Exemplo n.º 1
        public void button_ConfirmIngredients_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            currentRecipe = new Recipe();

            bool   abortCalculation = false, validIngredient = false, servingsSpecified = true, measuredByVolume = false;
            double portion, ingrQtyVal = 0; // portion represents how much the ingredient used is compared to one serving size of that ingredient
            double n_servingsMade = 0;

            if (textBox_NumberServingsMade.Text == "")
                servingsSpecified = false;
                    n_servingsMade = Double.Parse(textBox_NumberServingsMade.Text);

                    if (n_servingsMade <= 0)
                        abortCalculation = true;
                        MessageBox.Show("A number <= 0 was detected.");
                    MessageBox.Show("Alpha input detected for number of servings.");
                    abortCalculation = true;

            double totalCalories = 0, totalFat = 0, totalSatFat = 0, totalTransFat = 0, totalCholesterol = 0,
                   totalSodium = 0, totalCarbs = 0, totalFiber = 0, totalSugar = 0, totalProtein = 0, totalPrice = 0;

            // add nutrition from each ingredient entered
            foreach (Grid g in recipeIngredientList)
                if (abortCalculation == false) // an ingredient containing invalid fields has not been found yet
                    UIElementCollection gridChildren   = g.Children;
                    TextBox             ingrQty        = (TextBox)gridChildren[0];
                    ComboBox            ingrMsr        = (ComboBox)gridChildren[1];
                    ComboBox            ingrIngredient = (ComboBox)gridChildren[3];

                    if (ingrQty.Text == "" && ingrMsr.Text == "" && ingrIngredient.Text == "")
                        // skip adding this ingredient since it was left blank but do not abort
                    else if (ingrQty.Text == "" || ingrMsr.Text == "" || ingrIngredient.Text == "")
                        // not all fields were left blank so user forgot a field, abort the calculation and show message
                        abortCalculation = true;

                        String msg = "An empty field was detected for an ingredient.  Either\n"
                                     + "occupy all fields or leave them all blank.";
                        // all fields were entered for the ingredient, now check if they are valid
                            ingrQtyVal = Double.Parse(ingrQty.Text);

                            if (ingrQtyVal <= 0)
                                abortCalculation = true;
                                MessageBox.Show("A number <= 0 was detected.");
                        catch (Exception)
                            abortCalculation = true;
                            MessageBox.Show("Alpha input detected for number of servings.");

                        String     ingrMsr_AsString = ingrMsr.Text;
                        Ingredient ingredient       = (Ingredient)ingrIngredient.SelectedItem;

                        if (ingrMsr_AsString == "oz" || ingrMsr_AsString == "mg" || ingrMsr_AsString == "g" || ingrMsr_AsString == "kg")
                            measuredByVolume = false;
                            measuredByVolume = true;

                        if (measuredByVolume != ingredient.measuredByVolume)
                            String msg = "Invalid Measurement Type Conversion\n\n";

                            msg += "Recipe calls for " + ingrQty.Text + " " + ingrMsr.Text + " of " + ingredient.ToString() +
                                   " but " + ingredient.ToString() + " is currently only known to be measured by " + ingredient.ServingMsr + ".\n";

                            msg += "Cannot convert a ";
                            if (measuredByVolume == true)
                                msg += "volume";
                                msg += "mass";

                            msg += " measurement to a ";
                            if (ingredient.measuredByVolume == true)
                                msg += "volume";
                                msg += "mass";

                            msg += " measurement.";


                            abortCalculation = true;

                        // All fields have been gathered and tested for validity, calculate if we can
                        if (abortCalculation == false)
                            validIngredient = true; // atleast one ingredient was valid

                            portion = GetPortionSize(ingrQtyVal, ingrMsr_AsString, ingredient);

                            totalCalories    += ingredient.Calories * portion;
                            totalFat         += ingredient.Fat * portion;
                            totalSatFat      += ingredient.SatFat * portion;
                            totalTransFat    += ingredient.TransFat * portion;
                            totalCholesterol += ingredient.Cholesterol * portion;
                            totalSodium      += ingredient.Sodium * portion;
                            totalCarbs       += ingredient.Carbs * portion;
                            totalFiber       += ingredient.Fiber * portion;
                            totalSugar       += ingredient.Sugar * portion;
                            totalProtein     += ingredient.Protein * portion;

                            double pricePerServing = ingredient.Price / ingredient.ServingPerContainer;
                            totalPrice += pricePerServing * portion;

                            // now add the ingredient to the recipe
                            RecipeIngredient rIngredient = new RecipeIngredient(ingrQtyVal, ingrMsr_AsString, ingredient);

            label_ServingCalories.Content    = "-";
            label_ServingFat.Content         = "-";
            label_ServingSatFat.Content      = "-";
            label_ServingTransFat.Content    = "-";
            label_ServingCholesterol.Content = "-";
            label_ServingSodium.Content      = "-";
            label_ServingCarbs.Content       = "-";
            label_ServingFiber.Content       = "-";
            label_ServingSugar.Content       = "-";
            label_ServingProtein.Content     = "-";
            label_ServingPrice.Content       = "-";

            label_RecipeCalories.Content    = "-";
            label_RecipeFat.Content         = "-";
            label_RecipeSatFat.Content      = "-";
            label_RecipeTransFat.Content    = "-";
            label_RecipeCholesterol.Content = "-";
            label_RecipeSodium.Content      = "-";
            label_RecipeCarbs.Content       = "-";
            label_RecipeFiber.Content       = "-";
            label_RecipeSugar.Content       = "-";
            label_RecipeProtein.Content     = "-";
            label_RecipePrice.Content       = "-";

            textBox_RecipeName.Text        = "Add a Recipe Name (Click me)";
            textBox_RecipeIngredients.Text = "Ingredients will be added here";
            textBox_RecipeDirections.Text  = "Add directions here.";
            textBox_RecipeNotes.Text       = "Add notes here.";

            if (validIngredient && abortCalculation == false)
                // update nutrition facts label to hold the values
                label_RecipeCalories.Content    = String.Format("{0:0.#}", totalCalories);
                label_RecipeFat.Content         = String.Format("{0:0.#}", totalFat);
                label_RecipeSatFat.Content      = String.Format("{0:0.#}", totalSatFat);
                label_RecipeTransFat.Content    = String.Format("{0:0.#}", totalTransFat);
                label_RecipeCholesterol.Content = String.Format("{0:0.#}", totalCholesterol);
                label_RecipeSodium.Content      = String.Format("{0:0.#}", totalSodium);
                label_RecipeCarbs.Content       = String.Format("{0:0.#}", totalCarbs);
                label_RecipeFiber.Content       = String.Format("{0:0.#}", totalFiber);
                label_RecipeSugar.Content       = String.Format("{0:0.#}", totalSugar);
                label_RecipeProtein.Content     = String.Format("{0:0.#}", totalProtein);
                label_RecipePrice.Content       = "$" + String.Format("{0:0.00}", totalPrice);

                if (servingsSpecified == true) // user did specify how many servings the recipe made (and it is > 0)
                    label_ServingCalories.Content    = String.Format("{0:0.#}", totalCalories / n_servingsMade);
                    label_ServingFat.Content         = String.Format("{0:0.#}", totalFat / n_servingsMade);
                    label_ServingSatFat.Content      = String.Format("{0:0.#}", totalSatFat / n_servingsMade);
                    label_ServingTransFat.Content    = String.Format("{0:0.#}", totalTransFat / n_servingsMade);
                    label_ServingCholesterol.Content = String.Format("{0:0.#}", totalCholesterol / n_servingsMade);
                    label_ServingSodium.Content      = String.Format("{0:0.#}", totalSodium / n_servingsMade);
                    label_ServingCarbs.Content       = String.Format("{0:0.#}", totalCarbs / n_servingsMade);
                    label_ServingFiber.Content       = String.Format("{0:0.#}", totalFiber / n_servingsMade);
                    label_ServingSugar.Content       = String.Format("{0:0.#}", totalSugar / n_servingsMade);
                    label_ServingProtein.Content     = String.Format("{0:0.#}", totalProtein / n_servingsMade);
                    label_ServingPrice.Content       = "$" + String.Format("{0:0.00}", totalPrice / n_servingsMade);
                else // user did not specify a number of servings so just show them the recipe amount automatically
                    if (displayingNutrition == true)
                        // execute TogglePerRecipe_MouseDown event
                        if (displayingPerServing == true)
                            // want to show per recipe
                            displayingPerServing = false;

                            label_TogglePerServing.Opacity = 0.6;
                            label_TogglePerRecipe.Opacity  = 1;

                            stackPanel_NutritionLabelPerServing.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
                            stackPanel_NutritionLabelPerRecipe.Visibility  = Visibility.Visible;

                // update recipe panel
                String text = "";
                foreach (RecipeIngredient rIngredient in currentRecipe.ingredients)
                    text += " - " + rIngredient.Quantity.ToString() + " " + rIngredient.MeasureType + " " + rIngredient.Ingredient.ToString() + "\n";
                textBox_RecipeIngredients.Text = text.Substring(0, text.Length - 1); // remove last \n

                if (servingsSpecified)
                    textBox_RecipeNotes.Text = "Makes " + n_servingsMade.ToString() + " servings.";
                    currentRecipe.Notes      = "Makes " + n_servingsMade.ToString() + " servings.";
                currentRecipe = new Recipe();
Exemplo n.º 2
        private List <Recipe> BuildRecipeDatabaseList()
            bool          abortRead = false;
            List <Recipe> list      = new List <Recipe>();

            String name = "", ingredients = "", directions = "", notes = "";

            // read from table, create Recipe object, add to list
            SQL_cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM Recipes;";
            SQL_datareader      = SQL_cmd.ExecuteReader();

            while (SQL_datareader.Read())
                // there is a table entry to read
                name        = (String)SQL_datareader["Name"];
                ingredients = (String)SQL_datareader["Ingredients"];
                directions  = (String)SQL_datareader["Directions"];
                notes       = (String)SQL_datareader["Notes"];

                Recipe recipe = new Recipe();
                recipe.Name       = name;
                recipe.Directions = directions;
                recipe.Notes      = notes;

                // add the ingredients to the recipe object
                String[] subStrings = ingredients.Split('~');
                if (subStrings.Length % 3 == 0) // each ingredient will have quantity, measure type and ingredient, so each ingredient should have 3 strings associated with it
                    for (int i = 0; i < subStrings.Length; i++)
                        if (!abortRead)
                            RecipeIngredient rIngredient = new RecipeIngredient();

                            // read quantity
                            if (!Double.TryParse(subStrings[i], out rIngredient.Quantity)) // if failed
                                abortRead = true;


                            // read measure type
                            rIngredient.MeasureType = subStrings[i];

                            // find the ingredient object
                            bool ingredientFound = false;
                            foreach (Ingredient dbIngredient in ingredientDatabaseList)
                                if (dbIngredient.Name == subStrings[i])
                                    rIngredient.Ingredient = dbIngredient;
                                    ingredientFound        = true;

                            if (!ingredientFound)
                                abortRead = true;
                                MessageBox.Show("A Recipe in the database calls for an ingredient not currently saved in the archive.");

                    abortRead = true;



            if (abortRead)
                list = new List <Recipe>();
                MessageBox.Show("Error when reading from Recipe Database.\nLoading with a blank recipe list...");
