public GameOver_GUI()
            //create the style for the main menu background
            GUIStyle gameOverStyle = new GUIStyle();
            gameOverStyle.IsOpaque = true;
            Style = gameOverStyle;

            //create the style for the menu buttons
            GUITextStyle textStyle = new GUITextStyle();
            textStyle.FontType = "Arial22";
            textStyle.TextColor[CustomColor.ColorBase] = Color.White;
            textStyle.Alignment = TextAlignment.JustifyCenter;

            // Based on 1024 * 768
            float positionX = 512;
            float positionY = 400;

            GUIText pauseText = new GUIText();
            pauseText.Style = textStyle;
            pauseText.Text = "Thanks for playing!!";
            pauseText.Size = new Vector2(300, 100);
            pauseText.Position = new Vector2(positionX - (pauseText.Size.X / 2), positionY);
            pauseText.Visible = true;
            pauseText.Folder = this;
        public GUI_Pause()
            //create the style for the main menu background
            GUIStyle pauseStyle = new GUIStyle();
            pauseStyle.IsOpaque = true;
            Style = pauseStyle;

            //create the style for the menu buttons
            GUITextStyle textStyle = new GUITextStyle();
            textStyle.FontType = "Arial22";
            textStyle.TextColor[CustomColor.ColorBase] = Color.DarkRed;
            textStyle.Alignment = TextAlignment.JustifyCenter;

            // Based on 1024 * 768
            float positionX = 512;
            float positionY = 400;

            GUIText pauseText = new GUIText();
            pauseText.Style = textStyle;
            pauseText.Text = "Paused";
            pauseText.Size = new Vector2(150, 100);
            pauseText.Position = new Vector2(positionX - (pauseText.Size.X / 2), positionY);
            pauseText.Visible = true;
            pauseText.Folder = this;
        public LoadingScreen_GUI()
            //create the style for the main menu background
            GUIStyle pauseStyle = new GUIStyle();
            pauseStyle.IsOpaque = true;
            Style = pauseStyle;

            //create the style for the menu buttons
            GUITextStyle textStyle = new GUITextStyle();
            textStyle.FontType = "Arial22";
            textStyle.TextColor[CustomColor.ColorBase] = Color.White;
            textStyle.Alignment = TextAlignment.JustifyCenter;

            GUITextStyle controlsStyle = new GUITextStyle();
            controlsStyle.FontType = "Arial22";
            textStyle.TextColor[CustomColor.ColorBase] = Color.White;
            textStyle.Alignment = TextAlignment.JustifyLeft;

            // Based on 1024 * 768
            float positionX = 500;
            float positionY = 200;

            GUIText pauseText;
            string[] controls =
                "Controls:", "A - Move Left", "D - Move Right",
                "Spacebar - Jump", "U - Punch", "I - Swipe"

            for(int i = 0; i < controls.Length; ++i)
                pauseText = new GUIText();
                pauseText.Style = textStyle;
                pauseText.Text = controls[i];
                pauseText.Size = new Vector2(pauseText.Size.X, pauseText.Size.Y+15);
                pauseText.Position = new Vector2(positionX - (pauseText.Size.X / 2), positionY + ((i + 1) * pauseText.Size.Y / 2));
                pauseText.Visible = true;
                pauseText.Folder = this;

            pauseText = new GUIText();
            pauseText.Style = textStyle;
            pauseText.Text = "Loading...";
            pauseText.Size = new Vector2(pauseText.Size.X, pauseText.Size.Y + 15);
            pauseText.Position = new Vector2(positionX - (pauseText.Size.X / 2), positionY + (10 * pauseText.Size.Y / 2));
            pauseText.Visible = true;
            pauseText.Folder = this;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public GuiPlay()
            var playStyle = new GUIStyle();
            Name = "GuiPlay";
            Style = playStyle;
            Size = new Vector2(1280, 720);
            Folder = GUICanvas.Instance;

            styleMain = new GUITextStyle();
            styleMain.FontType = "Arial22"; // @"data\images\MyFont";
            styleMain.TextColor[0] = Color.Red;
            styleMain.SizeToText = false;
            styleMain.Alignment = TextAlignment.JustifyCenter;
            styleMain.PreserveAspectRatio = true;

            _player1Health = new GUIText();
            _player1Health.Style = styleMain;
            _player1Health.Position = new Vector2(25, 25);
            _player1Health.Size = new Vector2(400, 120);
            _player1Health.Visible = true;
            _player1Health.Folder = this;
            _player1Health.Text = "Player Score:";

            _player2Health = new GUIText();
            _player2Health.Style = styleMain;
            _player2Health.Position = new Vector2(780, 25);
            _player2Health.Size = new Vector2(400, 120);
            _player2Health.Visible = true;
            _player2Health.Folder = this;
            _player2Health.Text = "Health Level";

            bitmapStyle = new GUIBitmapStyle();
            bitmapStyle.SizeToBitmap = false;

            Game.Instance.AiHealth = Game.Instance.PlayerHealth = 100;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private ProfileGUI()
            // define gui styles
            GUIStyle rootStyle = new GUIStyle();
            rootStyle.IsOpaque = false;

            GUIStyle scrollerStyle = new GUIStyle();
            scrollerStyle.IsOpaque = true;
            scrollerStyle.FillColor[CustomColor.ColorBase] = new Color(0, 0, 0, 150);
            scrollerStyle.HasBorder = true;
            scrollerStyle.BorderColor[CustomColor.ColorBase] = new Color(0, 0, 0, 200);
            scrollerStyle.Focusable = true;

            GUIMLTextStyle bodyStyle = new GUIMLTextStyle();
            bodyStyle.Alignment = TextAlignment.JustifyLeft;
            bodyStyle.TextColor[CustomColor.ColorBase] = Color.White;
            bodyStyle.SizeToText = true;
            bodyStyle.AutoSizeHeightOnly = true;
            bodyStyle.FontType = "Courier14";

            GUITextStyle textStyle = new GUITextStyle();
            textStyle.Alignment = TextAlignment.JustifyRight;
            textStyle.TextColor[CustomColor.ColorBase] = Color.White;
            textStyle.SizeToText = true;
            textStyle.FontType = "Courier14";

            // init gui controls
            _root = new GUIControl();
            _root.Style = rootStyle;
            _root.HorizSizing = HorizSizing.Width;
            _root.VertSizing = VertSizing.Height;

            _scroll = new GUIScroll();
            _scroll.Style = scrollerStyle;
            _scroll.HorizSizing = HorizSizing.Relative;
            _scroll.VertSizing = VertSizing.Relative;
            _scroll.Position = new Vector2(10.0f, 10.0f);
            _scroll.Size = new Vector2(GUICanvas.Instance.Size.X - 20.0f, GUICanvas.Instance.Size.Y - 20.0f);
            _scroll.FocusOnWake = true;
            _scroll.Visible = true;
            _scroll.Folder = _root;
            _scroll.InputMap = new InputMap();

            int gamepadId = InputManager.Instance.FindDevice("gamepad0");
            _scroll.InputMap.BindAction(gamepadId, (int)XGamePadDevice.GamePadObjects.Left, _OnLeft);
            _scroll.InputMap.BindAction(gamepadId, (int)XGamePadDevice.GamePadObjects.Right, _OnRight);
            _scroll.InputMap.BindAction(gamepadId, (int)XGamePadDevice.GamePadObjects.Start, _OnStart);

            _page = new GUIText();
            _page.Style = textStyle;
            _page.HorizSizing = HorizSizing.Relative;
            _page.VertSizing = VertSizing.Relative;
            _page.Position = new Vector2(GUICanvas.Instance.Size.X - 180.0f, 40.0f);
            _page.Text = string.Empty;
            _page.Visible = true;
            _page.Folder = _root;

            _saveToFile = new GUIText();
            _saveToFile.Style = textStyle;
            _saveToFile.HorizSizing = HorizSizing.Relative;
            _saveToFile.VertSizing = VertSizing.Relative;
            _saveToFile.Position = new Vector2(GUICanvas.Instance.Size.X - 260, 20.0f);
            _saveToFile.Text = string.Empty;
            #if !XBOX
            _saveToFile.Visible = true;
            _saveToFile.Folder = _root;
            #endif // !XBOX

            _text = new GUIMLText();
            _text.Style = bodyStyle;
            _text.HorizSizing = HorizSizing.Width;
            _text.VertSizing = VertSizing.Height;
            _text.Position = new Vector2(3.0f, 3.0f);
            _text.Size = new Vector2(GUICanvas.Instance.Size.X - 40.0f, GUICanvas.Instance.Size.Y - 20.0f);
            _text.Text = "Torque X Profiler\n\nNo profiles have been taken yet.\nPress (F2) to take a snapshot since the last profile.\n\nIf the profiler doesn't seem to be responding, there may be a stack overflow. Make sure that \nfor each StartBlock call there is an EndBlock call. If the code you're profiling has multiple \nreturn paths you will need multiple EndBlock calls: one before each return statement. If \nthis is an issue, try profiling with a debug build to catch the overflow assert (you might \nneed to run your app for a while before you get it, depending on the cause of the overflow).\n\nEnjoy! ;)";
            _text.Visible = true;
            _text.Folder = _scroll;
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when this control receives a new style, invoked from the set Style property.
        /// Override this method if your custom control uses a specialized version of GUIStyle.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="style"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected virtual bool _OnNewStyle(GUIStyle style)
            if (style == null)
                return false;

            _style = style;

            return true;
        protected override bool _OnNewStyle(GUIStyle style)
            _style = (style as GUIBitmapStyle);

            Assert.Fatal(_style != null, "GUIBitmap._OnNewStyle - Control was assigned an invalid style!");

            if (_style == null || !base._OnNewStyle(style))
                return false;

            if (_style.SizeToBitmap && _material != null)
                Size = new Vector2(_bitmapSize.X, _bitmapSize.Y);

            return true;
        protected override bool _OnNewStyle(GUIStyle style)
            _style = (style as GUIMLTextStyle);

            Assert.Fatal(_style != null, "GUIMLText._OnNewStyle - Control was assigned an invalid style!\nRequires a ");
            if (_style == null || !base._OnNewStyle(style))
                return false;

            if (_style.SizeToText && _text != String.Empty)

            return true;
        protected override bool _OnNewStyle(GUIStyle style)
            _style = (style as GUISplashStyle);

            Assert.Fatal(_style != null, "GUISplash._OnNewStyle - Control was assigned an invalid style!");

            if (_style == null || !base._OnNewStyle(style))
                return false;

            return true;
        private float maxHealthBarSize; // used to calculate size of health

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public HealthBar_GUI()
            #region Styles

            // Create Base Style
            GUIStyle playStyle = new GUIStyle();
            Name = "GuiPlay";
            Style = playStyle;
            Size = new Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Vector2(1024, 768);
            Folder = GUICanvas.Instance;

            // Create Text Style
            GUITextStyle styleText = new GUITextStyle();
            styleText.FontType = "Arial22"; // Change to desired
            styleText.TextColor[CustomColor.ColorBase] = Color.White; // Change to desired
            styleText.SizeToText = true;
            styleText.Alignment = TextAlignment.JustifyLeft;
            styleText.PreserveAspectRatio = true;

            // Create Pic Style
            GUIBitmapStyle bitmapStyle = new GUIBitmapStyle();
            bitmapStyle.SizeToBitmap = false;

            // Modify the bitmap Style to draw the health
            GUIStyle healthStyle = new GUIStyle();
            healthStyle.FillColor[CustomColor.ColorBase] = Color.Red;
            healthStyle.IsOpaque = true;


            #region GUIObjects

            // Create health text object
            GUIText healthText = new GUIText();
            healthText.Style = styleText; // Created above
            healthText.Text = "Health"; // Change to desired
            healthText.Size = new Vector2(75, 30); // If smaller than text, will be cut off
            healthText.Position = new Vector2(20, 20); // Change to desired
            healthText.Folder = this; // needed to draw
            healthText.Visible = true; // needed to draw

            // Create cyrstal text object
            crystalText = new GUIText();
            crystalText.Style = styleText;
            crystalText.Text = "";
            crystalText.Size = new Vector2(75, 30); // If smaller than text, will be cut off
            crystalText.Position = new Vector2(920, 57); // Change to desired
            crystalText.Folder = this;
            crystalText.Visible = true;

            // Create "x" text object, to make independent of the no. of crystals
            GUIText crossText = new GUIText();
            crossText.Style = styleText;
            crossText.Text = " x ";
            crossText.Size = new Vector2(75, 30); // If smaller than text, will be cut off
            crossText.Position = new Vector2(crystalText.Position.X + 30, crystalText.Position.Y); // offset position from crystalText
            crossText.Folder = this;
            crossText.Visible = true;

            // Create picture object
            GUIBitmap healthBarBorder = new GUIBitmap();
            healthBarBorder.Style = bitmapStyle;
            healthBarBorder.Size = new Vector2(310, 40); // The size of the health bar
            healthBarBorder.Bitmap = @"data\images\lifebar";
            healthBarBorder.Folder = this;
            healthBarBorder.Visible = true;
            healthBarBorder.Position = new Vector2(20, 60);

            // Create picture object
            GUIBitmap crystalBitmap = new GUIBitmap();
            crystalBitmap.Style = bitmapStyle;
            crystalBitmap.Size = new Vector2(30, 65); // The size of the crystal
            crystalBitmap.Bitmap = @"data\images\crystal";
            crystalBitmap.Folder = this;
            crystalBitmap.Visible = true;
            crystalBitmap.Position = new Vector2(crystalText.Position.X + 55, crystalText.Position.Y - 15); // offset position from crystalText

            // Create base object to fill with colour
            healthBar = new GUIControl();
            healthBar.Style = healthStyle;
            //healthBar.Size = new Vector2(healthBarBorder.Size.X - 8, healthBarBorder.Size.Y - 5);
            healthBar.Size = new Vector2(301, 34); // offset size to fit inside health bar
            healthBar.Folder = this;
            healthBar.Visible = true;
            //healthBar.Position = new Vector2(healthBarBorder.Position.X + 5, healthBarBorder.Position.Y + 3);
            healthBar.Position = new Vector2(25, 64); // offset pos to fit inside health bar

            // used calculate health bar size (see draw)
            maxHealthBarSize = healthBar.Size.X;

Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes the console gui.
        /// </summary>
        public void Initialize()
            if (_isInitialized)
                TorqueConsole.Warn("ConsoleGui.InitializeGui - Gui is already initialized!");

            // define gui styles
            GUIStyle rootStyle = new GUIStyle();
            rootStyle.IsOpaque = true;
            rootStyle.FillColor[CustomColor.ColorBase] = new Color(0, 0, 0, 128);

            GUIStyle scrollerStyle = new GUIStyle();
            scrollerStyle.HasBorder = true;
            scrollerStyle.BorderColor[CustomColor.ColorBase] = new Color(0, 0, 0, 255);
            scrollerStyle.Focusable = false;

            GUIMLTextStyle bodyStyle = new GUIMLTextStyle();
            bodyStyle.Alignment = TextAlignment.JustifyLeft;
            bodyStyle.TextColor[CustomColor.ColorUser0] = Color.White;
            bodyStyle.TextColor[CustomColor.ColorUser1] = Color.Yellow;
            bodyStyle.TextColor[CustomColor.ColorUser2] = Color.Red;
            bodyStyle.SizeToText = true;
            bodyStyle.AutoSizeHeightOnly = false;
            bodyStyle.FontType = "Arial12";

            GUITextStyle textStyle = new GUITextStyle();
            textStyle.Alignment = TextAlignment.JustifyLeft;
            textStyle.TextColor[CustomColor.ColorBase] = Color.White;
            textStyle.SizeToText = false;
            textStyle.Focusable = true;
            textStyle.FontType = "Arial14";

            // init gui controls
            _root = new GUIControl();
            _root.Style = rootStyle;
            _root.HorizSizing = HorizSizing.Width;
            _root.VertSizing = VertSizing.Height;
            _root.Size = new Vector2(GUICanvas.Instance.Size.X, GUICanvas.Instance.Size.Y);

            _scroll = new GUIScroll();
            _scroll.Style = scrollerStyle;
            _scroll.HorizSizing = HorizSizing.Width;
            _scroll.VertSizing = VertSizing.Relative;
            _scroll.Size = new Vector2(GUICanvas.Instance.Size.X, GUICanvas.Instance.Size.Y - 30.0f);
            _scroll.Visible = true;
            _scroll.Folder = _root;

            _textEdit = new GUIConsoleTextEdit();
            _textEdit.Style = textStyle;
            _textEdit.HorizSizing = HorizSizing.Relative;
            _textEdit.VertSizing = VertSizing.Relative;
            _textEdit.Position = new Vector2(10.0f, GUICanvas.Instance.Size.Y - 30.0f);
            _textEdit.Size = new Vector2(GUICanvas.Instance.Size.X - 20.0f, 30.0f);
            _textEdit.FocusOnWake = true;
            _textEdit.Visible = true;
            _textEdit.Folder = _root;
            _textEdit.OnValidateText = _ValidateText;

            int keyboardId = InputManager.Instance.FindDevice("keyboard");
            _textEdit.InputMap.BindAction(keyboardId, (int)Keys.Up, _NextHistory);
            _textEdit.InputMap.BindAction(keyboardId, (int)Keys.Down, _PreviousHistory);

            _text = new GUIConsoleText();
            _text.Style = bodyStyle;
            _text.HorizSizing = HorizSizing.Relative;
            _text.VertSizing = VertSizing.Relative;
            _text.Position = new Vector2(10.0f, 10.0f);
            _text.Size = new Vector2(400.0f, 20.0f);
            _text.Visible = true;
            _text.Folder = _scroll;
            _text.Text = _consoleText;

            _isInitialized = true;
Exemplo n.º 12
        protected override bool _OnNewStyle(GUIStyle style)
            _style = (style as GUITextStyle);

            Assert.Fatal(!_style.Font.IsNull, "GUIText._OnNewStyle - Font resource is not valid!");

            if (_style.Font.IsNull)
                return false;

            Assert.Fatal(_style != null, "GUIText._OnNewStyle - Control was assigned an invalid style!");

            if (_style == null || !base._OnNewStyle(style))
                return false;

            if (_style.SizeToText && _text != String.Empty)

            return true;