Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This method uses a BRE Policy to lookup and return information about another BRE Policy. (Broker Pattern)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="message">Xml Message for use of the policy lookup process</param>
        /// <param name="resolution">An instance of the resolution class for use in the policy lookup process</param>
        /// <param name="PolicyName">The Name of the BRE Policy for looking up which policy information to return</param>
        /// <param name="itineraryInfo">Instance of an Itinerary class which contains the attached itinerary for use in the policy lookup process</param>
        /// <param name="factRetreiver">Instance of MessageContextFactRetriever which contains BizTalk Message Promoted and Distinguished properties for use in the policy lookup process</param>
        /// <param name="major">Major version of the business rule to execute for determining which policyinfo to return</param>
        /// <param name="minor">Minor version of the business rule to execute for determining which policyinfo to return</param>
        /// <returns>PolicyBrokerInfo class containing information about the name, version, document type, and namespace of a Policy to execute</returns>
        public PolicyBrokerInfoCollection  GetPolicies(XmlDocument message, Resolution resolution, string PolicyName, ItineraryFact itineraryInfo, MessageContextFactRetriever factRetreiver, int major, int minor)
            EventLogger.Write("Executing PolicyBroker!");

            string documentType = "Microsoft.Practices.ESB.ResolveProviderMessage";

            string docNameSpace = resolution.Namespace();
            string docName      = resolution.MessageName();

            EventLogger.Write("Document Namespace is: " + docNameSpace);
            EventLogger.Write("Document Name is: " + docName);

            PolicyBrokerInfo _info = new PolicyBrokerInfo()
                DocNamespace = docNameSpace, DocName = docName
            PolicyBrokerInfoCollection infos = new PolicyBrokerInfoCollection();

            infos.AddPolicyInfo(docName, docNameSpace, string.Format("{0}#{1}", docNameSpace, docName), "");

            object[]         facts    = new object[5];
            TypedXmlDocument document = new TypedXmlDocument(documentType, message);

            facts[0] = resolution;
            facts[1] = document;
            facts[2] = infos;
            facts[3] = itineraryInfo;
            facts[4] = factRetreiver;

            EventLogger.Write("Document Content is: " + message.InnerXml);

            bool useVersioning = (major > 0 || minor > 0);

            if (useVersioning)
                this.policyExecutor.ExecutePolicy(PolicyName, facts, major, minor);
                this.policyExecutor.ExecutePolicy(PolicyName, facts);

            foreach (var policyInfo in infos.PolicyInfos)
                var info = policyInfo.Value;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.PolicyName))
                                          "Policy Broker could not found policy in Policy {0} for message name {1} with namespace {2}!",
                EventLogger.Write("Found Policy " + info.PolicyName + "\nVersion: " + info.Version);
        /// <summary>
        /// Method which executes the BRE Policy which is configured using the config and resolver connection string
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="config">string containing name, value property values</param>
        /// <param name="resolver">Resolver connection string</param>
        /// <param name="message">Xml document containing the message to pass to the BRE policies if configured properly</param>
        /// <param name="resolution">Resolution object</param>
        /// <param name="bre">BRE Descriptor object</param>
        /// <param name="ctxtValues">Dictionary collection of BizTalk Message Context property value pairs</param>
        /// <param name="pCtxt">BizTalk Pipeline Context</param>
        /// <param name="baseMsg">BizTalk BaseMessage</param>
        /// <returns>Resolver Dictionary Collection containing resolved entries, such as itinerary name, map name, and endpoint address resolution values</returns>
        private static Dictionary <string, string> ResolveRules(string config, string resolver, XmlDocument message, Resolution resolution, BRE bre, Dictionary <string, string> ctxtValues, IPipelineContext pCtxt, ref IBaseMessage baseMsg)
            Dictionary <string, string> dictionary3;
            int    num    = 0;
            int    num2   = 0;
            Policy policy = null;
            Dictionary <string, string> dictionary = null;

            string[]         strArray      = null;
            object[]         objArray      = null;
            TypedXmlDocument document      = null;
            ItineraryFact    itineraryInfo = new ItineraryFact();

            string documentSpecNameField = "Microsoft.Practices.ESB.ResolveProviderMessage";
            Dictionary <string, string> resolverDictionary = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (!resolver.Contains(@":\"))
                resolver = resolver + @":\";
                EventLogger.Write("Resolution strong name is {0}.", new object[] { resolution.DocumentSpecNameField });
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(resolution.DocumentSpecNameField) && bre.recognizeMessageFormat)
                    int index = resolution.DocumentSpecNameField.IndexOf(",", StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
                    if ((index > 0) && (index < resolution.DocumentSpecNameField.Length))
                        documentSpecNameField = resolution.DocumentSpecNameField.Substring(0, index);
                        documentSpecNameField = resolution.DocumentSpecNameField;

                // add root node as non promoted value for purpose of using with Orchestrations if needed
                if (ctxtValues == null)
                    ctxtValues = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                ctxtValues.Add("Microsoft.Practices.ESB.ResolveProviderMessage#RootNode", message.DocumentElement.LocalName.ToUpperInvariant());

                MessageContextFactRetriever customFactRetriever = new MessageContextFactRetriever(ctxtValues);

                EventLogger.Write("DocType for typed xml document is {0}.", new object[] { documentSpecNameField });
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bre.version))
                    strArray = bre.version.Split(".".ToCharArray());
                    if (strArray != null)
                        num  = Convert.ToInt16(strArray[0], NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo);
                        num2 = Convert.ToInt16(strArray[1], NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo);
                if (bre.useMsg)
                    EventLogger.Write("Xml document Content is {0}.", message.OuterXml);
                    objArray = new object[4];
                    document = new TypedXmlDocument(documentSpecNameField, message);

                    objArray[0] = resolution;
                    objArray[1] = document;
                    objArray[2] = itineraryInfo;
                    objArray[3] = customFactRetriever;
                    objArray = new object[] { resolution, itineraryInfo, customFactRetriever };

                bool   useDebugInterceptor = false;
                string outputPath          = string.Empty;
                if (bre.useDebugInterceptorSpecified)
                    useDebugInterceptor = bre.useDebugInterceptor;
                    outputPath          = bre.debugOutputPath;
                    policyExecutor      = new PolicyExecutor(useDebugInterceptor, outputPath);
                    policyExecutor = new PolicyExecutor(false, string.Empty);

                // Check to see if we need to use the Policy Broker
                if (bre.usePolicyBrokerSpecified)
                    if (bre.usePolicyBroker)
                        PolicyBroker broker = new PolicyBroker(useDebugInterceptor, outputPath);
                        PolicyBrokerInfoCollection _policyInfos = broker.GetPolicies(message, resolution, bre.policy, itineraryInfo, customFactRetriever, num, num2);
                        foreach (var policyBrokerInfo in _policyInfos.PolicyInfos)
                            var policyInfo       = policyBrokerInfo.Value;
                            int foundPolicyMajor = 0;
                            int foundPolicyMinor = 0;
                            strArray = policyInfo.Version.Split(".".ToCharArray());
                            if (strArray != null)
                                foundPolicyMajor = Convert.ToInt16(strArray[0], NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo);
                                foundPolicyMinor = Convert.ToInt16(strArray[1], NumberFormatInfo.CurrentInfo);
                            policyExecutor.ExecutePolicy(policyInfo.PolicyName, objArray, foundPolicyMajor, foundPolicyMinor);
                        // don't use policy broker
                        policyExecutor.ExecutePolicy(bre.policy, objArray, num, num2);
                    // don't use policy broker
                    policyExecutor.ExecutePolicy(bre.policy, objArray, num, num2);

                if (objArray[0] == null)
                    throw new ResolveException("Resolution is not configured correctly after applying BRE Custom Resolver;\nPlease check the Business Rule Policy");

                // Check for Itinerary fact values
                SetAllResolutionDictionaryEntries(objArray, resolverDictionary, bre);
                dictionary3 = resolverDictionary;

                if (bre.useMsg)
                    TypedXmlDocument doc = (TypedXmlDocument)objArray[1];
                    dictionary3.Add("message", doc.Document.OuterXml);

                    if (bre.useMsgCtxt)
                        MessageContextFactRetriever customRetriever = (MessageContextFactRetriever)objArray[3];
                        dictionary3.Add("contextValues", GetContextValuesString(customRetriever.GetDictionaryCollection()));

                        // Update the context properties
                        UpdateContextProperties(customRetriever, bre, pCtxt, ref baseMsg);

                    // Modify the Current Message in pipeline context
                    UpdateMessage(doc.Document.OuterXml, pCtxt, ref baseMsg);
                    if (bre.useMsgCtxt)
                        MessageContextFactRetriever customRetriever = (MessageContextFactRetriever)objArray[2];
                        dictionary3.Add("contextValues", GetContextValuesString(customRetriever.GetDictionaryCollection()));

                        // Update the context properties
                        UpdateContextProperties(customRetriever, bre, pCtxt, ref baseMsg);
            catch (Exception exception)
                EventLogger.Write(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), exception);
                if (objArray != null)
                    objArray = null;
                if (document != null)
                    document = null;
                if (resolution != null)
                    resolution = null;
                if (bre != null)
                    bre = null;
                if (strArray != null)
                    strArray = null;
                if (policy != null)
                    policy = null;
                if (dictionary != null)
                    dictionary = null;
                if (resolverDictionary != null)
                    resolverDictionary = null;
                if (ctxtValues != null)
                    ctxtValues = null;