public void When_subject_throws_the_expected_exact_exception_it_should_succeed()
            // Arrange
            var asyncObject = new AsyncClass();

            // Act / Assert
            .Awaiting(async x => await x.ThrowAsync <ArgumentNullException>())
            .ShouldThrowExactly <ArgumentNullException>();
        public void When_async_method_throws_expected_exception_it_should_succeed()
            // Arrange
            var asyncObject = new AsyncClass();

            // Act
            Action action = () => asyncObject
                            .Awaiting(async x => await x.ThrowAsync <ArgumentException>())
                            .ShouldThrow <ArgumentException>();

            // Assert
        public void When_async_method_succeeds_and_expected_not_to_throw_particular_exception_it_should_succeed()
            // Arrange
            var asyncObject = new AsyncClass();

            // Act
            Action action = () => asyncObject
                            .Awaiting(async x => await asyncObject.SucceedAsync())
                            .ShouldNotThrow <InvalidOperationException>();

            // Assert
        public void When_async_method_does_not_throw_exception_and_that_was_expected_it_should_succeed()
            // Arrange
            var asyncObject = new AsyncClass();

            // Act
            Action action = () => asyncObject
                            .Awaiting(async x => await x.SucceedAsync())

            // Assert
        public void When_async_method_throws_exception_and_expected_not_to_throw_another_one_it_should_succeed()
            // Arrange
            var asyncObject = new AsyncClass();

            // Act
            Action action = () => asyncObject
                            .Awaiting(async x => await x.ThrowAsync <ArgumentException>())
                            .Should().NotThrow <InvalidOperationException>();

            // Assert
        public void When_async_method_throws_unexpected_exception_it_should_fail()
            // Arrange
            var asyncObject = new AsyncClass();

            // Act
            Action action = () => asyncObject
                            .Awaiting(async x => await x.ThrowAsync <ArgumentException>())
                            .ShouldThrow <InvalidOperationException>("because {0} should do that", "IFoo.Do");

            // Assert
            action.ShouldThrow <AssertFailedException>()
            .WithMessage("Expected System.InvalidOperationException because IFoo.Do should do that, but found*System.ArgumentException*");
        public void When_async_method_does_not_throw_expected_exception_it_should_fail()
            // Arrange
            var asyncObject = new AsyncClass();

            // Act
            Action action = () => asyncObject
                            .Awaiting(async x => await x.SucceedAsync())
                            .ShouldThrow <InvalidOperationException>("because {0} should do that", "IFoo.Do");

            // Assert
            action.ShouldThrow <AssertFailedException>()
            .WithMessage("Expected System.InvalidOperationException because IFoo.Do should do that, but no exception was thrown*");
        public void When_async_method_throws_exception_expected_not_to_be_thrown_it_should_fail()
            // Arrange
            var asyncObject = new AsyncClass();

            // Act
            Action action = () => asyncObject
                            .Awaiting(async x => await x.ThrowAsync <ArgumentException>())
                            .ShouldNotThrow <ArgumentException>();

            // Assert
            action.ShouldThrow <AssertFailedException>()
            .WithMessage("Did not expect System.ArgumentException, but found one*");
        public void When_subject_throws_subclass_of_expected_exact_exception_it_should_fail()
            // Arrange
            var asyncObject = new AsyncClass();

            // Act
            Action action = () => asyncObject
                            .Awaiting(async x => await x.ThrowAsync <ArgumentNullException>())
                            .ShouldThrowExactly <ArgumentException>("because {0} should do that", "IFoo.Do");

            // Assert
            action.ShouldThrow <AssertFailedException>()
            .WithMessage("Expected type to be System.ArgumentException because IFoo.Do should do that, but found System.ArgumentNullException.");
        public void When_async_method_throws_exception_and_no_exception_was_expected_it_should_fail()
            // Arrange
            var asyncObject = new AsyncClass();

            // Act
            Action action = () => asyncObject
                            .Awaiting(async x => await x.ThrowAsync <ArgumentException>())

            // Assert
            action.Should().Throw <XunitException>()
            .WithMessage("Did not expect any exception, but found a System.ArgumentException*");