Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>

        public notesForm(DMP_Main_MDIParent parent)
            this.pnl = panel1;

            this.MdiParent = parent;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public StimTest(DMP_Main_MDIParent parent)

            mdiParent = parent;
            secTest   = 60 * 1 / 2;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public StimulationParamForm(DMP_Main_MDIParent parent)

            this.pnl = panel1;

            this.MdiParent = parent;
            ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).stimParamForm = this;

            // read setting and identify current state
            // When reading setting for the first time - make sure they are correct
            if (!(((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).StimSettingsCheck(this)))
                Console.WriteLine("Stimulation setting are NOT valid!\nStimulation is turned OFF!");
                CustomMsgBox.Show("Stimulation setting are NOT valid!\nStimulation is turned OFF!", "Error", "OK");

                ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).SetStimMode = 0;

            ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).PropertyChanged -= ConnectionChanges;
            ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).PropertyChanged += ConnectionChanges;
            ConnectionChanges(this, null);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Display Statistics Mode -
        /// Upon invoking Display Statistics Mode the software shall display the status of available system components including INS battery status,
        /// CTM gateway battery status, tablet computer battery status, the currently executing therapy program, the current brain state classification(seizure, warning, sleep, or wake),
        /// the size of EEG and annotation data currently stored on the tablet computer, the current data telemetry state, and the current status of data transfer to the cloud repository.
        /// If the user is inactive for > 10 minutes, the software shall return to Home Mode.
        /// </summary>

        public DisplayStatPhysicianForm(DMP_Main_MDIParent parent)

            this.pnl = panel1;

            this.MdiParent = parent;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public Startup(DMP_Main_MDIParent parent)
            this.MaximizeBox = false;
            this.MinimizeBox = false;
            this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;

            this.MdiParent = parent;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Requirement 4.1.22: Program Shutdown Mode
        /// When Program Shutdown Mode is invoked the software will display a warning dialog alerting the user that if the program is terminated EEG
        /// sensing and dynamic stimulation adjustments will be halted, with options to continue or cancel.If the user elects to cancel, the software
        /// shall return to the mode from which the current mode was invoked. If the user elects to continue, the program shall complete any active tasks,
        /// and note system status at program termination in the log file.The software shall set the INS to the default baseline stimulation program before
        /// terminating the connection, closing open files, and deleting any temporary operational files.
        /// </summary>

        public ProgramControlForm(DMP_Main_MDIParent parent)

            this.pnl = panel1;

            this.MdiParent = parent;

            ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).PropertyChanged -= ConnectionChanges;
            ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).PropertyChanged += ConnectionChanges;
            ConnectionChanges(this, null);
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Device Discovery Mode -
        /// Upon initializing Device Discovery Mode, the software shall display a status screen showing
        /// the serial number and description of the INS device currently connected, if one is connected.
        /// </summary>

        public discoveryForm(DMP_Main_MDIParent parent)
            this.pnl = panel1;

            this.MdiParent = parent;

            INSBattery_circularProgressBar.Value = 0;

            ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).PropertyChanged -= ConnectionChanges;
            ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).PropertyChanged += ConnectionChanges;
            ConnectionChanges(this, null);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public ConfigureLDAForm(DMP_Main_MDIParent parent)
     this.pnl       = panel1;
     this.MdiParent = parent;
     ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).Write_LDA_UIValues(this);//populate the UI with the LDA values every time the form is open.
     if (!((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetCTMconnection || !((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).GetINSconnection)
         btn_ConfigurationLDA.Enabled  = false;
         lbl_LD_ConfigStatus.ForeColor = Color.Red;
         lbl_LD_ConfigStatus.Text      = "Summit is either not connected or in connection process.";
         btn_ConfigurationLDA.Enabled = true;
         lbl_LD_ConfigStatus.Text     = "Summit is connected. You can apply settings.";
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: Home.cs Projeto: mobatusi/DMP
        /// <summary>
        /// 4.1.2 Home Mode
        /// Requirement 4.1.2: Home Mode
        /// While in Home Mode the software shall display Login buttons offering Patient and Physician mode login options,
        /// which will bring up a password entry form.The Home screen shall display Seizure and Aura annotation buttons
        /// regardless of whether a user has logged in. **Battery levels
        /// Requirement 4.1.3: Password Validation
        /// After the user enters a password and clicks OK, the software compares the entered password to a hashed,
        /// encrypted locally stored password for validation.If the password is correct the program enters
        /// Patient or Physician mode as appropriate.
        /// Requirement 4.1.4: User Role
        /// Users shall be assigned one of the following roles by the software: Physician or Patient.
        /// Requirement 4.1.5: User Privileges
        /// Patient users shall be given access to options detailed under section 4.1.3.
        /// Physician users shall be given access to options detailed under section 4.1.4.
        /// </summary>

        public Home(DMP_Main_MDIParent parent)
            this.MaximizeBox = false;
            this.MinimizeBox = false;
            this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;

            // initialize all progress bars to 0
            // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7MGaf8YW6s

            CTMBattery_circularProgressBar.Value    = 0;
            INSBattery_circularProgressBar.Value    = 0;
            TabletBattery_circularProgressBar.Value = 0;

            this.MdiParent = parent;

            ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).PropertyChanged -= ConnectionChanges;
            ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).PropertyChanged += ConnectionChanges;
            ConnectionChanges(this, null);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public SetSensingParamForm(DMP_Main_MDIParent parent, Physician parent_form)

            channelMinusBox = new ComboBox[] { channelMinusBox0, channelMinusBox1, channelMinusBox2, channelMinusBox3 };
            channelPlusBox  = new ComboBox[] { channelPlusBox0, channelPlusBox1, channelPlusBox2, channelPlusBox3 };

            this.pnl = panel1;

            this.MdiParent = parent;

            this.physician_parent_form = parent_form;

            // get current settings to update in GUI

            ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).PropertyChanged -= ConnectionChanges;
            ((DMP_Main_MDIParent)this.MdiParent).PropertyChanged += ConnectionChanges;
            ConnectionChanges(this, null);