void MainWindow_FileOpened(object sender, KeePass.Forms.FileOpenedEventArgs e)
            Debug.WriteLine("File opened");
            //add a new Controller for the opened Database
            SearchController searchCcontroller = new SearchController(this.qsControl, e.Database, GetMainListViewControl());
            dictionary.Add(e.Database, searchCcontroller);
            //assuming the opened Database is also the active Database we subscribe it's SearchController
            //so user input will be handled by that Controller
            qsControl.TextChanged += searchCcontroller.TextUpdateHandler;
            //qsControl.comboBoxSearch.TextChanged += searchCcontroller.TextUpdateHandler;
            this.qsControl.Enabled = true;
            if (Settings.Default.FocusOnOpen)
                // focus doesn't work if the Form is not yet visible. Use Select instead
