.Substring(ichInsertionPointInitial, ins.Length) : "";
				Assert.AreEqual(ins, actualIns);
				// now validate against expected annotations.
Exemplo n.º 21
		protected virtual void UndoReplaceSegBreakWithAnotherSegBreak(TextSelInfo tsiBeforeIns1)
Exemplo n.º 22
			internal void ValidateUndoRedo(UndoResult uresExpected, UndoResult uresActual,
				TextSelInfo tsiExpectedAfterUndoRedo)
				Assert.AreEqual(uresExpected, uresActual, "UndoResult");
Exemplo n.º 23
		protected virtual void ReplaceSegBreakWithAnotherSegBreak(StTxtPara para0, out TextSelInfo tsiBeforeIns1, out TextSelInfo tsiAfterIns1)
			int ichMin = para0.Contents.Text.IndexOf(".");
			m_rtp.SetSelection(para0, ichMin, ichMin + 1);

			m_rtp.OnInsert("?", out tsiBeforeIns1);
			tsiAfterIns1 = m_rtp.CurrentSelectionInfo;
			m_rtp.ValidateReplacedState(".", "?", tsiBeforeIns1);
			string sAfterReplace1 = "xxxpus xxxyalola xxxnihimbilira? xxxnihimbilira xxxpus xxxyalola. xxxhesyla xxxnihimbilira.";
			m_rtp.ValidateParagraphContents(para0, sAfterReplace1);
Exemplo n.º 24
			internal void ValidateUndoRedo(TextSelInfo tsiExpectedAfterUndoRedo)
				TextSelInfo tsiAfterEdit = ValidateUndoRedoRaw(tsiExpectedAfterUndoRedo);
Exemplo n.º 25
		private void ReplaceVerseText(StTxtPara para, int bcvToReplace, string replacement,
			out TextSelInfo tsiBeforeEdit, out TextSelInfo tsiAfterEdit)
			(m_draftView.EditingHelper as TeEditingHelper).SelectVerseText((new ScrReference(bcvToReplace, Paratext.ScrVers.English)), null);
			tsiBeforeEdit = new TextSelInfo(m_draftView.RootBox);
			// para.Contents.Text.IndexOf("Verse three does not have the key term in it.")
			int ichMin = tsiBeforeEdit.IchAnchor;
			int ichLim = tsiBeforeEdit.IchEnd;
			m_scrInMemoryCache.ModifyRunAt(para, ichMin, ichLim, replacement);
			// not sure if this is necessary, since we aren't altering reference structure, just their locations.
			IScrSection section = (para.Owner as CmObject).Owner as IScrSection;
			(m_draftView.EditingHelper as TeEditingHelper).SelectVerseText((new ScrReference(bcvToReplace, Paratext.ScrVers.English)), null);
			tsiAfterEdit = new TextSelInfo(m_draftView.RootBox);
Exemplo n.º 26
			internal TextSelInfo ValidateUndoRedoRaw(TextSelInfo tsiExpectedAfterUndoRedo)
				TextSelInfo tsiAfterEdit = this.CurrentSelectionInfo;
				Assert.AreEqual(tsiExpectedAfterUndoRedo.AnchorLength, tsiAfterEdit.AnchorLength);
				Assert.AreEqual(tsiExpectedAfterUndoRedo.IchAnchor, tsiAfterEdit.IchAnchor);
				Assert.AreEqual(tsiExpectedAfterUndoRedo.IchEnd, tsiAfterEdit.IchEnd);
				Assert.AreEqual(tsiExpectedAfterUndoRedo.AnchorText, tsiAfterEdit.AnchorText);
				Assert.AreEqual(tsiExpectedAfterUndoRedo.HvoAnchor, tsiAfterEdit.HvoAnchor);
				return tsiAfterEdit;
Exemplo n.º 27
		private void EnsureSyncText()
			if (m_selHelper != null && m_selHelper.Selection != null && m_selHelper.Selection.RootBox != null)
				TextSelInfo tsi = new TextSelInfo(m_selHelper.Selection);
				m_selHelper.RootSite.RootBox.PropChanged(tsi.HvoAnchor, tsi.TagAnchor, 0, 0, 0);
				if (tsi.Hvo(false) != tsi.Hvo(true))
					m_selHelper.RootSite.RootBox.PropChanged(tsi.Hvo(true), tsi.Tag(true), 0, 0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 28
			internal void ValidateParagraphContents(TextSelInfo tsi, string expectedContents)
				Assert.AreEqual(expectedContents, tsi.AnchorLength > 0 ? tsi.AnchorText : "");
Exemplo n.º 29
		protected override bool OnRightMouseUp(Point pt, Rectangle rcSrcRoot,
			Rectangle rcDstRoot)
			// if we don't install the selection here, a previous selection may give us
			// spurious results later on when handling the UI this right click brings up;
			// see LT-12154.
			IVwSelection sel = RootBox.MakeSelAt(pt.X, pt.Y, rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot, true);
			TextSelInfo tsi = new TextSelInfo(sel);
			return HandleRightClickOnObject(tsi.Hvo(false));
Exemplo n.º 30
			internal void ValidateParagraphContentsRaw(TextSelInfo tsi, string expectedContents)
				Assert.AreEqual(expectedContents, tsi.AnchorLength > 0 ? tsi.AnchorText : "");
Exemplo n.º 31
		protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
			// detect whether the user is doing a range selection with the keyboard within
			// a freeform annotation, and try to keep the selection within the bounds of the editable selection. (LT-2910)
			if (RootBox != null && (e.Modifiers & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift)
				TextSelInfo tsi = new TextSelInfo(RootBox);
				int hvoAnchor = tsi.HvoAnchor;
				if (hvoAnchor != 0)
					ICmObject coAnchor = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ICmObjectRepository>().GetObject(hvoAnchor);
					if ((coAnchor is ISegment && (tsi.TagAnchor == SegmentTags.kflidFreeTranslation || tsi.TagAnchor == SegmentTags.kflidLiteralTranslation))
						|| (coAnchor is INote && tsi.TagAnchor == NoteTags.kflidContent))
						// we are in a segment-level annotation.
						if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Home)
							// extend the selection to the beginning of the comment.
							SelectionHelper selHelper = SelectionHelper.GetSelectionInfo(tsi.Selection, this);
							selHelper.IchEnd = 0;
							selHelper.MakeRangeSelection(RootBox, true);
			// LT-9570 for the Tree Translation line, Susanna wanted Enter to copy Word Glsses
			// into the Free Translation line. Note: DotNetBar is not handling shortcut="Enter"
			// for the XML <command id="CmdAddWordGlossesToFreeTrans"...
			if (RootBox != null && e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)

			// LT-4029 Capture arrow keys from inside the translation lines and notes.
			var change = HandleArrowKeys(e);
			// LT-12097 Right and left arrow keys from an empty translation line (part of the issue)
			// The up and down arrows work, so here we changed the event appropriately to up or down.
			if (change != ArrowChange.Handled)
				KeyEventArgs e2;
				switch (change)
				{   // might need to change the key event so the base method will handle it right.
					case ArrowChange.Down:
						e2 = new System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs(Keys.Down);
					case ArrowChange.Up:
						e2 = new System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs(Keys.Up);
					case ArrowChange.None:
						e2 = e;
						e2 = e;
Exemplo n.º 32
		virtual protected void InsertSegmentBreakAfter1stTwfic(StTxtPara para0, out TextSelInfo tsiBeforeIns)
			m_rtp.SetCursor(para0, "xxxpus".Length);
			m_rtp.OnInsert(".", out tsiBeforeIns);
			m_rtp.ValidateInsertedState(".", tsiBeforeIns);
			string sAfterInsert = "xxxpus. xxxyalola xxxnihimbilira. xxxnihimbilira xxxpus xxxyalola. xxxhesyla xxxnihimbilira.";
			m_rtp.ValidateParagraphContents(para0, sAfterInsert);
Exemplo n.º 33
		/// <summary>
		/// This computes and saves the information needed to ensure the insertion point is
		/// placed on the correct line of a multilingual annotation when replacing a user
		/// prompt.  See LT-9421.
		/// </summary>
		private void SetCpropPreviousForInsert()
			m_cpropPrevForInsert = -1;
			if (RootBox != null)
				var tsi = new TextSelInfo(RootBox);
				if (tsi.Selection == null)
				var co = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ICmObjectRepository>().GetObject(tsi.HvoAnchor);
				var freeAnn = co as ICmIndirectAnnotation;
				if (tsi.TagAnchor == SimpleRootSite.kTagUserPrompt
					&& freeAnn != null)
					var helper = SelectionHelper.GetSelectionInfo(tsi.Selection, this);
					int wsField = 0;
					if (tsi.TssAnchor != null && tsi.TssAnchor.Length > 0)
						wsField = TsStringUtils.GetWsAtOffset(tsi.TssAnchor, 0);
					var rgsli = helper.GetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Anchor);
					var itagSegments = -1;
					for (var i = rgsli.Length; --i >= 0; )
						if (rgsli[i].tag == StTxtParaTags.kflidSegments)
							itagSegments = i;
					if (itagSegments >= 0)
						int hvoSeg = rgsli[itagSegments].hvo;
						var annType = freeAnn.AnnotationTypeRA;
						int idx = 0;
						var choices = m_vc.LineChoices;
						for (int i = choices.FirstFreeformIndex; i < choices.Count; )
							var ffAannType = m_vc.SegDefnFromFfFlid(choices[i].Flid);
							if (ffAannType == annType)
								idx = i;
								break; // And that's where we want our selection!!
							// Adjacent WSS of the same annotation count as only ONE object in the display.
							// So we advance i over as many items in m_choices as there are adjacent Wss
							// of the same flid.
							i += choices.AdjacentWssAtIndex(i).Length;
						int[] rgws = choices.AdjacentWssAtIndex(idx);
						for (int i = 0; i < rgws.Length; ++i)
							if (rgws[i] == wsField)
								m_cpropPrevForInsert = i;