Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void SetPassword()        //Dh
            int            err;
            ConsoleKeyInfo passwrdConfig;
            string         soldPassword;
            string         snewPassword;

            Console.WriteLine("What Type of Access Control Would You " +
                              "like to Set the Device to? \r\n0 : No Password \r\n" +
                              "1 : Enable the Password \r\n2 : Change the Password \r\n" +
                              "3: Permanent Lock");
            passwrdConfig = Console.ReadKey();
            if (passwrdConfig.Key == ConsoleKey.D0) // disable password
                d1.AccessConfig = 0x00;
            else if (passwrdConfig.Key == ConsoleKey.D1) // enable password
                d1.AccessConfig = 0x40;
            else if (passwrdConfig.Key == ConsoleKey.D2) // change password
                d1.AccessConfig = 0xA5;
            else if (passwrdConfig.Key == ConsoleKey.D2) // change password
                Console.WriteLine("Are You Sure You Want to PERMANENTLY LOCK ALL SETTINGS on This Device");
                if (Console.ReadKey().Key == ConsoleKey.Y)
                    d1.AccessConfig = 0xFF;
                    err             = MCP2210.M_Mcp2210_SetPermanentLock(d1.Handle);
                    return; // handle the error
            Console.WriteLine("Please Insert the Current Password. " +
                              "8 Characters Max \r\n" +
                              "Please input any 8 Character string if it currently does not have a password");
            soldPassword = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Please Insert the New Password. 8 Characters Max");
            snewPassword = Console.ReadLine();

            err = MCP2210.M_Mcp2210_SetAccessControl(d1.Handle, d1.AccessConfig, soldPassword, snewPassword);
            if (0 == err)
                d1.sPassword = snewPassword;
                PullbackException oops = new PullbackException();
                oops.Mcp2210Error = err;
                throw oops;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void GetGpioConfig()      //8h
            int  err;
            uint tempuinGpioVal   = 0;
            uint tempuinGpioDir   = 0;
            byte tempbRmtWkupEn   = 0;
            byte tempbPinMode     = 0;
            byte tempbSpiBusRelEn = 0;

            ConsoleKeyInfo memType;

            Console.WriteLine("Would you like to see GPIO settings for [1] NVRAM or [2] Volitile Memory \r\n");
            memType = Console.ReadKey();
            if (memType.Key == ConsoleKey.D1)
                d1.bFgSelector = (byte)MCP2210.M_MCP2210_NVRAM_CONFIG;
            else if (memType.Key == ConsoleKey.D2)
                d1.bFgSelector = (byte)MCP2210.M_MCP2210_VM_CONFIG;
            err = MCP2210.M_Mcp2210_GetGpioConfig(d1.Handle, d1.bFgSelector, d1.baGpSetting, ref tempuinGpioVal, ref tempuinGpioDir, ref tempbRmtWkupEn, ref tempbPinMode, ref tempbSpiBusRelEn);
            d1.uinGpioVal   = tempuinGpioVal;
            d1.uinGpioDir   = tempuinGpioDir;
            d1.bRmtWkupEn   = tempbRmtWkupEn;
            d1.bPinMode     = tempbPinMode;
            d1.bSpiBusRelEn = tempbSpiBusRelEn;

            Console.WriteLine("The chosen indication is {0} \r\n", d1.uinGpioVal);
            Console.WriteLine("The chosen direction is {0} \r\n", d1.uinGpioDir);
            if (d1.bRmtWkupEn == (byte)MCP2210.M_MCP2210_REMOTE_WAKEUP_ENABLED)
                Console.WriteLine("Remote Wake Up is Enabled");
            else if (d1.bRmtWkupEn == (byte)MCP2210.M_MCP2210_REMOTE_WAKEUP_DISABLED)
                Console.WriteLine("Remote Wake Up is Disabled");
            if (d1.bPinMode == (byte)MCP2210.M_MCP2210_INT_MD_CNT_NONE)
                Console.WriteLine("Interupt pin is Disabled");
            else if (d1.bPinMode == (byte)MCP2210.M_MCP2210_INT_MD_CNT_HIGH_PULSES)
                Console.WriteLine("Interrupt is High Pulse Triggered");
            else if (d1.bPinMode == (byte)MCP2210.M_MCP2210_INT_MD_CNT_LOW_PULSES)
                Console.WriteLine("Interrupt is Low Pulse Triggered");
            else if (d1.bPinMode == (byte)MCP2210.M_MCP2210_INT_MD_CNT_RISING_EDGES)
                Console.WriteLine("Interrupt is Rising Edge Triggered");
            else if (d1.bPinMode == (byte)MCP2210.M_MCP2210_INT_MD_CNT_FALLING_EDGES)
                Console.WriteLine("Interrupt is Falling Edge Triggered");
            if (d1.bSpiBusRelEn == (byte)MCP2210.M_MCP2210_SPI_BUS_RELEASE_ENABLED)
                Console.WriteLine("SPI Bus Release is Enabled");
            if (d1.bSpiBusRelEn == (byte)MCP2210.M_MCP2210_SPI_BUS_RELEASE_DISABLED)
                Console.WriteLine("SPI Bus Release is Disabled");
            if (err != 0)
                PullbackException oops = new PullbackException();
                oops.Mcp2210Error = err;
                throw oops;
            Console.WriteLine("Error is {0}", err);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void SetGpioConfig()      //7h
            ConsoleKeyInfo memType;
            ConsoleKeyInfo gpioTemp;
            string         temp_gp;
            int            err;

            Console.WriteLine("Would you like to set the GPIO settings for [1] NVRAM or [2] Volitile Memory \r\n");
            memType = Console.ReadKey();
            if (memType.Key == ConsoleKey.D1)
                d1.bFgSelector = (byte)MCP2210.M_MCP2210_NVRAM_CONFIG;
            else if (memType.Key == ConsoleKey.D2)
                d1.bFgSelector = (byte)MCP2210.M_MCP2210_VM_CONFIG;
            Console.WriteLine("Please Indicate the GP Pin Designation in Hex Format, GP0 is First & GP8 is Last \r\n 00 : GPIO \r\n 01 : Chip Select \r\n 02 : Dedicated Pin Function \r\n ");
            temp_gp        = Console.ReadLine();
            d1.baGpSetting = Converter.ToByteArray(temp_gp);
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Please Indicate the Output Value of Pin GPIO{0} \r\n", i);
                gpioTemp = Console.ReadKey();
                if (gpioTemp.Key == ConsoleKey.D1)
                    d1.uinGpioVal += (uint)1 << i;
            Console.WriteLine("The chosen indication is {0} \r\n", d1.uinGpioVal);
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("Please Indicate the Direction of Pin GPIO{0}\r\n 1 is In, 0 is Out \r\n", i);
                gpioTemp = Console.ReadKey();
                if (gpioTemp.Key == ConsoleKey.D1)
                    d1.uinGpioDir += (uint)1 << i;
            Console.WriteLine("The chosen direction is {0}", d1.uinGpioDir);
            Console.WriteLine("\r\n Would You Like the Device to Be Remote Wake Enababled [Y] or [N] /r/n");
            gpioTemp = Console.ReadKey();
            if (gpioTemp.Key == ConsoleKey.Y)
                d1.bRmtWkupEn = (byte)MCP2210.M_MCP2210_REMOTE_WAKEUP_ENABLED;
            if (gpioTemp.Key == ConsoleKey.N)
                d1.bRmtWkupEn = (byte)MCP2210.M_MCP2210_REMOTE_WAKEUP_DISABLED;
            Console.WriteLine("\r\n How would you like the interupt pin to count interupts, GP6 \r\n 0 : NONE \r\n 1 : High Pulses \r\n 2 : Low Pulses \r\n 3 : Rising Edges \r\n 4 : Falling Edges \r\n");
            gpioTemp = Console.ReadKey();
            if (gpioTemp.Key == ConsoleKey.D0)
                d1.bPinMode = (byte)MCP2210.M_MCP2210_INT_MD_CNT_NONE;
            else if (gpioTemp.Key == ConsoleKey.D1)
                d1.bPinMode = (byte)MCP2210.M_MCP2210_INT_MD_CNT_HIGH_PULSES;
            else if (gpioTemp.Key == ConsoleKey.D2)
                d1.bPinMode = (byte)MCP2210.M_MCP2210_INT_MD_CNT_LOW_PULSES;
            else if (gpioTemp.Key == ConsoleKey.D3)
                d1.bPinMode = (byte)MCP2210.M_MCP2210_INT_MD_CNT_RISING_EDGES;
            else if (gpioTemp.Key == ConsoleKey.D4)
                d1.bPinMode = (byte)MCP2210.M_MCP2210_INT_MD_CNT_FALLING_EDGES;
            Console.WriteLine("\r\n Would you like your device to release the SPI Bus to another master when not broadcasting [Y] or [N] \r\n");
            gpioTemp = Console.ReadKey();
            if (gpioTemp.Key == ConsoleKey.Y)
                d1.bSpiBusRelEn = (byte)MCP2210.M_MCP2210_SPI_BUS_RELEASE_ENABLED;
            if (gpioTemp.Key == ConsoleKey.N)
                d1.bSpiBusRelEn = (byte)MCP2210.M_MCP2210_SPI_BUS_RELEASE_DISABLED;
            err = MCP2210.M_Mcp2210_SetGpioConfig(d1.Handle, d1.bFgSelector, d1.baGpSetting, d1.uinGpioVal, d1.uinGpioDir, d1.bRmtWkupEn, d1.bPinMode, d1.bSpiBusRelEn);
            if (err != 0)
                PullbackException oops = new PullbackException();
                oops.Mcp2210Error = err;

                throw oops;
            Console.WriteLine("\r\n Error is {0}", err);