Exemplo n.º 1
        public int HandlePreRoutedAsm(ComponentAssembly obj, int pkg_idx)
            if (CodeGenerator.preRouted.ContainsKey(obj))
                var layoutBox = (obj.Impl.Impl as GME.MGA.MgaFCO).RegistryValue["layoutBox"];
                // format x1,y1,w1,h1; x2,y2,w2,h2; x3,y3,w3,h3
                // NOTE: if there are multiple bounding boxes 
                // - we expect the first one to be at the origin of the reference frame
                // - this minor limitation would be easy to address later by adding code to identify 
                // - the bounding box at origin even if its not the first one

                var bBoxs = layoutBox.Split(';');
                int bbidx = 0;
                int origPkgIdx = 0;
                foreach (var bbox in bBoxs)
                    Package pkg = new Package();
                    pkg.pkg_idx = pkg_idx++;
                    pkg.name = obj.Name;
                    pkg.package = "__spaceClaim__";
                    pkg.ComponentID = (obj.Impl.Impl as GME.MGA.MgaFCO)
                    var pts = bbox.Split(',');
                    if (pts.Length >= 4)
                        double d = Double.NaN;
                        if (Double.TryParse(pts[0], out d))
                            pkg.x = d;
                        if (Double.TryParse(pts[1], out d))
                            pkg.y = d;
                        if (Double.TryParse(pts[2], out d))
                            pkg.width = d;
                        if (Double.TryParse(pts[3], out d))
                            pkg.height = d;
                    if (bbidx == 0)
                        preroutedPkgMap.Add(obj, pkg);
                        origPkgIdx = (int)pkg.pkg_idx;
                        pkg.ComponentID += "." + bbidx.ToString();
                        // add constraint relative to first bounding box
                        var pcons = new RelativeConstraint();
                        pcons.type = "relative-pkg";
                        pcons.x = pkg.x;
                        pcons.y = pkg.y;
                        pcons.pkg_idx = origPkgIdx;
                        if (pkg.constraints == null)
                            pkg.constraints = new List<Constraint>();

                // TBD SKN figure out relative constraint between multiple bboxes
            foreach (var ca in obj.ComponentAssemblyInstances)
                pkg_idx = HandlePreRoutedAsm(ca, pkg_idx);
            return pkg_idx;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public LayoutGenerator(Eagle.schematic sch_obj, TestBench tb_obj, GMELogger inLogger)
            this.Logger = inLogger;
            this.pkgPartMap = new Dictionary<Package, Eagle.part>();
            this.partPkgMap = new Dictionary<Eagle.part, Package>();
            this.preroutedPkgMap = new Dictionary<ComponentAssembly, Package>();

            boardLayout = new LayoutJson.Layout();
            var bw = tb_obj.Parameters.Where(p => p.Name.Equals("boardWidth")).FirstOrDefault();
            var bh = tb_obj.Parameters.Where(p => p.Name.Equals("boardHeight")).FirstOrDefault();

                boardLayout.boardWidth = (bw != null) ? Convert.ToDouble(bw.Value) : 40.0;
                boardLayout.boardHeight = (bh != null) ? Convert.ToDouble(bh.Value) : 40.0;
            catch (FormatException ex)
                Logger.WriteWarning("Exception while reading board dimensions: {0}", ex.Message);
            boardLayout.numLayers = 2;
                // Look to see if there is a PCB component in the top level assembly 
                var compImpl = tb_obj.ComponentAssemblies.SelectMany(c => c.ComponentInstances).Select(i => i.Impl)
                    .Where(j => (j as Tonka.Component).Attributes.Classifications
                // Look to see if it has a resource labeled 'BoardTemplate'
                var comp = (compImpl != null) ? compImpl as Tonka.Component : null;
                var btRes = (comp != null) ? comp.Children.ResourceCollection.Where(r =>
                    r.Name.ToUpper().Contains("BOARDTEMPLATE")).FirstOrDefault() : null;
                if (btRes != null)
                    var btPath = Path.Combine(comp.Attributes.Path, btRes.Attributes.Path);
                    boardLayout.boardTemplate = Path.GetFileName(btPath);

            // the prior code looks up for a boardTemplate file associated with a PCB component
            // the users can override it with a boardTemplate file specified as a testbench parameter
                var bt = tb_obj.Parameters.Where(p => p.Name.Equals("boardTemplate")).FirstOrDefault();
                // if its a file path - we only want to pass the file name to board synthesis
                if (bt != null)
                        boardLayout.boardTemplate = Path.GetFileName(bt.Value);
                    catch (System.ArgumentException ex)
                        CodeGenerator.Logger.WriteError("Error extracting boardTemplate filename: {0}", ex.Message);
            // the users also can specify a designRule file as a testbench parameter
                var dr = tb_obj.Parameters.Where(p => p.Name.Equals("designRules")).FirstOrDefault();
                if (dr != null)
                        boardLayout.designRules = Path.GetFileName(dr.Value);
                    catch (System.ArgumentException ex)
                        CodeGenerator.Logger.WriteError("Error extracting designRules filename: {0}", ex.Message);

            boardLayout.packages = new List<Package>();
            int pkg_idx = 0;

            // we want to handle prerouted assemblies as follows
            // 1) all parts that are part of the pre-routed assembly are tagged with a 'virtual' spaceClaim part
            // 2) we add their absolute location (in the subckt frame of refernece) in the output json
            // 3) we create virtual spaceClaim parts for pre-routed subcircuits

            // 4) all nets belonging to the pre-routed subcircuit are tagged with the spaceClaim part
            // 5) these nets are added to json with absolute location (same as parts above)

            foreach (var ca in tb_obj.ComponentAssemblies)
                pkg_idx = HandlePreRoutedAsm(ca, pkg_idx);

            // compute part dimensions from 
            foreach (var part in sch_obj.parts.part)
                var dev = sch_obj.libraries.library.Where(l => l.name.Equals(part.library)).
                    SelectMany(l => l.devicesets.deviceset).Where(ds => ds.name.Equals(part.deviceset)).
                    SelectMany(ds => ds.devices.device).Where(d => d.name.Equals(part.device)).FirstOrDefault();
                var spkg = (dev != null)
                           ? sch_obj.libraries.library.Where(l => l.name.Equals(part.library))
                                    .SelectMany(l => l.packages.package).Where(p => p.name.Equals(dev.package))
                           : null;

                Package pkg = new Package();
                pkg.name = part.name;
                pkg.pkg_idx = pkg_idx++;

                if (dev == null || spkg == null)
                    // emit warning
                    Logger.WriteWarning("Unable to get package size for part - layout/chipfit results may be inaccurate: {0}", part.name);
                    pkg.package = spkg.name;        // note that the eagle package information may be incomplete - should really have curated version from CyPhy

                    #region ComputePackageSize

                    var minX = Double.MaxValue;
                    var minY = Double.MaxValue;
                    var maxX = Double.MinValue;
                    var maxY = Double.MinValue;

                    foreach (Eagle.wire wire in spkg.Items.Where(s => s is Eagle.wire))
                        if (wire == null) continue;

                        if (!LayersForBoundingBoxComputation.Any(wire.layer.Contains))

                        var x1 = Convert.ToDouble(wire.x1);
                        var x2 = Convert.ToDouble(wire.x2);
                        var y1 = Convert.ToDouble(wire.y1);
                        var y2 = Convert.ToDouble(wire.y2);
                        if (x1 < minX) minX = x1;
                        if (x2 < minX) minX = x2;
                        if (x1 > maxX) maxX = x1;
                        if (x2 > maxX) maxX = x2;
                        if (y1 < minY) minY = y1;
                        if (y2 < minY) minY = y2;
                        if (y1 > maxY) maxY = y1;
                        if (y2 > maxY) maxY = y2;
                    foreach (Eagle.pad pad in spkg.Items.Where(s => s is Eagle.pad))
                        if (pad == null) continue;
                        var pad_num = pad.name;
                        var x = Convert.ToDouble(pad.x);
                        var y = Convert.ToDouble(pad.y);
                        var drill = Convert.ToDouble(pad.drill);
                        var dia = Convert.ToDouble(pad.diameter);
                        var shape = pad.shape;  // enum padShape {round, octagon, @long, offset}
                        var rot = pad.rot;      // { R90, R180, R270, ...}  
                        var r = 0.0;
                        if (dia == 0.0)  // JS: Workaround for no diameter present, estimate dia to be 2x drill size 
                            dia = drill * 2.0;

                        if (shape == Eagle.padShape.@long)
                            // TODO: consider PAD rotation; for now, consider long pads are 2x diameter.

                            dia *= 2.0;  // diameter value from package desc is for the "short" side, for max calc, consider long side is 2x (by inspection)
                        r = dia / 2.0;

                        if ((x - r) < minX) minX = x - r;
                        if ((x + r) > maxX) maxX = x + r;
                        if ((y - r) < minY) minY = y - r;
                        if ((y + r) > maxY) maxY = y + r;
                    foreach (Eagle.circle circle in spkg.Items.Where(s => s is Eagle.circle))
                        if (circle == null) continue;
                        var x = Convert.ToDouble(circle.x);
                        var y = Convert.ToDouble(circle.y);
                        var r = Convert.ToDouble(circle.radius);
                        if ((x - r) < minX) minX = x - r;
                        if ((x + r) > maxX) maxX = x + r;
                        if ((y - r) < minY) minY = y - r;
                        if ((y + r) > maxY) maxY = y + r;
                    foreach (Eagle.smd smd in spkg.Items.Where(s => s is Eagle.smd))
                        if (smd == null) continue;
                        // SKN: after intense research on eagle, it seems that the way SMD pads are placed is as follows
                        // dx - dy tells the length of the pad, while the x is the center point of the SMD pad

                        var x = Convert.ToDouble(smd.x);
                        var y = Convert.ToDouble(smd.y);
                        var ddx = Convert.ToDouble(smd.dx);
                        var ddy = Convert.ToDouble(smd.dy);
                        var dx = ddx;  // should be /2??
                        var dy = ddy;
                        if (smd.rot.Equals("R90") || smd.rot.Equals("R270"))
                        {       // flip dx and dy if there is rotation
                            dx = ddy;
                            dy = ddx;
                        var x1 = x - dx / 2.0;
                        var x2 = x + dx / 2.0;
                        var y1 = y - dy / 2.0;
                        var y2 = y + dy / 2.0;
                        if (x1 < minX) minX = x1;
                        if (x2 > maxX) maxX = x2;
                        if (y1 < minY) minY = y1;
                        if (y2 > maxY) maxY = y2;
                    pkg.width = maxX - minX;
                    pkg.height = maxY - minY;
                    pkg.originX = Math.Floor(10.0 * (maxX + minX) / 2.0) / 10.0;
                    pkg.originY = Math.Floor(10.0 * (maxY + minY) / 2.0) / 10.0;


                    // emit component ID for locating components in CAD assembly
                    if (CodeGenerator.partComponentMap.ContainsKey(part))
                        var comp_obj = CodeGenerator.partComponentMap[part];
                        var comp = comp_obj.Impl as Tonka.Component;

                        // emit component ID for locating components in CAD assembly
                        pkg.ComponentID = comp.Attributes.InstanceGUID;

                        Boolean isMultiLayer = comp.Children.EDAModelCollection.
                            Any(e => e.Attributes.HasMultiLayerFootprint);
                        if (isMultiLayer)
                            pkg.multiLayer = true;

                        #region ExactConstraints
                        // exact constraints related to this part
                        var exactCons =
                            from conn in comp.SrcConnections.ApplyExactLayoutConstraintCollection
                            select conn.SrcEnds.ExactLayoutConstraint;

                        foreach (var c in exactCons)
                            var pcons = new ExactConstraint();
                            pcons.type = "exact";
                            if (!c.Attributes.X.Equals(""))
                                pcons.x = Convert.ToDouble(c.Attributes.X);
                            if (!c.Attributes.Y.Equals(""))
                                pcons.y = Convert.ToDouble(c.Attributes.Y);
                            if (!c.Attributes.Layer.Equals(""))
                                pcons.layer = Convert.ToInt32(c.Attributes.Layer);
                            if (!c.Attributes.Rotation.Equals(""))
                                pcons.rotation = Convert.ToInt32(c.Attributes.Rotation);
                            if (pkg.constraints == null)
                                pkg.constraints = new List<Constraint>();

                        #region RangeConstraints
                        // range constraints related to this part
                        var rangeCons =
                            from conn in comp.SrcConnections.ApplyRangeLayoutConstraintCollection
                            select conn.SrcEnds.RangeLayoutConstraint;
                        foreach (var c in rangeCons)
                            var pcons = new RangeConstraint();
                            pcons.type = "range";
                            if (!c.Attributes.XRange.Equals(""))
                                pcons.x = c.Attributes.XRange;
                            if (!c.Attributes.YRange.Equals(""))
                                pcons.y = c.Attributes.YRange;
                            if (!c.Attributes.LayerRange.Equals(""))
                                pcons.layer = c.Attributes.LayerRange;
                            if (pkg.constraints == null)
                                pkg.constraints = new List<Constraint>();

                        #region PreRoutedAssemblyPart
                        // now handle if this component is part of a pre-routed sub-ckt
                        if (CodeGenerator.preRouted.ContainsKey(comp_obj.Parent))
                            var layoutParser = CodeGenerator.preRouted[comp_obj.Parent];
                            var prePkg = layoutParser.componentPackageMap[comp_obj];
                            pkg.x = prePkg.x;
                            pkg.y = prePkg.y;
                            pkg.rotation = prePkg.rotation;
                            pkg.RelComponentID = (comp_obj.Parent.Impl.Impl as GME.MGA.MgaFCO)
                            pkg.doNotPlace = true;
                pkgPartMap.Add(pkg, part);  // add to map
                partPkgMap.Add(part, pkg);

            #region AddSignalsToBoardLayout
            boardLayout.signals = new List<Signal>();
            foreach (var net in sch_obj.sheets.sheet.FirstOrDefault().nets.net)
                // dump pre-routed signals to board file
                var sig = new Signal();
                sig.name = net.name;
                sig.pins = new List<Pin>();

                Signal preRouted = null;
                string preRoutedAsmID = null; // ID of the parent pre-routed assembly
                string preRoutedAsm = null; // name the parent pre-routed assembly
                bool onlyOnePreroute = true;

                foreach (var seg in net.segment.SelectMany(s => s.Items).Where(s => s is Eagle.pinref))
                    bool isPrerouted = false;

                    var pr = seg as Eagle.pinref;
                    var pin = new Pin();
                    pin.name = pr.pin;
                    pin.gate = pr.gate;
                    pin.package = pr.part.ToUpper();

                    // find package and pad
                    var part = sch_obj.parts.part.Where(p => p.name.Equals(pr.part)).FirstOrDefault();

                    var dev = (part != null) ?
                        sch_obj.libraries.library.Where(l => l.name.Equals(part.library)).
                        SelectMany(l => l.devicesets.deviceset).Where(ds => ds.name.Equals(part.deviceset)).
                        SelectMany(ds => ds.devices.device).Where(d => d.name.Equals(part.device)).FirstOrDefault()
                        : null;
                    var pad = (dev != null) ?
                        dev.connects.connect.Where(c => c.gate.Equals(pr.gate) && c.pin.Equals(pr.pin)).Select(c => c.pad).FirstOrDefault()
                        : null;
                    if (pad != null)
                        pin.pad = pad;

                    // check for preroutes - all pins in this signal should be in the prerouted net, otherwise reject it
                    if (part != null && CodeGenerator.partComponentMap.ContainsKey(part))
                        var comp_obj = CodeGenerator.partComponentMap[part];
                        if (CodeGenerator.preRouted.ContainsKey(comp_obj.Parent)) // is the parent assembly prerouted
                            Logger.WriteDebug("Net {0} in Prerouted Asm {1}", net.name, comp_obj.Parent.Name);

                            var layoutParser = CodeGenerator.preRouted[comp_obj.Parent];
                            // find the name/gate matching port in schematic domain model
                            var sch = comp_obj.Impl.Children.SchematicModelCollection.FirstOrDefault();

                            var port = (sch != null) ?
                                Where(p => p.Attributes.EDAGate == pin.gate && p.Name == pin.name).
                                : null;

                            // find the buildPort
                            var buildPort = port != null && CyPhyBuildVisitor.Ports.ContainsKey(port.ID) ?
                                CyPhyBuildVisitor.Ports[port.ID] : null;

                            if (buildPort != null && layoutParser.portTraceMap.ContainsKey(buildPort))
                                isPrerouted = true;
                                Logger.WriteDebug("Found build Port and Associated Trace");

                                if (preRouted == null)
                                    preRouted = layoutParser.portTraceMap[buildPort];
                                    preRoutedAsmID = (comp_obj.Parent.Impl.Impl as GME.MGA.MgaFCO)
                                    preRoutedAsm = comp_obj.Parent.Name;
                                else if (preRouted != layoutParser.portTraceMap[buildPort])
                                    isPrerouted = false;

                    onlyOnePreroute = onlyOnePreroute && isPrerouted;

                    // add pin to list of pins for this signal

                // if pre-routed then copy wires 
                if (onlyOnePreroute && preRouted != null)
                    Logger.WriteInfo("Prerouted net {0}, from assembly {1}, originally as {2}", net.name, preRoutedAsm, preRouted.name);
                    sig.wires = new List<Wire>();
                    sig.vias = new List<Via>();
                    sig.RelComponentID = preRoutedAsmID;
                    foreach (var w in preRouted.wires)
                    foreach (var v in preRouted.vias)


            #region AddRelativeConstraintsToBoardLayout
            // now process relative constraints - they require that all parts be mapped to packages already
            for (int i = 0; i < boardLayout.packages.Count; i++)
                var pkg = boardLayout.packages[i];
                if (!pkgPartMap.ContainsKey(pkg))

                var part = pkgPartMap[pkg];
                var comp = CodeGenerator.partComponentMap.ContainsKey(part) ?
                    CodeGenerator.partComponentMap[part] : null;
                var impl = comp != null ? comp.Impl as Tonka.Component : null;
                var relCons =
                    from conn in impl.SrcConnections.ApplyRelativeLayoutConstraintCollection
                    select conn.SrcEnds.RelativeLayoutConstraint;

                foreach (var c in relCons)
                    var pcons = new RelativeConstraint();
                    pcons.type = "relative-pkg";
                    if (!c.Attributes.XOffset.Equals(""))
                        pcons.x = Convert.ToDouble(c.Attributes.XOffset);
                    if (!c.Attributes.YOffset.Equals(""))
                        pcons.y = Convert.ToDouble(c.Attributes.YOffset);
                    // find origin comp
                    var origCompImpl = (from conn in c.SrcConnections.RelativeLayoutConstraintOriginCollection
                                        select conn.SrcEnds.Component).FirstOrDefault();
                    var origComp =
                        ((origCompImpl != null) && CyPhyBuildVisitor.Components.ContainsKey(origCompImpl.ID)) ?
                        CyPhyBuildVisitor.Components[origCompImpl.ID] :
                    var origPart =
                        ((origComp != null) && CodeGenerator.componentPartMap.ContainsKey(origComp)) ?
                        CodeGenerator.componentPartMap[origComp] :
                    var origPkg = ((origPart != null) && partPkgMap.ContainsKey(origPart)) ?
                        partPkgMap[origPart] :
                    pcons.pkg_idx = origPkg.pkg_idx.Value;
                    if (pkg.constraints == null)
                        pkg.constraints = new List<Constraint>();
                    boardLayout.packages[i] = pkg;


Exemplo n.º 3
        static void RotateAndTranslate(Package refPkg, double x, double y, 
            out double rx, out double ry)
            // point-wise translate the center of the part  
            // corresponding to frame rotation
            double theta = (double)refPkg.rotation * Math.PI / 2.0;
            rx = x * Math.Cos(theta) - y * Math.Sin(theta);
            ry = x * Math.Sin(theta) + y * Math.Cos(theta);

            if (refPkg.rotation == 1) rx += refPkg.height;
            else if (refPkg.rotation == 2) { rx += refPkg.width; ry += refPkg.height; }
            else if (refPkg.rotation == 3) ry += refPkg.width;

            // now translate
            rx += (double)refPkg.x;
            ry += (double)refPkg.y;