Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        ///   Try a certain packed depth/stencil format, and return the status.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packedFormat"> </param>
        /// <returns> true if this combo is supported, false if not </returns>
        private bool TryPacketFormat(All packedFormat)
            int packedRB = 0;

            /// Generate renderbuffer
            OpenGLOES.GenRenderbuffers(1, ref packedRB);

            //bind it to FBO
            OpenGLOES.BindRenderbuffer(All.RenderbufferOes, packedRB);

            /// Allocate storage for buffer
            OpenGLOES.RenderbufferStorage(All.RenderbufferOes, packedFormat, ProbeSize, ProbeSize);

            /// Attach depth
            OpenGLOES.FramebufferRenderbuffer(All.FramebufferOes, All.DepthAttachmentOes, All.RenderbufferOes, packedRB);

            /// Attach stencil
            OpenGLOES.FramebufferRenderbuffer(All.FramebufferOes, All.StencilAttachmentOes, All.RenderbufferOes, packedRB);

            All status = OpenGLOES.CheckFramebufferStatus(All.FramebufferOes);

            /// Detach and destroy
            OpenGLOES.FramebufferRenderbuffer(All.FramebufferOes, All.DepthAttachmentOes, All.RenderbufferOes, 0);
            OpenGLOES.FramebufferRenderbuffer(All.FramebufferOes, All.StencilAttachmentOes, All.RenderbufferOes, 0);
            OpenGLOES.DeleteRenderbuffers(1, ref packedRB);

            return(status == All.FramebufferCompleteOes);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        ///   Try a certain FBO format, and return the status. Also sets mDepthRB and mStencilRB.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="depthFormat"> </param>
        /// <param name="stencilFormat"> </param>
        /// <returns> true if this combo is supported, false if not </returns>
        private bool TryFormat(All depthFormat, All stencilFormat)
            int status = 0, depthRB = 0, stencilRB = 0;

            if (depthFormat != 0)
                /// Generate depth renderbuffer
                OpenGLOES.GenRenderbuffers(1, ref depthRB);

                /// Bind it to FBO;
                OpenGLOES.RenderbufferStorage(All.RenderbufferOes, depthFormat, ProbeSize, ProbeSize);

                /// Attach depth
                OpenGLOES.FramebufferRenderbuffer(All.FramebufferOes, All.DepthAttachmentOes, All.RenderbufferOes, depthRB);
            // Stencil buffers aren't available on iPhone
            if (stencilFormat != 0)
                /// Generate stencil renderbuffer
                OpenGLOES.GenRenderbuffers(1, ref stencilRB);

                //bind it to FBO
                OpenGLOES.BindRenderbuffer(All.RenderbufferOes, stencilRB);

                /// Allocate storage for stencil buffer
                OpenGLOES.RenderbufferStorage(All.RenderbufferOes, stencilFormat, ProbeSize, ProbeSize);

                /// Attach stencil
                OpenGLOES.FramebufferRenderbuffer(All.FramebufferOes, All.StencilAttachmentOes, All.RenderbufferOes, stencilRB);

            status = (int)OpenGLOES.CheckFramebufferStatus(All.FramebufferOes);

            OpenGLOES.FramebufferRenderbuffer(All.FramebufferOes, All.DepthAttachmentOes, All.RenderbufferOes, depthRB);
            OpenGLOES.FramebufferRenderbuffer(All.FramebufferOes, All.StencilAttachmentOes, All.RenderbufferOes, stencilRB);

            if (depthRB != 0)
                OpenGLOES.DeleteRenderbuffers(1, ref depthRB);

            if (stencilRB != 0)
                OpenGLOES.DeleteRenderbuffers(1, ref stencilRB);

            //Clear OpenGL Errors create because of the evaluation
            while (OpenGL.GetError() != All.NoError)

            return(status == (int)All.FramebufferCompleteOes);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        ///   Detect which internal formats are allowed as RTT Also detect what combinations of stencil and depth are allowed with this internal format.
        /// </summary>
        private void DetectFBOFormats()
            // Try all formats, and report which ones work as target
            int fb = 0, tid = 0;
            All target = All.Texture2D;

            for (int x = 0; x < (int)Media.PixelFormat.Count; x++)
                LogManager.Instance.Write("[GLES] [DEBUG] testing PixelFormat : {0}", (Media.PixelFormat)x);

                this._props[x]         = new FormatProperties();
                this._props[x].Modes   = new List <FormatProperties.Mode>();
                this._props[x].IsValid = false;

                // Fetch GL format token
                All fmt = GLESPixelUtil.GetClosestGLInternalFormat((Media.PixelFormat)x);
                LogManager.Instance.Write("[GLES] [DEBUG] fmt={0}", fmt);
                if (fmt == All.Zero && x != 0)

                // No test for compressed formats
                if (PixelUtil.IsCompressed((Media.PixelFormat)x))

                // Create and attach framebuffer
                OpenGLOES.GenRenderbuffers(1, ref fb);
                OpenGLOES.BindFramebuffer(All.FramebufferOes, fb);

                if (fmt != All.Zero)
                    // Create and attach texture
                    OpenGL.GenTextures(1, ref tid);
                    OpenGL.BindTexture(target, tid);

                    // Set some default parameters
                    OpenGL.TexParameterx(target, All.TextureMinFilter, (int)All.LinearMipmapNearest);
                    OpenGL.TexParameterx(target, All.TextureMagFilter, (int)All.Nearest);
                    OpenGL.TexParameterx(target, All.TextureWrapS, (int)All.ClampToEdge);
                    OpenGL.TexParameterx(target, All.TextureWrapT, (int)All.ClampToEdge);

                    OpenGL.TexImage2D(target, 0, (int)fmt, ProbeSize, ProbeSize, 0, fmt, All.UnsignedByte, IntPtr.Zero);
                    OpenGLOES.FramebufferTexture2D(All.FramebufferOes, All.ColorAttachment0Oes, target, tid, 0);

                // Check status
                All status = OpenGLOES.CheckFramebufferStatus(All.FramebufferOes);
                LogManager.Instance.Write("[GLES] [DEBUG] status={0}", status);

                // Ignore status in case of fmt==GL_NONE, because no implementation will accept
                // a buffer without *any* attachment. Buffers with only stencil and depth attachment
                // might still be supported, so we must continue probing.
                if (fmt == 0 || status == All.FramebufferCompleteOes)
                    this._props[x].IsValid = true;
                    var str = new StringBuilder();
                    str.Append("FBO " + PixelUtil.GetFormatName((Media.PixelFormat)x) + " depth/stencil support: ");

                    // For each depth/stencil formats
                    for (int depth = 0; depth < DepthFormats.Length; ++depth)
                        if (DepthFormats[depth] != All.Depth24Stencil8Oes)
                            // General depth/stencil combination
                            for (int stencil = 0; stencil < StencilFormats.Length; ++stencil)
                                if (TryFormat(DepthFormats[depth], StencilFormats[stencil]))
                                    /// Add mode to allowed modes
                                    str.Append("D" + DepthBits[depth] + "S" + StencilBits[stencil] + " ");
                                    var mode = new FormatProperties.Mode();
                                    mode.Depth   = depth;
                                    mode.Stencil = stencil;
                            }                     //end for stencil
                        }                         //end if
                            // Packed depth/stencil format
                            if (TryPacketFormat(DepthFormats[depth]))
                                /// Add mode to allowed modes
                                str.Append("Packed-D" + DepthBits[depth] + "S8" + " ");
                                var mode = new FormatProperties.Mode();
                                mode.Depth   = depth;
                                mode.Stencil = 0;                                 //unused
                    }             //end for depth
                }                 //end if
                                  // Delete texture and framebuffer
                // The screen buffer is 1 on iPhone
                OpenGLOES.BindFramebuffer(All.FramebufferOes, 1);
                OpenGLOES.BindFramebuffer(All.FramebufferOes, 0);
                OpenGLOES.DeleteFramebuffers(1, ref fb);
                if (fmt != 0)
                    OpenGL.DeleteTextures(1, ref tid);
            }             //end for pixelformat count

            string fmtstring = string.Empty;
            for (int x = 0; x < (int)Media.PixelFormat.Count; x++)
                if (this._props[x].IsValid)
                    fmtstring += PixelUtil.GetFormatName((Media.PixelFormat)x);
            LogManager.Instance.Write("[GLES] : Valid FBO targets " + fmtstring);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        private void Intialize()
            // Release depth and stencil, if they were bound

            /// First buffer must be bound
            if (this._color[0].Buffer == null)
                throw new AxiomException("Attachment 0 must have surface attached");

            // If we're doing multisampling, then we need another FBO which contains a
            // renderbuffer which is set up to multisample, and we'll blit it to the final
            // FBO afterwards to perform the multisample resolve. In that case, the
            // mMultisampleFB is bound during rendering and is the one with a depth/stencil

            /// Store basic stats
            int width  = this._color[0].Buffer.Width;
            int height = this._color[0].Buffer.Height;
            All format = this._color[0].Buffer.GLFormat;

            Media.PixelFormat axiomFormat = this._color[0].Buffer.Format;

            // Bind simple buffer to add colour attachments
            OpenGLOES.BindFramebuffer(All.FramebufferOes, this._fb);

            /// Bind all attachment points to frame buffer
            for (int x = 0; x < Configuration.Config.MaxMultipleRenderTargets; x++)
                if (this._color[x].Buffer != null)
                    if (this._color[x].Buffer.Width != width || this._color[x].Buffer.Height != height)
                        string ss = string.Empty;
                        ss += "Attachment " + x + " has incompatible size ";
                        ss += this._color[x].Buffer.Width + "x" + this._color[0].Buffer.Height;
                        ss += ". It must be of the same as the size of surface 0, ";
                        ss += width + "x" + height;
                        ss += ".";
                        throw new AxiomException(ss);
                    if (this._color[x].Buffer.GLFormat != format)
                        string ss = string.Empty;
                        ss += "Attachment " + x + " has incompatible format.";
                        throw new AxiomException(ss);
                    this._color[x].Buffer.BindToFramebuffer(All.ColorAttachment0Oes + x, this._color[x].ZOffset);
                    // Detach
                    OpenGLOES.FramebufferRenderbuffer(All.FramebufferOes, All.ColorAttachment0Oes + x, All.RenderbufferOes, 0);
            }             //end for x

            // Now deal with depth / stencil
            if (this._multiSampleFB != 0)
                // Bind multisample buffer
                OpenGLOES.BindFramebuffer(All.FramebufferOes, this._multiSampleFB);

                // Create AA render buffer (color)
                // note, this can be shared too because we blit it to the final FBO
                // right after the render is finished
                this._multisampleColorBuffer = Manager.RequestRenderbuffer(format, width, height, this._numSamples);

                // Attach it, because we won't be attaching below and non-multisample has
                // actually been attached to other FBO
                this._multisampleColorBuffer.Buffer.BindToFramebuffer(All.ColorAttachment0Oes, this._multisampleColorBuffer.ZOffset);

                // depth & stencil will be dealt with below

            /// Depth buffer is not handled here anymore.
            /// See GLESFrameBufferObject::attachDepthBuffer() & RenderSystem::setDepthBufferFor()

            /// Do glDrawBuffer calls
            var bufs = new All[Configuration.Config.MaxMultipleRenderTargets];
            int n    = 0;

            for (int x = 0; x < Configuration.Config.MaxMultipleRenderTargets; x++)
                // Fill attached colour buffers
                if (this._color[x].Buffer != null)
                    bufs[x] = All.ColorAttachment0Oes + x;
                    // Keep highest used buffer + 1
                    n = x + 1;
                    bufs[x] = All.Never;
            }             //end for x

            /// Check status
            All status = OpenGLOES.CheckFramebufferStatus(All.FramebufferOes);

            /// Bind main buffer
            // The screen buffer is 1 on iPhone
            OpenGLOES.BindFramebuffer(All.FramebufferOes, 1);
            OpenGLOES.BindFramebuffer(All.FramebufferOes, 0);

            switch (status)
            case All.FramebufferCompleteOes:
                // everything is fine

            case All.FramebufferUnsupportedOes:
                throw new AxiomException("All framebuffer formats with this texture internal format unsupported");

                throw new AxiomException("Framebuffer incomplete or other FBO status error");