Exemplo n.º 1
        private void AddFood(Mineral mineral)
            var quantity = base.CargoBays.CargoVolume;

            if (quantity.Item2 - quantity.Item1 < mineral.VolumeInCubicMeters)
                // The cargo bays are too full

            // Try to pop this out of the map
            if (!_map.RemoveItem(mineral, true))
                // It's already gone

            // Convert it to cargo
            Cargo_Mineral cargo = new Cargo_Mineral(mineral.MineralType, mineral.Density, mineral.VolumeInCubicMeters);

            // Try to add this to the cargo bays - the total volume may be enough, but the mineral may be too large for any
            // one cargo bay
            if (base.CargoBays.Add(cargo))
                // Finish removing it from the real world

                this.ShouldRecalcMass_Large = true;
                // It didn't fit, give it back to the map
            private ChangeInstruction(Asteroid[] remove_Asteroids, Mineral[] remove_Minerals)
                this.InstructionType = MapPopulationManager.InstructionType.Remove;

                this.Remove_Asteroids = remove_Asteroids;
                this.Remove_Minerals = remove_Minerals;

                this.Add_Position = new Point3D();
                this.Add_Velocity = new Vector3D();
                this.Add_AngVel = new Vector3D();
                this.Asteroid = null;
                this.Mineral = null;
            private ChangeInstruction(Point3D add_Position, Vector3D add_Velocity, Vector3D add_AngVel, AsteroidDNA asteroid, MineralDNA mineral, Asteroid[] remove_Asteroids, Mineral[] remove_Minerals)
                this.InstructionType = MapPopulationManager.InstructionType.Merge;

                this.Add_Position = add_Position;
                this.Add_Velocity = add_Velocity;
                this.Add_AngVel = add_AngVel;

                this.Asteroid = asteroid;
                this.Mineral = mineral;

                this.Remove_Asteroids = remove_Asteroids;
                this.Remove_Minerals = remove_Minerals;
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void CollidedMineral(Mineral mineral)
     if (mineral.MineralType == MineralType.Ruby)
         // Treat this like anti food.  Remove cargo/energy/fuel to compensate for the mass of this poison.  If there's not enough,
         // then die
         // The only other mineral type should be emerald, but just consider everything else as food (the converters just go by
         // mass anyway)
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void AddPoison(Mineral mineral)
            // Try to pop this out of the map
            if (!_map.RemoveItem(mineral, true))
                // It's already gone

            double mass = mineral.VolumeInCubicMeters * mineral.Density;

            // Try to remove the equivalent mass from the cargo bay
            var vomit = base.CargoBays.RemoveMineral_Mass(mass);

            if (vomit.Item1 > 0d)
                this.ShouldRecalcMass_Large = true;

            if (Math1D.IsNearValue(vomit.Item1, mass))
                // There was enough in the cargo bay to balance out the poison

            mass -= vomit.Item1;

            // The remaining mass needs to come out of plasma/energy/fuel

            // The conversion ratios are meant to be lossy when going from mass to energy/fuel/plasma.  But when run the other direction, they
            // become overly ideal, so bump the target mass a bit to account for that
            mass *= 1.1d;

            // Plasma is least important, take from that first
            if (AddPoisonSprtContainer(ref mass, this.Plasma, _itemOptions.MatterToPlasma_ConversionRate))
                // There was enough to cover it

            // Draw from fuel next
            if (this.Fuel != null && this.Fuel.QuantityCurrent > 0d)
                this.ShouldRecalcMass_Large = true;     // fuel is about to be removed, so set this now

            if (AddPoisonSprtContainer(ref mass, this.Fuel, _itemOptions.MatterToFuel_ConversionRate))
                // There was enough to cover it

            // Go after energy as a last resort
            if (AddPoisonSprtContainer(ref mass, this.Energy, _itemOptions.MatterToEnergy_ConversionRate))
                // There was enough to cover it

            // If there's nothing left, then just exist.  The next time this bot is examined, it will be considered dead
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void CollidedMineral(Mineral mineral, World world, int materialID, SharedVisuals sharedVisuals)
            //TODO: Let the user specify thresholds for which minerals to take ($, density, mass, type).  Also give an option to be less picky if near empty
            //TODO: Let the user specify thresholds for swapping lesser minerals for better ones
            //TODO: Add a portion

            if (base.CargoBays == null)
            else if (mineral.IsDisposed)

            var quantity = base.CargoBays.CargoVolume;

            if (quantity.Item2 - quantity.Item1 < mineral.VolumeInCubicMeters)
                // The cargo bays are too full

            // Save location in case it needs to be brought back
            Point3D position = mineral.PositionWorld;

            // Convert it to cargo
            Cargo_Mineral cargo = new Cargo_Mineral(mineral.MineralType, mineral.Density, mineral.VolumeInCubicMeters);

            // Try to add this to the cargo bays - the total volume may be enough, but the mineral may be too large for any
            // one cargo bay (or some of the cargo bays could be destroyed)
            if (base.CargoBays.Add(cargo))
                // Finish removing it from the real world
                _map.RemoveItem(mineral, true);

                this.ShouldRecalcMass_Large = true;
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// This will take the mineral if it fits
        /// NOTE: This method removes the mineral from the map
        /// </summary>
        private void CollidedMineral_ORIG(Mineral mineral, World world, int materialID, SharedVisuals sharedVisuals)
            //TODO: Let the user specify thresholds for which minerals to take ($, density, mass, type).  Also give an option to be less picky if near empty
            //TODO: Let the user specify thresholds for swapping lesser minerals for better ones

            if (base.CargoBays == null)
            else if (mineral.IsDisposed)

            var quantity = base.CargoBays.CargoVolume;

            if (quantity.Item2 - quantity.Item1 < mineral.VolumeInCubicMeters)
                // The cargo bays are too full

            // Save location in case it needs to be brought back
            Point3D position = mineral.PositionWorld;

            // Try to pop this out of the map
            if (!_map.RemoveItem(mineral, true))
                // It's already gone

            // Convert it to cargo
            Cargo_Mineral cargo = new Cargo_Mineral(mineral.MineralType, mineral.Density, mineral.VolumeInCubicMeters);

            // Try to add this to the cargo bays - the total volume may be enough, but the mineral may be too large for any
            // one cargo bay
            if (base.CargoBays.Add(cargo))
                // Finish removing it from the real world

                this.ShouldRecalcMass_Large = true;
                // It didn't fit, give it back to the map
                Mineral clone = new Mineral(mineral.MineralType, position, mineral.VolumeInCubicMeters, world, materialID, sharedVisuals, ItemOptionsAstMin2D.MINERAL_DENSITYMULT, mineral.Scale, mineral.Credits);
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void CreateMinerals_Build(MineralType mineralType, Point3D position)
            double volume = StaticRandom.NextPercent(ItemOptionsAstMin2D.MINERAL_AVGVOLUME, 2);
            decimal credits = ItemOptionsAstMin2D.GetCredits_Mineral(mineralType, volume);
            double scale = volume / ItemOptionsAstMin2D.MINERAL_AVGVOLUME;

            Mineral mineral = new Mineral(mineralType, position, volume, _world, _material_Mineral, _sharedVisuals, ItemOptionsAstMin2D.MINERAL_DENSITYMULT, scale, credits);

            mineral.PhysicsBody.AngularVelocity = Math3D.GetRandomVector_Spherical(1d);
            mineral.PhysicsBody.Velocity = Math3D.GetRandomVector_Circular(6d);

Exemplo n.º 9
            // This also creates minerals
            private IMapObject[] GetChildAsteroids(double overDamage, Point3D parentPos, Vector3D parentVel)
                const double MAXOVERDMG = 13;       // overdamage of 1 is the smallest value (the asteroid was barely destroyed).  Larger values are overkill, and the asteroid becomes more fully destroyed
                const int MAXCHILDREN = 5;

                #region Child asteroid sizes

                // Figure out the radius of the child asteroids
                double radius = GetTotalChildRadius(_radius, overDamage, MAXOVERDMG);

                // Get the volumes of the child asteroids
                double[] asteroidVolumes = null;
                if (radius > _minChildRadius)
                    double totalVolume = 4d / 3d * Math.PI * radius * radius * radius;
                    double minVolume = 4d / 3d * Math.PI * _minChildRadius * _minChildRadius * _minChildRadius;

                    int numChildren = GetNumChildren(radius, MAXCHILDREN, totalVolume, minVolume, overDamage, MAXOVERDMG);
                    asteroidVolumes = GetChildVolumes(numChildren, totalVolume, minVolume);
                    // Not enough left, don't create any child asteroids
                    radius = 0;
                    asteroidVolumes = new double[0];

                #region Mineral sizes

                MineralDNA[] mineralDefinitions = null;
                if (_getMineralsByDestroyedMass != null)
                    //double destroyedMass = GetDestroyedMass(Math3D.Avg(_radius.X, _radius.Y, _radius.Z), radius, _getMassByRadius);       // using avg had too many cases where the returned mass was negative
                    double destroyedMass = GetDestroyedMass(Math1D.Max(_radius.X, _radius.Y, _radius.Z), radius, _getMassByRadius);
                    if (destroyedMass > 0)      // child radius is calculated using max of _radius, but avg was passed to the getmass method.  So there's a chance that getmass returns negative
                        mineralDefinitions = _getMineralsByDestroyedMass(destroyedMass);

                if (mineralDefinitions == null)
                    mineralDefinitions = new MineralDNA[0];


                if (asteroidVolumes.Length == 0 && mineralDefinitions.Length == 0)
                    // Nothing to spawn
                    return null;

                // Figure out positions
                AsteroidOrMineralDefinition[] children = PositionChildAsteroidsAndMinerals(asteroidVolumes, mineralDefinitions);

                #region Create IMapObjects

                IMapObject[] retVal = new IMapObject[children.Length];

                for (int cntr = 0; cntr < retVal.Length; cntr++)
                    Point3D position = parentPos + children[cntr].Part.Position.ToVector();

                    if (children[cntr].IsAsteroid)
                        // Asteroid
                        AsteroidExtra extra = new AsteroidExtra()
                            Triangles = children[cntr].AsteroidTriangles,
                            GetMineralsByDestroyedMass = _getMineralsByDestroyedMass,
                            MineralMaterialID = _mineralMaterialID,
                            MinChildRadius = _minChildRadius,

                        retVal[cntr] = new Asteroid(children[cntr].AsteroidRadius, _getMassByRadius, position, _world, _map, _materialID, extra);
                        // Mineral
                        MineralDNA mindef = children[cntr].MineralDefinition;
                        double densityMult = mindef.Density / Mineral.GetSettingsForMineralType(mindef.MineralType).Density;
                        retVal[cntr] = new Mineral(mindef.MineralType, position, mindef.Volume, _world, _mineralMaterialID, _sharedVisuals.Value, densityMult, mindef.Scale);

                    retVal[cntr].PhysicsBody.Rotation = children[cntr].Part.Orientation;

                    Vector3D velFromCenter = children[cntr].Part.Position.ToVector().ToUnit(false);
                    velFromCenter *= UtilityCore.GetScaledValue(1, 4, 1, MAXOVERDMG, overDamage);

                    retVal[cntr].PhysicsBody.Velocity = parentVel + velFromCenter;

                    retVal[cntr].PhysicsBody.AngularVelocity = Math3D.GetRandomVector_Spherical(UtilityCore.GetScaledValue(.5, 8, 1, MAXOVERDMG, overDamage));


                return retVal;
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// This will take the mineral if it fits
        /// NOTE: This method removes the mineral from the map
        /// </summary>
        public void CollidedMineral(Mineral mineral)
            //TODO: Let the user specify thresholds for which minerals to take ($, density, mass, type).  Also give an option to be less picky if near empty
            //TODO: Let the user specify thresholds for swapping lesser minerals for better ones

            var quantity = base.CargoBays.CargoVolume;

            if (quantity.Item2 - quantity.Item1 < mineral.VolumeInCubicMeters)
                // The cargo bays are too full

            // Try to pop this out of the map
            if (!_map.RemoveItem(mineral, true))
                // It's already gone

            // Convert it to cargo
            Cargo_Mineral cargo = new Cargo_Mineral(mineral.MineralType, mineral.Density, mineral.VolumeInCubicMeters);

            // Try to add this to the cargo bays - the total volume may be enough, but the mineral may be too large for any
            // one cargo bay
            if (base.CargoBays.Add(cargo))
                // Finish removing it from the real world

                this.ShouldRecalcMass_Large = true;
                // It didn't fit, give it back to the map
 public ChangeInstruction(Point3D add_Position, Vector3D add_Velocity, Vector3D add_AngVel, MineralDNA mineral, Mineral[] remove_Minerals)
     : this(add_Position, add_Velocity, add_AngVel, null, mineral, null, remove_Minerals) { }
 public ChangeInstruction(Mineral[] remove_Minerals)
     : this((Asteroid[])null, remove_Minerals) { }
        private void AddMineral(ChangeInstruction instr)
            Mineral mineral = new Mineral(instr.Mineral.MineralType, instr.Add_Position, instr.Mineral.Volume, _world, _material_Mineral, _sharedVisuals, ItemOptionsAstMin2D.MINERAL_DENSITYMULT, instr.Mineral.Volume / ItemOptionsAstMin2D.MINERAL_AVGVOLUME);

            mineral.PhysicsBody.AngularVelocity = instr.Add_AngVel;
            mineral.PhysicsBody.Velocity = instr.Add_Velocity;

Exemplo n.º 14
        private Visual3D GetMineralBlip(Mineral mineral)
            //if (mineral.Radius < 2)    // limit by value instead of size
            //    // No need to flood the map with tiny minerals
            //    return null;

            // Using the mineral's color makes the map look very busy.  Instead, set an intensity of a solid color based on its relative value
            // in relation to the other minerals
            if (_mineralColors == null)
            MineralBlipProps blipProps = _mineralColors[mineral.MineralType];
            double size = blipProps.Size * mineral.VolumeInCubicMeters;     // blipProps.Size is for a volume of 1, so adjust by volume

            // Material
            MaterialGroup materials = new MaterialGroup();
            materials.Children.Add(new DiffuseMaterial(new SolidColorBrush(blipProps.DiffuseColor)));
            materials.Children.Add(new SpecularMaterial(new SolidColorBrush(blipProps.SpecularColor), 100d));

            // Geometry Model
            GeometryModel3D geometry = new GeometryModel3D();
            geometry.Material = materials;
            geometry.BackMaterial = materials;
            geometry.Geometry = _blipGeometry_Circle.Value;
            geometry.Transform = new ScaleTransform3D(size, size, size * .25d);

            // Model Visual
            ModelVisual3D retVal = new ModelVisual3D();
            retVal.Content = geometry;

            // Exit Function
            return retVal;
        private void ShowEmerald_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                RemoveItem_Click(this, new RoutedEventArgs());

                Point3D position = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);

                Mineral mineral = new Mineral(MineralType.Emerald, position, 1d, _world, _material_Item, _sharedVisuals, scale: 6d);

                mineral.PhysicsBody.AngularVelocity = Math3D.GetRandomVector_Spherical(2d);
                //mineral.PhysicsBody.Velocity = Math3D.GetRandomVector_Spherical(4d);

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
        private void CreateMinerals_Build(MineralType mineralType)
            Mineral mineral = new Mineral(mineralType, new Point3D(0, 0, 0), .0005d, _world, _material_Mineral, _sharedVisuals);

            var posVel = GetPositionVelocity(mineral.PhysicsBody.Mass);

            mineral.PhysicsBody.Position = posVel.Item1;

            mineral.PhysicsBody.AngularVelocity = Math3D.GetRandomVector_Spherical(1d);
            mineral.PhysicsBody.Velocity = posVel.Item2;

            mineral.PhysicsBody.ApplyForceAndTorque += new EventHandler<BodyApplyForceAndTorqueArgs>(Mineral_ApplyForceAndTorque);

Exemplo n.º 17
        private void btnAddPoison_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                Point3D position = Math3D.GetRandomVector_Spherical(BOUNDRYSIZEHALF * .75d).ToPoint();

                Mineral mineral = new Mineral(MineralType.Ruby, position, .15d, _world, _material_Food, _sharedVisuals);

                mineral.PhysicsBody.AngularVelocity = Math3D.GetRandomVector_Spherical(1d);
                mineral.PhysicsBody.Velocity = Math3D.GetRandomVector_Spherical(4d);

                mineral.PhysicsBody.ApplyForceAndTorque += new EventHandler<BodyApplyForceAndTorqueArgs>(Food_ApplyForceAndTorque);

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Exemplo n.º 18
            private IMapObject[] ConvertToMapObjects(AsteroidOrMineralDefinition[] items, Point3D parentPos, Vector3D parentVel, Quaternion parentRot)
                IMapObject[] retVal = new IMapObject[items.Length];

                RotateTransform3D rotate = new RotateTransform3D(new QuaternionRotation3D(parentRot));

                for (int cntr = 0; cntr < retVal.Length; cntr++)
                    Point3D position = parentPos + rotate.Transform(items[cntr].Part.Position.ToVector());

                    if (items[cntr].IsAsteroid)
                        // Asteroid
                        AsteroidExtra extra = new AsteroidExtra()
                            Triangles = TriangleIndexed.Clone_Transformed(items[cntr].AsteroidTriangles, rotate),
                            GetMineralsByDestroyedMass = _getMineralsByDestroyedMass,
                            MineralMaterialID = _mineralMaterialID,
                            MinChildRadius = _minChildRadius,
                            RandomRotation = false,
                            SelfDestructAfterElapse = items[cntr].ShouldAsteroidSelfDestruct ? StaticRandom.NextPercent(SELFDESTRUCTTIME, .5) : (double?)null,
                            MineralsWhenSelfDestruct = items[cntr].MineralsAfterSelfDestruct,

                        retVal[cntr] = new Asteroid(items[cntr].AsteroidRadius, _getMassByRadius, position, _world, _map, _materialID, extra);
                        // Mineral
                        MineralDNA mindef = items[cntr].MineralDefinition;
                        double densityMult = mindef.Density / Mineral.GetSettingsForMineralType(mindef.MineralType).Density;
                        retVal[cntr] = new Mineral(mindef.MineralType, position, mindef.Volume, _world, _mineralMaterialID, _sharedVisuals.Value, densityMult, mindef.Scale);

                    retVal[cntr].PhysicsBody.Velocity = parentVel + rotate.Transform(items[cntr].Velocity);

                    // Need to be careful if setting this.  Too much, and it will come apart unnaturally
                    //retVal[cntr].PhysicsBody.AngularVelocity = ;

                return retVal;