Exemplo n.º 1
        public static HessCoarseResiIter.HessInfoCoarseResiIter GetHessCoarseResiIter_SymrcmBlockWise
            (Hess.HessInfo hessinfo
            , Vector[] coords
            , double?symrcm_filter_blckwise_interact // null (use 1 as default)
            , ILinAlg ila
            , int clus_width                         ///= 18    | (18,500) is good for large sparse proteins
            , int num_atom_merge                     ///= 500   | (14,400) is good for small densely packed globular proteins
            , double thres_zeroblk                   ///= 0.001 | 0.001 could be fairly good for ssNMA (possibly for sbNMA and NMA, too)
            , string[] nameToKeep
            if (clus_width <= 0)
                throw new Exception("clus_width should be > 0");

            HessCoarseResiIter.FuncGetIdxKeepListRemv GetIdxKeepListRemv = delegate(object[] latoms, Vector[] lcoords)
                Universe.Atom[] lunivatoms = latoms.HToType(null as Universe.Atom[]);
                return(HessCoarseResiIter.GetIdxKeepListRemv_ResiCluster_SymrcmBlockWise(lunivatoms, lcoords, hessinfo.hess, clus_width, num_atom_merge, symrcm_filter_blckwise_interact, nameToKeep));
                       (hessinfo, coords, GetIdxKeepListRemv, ila, thres_zeroblk
                       , HessCoarseResiIter.IterOption.Matlab_experimental
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static HessCoarseResiIter.HessInfoCoarseResiIter GetHessCoarseResiIter_BlockWise
            (Hess.HessInfo hessinfo
            , Vector[] coords
            , ILinAlg ila
            , int clus_width       ///= 18    | (18,500) is good for large sparse proteins
            , int num_atom_merge   ///= 500   | (14,400) is good for small densely packed globular proteins
            , double thres_zeroblk ///= 0.001 | 0.001 could be fairly good for ssNMA (possibly for sbNMA and NMA, too)
            , IList <Universe.Atom> keeps
            , HessCoarseResiIter.IterOption iteropt
            , params string[] options
            if (clus_width <= 0)
                throw new Exception("clus_width should be > 0");

            HessCoarseResiIter.FuncGetIdxKeepListRemv GetIdxKeepListRemv = delegate(object[] latoms, Vector[] lcoords)
                Universe.Atom[] lunivatoms = latoms.HToType(null as Universe.Atom[]);
                return(HessCoarseResiIter.GetIdxKeepListRemv_ResiCluster2(lunivatoms, lcoords, clus_width, num_atom_merge, keeps));
                       (hessinfo, coords, GetIdxKeepListRemv, ila, thres_zeroblk
                       , iteropt
                       , options: options
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static HessForcInfo From(Hess.HessInfo hessinfo)
     return(new HessForcInfo {
         atoms = hessinfo.atoms,
         mass = hessinfo.mass,
         coords = hessinfo.coords,
         hess = hessinfo.hess,
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static HessForcInfo From(Hess.HessInfo hessinfo, Vector[] forc)
     return(new HessForcInfo {
         atoms = hessinfo.atoms,
         mass = hessinfo.mass,
         coords = hessinfo.coords,
         hess = hessinfo.hess,
         forc = forc,
Exemplo n.º 5
 public static HessCoarseResiIter.HessInfoCoarseResiIter GetHessCoarseResiIter_SymrcmAtomWise
     (Hess.HessInfo hessinfo
     , Vector[] coords
     , ILinAlg ila
     , int num_atom_merge   ///= 500   | (14,400) is good for small densely packed globular proteins
     , double thres_zeroblk ///= 0.001 | 0.001 could be fairly good for ssNMA (possibly for sbNMA and NMA, too)
     , string[] nameToKeep
     HessCoarseResiIter.FuncGetIdxKeepListRemv GetIdxKeepListRemv = delegate(object[] latoms, Vector[] lcoords)
         Universe.Atom[] lunivatoms = latoms.HToType(null as Universe.Atom[]);
         return(HessCoarseResiIter.GetIdxKeepListRemv_ResiCluster_SymrcmAtomWise(lunivatoms, lcoords, hessinfo.hess, num_atom_merge, thres_zeroblk, nameToKeep));
                (hessinfo, coords, GetIdxKeepListRemv, ila, thres_zeroblk
                , HessCoarseResiIter.IterOption.Matlab_experimental
Exemplo n.º 6
 public static HessCoarseResiIter.HessInfoCoarseResiIter GetHessCoarseResiIter_BlockWise
     (Hess.HessInfo hessinfo
     , Vector[] coords
     , ILinAlg ila
     , int clus_width       ///= 18    | (18,500) is good for large sparse proteins
     , int num_atom_merge   ///= 500   | (14,400) is good for small densely packed globular proteins
     , double thres_zeroblk ///= 0.001 | 0.001 could be fairly good for ssNMA (possibly for sbNMA and NMA, too)
     string[] nameToKeep = new string[] { "CA" };
                , coords
                , ila
                , clus_width
                , num_atom_merge
                , thres_zeroblk
                , nameToKeep
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static HessCoarseResiIter.HessInfoCoarseResiIter GetHessCoarseResiIter
     (Hess.HessInfo hessinfo
     , Vector[] coords
     , HessCoarseResiIter.FuncGetIdxKeepListRemv GetIdxKeepListRemv
     , ILinAlg ila
     , double thres_zeroblk = 0.001
     , HessCoarseResiIter.IterOption iteropt = HessCoarseResiIter.IterOption.Matlab_experimental
     , string[] options = null
                (hessinfo: hessinfo
                , coords: coords
                , GetIdxKeepListRemv: GetIdxKeepListRemv
                , ila: ila
                , thres_zeroblk: thres_zeroblk
                , iteropt: iteropt
                , options: options
Exemplo n.º 8
            public static HessInfoCoarseResiIter GetHessCoarseResiIter
                (Hess.HessInfo hessinfo
                , Vector[] coords
                , FuncGetIdxKeepListRemv GetIdxKeepListRemv
                , ILinAlg ila
                , double thres_zeroblk = 0.001
                , IterOption iteropt   = IterOption.Matlab_experimental
                , string[] options     = null
                bool rediag = true;

                HessMatrix H = null;

                List <int>[] lstNewIdxRemv = null;
                int          numca         = 0;

                double[] reMass   = null;
                object[] reAtoms  = null;
                Vector[] reCoords = null;
                Tuple <int[], int[][]> idxKeepRemv = null;

                //System.Console.WriteLine("begin re-indexing hess");
                    object[] atoms = hessinfo.atoms;
                    idxKeepRemv = GetIdxKeepListRemv(atoms, coords);
                    int[]   idxKeep  = idxKeepRemv.Item1;
                    int[][] idxsRemv = idxKeepRemv.Item2;
                        List <int> check = new List <int>();
                        foreach (int[] idxRemv in idxsRemv)
                        check = check.HToHashSet().ToList();
                        if (check.Count != coords.Length)
                            throw new Exception("the re-index contains the duplicated atoms or the missing atoms");
                    List <int> idxs = new List <int>();
                    foreach (int[] idxRemv in idxsRemv)
                    HDebug.Assert(idxs.Count == idxs.HToHashSet().Count);

                    H        = hessinfo.hess.ReshapeByAtom(idxs);
                    numca    = idxKeep.Length;
                    reMass   = hessinfo.mass.ToArray().HSelectByIndex(idxs);
                    reAtoms  = hessinfo.atoms.ToArray().HSelectByIndex(idxs);
                    reCoords = coords.HSelectByIndex(idxs);

                    int nidx = idxKeep.Length;
                    lstNewIdxRemv = new List <int> [idxsRemv.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < idxsRemv.Length; i++)
                        lstNewIdxRemv[i] = new List <int>();
                        foreach (var idx in idxsRemv[i])
                    HDebug.Assert(nidx == lstNewIdxRemv.Last().Last() + 1);
                    HDebug.Assert(nidx == idxs.Count);
                HDebug.Assert(numca == H.ColBlockSize - lstNewIdxRemv.HListCount().Sum());

                    if (bool.Parse("false"))
                        int[]      idxKeep  = idxKeepRemv.Item1;
                        int[][]    idxsRemv = idxKeepRemv.Item2;
                        Pdb.Atom[] pdbatoms = hessinfo.atomsAsUniverseAtom.ListPdbAtoms();
                        Pdb.ToFile(@"C:\temp\coarse-keeps.pdb", pdbatoms.HSelectByIndex(idxKeep), false);
                        if (HFile.Exists(@"C:\temp\coarse-graining.pdb"))
                        foreach (int[] idxremv in idxsRemv.Reverse())
                            List <Pdb.Element> delatoms = new List <Pdb.Element>();
                            foreach (int idx in idxremv)
                                if (pdbatoms[idx] == null)
                                string   line    = pdbatoms[idx].GetUpdatedLine(coords[idx]);
                                Pdb.Atom delatom = Pdb.Atom.FromString(line);
                            Pdb.ToFile(@"C:\temp\coarse-graining.pdb", delatoms.ToArray(), true);

                    if (bool.Parse("false"))
                        // export matrix to matlab, so the matrix can be checked in there.
                        int[] idxca  = HEnum.HEnumCount(numca).ToArray();
                        int[] idxoth = HEnum.HEnumFromTo(numca, coords.Length - 1).ToArray();
                        Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("H", H.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3);
                        Matlab.Execute("figure; spy(H)");

                    if (bool.Parse("false"))
                        {   // export original hessian matrix
                            List <int> cs = new List <int>();
                            List <int> rs = new List <int>();
                            foreach (ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> bc_br_bval in hessinfo.hess.EnumBlocks())
                            Matlab.PutVector("cs", cs.ToArray());
                            Matlab.PutVector("rs", rs.ToArray());
                            Matlab.Execute("hess = sparse(cs+1, rs+1, ones(size(cs)));");
                            Matlab.Execute("hess = float(hess);");
                            Matlab.Execute("figure; spy(hess)");
                            Matlab.Execute("cs = int32(cs+1);");
                            Matlab.Execute("rs = int32(rs+1);");
                            Matlab.Execute(@"save('K:\temp\$coarse-graining\hess-original.mat', 'cs', 'rs', '-v6');");
                        {   // export reshuffled hessian matrix
                            List <int> cs = new List <int>();
                            List <int> rs = new List <int>();
                            foreach (ValueTuple <int, int, MatrixByArr> bc_br_bval in H.EnumBlocks())
                            Matlab.PutVector("cs", cs.ToArray());
                            Matlab.PutVector("rs", rs.ToArray());
                            Matlab.Execute("H = sparse(cs+1, rs+1, ones(size(cs)));");
                            Matlab.Execute("H = float(H);");
                            Matlab.Execute("figure; spy(H)");
                            Matlab.Execute("cs = int32(cs+1);");
                            Matlab.Execute("rs = int32(rs+1);");
                            Matlab.Execute(@"save('K:\temp\$coarse-graining\hess-reshuffled.mat', 'cs', 'rs', '-v6');");

                    if (bool.Parse("false"))
                        int[] idxca  = HEnum.HEnumCount(numca).ToArray();
                        int[] idxoth = HEnum.HEnumFromTo(numca, coords.Length - 1).ToArray();

                        HessMatrix A = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxca, idxca);
                        HessMatrix B = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxca, idxoth);
                        HessMatrix C = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxoth, idxca);
                        HessMatrix D = H.SubMatrixByAtoms(false, idxoth, idxoth);
                        Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("A", A.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3);
                        Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("B", B.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3);
                        Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("C", C.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3);
                        Matlab.PutSparseMatrix("D", D.GetMatrixSparse(), 3, 3);

                List <HessCoarseResiIterInfo> iterinfos = null;
                    object[] atoms = reAtoms; // reAtoms.HToType(null as Universe.Atom[]);
                    CGetHessCoarseResiIterImpl info = null;
                    switch (iteropt)
                    case IterOption.ILinAlg_20150329: info = GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_ILinAlg_20150329(H, lstNewIdxRemv, thres_zeroblk, ila, false);                    break;

                    case IterOption.ILinAlg: info = GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_ILinAlg(H, lstNewIdxRemv, thres_zeroblk, ila, false);                             break;

                    case IterOption.Matlab: info = GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_Matlab(atoms, H, lstNewIdxRemv, thres_zeroblk, ila, false, options);              break;

                    case IterOption.Matlab_experimental: info = GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_Matlab_experimental(atoms, H, lstNewIdxRemv, thres_zeroblk, ila, false, options); break;

                    case IterOption.Matlab_IterLowerTri: info = GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_Matlab_IterLowerTri(atoms, H, lstNewIdxRemv, thres_zeroblk, ila, false, options); break;

                    case IterOption.LinAlg_IterLowerTri: info = GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_LinAlg_IterLowerTri.Do(atoms, H, lstNewIdxRemv, thres_zeroblk, ila, false, options); break;
                    H         = info.H;
                    iterinfos = info.iterinfos;
                //    var info = GetHessCoarseResiIterImpl_Matlab(H, lstNewIdxRemv, thres_zeroblk);
                //    H = info.H;

                if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                    int   nidx  = 0;
                    int[] ikeep = idxKeepRemv.Item1;
                    foreach (int idx in ikeep)
                        bool equal = object.ReferenceEquals(hessinfo.atoms[idx], reAtoms[nidx]);
                        if (equal == false)

                if (rediag)
                    H = H.CorrectHessDiag();
                //System.Console.WriteLine("finish fixing diag");

                return(new HessInfoCoarseResiIter
                    hess = H,
                    mass = reMass.HSelectCount(numca),
                    atoms = reAtoms.HSelectCount(numca),
                    coords = reCoords.HSelectCount(numca),
                    numZeroEigval = 6,
                    iterinfos = iterinfos,
                public static Tuple <double, double, double[]> GetQuality
                    (string pathcache
                    , Universe univ
                    , Func <Hess.HessInfo> GetHessInfo
                    , double GetHessCoarseResiIter_thres_zeroblk
                    if (HFile.Exists(pathcache) == false)
                        double   corr  = double.NaN;
                        double   wovlp = double.NaN;
                        double[] ovlps = new double[]
                            double.NaN, double.NaN, double.NaN, double.NaN, double.NaN,
                            double.NaN, double.NaN, double.NaN, double.NaN, double.NaN,

                            Hess.HessInfo hessinfo = GetHessInfo();

                            Mode[] camodes_orig;
                                int[]  idxca              = (hessinfo.atoms as Universe.Atom[]).ListPdbAtomName(true).HIdxEqual("CA");
                                Matrix cahess             = Hess.GetHessCoarseBlkmat(hessinfo.hess, idxca, "inv");
                                Mode[] lcamodes           = Hess.GetModesFromHess(cahess, la);
                                var    camodes_nzero_zero = lcamodes.SeparateTolerants();
                                if (bool.Parse("false"))
                                    camodes_nzero_zero = lcamodes.SeparateTolerantsByCountSigned(6);
                                }                                                                                            /// manually fix 3LKY, 4EDL
                                if (camodes_nzero_zero.Item2.Length != 6)
                                    throw new HException("# zero-eigval != 6");
                                camodes_orig = camodes_nzero_zero.Item1;
                            Vector cabfactor_orig = camodes_orig.GetBFactor().ToArray();

                            Mode[] camodes_iter;
                                var    cahess             = Hess.GetHessCoarseResiIter_BlockWise(hessinfo, univ.GetCoords(), la, 18, 500, GetHessCoarseResiIter_thres_zeroblk);
                                Mode[] lcamodes           = Hess.GetModesFromHess(cahess.hess, la);
                                var    camodes_nzero_zero = lcamodes.SeparateTolerantsByCountSigned(6);
                                if (camodes_nzero_zero.Item2.Length != 6)
                                    throw new HException("# zero-eigval != 6");
                                camodes_iter = camodes_nzero_zero.Item1;
                            Vector cabfactor_iter = camodes_iter.GetBFactor().ToArray();

                            corr = HBioinfo.BFactor.Corr(cabfactor_orig, cabfactor_iter);
                            var lwovlp = HBioinfo.OverlapWeightedByEigval(camodes_orig, camodes_iter, la, false, "corresponding index");
                            wovlp = lwovlp.woverlap;
                            ovlps = new double[]
                                lwovlp.overlaps[0], lwovlp.overlaps[1], lwovlp.overlaps[2], lwovlp.overlaps[3], lwovlp.overlaps[4],
                                lwovlp.overlaps[5], lwovlp.overlaps[6], lwovlp.overlaps[7], lwovlp.overlaps[8], lwovlp.overlaps[9],
                        catch (Exception e)
                            if (e.Message != "# zero-eigval != 6")

                        HSerialize.SerializeText(pathcache, new double[]
                                                 { corr, wovlp,
                                                   ovlps[0], ovlps[1], ovlps[2], ovlps[3], ovlps[4],
                                                   ovlps[5], ovlps[6], ovlps[7], ovlps[8], ovlps[9], });

                        double[] buff;
                        HSerialize.DeserializeText(pathcache, out buff);
                        double   corr  = buff[0];
                        double   wovlp = buff[1];
                        double[] ovlps = new double[] { buff[2], buff[3], buff[4], buff[5], buff[6]
                                                        , buff[7], buff[8], buff[9], buff[10], buff[11] };
                        if (double.IsNaN(corr))
                        return(new Tuple <double, double, double[]>(corr, wovlp, ovlps));
Exemplo n.º 10
                public static Quality GetQuality
                    (string pathcache
                    , Universe univ
                    , Func <Hess.HessInfo> GetHessInfo
                    , double GetHessCoarseResiIter_thres_zeroblk
                    double corr        = double.NaN;
                    double wovlp       = double.NaN;
                    double sparsityall = double.NaN;
                    double sparsityca  = double.NaN;

                    double[] ovlps = new double[]
                        double.NaN, double.NaN, double.NaN, double.NaN, double.NaN,
                        double.NaN, double.NaN, double.NaN, double.NaN, double.NaN,
                    double[] eigvals = new double[]
                        double.NaN, double.NaN, double.NaN, double.NaN, double.NaN,
                        double.NaN, double.NaN, double.NaN, double.NaN, double.NaN,

                        Hess.HessInfo hessinfo     = GetHessInfo();
                        double        lsparsityall = 1 - hessinfo.hess.RatioUsedBlocks;

                        Mode[] camodes_orig;
                            int[]      idxca              = (hessinfo.atoms as Universe.Atom[]).ListPdbAtomName(true).HIdxEqual("CA");
                            HessMatrix cahess             = Hess.GetHessCoarseBlkmat(hessinfo.hess, idxca, "inv");
                            Mode[]     lcamodes           = Hess.GetModesFromHess(cahess, la);
                            var        camodes_nzero_zero = lcamodes.SeparateTolerants();
                            if (bool.Parse("false"))
                                camodes_nzero_zero = lcamodes.SeparateTolerantsByCountSigned(6);
                            }                                                                                            /// manually fix 3LKY, 4EDL
                            if (camodes_nzero_zero.Item2.Length != 6)
                                throw new HException("# zero-eigval != 6");
                            camodes_orig = camodes_nzero_zero.Item1;
                        Vector cabfactor_orig = camodes_orig.GetBFactor().ToArray();

                        double lsparsityca;
                        Mode[] camodes_iter;
                        Mode[] camodes;
                            var coords = univ.GetCoords();
                            var cahess = Hess.GetHessCoarseResiIter_BlockWise(hessinfo, coords, la, 18, 500, GetHessCoarseResiIter_thres_zeroblk);
                            lsparsityca = 1 - cahess.hess.RatioUsedBlocks;
                            camodes     = Hess.GetModesFromHess(cahess.hess, la);
                            var camodes_nzero_zero = camodes.SeparateTolerantsByCountSigned(6);
                            if (camodes_nzero_zero.Item2.Length != 6)
                                throw new HException("# zero-eigval != 6");
                            camodes_iter = camodes_nzero_zero.Item1;
                        Vector cabfactor_iter = camodes_iter.GetBFactor().ToArray();

                        corr = HBioinfo.BFactor.Corr(cabfactor_orig, cabfactor_iter);
                        var lwovlp = HBioinfo.OverlapWeightedByEigval(camodes_orig, camodes_iter, la, false, "corresponding index");
                        wovlp       = lwovlp.woverlap;
                        sparsityall = lsparsityall;
                        sparsityca  = lsparsityca;
                        ovlps       = new double[]
                            lwovlp.overlaps[0], lwovlp.overlaps[1], lwovlp.overlaps[2], lwovlp.overlaps[3], lwovlp.overlaps[4],
                            lwovlp.overlaps[5], lwovlp.overlaps[6], lwovlp.overlaps[7], lwovlp.overlaps[8], lwovlp.overlaps[9],
                        eigvals = new double[]
                            camodes[0].eigval, camodes[1].eigval, camodes[2].eigval, camodes[3].eigval, camodes[4].eigval,
                            camodes[5].eigval, camodes[6].eigval, camodes[7].eigval, camodes[8].eigval, camodes[9].eigval,
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (e.Message != "# zero-eigval != 6")

                    return(new Quality
                        corr = corr,
                        wovlp = wovlp,
                        sparsity_all = sparsityall,
                        sparsity_ca = sparsityca,
                        ovlps = ovlps,
                        eigvals = eigvals,
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static HessInfo GetHessMixAnm(IList <Vector> coords
                                             , IList <int> lstIdxCa
                                             , IList <int> lstIdxAll
                                             , double CaCutoff, double CaSprcst
                                             , double AaCutoff, double AaSprcst
            int size = coords.Count;

            Vector[] mixCoords = new Vector[size];
            double[] cutoffs   = new double[size]; cutoffs = cutoffs.HUpdateValueAll(double.NaN);
            double[] sprcsts   = new double[size]; sprcsts = sprcsts.HUpdateValueAll(double.NaN);

            foreach (int idx in lstIdxCa)
                mixCoords[idx] = coords[idx].Clone(); cutoffs[idx] = CaCutoff; sprcsts[idx] = CaSprcst;
            foreach (int idx in lstIdxAll)
                mixCoords[idx] = coords[idx].Clone(); cutoffs[idx] = AaCutoff; sprcsts[idx] = AaSprcst;

            double[,] hesskij = new double[size, size]; hesskij = hesskij.HUpdateValueAll(double.NaN);
            for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                Vector coordi = mixCoords[i];
                if (coordi == null)
                double cutoffi  = cutoffs[i];
                double sprcsti  = sprcsts[i];
                double cutoffi3 = cutoffi * cutoffi * cutoffi;
                for (int j = i; j < size; j++)
                    if (i == j)
                        hesskij[i, j] = 0;

                    Vector coordj = mixCoords[j];
                    if (coordj == null)
                    double cutoffj  = cutoffs[j];
                    double sprcstj  = sprcsts[j];
                    double cutoffj3 = cutoffj * cutoffj * cutoffj;

                    double distij = (coordi - coordj).Dist;

                    double cutoffij;
                    if (cutoffi == cutoffj)
                        cutoffij = cutoffi;
                        cutoffij = Math.Pow((cutoffi3 + cutoffj3) / 2, 1 / 3.0);

                    double sprcstij = 0;
                    if (distij < cutoffij)
                        sprcstij = (sprcsti + sprcstj) / 2;

                    hesskij[i, j] = sprcstij;
                    hesskij[j, i] = sprcstij;

            HessMatrix hess = GetHessAnm(mixCoords, hesskij);

            Vector mass     = new double[size]; mass.SetValue(1);
            var    hessinfo = new Hess.HessInfo
                hess          = hess,
                mass          = mass,
                coords        = mixCoords,
                atoms         = null,
                numZeroEigval = 6,
