Exemplo n.º 1
        //ststic parsing method
        public static BookModel Parse(BooksDataSet.BookTableRow rowFromDataSet)
            if (rowFromDataSet == null)

            BookModel modelData = new BookModel();

            modelData._ISBN     = rowFromDataSet.ISBN;
            modelData.BookName  = rowFromDataSet.BookName;
            modelData.Year      = rowFromDataSet.PublishYear;
            modelData.Pages     = rowFromDataSet.Pages;
            modelData.Author    = rowFromDataSet.AuthorName;
            modelData.Publisher = rowFromDataSet.Publisher;
            modelData.Category  = rowFromDataSet.CategoryName;
            modelData.Language  = rowFromDataSet.LanguageName;
            // In order to capture date formats comming from the DB
            // Convert them to strings for display in columns
            modelData.ReserveDate      = convertToString("ReservedDate", rowFromDataSet);
            modelData.ReturnDate       = convertToString("ReturnDate", rowFromDataSet);
            modelData.ActualReturnDate = convertToString("ActualReturnDate", rowFromDataSet);

            //Set is Reserved
            modelData._isReserved = checkIfReserved("ReservedDate", rowFromDataSet);         // book is reserved reserve date exists and the current date is less than or equal to reserve date

            //Set On loan
            modelData._isOnLoan = checkIfOnLoan("ReturnDate", rowFromDataSet);         // book is on loan if the current date is less than or equal to return date AND actual return

Exemplo n.º 2
        private static String convertToString(String colName, BooksDataSet.BookTableRow row)
            String   date = "";
            DateTime cellValue;

            // get column date value
            if (row[colName] == DBNull.Value)
                cellValue = DateTime.Parse(nullDate);
                Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Parse(nullDate));         //END DEBUG
                cellValue = (DateTime)row[colName];
                Console.WriteLine((DateTime)row[colName]);         //END DEBUG

            date = cellValue.ToShortDateString();

Exemplo n.º 3
        public static Boolean hasBeenReturned(String colName, BooksDataSet.BookTableRow row) // it is assumed that this functin is called IFF there is a loan
            // NOTE: an actual return date can not be greater than the current date as you can not physically return a date in the future (see "Back to the Future" Trilogy for an explanation)

            DateTime cellValue;

            // get column date value
            if (row[colName] == DBNull.Value)
                cellValue = DateTime.Parse(nullDate);
                Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Parse(nullDate));             //END DEBUG
                cellValue = (DateTime)row[colName];
                Console.WriteLine((DateTime)row[colName]);             //END DEBUG

            DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Today;

            int colmIndex = row.Table.Columns.IndexOf(colName);

            Console.WriteLine("Check If Returned" + "\n"
                              + "Col: " + colmIndex + " - " + row.Table.Columns[colmIndex] + "\n"
                              + "Cell Date: \t" + row[colName].ToString() + "\n"
                              + "Converted Date: \t" + cellValue.ToString() + "\n"
                              + "Current Date: \t" + currentDate);

            // if cell value is empty or NULL then
            // book has not been returned
            //return false;
            if (cellValue.Equals(DateTime.Parse(nullDate)))

            // else if cell has a value AND currentDate > cellValue
            // book has been returned
            //return true
            else if (currentDate.CompareTo(cellValue) > 0)

            // else if cell has a value AND currentDate <= cellValue
            // an error has occurred, data intergrity has been compromised
            // an actual return date can not be greater than the current date (see "Back to the Future" Trilogy for a reason and a consequence of such a thing happening)
            // throw data intergrity has been compromised
            //return false;
            else if (currentDate.CompareTo(cellValue) <= 0)
                //throw exception not implemented
                Console.WriteLine("Error: Return Date Set in the Future");
                //throw exception not implemented
                Console.WriteLine("Error: Value Undefined");
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static Boolean checkIfOnLoan(String colName, BooksDataSet.BookTableRow row)
            DateTime cellValue;

            // get column date value
            if (row[colName] == DBNull.Value)
                cellValue = DateTime.Parse(nullDate);
                Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Parse(nullDate));             //END DEBUG
                cellValue = (DateTime)row[colName];
                Console.WriteLine((DateTime)row[colName]);             //END DEBUG

            DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Today;

            int colmIndex = row.Table.Columns.IndexOf(colName);

            Console.WriteLine("Check If On Loan" + "\n"
                              + "Col: " + colmIndex + " - " + row.Table.Columns[colmIndex] + "\n"
                              + "Cell Date: \t" + row[colName].ToString() + "\n"
                              + "Converted Date: \t" + cellValue.ToString() + "\n"
                              + "Current Date: \t" + currentDate);
            // if cell value is empty or NULL then
            // no loan exists
            // therefore book is not on loan
            //return false;
            if (cellValue.Equals(DateTime.Parse(nullDate)))
                Console.WriteLine("cellValue EQUALS nullDate:\n "
                                  + "cellValue: " + cellValue + ", nullDate: " + nullDate + "\n"
                                  + "Result: " + cellValue.Equals(DateTime.Parse(nullDate)) + "\n"
                //End Debug


            // else if cell has a value and the current date > cell value
            // a laon exists
            // and the book should have been returned
            // so must check current date agaisnt the actual return date in case book is overdue (has not been returned when required)
            //check if book as been returned ("ActualReturnDate", row)
            // if book has NOT been returned
            //return true; // book is on loan
            // else book has been returned
            // return false; // book is NOT on loan
            else if (currentDate.CompareTo(cellValue) > 0)
                Console.WriteLine("currentDate COMPARETO cellValue > 0 :\n "
                                  + "currentDate: " + currentDate + ", cellValue: " + nullDate + "\n"
                                  + "Result: " + (currentDate.CompareTo(cellValue) > 0) + "\n"
                //End Debug

                colName = "ActualReturnDate";
                if (!(hasBeenReturned(colName, row)))
                    Console.WriteLine("hasBeenReturned(colName, row)"
                                      + "colName" + colName + "" + row.ToString() + "\n"
                                      + "Result: " + hasBeenReturned(colName, row) + "\n"
                    // END DEBUG

                    return(true); // book is on loan
                    Console.WriteLine("hasBeenReturned(colName, row)"
                                      + "colName" + colName + "" + row.ToString() + "\n"
                                      + "Result: " + hasBeenReturned(colName, row) + "\n"
                    // END DEBUg


            // else if cell has a value and the current date <= cell value
            // a loan exists
            // and is still on loan
            // however must check current date agaist actual return date in case the book has been returned early
            // check if book as been returned ("ActualReturnDate", row)
            // if book has NOT been returned
            //return true; // book is on loan
            // else book has been returned
            // return false; // book is NOT on loan

            else if (currentDate.CompareTo(cellValue) <= 0)
                colName = "ActualReturnDate";
                if (!(hasBeenReturned(colName, row)))
                    return(true); // book is on loan
            // else cell value is undefined
            // throw error
            //return false;
                //throw not implemented
                Console.WriteLine("Undefined Value in Cell");
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static Boolean checkIfReserved(String colName, BooksDataSet.BookTableRow row)
            DateTime cellValue;

            // get column date value
            if (row[colName] == DBNull.Value)
                cellValue = DateTime.Parse(nullDate);
                Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Parse(nullDate));             //END DEBUG
                cellValue = (DateTime)row[colName];
                Console.WriteLine((DateTime)row[colName]);             //END DEBUG

            DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Today;

            int colmIndex = row.Table.Columns.IndexOf(colName);

            Console.WriteLine("Check if Reserved" + "\n"
                              + "Col: " + colmIndex + " - " + row.Table.Columns[colmIndex] + "\n"
                              + "Cell Date: \t" + row[colName].ToString() + "\n"
                              + "Converted Date: \t" + cellValue.ToString() + "\n"
                              + "Current Date: \t" + currentDate);
            //END DEBUG

            //if cell value is empty or NULL then
            // no reservation exists
            // therefore book is not reserved
            //return false;
            if (cellValue.Equals(DateTime.Parse(nullDate)))
            //else if cell has a value and the current date > cell value
            // reservation exists
            // but the current date is after the reservation date
            // therfore book is not reserved
            // return false;
            else if (currentDate.CompareTo(cellValue) > 0)

            // else if cell has a value and the current date <= cell value
            // reservation exists
            // and the current date is less than the reservation date
            // therfore book has a reservation
            //return true
            else if (currentDate.CompareTo(cellValue) <= 0)
            // else cell value is undefined
            // throw error
            //return false;
                //throw not implemented
                Console.WriteLine("Undefined Value in Cell");