Exemplo n.º 1
        private void confirmButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (currentInfo == null)

            AnimationGroup confirmedInfo = currentInfo;

            string newName = nameTextBox.Text;

            bool newKeepEmpty       = keepStaticAnimBox.Checked;
            bool newKeepNonAnimated = keepNonAnimatedBox.Checked;

            int newFrameStart;

            if (!int.TryParse(startTextBox.Text, out newFrameStart))
                newFrameStart = confirmedInfo.FrameStart;
            int newFrameEnd;

            if (!int.TryParse(endTextBox.Text, out newFrameEnd))
                newFrameEnd = confirmedInfo.FrameEnd;

            List <uint>  newHandles;
            bool         nodesChanged = MaxNodeTree.ApplyQueuedChanges(out newHandles);
            IList <Guid> newMaterialGUIDs;
            bool         materialsChanged = maxMaterialView.ApplyMaterialsChanges(out newMaterialGUIDs);

            bool changed = newKeepEmpty != confirmedInfo.KeepStaticAnimation ||
                           newName != confirmedInfo.Name ||
                           newFrameStart != confirmedInfo.FrameStart ||
                           newFrameEnd != confirmedInfo.FrameEnd ||
                           nodesChanged ||
                           materialsChanged ||
                           newKeepNonAnimated != confirmedInfo.KeepNonAnimated;

            if (!changed)

            confirmedInfo.Name                = newName;
            confirmedInfo.FrameStart          = newFrameStart;
            confirmedInfo.FrameEnd            = newFrameEnd;
            confirmedInfo.KeepStaticAnimation = newKeepEmpty;
            confirmedInfo.KeepNonAnimated     = newKeepNonAnimated;

            if (nodesChanged)
                confirmedInfo.NodeGuids = newHandles.ToGuids();
                if (confirmedInfo.AnimationGroupNodes == null)
                    confirmedInfo.AnimationGroupNodes = new List <AnimationGroupNode>();

                foreach (uint handle in newHandles)
                    IINode node = Loader.Core.GetINodeByHandle(handle);
                    if (node != null)
                        string             name       = node.Name;
                        string             parentName = node.ParentNode.Name;
                        AnimationGroupNode nodeData   = new AnimationGroupNode(node.GetGuid(), name, parentName);

            if (materialsChanged)
                confirmedInfo.MaterialGuids = newMaterialGUIDs;

                if (confirmedInfo.AnimationGroupMaterials == null)
                    confirmedInfo.AnimationGroupMaterials = new List <AnimationGroupMaterial>();

                foreach (Guid guid in newMaterialGUIDs)
                    IMtl mat = Tools.GetIMtlByGuid(guid);
                    if (mat != null)
                        string name = mat.Name;
                        AnimationGroupMaterial matData = new AnimationGroupMaterial(guid, name);

            MaxNodeTree.SelectedNode = null;

Exemplo n.º 2
        public void LoadFromData(string propertyName, IINode dataNode, Dictionary <string, string> rootNodePropDictionary = null)
            if (!Guid.TryParse(propertyName, out serializedId))
                throw new Exception("Invalid ID, can't deserialize.");

            string propertiesString = string.Empty;

            if (rootNodePropDictionary == null)
                if (!dataNode.GetUserPropString(propertyName, ref propertiesString))
                if (!rootNodePropDictionary.TryGetValue(propertyName, out propertiesString))

            int numFailed = 0;

            try // Try using the new way, if it's not working use the old way.
                SerializableAnimationGroup serialAnimGroup = new SerializableAnimationGroup(propertiesString);
                int indexOfguidPart = propertiesString
                                      .Select((c, i) => new { c, i })
                                      .Where(x => x.c == s_PropertySeparator)
                string[] baseProperties = propertiesString.Substring(0, indexOfguidPart)?.Split(s_PropertySeparator);
                string   guidPart       = propertiesString.Substring(indexOfguidPart + 1);

                if (baseProperties.Length != 3)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid number of properties, can't deserialize.");

                // set dirty explicitly just before we start loading, set to false when loading is done
                // if any exception is thrown, it will have a correct value
                IsDirty = true;

                name = baseProperties[0];
                if (!int.TryParse(baseProperties[1], out ticksStart))
                    throw new Exception("Failed to parse FrameStart property.");
                if (!int.TryParse(baseProperties[2], out ticksEnd))
                    throw new Exception("Failed to parse FrameEnd property.");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(guidPart) || guidPart == s_GUIDTypeSeparator.ToString())

                if (!guidPart.Contains(s_GUIDTypeSeparator))
                    // to grant retro-compatiblity
                    numFailed = ParseOldProperties(guidPart);
                    //new format with nodes and node materials guid
                    numFailed = ParseNewProperties(guidPart);

            AnimationGroupNodes = new List <AnimationGroupNode>();
            foreach (Guid nodeGuid in nodeGuids)
                IINode node = Tools.GetINodeByGuid(nodeGuid);

                if (node != null)
                    string             name       = node.Name;
                    string             parentName = node.ParentNode.Name;
                    AnimationGroupNode nodeData   = new AnimationGroupNode(nodeGuid, name, parentName);

            AnimationGroupMaterials = new List <AnimationGroupMaterial>();
            foreach (Guid materialGUID in materialsGuids)
                IMtl mat = Tools.GetIMtlByGuid(materialGUID);

                if (mat != null)
                    string name = mat.Name;
                    AnimationGroupMaterial matData = new AnimationGroupMaterial(materialGUID, name);

            if (numFailed > 0)
                throw new Exception(string.Format("Failed to parse {0} node ids.", numFailed));

            IsDirty = false;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void LoadFromJson(string jsonContent, bool merge = false)
            List <string> animationPropertyNameList = Loader.Core.RootNode.GetStringArrayProperty(s_AnimationListPropertyName).ToList();

            if (!merge)
                animationPropertyNameList = new List <string>();

            List <AnimationGroup> animationGroupsData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <AnimationGroup> >(jsonContent);

            List <Guid> nodeGuids      = new List <Guid>();
            List <Guid> materialsGuids = new List <Guid>();

            foreach (AnimationGroup animData in animationGroupsData)

                if (animData.AnimationGroupNodes != null)
                    string missingNodes = "";
                    string movedNodes   = "";
                    foreach (AnimationGroupNode nodeData in animData.AnimationGroupNodes)
                        //check here if something changed between export\import
                        // a node handle is reassigned the moment the node is created
                        // it is no possible to have consistency at 100% sure between two file
                        // we need to prevent artists
                        IINode node = Loader.Core.GetINodeByName(nodeData.Name);
                        if (node == null)
                            //node is missing
                            missingNodes += nodeData.Name + "\n";

                        if (node.ParentNode.Name != nodeData.ParentName)
                            //node has been moved in hierarchy
                            movedNodes += node.Name + "\n";


                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(movedNodes))
                        //skip restoration of evaluated animation group
                        nodeGuids = new List <Guid>();
                        MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} has been moved in hierarchy,{1} import skipped", movedNodes, animData.Name));

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(missingNodes))
                        //skip restoration of evaluated animation group
                        nodeGuids = new List <Guid>();
                        MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} does not exist,{1} import skipped", missingNodes, animData.Name));

                if (animData.AnimationGroupMaterials != null)
                    string missingMaterials = "";
                    foreach (AnimationGroupMaterial matData in animData.AnimationGroupMaterials)
                        //check here if something changed between export\import
                        // a material handle is reassigned the moment the node is created
                        // it is no possible to have consistency at 100% sure between two file
                        // we need to prevent artists
                        IMtl mtl = Tools.GetIMtlByGuid(matData.Guid);
                        if (mtl == null)
                            //material is missing
                            missingMaterials += matData.Name + "\n";

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(missingMaterials))
                        //skip restoration of evaluated animation group
                        materialsGuids = new List <Guid>();
                        MessageBox.Show(string.Format("{0} does not exist,{1} import skipped", missingMaterials, animData.Name));

                animData.NodeGuids     = nodeGuids;
                animData.MaterialGuids = materialsGuids;
                string nodes     = string.Join(AnimationGroup.s_PropertySeparator.ToString(), animData.NodeGuids);
                string materials = string.Join(AnimationGroup.s_PropertySeparator.ToString(), animData.MaterialGuids);
                string guids     = string.Join(AnimationGroup.s_GUIDTypeSeparator.ToString(), nodes, materials);

                StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                stringBuilder.AppendFormat(AnimationGroup.s_PropertyFormat, animData.Name, animData.TicksStart, animData.TicksEnd, guids);

                Loader.Core.RootNode.SetStringProperty(animData.SerializedId.ToString(), stringBuilder.ToString());

                string id = animData.SerializedId.ToString();

                if (merge)
                    //if json are merged check if the same animgroup is already in list
                    //and skip in that case
                    if (!animationPropertyNameList.Contains(id))

            Loader.Core.RootNode.SetStringArrayProperty(s_AnimationListPropertyName, animationPropertyNameList);

Exemplo n.º 4
        private IList <BabylonAnimationGroup> ExportAnimationGroups(BabylonScene babylonScene)
            IList <BabylonAnimationGroup> animationGroups = new List <BabylonAnimationGroup>();

            // Retrieve and parse animation group data
            AnimationGroupList animationList = AnimationGroupList.InitAnimationGroups(logger);

            foreach (AnimationGroup animGroup in animationList)
                logger?.RaiseMessage("Exporter.animationGroups | " + animGroup.Name, 1);
                BabylonAnimationGroup animationGroup = new BabylonAnimationGroup
                    name               = animGroup.Name,
                    from               = animGroup.FrameStart,
                    to                 = animGroup.FrameEnd,
                    keepNonAnimated    = animGroup.KeepNonAnimated,
                    targetedAnimations = new List <BabylonTargetedAnimation>()

                // add animations of each nodes contained in the animGroup
                foreach (Guid guid in animGroup.NodeGuids)
                    IINode maxNode = Tools.GetINodeByGuid(guid);

                    // node could have been deleted, silently ignore it
                    if (maxNode == null)

                    if (exportParameters.exportAsSubmodel && !maxNode.Selected)

                    // Helpers can be exported as dummies and as bones
                    string nodeId = maxNode.GetGuid().ToString();
                    string boneId = isGltfExported?maxNode.GetGuid().ToString(): maxNode.GetGuid().ToString() + "-bone";   // the suffix "-bone" is added in babylon export format to assure the uniqueness of IDs

                    // Node
                    BabylonNode node = null;
                    babylonScene.NodeMap.TryGetValue(nodeId, out node);
                    if (node != null)
                        if (node.animations != null && node.animations.Length != 0)
                            IList <BabylonAnimation> animations = GetSubAnimations(node, animationGroup.from, animationGroup.to);

                            if (!animGroup.KeepStaticAnimation)
                                RemoveStaticAnimations(ref animations);

                            foreach (BabylonAnimation animation in animations)
                                BabylonTargetedAnimation targetedAnimation = new BabylonTargetedAnimation
                                    animation = animation,
                                    targetId  = nodeId


                    // bone
                    BabylonBone bone  = null;
                    int         index = 0;
                    while (index < babylonScene.SkeletonsList.Count && bone == null)
                        BabylonSkeleton skel = babylonScene.SkeletonsList[index];
                        bone = skel.bones.FirstOrDefault(b => b.id == boneId);

                    if (bone != null)
                        if (bone.animation != null)
                            IList <BabylonAnimation> animations = GetSubAnimations(bone, animationGroup.from, animationGroup.to);
                            foreach (BabylonAnimation animation in animations)
                                BabylonTargetedAnimation targetedAnimation = new BabylonTargetedAnimation
                                    animation = animation,
                                    targetId  = boneId


                // add animations of each nodes contained in the animGroup
                foreach (Guid guid in animGroup.MaterialGuids)
                    IMtl maxMtl = Tools.GetIMtlByGuid(guid);

                    // mat could have been deleted, silently ignore it
                    if (maxMtl == null)

                    string matId = maxMtl.GetGuid().ToString();

                    // Material
                    BabylonMaterial material = null;
                    material = babylonScene.MaterialsList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.id == matId);
                    if (material != null)
                        if (material.animations != null && material.animations.Length != 0)
                            IList <BabylonAnimation> animations = GetSubAnimations(material, animationGroup.from, animationGroup.to);
                            foreach (BabylonAnimation animation in animations)
                                BabylonTargetedAnimation targetedAnimation = new BabylonTargetedAnimation
                                    animation = animation,
                                    targetId  = matId


                if (animationGroup.targetedAnimations.Count > 0)
