TextSelInfo is another variety of selection helper. It provides easy access to certain kinds of information in a selection. NOTE: some clients (e.g. EditingHelper.TextSelInfoBeforeEdit) depend upon the information cached in this object even after the underlying Selection has changed state.
		protected override bool OnRightMouseUp(Point pt, Rectangle rcSrcRoot,
			Rectangle rcDstRoot)
			IVwSelection sel = RootBox.MakeSelAt(pt.X, pt.Y, rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot, false);
			TextSelInfo tsi = new TextSelInfo(sel);
			return HandleRightClickOnObject(tsi.Hvo(false));
        /// <summary>
        /// Create one.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="owner"></param>
        /// <param name="sda"></param>
        /// <param name="site"></param>
        /// <param name="updateDescription"></param>
        /// <param name="fTurnOnMonitor">if true, start monitoring. if false, suspend/disable monitoring.</param>
        /// <param name="fSuppressRecordingPriorSelection">True for operations (currently only ReplaceAll)
        /// where we do not want to record the prior selection. This prevents calling editinghelper.OnAboutToEdit,
        /// which therefore doesn't save info about the current selection. The current actual effect
        /// is to suppress the work of the AnnotationAdjuster for the selected paragraphs.</param>
        public DataUpdateMonitor(Control owner, ISilDataAccess sda, IVwRootSite site,
                                 string updateDescription, bool fTurnOnMonitor, bool fSuppressRecordingPriorSelection)
            // DataUpdateMonitor may be nested, so make sure we're not already monitoring the site.
            m_fTurnOnMonitor = fTurnOnMonitor && (site == null || !s_sitesMonitoring.Contains(site));
            if (!m_fTurnOnMonitor)
            // register this site as being monitored.
            if (site != null)
            Debug.Assert(sda != null);
            if (s_UpdateSemaphores.ContainsKey(sda))
                UpdateSemaphore semaphore = s_UpdateSemaphores[sda];
                if (semaphore.fDataUpdateInProgress)
                    throw new Exception("Concurrent access on Database detected");
                // Set ((static semaphore) members) for this data update
                semaphore.fDataUpdateInProgress = true;
                semaphore.sDescr = updateDescription;
                s_UpdateSemaphores[sda] = new UpdateSemaphore(true, updateDescription);
            m_Owner    = owner;
            m_sda      = sda;
            m_rootSite = site;
            if (m_rootSite != null)
                m_editingHelper = ((IRootSite)m_rootSite).EditingHelper;
            // store original selection info.
            // Note, some of its internals are computed from the actual selection
            // which can get changed during the life of DataUpdateMonitor.
            // But its properties and Hvo(fEndPoint) should remain the same.
            if (m_editingHelper != null && !fSuppressRecordingPriorSelection)
                m_tsi = new TextSelInfo(m_editingHelper.EditedRootBox);

            // Set wait cursor
            if (owner != null)
                m_oldCursor  = owner.Cursor;
                owner.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;
 private void EnsureSyncText()
     if (m_selHelper != null && m_selHelper.Selection != null && m_selHelper.Selection.RootBox != null)
         TextSelInfo tsi = new TextSelInfo(m_selHelper.Selection);
         m_selHelper.RootSite.RootBox.PropChanged(tsi.HvoAnchor, tsi.TagAnchor, 0, 0, 0);
         if (tsi.Hvo(false) != tsi.Hvo(true))
             m_selHelper.RootSite.RootBox.PropChanged(tsi.Hvo(true), tsi.Tag(true), 0, 0, 0);
			private void OnShowInReversalIndex(object sender, EventArgs e)
				TextSelInfo tsi = new TextSelInfo(m_rootb);
				int hvo = tsi.HvoAnchor;
				if (hvo < 0)
					hvo = ConvertDummiesToReal(hvo);
				if (hvo == 0)
				// If the entry is a subentry, we have to find the main entry owned directly by
				// the reversal index.  Otherwise, the jump would go to the first entry in the
				// index.
				FdoCache cache = Cache;
				IReversalIndexEntry rie = ReversalIndexEntry.CreateFromDBObject(cache, hvo);
				hvo = rie.MainEntry.Hvo;
					cache.GetGuidFromId(hvo), cache.ServerName, cache.DatabaseName));
		protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
			if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && (ModifierKeys & Keys.Control) == Keys.Control)
				// Control-click: take the first jump-to-tool command from the right-click menu for this location.
				// Create a selection where we right clicked
				IVwSelection sel = GetSelectionAtPoint(new Point(e.X, e.Y), false);
				TextSelInfo tsi = new TextSelInfo(sel);
				int hvoTarget = tsi.Hvo(false);
				// May be (for example) dummy ID used for type-ahead object in reference vector list.
				if (hvoTarget == 0 || !Cache.ServiceLocator.IsValidObjectId(hvoTarget))
				using (ReferenceBaseUi ui = GetCmObjectUiForRightClickMenu(hvoTarget))
					ui.HandleCtrlClick(Mediator, this);
		internal string BuildCurrentMorphsString(IVwSelection sel)

			int ichSel = -1;
			int hvoObj = 0;
			int tag = 0;
			int ws = 0;
			if (sel != null)
				TextSelInfo selInfo = new TextSelInfo(sel);
				ws = selInfo.WsAltAnchor;
				ichSel = selInfo.IchAnchor;
				hvoObj = selInfo.HvoAnchor;
				tag = selInfo.TagAnchor;
			// for now, we'll just configure getting the string for the primary morpheme line.
			ws = this.VernWsForPrimaryMorphemeLine;
			m_ichSel = -1;

			ITsStrBldr builder = TsStrBldrClass.Create();
			ITsString space = TsStringUtils.MakeTss(" ", ws);
			ISilDataAccess sda = m_sandbox.Caches.DataAccess;

			ITsString tssWordform = m_sandbox.SbWordForm(ws);
			// we're dealing with a phrase if there are spaces in the word.
			bool fBaseWordIsPhrase = SandboxBase.IsPhrase(tssWordform.Text);
			int cmorphs = m_sda.get_VecSize(m_hvoSbWord, SandboxBase.ktagSbWordMorphs);
			for (int imorph = 0; imorph < cmorphs; ++imorph)
				int hvoMorph = m_sda.get_VecItem(m_hvoSbWord, SandboxBase.ktagSbWordMorphs, imorph);
				if (imorph != 0)
					builder.ReplaceTsString(builder.Length, builder.Length, space);
					// add a second space to separate morphs in a phrase.
					if (fBaseWordIsPhrase)
						builder.ReplaceTsString(builder.Length, builder.Length, space);
				int hvoMorphForm = sda.get_ObjectProp(hvoMorph, SandboxBase.ktagSbMorphForm);
				if (hvoMorph == hvoObj && tag == SandboxBase.ktagSbMorphPrefix)
					m_ichSel = builder.Length + ichSel;
				builder.ReplaceTsString(builder.Length, builder.Length,
					sda.get_StringProp(hvoMorph, SandboxBase.ktagSbMorphPrefix));
				if (hvoMorphForm == hvoObj && tag == SandboxBase.ktagSbNamedObjName)
					m_ichSel = builder.Length + ichSel;
				builder.ReplaceTsString(builder.Length, builder.Length,
					sda.get_MultiStringAlt(hvoMorphForm, SandboxBase.ktagSbNamedObjName, ws));
				if (hvoMorph == hvoObj && tag == SandboxBase.ktagSbMorphPostfix)
					m_ichSel = builder.Length + ichSel;
				builder.ReplaceTsString(builder.Length, builder.Length,
					sda.get_StringProp(hvoMorph, SandboxBase.ktagSbMorphPostfix));
			if (cmorphs == 0)
				if (m_hvoSbWord == hvoObj && tag == SandboxBase.ktagMissingMorphs)
					m_ichSel = ichSel;
				m_morphString = SandboxBase.InterlinComboHandler.StrFromTss(tssWordform);
				m_morphString = SandboxBase.InterlinComboHandler.StrFromTss(builder.GetString());
			return m_morphString;
		protected virtual void UndoReplaceSegmentBreakwithNonSegmentBreak(TextSelInfo tsiBeforeIns2)
		protected virtual void RedoReplaceSegmentBreakWithNonSegmentBreak(TextSelInfo tsiAfterIns2)
		virtual protected void RedoInsertSegmentBreakAfter1stTwfic(TextSelInfo tsiBeforeBackspace)
			internal void ValidateDeletedState(string del, TextSelInfo tsiInitial)
				ValidateDeletedState(del, tsiInitial, EditAction.Delete);
			internal void ValidateInsertedState(string ins, TextSelInfo tsiInitial)
				int ichInsertionPointInitial = Math.Min(tsiInitial.IchAnchor, tsiInitial.IchEnd);
				TextSelInfo tsiAfterEdit = this.CurrentSelectionInfo;
				Assert.AreEqual(tsiInitial.AnchorText.Length + ins.Length, tsiAfterEdit.AnchorText.Length);
				// check our cursor has advanced
				Assert.AreEqual(ichInsertionPointInitial + ins.Length, tsiAfterEdit.IchAnchor);
				Assert.AreEqual(ins, tsiAfterEdit.AnchorText.Substring(ichInsertionPointInitial, ins.Length));

				// now validate against expected annotations.
			private void OnKeyDownAndPress(Keys key, out TextSelInfo tsiBeforeEdit)
				using (new StateTransitionHelper(this, m_expectedTextAnnotationsDefnsAfterUndo, m_expectedTextAnnotationsDefnsAfterEdits))
					tsiBeforeEdit = this.CurrentSelectionInfo;
			internal void PasteFromClipboard(out TextSelInfo tsiBeforeEdit)
				using (new StateTransitionHelper(this, m_expectedTextAnnotationsDefnsAfterUndo, m_expectedTextAnnotationsDefnsAfterEdits))
					tsiBeforeEdit = this.CurrentSelectionInfo;
			internal ParagraphBuilder GetParagraphBuilder(TextSelInfo tsi)
				return GetParagraphBuilder(tsi.HvoAnchor);
			internal void OnRedo(out TextSelInfo tsiBeforeRedo, out UndoResult ures)
				using (new StateTransitionHelper(this, m_expectedTextAnnotationsDefnsAfterUndo, m_expectedTextAnnotationsDefnsAfterRedo))
					tsiBeforeRedo = this.CurrentSelectionInfo;
					Cache.Redo(out ures);
					if (ures == UndoResult.kuresRefresh)
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes in two distinct scenarios.
        /// 1. If disposing is true, the method has been called directly
        /// or indirectly by a user's code via the Dispose method.
        /// Both managed and unmanaged resources can be disposed.
        /// 2. If disposing is false, the method has been called by the
        /// runtime from inside the finalizer and you should not reference (access)
        /// other managed objects, as they already have been garbage collected.
        /// Only unmanaged resources can be disposed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="disposing">if set to <c>true</c> [disposing].</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If any exceptions are thrown, that is fine.
        /// If the method is being done in a finalizer, it will be ignored.
        /// If it is thrown by client code calling Dispose,
        /// it needs to be handled by fixing the bug.
        /// If subclasses override this method, they should call the base implementation.
        /// </remarks>
        /// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            //Debug.WriteLineIf(!disposing, "****************** " + GetType().Name + " 'disposing' is false. ******************");
            // Must not be run more than once.
            if (m_isDisposed)

            if (disposing && m_fTurnOnMonitor)
                    // Dispose managed resources here.
                    if (m_sda != null)
                        UpdateSemaphore semaphore = s_UpdateSemaphores[m_sda];
                        // Remember selection so that we can try to reconstruct it after the PropChangeds
                        SelectionHelper selection = SelectionHelper.Create(m_rootSite);

                        TextSelInfo tsiAfterEdit = null;
                        if (selection != null)
                            tsiAfterEdit = new TextSelInfo(selection.Selection);

                        bool fAdjustedChangeInfo = false;
                        foreach (VwChangeInfo changeInfo in semaphore.changeInfoQueue)
                            int ivIns = changeInfo.ivIns;
                            int cvDel = changeInfo.cvDel;
                            int cvIns = changeInfo.cvIns;

                            // Note: m_sda.MetaDataCache increments an internal com object
                            // ref count that may not get cleared until you do
                            // Marshal.FinalReleaseComObject on it. if it doesn't get cleared
                            // it may hang tests.
                            IFwMetaDataCache mdc = m_sda.MetaDataCache;
                            if (!fAdjustedChangeInfo &&
                                mdc != null &&
                                tsiAfterEdit != null &&
                                m_editingHelper != null &&
                                // if the selection-edit resulted in keeping the cursor in the same paragraph
                                // we may need to do some more adjustments because views code
                                // calculates VwChangeInfo based upon a string comparison, which does not
                                // accurately tell us where the string was actually changed if the inserted
                                // characters match those character positions in the original string.
                                // For example changing "this is the old text" by inserting "this is the new text, but "
                                // at the beginning results in the string "this is the old text, but this is the new text"
                                // In that example the views code StringCompare would say ivIns started at "old text"
                                // rather than the beginning of the string, since "this is the " matches the old string.
                                // The first condition prevents our trying to make these adjustments when we have a multi-para
                                // (end-before-anchor) selection.
                                if (m_tsi.Hvo(true) == m_tsi.Hvo(false) &&
                                    m_tsi.HvoAnchor == tsiAfterEdit.HvoAnchor &&
                                    m_tsi.HvoAnchor == changeInfo.hvo && m_tsi.TagAnchor == changeInfo.tag)
                                    // Our insertion point can be at the beginning or end of the range.
                                    int ichInsertionPointOrig = Math.Min(m_tsi.IchAnchor, m_tsi.IchEnd);
                                    // we may need to adjust ivIns, but not for MultiStrings, since
                                    // ivIns in that case is a ws, not an offset.
                                    int flidtype = mdc.GetFieldType((uint)changeInfo.tag);
                                    if (flidtype == (int)CellarModuleDefns.kcptBigString ||
                                        flidtype == (int)CellarModuleDefns.kcptString)
                                        // if the anchor has moved back after a delete, use it as a starting point
                                        if (!m_tsi.IsRange && cvDel > 0 && ivIns < m_tsi.IchAnchor)
                                            if (ivIns + cvDel == m_tsi.IchAnchor)
                                                // user did backspace from insertion point, so effectively
                                                // move the IP back the number of characters deleted.
                                                ivIns = Math.Max(m_tsi.IchAnchor - cvDel, 0);
                                            // ctrl-del can also cause this, but in that case, characters
                                            // after the IP may have been deleted, too. Seems best not to try to adjust.
                                            // use the original IP, since changeInfo uses CompareStrings
                                            // to calculate it, and that can be wrong when pasted string has
                                            // characters that coincidentally match the original string.
                                            ivIns = ichInsertionPointOrig;

                                    // if the initial selection is a range selection in the same paragraph
                                    // set the number of deleted characters to be the difference between
                                    // the begin and end offsets.
                                    if (m_tsi.HvoAnchor == m_tsi.Hvo(true) && m_tsi.IsRange)
                                        cvDel = Math.Abs(m_tsi.IchEnd - m_tsi.IchAnchor);
                                    // Review: do we expect this string to be Normalized already?
                                    // Review: should we do nothing if the pasted string contains newline, or set cvIns to the
                                    // length of the text after the last newline, or what??
                                    if (InsertedTss != null && InsertedTss.Text != null && InsertedTss.Text.IndexOf(Environment.NewLine) == -1)
                                        cvIns = InsertedTss.Length;
                                    // indicate we've adjusted the changeInfo for the next PropChange.
                                    // this should be done only once per edit action.
                                    fAdjustedChangeInfo = true;
                            m_sda.PropChanged(null, (int)PropChangeType.kpctNotifyAll,
                                              changeInfo.hvo, changeInfo.tag, ivIns, cvIns, cvDel);
                        semaphore.fDataUpdateInProgress = false;
                        semaphore.sDescr = string.Empty;

                        // It is possible that the PropChanged caused a regenerate of the view. This
                        // turned our selection invalid. Try to recover it.
                        if (selection != null && !selection.IsValid)

                        // This needs to be called after setting the selection. It can cause
                        // AnnotationAdjuster.EndKeyPressed() to be called which expects a
                        // selection to be set.
                        if (m_editingHelper != null)

                        // It is possible that OnFinishedEdit() caused a regenerate of the view. This
                        // turned our selection invalid. Try to recover it.
                        if (selection != null && !selection.IsValid)
                    // In case anything goes wrong, if we possibly can, do this anyway, other wise the pane
                    // may be more-or-less permanently locked.
                    if (m_rootSite != null)
                    // end Wait Cursor
                    // Since it needs m_Owner, this must be done when 'disposing' is true,
                    // as that is a disposable object, which may be gone in
                    // Finalizer mode.
                    if (m_Owner != null)
                        m_Owner.Cursor = m_oldCursor;

            // Dispose unmanaged resources here, whether disposing is true or false.
            m_sda       = null;
            m_Owner     = null;
            m_rootSite  = null;
            m_oldCursor = null;
            m_tsi       = null;
            m_tssIns    = null;

            m_isDisposed = true;
		virtual protected void DeleteSegmentBreakAfter1stTwfic(StTxtPara para0, out TextSelInfo tsiBeforeBackspace, out TextSelInfo tsiAfterBackspace)
			m_rtp.OnBackspace(out tsiBeforeBackspace);
			tsiAfterBackspace = m_rtp.CurrentSelectionInfo;

			m_rtp.ValidateBackspaceState(".", tsiBeforeBackspace);
			m_rtp.ValidateParagraphContents(para0, ParagraphContents[0]);
			internal void ValidateDeletedState(string del, TextSelInfo tsiInitial, EditAction action)
				int ichInsertionPointInitial = Math.Min(tsiInitial.IchAnchor, tsiInitial.IchEnd);
				TextSelInfo tsiAfterEdit = this.CurrentSelectionInfo;
				Assert.AreEqual(tsiInitial.AnchorLength - del.Length, tsiAfterEdit.AnchorLength);
				if (action == EditAction.Backspace)
					// check our cursor has retreated
					Assert.AreEqual(ichInsertionPointInitial - del.Length, tsiAfterEdit.IchAnchor);
				else if (action == EditAction.Delete)
					// check our cursor is in the same location
					Assert.AreEqual(ichInsertionPointInitial, tsiAfterEdit.IchAnchor, "Expected same cursor position on a delete.");

				// now validate against expected annotations.
		virtual protected void RedoDeleteSegmentBreakAfter1stTwfic(TextSelInfo tsiAfterBackspace)
			internal void ValidateReplacedState(string del, string ins, TextSelInfo tsiInitial)
				int ichInsertionPointInitial = Math.Min(tsiInitial.IchAnchor, tsiInitial.IchEnd);
				TextSelInfo tsiAfterEdit = this.CurrentSelectionInfo;
				// calculate and validate the expected length of the edited text
				Assert.AreEqual(tsiInitial.AnchorLength - del.Length + ins.Length, tsiAfterEdit.AnchorLength);
				// validate our expected cursor is at the end of the pasted text.
				Assert.AreEqual(ichInsertionPointInitial + ins.Length, tsiAfterEdit.IchAnchor);
				string actualIns = tsiAfterEdit.AnchorLength > 0 ?
					tsiAfterEdit.AnchorText.Substring(ichInsertionPointInitial, ins.Length) : "";
				Assert.AreEqual(ins, actualIns);
				// now validate against expected annotations.
		protected virtual void UndoReplaceSegBreakWithAnotherSegBreak(TextSelInfo tsiBeforeIns1)
			internal void ValidateUndoRedo(UndoResult uresExpected, UndoResult uresActual,
				TextSelInfo tsiExpectedAfterUndoRedo)
				Assert.AreEqual(uresExpected, uresActual, "UndoResult");
		protected virtual void ReplaceSegBreakWithAnotherSegBreak(StTxtPara para0, out TextSelInfo tsiBeforeIns1, out TextSelInfo tsiAfterIns1)
			int ichMin = para0.Contents.Text.IndexOf(".");
			m_rtp.SetSelection(para0, ichMin, ichMin + 1);

			m_rtp.OnInsert("?", out tsiBeforeIns1);
			tsiAfterIns1 = m_rtp.CurrentSelectionInfo;
			m_rtp.ValidateReplacedState(".", "?", tsiBeforeIns1);
			string sAfterReplace1 = "xxxpus xxxyalola xxxnihimbilira? xxxnihimbilira xxxpus xxxyalola. xxxhesyla xxxnihimbilira.";
			m_rtp.ValidateParagraphContents(para0, sAfterReplace1);
			internal void ValidateUndoRedo(TextSelInfo tsiExpectedAfterUndoRedo)
				TextSelInfo tsiAfterEdit = ValidateUndoRedoRaw(tsiExpectedAfterUndoRedo);
		private void ReplaceVerseText(StTxtPara para, int bcvToReplace, string replacement,
			out TextSelInfo tsiBeforeEdit, out TextSelInfo tsiAfterEdit)
			(m_draftView.EditingHelper as TeEditingHelper).SelectVerseText((new ScrReference(bcvToReplace, Paratext.ScrVers.English)), null);
			tsiBeforeEdit = new TextSelInfo(m_draftView.RootBox);
			// para.Contents.Text.IndexOf("Verse three does not have the key term in it.")
			int ichMin = tsiBeforeEdit.IchAnchor;
			int ichLim = tsiBeforeEdit.IchEnd;
			m_scrInMemoryCache.ModifyRunAt(para, ichMin, ichLim, replacement);
			// not sure if this is necessary, since we aren't altering reference structure, just their locations.
			IScrSection section = (para.Owner as CmObject).Owner as IScrSection;
			(m_draftView.EditingHelper as TeEditingHelper).SelectVerseText((new ScrReference(bcvToReplace, Paratext.ScrVers.English)), null);
			tsiAfterEdit = new TextSelInfo(m_draftView.RootBox);
			internal TextSelInfo ValidateUndoRedoRaw(TextSelInfo tsiExpectedAfterUndoRedo)
				TextSelInfo tsiAfterEdit = this.CurrentSelectionInfo;
				Assert.AreEqual(tsiExpectedAfterUndoRedo.AnchorLength, tsiAfterEdit.AnchorLength);
				Assert.AreEqual(tsiExpectedAfterUndoRedo.IchAnchor, tsiAfterEdit.IchAnchor);
				Assert.AreEqual(tsiExpectedAfterUndoRedo.IchEnd, tsiAfterEdit.IchEnd);
				Assert.AreEqual(tsiExpectedAfterUndoRedo.AnchorText, tsiAfterEdit.AnchorText);
				Assert.AreEqual(tsiExpectedAfterUndoRedo.HvoAnchor, tsiAfterEdit.HvoAnchor);
				return tsiAfterEdit;
		private void EnsureSyncText()
			if (m_selHelper != null && m_selHelper.Selection != null && m_selHelper.Selection.RootBox != null)
				TextSelInfo tsi = new TextSelInfo(m_selHelper.Selection);
				m_selHelper.RootSite.RootBox.PropChanged(tsi.HvoAnchor, tsi.TagAnchor, 0, 0, 0);
				if (tsi.Hvo(false) != tsi.Hvo(true))
					m_selHelper.RootSite.RootBox.PropChanged(tsi.Hvo(true), tsi.Tag(true), 0, 0, 0);
			internal void ValidateParagraphContents(TextSelInfo tsi, string expectedContents)
				Assert.AreEqual(expectedContents, tsi.AnchorLength > 0 ? tsi.AnchorText : "");
		protected override bool OnRightMouseUp(Point pt, Rectangle rcSrcRoot,
			Rectangle rcDstRoot)
			// if we don't install the selection here, a previous selection may give us
			// spurious results later on when handling the UI this right click brings up;
			// see LT-12154.
			IVwSelection sel = RootBox.MakeSelAt(pt.X, pt.Y, rcSrcRoot, rcDstRoot, true);
			TextSelInfo tsi = new TextSelInfo(sel);
			return HandleRightClickOnObject(tsi.Hvo(false));
			internal void ValidateParagraphContentsRaw(TextSelInfo tsi, string expectedContents)
				Assert.AreEqual(expectedContents, tsi.AnchorLength > 0 ? tsi.AnchorText : "");
		protected override void OnKeyDown(KeyEventArgs e)
			// detect whether the user is doing a range selection with the keyboard within
			// a freeform annotation, and try to keep the selection within the bounds of the editable selection. (LT-2910)
			if (RootBox != null && (e.Modifiers & Keys.Shift) == Keys.Shift)
				TextSelInfo tsi = new TextSelInfo(RootBox);
				int hvoAnchor = tsi.HvoAnchor;
				if (hvoAnchor != 0)
					ICmObject coAnchor = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ICmObjectRepository>().GetObject(hvoAnchor);
					if ((coAnchor is ISegment && (tsi.TagAnchor == SegmentTags.kflidFreeTranslation || tsi.TagAnchor == SegmentTags.kflidLiteralTranslation))
						|| (coAnchor is INote && tsi.TagAnchor == NoteTags.kflidContent))
						// we are in a segment-level annotation.
						if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Home)
							// extend the selection to the beginning of the comment.
							SelectionHelper selHelper = SelectionHelper.GetSelectionInfo(tsi.Selection, this);
							selHelper.IchEnd = 0;
							selHelper.MakeRangeSelection(RootBox, true);
			// LT-9570 for the Tree Translation line, Susanna wanted Enter to copy Word Glsses
			// into the Free Translation line. Note: DotNetBar is not handling shortcut="Enter"
			// for the XML <command id="CmdAddWordGlossesToFreeTrans"...
			if (RootBox != null && e.KeyCode == Keys.Enter)

			// LT-4029 Capture arrow keys from inside the translation lines and notes.
			var change = HandleArrowKeys(e);
			// LT-12097 Right and left arrow keys from an empty translation line (part of the issue)
			// The up and down arrows work, so here we changed the event appropriately to up or down.
			if (change != ArrowChange.Handled)
				KeyEventArgs e2;
				switch (change)
				{   // might need to change the key event so the base method will handle it right.
					case ArrowChange.Down:
						e2 = new System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs(Keys.Down);
					case ArrowChange.Up:
						e2 = new System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs(Keys.Up);
					case ArrowChange.None:
						e2 = e;
						e2 = e;
		virtual protected void InsertSegmentBreakAfter1stTwfic(StTxtPara para0, out TextSelInfo tsiBeforeIns)
			m_rtp.SetCursor(para0, "xxxpus".Length);
			m_rtp.OnInsert(".", out tsiBeforeIns);
			m_rtp.ValidateInsertedState(".", tsiBeforeIns);
			string sAfterInsert = "xxxpus. xxxyalola xxxnihimbilira. xxxnihimbilira xxxpus xxxyalola. xxxhesyla xxxnihimbilira.";
			m_rtp.ValidateParagraphContents(para0, sAfterInsert);
		/// <summary>
		/// This computes and saves the information needed to ensure the insertion point is
		/// placed on the correct line of a multilingual annotation when replacing a user
		/// prompt.  See LT-9421.
		/// </summary>
		private void SetCpropPreviousForInsert()
			m_cpropPrevForInsert = -1;
			if (RootBox != null)
				var tsi = new TextSelInfo(RootBox);
				if (tsi.Selection == null)
				var co = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<ICmObjectRepository>().GetObject(tsi.HvoAnchor);
				var freeAnn = co as ICmIndirectAnnotation;
				if (tsi.TagAnchor == SimpleRootSite.kTagUserPrompt
					&& freeAnn != null)
					var helper = SelectionHelper.GetSelectionInfo(tsi.Selection, this);
					int wsField = 0;
					if (tsi.TssAnchor != null && tsi.TssAnchor.Length > 0)
						wsField = TsStringUtils.GetWsAtOffset(tsi.TssAnchor, 0);
					var rgsli = helper.GetLevelInfo(SelectionHelper.SelLimitType.Anchor);
					var itagSegments = -1;
					for (var i = rgsli.Length; --i >= 0; )
						if (rgsli[i].tag == StTxtParaTags.kflidSegments)
							itagSegments = i;
					if (itagSegments >= 0)
						int hvoSeg = rgsli[itagSegments].hvo;
						var annType = freeAnn.AnnotationTypeRA;
						int idx = 0;
						var choices = m_vc.LineChoices;
						for (int i = choices.FirstFreeformIndex; i < choices.Count; )
							var ffAannType = m_vc.SegDefnFromFfFlid(choices[i].Flid);
							if (ffAannType == annType)
								idx = i;
								break; // And that's where we want our selection!!
							// Adjacent WSS of the same annotation count as only ONE object in the display.
							// So we advance i over as many items in m_choices as there are adjacent Wss
							// of the same flid.
							i += choices.AdjacentWssAtIndex(i).Length;
						int[] rgws = choices.AdjacentWssAtIndex(idx);
						for (int i = 0; i < rgws.Length; ++i)
							if (rgws[i] == wsField)
								m_cpropPrevForInsert = i;