Exemplo n.º 1
        private void cmdMeasureFreq_Click(object eventSender, System.EventArgs eventArgs)         /* Handles cmdMeasureFreq.Click */
            //  Measure the frequency of the internally-generated signal
            //   Parameters:
            //     SigSource    :the counter to be measured (1 to 5)
            //     GateInterval :gating interval in millseconds
            //     Count		:the raw count during GateInterval is returned here
            //     Freq         :the calculated frequency (Hz) is returned here
            MccDaq.SignalSource SigSource = MccDaq.SignalSource.CtrInput1;
            short  GateInterval           = 100;
            ushort Count = 0;
            int    Freq  = 0;

            MccDaq.ErrorInfo ULStat = DaqBoard.CFreqIn(SigSource, GateInterval, out Count, out Freq);

            lblCount.Text = Count.ToString("0");
            lblFreq.Text  = Freq.ToString("0") + "Hz";