Exemplo n.º 1
        public void LayoutElements(UIRenderContext rctx, float nsx0, float nsy0, float nsx1, float nsy1)
            float expX = (nsx1 - nsx0) - m_data.width;
            float expY = (nsy1 - nsy0) - m_data.height;
            if (expX < 0) expX = 0;
            if (expY < 0) expY = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < m_rtData.Length; i++)
                outki.UIElement el = m_rtData[i].element;
                if (el == null)

                UIElementLayout layout;

                float width  = el.layout.width + el.expansion.width * expX;
                float height = el.layout.height + el.expansion.height * expY;

                layout.nsx0 = nsx0 + el.layout.x + el.expansion.x * expX;
                layout.nsy0 = nsy0 + el.layout.y + el.expansion.y * expY;
                layout.nsx1 = layout.nsx0 + width;
                layout.nsy1 = layout.nsy0 + height;

                layout.x0 = (float) Math.Floor(layout.nsx0 * rctx.LayoutScale + rctx.LayoutOffsetX);
                layout.y0 = (float) Math.Floor(layout.nsy0 * rctx.LayoutScale + rctx.LayoutOffsetY);
                layout.x1 = layout.x0 + (float) Math.Floor(0.5f + width * rctx.LayoutScale);
                layout.y1 = layout.y0 + (float) Math.Floor(0.5f + height * rctx.LayoutScale);

                m_rtData[i].renderer.OnLayout(rctx, ref layout);
                m_rtData[i].layout = layout;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static UITiledFill CreateFill(UIRenderContext ctx, outki.Texture tex, outki.UIBitmapTilingSettings settings, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1)
            UITiledFill tf = new UITiledFill();

            float tileW = settings.UseLayoutScale ? settings.TileWidth * ctx.LayoutScale : settings.TileWidth;
            float tileH = settings.UseLayoutScale ? settings.TileHeight * ctx.LayoutScale : settings.TileHeight;

            float numX = (x1 - x0) / tileW;
            float numY = (y1 - y0) / tileH;

            int cX = (int)Math.Ceiling(numX) + 1;
            int cY = (int)Math.Ceiling(numY) + 1;

            tf.m_xs = new float[cX];
            tf.m_ys = new float[cY];

            for (int i = 0; i < cX - 1; i++)
                tf.m_xs[i] = (int)(x0 + i * tileW);

            for (int i = 0; i < cY - 1; i++)
                tf.m_ys[i] = (int)(y0 + i * tileH);

            tf.m_xs[cX - 1] = x1;
            tf.m_ys[cY - 1] = y1;

            float lastU1 = (tf.m_xs[cX - 1] - tf.m_xs[cX - 2]) / tileW;
            float lastV1 = (tf.m_ys[cY - 1] - tf.m_ys[cY - 2]) / tileH;

            tf.m_tex_f  = ctx.TextureManager.ResolveTexture(tex, ctx.LayoutScale, 0, 0, 1, 1);
            tf.m_tex_r  = ctx.TextureManager.ResolveTexture(tex, ctx.LayoutScale, 0, 0, lastU1, 1);
            tf.m_tex_b  = ctx.TextureManager.ResolveTexture(tex, ctx.LayoutScale, 0, 0, 1, lastV1);
            tf.m_tex_br = ctx.TextureManager.ResolveTexture(tex, ctx.LayoutScale, 0, 0, lastU1, lastV1);

            return tf;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void OnLayout(UIRenderContext rctx, ref UIElementLayout elementLayout)
            base.OnLayout(rctx, ref elementLayout);

            List<UIDialogManager.DialogInstance> dlgs = UIDialogManager.GetDialogs();
            foreach (UIDialogManager.DialogInstance d in dlgs)
                LayoutDialog(rctx, ref elementLayout, d);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public virtual void Render(UIRenderContext rctx, ref UIElementLayout layout)
            DoLiveUpdate(rctx, ref layout);

            for (int i = 0; i < m_rtData.Length; i++)
                if (m_rtData[i].element != null)
                    RenderSubElement(rctx, ref layout, m_rtData[i].element, m_rtData[i].renderer, ref m_rtData[i].layout);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void DoLiveUpdate(UIRenderContext rctx, ref UIElementLayout layout)
            // Live update
            bool change = Putki.LiveUpdate.Update(ref m_data);
            for (int i = 0; i < m_rtData.Length; i++)
                change |= Putki.LiveUpdate.IsOld(m_rtData[i].element);

            // reload if changed.
            if (change)
                Setup(m_data, m_handler);
                OnLayout(rctx, ref layout);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void Render(UIRenderContext rctx, ref UIElementLayout layout)
            List<UIDialogManager.DialogInstance> dlgs = UIDialogManager.GetDialogs();

            float fadeTarget = 0;
            if (dlgs.Count > 0)
                fadeTarget = 1;

            if (m_plateFade == -1)
                m_plateFade = fadeTarget;
                m_plateFade += rctx.FrameDelta * 5.0f * (fadeTarget - m_plateFade);
                if (fadeTarget == 1 && m_plateFade > 0.98f)
                    m_plateFade = 1.0f;
                else if (fadeTarget == 0 && m_plateFade < 0.02f)
                    m_plateFade = 0.0f;

            outki.UIColor plate = new outki.UIColor();
            plate.r = 0;
            plate.g = 0;
            plate.b = 0;
            plate.a = (byte)(128 * m_plateFade);

            UIRenderer.DrawSolidRect(layout.x0, layout.y0, layout.x1, layout.y1, plate);

            base.Render(rctx, ref layout);

            foreach (UIDialogManager.DialogInstance d in dlgs)
                // Reinitialize if have no renderer, or handled by wrong widget..
                if (d.Renderer == null || d.DialogContainerTag != (object)this)
                    d.DialogContainerTag = (object)this;
                    d.Renderer = m_handler.CreateWidgetRenderer(d.Template);
                    LayoutDialog(rctx, ref layout, d);

                d.Renderer.Render(rctx, ref layout);
Exemplo n.º 7
 private void LayoutDialog(UIRenderContext rctx, ref UIElementLayout layout, UIDialogManager.DialogInstance dlg)
     if (dlg.Renderer != null)
         dlg.Renderer.OnLayout(rctx, ref layout);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void Draw(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, float frameDelta, UIInputManager inputManager, EventHandler eventHandler)
            bool mod = false;
            mod |= Putki.LiveUpdate.Update(ref m_screen);
            mod |= Putki.LiveUpdate.Update(ref m_screen.Root);
            if (mod)

            // calculate the scale
            bool preserveLayoutAspect = m_screen.Config.PreserveLayoutAspect;
            bool useLayoutScaling = (m_screen.Config.ScaleMode == outki.UIScaleMode.ScaleMode_Prop_Layout);
            bool useMatrixScaling = (m_screen.Config.ScaleMode == outki.UIScaleMode.ScaleMode_Prop_Transform);

            UIElementLayout el = new UIElementLayout();

            // Compute the actual screen pixels (first iteration), to figure out where on
            // the display this screen should be layouted.
            if (preserveLayoutAspect)
                float cutW = m_screen.Root.width - m_screen.Config.CutL - m_screen.Config.CutR;
                float cutH = m_screen.Root.height - m_screen.Config.CutT - m_screen.Config.CutB;

                // when layouting here,
                float sWidth = (x1 - x0) / cutW;
                float sHeight = (y1 - y0) / cutH;

                // use the lowest size.
                float sScale = sWidth < sHeight ? sWidth : sHeight;

                float tgtWidth = (float)Math.Floor(m_screen.Root.width * sScale);
                float tgtHeight = (float)Math.Floor(m_screen.Root.height * sScale);

                el.x0 = (float)Math.Floor((x0 + x1 - tgtWidth) / 2);
                el.y0 = (float)Math.Floor((y0 + y1 - tgtHeight) / 2);
                el.x1 = el.x0 + tgtWidth;
                el.y1 = el.y0 + tgtHeight;
                el.x0 = x0;
                el.y0 = y0;
                el.x1 = x1;
                el.y1 = y1;

            // Compute the (uniform) scale factor to use for layout/matrix scaling.
            UIRenderContext rctx = new UIRenderContext();
            rctx.InputManager = inputManager;
            rctx.TextureManager = m_textureManager;
            rctx.EventHandler = eventHandler;
            rctx.FrameDelta = frameDelta;

            if (rctx.EventHandler == null)
                rctx.EventHandler = new NullEventHandler();

            if (useLayoutScaling || useMatrixScaling)
                float sWidth = (el.x1 - el.x0) / m_screen.Root.width;
                float sHeight = (el.y1 - el.y0) / m_screen.Root.height;
                float sScale = sWidth < sHeight ? sWidth : sHeight;

                if (m_screen.Config.SnapScale)
                    for (int i=0;i<m_screen.ScalingForSnapping.Length;i++)
                        if (sScale > m_screen.ScalingForSnapping[i])
                            sScale = m_screen.ScalingForSnapping[i];

                rctx.LayoutScale = sScale;
                rctx.LayoutOffsetX = -(float)Math.Floor(el.x0 * (rctx.LayoutScale - 1));
                rctx.LayoutOffsetY = -(float)Math.Floor(el.y0 * (rctx.LayoutScale - 1));
                rctx.LayoutScale = 1;
                rctx.LayoutOffsetX = 0;
                rctx.LayoutOffsetY = 0;

            // the non scaled, layout rect.
            el.nsx0 = el.x0;
            el.nsy0 = el.y0;
            el.nsx1 = el.x0 + (float) Math.Floor((el.x1 - el.x0) / rctx.LayoutScale);
            el.nsy1 = el.y0 + (float) Math.Floor((el.y1 - el.y0) / rctx.LayoutScale);

            m_rootRenderer.OnLayout(rctx, ref el);
            m_rootRenderer.Render(rctx, ref el);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public void OnLayout(UIRenderContext rctx, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1)
     if (m_data is outki.UIBitmapFill)
         outki.UIBitmapFill bf = m_data as outki.UIBitmapFill;
         if (bf.Tiling.EnableRepeatTiling)
             m_tiledFillRender = UITiledFill.CreateFill(rctx, bf.Texture, bf.Tiling, x0, y0, x1, y1);
             m_tiledFillRender = null;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void Draw(UIRenderContext ctx, float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1)
            if (m_data == null)
            if (Putki.LiveUpdate.Update(ref m_data))

            switch (m_data._rtti_type)
                case outki.UISolidFill.TYPE:
                        outki.UISolidFill sf = m_data as outki.UISolidFill;
                        UIRenderer.DrawSolidRect(x0, y0, x1, y1, sf.color);

                case outki.UIGradientFill.TYPE:
                        outki.UIGradientFill gf = m_data as outki.UIGradientFill;
                        UIRenderer.DrawGradientRect(x0, y0, x1, y1, gf.topleft, gf.topright, gf.bottomleft, gf.bottomright);

                case outki.UIBitmapFill.TYPE:
                        if (m_tiledFillRender != null)


                case outki.UISlice9Fill.TYPE:
                        outki.UISlice9Fill s9 = m_data as outki.UISlice9Fill;

                        x0 -= (float) Math.Floor(s9.ExpandLeft * ctx.LayoutScale);
                        y0 -= (float) Math.Floor(s9.ExpandTop * ctx.LayoutScale);
                        x1 += (float) Math.Floor(s9.ExpandRight * ctx.LayoutScale);
                        y1 += (float) Math.Floor(s9.ExpandBottom * ctx.LayoutScale);

                        float[] xs = new float[4] { x0, x0 + s9.MarginLeft * ctx.LayoutScale, x1 - s9.MarignRight * ctx.LayoutScale, x1 };
                        float[] ys = new float[4] { y0, y0 + s9.MarginTop * ctx.LayoutScale, y1 - s9.MarginBottom * ctx.LayoutScale, y1 };

                        for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
                            if (ys[y + 1] <= ys[y])

                            for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
                                if (xs[x + 1] <= xs[x])

                                UIRenderer.DrawTexture(m_tex[3 * y + x], xs[x], ys[y], xs[x + 1], ys[y + 1]);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void ResolveTextures(UIRenderContext rctx)
            if (m_data is outki.UISlice9Fill)
                outki.UISlice9Fill s9 = (outki.UISlice9Fill) m_data;
                m_tex = new UIRenderer.Texture[9];

                int p = 0;

                int[] us = new int[4] { 0, s9.MarginLeft, s9.texture.Width - s9.MarignRight, s9.texture.Width };
                int[] vs = new int[4] { 0, s9.MarginTop, s9.texture.Height - s9.MarginBottom, s9.texture.Height };

                for (int y = 0; y < 3; y++)
                    int v0 = vs[y];
                    int v1 = vs[y+1];

                    for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
                        int u0 = us[x];
                        int u1 = us[x+1];
                        m_tex[p++] = rctx.TextureManager.ResolveTexture(s9.texture, rctx.LayoutScale, u0, v0, u1, v1, true);
Exemplo n.º 12
 // This can be overriden for custom drawing.
 public virtual void RenderSubElement(UIRenderContext rctx, ref UIElementLayout myLayout, outki.UIElement element, UIElementRenderer renderer, ref UIElementLayout layout)
     renderer.Render(rctx, ref layout);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public virtual void OnLayout(UIRenderContext rctx, ref UIElementLayout elementLayout)
     LayoutElements(rctx, elementLayout.nsx0, elementLayout.nsy0, elementLayout.nsx1, elementLayout.nsy1);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public FormattedText FormatText(UIRenderContext ctx, string text, int pixelSize_, float wrapLength = 0.0f)
            // Only during live editing.
            if (m_data == null || pixelSize_ < 1)
                return null;

            FormattedText fmt = new FormattedText();
            fmt.glyphs = new FormattedGlyph[text.Count()];
            fmt.lines = 1;

            float pixelSize = pixelSize_ * ctx.LayoutScale;

            outki.FontOutput f = null;
            double minDiff = 10000;

            foreach (outki.FontOutput fo in m_data.Outputs)
                double diff = (float)Math.Abs(1 - (float)fo.PixelSize / (float)pixelSize);
                if (diff < minDiff)
                    minDiff = diff;
                    f = fo;

            float scaling = (float)pixelSize / (float)f.PixelSize;

            if (f.OutputTexture != null)
                fmt.texture = ctx.TextureManager.ResolveTexture(f.OutputTexture, 1.0f, 0, 0, 1, 1);

            int pen = 0;

            fmt.x0 = 10000;
            fmt.x1 = -10000;

            fmt.y0 = 10000;
            fmt.y1 = -10000;

            fmt.facey0 = - scaling * f.BBoxMaxY / 64.0f;
            fmt.facey1 = - scaling * f.BBoxMinY / 64.0f;

            int penBreak = (int)(wrapLength * 64.0 / scaling);
            float yOffset = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < text.Length; i++)
                int gl = (int) text[i];

                fmt.glyphs[i].u0 = 0;
                fmt.glyphs[i].v0 = 0;
                fmt.glyphs[i].u1 = 0;
                fmt.glyphs[i].v1 = 0;
                fmt.glyphs[i].wordbreak = (gl == ' ');
                fmt.glyphs[i].w = -666;

                if (pen > 0)
                    int left = text[i - 1];
                    int right = gl;

                    for (int k=0;k<f.KerningCharL.Count();k++)
                        if (f.KerningCharL[k] == left && f.KerningCharR[k] == right)
                            pen += (int)(m_spacingMultiplier * f.KerningOfs[k]);

                if (pen > penBreak && penBreak > 0)
                    // do word wrap.
                    int k = i;
                    while (k > 0)
                        if (fmt.glyphs[k].wordbreak)
                            // leave the wordbreak on that line and start next
                            i = k;
                            pen = 0;
                            yOffset += fmt.facey1 - fmt.facey0;
                    // reset to a new line
                    if (pen == 0)
                        // relayout from here.

                bool gotit = false;

                foreach (outki.FontGlyphPixData fgl in f.PixGlyphs)
                    if (m_cache == null)

                    if (fgl.glyph == gl)
                        string glyphId = "fnt-" + f.PixelSize + "-" + fgl.glyph;
                        DynamicGlyphCache.Entry entry = m_cache.GetGlyph(glyphId, m_data, fgl);
                        if (entry == null)

                        fmt.glyphs[i].u0 = entry.rect._u0;
                        fmt.glyphs[i].v0 = entry.rect._v0;
                        fmt.glyphs[i].u1 = entry.rect._u1;
                        fmt.glyphs[i].v1 = entry.rect._v1;
                        fmt.glyphs[i].texture = entry.atlas.m_uitexture;

                        float x = (scaling * ((pen + fgl.bearingX) >> 6));
                        float y = (scaling * ((0 + fgl.bearingY) >> 6));
                        float w = fgl.pixelWidth * scaling;
                        float h = fgl.pixelHeight * scaling;

                        fmt.glyphs[i].x = x;
                        fmt.glyphs[i].y = y + yOffset;
                        fmt.glyphs[i].w = w;
                        fmt.glyphs[i].h = h;

                        if (x < fmt.x0) fmt.x0 = x;
                        if (x+w > fmt.x1) fmt.x1 = x+w;
                        if (y < fmt.y0) fmt.y0 = y;
                        if (y + h > fmt.y1) fmt.y1 = y + h;

                        pen += (int)(m_spacingMultiplier * fgl.advance);
                        gotit = true;

                if (gotit)

                foreach (outki.FontGlyph fgl in f.Glyphs)
                    if (fgl.glyph == gl)
                        // rescale into possible uncropped texture
                        float uo = fmt.texture.u0;
                        float us = fmt.texture.u1 - fmt.texture.u0;
                        float vo = fmt.texture.v0;
                        float vs = fmt.texture.v1 - fmt.texture.v0;

                        fmt.glyphs[i].u0 = fgl.u0;
                        fmt.glyphs[i].v0 = fgl.v0;
                        fmt.glyphs[i].u1 = fgl.u1;
                        fmt.glyphs[i].v1 = fgl.v1;

                        fmt.glyphs[i].u0 = fmt.glyphs[i].u0 * us + uo;
                        fmt.glyphs[i].v0 = fmt.glyphs[i].v0 * vs + vo;
                        fmt.glyphs[i].u1 = fmt.glyphs[i].u1 * us + uo;
                        fmt.glyphs[i].v1 = fmt.glyphs[i].v1 * vs + vo;

                        float x = (scaling * ((pen + fgl.bearingX) >> 6));
                        float y = (scaling * ((0 + fgl.bearingY) >> 6));
                        float w = fgl.pixelWidth * scaling;
                        float h = fgl.pixelHeight * scaling;

                        fmt.glyphs[i].x = x;
                        fmt.glyphs[i].y = y + yOffset;
                        fmt.glyphs[i].w = w;
                        fmt.glyphs[i].h = h;
                        fmt.glyphs[i].texture = fmt.texture;

                        if (x < fmt.x0) fmt.x0 = x;
                        if (x+w > fmt.x1) fmt.x1 = x+w;
                        if (y < fmt.y0) fmt.y0 = y;
                        if (y + h > fmt.y1) fmt.y1 = y + h;

                        pen += (int)(m_spacingMultiplier * fgl.advance);

            return fmt;
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void Render(UIRenderContext ctx, float x0, float y0, FormattedText ft, UIRenderer.RColor color, int maxGlyphs = -1)
            if (ft == null)

            UIRenderer.RColor restoreColor = UIRenderer.GetColor();

            if (maxGlyphs == -1 || maxGlyphs > ft.glyphs.Count())
                maxGlyphs = ft.glyphs.Count();

            for (int i = 0; i < maxGlyphs; i++)
                if (ft.glyphs[i].w == -666)

                float xp = x0 + ft.glyphs[i].x;
                float yp = y0 + ft.glyphs[i].y;
                UIRenderer.DrawTextureUV(ft.glyphs[i].texture, xp, yp, xp + ft.glyphs[i].w, yp + ft.glyphs[i].h, ft.glyphs[i].u0, ft.glyphs[i].v0, ft.glyphs[i].u1, ft.glyphs[i].v1);

Exemplo n.º 16
 public void Render(UIRenderContext ctx, float x0, float y0, FormattedText ft)
     Render(ctx, x0, y0, ft, new UIRenderer.RColor(1,1,1,1));