Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a Bitmap image with size width,height.
        /// From the area (x1,y2) to (x2,y2) where x1,y1,x2,y2 are
        /// geological coordinates.
        /// </summary>
        public Bitmap GetTile(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int width, int height)
            Bitmap tile = new Bitmap(width, height);
            int zoomLevel = GetZoomLevel(x1, x2, width);
            BBox box = new BBox(x1, y1, x2, y2);

            // Make searchbox wider dependent on zoomlevel.
            // Explanation at summary of getSearchBBox.
            BBox searchBox = getSearchBBox(box, zoomLevel);

            // Clears image with grey backgroundcolor.
            Graphics.FromImage(tile).Clear(Color.FromArgb(230, 230, 230));

            // Draww all seperate elements in following order:
            // Land -> Buildings -> Streets -> extra locations (Busstations, parking signs)
            drawLandCurves(box, tile, graph.GetLandsInBBox(searchBox));
            drawBuildingCurves(box, tile, graph.GetBuildingsInBBox(searchBox));
            drawStreetCurves(box, tile, graph.GetWaysInBBox(searchBox), zoomLevel);
            drawExtras(box, tile, graph.GetExtrasInBBox(BBox.getResizedBBox(box, 2)), zoomLevel);
            //drawAdditionalCurves(box, tile, graph.GetExtrasinBBOX(searchBox), zoomLevel);

            //used for debugging
            //Graphics.FromImage(tile).DrawLines(Pens.LightGray, new Point[] { Point.Empty, new Point(0, height), new Point(width, height), new Point(width, 0), Point.Empty });
            return tile;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Resizes a BBox by a factor so that the middle stays
        /// at the same location.
        /// </summary>
        public static BBox getResizedBBox(BBox box, double factor)
            BBox resizedBBox = new BBox(box.XMin, box.YMin, box.XMax, box.YMax);

            resizedBBox.XMin -= (factor - 1) * box.Width / 2;
            resizedBBox.XMax += (factor - 1) * box.Width / 2;
            resizedBBox.YMin -= (factor - 1) * box.Height / 2;
            resizedBBox.YMax += (factor - 1) * box.Height / 2;
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws all buildings in "buildingCurves" on Bitmap tile with box
 /// containing the start and end point of the tile in geological coordinates.
 /// </summary>
 private void drawBuildingCurves(BBox box, Bitmap tile, Curve[] buildingCurves)
     foreach (Curve buildingCurve in buildingCurves)
         Brush brush = getBrushFromCurveType(buildingCurve.Type);
         if (brush != null)
             drawLanduse(box, tile, buildingCurve, brush);
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws all landpieces in "landCurves" on Bitmap tile with box
 /// containing the start and end point of the tile in geological coordinates.
 /// </summary>
 private void drawLandCurves(BBox box, Bitmap tile, Curve[] landCurves)
     foreach (Curve landCurve in landCurves)
         Brush brush = getBrushFromCurveType(landCurve.Type);
         if (brush != null)
             drawLanduse(box, tile, landCurve, brush);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a location on the map with Image "icon" on
        /// the Bitmap "tile", where box represents the position
        /// and size of the tile in geological coordinates.
        /// </summary>
        private void drawExtra(BBox box, Bitmap tile, Location location, Image icon)
            Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(tile);

            gr.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

            Point start = nodeToTilePoint(box, tile, new Node(box.XMin, box.YMax, 0));
            Point p     = nodeToTilePoint(box, tile, location);

            gr.DrawImage(icon, new Point(p.X - start.X, -p.Y + start.Y));
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws all streets in "streetCurves" on Bitmap tile with box
 /// containing the start and end point of the tile in geological coordinates.
 /// Streets will only be drawn in certain zoomlevels.
 /// </summary>
 private void drawStreetCurves(BBox box, Bitmap tile, Curve[] streetCurves, int zoomLevel)
     foreach (Curve streetCurve in streetCurves)
         Pen pen = getPenFromCurveType(streetCurve.Type, zoomLevel);
         if (pen != null)
             drawStreet(box, tile, streetCurve, getPenFromCurveType(streetCurve.Type, zoomLevel));
Exemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws all locations in "extraLocations" on Bitmap tile with box
 /// containing the start and end point of the tile in geological coordinates.
 /// Locations will only be drawn in certain zoomlevels.
 /// </summary>
 private void drawExtras(BBox box, Bitmap tile, Location[] extraLocations, int zoomLevel)
     foreach (Location extraLocation in extraLocations)
         Image icon = getIconFromLocationType(extraLocation.Type, zoomLevel);
         if (icon != null)
             drawExtra(box, tile, extraLocation, icon);
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Resizes the BBox box if zoomlevel is very low.
 /// This is because when curves pass through a tile but no nodes
 /// of that curve are in that tile the curve won't be drawn in that tile.
 /// So on very low zoomlevels, we need to search wider to draw all
 /// curves in a tile.
 /// </summary>
 private BBox getSearchBBox(BBox box, int zoomLevel)
     if (zoomLevel == 1)
         return(BBox.getResizedBBox(box, 3));
     if (zoomLevel == 0)
         return(BBox.getResizedBBox(box, 7));
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the tileCorner with index 'id' is in the screen.
        /// </summary>
        private bool IsInScreen(int id)
            if (id >= tileCorners[tileIndex].Count)

            Coordinate c1  = PointToCoord(tileCorners[tileIndex][id].X, tileCorners[tileIndex][id].Y);
            Coordinate c2  = PointToCoord(tileCorners[tileIndex][id].X + bmpWidth, tileCorners[tileIndex][id].Y + bmpHeight);
            BBox       box = new BBox(c1.Longitude, c1.Latitude, c2.Longitude, c2.Latitude);

Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a piece of land or building using Brush "brush"
        /// on the Bitmap "tile", where box represents the position
        /// and size of the tile in geological coordinates.
        /// </summary>
        private void drawLanduse(BBox box, Bitmap tile, Curve curve, Brush brush)
            List <Point> polygonPoints = new List <Point>();
            Point        start         = nodeToTilePoint(box, tile, new Node(box.XMin, box.YMax, 0));

            Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(tile);

            gr.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

            for (int i = 0; i < curve.AmountOfNodes; i++)
                Node node = graph.GetNode(curve[i]);
                if (node.Longitude != 0 && node.Latitude != 0)
                    Point p = nodeToTilePoint(box, tile, node);
                    polygonPoints.Add(new Point(p.X - start.X, -p.Y + start.Y));

            gr.FillPolygon(brush, polygonPoints.ToArray());
Exemplo n.º 11
Arquivo: Graph.cs Projeto: CPutz/MyMap
        public Curve[] GetCurvesInBBox(BBox box)
            List<Curve> list = new List<Curve>();


            return list.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Control that draws the map and updates the tiles.
        /// </summary>
        public MapDisplay(int x, int y, int width, int height, LoadingThread thr)
            this.Location = new Point(x, y);
            this.Width = width;
            this.Height = height;
            this.bounds = new BBox(5.16130, 52.06070, 5.19430, 52.09410);
            this.DoubleBuffered = true;

            this.updateStatusDelegate = new UpdateStatusDelegate(UpdateStatus);
            this.updateRouteStatsDelegate = new UpdateRouteStatsDelegate(UpdateRouteStats);
            this.startLogoDelegate = new StartLogoDelegate(StartLoadingLogo);
            this.stopLogoDelegate = new StopLogoDelegate(StopLoadingLogo);

            this.updateThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.UpdateTiles));
            this.MouseClick += (object o, MouseEventArgs mea) => { OnClick(o, new MouseMapDragEventArgs(null, mea.Button, mea.Clicks,
                                                                                                        mea.X, mea.Y, mea.Delta)); };
            this.MouseDoubleClick += OnDoubleClick;
            this.Paint += OnPaint;
            this.Resize += OnResize;
            this.MouseDown += OnMouseDown;
            this.MouseUp += OnMouseUp;
            this.MouseMove += OnMouseMove;
            this.Disposed += (object o, EventArgs ea) => { updateThread.Abort(); };

            // Thread that loads the graph.
            loadingThread = thr;

            // Checks whether the graph is loaded so the mapdisplay can start loading tiles.
            loadingTimer = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
            loadingTimer.Interval = 100;
            loadingTimer.Tick += (object o, EventArgs ea) => { DoUpdate(); };

            logo = new AllstarsLogo(true);
            logo.Location = Point.Empty;
            logo.Width = this.Width;
            logo.Height = this.Height;

            LinkLabel creditLabel = new LinkLabel();
            creditLabel.Text = "© OpenStreetMap contributors";
            creditLabel.LinkArea = new LinkArea(2, 13);
            creditLabel.LinkClicked += (object o, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs ea) => { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright/en"); };
            creditLabel.Anchor = (AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom);
            creditLabel.Size = creditLabel.PreferredSize;
            creditLabel.Location = new Point(this.Width - creditLabel.Width - 1, this.Height - creditLabel.Height - 1);

            statLabel = new Label();
            statLabel.AutoSize = true;
            statLabel.Resize += (object o, EventArgs ea) => { statLabel.Location = new Point(this.Width - 1 - statLabel.Size.Width, 1); };
            statLabel.Anchor = (AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Top);
            statLabel.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 11);

            myVehicles = new List<MyVehicle>();
            icons = new List<MapIcon>();
            streetSelection = new List<Curve>();

            tiles = new List<List<Bitmap>>();
            tileCorners = new List<List<Point>>();
            tiles.Add(new List<Bitmap>());
            tileCorners.Add(new List<Point>());
            tileIndex = 0;

            tileIndexes = new List<SortedList<int, SortedList<int, int>>>();
            tileIndexes.Add(new SortedList<int, SortedList<int, int>>());

            zoomWidth = new List<double>();
            zoomHeight = new List<double>();

            this.Disposed += (sender, e) =>
                logo.StillLoading = false;

            // Set linecaps for the pens.
            footPen.SetLineCap(LineCap.Round, LineCap.Round, DashCap.Round);
            bikePen.SetLineCap(LineCap.Round, LineCap.Round, DashCap.Round);
            carPen.SetLineCap(LineCap.Round, LineCap.Round, DashCap.Round);
            busPen.SetLineCap(LineCap.Round, LineCap.Round, DashCap.Round);
            otherPen.SetLineCap(LineCap.Round, LineCap.Round, DashCap.Round);
Exemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws all locations in "extraLocations" on Bitmap tile with box
 /// containing the start and end point of the tile in geological coordinates.
 /// Locations will only be drawn in certain zoomlevels.
 /// </summary>
 private void drawExtras(BBox box, Bitmap tile, Location[] extraLocations, int zoomLevel)
     foreach (Location extraLocation in extraLocations)
         Image icon = getIconFromLocationType(extraLocation.Type, zoomLevel);
         if (icon != null)
             drawExtra(box, tile, extraLocation, icon);
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: BBox.cs Projeto: CPutz/MyMap
 /// <summary>
 /// Resizes a BBox by a factor so that the middle stays
 /// at the same location.
 /// </summary>
 public static BBox getResizedBBox(BBox box, double factor)
     BBox resizedBBox = new BBox(box.XMin, box.YMin, box.XMax, box.YMax);
     resizedBBox.XMin -= (factor - 1) * box.Width / 2;
     resizedBBox.XMax += (factor - 1) * box.Width / 2;
     resizedBBox.YMin -= (factor - 1) * box.Height / 2;
     resizedBBox.YMax += (factor - 1) * box.Height / 2;
     return resizedBBox;
Exemplo n.º 15
Arquivo: Graph.cs Projeto: CPutz/MyMap
        public Graph(string path)
            List<long>[,] geoBlocks = null;

            datasource = path;

            // Buffer is 1024 fileblocks big
            FileStream file = new FileStream(datasource, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read,
                                             FileShare.Read, 8 * 1024 * 1024);

            // List of file-positions where blocks with ways and/or
            // relations start.
            List<long> wayBlocks = new List<long>();

            // We will read the fileblocks in parallel
            List<long> blocks = new List<long>();

            List<long> busNodes = new List<long>();
            List<string> busNames = new List<string>();

            Console.WriteLine("Finding blocks");

            while (true)
                long blockstart = file.Position;

                BlobHeader blobHead = readBlobHeader(file);
                if (blobHead == null)

                if (blobHead.Type == "OSMHeader")
                    HeaderBlock filehead = HeaderBlock.ParseFrom(
                        readBlockData(file, blobHead.Datasize));
                    for (int i = 0; i < filehead.RequiredFeaturesCount; i++)
                        string s = filehead.GetRequiredFeatures(i);
                        if (s != "DenseNodes" && s != "OsmSchema-V0.6")
                            throw new NotSupportedException(s);

                    // The .000000001 is 'cause longs are stored
                    fileBounds = new BBox(.000000001 * filehead.Bbox.Left,
                                          .000000001 * filehead.Bbox.Top,
                                          .000000001 * filehead.Bbox.Right,
                                          .000000001 * filehead.Bbox.Bottom);

                    horizontalGeoBlocks = (int)(fileBounds.Width / geoBlockWidth) + 1;
                    verticalGeoBlocks = (int)(fileBounds.Height / geoBlockHeight) + 1;
                    //Console.WriteLine("geoblocks {0}x{1}", horizontalGeoBlocks, verticalGeoBlocks);
                    geoBlocks = new List<long>[horizontalGeoBlocks + 1,
                                               verticalGeoBlocks + 1];
                    wayGeoBlocks = new List<long>[horizontalGeoBlocks + 1,
                                               verticalGeoBlocks + 1];
                    landGeoBlocks = new List<long>[horizontalGeoBlocks + 1,
                                               verticalGeoBlocks + 1];
                    buildingGeoBlocks = new List<long>[horizontalGeoBlocks + 1,
                                               verticalGeoBlocks + 1];

                    file.Position += blobHead.Datasize;


            Console.WriteLine("Reading nodes");

            Parallel.ForEach(blocks, blockstart =>
            //foreach(long blockstart in blocks)
                BlobHeader blobHead;
                byte[] blockData;

                lock (file)
                    file.Position = blockstart;

                    blobHead = readBlobHeader(file);

                    // This means End Of File
                    if (blobHead == null || blobHead.Type == "OSMHeader")
                        throw new Exception("Should never happen");

                    blockData = readBlockData(file, blobHead.Datasize);

                if (blobHead.Type == "OSMData")

                    PrimitiveBlock pb = PrimitiveBlock.ParseFrom(blockData);

                    for (int i = 0; i < pb.PrimitivegroupCount; i++)
                        PrimitiveGroup pg = pb.GetPrimitivegroup(i);

                        if (pg.HasDense)
                            // Remember the start of every blob with nodes
                            nodeBlockIndexes.Insert(pg.Dense.GetId(0), blockstart);
                            long id = 0;
                            double latitude = 0, longitude = 0;
                            for (int j = 0; j < pg.Dense.IdCount; j++)
                                id += pg.Dense.GetId(j);
                                latitude += .000000001 * (pb.LatOffset +
                                                          pb.Granularity * pg.Dense.GetLat(j));
                                longitude += .000000001 * (pb.LonOffset +
                                                           pb.Granularity * pg.Dense.GetLon(j));

                                if (fileBounds.Contains(longitude, latitude))
                                    int blockX = XBlock(longitude);
                                    int blockY = YBlock(latitude);

                                    List<long> list = geoBlocks[blockX, blockY];
                                    if (list == null)
                                        geoBlocks[blockX, blockY] = list = new List<long>();
                    //Console.WriteLine("Unknown blocktype: " + blobHead.Type);


            Console.WriteLine("Reading ways");

            Parallel.ForEach(blocks, blockstart =>
            //foreach(long blockstart in wayBlocks)
                BlobHeader blobHead;
                byte[] blockData;

                lock (file)
                    file.Position = blockstart;

                    blobHead = readBlobHeader(file);

                    // This means End Of File
                    if (blobHead == null || blobHead.Type == "OSMHeader")
                        throw new Exception("Should never happen");

                    blockData = readBlockData(file, blobHead.Datasize);

                if (blobHead.Type == "OSMData")
                    PrimitiveBlock pb = PrimitiveBlock.ParseFrom(blockData);
                    for (int i = 0; i < pb.PrimitivegroupCount; i++)
                        PrimitiveGroup pg = pb.GetPrimitivegroup(i);

                         * Part one: read all the curves and add them

                        // Insert curves in the curve tree
                        for (int j = 0; j < pg.WaysCount; j++)
                            CurveType type = CurveType.UnTested;

                            OSMPBF.Way w = pg.GetWays(j);

                            // Nodes in this way
                            List<long> nodes = new List<long>();

                            long id = 0;
                            for (int k = 0; k < w.RefsCount; k++)
                                id += w.GetRefs(k);


                            string name = "";
                            int maxSpeed = 0;

                            bool makeCurve = true;
                            bool curveTypeSpecified = true;

                            bool carSpecified = false;
                            bool bicycleSpecified = false;
                            bool footSpecified = false;
                            bool busSpecified = false;

                            bool carAllowed = false;
                            bool bicycleAllowed = false;
                            bool footAllowed = false;
                            bool busAllowed = false;

                            for (int k = 0; k < w.KeysCount; k++)
                                string key = pb.Stringtable.GetS(
                                string value = pb.Stringtable.GetS(

                                #region Process keys
                                switch (key.ToLower())
                                    #region highway
                                    case "highway":
                                        switch (value)
                                            case "bus_guideway":
                                                type = CurveType.Bus_guideway;
                                            case "construction":
                                                type = CurveType.Construction_street;
                                            case "cycleway":
                                                type = CurveType.Cycleway;
                                            case "footway":
                                                type = CurveType.Footway;
                                            case "Living_street":
                                                type = CurveType.Living_street;
                                            case "motorway":
                                                type = CurveType.Motorway;
                                            case "motorway_link":
                                                type = CurveType.Motorway_link;
                                            case "pedestrian":
                                                type = CurveType.Pedestrian;
                                            case "primary":
                                                type = CurveType.Primary;
                                            case "primary_link":
                                                type = CurveType.Primary_link;
                                            case "proposed":
                                                type = CurveType.Proposed;
                                            case "raceway":
                                                type = CurveType.Raceway;
                                            case "residential":
                                                type = CurveType.Residential_street;
                                            case "road":
                                                type = CurveType.Road;
                                            case "secondary":
                                                type = CurveType.Secondary;
                                            case "secondary_link":
                                                type = CurveType.Secondary_link;
                                            case "service":
                                                type = CurveType.Service;
                                            case "steps":
                                                type = CurveType.Steps;
                                            case "tertiary":
                                                type = CurveType.Tertiary;
                                            case "tertiary_link":
                                                type = CurveType.Tertiary_link;
                                            case "track":
                                                type = CurveType.Track;
                                            case "trunk":
                                                type = CurveType.Trunk;
                                            case "trunk_link":
                                                type = CurveType.Trunk_link;
                                            case "unclassified":
                                                type = CurveType.Unclassified;
                                            case "path":
                                                type = CurveType.Path;
                                                //Console.WriteLine("TODO: highway=" + value);
                                    #region landuse
                                    case "landuse":
                                        switch (value)
                                            case "allotments":
                                                type = CurveType.Allotments;
                                            case "basin":
                                                type = CurveType.Basin;
                                            case "construction":
                                                type = CurveType.Construction_land;
                                            case "grass":
                                                type = CurveType.Grass;
                                            case "farm":
                                                type = CurveType.Farm;
                                            case "forest":
                                                type = CurveType.Forest;
                                            case "military":
                                                type = CurveType.Military;
                                            case "orchard":
                                                type = CurveType.Orchard;
                                            case "pond":
                                                type = CurveType.Salt_pond;
                                            case "recreation_centre":
                                                type = CurveType.Recreation_ground;
                                                //Console.WriteLine("TODO: landuse=" + value);
                                    case "building":
                                        type = CurveType.Building;
                                    case "natural":
                                        if (value == "water")
                                            type = CurveType.Water;
                                    case "name":
                                    case "addr:housename":
                                    case "alt_name":
                                    case "loc_name":
                                    case "name_alt":
                                    case "name:left":
                                    case "name:right":
                                        if(name == "")
                                            name = value;
                                            name = name + "/" + value;
                                    case "maxspeed":
                                        int.TryParse(value, out maxSpeed);
                                    case "bicycle":
                                    case "bicycle:backward":
                                    case "cyclestreet":
                                    case "cycleway":
                                    case "cycleway:lane":
                                    case "cycleway:left":
                                    case "cycleway:left:surface":
                                    case "cycleway:left:width":
                                    case "cycleway:right":
                                    case "cycleway:right:surface":
                                    case "cycleway:right:width":
                                    case "cycleway:surface":
                                    case "cycleway:width":
                                        bicycleSpecified = true;
                                        bicycleAllowed = value != "no";
                                    case "bicycle:oneway":
                                    case "oneway:bicycle":
                                    case "cycleway:oneway":
                                    case "oneway:cycleway:":
                                        bicycleSpecified = true;
                                        bicycleAllowed = true;
                                case "vehicle":
                                    bicycleSpecified = true;
                                    carSpecified = true;
                                    if(value == "no")
                                        bicycleAllowed = false;
                                        carAllowed = false;
                                        bicycleAllowed = true;
                                        carAllowed = true;
                                case "car":
                                case "motorcar":
                                case "motor_vehicle":
                                    carSpecified = true;
                                    carAllowed = value != "no";
                                case "foot":
                                case "footway":
                                    footSpecified = true;
                                    footAllowed = value != "no";
                                    case "public_transport":
                                        type = CurveType.PublicTransportPlatform;
                                    case "bus":
                                        if(value != "no")
                                            type = CurveType.PublicServiceVehicles;
                                    case "waterway":
                                    case "water":
                                        // TODO? draw these things?
                                        // Or just the lake/basin/pond?
                                        if (value == "ditch" ||
                                           value == "drain" ||
                                           value == "weir" ||
                                           value == "stream"  ||
                                           value == "yes" ||
                                           value == "river" ||
                                           value == "culvert" ||
                                           value == "drain; culvert" ||
                                           value == "Ditch" ||
                                           value == "Tank_ditch" ||
                                           value == "dept_line" ||
                                           value == "lock" ||
                                           value == "canal"

                                           type = CurveType.Waterway;
                                        if (
                                           value == "lake" ||
                                           value == "basin" ||
                                           value == "pond" ||
                                           value == "riverbank" 
                                            type = CurveType.Water;
                                case "psv":
                                    if (value == "yes")
                                        type = CurveType.PublicServiceVehicles;
                                case "amenity":
                                    if (value == "parking")
                                        type = CurveType.Parking;
                                        Coordinate center = FindCentroid(nodes);
                                        extras.Add(new Location(new Node(center.Longitude, center.Latitude, 0), LocationType.Parking));
                                case "power":
                                    if (value == "generator")
                                        type = CurveType.Power;
                                    if (key.StartsWith("building"))
                                        type = CurveType.Building;

                            // Try to make sense of tags
                            #region Process transport tags
                            if (type.IsStreet())
                                // If type props don't match specified props
                                if(!curveTypeSpecified ||
                                   (bicycleSpecified &&
                                   (bicycleAllowed != type.BicyclesAllowed())) ||
                                   (carSpecified &&
                                   (carAllowed != type.CarsAllowed())) ||
                                   (footSpecified &&
                                   (footAllowed != type.FootAllowed())))
                                    // What is specified exactly?
                                    footAllowed = footSpecified ?
                                        footAllowed : type.FootAllowed();
                                    bicycleAllowed = bicycleSpecified ?
                                        bicycleAllowed : type.BicyclesAllowed();
                                    carAllowed = carSpecified ?
                                        carAllowed : type.CarsAllowed();

                                    // Tedious matching of stuff
                                            if (bicycleAllowed)
                                                type = CurveType.CarBicycleFoot;
                                                type = CurveType.CarBicycleNoFoot;
                                                type = CurveType.Motorway;
                                        // What is specified exactly?
                                        footAllowed = footSpecified ?
                                            footAllowed : type.FootAllowed();
                                        bicycleAllowed = bicycleSpecified ?
                                            bicycleAllowed : type.BicyclesAllowed();
                                        carAllowed = carSpecified ?
                                            carAllowed : type.CarsAllowed();

                                        if(type == CurveType.PublicServiceVehicles)
                                                    type = CurveType.BusFootBicycle;
                                                    type = CurveType.BusFoot;
                                                type = CurveType.BusBicycle;
                                            if(footAllowed && bicycleAllowed)
                                                type = CurveType.Path;
                                            if(footAllowed && !bicycleAllowed)
                                                type = CurveType.Footway;
                                            if(!footAllowed && bicycleAllowed)
                                                type = CurveType.NoCarBicycleNoFoot;
                                            if(!footAllowed && !bicycleAllowed)
                                                type = CurveType.NoneAllowed;

                            if (makeCurve)
                                Curve c = new Curve(nodes.ToArray(), name);
                                c.Name = name;
                                c.Type = type;

                                if (type.IsStreet())
                                    foreach (long n in nodes)
                                        ways.Insert(n, c);

                                    if (maxSpeed > 0)
                                        c.MaxSpeed = maxSpeed;
                                if (type.IsBuilding())
                                        foreach (long n in nodes)
                                            buildings.Insert(n, c);
                                        foreach (long n in nodes)
                                            lands.Insert(n, c);

                         * Part two: adding bus routes and the likes

                        ListTree<long> endIdStartId = new ListTree<long>();

                        //Parallel.For(0, pg.RelationsCount, j =>
                        for(int j = 0; j < pg.RelationsCount; j++)
                            Relation rel = pg.GetRelations(j);

                            bool publictransport = false;
                            string name = "";

                            for (int k = 0; k < rel.KeysCount; k++)
                                string key = pb.Stringtable.GetS((int)rel.GetKeys(k)).ToStringUtf8();
                                string value = pb.Stringtable.GetS((int)rel.GetVals(k)).ToStringUtf8();

                                if (key == "route" && (value == "bus" ||
                                                      value == "trolleybus" ||
                                                      value == "share_taxi" ||
                                                      value == "tram"))
                                    publictransport = true;

                                if (key == "ref")
                                    name = value;

                            if (publictransport)
                                long id = 0;

                                //List<long> nodes = new List<long>();

                                for (int k = 0; k < rel.MemidsCount; k++)
                                    id += rel.GetMemids(k);
                                    string role = pb.Stringtable.GetS((int)rel.GetRolesSid(k)).ToStringUtf8();
                                    string type = rel.GetTypes(k).ToString();

                                    //Console.WriteLine(type + " " + id + " is " + role);
                                    if (type == "NODE" && role.StartsWith("stop"))

                                for (int l = 0; l < busNodes.Count - 1; l++)
                                    Edge e = new Edge(busNodes[l], busNodes[l + 1]);
                                    e.Type = CurveType.AbstractBusRoute;

                                    if (!endIdStartId.Get(e.End).Contains(e.Start))
                                        endIdStartId.Insert(e.End, e.Start);
                                Edge e2 = new Edge(busNodes[busNodes.Count - 1], 0);
                                e2.Type = CurveType.AbstractBusRoute;
                                endIdStartId.Insert(busNodes[busNodes.Count - 1], 0);


            Console.WriteLine("Sorting nodes");

            Parallel.For(0, horizontalGeoBlocks, (x) =>
                for(int y = 0; y <= verticalGeoBlocks; y++)
                    if(geoBlocks[x, y] != null)
                        List<long> wayList = new List<long>();
                        List<long> landList = new List<long>();
                        List<long> buildingList = new List<long>();

                        foreach(long id in geoBlocks[x, y])

                            if(ways.Get(id).Count != 0)

                            if(lands.Get(id).Count != 0)

                            if(buildings.Get(id).Count != 0)

                        wayGeoBlocks[x, y] = wayList;
                        landGeoBlocks[x, y] = landList;
                        buildingGeoBlocks[x, y] = buildingList;

            Console.WriteLine("Routing busStations");
            // Add busstations
            for (int i = 0; i < busNodes.Count; i++)
                if (busStations.Get(busNodes[i]) == null)
                    Node n = GetNode(busNodes[i]);

                    if (n.Longitude != 0 && n.Latitude != 0)
                        busStations.Insert(busNodes[i], n);
                        extras.Add(new Location(n, LocationType.BusStation));

            busThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { LoadBusses(); }));
Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Control that draws the map and updates the tiles.
        /// </summary>
        public MapDisplay(int x, int y, int width, int height, LoadingThread thr)
            this.Location       = new Point(x, y);
            this.Width          = width;
            this.Height         = height;
            this.bounds         = new BBox(5.16130, 52.06070, 5.19430, 52.09410);
            this.DoubleBuffered = true;

            this.updateStatusDelegate     = new UpdateStatusDelegate(UpdateStatus);
            this.updateRouteStatsDelegate = new UpdateRouteStatsDelegate(UpdateRouteStats);
            this.startLogoDelegate        = new StartLogoDelegate(StartLoadingLogo);
            this.stopLogoDelegate         = new StopLogoDelegate(StopLoadingLogo);

            this.updateThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.UpdateTiles));
            this.MouseClick  += (object o, MouseEventArgs mea) => { OnClick(o, new MouseMapDragEventArgs(null, mea.Button, mea.Clicks,
                                                                                                         mea.X, mea.Y, mea.Delta)); };
            this.MouseDoubleClick += OnDoubleClick;
            this.Paint            += OnPaint;
            this.Resize           += OnResize;
            this.MouseDown        += OnMouseDown;
            this.MouseUp          += OnMouseUp;
            this.MouseMove        += OnMouseMove;
            this.Disposed         += (object o, EventArgs ea) => { updateThread.Abort(); };

            // Thread that loads the graph.
            loadingThread = thr;

            // Checks whether the graph is loaded so the mapdisplay can start loading tiles.
            loadingTimer          = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer();
            loadingTimer.Interval = 100;
            loadingTimer.Tick    += (object o, EventArgs ea) => { DoUpdate(); };

            logo          = new AllstarsLogo(true);
            logo.Location = Point.Empty;
            logo.Width    = this.Width;
            logo.Height   = this.Height;

            LinkLabel creditLabel = new LinkLabel();

            creditLabel.Text         = "© OpenStreetMap contributors";
            creditLabel.LinkArea     = new LinkArea(2, 13);
            creditLabel.LinkClicked += (object o, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs ea) => { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("http://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright/en"); };
            creditLabel.Anchor       = (AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Bottom);
            creditLabel.Size         = creditLabel.PreferredSize;
            creditLabel.Location     = new Point(this.Width - creditLabel.Width - 1, this.Height - creditLabel.Height - 1);

            statLabel          = new Label();
            statLabel.AutoSize = true;
            statLabel.Resize  += (object o, EventArgs ea) => { statLabel.Location = new Point(this.Width - 1 - statLabel.Size.Width, 1); };
            statLabel.Anchor   = (AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Top);
            statLabel.Font     = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 11);

            myVehicles      = new List <MyVehicle>();
            icons           = new List <MapIcon>();
            streetSelection = new List <Curve>();

            tiles       = new List <List <Bitmap> >();
            tileCorners = new List <List <Point> >();
            tiles.Add(new List <Bitmap>());
            tileCorners.Add(new List <Point>());
            tileIndex = 0;

            tileIndexes = new List <SortedList <int, SortedList <int, int> > >();
            tileIndexes.Add(new SortedList <int, SortedList <int, int> >());

            zoomWidth  = new List <double>();
            zoomHeight = new List <double>();

            this.Disposed += (sender, e) =>
                logo.StillLoading = false;

            // Set linecaps for the pens.
            footPen.SetLineCap(LineCap.Round, LineCap.Round, DashCap.Round);
            bikePen.SetLineCap(LineCap.Round, LineCap.Round, DashCap.Round);
            carPen.SetLineCap(LineCap.Round, LineCap.Round, DashCap.Round);
            busPen.SetLineCap(LineCap.Round, LineCap.Round, DashCap.Round);
            otherPen.SetLineCap(LineCap.Round, LineCap.Round, DashCap.Round);
Exemplo n.º 17
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a Point in pixel-coordinates from a Node with
 /// geological coordinates. The Point is in coordinates for the
 /// entire map so it should be converted to coordinates for the
 /// specific tile that is drawn.
 /// </summary>
 private Point nodeToTilePoint(BBox box, Bitmap tile, Node node)
     Coordinate c = new Coordinate(node.Longitude, node.Latitude);
     Projection p = new Projection(box.Width, tile.Width, new Coordinate(box.XMin, box.YMax));
     return p.CoordToPoint(c);
Exemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 /// Resizes the BBox box if zoomlevel is very low.
 /// This is because when curves pass through a tile but no nodes
 /// of that curve are in that tile the curve won't be drawn in that tile.
 /// So on very low zoomlevels, we need to search wider to draw all
 /// curves in a tile.
 /// </summary>
 private BBox getSearchBBox(BBox box, int zoomLevel)
     if (zoomLevel == 1)
         return BBox.getResizedBBox(box, 3);
     if (zoomLevel == 0)
         return BBox.getResizedBBox(box, 7);
     return box;
Exemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws all streets in "streetCurves" on Bitmap tile with box
 /// containing the start and end point of the tile in geological coordinates.
 /// Streets will only be drawn in certain zoomlevels.
 /// </summary>
 private void drawStreetCurves(BBox box, Bitmap tile, Curve[] streetCurves, int zoomLevel)
     foreach (Curve streetCurve in streetCurves)
         Pen pen = getPenFromCurveType(streetCurve.Type, zoomLevel);
         if (pen != null)
             drawStreet(box, tile, streetCurve, getPenFromCurveType(streetCurve.Type, zoomLevel));
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the Curve "curve" with Pen "pen" on the Bitmap "tile",
        /// where box represents the position and size
        /// of the tile in geological coordinates.
        /// </summary>
        private void drawStreet(BBox box, Bitmap tile, Curve curve, Pen pen)
            Point start = nodeToTilePoint(box, tile, new Node(box.XMin, box.YMax, 0));
            Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(tile);
            gr.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

            Node startNode = graph.GetNode(curve[0]);
            int index = 1;
            while (startNode.Longitude == 0 && startNode.Latitude == 0)
                startNode = graph.GetNode(curve[index]);

            // it doesn't matter if pt2 is null at start
            Point pt1 = nodeToTilePoint(box, tile, startNode), pt2;
            for (int i = index; i < curve.AmountOfNodes; i++)
                Node node = graph.GetNode(curve[i]);
                if (node.Longitude != 0 && node.Latitude != 0)
                    pt2 = nodeToTilePoint(box, tile, node);
                    gr.DrawLine(pen, pt1.X - start.X, -pt1.Y + start.Y, pt2.X - start.X, -pt2.Y + start.Y);
                    pt1 = pt2;
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a piece of land or building using Brush "brush" 
        /// on the Bitmap "tile", where box represents the position
        /// and size of the tile in geological coordinates.
        /// </summary>
        private void drawLanduse(BBox box, Bitmap tile, Curve curve, Brush brush)
            List<Point> polygonPoints = new List<Point>();
            Point start = nodeToTilePoint(box, tile, new Node(box.XMin, box.YMax, 0));

            Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(tile);
            gr.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

            for (int i = 0; i < curve.AmountOfNodes; i++)
                Node node = graph.GetNode(curve[i]);
                if (node.Longitude != 0 && node.Latitude != 0)
                    Point p = nodeToTilePoint(box, tile, node);
                    polygonPoints.Add(new Point(p.X - start.X, -p.Y + start.Y));

            gr.FillPolygon(brush, polygonPoints.ToArray());
Exemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws all landpieces in "landCurves" on Bitmap tile with box
 /// containing the start and end point of the tile in geological coordinates.
 /// </summary>
 private void drawLandCurves(BBox box, Bitmap tile, Curve[] landCurves)
     foreach (Curve landCurve in landCurves)
         Brush brush = getBrushFromCurveType(landCurve.Type);
         if (brush != null)
             drawLanduse(box, tile, landCurve, brush);
Exemplo n.º 23
Arquivo: Graph.cs Projeto: CPutz/MyMap
        public Curve[] GetLandsInBBox(BBox box)
            Node[] curveNodes = GetLandNodesInBBox(box);

            HashSet<Curve> set = new HashSet<Curve>();

            foreach(Node n in curveNodes)
                foreach (Curve curve in lands.Get(n.ID))
            List<Curve> res = new List<Curve>();

            return res.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 24
Arquivo: Graph.cs Projeto: CPutz/MyMap
        public Location[] GetExtrasInBBox(BBox box)
            List<Location> res = new List<Location>();

            foreach (Location l in extras)
                if (box.Contains(l.Longitude, l.Latitude))

            return res.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Zooms in on point (x,y) on the screen with a factor of 'factor'.
        /// If factor > 1, zooms in.
        /// If factor < 1, zooms out.
        /// </summary>
        private void Zoom(int x, int y, float factor)
            if (!lockZoom)
                //return if you already have zoomed in to the max
                if ((factor > 1) && (Renderer.GetZoomLevel(LonFromX(0), LonFromX(bmpWidth), bmpWidth) < 1))

                Point upLeft = CoordToPoint(bounds.XMin, bounds.YMax);

                double fracX = (double)x / this.Width;
                double fracY = (double)y / this.Height;

                double w = (int)(this.Width / factor);
                double h = (int)(this.Height / factor);

                int xMin = (int)(x - fracX * w);
                int yMin = (int)(y - fracY * h);
                int xMax = (int)(xMin + w);
                int yMax = (int)(yMin + h);

                Coordinate cUpLeft = PointToCoord(xMin + upLeft.X, upLeft.Y - yMin);
                Coordinate cDownRight = PointToCoord(xMax + upLeft.X, upLeft.Y - yMax);

                // When the user zooms in/out, the tiles on that zoomlevel are saved
                // and there will be created a new list where new tiles will be added.
                // When the user goes back to the old zoomLevel, the old tiles can be used again.
                if (factor > 1) {
                    if (tileIndex - 1 >= 0) {
                        cDownRight = new Coordinate(cUpLeft.Longitude + zoomWidth[tileIndex - 1], cUpLeft.Latitude - zoomHeight[tileIndex - 1]);
                    else {
                        zoomWidth.Insert(0, Math.Abs(cUpLeft.Longitude - cDownRight.Longitude));
                        zoomHeight.Insert(0, Math.Abs(cUpLeft.Latitude - cDownRight.Latitude));

                    if (tileIndex > 0) {
                    else {
                        tiles.Insert(0, new List<Bitmap>());
                        tileCorners.Insert(0, new List<Point>());
                        tileIndexes.Insert(0, new SortedList<int, SortedList<int, int>>());
                else {

                    if (tileIndex < zoomWidth.Count) {
                        cDownRight = new Coordinate(cUpLeft.Longitude + zoomWidth[tileIndex], cUpLeft.Latitude - zoomHeight[tileIndex]);
                    else {
                        zoomWidth.Insert(tileIndex, Math.Abs(cUpLeft.Longitude - cDownRight.Longitude));
                        zoomHeight.Insert(tileIndex, Math.Abs(cUpLeft.Latitude - cDownRight.Latitude));

                    if (tileIndex >= tiles.Count) {
                        tiles.Insert(tileIndex, new List<Bitmap>());
                        tileCorners.Insert(tileIndex, new List<Point>());
                        tileIndexes.Insert(tileIndex, new SortedList<int,SortedList<int,int>>());

                bounds = new BBox(cUpLeft.Longitude, cUpLeft.Latitude, cDownRight.Longitude, cDownRight.Latitude);

                forceUpdate = true;
Exemplo n.º 26
Arquivo: Graph.cs Projeto: CPutz/MyMap
        public Node[] GetLandNodesInBBox(BBox box)
            // Only search if we have data about this area
                return new Node[0];

            List<Node> nds = new List<Node>();
            int xStart = XBlock(box.XMin);
            int xEnd = XBlock(box.XMax);

            int yStart = YBlock(box.YMin);
            int yEnd = YBlock(box.YMax);

            if(xStart < 0)
                xStart = 0;
            if(xEnd >= horizontalGeoBlocks)
                xEnd = horizontalGeoBlocks;
            if(yStart < 0)
                yStart = 0;
            if(yEnd >= verticalGeoBlocks)
                yEnd = verticalGeoBlocks;

            for(int x = xStart; x <= xEnd; x++)
                for(int y = yStart; y <= yEnd; y++)
                    if(landGeoBlocks[x, y] != null)
                        foreach (long id in landGeoBlocks[x, y])
                            Node nd = GetNode(id);
                            if (box.Contains(nd.Longitude, nd.Latitude))

            return nds.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a RouteFinder and a Renderer when needed.
        /// Starts and stops the UpdateThread if needed.
        /// </summary>
        private void DoUpdate()
            if (graph == null)
                graph = loadingThread.Graph;

                if (graph != null)
                    // Set bounds to filebounds.
                    BBox fileBounds = graph.FileBounds;

                    Point p1 = CoordToPoint(fileBounds.XMax, fileBounds.YMax);
                    Point p2 = CoordToPoint(fileBounds.XMin, fileBounds.YMin);

                    int w = Math.Abs(p1.X - p2.X);
                    int h = Math.Abs(p1.Y - p2.Y);

                    if ((float)h / w > (float)this.Height / this.Width)
                        this.bounds = new BBox(fileBounds.XMin, fileBounds.YMax, fileBounds.XMin + LonFromX(h), fileBounds.YMin);
                        this.bounds = new BBox(fileBounds.XMin, fileBounds.YMax, fileBounds.XMax,
                                               fileBounds.YMax - LatFromY(LonToX(fileBounds.YMin) + h));

                if (rf == null || render == null)
                    rf = new RouteFinder(graph);
                    render = new Renderer(graph);


                // If the updateThread is running and this method is called,
                // just let the thread restart when it's finished the current tile.
                if (forceUpdate && updateThread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Running)
                    restartUpdateThread = true;
                    forceUpdate = false;

                // If the updateThread is stopped and this method is called,
                // then just start the thread.
                if (updateThread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Stopped)
                    updateThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.UpdateTiles));

Exemplo n.º 28
Arquivo: BBox.cs Projeto: CPutz/MyMap
 /// <summary>
 /// Return true if the boundingbox intersects with "box".
 /// </summary>
 public bool IntersectWith(BBox box)
     return box.Contains(xMin, yMin) || box.Contains(xMin, yMax) ||
            box.Contains(xMax, yMin) || box.Contains(yMax, yMax) ||
            this.Contains(box.XMin, box.YMin) || this.Contains(box.XMin, box.YMax) ||
            this.Contains(box.XMax, box.YMin) || this.Contains(box.XMax, box.YMax);
Exemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the tileCorner with index 'id' is in the screen.
        /// </summary>
        private bool IsInScreen(int id)
            if (id >= tileCorners[tileIndex].Count)
                return false;

            Coordinate c1 = PointToCoord(tileCorners[tileIndex][id].X, tileCorners[tileIndex][id].Y);
            Coordinate c2 = PointToCoord(tileCorners[tileIndex][id].X + bmpWidth, tileCorners[tileIndex][id].Y + bmpHeight);
            BBox box = new BBox(c1.Longitude, c1.Latitude, c2.Longitude, c2.Latitude);

            return this.bounds.IntersectWith(box);
Exemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a RouteFinder and a Renderer when needed.
        /// Starts and stops the UpdateThread if needed.
        /// </summary>
        private void DoUpdate()
            if (graph == null)
                graph = loadingThread.Graph;

                if (graph != null)
                    // Set bounds to filebounds.
                    BBox fileBounds = graph.FileBounds;

                    Point p1 = CoordToPoint(fileBounds.XMax, fileBounds.YMax);
                    Point p2 = CoordToPoint(fileBounds.XMin, fileBounds.YMin);

                    int w = Math.Abs(p1.X - p2.X);
                    int h = Math.Abs(p1.Y - p2.Y);

                    if ((float)h / w > (float)this.Height / this.Width)
                        this.bounds = new BBox(fileBounds.XMin, fileBounds.YMax, fileBounds.XMin + LonFromX(h), fileBounds.YMin);
                        this.bounds = new BBox(fileBounds.XMin, fileBounds.YMax, fileBounds.XMax,
                                               fileBounds.YMax - LatFromY(LonToX(fileBounds.YMin) + h));

                if (rf == null || render == null)
                    rf     = new RouteFinder(graph);
                    render = new Renderer(graph);


                // If the updateThread is running and this method is called,
                // just let the thread restart when it's finished the current tile.
                if (forceUpdate && updateThread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Running)
                    restartUpdateThread = true;
                    forceUpdate         = false;

                // If the updateThread is stopped and this method is called,
                // then just start the thread.
                if (updateThread.ThreadState == ThreadState.Stopped)
                    updateThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.UpdateTiles));

Exemplo n.º 31
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws a location on the map with Image "icon" on 
        /// the Bitmap "tile", where box represents the position 
        /// and size of the tile in geological coordinates.
        /// </summary>
        private void drawExtra(BBox box, Bitmap tile, Location location, Image icon)
            Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(tile);
            gr.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;

            Point start = nodeToTilePoint(box, tile, new Node(box.XMin, box.YMax, 0));
            Point p = nodeToTilePoint(box, tile, location);

            gr.DrawImage(icon, new Point(p.X - start.X, -p.Y + start.Y));
Exemplo n.º 32
        /// <summary>
        /// Zooms in on point (x,y) on the screen with a factor of 'factor'.
        /// If factor > 1, zooms in.
        /// If factor < 1, zooms out.
        /// </summary>
        private void Zoom(int x, int y, float factor)
            if (!lockZoom)
                //return if you already have zoomed in to the max
                if ((factor > 1) && (Renderer.GetZoomLevel(LonFromX(0), LonFromX(bmpWidth), bmpWidth) < 1))

                Point upLeft = CoordToPoint(bounds.XMin, bounds.YMax);

                double fracX = (double)x / this.Width;
                double fracY = (double)y / this.Height;

                double w = (int)(this.Width / factor);
                double h = (int)(this.Height / factor);

                int xMin = (int)(x - fracX * w);
                int yMin = (int)(y - fracY * h);
                int xMax = (int)(xMin + w);
                int yMax = (int)(yMin + h);

                Coordinate cUpLeft    = PointToCoord(xMin + upLeft.X, upLeft.Y - yMin);
                Coordinate cDownRight = PointToCoord(xMax + upLeft.X, upLeft.Y - yMax);

                // When the user zooms in/out, the tiles on that zoomlevel are saved
                // and there will be created a new list where new tiles will be added.
                // When the user goes back to the old zoomLevel, the old tiles can be used again.
                if (factor > 1)
                    if (tileIndex - 1 >= 0)
                        cDownRight = new Coordinate(cUpLeft.Longitude + zoomWidth[tileIndex - 1], cUpLeft.Latitude - zoomHeight[tileIndex - 1]);
                        zoomWidth.Insert(0, Math.Abs(cUpLeft.Longitude - cDownRight.Longitude));
                        zoomHeight.Insert(0, Math.Abs(cUpLeft.Latitude - cDownRight.Latitude));

                    if (tileIndex > 0)
                        tiles.Insert(0, new List <Bitmap>());
                        tileCorners.Insert(0, new List <Point>());
                        tileIndexes.Insert(0, new SortedList <int, SortedList <int, int> >());

                    if (tileIndex < zoomWidth.Count)
                        cDownRight = new Coordinate(cUpLeft.Longitude + zoomWidth[tileIndex], cUpLeft.Latitude - zoomHeight[tileIndex]);
                        zoomWidth.Insert(tileIndex, Math.Abs(cUpLeft.Longitude - cDownRight.Longitude));
                        zoomHeight.Insert(tileIndex, Math.Abs(cUpLeft.Latitude - cDownRight.Latitude));

                    if (tileIndex >= tiles.Count)
                        tiles.Insert(tileIndex, new List <Bitmap>());
                        tileCorners.Insert(tileIndex, new List <Point>());
                        tileIndexes.Insert(tileIndex, new SortedList <int, SortedList <int, int> >());

                bounds = new BBox(cUpLeft.Longitude, cUpLeft.Latitude, cDownRight.Longitude, cDownRight.Latitude);

                forceUpdate = true;
Exemplo n.º 33
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws all buildings in "buildingCurves" on Bitmap tile with box
 /// containing the start and end point of the tile in geological coordinates.
 /// </summary>
 private void drawBuildingCurves(BBox box, Bitmap tile, Curve[] buildingCurves)
     foreach (Curve buildingCurve in buildingCurves)
         Brush brush = getBrushFromCurveType(buildingCurve.Type);
         if (brush != null)
             drawLanduse(box, tile, buildingCurve, brush);