Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Close the customisation panel.
        /// </summary>
        private void CloseButtonOnClick(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)

            CRToolbarItemCollection collection = CRToolbarItemCollection.DefaultCollection;


            Customising = false;

            // Hide the separators and restore the buttons state back
            foreach (CRToolbarItem item in collection.Buttons.Where(item => item.Type == CRToolbarItemType.Space || item.Type == CRToolbarItemType.FlexibleSpace))
                item.Control.Visible = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the toolbar button that corresponds to the specified Action ID or
        /// null if no such button exists.
        /// </summary>
        public int IndexOfItemWithPoint(Point pos)
            CRToolbarItemCollection collection = CRToolbarItemCollection.DefaultCollection;

            for (int index = 0; index < collection.Buttons.Count; ++index)
                CRToolbarItem item = collection.Buttons[index];
                if (item.Control != null)
                    int       halfWidth     = item.Control.Width / 2;
                    Rectangle leftPosition  = new Rectangle(item.Control.Left - halfWidth, item.Control.Top, item.Control.Width, item.Control.Height);
                    Rectangle rightPosition = new Rectangle(item.Control.Right - halfWidth, item.Control.Top, item.Control.Width, item.Control.Height);
                    if (leftPosition.Contains(pos))
                    if (rightPosition.Contains(pos))
                        return(index + 1);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Layout the toolbar buttons after items have been added or removed.
        /// </summary>
        private void Relayout()
            if (Width > 0 && Height > 0)
                CRToolbarItemCollection collection       = CRToolbarItemCollection.DefaultCollection;
                AnchorStyles            horizontalAnchor = AnchorStyles.Left;

                int buttonHeight = Height - 12;
                int buttonWidth  = Height - 6;

                int searchFieldWidth = collection.Buttons.Count(item => item.Type == CRToolbarItemType.Search) *
                                       (searchWidth + interButtonSpacing) - interButtonSpacing;
                int allButtonWidths = collection.Buttons.Count(item => item.Type == CRToolbarItemType.Button) *
                                      (buttonWidth + interButtonSpacing) - interButtonSpacing;
                int allFixedSpacesWidth = collection.Buttons.Count(item => item.Type == CRToolbarItemType.Space) *
                int countOfFlexSpaces = collection.Buttons.Count(item => item.Type == CRToolbarItemType.FlexibleSpace);
                int flexSpaceWidth    = (countOfFlexSpaces > 0)
                    ? ((Width - (marginSize * 2)) - (searchFieldWidth + allButtonWidths + allFixedSpacesWidth)) /
                    : 0;

                int xPosition = marginSize;
                int yPosition = (Height - buttonHeight) / 2;
                foreach (CRToolbarItem button in collection.Buttons)
                    switch (button.Type)
                    case CRToolbarItemType.Search:
                        button.Control.Anchor   = AnchorStyles.Top | horizontalAnchor;
                        button.Control.Location = new Point(xPosition, yPosition);
                        button.Control.Size     = new Size(searchWidth, buttonHeight);

                        xPosition += button.Control.Width;

                    case CRToolbarItemType.Button:
                        button.Control.Anchor   = AnchorStyles.Top | horizontalAnchor;
                        button.Control.Location = new Point(xPosition, yPosition);
                        button.Control.Size     = new Size(buttonWidth, buttonHeight);

                        xPosition += button.Control.Width + interButtonSpacing;

                    case CRToolbarItemType.FlexibleSpace:
                    case CRToolbarItemType.Space:
                        int width = (button.Type == CRToolbarItemType.FlexibleSpace)
                                ? flexSpaceWidth
                                : fixedSpaceWidth;
                        if (width > interButtonSpacing)
                            Bitmap image = new Bitmap(width - interButtonSpacing, buttonHeight);
                            using (var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(image))
                                using (Brush backBrush = new SolidBrush(BackColor))
                                    graphics.FillRectangle(backBrush, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);
                                using (Pen borderPen = new Pen(Color.White))
                                    graphics.DrawRectangle(borderPen, 0, 0, image.Width - 1, image.Height - 1);
                            ((PictureBox)button.Control).Image = image;
                            button.Control.Anchor   = AnchorStyles.Top | horizontalAnchor;
                            button.Control.Location = new Point(xPosition, yPosition);
                            button.Control.Size     = new Size(width, buttonHeight);
                            if (button.Type == CRToolbarItemType.FlexibleSpace)
                                horizontalAnchor = AnchorStyles.Right;

                            xPosition += width;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle a toolbar button being dropped, either from the customisation panel onto the
        /// toolbar or from the toolbar itself.
        /// </summary>
        private void InternalHandleCustomDrop()
            Point   screenDropLocation = Cursor.Position;
            Control form = TopLevelControl;

            if (form == null || !form.Bounds.Contains(screenDropLocation))
            Control dropControl = WindowFromPoint(form, form.PointToClient(screenDropLocation));

            if (dropControl != null)
                // Change parent if we dropped on the search field's text box or icon.
                if (dropControl.Parent is CRSearchField)
                    dropControl = dropControl.Parent;

                // If we dropped on a toolbar button, separator control or the search field, switch to
                // the parent for consistency.
                if (dropControl is CRRoundButton || dropControl is PictureBox || dropControl is CRSearchField)
                    dropControl = dropControl.Parent;

                // Dropping on the toolbar at this point means the new button is being inserted.
                // Otherwise it is being deleted.
                Point dropLocation = dropControl.PointToClient(screenDropLocation);
                CRToolbarItemCollection collection = CRToolbarItemCollection.DefaultCollection;

                if (dropControl is CRToolbar)
                    if (_dragSource != null)
                        CRToolbarItem button = MatchingItem(_draggedButton);
                        if (button != null && button.Type != CRToolbarItemType.Space && button.Type != CRToolbarItemType.FlexibleSpace)

                    // Find the index of where to insert the button.
                    int index = IndexOfItemWithPoint(dropLocation);

                    // Add to the collection at the index.
                    collection.Insert(index, _draggedButton);

                    // Reload the toolbar.
                else if (_dragSource != null)

            _draggedButton.Control.Capture = false;

            _hasDragItem   = false;
            _draggedButton = null;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Internal customisation logic
        /// </summary>
        private void InternalCustomiseToolbar()
            const int formWidth  = 600;
            const int formHeight = 200;

            Point pos = PointToScreen(new Point((Width - formWidth) / 2, Bottom - Top));

            _customPanel = new Form
                Size                = new Size(formWidth, formHeight),
                FormBorderStyle     = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle,
                MinimizeBox         = false,
                MaximizeBox         = false,
                ControlBox          = false,
                Dock                = DockStyle.Fill,
                BackColor           = SystemColors.Window,
                AutoScaleDimensions = new SizeF(6F, 13F),
                AutoScaleMode       = AutoScaleMode.Font,
                StartPosition       = FormStartPosition.Manual,
                ShowIcon            = false,
                ShowInTaskbar       = false,
                Text                = String.Empty,
                Location            = pos

            CRToolbarItemCollection collection = CRToolbarItemCollection.DefaultCollection;

            // Populate the panel with all possible buttons.
            IEnumerable <ToolbarDataItem> allButtons = collection.AllButtons;
            int       xPosition     = 10;
            int       yPosition     = 20;
            int       nextYPosition = 20;
            int       buttonHeight  = Height - 12;
            int       buttonWidth   = Height - 6;
            const int spacing       = 14;

            foreach (ToolbarDataItem item in allButtons)
                int   itemWidth = (item.Type == CRToolbarItemType.Search) ? (item.Image.Width + 12) : buttonWidth;
                SizeF sizeF     = CreateGraphics().MeasureString(item.label, Font);
                int   realWidth = Math.Max((int)sizeF.Width, itemWidth);

                CRRoundButton newButton = new CRRoundButton
                    Image        = item.Image,
                    Location     = new Point(xPosition + (realWidth - itemWidth) / 2, yPosition),
                    Name         = item.name,
                    Text         = String.Empty,
                    Enabled      = true,
                    Parent       = _customPanel,
                    Size         = new Size(itemWidth, buttonHeight),
                    Tag          = item,
                    ImageScaling = true
                newButton.MouseDown += CustomizePanelOnMouseDown;
                newButton.MouseMove += CustomisationOnMouseMove;
                newButton.MouseUp   += CustomisationOnMouseUp;


                Label newButtonLabel = new Label
                    Text     = item.label,
                    AutoSize = true,
                    Location = new Point((realWidth - (int)sizeF.Width) / 2 + xPosition, yPosition + buttonHeight + 4)

                xPosition    += realWidth + spacing;
                nextYPosition = Math.Max(nextYPosition, yPosition + newButton.Height + newButtonLabel.Height + spacing + 4);

                if (xPosition > _customPanel.ClientRectangle.Right - itemWidth)
                    xPosition = spacing;
                    yPosition = nextYPosition;

            const int mainButtonWidth  = 80;
            const int mainButtonHeight = 23;

            // Adjust height if necessary
            _customPanel.Height = nextYPosition + mainButtonHeight + 8;

            // Close button in bottom right
            Button closeButton = new Button
                Size      = new Size(mainButtonWidth, mainButtonHeight),
                Text      = Resources.Close,
                Visible   = true,
                Enabled   = true,
                Parent    = _customPanel,
                BackColor = SystemColors.ButtonFace,
                Location  = new Point((_customPanel.ClientRectangle.Width - mainButtonWidth) - 4, (_customPanel.ClientRectangle.Height - mainButtonHeight) - 4)

            closeButton.Click += CloseButtonOnClick;

            // Reset button in bottom right
            Button resetButton = new Button
                Size      = new Size(mainButtonWidth, mainButtonHeight),
                Text      = Resources.Reset,
                Visible   = true,
                Enabled   = true,
                Parent    = _customPanel,
                BackColor = SystemColors.ButtonFace,
                Location  = new Point((closeButton.Left - (mainButtonWidth + 4)) - 4, (_customPanel.ClientRectangle.Height - mainButtonHeight) - 4)

            resetButton.Click += ResetButtonOnClick;

            // Enable all the toolbar buttons so they're draggable
            foreach (CRRoundButton button in (from item in collection.Buttons where item.Type == CRToolbarItemType.Button select item.Control).OfType <CRRoundButton>())
                button.Enabled = true;

            // Make sure the separators are visible
            foreach (CRToolbarItem item in collection.Buttons.Where(item => item.Type == CRToolbarItemType.Space || item.Type == CRToolbarItemType.FlexibleSpace))
                item.Control.Visible = true;

            // Animate the customise bar into view. The following two lines are to ensure that the
            // dialog controls are rendered before they appear.

            // Flag we're in customisation mode
            Customising = true;