Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void Resolve(List <ushort> indices, List <VertexPositionNormalTexture> vertices, List <Vector2> vertexTextureMap, List <Vector3> vertexPositions)
            List <UInt16> indices2 = new List <UInt16>();

            foreach (Polygon poly in Polygons)
                poly.NbrPrims = 1;
                indices2.Add(poly.Vertex1); indices2.Add(poly.Vertex2); indices2.Add(poly.Vertex3);

            _originalPositions = new Vector3[VertexCount];
            _repairPoisitons   = new Vector3[VertexCount];
            vertexPositions.CopyTo(VertexBaseIndex, _originalPositions, 0, VertexCount);

            Polygon currentPoly = null;

            foreach (Polygon poly in Polygons)
                poly.NbrPrims = 1;
                if (poly.MaterialIndex >= 0 && MaterialNames != null)
                    CMaterial material = ResourceCache.GetMaterial(MaterialNames[poly.MaterialIndex]);

                    if (material != null)
                        poly.DoubleSided = material.DoubleSided;
                        poly.Material    = material;

                    if (currentPoly != null && poly.MaterialIndex == currentPoly.MaterialIndex)
                        poly.Skip            = true;
                        currentPoly.NbrPrims = currentPoly.NbrPrims + 1;
                        currentPoly = poly;

            _localVertices = new VertexPositionNormalTexture[VertexCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < VertexCount; i++)
                Vector3 normal = Polygons[i / 3].Normal;
                if (TextureMapCount > 0)
                    _localVertices[i] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(vertexPositions[i + VertexBaseIndex], normal, vertexTextureMap[i + VertexBaseIndex]);
                    _localVertices[i] = new VertexPositionNormalTexture(vertexPositions[i + VertexBaseIndex], normal, Vector2.Zero);

                _originalPositions[i] = _localVertices[i].Position;

            // link up vertices which share the same position so when we crush we avoid gaps
            _vertexLinks = new List <int> [_originalPositions.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < _originalPositions.Length; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < _originalPositions.Length; j++)
                    if (i == j)

                    if (_originalPositions[i] == _originalPositions[j])
                        if (_vertexLinks[i] == null)
                            _vertexLinks[i] = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < _localVertices.Length; i++)
                _localVertices[i].Normal = Vector3.Zero;

            for (int i = 0; i < indices2.Count / 3; i++)
                Vector3 firstvec  = _localVertices[indices2[i * 3 + 1]].Position - _localVertices[indices2[i * 3]].Position;
                Vector3 secondvec = _localVertices[indices2[i * 3]].Position - _localVertices[indices2[i * 3 + 2]].Position;
                Vector3 normal    = Vector3.Cross(firstvec, secondvec);
                _localVertices[indices2[i * 3]].Normal     += normal;
                _localVertices[indices2[i * 3 + 1]].Normal += normal;
                _localVertices[indices2[i * 3 + 2]].Normal += normal;
            for (int i = 0; i < _localVertices.Length; i++)

            int size = VertexPositionNormalTexture.SizeInBytes * _localVertices.Length;

            _vertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(Engine.Device, size, BufferUsage.WriteOnly);

            _indexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(Engine.Device, typeof(UInt16), indices2.Count, BufferUsage.WriteOnly);
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: CModel.cs Projeto: q4a/OpenC1
        public virtual void Resolve(List <UInt16> indices, List <VertexPositionNormalTexture> vertices, List <Vector2> vertexTextureMap, List <Vector3> vertexPositions)
            bool    injectHardEdges = true;
            Polygon currentPoly     = null;

            foreach (Polygon poly in Polygons)
                poly.NbrPrims = 1;
                indices.Add(poly.Vertex1); indices.Add(poly.Vertex2); indices.Add(poly.Vertex3);

                if (injectHardEdges)
                    Vector2 uv = Vector2.Zero;
                    if (TextureMapCount > 0 && poly.Vertex1 + VertexBaseIndex < vertexTextureMap.Count)
                        uv = vertexTextureMap[poly.Vertex1 + VertexBaseIndex];
                    vertices.Add(new VertexPositionNormalTexture(vertexPositions[poly.Vertex1 + VertexBaseIndex], poly.Normal, uv));
                    if (TextureMapCount > 0 && poly.Vertex2 + VertexBaseIndex < vertexTextureMap.Count)
                        uv = vertexTextureMap[poly.Vertex2 + VertexBaseIndex];
                    vertices.Add(new VertexPositionNormalTexture(vertexPositions[poly.Vertex2 + VertexBaseIndex], poly.Normal, uv));
                    if (TextureMapCount > 0 && poly.Vertex3 + VertexBaseIndex < vertexTextureMap.Count)
                        uv = vertexTextureMap[poly.Vertex3 + VertexBaseIndex];
                    vertices.Add(new VertexPositionNormalTexture(vertexPositions[poly.Vertex3 + VertexBaseIndex], poly.Normal, uv));

                if (MaterialNames != null)
                    CMaterial material;
                    if (poly.MaterialIndex < 0)
                        material = ResourceCache.GetMaterial("drkcurb.mat");
                        material = ResourceCache.GetMaterial(MaterialNames[poly.MaterialIndex]);

                    if (material != null)
                        poly.DoubleSided = material.DoubleSided;
                        poly.Material    = material;

                    if (currentPoly != null && poly.MaterialIndex == currentPoly.MaterialIndex)
                        poly.Skip            = true;
                        currentPoly.NbrPrims = currentPoly.NbrPrims + 1;
                        currentPoly = poly;
            if (!injectHardEdges)
                //for (int i = 0; i < VertexCount; i++)
                //    Vector3 normal = Polygons[i / 3].Normal;
                //    if (TextureMapCount > 0)
                //        vertices.Add(new VertexPositionNormalTexture(vertexPositions[i + VertexBaseIndex], normal, vertexTextureMap[i + VertexBaseIndex]));
                //    else
                //        vertices.Add(new VertexPositionNormalTexture(vertexPositions[i + VertexBaseIndex], normal, Vector2.Zero));

                //for (int i = 0; i < indices.Count / 3; i++)
                //    Vector3 firstvec = vertices[indices[i * 3 + 1]].Position - vertices[indices[i * 3]].Position;
                //    Vector3 secondvec = vertices[indices[i * 3]].Position - vertices[indices[i * 3 + 2]].Position;
                //    Vector3 normal = Vector3.Cross(firstvec, secondvec);
                //    normal.Normalize();
                //    VertexPositionNormalTexture vpnt = vertices[indices[i * 3]];
                //    vpnt.Normal += normal;
                //    vpnt = vertices[indices[i * 3 + 1]];
                //    vpnt.Normal += normal;
                //    vpnt = vertices[indices[i * 3 + 2]];
                //    vpnt.Normal += normal;
                //for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
                //    vertices[i].Normal.Normalize();
Exemplo n.º 3
        public VehicleModel(VehicleFile file, bool forDisplayOnly)
            Config = file;

            if (file.DrivenWheelRefs.Count == 0 || file.NonDrivenWheelRefs.Count == 0)
                throw new Exception("No wheel refs specified");

            foreach (string pixFileName in file.PixFiles)
                PixFile pixFile = new PixFile(pixFileName);

            foreach (string matFileName in file.MaterialFiles)
                MatFile matFile = new MatFile(matFileName);

            foreach (string matFileName in file.CrashMaterialFiles)
                MatFile matFile = new MatFile(matFileName);


            _grooves = new List <BaseGroove>();
            foreach (BaseGroove g in file.Grooves)
                if (!g.IsWheelActor)

            ActFile actFile = new ActFile(file.ActorFile);

            _actors = actFile.Hierarchy;
            DatFile modelFile = new DatFile(_actors.Root.ModelName, !forDisplayOnly);

            ModelName = _actors.Root.ModelName;

            _actors.ResolveTransforms(!forDisplayOnly, _grooves);

            foreach (BaseGroove g in _grooves)

            // link the funks and materials
            foreach (BaseFunk f in file.Funks)

            Vector3 tireWidth = new Vector3(0.034f, 0, 0) * GameVars.Scale;

            foreach (int id in file.DrivenWheelRefs)
                BaseGroove g = file.Grooves.Find(a => a.Id == id);
                if (g == null)
                CActor      actor = _actors.GetByName(g.ActorName);
                CWheelActor ca    = new CWheelActor(actor, true, false);
                ca.Position = actor.Matrix.Translation + (ca.IsLeft ? -1 * tireWidth : tireWidth);
            foreach (int id in file.NonDrivenWheelRefs)
                BaseGroove g     = file.Grooves.Find(a => a.Id == id);
                CActor     actor = _actors.GetByName(g.ActorName);
                if (actor == null)
                    continue;                 //BUSTER.TXT does some weird shit for cockpit view of the front wheels
                CWheelActor ca = new CWheelActor(actor, false, true);
                ca.Position = actor.Matrix.Translation + (ca.IsLeft ? -1 * tireWidth : tireWidth);

            if (forDisplayOnly)
                _actors.RenderWheelsSeparately = false;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public Race(string filename, string playerVehicleFile)
            Race.Current = this;

            Logger.Log("Starting race " + Path.GetFileName(filename));

            ConfigFile = new RaceFile(filename);

            foreach (string matFileName in ConfigFile.MaterialFiles)
                MatFile matFile = new MatFile(matFileName);

            foreach (string pixFileName in ConfigFile.PixFiles)
                PixFile pixFile = new PixFile(pixFileName);

            if (GameVars.Emulation == EmulationMode.Demo)
                ResourceCache.Add(new CMaterial("drkcurb.mat", 226)); //demo doesn't have this file, I guess the color is hard-coded
                ResourceCache.Add(new MatFile("drkcurb.mat"));


            if (filename.Contains("TESTMAP")) //nasty hack...
                GameVars.Scale.Y *= 0.5f;

            DatFile modelFile = new DatFile(ConfigFile.ModelFile);

            ActFile actFile = new ActFile(ConfigFile.ActorFile);

            _actors = actFile.Hierarchy;
            _actors.ResolveTransforms(false, ConfigFile.Grooves);

            if (filename.Contains("TESTMAP")) //nasty hack...
                GameVars.Scale.Y *= 2f;

            // link the actors and grooves
            foreach (BaseGroove g in ConfigFile.Grooves)

            // link the funks and materials
            foreach (BaseFunk f in ConfigFile.Funks)

            if (ConfigFile.SkyboxTexture != "none")
                PixFile horizonPix = new PixFile(ConfigFile.SkyboxTexture);
                _skybox = SkyboxGenerator.Generate(horizonPix.PixMaps[0].Texture, ConfigFile.SkyboxRepetitionsX - 3f, ConfigFile.DepthCueMode);
                _skybox.HeightOffset = -220 + ConfigFile.SkyboxPositionY * 1.5f;

            Physics.TrackProcessor.GenerateTrackActor(ConfigFile, _actors, out _nonCars);

            Logger.Log("NonCars: " + _nonCars.Count);


            List <int> opponentIds = new List <int>();
            List <int> pickedNbrs  = new List <int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                int index = 0;
                while (true)
                    index = GameEngine.Random.Next(1, OpponentsFile.Instance.Opponents.Count);
                    if (!pickedNbrs.Contains(index))
                    Opponents.Add(new Opponent(OpponentsFile.Instance.Opponents[index].FileName, ConfigFile.GridPosition, ConfigFile.GridDirection));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Log("Error while loading opponent " + OpponentsFile.Instance.Opponents[index].FileName + ", " + ex.Message);

            foreach (CopStartPoint point in ConfigFile.CopStartPoints)
                Opponents.Add(new Opponent(point.IsSpecialForces ? "bigapc.txt" : "apc.txt", point.Position, 0, new CopDriver()));

            foreach (Opponent o in Opponents)

            OpponentController.Nodes = ConfigFile.OpponentPathNodes;

            PlayerVehicle = new Vehicle(GameVars.BasePath + @"cars\" + playerVehicleFile, new PlayerDriver());
            PlayerVehicle.PlaceOnGrid(ConfigFile.GridPosition, ConfigFile.GridDirection);

            Peds = new PedestrianController(ConfigFile.Peds);
            _map = new RaceMap(this);

            RaceTime = new RaceTimeController();

            PhysX.Instance.Scene.SetActorGroupPairFlags(PhysXConsts.TrackId, PhysXConsts.VehicleId, ContactPairFlag.Forces | ContactPairFlag.OnStartTouch | ContactPairFlag.OnTouch);
            PhysX.Instance.Scene.SetActorGroupPairFlags(PhysXConsts.VehicleId, PhysXConsts.NonCarId, ContactPairFlag.Forces | ContactPairFlag.OnStartTouch | ContactPairFlag.OnTouch);
            PhysX.Instance.Scene.SetActorGroupPairFlags(PhysXConsts.TrackId, PhysXConsts.NonCarId, ContactPairFlag.OnTouch);
            PhysX.Instance.Scene.SetActorGroupPairFlags(PhysXConsts.VehicleId, PhysXConsts.VehicleId, ContactPairFlag.Forces | ContactPairFlag.OnTouch | ContactPairFlag.OnStartTouch | ContactPairFlag.OnEndTouch);