/// <summary>
        /// Constructs an active learning instance with a specified data set and model instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The data.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The model instance.</param>
        /// <param name="results">The results instance.</param>
        /// <param name="numCommunities">The number of communities (only for CBCC).</param>
        public ActiveLearning(IList<Datum> data, BCC model, Results results, int numCommunities)
            this.bcc = model;
            CBCC communityModel = model as CBCC;
            IsCommunityModel = (communityModel != null);

            ActiveLearningResults = results;
            BatchResults = results;
            isExperimentCompleted = false;

            // Builds the full matrix of data from every task and worker
            PredictionData = new List<Datum>();

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a model with the full gold set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataSet">The dataset name.</param>
        /// <param name="data">The data.</param>
        /// <param name="runType">The model run type.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The model instance.</param>
        /// <param name="numCommunities">The number of communities (only for CBCC).</param>
        /// <returns>The inference results</returns>
        public static Results RunGold(string dataSet, IList<Datum> data, RunType runType, BCC model, int numCommunities = 2)

            string modelName = Program.GetModelName(dataSet, runType);
            Results results = new Results();

            switch (runType)
                case RunType.VoteDistribution:
                    results.RunMajorityVote(data, data, true, true);
                case RunType.MajorityVote:
                    results.RunMajorityVote(data, data, true, false);
                case RunType.DawidSkene:
                    results.RunDawidSkene(data, data, true);
                    results.RunBCC(modelName, data, data, model, RunMode.ClearResults, true, numCommunities, false, false);
            return results;
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the standard active learning procedure in parallel on an array of model instances and an input data set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The data.</param>
        /// <param name="modelName">The model name.</param>
        /// <param name="runType">The model run type.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The model instance.</param>
        /// <param name="taskSelectionMethod">The method for selecting tasks (Random / Entropy).</param>
        /// <param name="workerSelectionMethod">The method for selecting workers (only Random is implemented).</param>
        /// <param name="numIncremData">The number of data points to add at each iteration.</param>
        /// <param name="communityCount">The number of communities (only for CBCC).</param>
        /// <param name="initialNumLabelsPerTask">The initial number of exploratory labels that are randomly selected for each task.</param>
        public static void RunParallelActiveLearning(IList<Datum> data,
            string[] modelName,
            RunType[] runType,
            BCC[] model,
            TaskSelectionMethod[] taskSelectionMethod,
            WorkerSelectionMethod[] workerSelectionMethod,
            int communityCount = -1,
            int initialNumLabelsPerTask = 1,
            int numIncremData = 1)

            int numModels = runType.Length;
            Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
            int totalLabels = data.Count();

            // Dictionary keyed by task Id, with randomly order labelings
            var groupedRandomisedData =
                data.GroupBy(d => d.TaskId).
                Select(g =>
                    var arr = g.ToArray();
                    int cnt = arr.Length;
                    var perm = Rand.Perm(cnt);
                    return new
                        key = g.Key,
                        arr = g.Select((t, i) => arr[perm[i]]).ToArray()
                }).ToDictionary(a => a.key, a => a.arr);

            // Dictionary keyed by task Id, with label counts
            Dictionary<string, int> totalCounts = groupedRandomisedData.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value.Length);
            Dictionary<string, int> currentCounts = groupedRandomisedData.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => initialNumLabelsPerTask);

            // Keyed by task, value is a HashSet containing all the remaining workers with a label - workers are removed after adding a new datum 
            Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>> remainingWorkersPerTask = groupedRandomisedData.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => new HashSet<string>(kvp.Value.Select(dat => dat.WorkerId)));

            int numTaskIds = totalCounts.Count();
            int totalInstances = data.Count - initialNumLabelsPerTask * numTaskIds;

            //throw an exception if the totalInstances is less than or equals to zero
            if (totalInstances <= 0)
                throw new System.Exception("The variable 'totalInstances' should be greater than zero");

            //only creates accuracy list when it's null (for GUI Use)
            if (accuracyArray == null)
                accuracyArray = Util.ArrayInit<List<double>>(numModels, i => new List<double>());


            List<double>[] avgRecallArray = Util.ArrayInit(numModels, i => new List<double>());
            taskValueListArray = Util.ArrayInit(numModels, i => new List<ActiveLearningResult>());
            int[] indexArray = new int[numModels];

            Debug.WriteLine("Parallel Active Learning");

            // Get initial data
            //make the results variable be global for GUi
            results = Util.ArrayInit<Results>(numModels, i => new Results());
            List<Datum> subData = GetSubdata(groupedRandomisedData, currentCounts, remainingWorkersPerTask);
            List<Datum>[] subDataArray = Util.ArrayInit<List<Datum>>(numModels, i => new List<Datum>(subData));
            List<Datum>[] nextData = new List<Datum>[numModels];
            ActiveLearning[] activeLearning = new ActiveLearning[numModels];
            isExperimentCompleted = false;
            // Main loop
            for (int iter = 0; ; iter++)
                bool calculateAccuracy = true;
                bool doSnapShot = iter % 100 == 0; // Frequency of snapshots
                //stop Active Learning if the user requests to stop
                if (isExperimentCompleted) {

                // Run all the models
                for (int indexModel = 0; indexModel < numModels; indexModel++ )
                    if (subDataArray[indexModel] != null || nextData[indexModel] != null)
                        switch (runType[indexModel])
                            case RunType.VoteDistribution:
                                results[indexModel].RunMajorityVote(subDataArray[indexModel], data, calculateAccuracy, true);
                            case RunType.MajorityVote:
                                results[indexModel].RunMajorityVote(subDataArray[indexModel], data, calculateAccuracy, false);
                            case RunType.DawidSkene:
                                results[indexModel].RunDawidSkene(subDataArray[indexModel], data, calculateAccuracy);
                            default: // Run BCC models
                                results[indexModel].RunBCC(modelName[indexModel], subDataArray[indexModel], data, model[indexModel], RunMode.ClearResults, calculateAccuracy, communityCount, false);
                    } //end for running all the data

                    if (activeLearning[indexModel] == null)
                        activeLearning[indexModel] = new ActiveLearning(data, model[indexModel], results[indexModel], communityCount);

                    // Select next task
                    Dictionary<string, ActiveLearningResult> TaskUtility = new Dictionary<string, ActiveLearningResult>();
                    switch (taskSelectionMethod[indexModel]) 
                        case TaskSelectionMethod.EntropyTask:
                            TaskUtility = activeLearning[indexModel].EntropyTrueLabel();

                        case TaskSelectionMethod.RandomTask:
                            TaskUtility = data.GroupBy(d => d.TaskId).ToDictionary(a => a.Key, a => new ActiveLearningResult
                                TaskValue = Rand.Double()

                        case TaskSelectionMethod.UniformTask:
                            //add task value according to the count left
                            TaskUtility = currentCounts.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Value).ToDictionary(a => a.Key, a => new ActiveLearningResult
                                TaskValue = 1

                        default: // Entropy task selection
                            TaskUtility = activeLearning[indexModel].EntropyTrueLabel();

                    // We create a list of worker utilities
                    Dictionary<string, double> WorkerAccuracy = null;

                    // Best worker selection is only allowed for methods that infer worker confusion matrices.
                    if (results[indexModel].WorkerConfusionMatrix == null)
                        workerSelectionMethod[indexModel] = WorkerSelectionMethod.RandomWorker;

                    switch (workerSelectionMethod[indexModel])
                        case WorkerSelectionMethod.BestWorker:
                            // Assign worker accuracies to the maximum value on the diagonal of the confusion matrix (conservative approach).
                            // Alternative ways are also possible.
                            WorkerAccuracy = results[indexModel].WorkerConfusionMatrixMean.ToDictionary(
                                    kvp => kvp.Key,
                                    kvp => Results.GetConfusionMatrixDiagonal(kvp.Value).Max());
                        case WorkerSelectionMethod.RandomWorker:
                            // Assign worker accuracies to random values
                            WorkerAccuracy = results[indexModel].FullMapping.WorkerIdToIndex.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => Rand.Double());
                            throw new ApplicationException("No worker selection method selected");

                    // Create a list of tuples (TaskId, WorkerId, ActiveLearningResult)
                    List<Tuple<string, string, ActiveLearningResult>> LabelValue = new List<Tuple<string, string, ActiveLearningResult>>();
                    foreach (var kvp in TaskUtility)
                        foreach (var workerId in remainingWorkersPerTask[kvp.Key])
                            var labelValue = new ActiveLearningResult
                                WorkerId = workerId,
                                TaskId = kvp.Key,
                                TaskValue = kvp.Value.TaskValue,
                                WorkerValue = WorkerAccuracy[workerId]
                            LabelValue.Add(Tuple.Create(labelValue.TaskId, labelValue.WorkerId, labelValue));

                    // Increment tha active set with new data
                    nextData[indexModel] = GetNextData(groupedRandomisedData, LabelValue, currentCounts, totalCounts, remainingWorkersPerTask, numIncremData);

                    if (nextData[indexModel] == null || nextData[indexModel].Count == 0)

                    indexArray[indexModel] += nextData[indexModel].Count;

                    // Logs
                    if (calculateAccuracy)

                        if (TaskUtility == null)
                            var sortedLabelValue = LabelValue.OrderByDescending(kvp => kvp.Item3.TaskValue).ToArray();

                            //Adding WorkerId into taskValueListArray
                            ActiveLearningResult nextTaskValueItem = TaskUtility[nextData[indexModel].First().TaskId];
                            nextTaskValueItem.WorkerId = nextData[indexModel].First().WorkerId;
                            nextTaskValueItem.TaskId = nextData[indexModel].First().TaskId;

                        if (doSnapShot)
                            Debug.WriteLine("{0} of {1}:\t{2}\t{3:0.000}\t{4:0.0000}", indexArray[indexModel], totalInstances, modelName[indexModel], accuracyArray[indexModel].Last(), avgRecallArray[indexModel].Last());
                }//end of models
            }//end for all data
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the standard active learning procedure on a model instance and an input data set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">The data.</param>
        /// <param name="modelName">The model name.</param>
        /// <param name="runType">The model run type.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The model instance.</param>
        /// <param name="taskSelectionMethod">The method for selecting tasks (Random / Entropy).</param>
        /// <param name="workerSelectionMethod">The method for selecting workers (only Random is implemented).</param>
        /// <param name="resultsDir">The directory to save the log files.</param>
        /// <param name="communityCount">The number of communities (only for CBCC).</param>
        /// <param name="initialNumLabelsPerTask">The initial number of exploratory labels that are randomly selected for each task.</param>
        /// <param name="numIncremData">The number of data points to add at each round.</param>
        public static void RunActiveLearning(
            IList<Datum> data,
            string modelName,
            RunType runType,
            BCC model,
            TaskSelectionMethod taskSelectionMethod,
            WorkerSelectionMethod workerSelectionMethod,
            string resultsDir,
            int communityCount = -1,
            int initialNumLabelsPerTask = 1,
            int numIncremData = 1)
            //Count elapsed time
            Stopwatch stopWatchTotal = new Stopwatch();
            int totalLabels = data.Count();

            // Dictionary keyed by task Id, with randomly order labelings
            var groupedRandomisedData =
                data.GroupBy(d => d.TaskId).
                Select(g =>
                    var arr = g.ToArray();
                    int cnt = arr.Length;
                    var perm = Rand.Perm(cnt);
                    return new
                        key = g.Key,
                        arr = g.Select((t, i) => arr[perm[i]]).ToArray()
                }).ToDictionary(a => a.key, a => a.arr);

            // Dictionary keyed by task Id, with label counts
            Dictionary<string, int> totalCounts = groupedRandomisedData.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => kvp.Value.Length);
            // Keyed by task, value is a HashSet containing all the remaining workers with a label - workers are removed after adding a new datum 
            Dictionary<string, HashSet<string>> remainingWorkersPerTask = groupedRandomisedData.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => new HashSet<string>(kvp.Value.Select(dat => dat.WorkerId)));
            int numTaskIds = totalCounts.Count();

            int totalInstances = initialNumLabelsPerTask > 0 ? data.Count - initialNumLabelsPerTask * numTaskIds : data.Count - numIncremData;

            //throw an exception if the totalInstances is less than or equals to zero
            if (totalInstances <= 0)
                throw new System.Exception("The variable 'totalInstances' should be greater than zero");
            string[] WorkerIds = data.Select(d => d.WorkerId).Distinct().ToArray();

            //only creat accuracy list when it's null (for GUI Use)
            if (accuracy == null)
                accuracy = new List<double>();
            List<double> avgRecall = new List<double>();
            //List<ActiveLearningResult> taskValueList = new List<ActiveLearningResult>();
            taskValueList = new List<ActiveLearningResult>();
            int index = 0;

            Console.WriteLine("Active Learning: {0}", modelName);

            // Get initial data
            Results results = new Results();
            Dictionary<string, int> currentCounts = groupedRandomisedData.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => initialNumLabelsPerTask);
            List<Datum> subData = GetSubdata(groupedRandomisedData, currentCounts, remainingWorkersPerTask);

            var s = remainingWorkersPerTask.Select(w => w.Value.Count).Sum();
            List<Datum> nextData = null;
            ActiveLearning activeLearning = null;
            isExperimentCompleted = false;
            for (int iter = 0; ; iter++) //run until data run out
                bool calculateAccuracy = true;
                bool doSnapShot = iter % 1 == 0;
                if (subData != null || nextData != null)
                    switch (runType)
                        case RunType.VoteDistribution:
                            results.RunMajorityVote(subData, data, calculateAccuracy, true);
                        case RunType.MajorityVote:
                            results.RunMajorityVote(subData, data, calculateAccuracy, false);
                        case RunType.DawidSkene:
                            results.RunDawidSkene(subData, data, calculateAccuracy);
                        default: // Run BCC models
                            results.RunBCC(modelName, subData, data, model, RunMode.ClearResults, calculateAccuracy, communityCount, false);

                if (activeLearning == null)
                    activeLearning = new ActiveLearning(data, model, results, communityCount);

                // We create a list of task utilities
                // TaskValue: Dictionary keyed by task, the value is an active learning result.
                Dictionary<string, ActiveLearningResult> TaskUtility = null;
                switch (taskSelectionMethod)
                    case TaskSelectionMethod.EntropyTask:
                        TaskUtility = activeLearning.EntropyTrueLabel();

                    case TaskSelectionMethod.RandomTask:
                        TaskUtility = data.GroupBy(d => d.TaskId).ToDictionary(a => a.Key, a => new ActiveLearningResult
                            TaskValue = Rand.Double()


                    case TaskSelectionMethod.UniformTask:
                        // Reproduce uniform task selection by picking the task with the lowest number of current labels. That is, minus the current count.
                        TaskUtility = currentCounts.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Value).ToDictionary(a => a.Key, a => new ActiveLearningResult
                            TaskId = a.Key,
                            TaskValue = -a.Value

                        TaskUtility = activeLearning.EntropyTrueLabel();

                // We create a list of worker utilities.
                Dictionary<string, double> WorkerAccuracy = null;

                // Best worker selection is only allowed for methods that infer worker confusion matrices.
                if (results.WorkerConfusionMatrix == null)
                    workerSelectionMethod = WorkerSelectionMethod.RandomWorker;

                switch (workerSelectionMethod)
                    case WorkerSelectionMethod.BestWorker:
                        // Assign worker accuracies to the maximum value on the diagonal of the confusion matrix (conservative approach).
                        // Alternative ways are also possible.
                        WorkerAccuracy = results.WorkerConfusionMatrixMean.ToDictionary(
                                kvp => kvp.Key,
                                kvp => Results.GetConfusionMatrixDiagonal(kvp.Value).Max());
                    case WorkerSelectionMethod.RandomWorker:
                        // Assign worker accuracies to random values
                        WorkerAccuracy = results.FullMapping.WorkerIdToIndex.ToDictionary(kvp => kvp.Key, kvp => Rand.Double());
                        throw new ApplicationException("No worker selection method selected");

                // Create a list of tuples (TaskIds, WorkerId, ActiveLearningResult).
                List<Tuple<string, string, ActiveLearningResult>> LabelValue = new List<Tuple<string,string,ActiveLearningResult>>();
                foreach (var kvp in TaskUtility)
                    foreach (var workerId in remainingWorkersPerTask[kvp.Key])
                        var labelValue = new ActiveLearningResult
                            WorkerId = workerId,
                            TaskId = kvp.Key,
                            TaskValue = kvp.Value.TaskValue,
                            WorkerValue = WorkerAccuracy[workerId]
                        LabelValue.Add(Tuple.Create(labelValue.TaskId, labelValue.WorkerId, labelValue));
                // Increment tha active set with new data
                nextData = GetNextData(groupedRandomisedData, LabelValue, currentCounts, totalCounts, remainingWorkersPerTask, numIncremData);

                if (nextData == null || nextData.Count == 0)

                index += nextData.Count;

                // Logs
                if (calculateAccuracy)

                    if (TaskUtility == null) 
                        var sortedLabelValue = LabelValue.OrderByDescending(kvp => kvp.Item3.TaskValue).ToArray();

                        //Adding WorkerId into taskValueList 
                        ActiveLearningResult nextTaskValueItem = TaskUtility[nextData.First().TaskId];
                        nextTaskValueItem.WorkerId = nextData.First().WorkerId;

                        //add taskID
                        nextTaskValueItem.TaskId = nextData.First().TaskId;


                    if (doSnapShot)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} (label {1} of {2}):\t{3:0.000}\t{4:0.0000}", modelName, index, totalInstances, accuracy.Last(), avgRecall.Last());
                        //DoSnapshot(accuracy, nlpd, avgRecall, taskValueList, results, modelName, "interim", resultsDir, initialNumLabelsPerTask);
                }//end if logs
            }//end for all data

            isExperimentCompleted = true;

            DoSnapshot(accuracy, avgRecall, taskValueList, results, modelName, "final", resultsDir, initialNumLabelsPerTask);
            Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time: {0}\n", stopWatchTotal.Elapsed);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the BCC models
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modelName"></param>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="fullData"></param>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <param name="mode"></param>
        /// <param name="calculateAccuracy"></param>
        /// <param name="numCommunities"></param>
        /// <param name="serialize"></param>
        /// <param name="serializeCommunityPosteriors"></param>
        public void RunBCC(string modelName,
            IList<Datum> data,
            IList<Datum> fullData,
            BCC model,
            RunMode mode,
            bool calculateAccuracy,
            int numCommunities = -1,
            bool serialize = false,
            bool serializeCommunityPosteriors = false)
            CBCC communityModel = model as CBCC;
            IsCommunityModel = communityModel != null;

            bool IsBCC = !(IsCommunityModel);

            if (this.Mapping == null)
                this.Mapping = new DataMapping(fullData, numCommunities);
                this.FullMapping = Mapping;
                this.GoldLabels = this.Mapping.GetGoldLabelsPerTaskId();
            bool createModel = (Mapping.LabelCount != model.LabelCount) || (Mapping.TaskCount != model.TaskCount);

            if (IsCommunityModel)
                //Console.WriteLine("--- CBCC ---");
                CommunityCount = numCommunities;
                createModel = createModel || (numCommunities != communityModel.CommunityCount);

                if (createModel)
                    communityModel.CreateModel(Mapping.TaskCount, Mapping.LabelCount, numCommunities);
            else if (createModel)

                model.CreateModel(Mapping.TaskCount, Mapping.LabelCount);

            BCCPosteriors priors = null;
            switch (mode)
                case RunMode.Prediction:
                    priors = ToPriors();

                    if (mode == RunMode.LoadAndUseCommunityPriors && IsCommunityModel)
                        priors = DeserializeCommunityPosteriors(modelName, numCommunities);

            // Get data structures
            int[][] taskIndices = Mapping.GetTaskIndicesPerWorkerIndex(data);
            int[][] workerLabels = Mapping.GetLabelsPerWorkerIndex(data);

            if (mode == RunMode.Prediction)
                // Signal prediction mode by setting all labels to null
                workerLabels = workerLabels.Select(arr => (int[])null).ToArray();

            // Call inference
            BCCPosteriors posteriors = model.Infer(

            UpdateResults(posteriors, mode);

            if (calculateAccuracy)
            if (serialize)
                using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(modelName + ".xml", FileMode.Create))
                    var serializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(IsCommunityModel ? typeof(CBCCPosteriors) : typeof(BCCPosteriors));
                    serializer.Serialize(stream, posteriors);

            if (serializeCommunityPosteriors && IsCommunityModel)
        }//end function RunParallelActiveLearning

        /// <summary>
        /// RunBatchRunning experiment in background thread 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worker"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        public void RunBatchRunningExperiment(
            System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker,
            System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs e)
            CurrentParallelState currentState;
            //Get the number of the total experiment Items
            int totalNumberOfModels = GetNumberOfExperiemntModels();

            //A List of Results array ofreport all experimentItems 
            results = new List<Results>();
            currentState = new CurrentParallelState();

            //Running the current experimentSetting lists and runGold accordinglyb
            foreach (ExperimentModel currentExpItem in experimentModels) 
                //currentState.currentExperimentModel = currentExpItem;
                if (MainPage.mainPageForm.isExperimentComplete)

                currentState = new CurrentParallelState();
                currentState.currentExperimentModelIndex = GetExperimenModelIndex(currentExpItem);
                currentState.isCurrentModelCompleted = false;
                //Pass the started currentIndex to the mainpage, such that this currentExpItem is started
                worker.ReportProgress(0, currentState);
                //Create a BCC/CBCC model of the Batch Running Experiment
                BCC currentModel = null;
                if( currentExpItem.runType == RunType.BCC)
                    currentModel = new BCC();
                else if(currentExpItem.runType == RunType.CBCC)
                    currentModel = new CBCC();

                //When the experiment is not running
                while (!MainPage.mainPageForm.isExperimentRunning ) 

                if (MainPage.mainPageForm.isExperimentComplete) 
                results.Add(CrowdsourcingModels.Program.RunBatchLearning(currentDataset.DatasetPath, currentExpItem.runType, currentModel, MainPage.mainPageForm.currentExperimentSetting.communityCount));

                //When the experiment is not running
                while (!MainPage.mainPageForm.isExperimentRunning)

                if (MainPage.mainPageForm.isExperimentComplete)
                //add the results into the List<Results[]>
                //convert the lists into a single array of results (using LINQ)
                //notify the mainPage UI while it is completed
                currentState.isCurrentModelCompleted = true;
                worker.ReportProgress(0, currentState);
            } // For each experimentItem

            //The Batch Running is completed
            currentState.isRunningComplete = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Background Thread for running the active learning experiment
        /// <param name="worker"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        public void RunParallelActiveLearning(
            System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker worker,
            System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs e)

            //Create a state of the Thread
            CurrentParallelState currentState = new CurrentParallelState();
            //Set setting in the experimentSetting Class
            int totalNumberOfModels = GetNumberOfExperiemntModels();
            //Clear previous results

            //obtain the accuracy list reference
            accuracyArrayOfAllExperimentModels = ActiveLearning.accuracyArray;
            //The RunTypes that have Worker Confusion Matrices
            RunType[] runTypesHaveWorkerMatrices = { RunType.DawidSkene, RunType.BCC, RunType.CBCC };

            //Set the models selected in the setting pane
            string[] currentModelNames = new string[totalNumberOfModels];
            RunType[] currentRunTypes = new RunType[totalNumberOfModels];
            TaskSelectionMethod[] currentTaskSelectionMethods = new TaskSelectionMethod[totalNumberOfModels];
            WorkerSelectionMethod[] currentWorkerSelectionMethods = new WorkerSelectionMethod[totalNumberOfModels];
            BCC[] currentBCCModels = new BCC[totalNumberOfModels];

            //for each ExperimentModel, set runTypeArray, taskSelectionMethodArray, workerSelectionMethodArray...
            for (int i = 0; i < totalNumberOfModels; i++)
                ExperimentModel currentExperimentModel = GetExperimentModel(i);
                RunType currentRunType = currentExperimentModel.runType;
                currentRunTypes[i] = currentRunType;

                //set the task selection method
                currentTaskSelectionMethods[i] = currentExperimentModel.taskSelectionMethod;  

                //Add into worker selection method array if the runType can have worker selection 
                if (runTypesHaveWorkerMatrices.Contains(currentRunType))
                    currentWorkerSelectionMethods[i] = currentExperimentModel.WorkerSelectionMethod;

                    //Add corresponding model
                    //if the RunType is BCC, add into BCC model array
                    if (currentRunType == RunType.BCC)
                        currentBCCModels[i] = new BCC();
                    }//CBCC Model
                    else if(currentRunType == RunType.CBCC)
                        CBCC currentBCCmodel = new CBCC();
                        currentBCCModels[i] = currentBCCmodel;
                } //end if the runType has worker confusion matrices
            } //end for

            currentModelNames = currentModelNames.Select((s, i) => CrowdsourcingModels.Program.GetModelName(currentDataset.GetDataSetNameWithoutExtension(), currentRunTypes[i])).ToArray();

            //run RunParallelActiveLearning in the ActiveLearning  
            ActiveLearning.RunParallelActiveLearning(currentDataset.LoadData(), currentModelNames, currentRunTypes, 
                currentBCCModels, currentTaskSelectionMethods, currentWorkerSelectionMethods, 
                communityCount, numberOfLabellingRound);

            currentState.isRunningComplete = true;
            Debug.WriteLine("RunParallelActiveLearning Complete");
            //isSimulationComplete = true;
            //worker.ReportProgress(0, currentState);

        }//end function RunParallelActiveLearning
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Run the BCC models
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modelName"></param>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="fullData"></param>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <param name="mode"></param>
        /// <param name="calculateAccuracy"></param>
        /// <param name="numCommunities"></param>
        /// <param name="serialize"></param>
        /// <param name="serializeCommunityPosteriors"></param>
        public void RunBCC(string modelName,
                           IList <Datum> data,
                           IList <Datum> fullData,
                           BCC model,
                           RunMode mode,
                           bool calculateAccuracy,
                           int numCommunities = -1,
                           bool serialize     = false,
                           bool serializeCommunityPosteriors = false)
            CBCC communityModel = model as CBCC;

            IsCommunityModel = communityModel != null;

            bool IsBCC = !(IsCommunityModel);

            if (this.Mapping == null)
                this.Mapping     = new DataMapping(fullData, numCommunities);
                this.FullMapping = Mapping;
                this.GoldLabels  = this.Mapping.GetGoldLabelsPerTaskId();

            bool createModel = (Mapping.LabelCount != model.LabelCount) || (Mapping.TaskCount != model.TaskCount);

            if (IsCommunityModel)
                //Console.WriteLine("--- CBCC ---");
                CommunityCount = numCommunities;
                createModel    = createModel || (numCommunities != communityModel.CommunityCount);

                if (createModel)
                    communityModel.CreateModel(Mapping.TaskCount, Mapping.LabelCount, numCommunities);
            else if (createModel)
                model.CreateModel(Mapping.TaskCount, Mapping.LabelCount);

            BCCPosteriors priors = null;

            switch (mode)
            case RunMode.Prediction:
                priors = ToPriors();


                if (mode == RunMode.LoadAndUseCommunityPriors && IsCommunityModel)
                    priors = DeserializeCommunityPosteriors(modelName, numCommunities);

            // Get data structures
            int[][] taskIndices  = Mapping.GetTaskIndicesPerWorkerIndex(data);
            int[][] workerLabels = Mapping.GetLabelsPerWorkerIndex(data);

            if (mode == RunMode.Prediction)
                // Signal prediction mode by setting all labels to null
                workerLabels = workerLabels.Select(arr => (int[])null).ToArray();

            // Call inference
            BCCPosteriors posteriors = model.Infer(

            UpdateResults(posteriors, mode);

            if (calculateAccuracy)

            if (serialize)
                using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(modelName + ".xml", FileMode.Create))
                    var serializer = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(IsCommunityModel ? typeof(CBCCPosteriors) : typeof(BCCPosteriors));
                    serializer.Serialize(stream, posteriors);

            if (serializeCommunityPosteriors && IsCommunityModel)
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Run a batch learning experiment.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dataSetPath">The path of the dataset.</param>
 /// <param name="runType">The run type.</param>
 /// <param name="model">The model.</param>
 /// <param name="numCommunities">The number of communities (only for CBCC)</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
  public static Results RunBatchLearning(string dataSetPath, RunType runType, BCC model, int numCommunities = 3)
     var data = Datum.LoadData(dataSetPath);
     return RunGold(dataSetPath, data, runType, model, numCommunities);
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Run a batch learning experiment.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataSetPath">The path of the dataset.</param>
        /// <param name="runType">The run type.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The model.</param>
        /// <param name="numCommunities">The number of communities (only for CBCC)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Results RunBatchLearning(string dataSetPath, RunType runType, BCC model, int numCommunities = 3)
            var data = Datum.LoadData(dataSetPath);

            return(RunGold(dataSetPath, data, runType, model, numCommunities));
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs a model with the full gold set.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataSet">The dataset name.</param>
        /// <param name="data">The data.</param>
        /// <param name="runType">The model run type.</param>
        /// <param name="model">The model instance.</param>
        /// <param name="numCommunities">The number of communities (only for CBCC).</param>
        /// <returns>The inference results</returns>
        public static Results RunGold(string dataSet, IList <Datum> data, RunType runType, BCC model, int numCommunities = 2)
            string  modelName = Program.GetModelName(dataSet, runType);
            Results results   = new Results();

            switch (runType)
            case RunType.VoteDistribution:
                results.RunMajorityVote(data, data, true, true);

            case RunType.MajorityVote:
                results.RunMajorityVote(data, data, true, false);

            case RunType.DawidSkene:
                results.RunDawidSkene(data, data, true);

                results.RunBCC(modelName, data, data, model, RunMode.ClearResults, true, numCommunities, false, false);
