Exemplo n.º 1
    private UnityEngine.Mesh ConvertMesh(MeshDecimator.Mesh fatMesh)
        if (fatMesh.VertexCount == 0)
            return(new UnityEngine.Mesh());

        // Merge Same Verts
        Dictionary <MeshDecimator.Math.Vector3d, int> newVertIndexes = new Dictionary <MeshDecimator.Math.Vector3d, int>();
        List <MeshDecimator.Math.Vector3d>            newVerts       = new List <MeshDecimator.Math.Vector3d>();

        int[] newIndicies = new int[fatMesh.Indices.Length];

        for (int i = 0; i < fatMesh.Vertices.Length; i++)
            if (!newVertIndexes.ContainsKey(fatMesh.Vertices[i]))
                newVertIndexes[fatMesh.Vertices[i]] = newVerts.Count - 1;

        for (int i = 0; i < fatMesh.Indices.Length; i++)
            MeshDecimator.Math.Vector3d v = fatMesh.Vertices[fatMesh.Indices[i]];
            newIndicies[i] = newVertIndexes[v];

        MeshDecimator.Mesh mergedMesh = new MeshDecimator.Mesh(newVerts.ToArray(), newIndicies);

        UnityEngine.Mesh result = MeshDecimator.Unity.MeshDecimatorUtility.DecimateMeshBasic(mergedMesh, Matrix4x4.identity, m_decimatePct, true, Callback);


        Vector2[] uv = Unwrapping.GeneratePerTriangleUV(result);
        MeshUtility.SetPerTriangleUV2(result, uv);

        // Unwrapping.GenerateSecondaryUVSet(result);
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void FromMeshDecimatorMesh(DMesh mesh, bool recalculateNormals, ref WMesh destMesh)
            if (recalculateNormals)
                // If we recalculate the normals, we also recalculate the tangents

            int subMeshCount = mesh.SubMeshCount;
            var newNormals   = FromVector3(mesh.Normals);
            var newTangents  = FromVector4(mesh.Tangents);
            var newUV1       = FromVector2(mesh.UV1);
            var newUV2       = FromVector2(mesh.UV2);
            var newUV3       = FromVector2(mesh.UV3);
            var newUV4       = FromVector2(mesh.UV4);
            var newColors    = FromColor(mesh.Colors);

            //var newBoneWeights = FromSimplifyBoneWeights(mesh.BoneWeights);

            //if (bindposes != null) newMesh.bindposes = bindposes;
            destMesh.subMeshCount = subMeshCount;
            destMesh.vertices     = FromVector3d(mesh.Vertices);
            if (newNormals != null)
                destMesh.normals = newNormals;

            if (newTangents != null)
                destMesh.tangents = newTangents;

            if (newUV1 != null)
                destMesh.uv = newUV1;

            if (newUV2 != null)
                destMesh.uv2 = newUV2;

            if (newUV3 != null)
                destMesh.uv3 = newUV3;

            if (newUV4 != null)
                destMesh.uv4 = newUV4;

            if (newColors != null)
                destMesh.colors = newColors;

            //if (newBoneWeights != null)
            //    newMesh.boneWeights = newBoneWeights;

            for (int i = 0; i < subMeshCount; i++)
                var subMeshIndices = mesh.GetIndices(i);
                destMesh.SetTriangles(subMeshIndices, i);

Exemplo n.º 3
        DMesh ToMeshDecimatorMesh(WMesh mesh, out int totalTriangleCount)
            var vertices = ToVector3d(mesh.vertices);

            int subMeshCount = mesh.subMeshCount;
            var meshNormals  = mesh.normals;
            var meshTangents = mesh.tangents;
            var meshUV1      = mesh.uv;
            var meshUV2      = mesh.uv2;
            var meshUV3      = mesh.uv3;
            var meshUV4      = mesh.uv4;
            var meshColors   = mesh.colors;

            //var meshBoneWeights = mesh.boneWeights;
            //var meshBindposes = mesh.bindposes;

            totalTriangleCount = 0;
            var meshIndices = new int[subMeshCount][];

            for (int i = 0; i < subMeshCount; i++)
                meshIndices[i]      = mesh.GetTriangles(i);
                totalTriangleCount += meshIndices[i].Length / 3;

            var dmesh = new DMesh(vertices, meshIndices);

            if (meshNormals != null && meshNormals.Length > 0)
                dmesh.Normals = ToVector3(meshNormals);

            if (meshTangents != null && meshTangents.Length > 0)
                dmesh.Tangents = ToVector4(meshTangents);

            if (meshUV1 != null && meshUV1.Length > 0)
                dmesh.UV1 = ToVector2(meshUV1);

            if (meshUV2 != null && meshUV2.Length > 0)
                dmesh.UV2 = ToVector2(meshUV2);

            if (meshUV3 != null && meshUV3.Length > 0)
                dmesh.UV3 = ToVector2(meshUV3);

            if (meshUV4 != null && meshUV4.Length > 0)
                dmesh.UV4 = ToVector2(meshUV4);

            if (meshColors != null && meshColors.Length > 0)
                dmesh.Colors = ToVector4(meshColors);

            //if (meshBoneWeights != null && meshBoneWeights.Length > 0)
            //    dmesh.BoneWeights = ToSimplifyBoneWeights(meshBoneWeights);

    public async void SimplifyObj(string sourcePath, string destPath, float quality)
        simplifyTask = new Task(() =>
            quality = MathHelper.Clamp01(quality);
            ObjMesh sourceObjMesh = new ObjMesh();
            var sourceVertices       = sourceObjMesh.Vertices;
            var sourceNormals        = sourceObjMesh.Normals;
            var sourceTexCoords2D    = sourceObjMesh.TexCoords2D;
            var sourceTexCoords3D    = sourceObjMesh.TexCoords3D;
            var sourceSubMeshIndices = sourceObjMesh.SubMeshIndices;

            var sourceMesh     = new MeshDecimator.Mesh(sourceVertices, sourceSubMeshIndices);
            sourceMesh.Normals = sourceNormals;

            if (sourceTexCoords2D != null)
                sourceMesh.SetUVs(0, sourceTexCoords2D);
            else if (sourceTexCoords3D != null)
                sourceMesh.SetUVs(0, sourceTexCoords3D);

            int currentTriangleCount = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < sourceSubMeshIndices.Length; i++)
                currentTriangleCount += (sourceSubMeshIndices[i].Length / 3);

            int targetTriangleCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(currentTriangleCount * quality);
            string info_1           = string.Format("Input: {0} vertices, {1} triangles (target {2}) \n",
                                                    sourceVertices.Length, currentTriangleCount, targetTriangleCount);

            // Console.WriteLine(info_1);

            var stopwatch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

            var algorithm               = MeshDecimation.CreateAlgorithm(Algorithm.Default);
            algorithm.Verbose           = true;
            MeshDecimator.Mesh destMesh = MeshDecimation.DecimateMesh(algorithm, sourceMesh, targetTriangleCount);

            var destVertices = destMesh.Vertices;
            var destNormals  = destMesh.Normals;
            var destIndices  = destMesh.GetSubMeshIndices();

            ObjMesh destObjMesh           = new ObjMesh(destVertices, destIndices);
            destObjMesh.Normals           = destNormals;
            destObjMesh.MaterialLibraries = sourceObjMesh.MaterialLibraries;
            destObjMesh.SubMeshMaterials  = sourceObjMesh.SubMeshMaterials;

            if (sourceTexCoords2D != null)
                var destUVs             = destMesh.GetUVs2D(0);
                destObjMesh.TexCoords2D = destUVs;
            else if (sourceTexCoords3D != null)
                var destUVs             = destMesh.GetUVs3D(0);
                destObjMesh.TexCoords3D = destUVs;


            int outputTriangleCount = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < destIndices.Length; i++)
                outputTriangleCount += (destIndices[i].Length / 3);

            float reduction = (float)outputTriangleCount / (float)currentTriangleCount;
            float timeTaken = (float)stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds;

            string info_2 = string.Format("Output: {0} vertices, {1} triangles ({2} reduction; {3:0.0000} sec) \n",
                                          destVertices.Length, outputTriangleCount, reduction, timeTaken);
            // Console.WriteLine(info_2);